def setUp(self):
     self.recorder_launch_file_path = resolve_args(
         "$(find mode_manager)/examples/launch/recorder.launch")
     self.param_launch_file_path = resolve_args(
         "$(find mode_manager)/examples/launch/set_param_to_arg.launch")
Пример #2
def _get_arg_value(tag, context):
    name = tag.attributes['name'].value
    if tag.attributes.has_key('value'):
        return resolve_args(tag.attributes['value'].value, context)
    elif name in context['arg']:
        return context['arg'][name]
    elif tag.attributes.has_key('default'):
        return resolve_args(tag.attributes['default'].value, context)
        raise RoslaunchDepsException("No value for arg [%s]"%(name))
Пример #3
def _check_ifunless(tag, context):
    if tag.attributes.has_key('if'):
        val = resolve_args(tag.attributes['if'].value, context)
        if not convert_value(val, 'bool'):
            return False
    elif tag.attributes.has_key('unless'):
        val = resolve_args(tag.attributes['unless'].value, context)
        if convert_value(val, 'bool'):
            return False
    return True
Пример #4
def _get_arg_value(tag, context):
    name = tag.attributes['name'].value
    if 'value' in tag.attributes.keys():
        return resolve_args(tag.attributes['value'].value, context)
    elif name in context['arg']:
        return context['arg'][name]
    elif 'default' in tag.attributes.keys():
        return resolve_args(tag.attributes['default'].value, context)
        raise RoslaunchDepsException("No value for arg [%s]"%(name))
Пример #5
def _check_ifunless(tag, context):
    if 'if' in tag.attributes.keys():
        val = resolve_args(tag.attributes['if'].value, context)
        if not convert_value(val, 'bool'):
            return False
    elif 'unless' in tag.attributes.keys():
        val = resolve_args(tag.attributes['unless'].value, context)
        if convert_value(val, 'bool'):
            return False
    return True
Пример #6
def eval_extension(s):  # pragma: no cover

    if s == '$(cwd)':
        return os.getcwd()

    if s.startswith('$(find'):
        return tld
        # return '..'

    if s.startswith('$(arg'):
        s = s.replace('$(arg ', '')
        s = s[:-1]
        return substitution_args_context['arg'][s]

        from roslaunch.substitution_args import resolve_args, ArgException
        from rospkg.common import ResourceNotFound
        return resolve_args(s,
    except ImportError:

        return ''
        # raise XacroException("substitution args not supported: ", exc=e)
    except ArgException as e:
        raise XacroException("Undefined substitution argument", exc=e)
    except ResourceNotFound as e:
        raise XacroException("resource not found:", exc=e)
Пример #7
def eval_extension(s):
    if s == '$(cwd)':
        return os.getcwd()
        return substitution_args.resolve_args(s, context=substitution_args_context, resolve_anon=False)
    except substitution_args.ArgException as e:
        raise XacroException("Undefined substitution argument", exc=e)
    except ResourceNotFound as e:
        raise XacroException("resource not found:", exc=e)
Пример #8
def eval_extension(s):
    if s == '$(cwd)':
        return os.getcwd()
        return substitution_args.resolve_args(s, context=substitution_args_context, resolve_anon=False)
    except substitution_args.ArgException as e:
        raise XacroException("Undefined substitution argument", exc=e)
    except ResourceNotFound as e:
        raise XacroException("resource not found:", exc=e)
def parse_launch_file(launch_file):
    args: launchfile
    output: uwsim dataPath and scene file
    launch_xml = etree.parse(launch_file)
    uwsim_node = [
        node for sub in ['', 'group/']
        for node in launch_xml.findall(sub + 'node')
        if node.get('type') == 'uwsim'
    # check node existence
    if len(uwsim_node) == 0:
        rospy.loginfo('No uwsim node found')
    elif len(uwsim_node) > 2:
        rospy.loginfo('Found several uwsim node, check launchfile')

    # create mapping between uwsim dataPath and absolute/ros paths
    datapath = [roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('uwsim') + '/data']
    local_datapath = os.path.expanduser('~/.uwsim/data')
    if os.path.lexists(local_datapath):

    # now we have the uwsim node, let's substitute and parse its args
    # we cannot substitute $(arg XXX) outside the launchfile, so we just remove it
    uwsim_args = substitution_args.resolve_args(
        uwsim_node[0].get('args').replace('$(arg', '')).split(' ')
    print "uwsim_args: ", uwsim_args

    # look for configfile and additional datapath in uwsim args
    configfile = ''
    for i in xrange(len(uwsim_args)):
        if uwsim_args[i] == '--configfile':
            i += 1
            configfile = uwsim_args[i]
        elif uwsim_args[i] == '--dataPath':
            i += 1

    # check scene file
    if configfile == '':
        rospy.loginfo('No scene file found in launchfile')
    configfile, datadir = uwsim_to_abspath(configfile, datapath)

    if datadir == '':
        rospy.loginfo('Scene file ' + configfile +
                      ' not found in uwsim dataPath')

    return datapath, configfile
Пример #10
def eval_extension(s):
    if s == '$(cwd)':
        return os.getcwd()
        from roslaunch import substitution_args
        from rospkg.common import ResourceNotFound
        return substitution_args.resolve_args(s, context=substitution_args_context, resolve_anon=False)
    except ImportError as e:
        raise XacroException("substitution args not supported: ", exc=e)
    except substitution_args.ArgException as e:
        raise XacroException("Undefined substitution argument", exc=e)
    except ResourceNotFound as e:
        raise XacroException("resource not found:", exc=e)
 def _load_roslaunch(self, config):
     args = config.get(self.ARG_ARGS, None)
     launch_file = resolve_args(config[self.ARG_LAUNCH_FILE])
     if not os.path.exists(launch_file):
         raise ControllerException("Lanch file %s (resolved from %s) for roslaunch config action does not exist" %
                                   (launch_file, config[self.ARG_LAUNCH_FILE]))
     command = [self.COMMAND_ROSLAUNCH, launch_file]
     if args is not None:
         if isinstance(args, list):
     return command
Пример #12
    def test_roslaunch_controller(self):
        pc = EntryExitProcessConfigAction([
                "$(find mode_manager)/examples/launch/set_param_to_arg.launch"
            ), "value:=foo"
  "should have thrown key error")
        except KeyError as e:

        value = rospy.get_param("/test/param")
        self.assertEquals("foo", value)
Пример #13
def eval_extension(s):  # pragma: no cover
    if s == '$(cwd)':
        return os.getcwd()
        from roslaunch.substitution_args import resolve_args, ArgException
        from rospkg.common import ResourceNotFound
        return resolve_args(s,
    except ImportError:
        # raise XacroException("substitution args not supported: ", exc=e)
    except ArgException as e:
        raise XacroException("Undefined substitution argument", exc=e)
    except ResourceNotFound as e:
        raise XacroException("resource not found:", exc=e)
def parse_launch_file(launch_file):
    args: launchfile
    output: uwsim dataPath and scene file
    launch_xml = etree.parse(launch_file)
    uwsim_node = [node for sub in ['', 'group/'] for node in launch_xml.findall(sub+'node') if node.get('type') == 'uwsim']
    # check node existence
    if len(uwsim_node) == 0:
        rospy.loginfo('No uwsim node found')
    elif len(uwsim_node) > 1:
        rospy.loginfo('Found several uwsim node, check launchfile')
    # create mapping between uwsim dataPath and absolute/ros paths
    datapath = [roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('uwsim')+'/data']
    local_datapath = os.path.expanduser('~/.uwsim/data')
    if os.path.lexists(local_datapath):       
    # now we have the uwsim node, let's substitute and parse its args
    # we cannot substitute $(arg XXX) outside the launchfile, so we just remove it
    uwsim_args = substitution_args.resolve_args(uwsim_node[0].get('args').replace('$(arg', '')).split(' ')
    # look for configfile and additional datapath in uwsim args
    configfile = ''
    for i in xrange(len(uwsim_args)):
        if uwsim_args[i] == '--configfile':
            i+= 1
            configfile = uwsim_args[i]
        elif uwsim_args[i] == '--dataPath':
            i+= 1
    # check scene file
    if configfile == '':
        rospy.loginfo('No scene file found in launchfile')
    configfile, datadir = uwsim_to_abspath(configfile, datapath)
    if datadir == '':
        rospy.loginfo('Scene file ' + configfile + ' not found in uwsim dataPath')
    return datapath, configfile
Пример #15
def abspath_to_roslaunch(filename):
    Tells whether the filename lies in rospath, $home, or elsewhere
    filetree = filename.split('/')
    # test for ros paths
    for d in range(len(filetree)-1,-1,-1):
        package_path = ''
            package_path = substitution_args.resolve_args('$(find %s)' % filetree[d])
        if package_path != '':
            if package_path == '/'.join(filetree[:d+1]):
                 return '$(find %s)/%s' % (filetree[d], '/'.join(filetree[d+1:]))

    # test for home dir
    userpath = os.path.expanduser('~')
    if userpath in filename:
        return '$(env HOME)/%s' % filename[len(userpath)+1:]
    # other
    return filename
def abspath_to_roslaunch(filename):
    Tells whether the filename lies in rospath, $home, or elsewhere
    filetree = filename.split('/')
    # test for ros paths
    for d in range(len(filetree)-1,-1,-1):
        package_path = ''
            package_path = substitution_args.resolve_args('$(find %s)' % filetree[d])
        if package_path != '':
            if package_path == '/'.join(filetree[:d+1]):
                 return '$(find %s)/%s' % (filetree[d], '/'.join(filetree[d+1:]))

    # test for home dir
    userpath = os.path.expanduser('~')
    if userpath in filename:
        return '$(env HOME)/%s' % filename[len(userpath)+1:]
    # other
    return filename
def process_vehicles(vehicles, datapath):
    Looks for the vehicle file in datapath
    Resolves corresponding urdf or xacro 
        - convention: uwsim urdf files come from Gazebo urdf files
        - XXX.urdf or XXX.xacro -> XXX_uwsim.urdf
    Creates Gazebo spawner with namespace
    vehicle_nodes = []
    for vehicle in vehicles:
        name = vehicle.findtext('name')
        uwsim_urdf_file = vehicle.findtext('file')
        # get to Gazebo xacro/urdf file
        gazebo_model_file, datadir = uwsim_to_abspath(uwsim_urdf_file.replace('_uwsim.urdf','.xacro'), datapath)
        if datadir == '':
            gazebo_model_file, datadir = uwsim_to_abspath(uwsim_urdf_file.replace('_uwsim',''), datapath)            
        if datadir == '':
            rospy.loginfo('Could not find original file for ' + uwsim_urdf_file + ' in ' + scene_file)
        uwsim_urdf_file = gazebo_model_file.replace('.urdf', '_uwsim.urdf').replace('.xacro', '_uwsim.urdf')
        # parse Gazebo file (urdf or xacro)
        if 'xacro' in gazebo_model_file:
            uwsim_urdf_xml = subprocess.Popen(['rosrun', 'xacro', 'xacro', gazebo_model_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            uwsim_urdf_xml = etree.fromstring(
         #   uwsim_urdf_xml = xacro.parse(gazebo_model_file)
         #   xacro.eval_self_contained(uwsim_urdf_xml)
         #   uwsim_urdf_xml = etree.fromstring(uwsim_urdf_xml.toxml())
            uwsim_urdf_xml = etree.parse(gazebo_model_file).getroot()

        # clean up URDF: keep only joints and links
        for child in uwsim_urdf_xml.getchildren():
            if child.tag not in ('joint', 'link'):
        # and remove collision / inertial / buoyancy from links
        to_be_removed = ('collision', 'inertial', 'buoyancy')
        for link in uwsim_urdf_xml.findall('link'):
            for tag in to_be_removed:
                for node in link.findall(tag):
        # change mesh url-filenames to uwsim relative filenames
        meshes = uwsim_urdf_xml.findall('link/visual/geometry/mesh')
        if len(meshes) != 0:
            # create uwsim urdf only if mesh in gazebo urdf, otherwise trust the user 
            for mesh in meshes:
                mesh_file = resource_retriever.get(substitution_args.resolve_args(mesh.get('filename'))).url[7:]
                # get uwsim relative path for mesh
                mesh_file, datadir = abspath_to_uwsim(mesh_file, datapath)
                # if mesh in dae, try to find corresponding osg
                if '.dae' in mesh_file:
                    mesh_osg, datadir_osg = uwsim_to_abspath(mesh_file.replace('.dae','.osg'), datapath)
                    if datadir_osg != '':
                        mesh_file, datadir = abspath_to_uwsim(mesh_osg, datapath)
                if datadir == '':
                    rospy.loginfo('Could not find relative path for ' + mesh_file + ' in ' + gazebo_model_file)
                    if os.path.lexists(datadir + '/' + os.path.splitext(mesh_file)[0] + '.osg'):
                        mesh_file = mesh_file.split('.')[0] + '.osg'
                    mesh.set('filename', mesh_file)
            # write uwsim urdf
            insert_header_and_write(uwsim_urdf_xml, gazebo_model_file, uwsim_urdf_file)
        # get nodes to write in gazebo spawner
        vehicle_nodes.append(create_spawner(vehicle, gazebo_model_file))
    return vehicle_nodes
Пример #18
def eval_extension(str):
    return substitution_args.resolve_args(str,
Пример #19
from lxml import etree
import yaml
from numpy import array

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p_default = 2
    i_default = 0
    d_default = 0
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print 'Input a .xacro or .urdf file'
        print 'syntax : <package> <urdf file>'
    robot_package = substitution_args.resolve_args('$(find %s)' % sys.argv[1])        
    robot_file = sys.argv[2]
    # find file
    robot_abs_file = ''
    for urdf_dir in ['urdf', 'sdf']:
        if os.path.lexists('%s/%s/%s' % (robot_package, urdf_dir, robot_file)):
            robot_abs_file = '%s/%s/%s' % (robot_package, urdf_dir, robot_file)
    # create config directory
    if not os.path.lexists('%s/config' % robot_package):
        os.mkdir('%s/config' % robot_package)
    config_file = '%s/config/%s_pid.yaml' % (robot_package, robot_file.split('.')[0])
    # load description
    robot_description = etree.fromstring(check_output(['rosrun', 'xacro', 'xacro', robot_abs_file]))
Пример #20
def test_resolve_args():
    from roslaunch.substitution_args import resolve_args, SubstitutionException

    r = rospkg.RosPack()
    roslaunch_dir = r.get_path('roslaunch')
    assert roslaunch_dir

    anon_context = {'foo': 'bar'}
    arg_context = {'fuga': 'hoge', 'car': 'cdr', 'arg': 'foo', 'True': 'False'}
    context = {'anon': anon_context, 'arg': arg_context }
    tests = [
        ('$(find roslaunch)', roslaunch_dir),
        ('hello$(find roslaunch)', 'hello'+roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$$(find roslaunch )', '$'+roslaunch_dir),
        ('$( find roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find  roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch)$(find roslaunch)', roslaunch_dir+os.sep+roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch)/foo/bar.xml', roslaunch_dir+os.sep+'foo'+os.sep+'bar.xml'),
        (r'$(find roslaunch)\foo\bar.xml $(find roslaunch)\bar.xml', roslaunch_dir+os.sep+'foo'+os.sep+'bar.xml '+roslaunch_dir+os.sep+'bar.xml'),
        ('$(find roslaunch)\\foo\\bar.xml more/stuff\\here', roslaunch_dir+os.sep+'foo'+os.sep+'bar.xml more/stuff\\here'),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT )', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT)$(optenv ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']+os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT alternate text)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT)', ''),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT)more stuff', 'more stuff'),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT alternate)', 'alternate'),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT alternate text)', 'alternate text'),

        # #1776
        ('$(anon foo)', 'bar'),
        ('$(anon foo)/baz', 'bar/baz'),
        ('$(anon foo)/baz/$(anon foo)', 'bar/baz/bar'),

        # arg
        ('$(arg fuga)', 'hoge'),
        ('$(arg fuga)$(arg fuga)', 'hogehoge'),
        ('$(arg car)$(arg fuga)', 'cdrhoge'),
        ('$(arg fuga)hoge', 'hogehoge'),

        # $(eval ...) versions of those tests
        ("$(eval find('roslaunch'))", roslaunch_dir),
        ("$(eval env('ROS_ROOT'))", os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ("$(eval optenv('ROS_ROOT', 'alternate text'))", os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ("$(eval optenv('NOT_ROS_ROOT', 'alternate text'))", "alternate text"),
        ("$(eval optenv('NOT_ROS_ROOT'))", ""),
        ("$(eval anon('foo'))", 'bar'),
        ("$(eval arg('fuga'))", 'hoge'),
        ('$(eval arg("fuga"))', 'hoge'),
        ('$(eval arg("arg"))', 'foo'),
        ('$(eval arg("True"))', 'False'),
        ('$(eval 1==1)', 'True'),
        ('$(eval [0,1,2][1])', '1'),
        # test implicit arg access
        ('$(eval fuga)', 'hoge'),
        ('$(eval True)', 'True'),
        # math expressions
        ('$(eval round(sin(pi),1))', '0.0'),
        ('$(eval cos(0))', '1.0'),
        # str, map
        ("$(eval ''.join(map(str, [4,2])))", '42'),
    for arg, val in tests:
        assert val == resolve_args(arg, context=context), arg

    # more #1776
    r = resolve_args('$(anon foo)/bar')
    assert '/bar' in r
    assert not '$(anon foo)' in r
    # test against strings that should not match
    noop_tests = [
        '$(find roslaunch', '$find roslaunch', '', ' ', 'noop', 'find roslaunch', 'env ROS_ROOT', '$$', ')', '(', '()',
    for t in noop_tests:
        assert t == resolve_args(t)
    failures = [
        '$((find roslaunch))',  '$(find $roslaunch)',
        '$(find)', '$(find roslaunch roslaunch)', '$(export roslaunch)',
        '$(env)', '$(env ROS_ROOT alternate)',
        '$(env NOT_SET)',
        '$(anon foo bar)',            
    for f in failures:
            assert False, "resolve_args(%s) should have failed"%f
        except SubstitutionException: pass
Пример #21
def process_vehicles(vehicles, datapath):
    Looks for the vehicle file in datapath
    Resolves corresponding urdf or xacro 
        - convention: uwsim urdf files come from Gazebo urdf files
        - XXX.urdf or XXX.xacro -> XXX_uwsim.urdf
    Creates Gazebo spawner with namespace
    vehicle_nodes = []
    for vehicle in vehicles:
        name = vehicle.findtext('name')
        uwsim_urdf_file = vehicle.findtext('file')
	print "---> vehicle: " + name + " file: " + uwsim_urdf_file
        # get to Gazebo xacro/urdf file
        gazebo_model_file, datadir = uwsim_to_abspath(uwsim_urdf_file.replace('_uwsim.urdf','.xacro').replace("urdf/","xacro/"), datapath)
        if datadir == '':
            gazebo_model_file, datadir = uwsim_to_abspath(uwsim_urdf_file.replace('_uwsim',''), datapath)            
        if datadir == '':
            rospy.loginfo('Could not find original file for ' + uwsim_urdf_file + ' in ' + scene_file)
        uwsim_urdf_file = gazebo_model_file.replace('.urdf', '_uwsim.urdf').replace('.xacro', '_uwsim.urdf').replace("xacro/", "urdf/")
        print "gazebo_model_file: "+gazebo_model_file
        # parse Gazebo file (urdf or xacro)
        if 'xacro' in gazebo_model_file:
	    print "running xacro"
            uwsim_urdf_xml = subprocess.Popen(['rosrun', 'xacro', 'xacro', '--inorder', gazebo_model_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            uwsim_urdf_xml = etree.fromstring(
         #   uwsim_urdf_xml = xacro.parse(gazebo_model_file)
         #   xacro.eval_self_contained(uwsim_urdf_xml)
         #   uwsim_urdf_xml = etree.fromstring(uwsim_urdf_xml.toxml())
            uwsim_urdf_xml = etree.parse(gazebo_model_file).getroot()
	    print "parsing model file"

        # clean up URDF: keep only joints and links
        for child in uwsim_urdf_xml.getchildren():
            if child.tag not in ('joint', 'link'):
        # and remove collision / inertial / buoyancy from links
        to_be_removed = ('collision', 'inertial', 'buoyancy')
        for link in uwsim_urdf_xml.findall('link'):
            for tag in to_be_removed:
                for node in link.findall(tag):
        # change mesh url-filenames to uwsim relative filenames
        meshes = uwsim_urdf_xml.findall('link/visual/geometry/mesh')
        if len(meshes) != 0:
            # create uwsim urdf only if mesh in gazebo urdf, otherwise trust the user 
            for mesh in meshes:
		print "------ mesh: "+ mesh.get('filename')
		print "------ " + substitution_args.resolve_args(mesh.get('filename'))
                #mesh_file = resource_retriever.get(substitution_args.resolve_args(mesh.get('filename'))).url[7:]
		mesh_file = substitution_args.resolve_args(mesh.get('filename'))
		#print mesh_file
		print "datapath: ",datapath;

		#mesh_file = substitution_args.resolve_args(mesh.get('filename'))
                # get uwsim relative path for mesh
                mesh_file, datadir = abspath_to_uwsim(mesh_file, datapath)
                #mesh_file, datadir = uwsim_to_abspath(mesh_file, datapath)
		print "======= novooo: "
		print mesh_file
                # if mesh in dae, try to find corresponding osg
                if '.dae' in mesh_file:
                    mesh_osg, datadir_osg = uwsim_to_abspath(mesh_file.replace('.dae','.obj'), datapath)
                    if datadir_osg != '':
                        mesh_file, datadir = abspath_to_uwsim(mesh_osg, datapath)
                if '.stl' in mesh_file:
                    mesh_osg, datadir_osg = uwsim_to_abspath(mesh_file.replace('.stl','.obj'), datapath)
                    if datadir_osg != '':
                        mesh_file, datadir = abspath_to_uwsim(mesh_osg, datapath)
                if datadir == '':
                    rospy.loginfo('Could not find relative path for ' + mesh_file + ' in ' + gazebo_model_file)
                    if os.path.lexists(datadir + '/' + os.path.splitext(mesh_file)[0] + '.osg'):
                        mesh_file = mesh_file.split('.')[0] + '.osg'
                    mesh.set('filename', mesh_file)
            # write uwsim urdf
            insert_header_and_write(uwsim_urdf_xml, gazebo_model_file, uwsim_urdf_file)
        # get nodes to write in gazebo spawner
        vehicle_nodes.append(create_spawner(vehicle, gazebo_model_file))
    return vehicle_nodes
Пример #22
def eval_extension(str):
    if str == '$(cwd)':
        return os.getcwd()
    return substitution_args.resolve_args(str,
Пример #23
def parse(pkg, model):
    gains = {'p': 2, 'i': 0, 'd': 0}
    robot_package = substitution_args.resolve_args('$(find %s)' % pkg)        
    robot_file = os.path.splitext(model)[0]
    # find file
    robot_abs_file = ''
    for urdf_dir in ['urdf', 'sdf']:
        for ext in ('urdf','xacro'):
            candidate = '{}/{}/{}.{}'.format(robot_package, urdf_dir, robot_file, ext)
            if os.path.lexists(candidate):
                robot_abs_file = candidate
    print('Using model ' + robot_abs_file)
    # create config directory
    if not os.path.lexists('%s/config' % robot_package):
        os.mkdir('%s/config' % robot_package)
    # look for existing config file
    config_file = ''
    for cf in os.listdir('{}/config'.format(robot_package)):
        if robot_file in cf:
            with open('{}/config/{}'.format(robot_package,cf)) as f:
                content = yaml.load(f)
            if 'controllers' in content:
                config_file = '{}/config/{}'.format(robot_package,cf)
    if config_file == '':       
        config_file = '{}/config/{}_pid.yaml'.format(robot_package, robot_file)
    print('Using config ' + config_file)
    # load description
    robot_description = etree.fromstring(check_output(['rosrun', 'xacro', 'xacro', '--inorder', robot_abs_file]))
    # init config dictionary
    if os.path.lexists(config_file):
        with open(config_file) as f:
            pid = yaml.load(f)['controllers']
        pid = {'config': {}}
    # parse joints
    joints = [joint for joint in robot_description.findall('joint') if joint.get('type') != "fixed"]
    if len(joints) != 0:
        write(pid, 'config/joints/state', 'joint_states')
        write(pid, 'config/joints/setpoint', 'joint_setpoint')
        write(pid, 'config/joints/command', 'joint_command')
        write(pid, 'config/joints/cascaded_position', False)
        write(pid, 'config/joints/dynamic_reconfigure', True)  
        for joint in joints:
            for mode in ('position','velocity'):
                for g in gains:
                    write(pid, '{}/{}/{}'.format(joint.get('name'), mode, g), gains[g])
    # parse thrusters
    thrusters = []
    base_link = 'base_link'
    damping = [100. for i in range(6)]
    m = 5
    for gazebo in robot_description.findall('gazebo'):
        for plugin in gazebo.findall('plugin'):
            if plugin.get('name') == 'freefloating_gazebo_control':
                thrusters += plugin.findall('thruster')
                if plugin.find('link') != None:
                    base_link = plugin.find('link').text
    if len(thrusters) != 0:        
        write(pid, 'config/body/state', 'body_state')
        write(pid, 'config/body/setpoint', 'body_setpoint')
        write(pid, 'config/body/command', 'body_command')
        write(pid, 'config/body/cascaded_position', False)
        write(pid, 'config/body/dynamic_reconfigure', True)
        # get thruster characteristics
        T = []
        Umax = []
        for thruster in thrusters:
            thruster_map = [float(v) for v in thruster.find('map').text.split(' ')]

        T = np.matrix(T).transpose()
        n = len(Umax)
        Umax = np.matrix(Umax).reshape(n,1)  
        Fmax = np.abs(T)*Umax
        Fmax = [Fmax[i,0] for i in range(6)]
        body_axis = {0: 'x', 1: 'y', 2: 'z', 3: 'roll', 4: 'pitch', 5: 'yaw'}
        for i in range(6):
            if Fmax[i]:
                for mode in ('position','velocity'):
                    for g in gains:
                        write(pid, '{}/{}/{}'.format(body_axis[i], mode, g), gains[g])
        # get damping
        for link in robot_description.findall('link'):
            if link.get('name') == base_link:
                damp = link.find('buoyancy').find('damping')
                damping = [float(v) for v in damp.get('xyz').split(' ') + damp.get('rpy').split(' ')]        
                m = float(link.find('inertial').find('mass').get('value'))
                mass = [m,m,m]
                for key in 'ixx','iyy','izz':
    with open(config_file, 'w') as f:
        yaml.dump({'controllers': pid}, f, default_flow_style=False)
    return pid, [Umax[i,0] for i in range(n)], Fmax, mass, damping, config_file
Пример #24
def test_resolve_args():
    from roslaunch.substitution_args import resolve_args, SubstitutionException

    r = rospkg.RosPack()
    roslaunch_dir = r.get_path('roslaunch')
    assert roslaunch_dir

    anon_context = {'foo': 'bar'}
    arg_context = {'fuga': 'hoge', 'car': 'cdr'}
    context = {'anon': anon_context, 'arg': arg_context }
    tests = [
        ('$(find roslaunch)', roslaunch_dir),
        ('hello$(find roslaunch)', 'hello'+roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$$(find roslaunch )', '$'+roslaunch_dir),
        ('$( find roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find  roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch)$(find roslaunch)', roslaunch_dir+os.sep+roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch)/foo/bar.xml', roslaunch_dir+os.sep+'foo'+os.sep+'bar.xml'),
        (r'$(find roslaunch)\foo\bar.xml $(find roslaunch)\bar.xml', roslaunch_dir+os.sep+'foo'+os.sep+'bar.xml '+roslaunch_dir+os.sep+'bar.xml'),
        ('$(find roslaunch)\\foo\\bar.xml more/stuff\\here', roslaunch_dir+os.sep+'foo'+os.sep+'bar.xml more/stuff\\here'),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT )', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT)$(optenv ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']+os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT alternate text)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT)', ''),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT)more stuff', 'more stuff'),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT alternate)', 'alternate'),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT alternate text)', 'alternate text'),

        # #1776
        ('$(anon foo)', 'bar'),
        ('$(anon foo)/baz', 'bar/baz'),
        ('$(anon foo)/baz/$(anon foo)', 'bar/baz/bar'),

        # arg
        ('$(arg fuga)', 'hoge'),
        ('$(arg fuga)$(arg fuga)', 'hogehoge'),
        ('$(arg car)$(arg fuga)', 'cdrhoge'),
        ('$(arg fuga)hoge', 'hogehoge'),
    for arg, val in tests:
        assert val == resolve_args(arg, context=context)

    # more #1776
    r = resolve_args('$(anon foo)/bar')
    assert '/bar' in r
    assert not '$(anon foo)' in r
    # test against strings that should not match
    noop_tests = [
        '$(find roslaunch', '$find roslaunch', '', ' ', 'noop', 'find roslaunch', 'env ROS_ROOT', '$$', ')', '(', '()',
    for t in noop_tests:
        assert t == resolve_args(t)
    failures = [
        '$((find roslaunch))',  '$(find $roslaunch)',
        '$(find)', '$(find roslaunch roslaunch)', '$(export roslaunch)',
        '$(env)', '$(env ROS_ROOT alternate)',
        '$(env NOT_SET)',
        '$(anon foo bar)',            
    for f in failures:
            assert False, "resolve_args(%s) should have failed"%f
        except SubstitutionException: pass
Пример #25
from lxml import etree
import yaml
from numpy import array

if __name__ == '__main__':

    p_default = 2
    i_default = 0
    d_default = 0

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print 'Input a .xacro or .urdf file'
        print 'syntax : <package> <urdf file>'

    robot_package = substitution_args.resolve_args('$(find %s)' % sys.argv[1])
    robot_file = sys.argv[2]

    # find file
    robot_abs_file = ''
    for urdf_dir in ['urdf', 'sdf']:
        if os.path.lexists('%s/%s/%s' % (robot_package, urdf_dir, robot_file)):
            robot_abs_file = '%s/%s/%s' % (robot_package, urdf_dir, robot_file)

    # create config directory
    if not os.path.lexists('%s/config' % robot_package):
        os.mkdir('%s/config' % robot_package)
    config_file = '%s/config/%s_pid.yaml' % (robot_package,

    # load description
Пример #26
def test_resolve_args():
    from roslaunch.substitution_args import resolve_args, SubstitutionException

    r = rospkg.RosPack()
    roslaunch_dir = r.get_path('roslaunch')
    assert roslaunch_dir

    anon_context = {'foo': 'bar'}
    arg_context = {'fuga': 'hoge', 'car': 'cdr', 'arg': 'foo', 'True': 'False'}
    context = {
        'anon': anon_context,
        'arg': arg_context,
        'filename': '/path/to/file.launch'

    tests = [
        ('$(find roslaunch)', roslaunch_dir),
        ('hello$(find roslaunch)', 'hello' + roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$$(find roslaunch )', '$' + roslaunch_dir),
        ('$( find roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find  roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch)$(find roslaunch)',
         roslaunch_dir + os.sep + roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch)/foo/bar.xml',
         roslaunch_dir + os.sep + 'foo' + os.sep + 'bar.xml'),
        (r'$(find roslaunch)\foo\bar.xml $(find roslaunch)\bar.xml',
         roslaunch_dir + os.sep + 'foo' + os.sep + 'bar.xml ' + roslaunch_dir +
         os.sep + 'bar.xml'),
        ('$(find roslaunch)\\foo\\bar.xml more/stuff\\here',
         roslaunch_dir + os.sep + 'foo' + os.sep + 'bar.xml more/stuff\\here'),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT )', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT)$(optenv ROS_ROOT)',
         os.environ['ROS_ROOT'] + os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT alternate text)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT)', ''),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT)more stuff', 'more stuff'),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT alternate)', 'alternate'),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT alternate text)', 'alternate text'),
        ('$(dirname)/foo', '/path/to/foo'),

        # #1776
        ('$(anon foo)', 'bar'),
        ('$(anon foo)/baz', 'bar/baz'),
        ('$(anon foo)/baz/$(anon foo)', 'bar/baz/bar'),

        # arg
        ('$(arg fuga)', 'hoge'),
        ('$(arg fuga)$(arg fuga)', 'hogehoge'),
        ('$(arg car)$(arg fuga)', 'cdrhoge'),
        ('$(arg fuga)hoge', 'hogehoge'),

        # $(eval ...) versions of those tests
        ("$(eval find('roslaunch'))", roslaunch_dir),
        ("$(eval env('ROS_ROOT'))", os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ("$(eval optenv('ROS_ROOT', 'alternate text'))",
        ("$(eval optenv('NOT_ROS_ROOT', 'alternate text'))", "alternate text"),
        ("$(eval optenv('NOT_ROS_ROOT'))", ""),
        ("$(eval anon('foo'))", 'bar'),
        ("$(eval arg('fuga'))", 'hoge'),
        ('$(eval arg("fuga"))', 'hoge'),
        ('$(eval arg("arg"))', 'foo'),
        ('$(eval arg("True"))', 'False'),
        ('$(eval 1==1)', 'True'),
        ('$(eval [0,1,2][1])', '1'),
        # test implicit arg access
        ('$(eval fuga)', 'hoge'),
        ('$(eval True)', 'True'),
        # math expressions
        ('$(eval round(sin(pi),1))', '0.0'),
        ('$(eval cos(0))', '1.0'),
        # str, map
        ("$(eval ''.join(map(str, [4,2])))", '42'),
    for arg, val in tests:
        assert val == resolve_args(arg, context=context), arg

    # more #1776
    r = resolve_args('$(anon foo)/bar')
    assert '/bar' in r
    assert not '$(anon foo)' in r

    # test against strings that should not match
    noop_tests = [
        '$(find roslaunch',
        '$find roslaunch',
        ' ',
        'find roslaunch',
        'env ROS_ROOT',
    for t in noop_tests:
        assert t == resolve_args(t)
    failures = [
        '$((find roslaunch))',
        '$(find $roslaunch)',
        '$(find roslaunch roslaunch)',
        '$(export roslaunch)',
        '$(env ROS_ROOT alternate)',
        '$(env NOT_SET)',
        '$(anon foo bar)',
        # Should fail without the supplied context.
    for f in failures:
            assert False, "resolve_args(%s) should have failed" % f
        except SubstitutionException:
Пример #27
def eval_extension(str):
    return substitution_args.resolve_args(str, context=substitution_args_context, resolve_anon=False)
Пример #28
def _parse_launch(tags, launch_file, file_deps, verbose, context):
    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(launch_file))
    launch_file_pkg = rospkg.get_package_name(dir_path)
    # process group, include, node, and test tags from launch file
    for tag in [t for t in tags if t.nodeType == DomNode.ELEMENT_NODE]:
        if not _check_ifunless(tag, context):

        if tag.tagName == 'group':
            #descend group tags as they can contain node tags
            _parse_launch(tag.childNodes, launch_file, file_deps, verbose, context)

        elif tag.tagName == 'arg':
            context['arg'][tag.attributes['name'].value] = _get_arg_value(tag, context)

        elif tag.tagName == 'include':
                sub_launch_file = resolve_args(tag.attributes['file'].value, context)
            except KeyError as e:
                raise RoslaunchDepsException("Cannot load roslaunch <%s> tag: missing required attribute %s.\nXML is %s"%(tag.tagName, str(e), tag.toxml()))

            # Check if an empty file is included, and skip if so.
            # This will allow a default-empty <include> inside a conditional to pass
            if sub_launch_file == '':
                if verbose:
                    print("Empty <include> in %s. Skipping <include> of %s" %
                          (launch_file, tag.attributes['file'].value))

            if verbose:
                print("processing included launch %s"%sub_launch_file)

            # determine package dependency for included file
            sub_pkg = rospkg.get_package_name(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sub_launch_file)))
            if sub_pkg is None:
                print("ERROR: cannot determine package for [%s]"%sub_launch_file, file=sys.stderr)
            if sub_launch_file not in file_deps[launch_file].includes:
            if launch_file_pkg != sub_pkg:            
            # recurse
            file_deps[sub_launch_file] = RoslaunchDeps()
                dom = parse(sub_launch_file).getElementsByTagName('launch')
                if not len(dom):
                    print("ERROR: %s is not a valid roslaunch file"%sub_launch_file, file=sys.stderr)
                    launch_tag = dom[0]
                    sub_context = _parse_subcontext(tag.childNodes, context)
                    _parse_launch(launch_tag.childNodes, sub_launch_file, file_deps, verbose, sub_context)
            except IOError as e:
                raise RoslaunchDepsException("Cannot load roslaunch include '%s' in '%s'"%(sub_launch_file, launch_file))

        elif tag.tagName in ['node', 'test']:
                pkg, type = [resolve_args(tag.attributes[a].value, context) for a in ['pkg', 'type']]
            except KeyError as e:
                raise RoslaunchDepsException("Cannot load roslaunch <%s> tag: missing required attribute %s.\nXML is %s"%(tag.tagName, str(e), tag.toxml()))
            if (pkg, type) not in file_deps[launch_file].nodes:
                file_deps[launch_file].nodes.append((pkg, type))
            # we actually want to include the package itself if that's referenced
            #if launch_file_pkg != pkg:
            if pkg not in file_deps[launch_file].pkgs:
Пример #29
def test_resolve_args():
    from roslaunch.substitution_args import resolve_args, SubstitutionException

    r = rospkg.RosPack()
    roslaunch_dir = r.get_path('roslaunch')
    assert roslaunch_dir

    anon_context = {'foo': 'bar'}
    arg_context = {'fuga': 'hoge', 'car': 'cdr'}
    context = {'anon': anon_context, 'arg': arg_context}

    tests = [
        ('$(find roslaunch)', roslaunch_dir),
        ('hello$(find roslaunch)', 'hello' + roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$$(find roslaunch )', '$' + roslaunch_dir),
        ('$( find roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find  roslaunch )', roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch)$(find roslaunch)', roslaunch_dir + roslaunch_dir),
        ('$(find roslaunch)/foo/bar.xml',
         roslaunch_dir + os.sep + 'foo' + os.sep + 'bar.xml'),
        (r'$(find roslaunch)\foo\bar.xml $(find roslaunch)\bar.xml',
         roslaunch_dir + os.sep + 'foo' + os.sep + 'bar.xml ' + roslaunch_dir +
         os.sep + 'bar.xml'),
        ('$(find roslaunch)\\foo\\bar.xml more/stuff\\here',
         roslaunch_dir + os.sep + 'foo' + os.sep + 'bar.xml more/stuff\\here'),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(env ROS_ROOT )', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT)$(optenv ROS_ROOT)',
         os.environ['ROS_ROOT'] + os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv ROS_ROOT alternate text)', os.environ['ROS_ROOT']),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT)', ''),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT)more stuff', 'more stuff'),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT alternate)', 'alternate'),
        ('$(optenv NOT_ROS_ROOT alternate text)', 'alternate text'),

        # #1776
        ('$(anon foo)', 'bar'),
        ('$(anon foo)/baz', 'bar/baz'),
        ('$(anon foo)/baz/$(anon foo)', 'bar/baz/bar'),

        # arg
        ('$(arg fuga)', 'hoge'),
        ('$(arg fuga)$(arg fuga)', 'hogehoge'),
        ('$(arg car)$(arg fuga)', 'cdrhoge'),
        ('$(arg fuga)hoge', 'hogehoge'),
    for arg, val in tests:
        assert val == resolve_args(arg, context=context)

    # more #1776
    r = resolve_args('$(anon foo)/bar')
    assert '/bar' in r
    assert not '$(anon foo)' in r

    # test against strings that should not match
    noop_tests = [
        '$(find roslaunch',
        '$find roslaunch',
        ' ',
        'find roslaunch',
        'env ROS_ROOT',
    for t in noop_tests:
        assert t == resolve_args(t)
    failures = [
        '$((find roslaunch))',
        '$(find $roslaunch)',
        '$(find roslaunch roslaunch)',
        '$(export roslaunch)',
        '$(env ROS_ROOT alternate)',
        '$(env NOT_SET)',
        '$(anon foo bar)',
    for f in failures:
            assert False, "resolve_args(%s) should have failed" % f
        except SubstitutionException:
Пример #30
def _parse_launch(tags, launch_file, file_deps, verbose, context):
    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(launch_file))
    launch_file_pkg = rospkg.get_package_name(dir_path)
    # process group, include, node, and test tags from launch file
    for tag in [t for t in tags if t.nodeType == DomNode.ELEMENT_NODE]:
        if not _check_ifunless(tag, context):

        if tag.tagName == 'group':
            #descend group tags as they can contain node tags
            _parse_launch(tag.childNodes, launch_file, file_deps, verbose, context)

        elif tag.tagName == 'arg':
            context['arg'][tag.attributes['name'].value] = _get_arg_value(tag, context)

        elif tag.tagName == 'include':
                sub_launch_file = resolve_args(tag.attributes['file'].value, context)
            except KeyError as e:
                raise RoslaunchDepsException("Cannot load roslaunch <%s> tag: missing required attribute %s.\nXML is %s"%(tag.tagName, str(e), tag.toxml()))

            # Check if an empty file is included, and skip if so.
            # This will allow a default-empty <include> inside a conditional to pass
            if sub_launch_file == '':
                if verbose:
                    print("Empty <include> in %s. Skipping <include> of %s" %
                          (launch_file, tag.attributes['file'].value))

            if verbose:
                print("processing included launch %s"%sub_launch_file)

            # determine package dependency for included file
            sub_pkg = rospkg.get_package_name(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sub_launch_file)))
            if sub_pkg is None:
                print("ERROR: cannot determine package for [%s]"%sub_launch_file, file=sys.stderr)
            if sub_launch_file not in file_deps[launch_file].includes:
            if launch_file_pkg != sub_pkg:            
            # recurse
            file_deps[sub_launch_file] = RoslaunchDeps()
                dom = parse(sub_launch_file).getElementsByTagName('launch')
                if not len(dom):
                    print("ERROR: %s is not a valid roslaunch file"%sub_launch_file, file=sys.stderr)
                    launch_tag = dom[0]
                    sub_context = _parse_subcontext(tag.childNodes, context)
                    _parse_launch(launch_tag.childNodes, sub_launch_file, file_deps, verbose, sub_context)
            except IOError as e:
                raise RoslaunchDepsException("Cannot load roslaunch include '%s' in '%s'"%(sub_launch_file, launch_file))

        elif tag.tagName in ['node', 'test']:
                pkg, type = [resolve_args(tag.attributes[a].value, context) for a in ['pkg', 'type']]
            except KeyError as e:
                raise RoslaunchDepsException("Cannot load roslaunch <%s> tag: missing required attribute %s.\nXML is %s"%(tag.tagName, str(e), tag.toxml()))
            if (pkg, type) not in file_deps[launch_file].nodes:
                file_deps[launch_file].nodes.append((pkg, type))
            # we actually want to include the package itself if that's referenced
            #if launch_file_pkg != pkg:
            if pkg not in file_deps[launch_file].pkgs: