def parse_data_strm(self, data): if self.is_connected: now = imu = Imu(header=rospy.Header(frame_id="imu_link")) imu.header.stamp = now imu.orientation.x = data["QUATERNION_Q0"] imu.orientation.y = data["QUATERNION_Q1"] imu.orientation.z = data["QUATERNION_Q2"] imu.orientation.w = data["QUATERNION_Q3"] imu.linear_acceleration.x = data["ACCEL_X_FILTERED"]/4096.0*9.8 imu.linear_acceleration.y = data["ACCEL_Y_FILTERED"]/4096.0*9.8 imu.linear_acceleration.z = data["ACCEL_Z_FILTERED"]/4096.0*9.8 imu.angular_velocity.x = data["GYRO_X_FILTERED"]*10*math.pi/180 imu.angular_velocity.y = data["GYRO_Y_FILTERED"]*10*math.pi/180 imu.angular_velocity.z = data["GYRO_Z_FILTERED"]*10*math.pi/180 self.imu = imu self.imu_pub.publish(self.imu) odom = Odometry(header=rospy.Header(frame_id="odom"), child_frame_id='base_footprint') odom.header.stamp = now odom.pose.pose = Pose(Point(data["ODOM_X"]/100.0,data["ODOM_Y"]/100.0,0.0), Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) odom.twist.twist = Twist(Vector3(data["VELOCITY_X"]/1000.0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, data["GYRO_Z_FILTERED"]*10.0*math.pi/180.0)) odom.pose.covariance =self.ODOM_POSE_COVARIANCE odom.twist.covariance =self.ODOM_TWIST_COVARIANCE self.odom_pub.publish(odom) #need to publish this trasform to show the roll, pitch, and yaw properly self.transform_broadcaster.sendTransform((0.0, 0.0, 0.038 ), (data["QUATERNION_Q0"], data["QUATERNION_Q1"], data["QUATERNION_Q2"], data["QUATERNION_Q3"]), odom.header.stamp, "base_link", "base_footprint")
def emit_propagation(self, w: GeoData, w_timestamp: datetime.datetime, p: GeoData, p_timestamp: datetime.datetime, until: datetime.datetime): """Publish current situation assessment.""" current = None if w: current = WildfireMap( header=rospy.Header(stamp=rospy.Time.from_sec(w_timestamp.timestamp())), raster=serialization.raster_msg_from_geodata(w, 'ignition')) pred = PredictedWildfireMap( header=rospy.Header(stamp=rospy.Time.from_sec(p_timestamp.timestamp())), last_valid=rospy.Time.from_sec(until.timestamp()), raster=serialization.raster_msg_from_geodata(p, 'ignition')) # self.pub_wildfire_real.publish(pred) self.pub_wildfire_pred.publish(pred) # self.pub_wildfire_real.publish(WildfireMap( # header=rospy.Header(stamp=rospy.Time.from_sec(p_timestamp.timestamp())), # raster=serialization.raster_msg_from_geodata(p, 'ignition'))) if current: self.pub_wildfire_current.publish(current) if > self.last_elevation_timestamp: # pub_elevation is latching, don't bother other nodes with unnecessary elevation updates elevation = ElevationMap( header=rospy.Header( stamp=rospy.Time.from_sec(, raster=serialization.raster_msg_from_geodata(, 'elevation')) self.pub_elevation.publish(elevation) rospy.loginfo("A new Elevation Map has been generated") self.last_elevation_timestamp = g = GeoDataDisplay.pyplot_figure(p) g.draw_ignition_shade(with_colorbar=True) g.figure.savefig("/home/rbailonr/fuego_pre.png") g.close() if w: g = GeoDataDisplay.pyplot_figure(w) g.draw_ignition_shade(with_colorbar=True) g.figure.savefig("/home/rbailonr/fuego_cur.png") g.close() g = GeoDataDisplay.pyplot_figure( g.draw_ignition_shade(with_colorbar=True) g.figure.savefig("/home/rbailonr/fuego_obs.png") # obs_cpp ="ignition") # obs_cpp_bytes = obs_cpp.encoded(3035) # print("Compressed: ") # print(obs_cpp_bytes.hex()) # obs_cpp_bytes = obs_cpp.encoded_uncompressed(3035) # print("Uncompressed: ") # print(obs_cpp_bytes.hex()) g.close() del g rospy.loginfo("Wildfire propagation publishing ended")
def random_sonar(delay=1): print('Starting random sonar...') pub = Publisher('/sensors/range', Range) msg = Range() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg.header = rospy.Header(frame_id='right_sonar_frame') msg.range = random.random() * 20 pub.publish(msg) sleep(delay) msg.header = rospy.Header(frame_id='left_sonar_frame') msg.range = random.random() * 20 pub.publish(msg)
def pub_alarm(posx, posy): start_wind = (3.0, 3 * np.pi / 2) environment = fire_rs.firemodel.propagation.Environment( area, start_wind[0], start_wind[1], fire_rs.geodata.environment.World( **world_paths, landcover_to_fuel_remap=fire_rs.geodata.environment.EVERYTHING_FUELMODEL_REMAP)) rw = fire_rs.simulation.wildfire.RealWildfire( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( ( - rospy.Duration.from_sec(10 * 60)).to_sec()), environment) ignitions = [(posx, posy), ] ignitions_cell = [rw.fire_map.array_index(p) for p in ignitions] rw.ignite((posx, posy)) rospy.loginfo("ignite %s", str((posx, posy))) rw.propagate(datetime.timedelta(minutes=90.)) rospy.loginfo("propagate 90 min") wind = MeanWindStamped(header=Header(, speed=start_wind[0], direction=start_wind[1]) wind_pub.publish(wind) rospy.loginfo("Notify wind") rospy.loginfo(wind) firemap = rw.perimeter( wildfire_message = WildfireMap(header=rospy.Header(, raster=serialization.raster_msg_from_geodata( firemap, layer="ignition")) map_pub.publish(wildfire_message) wildfire_real_message = WildfireMap(header=rospy.Header(, raster=serialization.raster_msg_from_geodata( rw.fire_map, layer="ignition")) rospy.loginfo("Notify alarm map at 15 min") rospy.loginfo(wildfire_message) pub_wildfire_real.publish(wildfire_real_message) rospy.loginfo(wildfire_real_message)["ignition"][["ignition"] == np.inf] = 0["ignition"][["ignition"].nonzero()] = 65535 firemap.write_to_image_file("/home/rbailonr/fire.png", "ignition") fire_pos = Timed2DPointStamped(header=Header(, x=posx, y=posy, - rospy.Duration.from_sec(60 * 30)) alarm_pub.publish(fire_pos) rospy.loginfo("Notify alarm point") rospy.loginfo(fire_pos)
def parse_data_strm(self, data): """ Unpack streaming data from accelometer, gyroscope and odometer. """ if self.is_connected: now = imu = Imu(header=rospy.Header(frame_id="imu_link")) imu.header.stamp = now imu.orientation.x = data["QUATERNION_Q0"] imu.orientation.y = data["QUATERNION_Q1"] imu.orientation.z = data["QUATERNION_Q2"] imu.orientation.w = data["QUATERNION_Q3"] imu.linear_acceleration.x = data["ACCEL_X_FILTERED"] / 4096.0 * 9.8 imu.linear_acceleration.y = data["ACCEL_Y_FILTERED"] / 4096.0 * 9.8 imu.linear_acceleration.z = data["ACCEL_Z_FILTERED"] / 4096.0 * 9.8 imu.angular_velocity.x = data[ "GYRO_X_FILTERED"] * 10 * math.pi / 180 imu.angular_velocity.y = data[ "GYRO_Y_FILTERED"] * 10 * math.pi / 180 imu.angular_velocity.z = data[ "GYRO_Z_FILTERED"] * 10 * math.pi / 180 imu.orientation_covariance = IMU_ORIENTATION_COVARIANCE imu.angular_velocity_covariance = IMU_ANG_VEL_COVARIANCE imu.linear_acceleration_covariance = IMU_LIN_ACC_COVARIANCE self.imu_pub.publish(imu) odom = Odometry(header=rospy.Header(frame_id="odom"), child_frame_id='base_footprint') odom.header.stamp = now odom.pose.pose = Pose(Point(data["ODOM_X"], data["ODOM_Y"], 0.0), Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) odom.twist.twist = Twist( Vector3(data["VELOCITY_X"], data["VELOCITY_Y"], 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0)) # Save current x and y position. self.odom.pose.pose.position.x = odom.pose.pose.position.x self.odom.pose.pose.position.y = odom.pose.pose.position.y odom.pose.covariance = ODOM_POSE_COVARIANCE odom.twist.covariance = ODOM_TWIST_COVARIANCE # This enables resetting odometry data. odom.pose.pose.position.x -= self.odom_tare.pose.pose.position.x odom.pose.pose.position.y -= self.odom_tare.pose.pose.position.y self.odom_pub.publish(odom)
def bb_est_feedback(feedback): global object_added rospy.loginfo('Feedback received') print feedback est = rospy.ServiceProxy('/bb_estimator/estimate_bb_alt', EstimateBBAlt) header = rospy.Header() header.frame_id = '/map' header.stamp = feedback.timestamp rospy.loginfo('Calling bb est srv') try: est_result = est(header=header, p1=feedback.p1, p2=feedback.p2, mode=1) except Exception, e: rospy.logerr("Error on calling service: %s", str(e)) return
def train(word): global chatsubscribe global listened global client_lcd newsentence = 1 while newsentence == 1: client_speak( "Now I will say to you some random words and you have to repeat them" ) client_speak("the words also will be displayed in the LCD") words = gengrammar.getRandomwords( "/opt/qbo/ros_stacks/qbo_apps/qbo_listen/config/AM/en/phonems", 2) text = "" for i in range(0, 2): text = text + " " + words[i] text = text + " " + word words = gengrammar.getRandomwords( "/opt/qbo/ros_stacks/qbo_apps/qbo_listen/config/AM/en/phonems", 2) for i in range(0, 2): text = text + " " + words[i] rospy.loginfo(text) client_lcd.publish( LCD(rospy.Header(None, None, "frame"), chr(12) + text)) client_speak(text) client_speak("Do you want to change the words") if waitaccept() == 1: continue else: newsentence = 0 return text
def handle_freetrain(req): # return 0 # global activado #print fileLocation global client_lcd response = 0 while response == 0: juliusServer = pyJulius.JuliusServer("./configbis/julius.jconf") time.sleep(2) pattern = re.compile('\s?sentence1\:\s+(?P<word>(\w+ )+)\s?') # pattern = re.compile ('\s?sentence1\:\s+\<s\>\s+(?P<word>(\w+ )+)\s?\<.s\>') # pattern = re.compile ('\s?sentence1\:\s+(?P<word>(\w+ )+)\s?') print "inicio reconocedor" while not rospy.is_shutdown(): juliusOutput = juliusServer._process.stdout.readline() #print juliusOutput result = pattern.match(juliusOutput) if result: print "RECONOCIDO" text ='word') #pub.publish(text.strip()) print text juliusServer.stop() client_lcd.publish( LCD(rospy.Header(None, None, "frame"), chr(12) + text)) move_180() break response = waitaccept() move_180() return 1
def call_execute_cartesian_ik_trajectory(frame, positions, orientations): rospy.wait_for_service("execute_cartesian_ik_trajectory") #fill in the header (don't need seq) header = rospy.Header() header.frame_id = frame header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() #fill in the poses poses = [] for (position, orientation) in zip(positions, orientations): pose = Pose() pose.position.x = position[0] pose.position.y = position[1] pose.position.z = position[2] pose.orientation.x = orientation[0] pose.orientation.y = orientation[1] pose.orientation.z = orientation[2] pose.orientation.w = orientation[3] poses.append(pose) #call the service to execute the trajectory print "calling execute_cartesian_ik_trajectory" try: s = rospy.ServiceProxy("execute_cartesian_ik_trajectory", \ ExecuteCartesianIKTrajectory) resp = s(header, poses) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "error when calling execute_cartesian_ik_trajectory: %s" % e return 0
def callback(self, rgb_msg): rgb_img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb_msg, desired_encoding="bgr8") rgb_img = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) ltop_point, rbottom_point = self.detect_table(rgb_img.copy()) table_img = rgb_img.copy()[ltop_point[1]:rbottom_point[1], ltop_point[0]:rbottom_point[0], :] box_ltop, box_rbottom = self.detect_box(table_img) box_ltop = box_ltop+ltop_point box_rbottom = box_rbottom + ltop_point box_center = (box_ltop+box_rbottom)/2.0 box_center = box_center.astype( cv2.rectangle(rgb_img, tuple(ltop_point), tuple(rbottom_point), color=(0,0,255), thickness=2) cv2.rectangle(rgb_img, tuple(box_ltop), tuple(box_rbottom), color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=2), (box_center[0], box_center[1]), 2, (255, 0, 0)) cv2.imshow('vision', rgb_img) cv2.waitKey(1) obj_camera_frame = PointStamped( header=rospy.Header(stamp = rospy.get_rostime(), frame_id="/camera_link"), point=Point( x=0.45, y=-box_center[1], z=-box_center[0])) obj_robot_frame = self.tf_listener.transformPoint(target_frame="/base_link", ps=obj_camera_frame) print("obj_robot_frame_tf", obj_robot_frame) self.box_center_x = obj_robot_frame.point.x self.box_center_y = obj_robot_frame.point.y self.box_center_z = obj_robot_frame.point.z
def test_roscore__monitored_dl_watertank_safe_after_unsafe( simple_pipeline, launch_monitor): h = ros.Header() h.stamp = launch_monitor('monitor-dl-watertank') sensor_callback = CallBack(Float32Packet.to_formatted_string) sensor_packets = [ Float32Packet('/level_sensor', [x], sensor_callback) for x in [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ] control_callback = CallBack(Float32StampedPacket.to_formatted_string) control_packets = [ Float32StampedPacket('/flow_control_cmd', [Float32Stamped(h, x)], control_callback) for x in [0.0, 0.5, 0.1] ] simple_pipeline([ sensor_packets[0], control_packets[0], sensor_packets[1], control_packets[1], sensor_packets[2], control_packets[2] ]) rate = ros.Rate(10) rate.sleep() rate.sleep() rate.sleep() rate.sleep() # Unsafe Control to safe (fallback) control and safe (blackbox) control assert (['0.0', '0.0', '0.1'] == control_callback.recieved_list) # Sensor Readings Unchanged assert (['0.0', '0.0', '0.0'] == sensor_callback.recieved_list)
def move(self, p, v_scale=0.1, duration_low_bound=1, start_duration=0.5): target_q = self.get_inverse_kin(p) if target_q is None: return False traj = JointTrajectory() traj.header = rospy.Header(frame_id="1", stamp=rospy.Time()) traj.joint_names = [ 'shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint' ] dist = np.abs(np.subtract(target_q, self.current_state.positions)).max() duration = rospy.Duration( nsecs=int(max(dist / v_scale, duration_low_bound) * 1e9)) # print(dist,duration.secs,duration.nsecs) end_point = JointTrajectoryPoint( positions=target_q, velocities=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], time_from_start=duration) start_point = JointTrajectoryPoint( positions=(np.array(self.current_state.positions) + np.array(self.current_state.velocities) * (start_duration + 0.01)).tolist(), velocities=self.current_state.velocities, time_from_start=rospy.Duration(0, int(start_duration * 1e9))) traj.points = [start_point, end_point] return True
def propagate_and_set_fire_front( self, origin, origin_time: rospy.Time, perimeter_time: rospy.Time, environment: fire_rs.firemodel.propagation.Environment): origin_pos = Timed2DPointStamped(header=Header(, x=origin[0], y=origin[1], t=origin_time) fireprop = fire_rs.firemodel.propagation.propagate_from_points( environment, fire_rs.firemodel.propagation.TimedPoint(*origin, origin_time.to_sec())) firemap = fireprop.ignitions() array, cells, contours = fire_rs.geodata.wildfire._compute_perimeter( firemap, perimeter_time.to_sec()) # Publish ignition points # initial alarm self.pub_w.publish(origin_pos) self.pub_w.publish(origin_pos) rospy.loginfo(origin_pos) wildfire_message = WildfireMap( header=rospy.Header(, raster=serialization.raster_msg_from_geodata( firemap.clone(data_array=array,, 'ignition')) self.pub_wildfire_obs.publish(wildfire_message) rospy.loginfo(wildfire_message)
def __init__(self): print "Initializing" self._Counter = 0 self._ax = 0 port = rospy.get_param("~port", "/dev/gyro") baudRate = int(rospy.get_param("~baudRate", 115200)) rospy.loginfo("Starting with serial port: " + port + ", baud rate: " + str(baudRate)) self._BananaSerial = BananaSerial(port, baudRate, self._HandleReceivedLine) rospy.loginfo("Started serial communication") #Publisher for entire serial data self._SerialPublisher = rospy.Publisher('serial', String,queue_size=10) #Subscribers and Publishers of IMU data topic self.frame_id = '/IMU_link' self.cal_buffer =[] self.cal_buffer_length = 1000 self.imu_data = Imu(header=rospy.Header(frame_id="IMU_link")) self.imu_data.orientation_covariance = [1e6, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0, 1e-6] self.imu_data.angular_velocity_covariance = [1e6, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0, 1e6] self.imu_data.linear_acceleration_covariance = [-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] self.yaw_pub = rospy.Publisher('yaw_from_imu', Float64, queue_size = 10) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu_data', Imu, queue_size = 10)
def set_goal_handler(self, path, qdict): pose = get_pose(self, qdict) h = rospy.Header() h.stamp= rospy.get_rostime() h.frame_id = '/map' goal = PoseStamped(h, pose) goal_publisher.publish(goal) self.send_success()
def get_tf(self): self.h = rospy.Header(frame_id=self.fixed_frame) self.tf_matrix = self.tfListener.asMatrix(self.target_frame, self.h) # Alternate form self.tf_translation = tf.transformations.translation_from_matrix( self.tf_matrix) self.tf_quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix( self.tf_matrix)
def QtPolyToROS(poly, name, x, y, z, res, frame_id): header = rospy.Header() header.frame_id = frame_id ps = PolygonStamped(header=header) for pt in poly: # Qt defines 0,0 in the upper left, so, and down as +y, so flip the y ps.polygon.points.append(Point(pt.x() * res + x, -pt.y() * res + y, z)) return ps
def parse_data_strm(data): odom_pub = rospy.Publisher(name + '/odom', Odometry, queue_size=1) imu_pub = rospy.Publisher(name + '/imu', Imu, queue_size=1) ODOM_POSE_COVARIANCE = [ 1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e3 ] ODOM_TWIST_COVARIANCE = [ 1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e3 ] #if is_connected: now = imu = Imu(header=rospy.Header(frame_id="imu_link")) imu.header.stamp = now imu.orientation.x = data["QUATERNION_Q0"] imu.orientation.y = data["QUATERNION_Q1"] imu.orientation.z = data["QUATERNION_Q2"] imu.orientation.w = data["QUATERNION_Q3"] imu.linear_acceleration.x = data["ACCEL_X_FILTERED"] / 4096.0 * 9.8 imu.linear_acceleration.y = data["ACCEL_Y_FILTERED"] / 4096.0 * 9.8 imu.linear_acceleration.z = data["ACCEL_Z_FILTERED"] / 4096.0 * 9.8 imu.angular_velocity.x = data["GYRO_X_FILTERED"] * 10 * math.pi / 180 imu.angular_velocity.y = data["GYRO_Y_FILTERED"] * 10 * math.pi / 180 imu.angular_velocity.z = data["GYRO_Z_FILTERED"] * 10 * math.pi / 180 imu_pub.publish(imu) odom = Odometry(header=rospy.Header(frame_id="odom"), child_frame_id='base_footprint') odom.header.stamp = now odom.pose.pose = Pose( Point(data["ODOM_X"] / 100.0, data["ODOM_Y"] / 100.0, 0.0), Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) odom.twist.twist = Twist( Vector3(data["VELOCITY_X"] / 1000.0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, data["GYRO_Z_FILTERED"] * 10.0 * math.pi / 180.0)) odom.pose.covariance = ODOM_POSE_COVARIANCE odom.twist.covariance = ODOM_TWIST_COVARIANCE odom_pub.publish(odom) rospy.loginfo(odom.pose.pose)
def mouseMoveEvent(self, e): pos = np.array(e.pos().toTuple()) pos[1] = self.size().height() - pos[1] # make +y up pos_world = pos * self.scale + self.offset cloud = create_cloud_xyz32( rospy.Header(frame_id=self.frame_id,, np.array([[pos_world[0], pos_world[1], 0]])) self.point_pub.publish(cloud)
def point_head_cart_client(x, y, z, frame): head_angles = rospy.Publisher('head_controller/point_head', PointStamped) rospy.init_node('head_commander', anonymous=True) sleep(1) head_angles.publish( PointStamped(rospy.Header(None, rospy.get_rostime(), frame), Point(x, y, z))) sleep(1)
def test_moveit(self): p = [0.35, -0.35, 0.4] pose = PoseStamped( header=rospy.Header(, frame_id='/BASE'), pose=Pose(position=Point(*p), orientation=Quaternion( *quaternion_from_euler(1.57, 0, 1.57, 'sxyz')))) self.arm.set_pose_target(pose) self.assertTrue(self.arm.go() or self.arm.go())
def spin(self): encoders = [0, 0] self.x = 0 # position in xy plane self.y = 0 = 0 then = # things that don't ever change scan_link = rospy.get_param('~frame_id', 'neato_link') scan = LaserScan(header=rospy.Header(frame_id=scan_link)) scan.angle_min = 0 scan.angle_max = 6.26 scan.angle_increment = 0.017437326 scan.range_min = 0.020 scan.range_max = 5.0 # The LiDAR spins counterclockwise at 10 revolutions per second. # Each revolution yields 90 packets. # Each packet contains 22 bytes. # Within these 22 bytes are 4 distance measurements and more # (4 data points/packet * 90 packets = 360 data points). # So there is one data measurement per degree turn. # Byte 01, "FA" is a starting byte which appears between the ending # and beginning of two packets. # Byte 02 is a hex value from A0-F9, representing the 90 packets # outputted per revolution. # Byte 03 and 04 are a 16bit (combined) value representing the speed # at which the LiDAR is rotating. # Bytes 06 and 05 are 1st distance measurement in this packet. # Bytes 10 and 09 are 2nd distance measurement in this packet. # Bytes 14 and 13 are 3rd distance measurement in this packet. # Bytes 18 and 17 are the 4th distance measurement in this packet. # Bytes 08:07, 12:11, 16:15, and 20:19 represent information about # the surface off of which the laser has bounced to be detected by # the LiDAR. # Bytes 22 and 21 are checksum and are used for determining the # validity of the received packet. # main loop of driver # r = rospy.Rate(10) rospy.loginfo("0") # requestScan() data = [] i = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # string = self.port.readline() byte = b = ord(byte) data.append(b) i = i + 1 if i > 1000: for j in range(0, 999): rospy.loginfo("%d", j) rospy.loginfo(": {:02X}".format(data[j])) i = 0 data = []
def publishTagPos(self, x, y): now = header = rospy.Header(seq=self.seq, stamp=now, frame_id=topic) self.seq += 1 # The position is encoded here. position = Point(x=x, y=y, z=0) # We have no orientation information with UWB ranging. orientation = Quaternion(x=0, y=0, z=0, w=1) pose = Pose(position=position, orientation=orientation) # Row-major representation of the 6x6 covariance matrix # The orientation parameters use a fixed-axis representation. # In order, the parameters are: # (x, y, z, rotation about X axis, rotation about Y axis, rotation about Z # axis) covariance = [ 0, ] * 36 # Variances for X, Y position. covariance[idx6x6(0, 0)] = pos_var covariance[idx6x6(1, 1)] = pos_var # Our z, roll and pitch should be constant 0 (it's a car on flat ground). covariance[idx6x6(2, 2)] = known covariance[idx6x6(3, 3)] = known covariance[idx6x6(4, 4)] = known # We don't know the yaw. Might be anything. covariance[idx6x6(5, 5)] = unknown pose_w_cov = PoseWithCovariance(pose=pose, covariance=covariance) # Fill the Twist, but we actually have no velocity information. That's thus # all zeros. zero = Vector3(0, 0, 0) twist = Twist(zero, zero) covariance = [ 0, ] * 36 # X linear twist variance might be anything. # FIXME: we could have a more fine-tuned value by taking max linear # velocity into consideration. covariance[idx6x6(0, 0)] = unknown # Y linear twist variance covariance[idx6x6(1, 1)] = known # Z linear twist variance covariance[idx6x6(2, 2)] = known # X angular twist variance covariance[idx6x6(3, 3)] = known # Y angular twist variance covariance[idx6x6(4, 4)] = known # Z angular twist variance. Might be anything. # FIXME: we could have a more fine-tuned value by taking max rotational # velocity into consideration. covariance[idx6x6(5, 5)] = unknown twist_w_cov = TwistWithCovariance(twist=twist, covariance=covariance), child_frame_id=child_frame_id, pose=pose_w_cov, twist=twist_w_cov)
def random_thermal(delay=1): print('Starting random thermal data...') pub = Publisher('/sensors/thermal', ThermalMeanMsg) msg = ThermalMeanMsg() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg.header = rospy.Header() msg.thermal_mean = random.randint(20, 40) sleep(delay) pub.publish(msg)
def random_co2(delay=1): print('Starting random battery data...') pub = Publisher('/sensors/co2', Co2Msg) msg = Co2Msg() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg.header = rospy.Header() msg.co2_percentage = random.random() * 10 sleep(delay) pub.publish(msg)
def get_observation_info(self): """ Generate a resource information for publishing by readout the filter and make hypotheses checks. :return a resource information that can be published """ def get_valid_states(value, deviation, sample_size): """ Check hypotheses of all states. :param value: mean value which should be checked :param deviation: deviation values which should be checked :param sample_size: number of samples that are used for mean and deviation """ observations = [] for state in self._states: try: if state.check_hypothesis(value, deviation, sample_size): observations.append( observation(,, observation=state.number)) except AttributeError as e: rospy.logerr(e) if not observations: observations.append(observation_no_state_fits) return observations mean, deviation, sample_size = self._filter.get_value() # check if filter contains usable information if mean is None: self._observation_info.observation = [observation_no_state_fits] self._observation_info.header = rospy.Header( return self._observation_info # setup predefined resource information self._observation_info.observation = get_valid_states( mean, deviation, sample_size) self._observation_info.header = rospy.Header( return self._observation_info
def test_futureSim(passed_roomba_state,passed_actions): # Create a PoseWithCovariance header = rospy.Header(stamp=rospy.Time(secs=2)) q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, math.pi) msg = Pose(position=Point(0, 0, 0), orientation=Quaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3])) pose = PoseWithCovariance(pose=msg) start_pose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped(header=header, pose=pose) roomba_pos = futureSim(passed_roomba_state, passed_actions, start_pose) return
def sendMessage(self): msg = MedBotSpeechStatus() msg.header = rospy.Header() msg.header.stamp = msg.weight = self.weight = self.label msg.status = self.status.value msg.speaking = self.speaking msg.azimuth = self.azimuth
def labeled_cloud_pub_client(cloud, frame): rospy.wait_for_service('pub_cloud_service') try: service = rospy.ServiceProxy('pub_cloud_service', CloudPub) cloud.header = rospy.Header(frame_id=frame) resp = service(cloud, frame) return resp.success #bool except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e
def set_pose_handler(self, path, qdict): pose = get_pose(self, qdict) h = rospy.Header() h.stamp= rospy.get_rostime() h.frame_id = '/map' cov = [float64(0)] * 36 cov[6*0+0] = 0.5 * 0.5; cov[6*1+1] = 0.5 * 0.5; cov[6*3+3] = math.pi/12.0 * math.pi/12.0; pose_publisher.publish(PoseWithCovarianceStamped(h, PoseWithCovariance(pose, cov))) self.send_success()