Пример #1
  def test_get_local_addresses(self):
    # mostly a tripwire test
    from roslib.network import get_local_addresses
    addrs = get_local_addresses()
    self.assert_(type(addrs) == list)
    for a in addrs:
      self.assert_(type(a) == str)

    # should be unaffected
    os.environ['ROS_IP'] = 'bar'
    self.assertEquals(addrs, get_local_addresses())    
    os.environ['ROS_HOSTNAME'] = 'foo'
    self.assertEquals(addrs, get_local_addresses())
Пример #2
  def test_get_local_addresses(self):
    # mostly a tripwire test
    from roslib.network import get_local_addresses
    addrs = get_local_addresses()
    self.assert_(type(addrs) == list)
    for a in addrs:
      self.assert_(type(a) == str)

    # should be unaffected
    os.environ['ROS_IP'] = 'bar'
    self.assertEquals(addrs, get_local_addresses())    
    os.environ['ROS_HOSTNAME'] = 'foo'
    self.assertEquals(addrs, get_local_addresses())
Пример #3
def __is_local(hostname):
    Test the hostname whether it is local or not. Uses socket.gethostbyname().
        # If Python has ipv6 disabled but machine.address can be resolved somehow to an ipv6 address, then host[4][0] will be int
        machine_ips = [
            for host in socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, 0, 0, 0, socket.SOL_TCP)
            if isinstance(host[4][0], str)
    except socket.gaierror:
        with _LOCK:
            rospy.logdebug("host::HOSTS_CACHE resolve %s failed" % hostname)
            HOSTS_CACHE[hostname] = False
        return False
    local_addresses = ['localhost'] + network.get_local_addresses()
    # check 127/8 and local addresses
    result = ([
        ip for ip in machine_ips if (ip.startswith('127.') or ip == '::1')
    ] != []) or (set(machine_ips) & set(local_addresses) != set())
    with _LOCK:
        rospy.logdebug("host::HOSTS_CACHE add %s:%s" % (hostname, result))
        HOSTS_CACHE[hostname] = result
    return result
Пример #4
 def __is_local(cls, hostname):
     machine_addr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
   except socket.gaierror:
     import traceback
     print traceback.format_exc()
     return False
   local_addresses = ['localhost'] + get_local_addresses()
   # check 127/8 and local addresses
   result = machine_addr.startswith('127.') or machine_addr in local_addresses
   return result
Пример #5
 def __is_local(cls, hostname):
     machine_addr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
   except socket.gaierror:
     import traceback
     print traceback.format_exc()
     return False
   local_addresses = ['localhost'] + get_local_addresses()
   # check 127/8 and local addresses
   result = machine_addr.startswith('127.') or machine_addr in local_addresses
   return result
Пример #6
def is_local(hostname, wait=True):
    Test whether the given host name is the name of the local host or not.

    :param str hostname: the name or IP of the host
    :return: `True` if the hostname is local or None
    :rtype: bool
    :raise Exception: on errors while resolving host
    if not hostname:
        return True
    with _LOCK:
        if hostname in HOSTS_CACHE:
            if isinstance(HOSTS_CACHE[hostname], threading.Thread):
                return False
            return HOSTS_CACHE[hostname]
        local_addresses = ['localhost'] + network.get_local_addresses()
        # check 127/8 and local addresses
        result = hostname.startswith(
            '127.') or hostname == '::1' or hostname in local_addresses
        with _LOCK:
            rospy.logdebug("host::HOSTS_CACHE add local %s:%s" %
                           (hostname, result))
            HOSTS_CACHE[hostname] = result
        return result
    except socket.error:
        # the hostname must be resolved => do it in a thread
        if wait:
            result = __is_local(hostname)
            return result
            thread = threading.Thread(target=__is_local, args=((hostname, )))
            thread.daemon = True
            with _LOCK:
                HOSTS_CACHE[hostname] = thread
    return False
Пример #7
 def is_local(cls, hostname, wait=False):
   Test whether the given host name is the name of the local host or not.
   @param hostname: the name or IP of the host
   @type hostname: C{str}
   @return: C{True} if the hostname is local or None
   @rtype: C{bool}
   @raise Exception: on errors while resolving host
   if (hostname is None):
     return True
     local_addresses = ['localhost'] + get_local_addresses()
     # check 127/8 and local addresses
     result = hostname.startswith('127.') or hostname in local_addresses
     return result
   except socket.error:
     # the hostname must be resolved => do it in a thread
     if wait:
       result = cls.__is_local(hostname)
       return result
   return False
Пример #8
 def is_local(cls, hostname, wait=False):
     Test whether the given host name is the name of the local host or not.
     @param hostname: the name or IP of the host
     @type hostname: C{str}
     @return: C{True} if the hostname is local or None
     @rtype: C{bool}
     @raise Exception: on errors while resolving host
     if (hostname is None):
         return True
         local_addresses = ['localhost'] + get_local_addresses()
         # check 127/8 and local addresses
         result = hostname.startswith('127.') or hostname in local_addresses
         return result
     except socket.error:
         # the hostname must be resolved => do it in a thread
         if wait:
             result = cls.__is_local(hostname)
             return result
     return False