def handle_auction_server_callback(auction_req): global role_assigned, actual_role global master_server, buyer_server # update number of messages in parameter server if rospy.has_param('/num_messages'): num_messages = rospy.get_param('/num_messages') num_messages += 2 rospy.set_param('/num_messages', num_messages) # Clean up if rospy.has_param('/auction_closed'): if rospy.get_param('/auction_closed') == True: role_assigned = False rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name()+' '+str(role_assigned)) # avoid node to take another role if not role_assigned: role_assigned = True if auction_req.role == 'be_auctioneer': return auctioneer.handle_auction_server_callback(auction_req) elif auction_req.role == 'be_buyer': return buyer_k_saap.handle_auction_server_callback(auction_req) else: return {'response_info':'invalid role requested'} else: return {'response_info':'node already have a role'}
def __init__(self): rospy.set_param('/nav_experiments/topics', ['/base_controller/command']) = tf.TransformListener() self.target_frame = '/base_footprint' = rospy.Publisher('/goal_state', PolygonStamped, latch=True) self._as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer('/move_base', MoveBaseAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self._as.start()
def handler(self, respawn_request): node_requesting = respawn_request.node_name faulty_port = respawn_request.port_name #Get both assigned port numbers: control_port = rospy.get_param('AER_Driver/control_port') sensor_port = rospy.get_param('Sensor_Monitor/sensor_port') #Get a list of actually available ports actual_ports = glob.glob('/dev/ttyACM*') if (len(actual_ports) > 1): #Handle the respawn request available_ports = [] for port_number in actual_ports: if port_number != sensor_port: available_ports.append(port_number) #Make sure we have a port available if (len(available_ports) == 0): #If not, send an error code return RespawnResponse(2) #If we have available ports kill_cmd = "rosnode kill /" + node_requesting spawn_cmd = "rosrun AER " + node_requesting + ".py&" #Kill requesting node, shell=True) #Set new parameter param_name = 'AER_Driver/control_port' rospy.set_param(param_name, available_ports[0]) #Rerun the node, shell=True) else: #Send an error code return RespawnResponse(1)
def init(): global scaleStatusPub, camOdomPub,lisener,scaleOrbFlag,scale,odom_combined_tf global velPub rospy.init_node("orb_scale", anonymous=True) scaleOrbFlag=rospy.get_param('/orb2base_scaleFlag',False) if scaleOrbFlag: #load scale value from scale.txt file_path=os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] fp3=open("%s/scale.txt"%(file_path),'r+') for line in fp3: value_list=line.split(" ") scale=float(value_list[0]) if scale<=0.000001: scale=0. scaleOrbFlag=False else: rospy.set_param('/orb2base_scale',scale) fp3.close print "scale: "+str(scale) lisener=tf.TransformListener() odom_combined_tf=tf.TransformBroadcaster() rospy.Subscriber("/system_monitor/report", Status, systemStatusHandler) scaleStatusPub = rospy.Publisher('/orb_scale/scaleStatus', Bool , queue_size=5) camOdomPub = rospy.Publisher("/ORB_SLAM/Odom", Odometry, queue_size=5) rospy.Subscriber("/ORB_SLAM/Camera", Pose, cameraOdom) velPub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist , queue_size=5) t=threading.Thread(target=publish_Tfs) t.start()
def execute(self, userdata): aux=userdata.current_robot_pose aux.pose.position.x aux.pose.position.y yaw=userdata.current_robot_yaw rospy.loginfo(OKGREEN+"I Have a new point"+ENDC) if (userdata.objectOrientation== 'right') : yaw=yaw+(math.pi/2) if (userdata.objectOrientation== 'left'): yaw=yaw-(math.pi/2) if (userdata.objectOrientation== 'back'): yaw=yaw-math.pi if (userdata.objectOrientation=='front'): yaw=yaw value=["submap_0",userdata.objectName,aux.pose.position.x, aux.pose.position.y,yaw] rospy.loginfo(OKGREEN+str(value)+ENDC) rospy.set_param("/mmap/poi/submap_0/"+str(userdata.objectName),value) #"/restaurant/submap_0/"+str(userdata.objectName) return 'succeeded'
def pause_bt_button_clicked(self): ''' :param self: :return: ''' rospy.set_param('/apc/task_manager/running', False)
def Run(self): if not self.sss.parse: rospy.loginfo("Testing Sound modes...") rospy.loginfo("If you can't hear something, check soundcard number (#card) with:") rospy.loginfo(" cat /proc/asound/cards") rospy.loginfo("Initialize card with:") rospy.loginfo(" alsactrl init #card") for i in range(1): self.sss.say(["Hello, my name is Care-O-bot."]) self.sss.say(["Hello, my name is Care-O-bot.","How are you?"]) self.sss.say("sent00") self.sss.say("sent00","de") self.sss.say(123) self.sss.say([123]) self.sss.say(["Hello, my name is Care-O-bot.","How are you?"],False) self.sss.sleep(1) self.sss.say(["This is a non blocking voice."]) rospy.set_param("script_server/sound/language","de")"grasp_tutorial_01") rospy.set_param("script_server/sound/language","en")"grasp_tutorial_01")
def __init__(self): self.json_file = rospy.get_param('~json', None) self.is_apc2016 = rospy.get_param('~is_apc2016', True) self.gripper = rospy.get_param('~gripper', 'gripper2016') self.max_weight = rospy.get_param('~max_weight', -1) if self.json_file is None: rospy.logerr('must set json file path to ~json') return data = json.load(open(self.json_file)) self.work_order = {} work_order_list = [] for order in data['work_order']: bin_ = order['bin'].split('_')[1].lower() self.work_order[bin_] = order['item'] work_order_list.append({'bin': bin_, 'item': order['item']}) rospy.set_param('~work_order', work_order_list) self.object_data = None if self.is_apc2016: self.object_data = jsk_apc2016_common.get_object_data() self.bin_contents = jsk_apc2016_common.get_bin_contents(param='~bin_contents') self.msg = self.get_work_order_msg() self.pub_left = rospy.Publisher( '~left_hand', WorkOrderArray, queue_size=1) self.pub_right = rospy.Publisher( '~right_hand', WorkOrderArray, queue_size=1) rospy.Service('~update_target', UpdateTarget, self._update_target_cb) self.updated = False rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param('~duration', 1)), self._timer_cb)
def execute(self, userdata=None): # Store current base position base_loc = self._robot.base.get_location() base_pose = base_loc.frame # Create automatic side detection state and execute self._robot.speech.speak("I am now going to look for the table", block=False) automatic_side_detection = AutomaticSideDetection2(self._robot) side = automatic_side_detection.execute({}) self._robot.head.look_at_standing_person() self._robot.speech.speak("The {} is to my {}".format(self._location_id, side)) self._robot.head.cancel_goal() if side == "left": base_pose.M.DoRotZ(math.pi / 2) elif side == "right": base_pose.M.DoRotZ(-math.pi / 2) # Add to param server loc_dict = {'x': base_pose.p.x(), 'y': base_pose.p.y(), 'phi': base_pose.M.GetRPY()[2]} rospy.set_param("/restaurant_locations/{name}".format(name=self._location_id), loc_dict) self._visualize_location(base_pose, self._location_id) self._robot.ed.update_entity(id=self._location_id, frame_stamped=FrameStamped(base_pose, "/map"), type="waypoint") return "done"
def __init__(self, object_list, is_debug=False): self._is_reload = rospy.get_param('/pr2_pbd_interaction/isReload') self._exp_number = None self._selected_step = 0 self._object_list = object_list if (is_debug): self._exp_number = rospy.get_param( '/pr2_pbd_interaction/experimentNumber') self._data_dir = self._get_data_dir(self._exp_number) if (not os.path.exists(self._data_dir)): os.mkdir(self._data_dir) else: self._get_participant_id() rospy.set_param('data_directory', self._data_dir) self.actions = dict() self.current_action_index = 0 if (self._is_reload): self._load_session_state(object_list) rospy.loginfo("Session state loaded.") n_actions = dict() for k in self.actions.keys(): n_actions[str(k)] = self.actions[k].n_frames() self._state_publisher = rospy.Publisher('experiment_state', ExperimentState) rospy.Service('get_experiment_state', GetExperimentState, self.get_experiment_state_cb) self._update_experiment_state()
def callback_stop(dat): global listen_active listen_active= not rospy.set_param('/sense/stt/get_listen_active',listen_active) pubActive = rospy.Publisher('/act/robot/set_listen_led', Bool) pubActive.publish(listen_active) rospy.loginfo("listen active:"+str(listen_active))
def main(): """ Run the main loop, by instatiating a PendulumSimulator, and then calling ros.spin """ rospy.init_node('pendulum_simulator') # , log_level=rospy.INFO) # check what the value of the links param is links_bool = rospy.get_param('links', False) if not rospy.has_param('links'): rospy.set_param('links', links_bool) count = 1 try: system = create_systems(2, link_length='1.0', link_mass='2.0', frequency='0.5', amplitude='0.5', damping='0.1') user = User(USER_NUMBER, MAX_TRIALS, STARTING_TRUST, ALPHA, INPUT_DEVICE) r = rospy.Rate(100) while user.current_trial_num < user.max_num_trials: rospy.loginfo("Trial number: %d", count) sim = PendulumSimulator(system, user.current_trust, user.current_trial_num) while not sim.finished: r.sleep() rospy.loginfo("current trust: %f", user.current_trust) user.update_trust(sim.task_trust, sim.tcost) rospy.loginfo("new current trust: %f, task trust: %f", user.current_trust, sim.task_trust) del sim count = count + 1 time.sleep(2) except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass rospy.loginfo('Session Complete')
def __init__(self): self.indexHtmlTemplate = Template(filename="templates/indexTemplate.html") self.lang = rospy.get_param("/system_lang", "en") # self.lang='en' # Load default dict fp = open("lang/" + self.lang + ".txt", "r") self.language = json.load(fp, "utf-8") fp.close() # Load specific dict if different to english if self.lang != "en": try: fp = open("lang/" + self.lang + ".txt", "r") # self.language.update(json.load(fp)) self.language.update(json.load(fp)) fp.close() except IOError: print "Language error" self.lang = "en" # Post the system lang to ROS and set the Param if self.lang == "en" or self.lang == "es" or self.lang == "it": rospy.set_param("/system_lang", self.lang) lang_pub = rospy.Publisher("/system_lang", String) lang_pub.publish(String(self.lang)) print "PUBLISHING NEW LANG: " + self.lang """
def privateParam(param_name, default_value=None): response = rospy.get_param("~" + param_name, default_value) if response == None: raise Exception("ERROR: Mandatory '%s' parameter not found."%(param_name)) else: rospy.set_param("~" + param_name, response) return response
def Run(self): if not self.sss.parse: rospy.loginfo("Testing Sound modes...") for i in range(1): self.sss.say(["Hello, my name is Care-O-bot."]) self.sss.say(["Hello, my name is Care-O-bot.","How are you?"]) self.sss.say("sent00") self.sss.say("sent00","de") self.sss.say(123) self.sss.say([123]) self.sss.say(['Once Upon A Time, there was a Shoemaker named Zerbo. He very carefully handcrafted every pair of shoes. Each pair of shoes was made especially for each person, and they were made to fit perfectly.'],False) self.sss.sleep(1) self.sss.say(["This is a non blocking voice which should be played in parallel to the previous text."]) rospy.set_param("script_server/sound/language","de")"grasp_tutorial_01") rospy.set_param("script_server/sound/language","en")"grasp_tutorial_01")
def listener(): rospy.init_node('vp_ardrone2_joy_node') rospy.loginfo("vp_ardrone2_joy - OK!") if not rospy.has_param("/vp_ardrone2/flag2"): rospy.set_param("/vp_ardrone2/flag2",0) sub = rospy.Subscriber("joy",Joy,controller) rospy.spin()
def __init__(self, hostname, username, password, interface): self.hostname = hostname self.username = username self.password = password self.interface = interface self.passmgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() self.passmgr.add_password(realm=None, uri="http://%s/"%(hostname), user=username, passwd=password) self.auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(self.passmgr) self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(self.auth_handler) urllib2.install_opener(self.opener) self.current_config = {} self.get_current_config() self.set_req_args = {} self.set_req_args["action"] = "Apply" self.set_req_args["submit_type"] = "" self.set_req_args["change_action"] = "" self.set_req_args["commit"] = "1" self.set_req_args["next_page"] = "" self.avail_txpower_list = self.get_avail_txpower_list() node_name = rospy.get_name() for param_name in self.current_config: param_full_name = node_name + "/" + param_name if not rospy.has_param(param_full_name): rospy.set_param(param_full_name, self.current_config[param_name])
def kinect_cb(self,rawDepthImage): # If data is requested for localization if(rospy.get_param('visual_tracker')==rospy.get_name()): read_points(rawDepthImage, field_names=None, skip_nans=False, uvs=[]) # Convert a cloud generator to a list self.points = [] for pt in pt = list(pt) pt.append(1) self.points.append(pt) nearestPoint=self.getNearestPoint() print nearestPoint[2] # Create a new message to be sent to ROSToArduino messageToROS=fromObserver_msg() messageToROS.observerID=rospy.get_name() messageToROS.coordinates=(nearestPoint) self.KinectToROS_pub.publish(messageToROS) # Reset the visual_tracker parameter rospy.set_param('visual_tracker','')
def controller(data): # проверка takeoff - кнопка start/10 if(data.buttons[9]==1): # взлет rospy.loginfo("взлет") pub1=rospy.Publisher('ardrone/takeoff', Empty) pub1.publish() time.sleep(1) elif(data.buttons[8]==1): # посадка- кнопка back/9 rospy.loginfo("посадка") pub1=rospy.Publisher('ardrone/land', Empty) pub1.publish() time.sleep(1) elif(data.buttons[5]==1): # посадка- кнопка RB/6 rospy.loginfo("посадка") pub1=rospy.Publisher('ardrone/land', Empty) pub1.publish() rospy.set_param("/vp_ardrone2/flag2",1) time.sleep(1) elif(data.buttons[4]==1): # flattrim- кнопка RB/5 rospy.loginfo("flattrim") rospy.set_param("/vp_ardrone2/flag2",1) serv1=rospy.ServiceProxy('ardrone/flattrim',std_srvs.srv.Empty) res1=serv1(); else: # другие клавиши pass
def __init__(self): # create all required variables: self.running_flag = False self.ref_time = None self.ref_state = None # self.ref_func = None self.ref_arr = None self.tbase = self.X = None self.first_time = True self.get_intergral_time = True self.time_gap = 0 self.Einx = 0 self.Einy = 0 # create all publishers and subscribers: self.cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher("cmd_vel_raw", Twist, queue_size=1) #set the transfrom broadcaster to publish the velocity transfrom from spatial frame to body frame = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.005), self.timercb) #intialize the subscriber to subscribe the data from odom/, this odom/ is used as feedback for driving the base self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.odomcb, queue_size=10) self.traj_sub = rospy.Subscriber("base_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal", FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal, self.trajcb, queue_size=1) rospy.set_param('return_to_base', False) return
def launch_heartbeat_operator_node(): rospy.init_node('dronemap_heartbeat_operator', anonymous=True) # get parameters from the ros parameters server platform_ip_address = rospy.get_param('/cloud_platform_ip_address') platform_port_number = rospy.get_param('/cloud_platform_port_number') buffer_size = rospy.get_param('/buffer_size') rate = rospy.Rate(50) if not rospy.has_param("/drone_registered"): rospy.set_param("/drone_registered", False) while not rospy.get_param("/drone_registered"): rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + ": Still not registered yet.") rate.sleep() print "yes, registered" # get the formatter formatter = create_message_formatter() # start the operator client = TCPClient("dronemap_heartbeat_operator", platform_ip_address, platform_port_number, formatter, buffer_size) HeartbeatControlOperator(client) # Keep python from exiting until this node is stopped rospy.spin()
def odom_res_changed(self, value): self.settings.odom_res_slider.blockSignals(True) self.settings.odom_res_slider.setValue(int(100*value)) self.settings.odom_res_slider.blockSignals(False) self.settings.odom_res_box.setValue(value) self.robot.odometer.res = value rospy.set_param('~encoder_resolution', value)
def gps_noise_changed(self, value): self.settings.gps_noise_slider.blockSignals(True) self.settings.gps_noise_slider.setValue(int(100*value)) self.settings.gps_noise_slider.blockSignals(False) self.settings.gps_noise_box.setValue(value) self.robot.gps.noise = value rospy.set_param('~gps_noise', value)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("enemy_manager") self.ns = rospy.get_namespace() self.launch = roslaunch.scriptapi.ROSLaunch() self.launch.start() names = ['t1', 't2', 't3'] self.nodes = {} self.processes = {} y = 0 for name in names: y += 1 param_name = "/" + name + "/y" if self.ns != "/": param_name = self.ns + param_name rospy.set_param(param_name, y) self.nodes[name] = roslaunch.core.Node("grid_defense", "", name=name, namespace=self.ns, args="") self.processes[name] = self.launch.launch(self.nodes[name]) # while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.spin() for name in names: rospy.loginfo("stopping " + name) self.processes[name].stop()
def __init__(self): # find USB rockets and set them up manager = RocketManager() manager.acquire_devices() if len(manager.launchers) == 0: rospy.logerr("Failed to find rocket launcher") exit(-1) # TODO: handle more than one launcher self.launcher = manager.launchers[0] # launcher.usb_debug = True # Calibration if rospy.has_param('avg'): print 'Calibration found on prameter server' self.avg = rospy.get_param('avg') self.var = rospy.get_param('var') else: print 'No calibration found. calibrating' (self.avg, self.var) = self.calibrate() rospy.set_param('avg', self.avg) rospy.set_param('var', self.var) self.pos_home() self.alpha_target = ALPHA_HOME self.beta_target = BETA_HOME self.firing = False self.moving = False rospy.Service('rocket_fire', Empty, rospy.Subscriber('rocket_command', RocketCommand, self.position) = rospy.Publisher('rocket_position', RocketPosition) rospy.logdebug('rocket_driver ready')
def __init__(self): self.bInitialized = False # initialize = 'acquirevoltages2msg' rospy.init_node(, anonymous=False) self.nodename = rospy.get_name() self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace() # Load the parameters. self.params = rospy.get_param('%s' % self.nodename.rstrip('/'), {}) self.defaults = {'channels_ai':[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], 'channels_di':[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]} SetDict().set_dict_with_preserve(self.params, self.defaults) rospy.set_param('%s' % self.nodename.rstrip('/'), self.params) self.command = None # Messages & Services. self.topicAI = '%s/ai' % self.namespace.rstrip('/') self.pubAI = rospy.Publisher(self.topicAI, MsgAnalogIn) self.topicDI = '%s/di' % self.namespace.rstrip('/') self.pubDI = rospy.Publisher(self.topicDI, MsgDigitalIn) self.subCommand = rospy.Subscriber('%s/command' % self.nodename.rstrip('/'), String, self.command_callback, queue_size=1000) self.get_ai = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_ai', SrvPhidgetsInterfaceKitGetAI) self.get_di = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_di', SrvPhidgetsInterfaceKitGetDI) rospy.sleep(1) # Allow time to connect. self.bInitialized = True
def run(self): while 1: try: path,val = self.queue.get(block=True, timeout=1.0/self._freq) with rosgobject.get_parameter_lock(): rospy.set_param(path,val) except Queue.Empty: pass with rosgobject.get_parameter_lock(): try: val = rospy.get_param(self._path) has_param = True except KeyError: val = None has_param = False create_param = False if has_param: if self._val is None: self._existscallback(self._path) if val != self._val: self._changecallback(self._path, val) self._val = val elif self._create is not None: with rosgobject.get_parameter_lock(): rospy.set_param(self._path, self._create) create_param = True if create_param:"set parameter %s to %r" % (self._path, self._create)) self._existscallback(self._path) self._changecallback(self._path, self._create)
def gyro_noise_changed(self, value): self.settings.gyro_noise_slider.blockSignals(True) self.settings.gyro_noise_slider.setValue(int(100*value)) self.settings.gyro_noise_slider.blockSignals(False) self.settings.gyro_noise_box.setValue(value) self.robot.gyroscope.noise = math.radians(value) rospy.set_param('~gyro_noise', math.radians(value))
def go_to_start(self, midpoint, pub): r = 10.0 rate = rospy.Rate(r) for i in range(0, 15 * int(r)): out_msg = QuadPositionDerived() out_msg.x = 0.0 out_msg.y = 0.0 out_msg.z = 0.6 out_msg.yaw = 0 out_msg.x_vel = 0.0 out_msg.y_vel = 0.0 out_msg.z_vel = 0.0 out_msg.yaw_vel = 0 out_msg.x_acc = 0.0 out_msg.y_acc = 0.0 out_msg.z_acc = 0.0 out_msg.yaw_acc = 0 pub.publish(out_msg) rate.sleep() target_point = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] target_point[0] = midpoint[0] + self.radius target_point[1] = midpoint[1] target_point[2] = midpoint[2] outpos = self.transform_coordinates(target_point, self.theta) rospy.set_param("trajectory_generator/start_point", [0.0, 0.0, 0.6]) rospy.set_param("trajectory_generator/end_point", outpos) sl_gen = StraightLineGen() sl_gen.generate() return outpos
def set_windowsize(n=10): """ Set the size of the history to maintain for each sensor :param n: The number of values to keep :return: None """ rospy.set_param('aggregation_windowsize', n)
def launchWrapper(self, virtual_robot, ros_namespace, frequency=200): """ Launches the ROS wrapper Parameters: virtual_robot - The instance of the simulated model ros_namespace - The ROS namespace to be added before the ROS topics advertized and subscribed frequency - The frequency of the ROS rate that will be used to pace the wrapper's main loop """ if MISSING_IMPORT is not None: raise pybullet.error(MISSING_IMPORT) self.virtual_robot = virtual_robot self.ros_namespace = ros_namespace self.frequency = frequency rospy.init_node("qibullet_wrapper", anonymous=True, disable_signals=False) # Upload the robot description to the ros parameter server try: if isinstance(self.virtual_robot, PepperVirtual): robot_name = "pepper" elif isinstance(self.virtual_robot, NaoVirtual): robot_name = "nao" elif isinstance(self.virtual_robot, RomeoVirtual): robot_name = "romeo" else: raise pybullet.error( "Unknown robot type, wont set robot description") package_path = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir("naoqi_driver") urdf_path = package_path + "/share/urdf/" + robot_name + ".urdf" with open(urdf_path, 'r') as file: robot_description = rospy.set_param("/robot_description", robot_description) except IOError as e: raise pybullet.error("Could not retrieve robot descrition: " + str(e)) # Launch the robot state publisher robot_state_publisher = roslaunch.core.Node("robot_state_publisher", "robot_state_publisher") self.roslauncher = roslaunch.scriptapi.ROSLaunch() self.roslauncher.start() self.roslauncher.launch(robot_state_publisher) # Initialize the ROS publisher and subscribers self._initPublishers() self._initSubscribers() # Launch the wrapper's main loop self._wrapper_termination = False self.spin_thread = Thread(target=self._spin) self.spin_thread.start()
def __init__(self): self.node_name = 'cont_anti_instagram_node' robot_name = rospy.get_param("~veh", "") #to read the name always reliably = True self.locked = False # Initialize publishers and subsImportError: cannot import namecribers self.pub_trafo = rospy.Publisher("~transform", AntiInstagramTransform, queue_size=1) self.pub_trafo_CB = rospy.Publisher("~colorBalanceTrafo", AntiInstagramTransform_CB, queue_size=1) self.pub_health = rospy.Publisher("~health", AntiInstagramHealth, queue_size=1, latch=True) self.pub_mask = rospy.Publisher("~mask", Image, queue_size=1) self.pub_geomImage = rospy.Publisher("~geomImage", Image, queue_size=1) self.sub_image = rospy.Subscriber( '/ubiquityrobot/camera_node/image_raw/compressed', CompressedImage, self.cbNewImage, queue_size=1) # Verbose option self.verbose = rospy.get_param('line_detector_node/verbose', False) # Read parameters self.interval = self.setupParameter("~ai_interval", 10) self.fancyGeom = self.setupParameter("~fancyGeom", False) self.n_centers = self.setupParameter("~n_centers", 6) self.blur = self.setupParameter("~blur", 'median') self.resize = self.setupParameter("~resize", 0.2) self.blur_kernel = self.setupParameter("~blur_kernel", 5) self.cb_percentage = self.setupParameter("~cb_percentage", 50) self.trafo_mode = self.setupParameter("~trafo_mode", 'cb') if not (self.trafo_mode == "cb" or self.trafo_mode == "lin" or self.trafo_mode == "both"): rospy.loginfo( "cannot understand argument 'trafo_mode'. set to 'both' ") self.trafo_mode == "both" rospy.set_param( "~trafo_mode", "both") # Write to parameter server for transparancy # rospy.loginfo("[%s] %s = %s " % (self.node_name, "~trafo_mode", "both")) # Initialize health message = AntiInstagramHealth() # Initialize transform message self.transform = AntiInstagramTransform() # initialize color balance transform message self.transform_CB = AntiInstagramTransform_CB() # initialize AI class = AntiInstagram(), self.blur, 1, self.blur_kernel) # initialize msg bridge self.bridge = CvBridge() self.image_msg = None # timer for continuous image process self.timer_init = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(self.interval), self.processImage) rospy.loginfo('ai: Looking for initial trafo.') # bool to switch from initialisation to continuous mode self.initialized = False self.max_it_1 = 10 self.max_it_2 = 2 # container for mask and maskedImage self.mask255 = [] self.geomImage = [] self.cb_percentage = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0), self.updateParams)
def setupParameter(self, param_name, default_value): value = rospy.get_param(param_name, default_value) rospy.set_param(param_name, value) #Write to parameter server for transparancy rospy.loginfo("[%s] %s = %s " % (self.node_name, param_name, value)) return value
def main(): urdfname = "/data/ros/yue_ws/src/tcst_pkg/urdf/ur5.urdf" filename = "/data/ros/yue_ws/src/tcst_pkg/yaml/cam_300_industry_20200518.yaml" # urdfname="/data/ros/ur_ws/src/universal_robot/ur_description/urdf/ur5.urdf" desiruv = [] lambda1 = -1.166666 detat = 0.05 z = 0.92 ace = 50 vel = 0.1 urt = 0 ratet = 10 p0 = IBVSControl(filename, lambda1, urdfname) ur_reader = Urposition() ur_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState, ur_reader.callback) u_error_pub = rospy.Publisher("/feature_u_error", Float64, queue_size=10) v_error_pub = rospy.Publisher("/feature_v_error", Float64, queue_size=10) z_depth_pub = rospy.Publisher("/camera_depth", Float64, queue_size=10) ur_pub = rospy.Publisher("/ur_driver/URScript", String, queue_size=10) down_to_q = [] desire_joint_angular = [124.08, -86.65, 60.29, 295.00, -89.38, 166.73] start_angular = [44.87, -70.67, 40.06, 299.46, -89.69, 182.71] cartisian_feedback = p0.getpi(desire_joint_angular) start_angular_back = p0.getpi(start_angular) rate = rospy.Rate(ratet) count_for_desire = 0 place_count = 2 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): desiruv = [] uvlist = [] open_ibvs_flag = rospy.get_param("open_ibvs_flag") open_go_to_desire = rospy.get_param("open_go_to_desire") print("open_ibvs_flag,open_go_to_desire", open_ibvs_flag, open_go_to_desire) # print(p0.uv_list_buffer) if open_ibvs_flag == 1: print("Object picking") if len(p0.uv_list_buffer) != 0: uvlist.append(p0.uv_list_buffer[-1]) desiruv.append([333, 241]) feature_error = p0.get_feature_error(desiruv, uvlist[0]) print "Ibvs is ok?---", p0.return_error_ok( feature_error.tolist()[0][0], feature_error.tolist()[0][1]) if p0.return_error_ok(feature_error.tolist()[0][0], feature_error.tolist()[0][1]) == False: print "feature error\n", feature_error u_error_pub.publish(feature_error.tolist()[0][0]) v_error_pub.publish(feature_error.tolist()[0][1]) q_now = ur_reader.ave_ur_pose detaangular = p0.get_deta_joint_angular( detat, uvlist, z, desiruv, uvlist[0], q_now) q_pub_now = p0.get_joint_angular(q_now, detaangular) print "q_now\n", q_now print "q_pub_now\n", q_pub_now down_to_q = q_pub_now ss = "movej([" + str(q_pub_now[0]) + "," + str( q_pub_now[1]) + "," + str(q_pub_now[2]) + "," + str( q_pub_now[3]) + "," + str( q_pub_now[4]) + "," + str( q_pub_now[5]) + "]," + "a=" + str( ace) + "," + "v=" + str( vel) + "," + "t=" + str(urt) + ")" ur_pub.publish(ss) if p0.return_error_ok(feature_error.tolist()[0][0], feature_error.tolist()[0][1]) == True: rospy.set_param("/open_go_to_object", 0) # down_to_q=[0.6840241781464097, -1.7849443418136726, -1.2719627004551626, -1.671977857427553, 1.6020880964542237, 2.9842358676782488] if len(down_to_q) != 0: temp_q0 = p0.get_inverse_to_box(down_to_q, 0, 0, -0.15) p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub, temp_q0, 0.2, ace, urt) time.sleep(1) x_length = +0.112 y_length = +0.04 #-0.005 z_depth = 0 temp_q1 = p0.get_inverse_to_box( temp_q0, x_length, y_length, z_depth) p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub, temp_q1, 0.2, ace, urt) time.sleep(1) x_length = +0.002 y_length = +0.002 #-0.005 depth = 0 temp_q2 = p0.get_inverse_to_box( temp_q1, x_length, y_length, depth) p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub, temp_q2, 0.2, ace, urt) time.sleep(1) temp_q3 = p0.get_inverse_to_box(temp_q2, 0, 0, -0.19) p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub, temp_q3, 0.2, ace, urt) time.sleep(1) os.system( "rostopic pub /io_state std_msgs/String '55C8010155' -1" ) p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub, temp_q2, 0.2, ace, urt) time.sleep(1) p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub, cartisian_feedback, 0.2, ace, urt) time.sleep(5) rospy.set_param("open_ibvs_flag", 0) rospy.set_param("/open_go_to_desire", 1) uvlist = [] p0.uv_list_buffer = [] # if open_go_to_desire==1 and open_ibvs_flag==0: # print("Desire pick",len(p0.uv_desire_list_buffer)) # if len(p0.uv_desire_list_buffer)!=0: # # desire_object=p0.image_space_planning([569,474],[44,65],3,3) # uvlist.append([p0.uv_desire_list_buffer[-1][0],p0.uv_desire_list_buffer[-1][1]]) # desiruv.append([333,241]) # # desiruv.append([550,339]) # feature_error=p0.get_feature_error(desiruv,uvlist[0]) # print "Ibvs is ok?---",p0.return_error_ok_desire(feature_error.tolist()[0][0],feature_error.tolist()[0][1]) # if p0.return_error_ok_desire(feature_error.tolist()[0][0],feature_error.tolist()[0][1])==False: # print "feature error\n",feature_error # u_error_pub.publish(feature_error.tolist()[0][0]) # v_error_pub.publish(feature_error.tolist()[0][1]) # q_now=ur_reader.ave_ur_pose # detaangular=p0.get_deta_joint_angular(detat,uvlist, z, desiruv, uvlist[0], q_now) # q_pub_now=p0.get_joint_angular(q_now,detaangular) # print "q_now\n", q_now # print "q_pub_now\n",q_pub_now # down_to_q=q_pub_now # ss = "movej([" + str(q_pub_now[0]) + "," + str(q_pub_now[1]) + "," + str(q_pub_now[2]) + "," + str( # q_pub_now[3]) + "," + str(q_pub_now[4]) + "," + str(q_pub_now[5]) + "]," + "a=" + str(ace) + "," + "v=" + str( # vel) + "," + "t=" + str(urt) + ")" # # print ss # ur_pub.publish(ss) # if p0.return_error_ok_desire(feature_error.tolist()[0][0],feature_error.tolist()[0][1])==True: # depth=-0.15 # temp_q=p0.get_inverse_to_box(down_to_q,0,0,depth) # p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub,temp_q,0.2,ace,urt) # time.sleep(1) # if place_count>=4: # pose_place=p0.caculate_place_pose_from_ref(temp_q,0) # else: # pose_place=p0.caculate_place_pose_from_ref(temp_q,1) # rospy.set_param("/open_go_to_object",0) # p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub,pose_place[0],0.2,ace,urt) # time.sleep(1) # p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub,pose_place[1],0.2,ace,urt) # time.sleep(1) # p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub,pose_place[place_count],0.2,ace,urt) # time.sleep(1) # temp_q_place=p0.get_inverse_to_box(pose_place[place_count],0,0,-0.44) # p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub,temp_q_place,0.2,ace,urt) # time.sleep(1) # os.system("rostopic pub /io_state std_msgs/String '55C8010055' -1") # # p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub,cartisian_feedback,0.2,ace,urt)#for debug # p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub,pose_place[place_count],0.2,ace,urt) # time.sleep(2) # p0.uv_desire_list_buffer=[] # rospy.set_param("open_go_desire_flag",0) # p0.move_ur_l(ur_pub,start_angular_back,0.2,ace,urt) # time.sleep(5) # rospy.set_param("/open_go_to_desire",0) # rospy.set_param("/open_go_to_object",1) # rospy.set_param("open_ibvs_flag",1) # place_count+=1 rate.sleep()
def main(): rospy.init_node('odom_reader', anonymous=True) rospack = rospkg.RosPack() # Find rospackge locations listener = tf.TransformListener() with open(rospack.get_path('map_reader') + '/mapCoords.yaml', 'r') as f: doc = yaml.load(f) f.close() arenaPnt1 = doc["arenaTopLeft"] arenaPnt2 = doc["arenaBotRight"] rospy.set_param("/arenaPnt1", arenaPnt1) rospy.set_param("/arenaPnt2", arenaPnt2) badSquare1 = doc["deadZoneTopLeft"] badSquare2 = doc["deadZoneBotRight"] rospy.set_param("/deadZone1", badSquare1) rospy.set_param("/deadZone2", badSquare2) rospy.set_param("/currentRobotR", 0.0) rate = rospy.Rate(10.0) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: (trans, rotate) = listener.lookupTransform('/odom', '/base_link', rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rotate) roboX = trans[0] roboY = trans[1] roboR = euler[2] print roboX print roboY print roboR rospy.set_param("/currentRobotX", roboX) rospy.set_param("/currentRobotY", roboY) rospy.set_param("/currentRobotR", roboR) rate.sleep()
def run_single_evaluation(self, target_dir): rospy.loginfo("Starting evaluation on target '%s'.", target_dir) # Check target dir is valid (approximately) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(target_dir, "data_log.txt")): rospy.logerr( "Invalid target directory: Could not find a 'data_log.txt' file." ) return # Check for rosbag renaming self.eval_log_file = open(os.path.join(target_dir, "data_log.txt"), 'a+') lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in self.eval_log_file] if not "[FLAG] Rosbag renamed" in lines: for line in lines: if line[:14] == "[FLAG] Rosbag:": file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(target_dir), "tmp_bags", line[15:] + ".bag") if os.path.isfile(file_name): os.rename( file_name, os.path.join(target_dir, "visualization.bag")) self.writelog( "Moved the tmp rosbag into 'visualization.bag'") self.eval_log_file.write("[FLAG] Rosbag renamed\n") else: self.writelog("Error: unable to locate '" + file_name + "'.") rospy.logwarn("Error: unable to locate '" + file_name + "'.") self.eval_log_file.close() # Make it available for voxblox node # Create meshes and voxblox eval if self.create_meshes: # Configure directory if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target_dir, "meshes")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(target_dir, "meshes")) if self.evaluate or self.create_meshes or self.evaluate_volume: # Set params and call the voxblox evaluator rospy.set_param(self.ns_voxblox + "/target_directory", target_dir) try: self.eval_voxblox_srv() except: rospy.logerr( "eval_voxblox service call failed. Shutting down.") sys.exit(-1) # Reopen logfile self.eval_log_file = open(os.path.join(target_dir, "data_log.txt"), 'a+') if self.create_plots: # Create dirs if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(target_dir, "graphs")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(target_dir, "graphs")) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(target_dir, "voxblox_data.csv")): # Read voxblox data file data_voxblox = self.read_voxblox_data( os.path.join(target_dir, "voxblox_data.csv")) if len(data_voxblox['RosTime']) > 1: if 'MeanError' in data_voxblox: self.plot_sim_overview(data_voxblox, target_dir) else: rospy.loginfo( "Unevaluated 'voxblox_data.csv', skipping dependent graphs." ) else: rospy.loginfo( "Too few entries in 'voxblox_data.csv', skipping dependent graphs." ) else: rospy.loginfo( "No 'voxblox_data.csv' found, skipping dependent graphs.") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(target_dir, "performance_log.csv")): # Read performance data file data_perf = {} headers = None with open(os.path.join(target_dir, "performance_log.csv")) as infile: reader = csv.reader(infile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for row in reader: if row[0] == 'RunTime': headers = row for header in headers: data_perf[header] = [] continue for i in range(len(row)): data_perf[headers[i]].append(row[i]) # Create graph if len(data_perf['RosTime']) > 1: self.plot_perf_overview(data_perf, target_dir) else: rospy.loginfo( "Too few entries in 'performance_log.csv', skipping dependent graphs." ) else: rospy.loginfo( "No 'performance_log.csv' found, skipping dependent graphs." ) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(target_dir, "error_hist.csv")): # Read error data file with open(os.path.join(target_dir, "error_hist.csv")) as infile: reader = csv.reader(infile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) data = np.array(list(reader)) data_error_hist = data[1:, 1:].astype(int) # Create graph self.plot_error_hist(data_error_hist, target_dir) else: rospy.loginfo( "No 'error_hist.csv' found, skipping dependent graphs.") # Finish if self.clear_voxblox_maps: # Remove all voxblox maps to free up disk space shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(target_dir, 'voxblox_maps'), ignore_errors=True) self.eval_log_file.close()
def PickAndPlaceImpl(self, req): collision = rospy.get_param("/Collision") print("Collision was set to: {}".format(collision)) # if collision detected if collision: # --------- print "Placing Down Object:" + req.object print "Moving to {} PLACE APPROACH".format(req.object) self.state = STATE.PLACING rospy.sleep(.5) if self.stop: return place_pose_offset = copy.deepcopy(self.object_place_poses) place_pose_offset = place_pose_offset[req.object] place_pose_offset.position.z = place_pose_offset.position.z + 0.2 self.moveToPose(place_pose_offset) rospy.sleep(.5) if self.stop: return # --------- print "Moving to {} PLACE".format(req.object) self.moveToPose(self.object_place_poses[req.object]) if self.stop: return self._gripper.command_position(100.0) #self.state = STATE.PLACED if self.stop: return rospy.sleep(1.0) if self.stop: return # --------- print "Moving to {} PLACE APPROACH".format(req.object) place_pose_offset = copy.deepcopy(self.object_place_poses) place_pose_offset = place_pose_offset[req.object] place_pose_offset.position.z = place_pose_offset.position.z + 0.2 self.moveToPose(place_pose_offset) if self.stop: return rospy.sleep(1.0) self._gripper.command_position(0.0) if self.stop: return self.state = STATE.PLACED #self.state = STATE.IDLE rospy.set_param("/Collision", False) # otherwise run as normal else: #----- # check if collision happened yet, stop if it did collision = rospy.get_param("/Collision") if collision: rospy.set_param("/Collision", False) # self.stop return #----- if self.stop: return print "Picking UP Object: " + req.object # self._limb.set_joint_position_speed(0.2) if self.stop: return self.state = STATE.NEUTRAL # --------- '''print "Moving to {} APPROACH + Z".format(req.object) rospy.sleep(1.0) approach_pose_offset = copy.deepcopy(self.object_approach_poses[req.object]) approach_pose_offset.position.z = approach_pose_offset.position.z + 0.2; approach_pose_offset.position.y = approach_pose_offset.position.y + 0.03; self.moveToPose(approach_pose_offset) if self.stop: return self._gripper.command_position(100.0) self.state = STATE.APPROACHING if self.stop: return rospy.sleep(1.0) if self.stop: return # --------- print "Moving to {} APPROACH".format(req.object) rospy.sleep(1.0) approach_pose_offset = copy.deepcopy(self.object_approach_poses[req.object]) approach_pose_offset.position.z = approach_pose_offset.position.z + 0.05; approach_pose_offset.position.y = approach_pose_offset.position.y + 0.03; self.moveToPose(approach_pose_offset) if self.stop: return self.state = STATE.APPROACHING if self.stop: return rospy.sleep(1.0) if self.stop: return''' # --------- #----- # check if collision happened yet, stop if it did collision = rospy.get_param("/Collision") print("Collision was set to: {}".format(collision)) if collision: rospy.set_param("/Collision", False) # self.stop return #----- print "Moving to {} PICK + Z".format(req.object) self.state = STATE.PICKING pick_pose_offset = copy.deepcopy( self.object_pick_poses[req.object]) pick_pose_offset.position.z = pick_pose_offset.position.z + 0.2 pick_pose_offset.position.y = pick_pose_offset.position.y self.moveToPose(pick_pose_offset) self._gripper.command_position(100.0) if self.stop: return self.state = STATE.PICKED if self.stop: return rospy.sleep(.5) if self.stop: return # --------- #----- # check if collision happened yet, stop if it did collision = rospy.get_param("/Collision") print("Collision was set to: {}".format(collision)) if collision: rospy.set_param("/Collision", False) # self.stop return #----- if req.object == "sports_ball": print "Moving to {} PICK".format(req.object) self.state = STATE.PICKING pick_pose_offset = copy.deepcopy( self.object_pick_poses[req.object]) pick_pose_offset.position.z = pick_pose_offset.position.z - 0.06 pick_pose_offset.position.y = pick_pose_offset.position.y - 0.04 pick_pose_offset.position.x = pick_pose_offset.position.x + 0.04 self.moveToPose(pick_pose_offset) if self.stop: return self._gripper.command_position(0.0) self.state = STATE.PICKED if self.stop: return rospy.sleep(.5) if self.stop: return else: print "Moving to {} PICK".format(req.object) self.state = STATE.PICKING pick_pose_offset = copy.deepcopy( self.object_pick_poses[req.object]) pick_pose_offset.position.z = pick_pose_offset.position.z - 0.075 pick_pose_offset.position.y = pick_pose_offset.position.y - 0.095 pick_pose_offset.position.x = pick_pose_offset.position.x + 0.01 self.moveToPose(pick_pose_offset) if self.stop: return self._gripper.command_position(0.0) self.state = STATE.PICKED if self.stop: return rospy.sleep(.5) if self.stop: return # --------- #----- # check if collision happened yet, stop if it did collision = rospy.get_param("/Collision") print("Collision was set to: {}".format(collision)) if collision: rospy.set_param("/Collision", False) # self.stop return #----- print "Moving to {} APPROACH".format(req.object) rospy.sleep(.5) pick_pose_offset = copy.deepcopy( self.object_pick_poses[req.object]) pick_pose_offset.position.z = pick_pose_offset.position.z + 0.2 self.moveToPose(pick_pose_offset) if self.stop: return self.state = STATE.APPROACHING if self.stop: return rospy.sleep(.5) if self.stop: return # --------- #----- # check if collision happened yet, stop if it did collision = rospy.get_param("/Collision") print("Collision was set to: {}".format(collision)) if collision: rospy.set_param("/Collision", False) # self.stop return #----- print "Placing Down Object:" + req.object print "Moving to {} PLACE APPROACH".format(req.object) self.state = STATE.PLACING rospy.sleep(.5) if self.stop: return place_pose_offset = copy.deepcopy(self.object_place_poses) place_pose_offset = place_pose_offset[req.object] place_pose_offset.position.z = place_pose_offset.position.z + 0.2 self.moveToPose(place_pose_offset) rospy.sleep(.5) if self.stop: return # --------- #----- # check if collision happened yet, stop if it did collision = rospy.get_param("/Collision") print("Collision was set to: {}".format(collision)) if collision: rospy.set_param("/Collision", False) # self.stop return #----- print "Moving to {} PLACE".format(req.object) self.moveToPose(self.object_place_poses[req.object]) if self.stop: return self._gripper.command_position(100.0) #self.state = STATE.PLACED if self.stop: return rospy.sleep(1.0) if self.stop: return # --------- #----- # check if collision happened yet, stop if it did collision = rospy.get_param("/Collision") print("Collision was set to: {}".format(collision)) if collision: rospy.set_param("/Collision", False) # self.stop return #----- print "Moving to {} PLACE APPROACH".format(req.object) place_pose_offset = copy.deepcopy(self.object_place_poses) place_pose_offset = place_pose_offset[req.object] place_pose_offset.position.z = place_pose_offset.position.z + 0.2 self.moveToPose(place_pose_offset) if self.stop: return rospy.sleep(1.0) self._gripper.command_position(0.0) if self.stop: return self.state = STATE.PLACED #checking the link between state.placed and Work
def execute_cb(self, goal): rospy.set_param("/tabletop_segmentation/x_filter_max", goal.table_region.x_filter_max) rospy.set_param("/tabletop_segmentation/x_filter_min", goal.table_region.x_filter_min) rospy.set_param("/tabletop_segmentation/y_filter_max", goal.table_region.y_filter_max) rospy.set_param("/tabletop_segmentation/y_filter_min", goal.table_region.y_filter_min) rospy.set_param("/tabletop_segmentation/z_filter_max", goal.table_region.z_filter_max) rospy.set_param("/tabletop_segmentation/z_filter_min", goal.table_region.z_filter_min) # check that preempt has not been requested by the client if self._as.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo('%s: Preempted' % self._action_name) self._as.set_preempted() return False #################################### # start executing the action steps # #################################### object_list = self.execution_steps(goal) if object_list: self._result.clusters_list = object_list rospy.loginfo('%s: Succeeded' % self._action_name) self._as.set_succeeded(self._result) else: self._as.set_succeeded(self._result)
def shutdown(): rospy.set_param('/aggregator/inStateMachine', False)
def get_keyboard_command(key_msg): global keyboard_command keyboard_command = key_msg # force other nodes to stop moving and wait when there is a keyboard if not is_twist_empty(keyboard_command): rospy.set_param("KEY", True)
def execute(self, userdata): rospy.set_param('/aggregator/inNavigation', self.state) return 'succeeded'
class Planning(object): def __init__(self): self.logPosition = [] self.logPositionAll = [] self.flagLogPosition = 0 self.flagIsLogging = False self.indOptimalLast = 10 self.desireDirDrive = FORWARD # desireDirDrive是为了触发底层换挡 self.curDirDrive = self.desireDirDrive # curDirDrive是为了协调内部程序,如航向变换 self.flagIsShifting = 0 self.distLog = 0 self.countSingleLane = 0 self.countLaneFinish = 0 self.flagLaneFinish = 0 self.flagMCUIsShifting = 0 self.flagChangesPre = True self.flagLogPointStart = True self.pointStart = np.array([0,0]) self.newStraightPathFlag = False # 准备错距到新的直线碾压路径,用来合并换道规划路径 self.cloudTaskID = 0 # 云端接收到新任务,ID增1,通过此变量判断是否有新任务,有新任务后,重置相关标志位和地图 self.mapEndPoint, self.numGPSallPoint = findMapEndPoint(numAllLaneGLB,distBetweenLaneGLB) # (numAllLaneGLB,distOffsetStep=1.5),'../log/mapEndPoint.npy'),self.mapEndPoint) self.indexCircleMap = 0 if mapTypeGLB == 'raw': self.GPSmap = np.load(os.path.join(cur_path,'../map/rawMap.npy')) else: if taskTypeGLB == 'csdCircle': genCurveMap() self.GPSmap = np.load(os.path.join(cur_path,''.join(['../map/curveMap', str(self.indexCircleMap), '.npy']))) elif taskTypeGLB == 'csdLine': self.GPSmap = genMapPoint(self.mapEndPoint[self.countLaneFinish][0],self.mapEndPoint[self.countLaneFinish][1],self.numGPSallPoint) while not flagPositionReceivedGLB: print 'is waiting vehState topic' if rospy.is_shutdown(): sys.exit() time.sleep(0.02) self.indLastClosest, self.flagClosestPointSearched = commonFcn.findClosestPointInit(recv, self.GPSmap) self.indLastPre = self.indLastClosest # 检测是否换地图 self.dataPlanning = {'xCtrPath':[], 'yCtrPath':[], \ 'xGlbPath':[], 'yGlbPath':[], \ 'pathCandidate':np.array([[0,0],]), 'indOptimal':0, \ 'modeDrive':NORMAL, 'vbrMode':0,'distObst':1000.} self.distYClose = 0. self.modeDrive = NORMAL self.vbrMode = 0 self.prePoint = [] self.toCloudStartedFlag = False # 0: 未开始碾压任务; 1: 已按需开始云端任务 self.toCloudEndTaskFlag = False # 0: 任务未结束; 1: 当前碾压任务已完成 def calibrate(self): # Calibrated Parameters global CALIBRT flagOpenCalib = rospy.get_param('~GLBflagOpenCalib') # 控制标定量接收程序 if flagOpenCalib == 1: CALIBRT = rospy.get_param('~CALIBRT') rospy.set_param('~GLBflagOpenCalib', 0) # @timeit def publish(self): ''' ''' PathMsg = PathDisplay() PathMsg.xGlbPath = self.dataPlanning['xGlbPath'] PathMsg.yGlbPath = self.dataPlanning['yGlbPath'] # different from the usage in std_msgs dim = MultiArrayDimension() dim.stride = int(self.dataPlanning['indOptimal']) dim.size = self.dataPlanning['pathCandidate'].shape[0] = np.array(self.dataPlanning['pathCandidate'][:,0]).flatten() PathMsg.xLocPath.layout.dim = [dim] = np.array(self.dataPlanning['pathCandidate'][:,1]).flatten() PathMsg.yLocPath.layout.dim = [dim] PathMsg.header.stamp = basePathPub.publish(PathMsg) PlanMsg = PlanOP() PlanMsg.prePoint.x = self.prePoint[0] PlanMsg.prePoint.y = self.prePoint[1] PlanMsg.prePoint.z = 0. PlanMsg.xCtrPath = self.dataPlanning['xCtrPath'] PlanMsg.yCtrPath = self.dataPlanning['yCtrPath'] PlanMsg.distObst = self.dataPlanning['distObst'] PlanMsg.desireDirDrive = self.desireDirDrive PlanMsg.curDirDrive = self.curDirDrive PlanMsg.flagIsShifting = self.flagIsShifting PlanMsg.distYClose = self.distYClose PlanMsg.modeDrive = self.modeDrive PlanMsg.vbrMode = self.vbrMode PlanMsg.startedFlag = self.toCloudStartedFlag PlanMsg.endTaskFlag = self.toCloudEndTaskFlag PlanMsg.header.stamp = planPub.publish(PlanMsg) @timeit def update(self): CAN_flagStart_trace = recv['start_trace'] modeDriveLane, vbrMode = self.changeDirection(recv) self.vbrMode = vbrMode indClosest, indPre, self.flagClosestPointSearched = commonFcn.findClosestPoint( \ recv, self.GPSmap, self.indLastClosest, CALIBRT['distPreview'], \ self.flagClosestPointSearched) self.indLastClosest = indClosest self.indLastPre = indPre self.prePoint = self.GPSmap[indPre,:] # 考虑找不到点的情况,此时停止规划 # if indClosest >= self.GPSmap.shape[0]-1: if self.flagClosestPointSearched == False: modeDriveSafe = STOP rospy.logwarn('no point is available') elif modeDriveLane == STOP: # 防止到达终点时,无路点可用,导致polyfit等一系列函数报错 rospy.loginfo('is stoping and pausing planning') else: # try: self.dataPlanning = self.localPlanning(indClosest,indPre,recv) modeDriveSafe = self.dataPlanning['modeDrive'] # except Exception, e: # modeDriveSafe = STOP_SAFE # rospy.logerr('localPlanning run error') # print 'repr(e):\t', repr(e) # merge the modeDrive output # CAN_flagStart_trace = 1 if modeDriveLane == STOP or CAN_flagStart_trace == False or \ recv['stopSafeArea'] == True or recv['cloudStartTask'] == False: self.modeDrive = STOP else: if self.curDirDrive == BACK: self.modeDrive = modeDriveSafe # 后退无避障功能 else: self.modeDrive = modeDriveSafe # # self.estimateDistErr(recv) # print 'indClosest, indPre',indClosest, indPre def replyCloudServer(self): if recv['cloudTaskID'] > self.cloudTaskID: # 说明有新任务 # 响应云端新任务,重置所有相关标志位和地图 # 更新任务结束标志位 if self.flagLaneFinish == 1: self.toCloudEndTaskFlag = True # 更新发送到云端的开始任务标志位 if self.toCloudEndTaskFlag == True: self.toCloudStartedFlag = False # 复位任务开始标志位 else: if self.modeDrive == NORMAL: self.toCloudStartedFlag = True self.cloudTaskID = recv['cloudTaskID'] # 检测正在起步 def checkStart(self,recv): position = recv point_self = np.asarray([position['x'],position['y']]) if np.abs(position['x']) < 0.1 and np.abs(position['y']) < 0.1: pass else: if self.flagLogPointStart == True: self.pointStart = np.array([position['x'],position['y']]) self.flagLogPointStart = False self.flagChangesPre = True distStart = np.linalg.norm(point_self-self.pointStart) # 起步过渡过程结束 if distStart > 7.0: self.flagChangesPre = False # 计算实时偏差,采用点到直线距离 # 先排除初始化过程,未接收到定位数据的情况 def estimateDistErr(self,recv): position = recv if np.abs(position['x']) < 0.1 and np.abs(position['y']) < 0.1: # is initializing distErr = 0. else: startPoint,endPoint = self.mapEndPoint[self.countLaneFinish][0],self.mapEndPoint[self.countLaneFinish][1] polyCoeff = np.polyfit([startPoint[0],endPoint[0]],[startPoint[1],endPoint[1]],1) A_Coeff,C_Coeff = polyCoeff B_Coeff = -1. distErr = (A_Coeff*position['x']+B_Coeff*position['y']+C_Coeff) / np.sqrt(A_Coeff**2.+B_Coeff**2.) print('distErr',distErr) GLBlogDistErr.append(distErr) self.distYClose = distErr def changeDirection(self,recv): CAN_flagIsShifting = recv['is_shifting'] shift_stat = recv['shift'] position = recv modeDriveLane = NORMAL point_self = np.asarray([position['x'],position['y']]) point_mapEnd = np.asarray([self.GPSmap[-1,0],self.GPSmap[-1,1]]) distToEnd = np.linalg.norm(point_self-point_mapEnd) # 圆弧路径规划,不断延长地图 if taskTypeGLB == 'csdCircle': if self.indLastPre >= self.GPSmap.shape[0]-2: # 延长地图 self.indexCircleMap += 1 if self.indexCircleMap > 3: self.indexCircleMap = 3 else: GPS_all = np.load(os.path.join(cur_path,''.join(['../map/curveMap', str(self.indexCircleMap), '.npy']))) # self.GPSmap = np.concatenate((self.GPSmap[self.indLastClosest:-1], GPS_all), axis=0) self.GPSmap = np.concatenate((self.GPSmap, GPS_all), axis=0) # 检测正在起步 # self.checkStart(recv) # if distToEnd < CALIBRT['distIsEnd']: # rospy.logwarn("have reach the path end, please stop") distIsEnd = CALIBRT['distIsEnd'] # 5 # 正式在工地上使用错距模式 if self.curDirDrive == BACK: distIsEnd = max(1., (CALIBRT['distIsEnd'] - 3.4)) if distToEnd < distIsEnd and self.flagIsShifting == 0: if taskTypeGLB == 'csdCircle': self.flagLaneFinish = 1 else: # self.flagIsShifting == 0是为了避免换挡过程地图未切换时一直满足CALIBRT['distIsEnd'] self.countSingleLane += 1 claCurSinglwLane = countSingleLane -1 # 以线进行判断 if claCurSinglwLane // 8 == 1 or claCurSinglwLane // 8==2 or claCurSinglwLane// 8==3 or claCurSinglwLane//8==4 : self.vbrMode = 1 if self.countSingleLane >= timesSingleLaneGLB: #指示几趟 self.countSingleLane = 0 self.countLaneFinish += 1 self.newStraightPathFlag = True if self.countLaneFinish >= numAllLaneGLB: self.flagLaneFinish = 1 self.countLaneFinish = numAllLaneGLB-1 # -1的目的:避免后面程序索引溢出 if self.flagLaneFinish == 0: # 走完全程停车,则不必变换方向和地图 self.flagIsShifting = 1 # start shift # 变换期望的换挡方向 if self.desireDirDrive == FORWARD: self.desireDirDrive = BACK else: self.desireDirDrive = FORWARD #判断是否正在换挡 if self.flagIsShifting == 1: # # 加self.flagIsShifting == 1是为了避免完全由底层控制,但终点时,无法进入这段程序 flagShiftDone = False # init if == 'A60': if (self.desireDirDrive == BACK and shift_stat == shift_R) \ or (self.desireDirDrive == FORWARD and shift_stat == shift_D) : # 表明换挡完成 flagShiftDone = True else: if CAN_flagIsShifting >= 1: # 0 1; '>=' is for uncertain float # #第一次判断,认为底层响应了换挡信号 self.flagMCUIsShifting = 1 if self.flagMCUIsShifting==1 and CAN_flagIsShifting==False: # should: True-->0 flagShiftDone = True if flagShiftDone == True: self.flagIsShifting = 0 # 换挡完成后,flagIsShifting恢复成0 self.flagMCUIsShifting = 0 # 表明换挡完成 self.flagLogPointStart = True # self.mapEndPoint同时控制车道和方向。 # 车道由第一个索引控制 # 第二个索引 0 1互换,则表示起点终点互换,方向切换 if self.flagLaneFinish == 0: # 走完全程停车,则不必变换方向和地图 self.indLastClosest = 0 # 换地图前重新初始化 self.curDirDrive = self.desireDirDrive if not mapTypeGLB == 'raw': if self.curDirDrive == FORWARD: self.GPSmap = genMapPoint(self.mapEndPoint[self.countLaneFinish][0],self.mapEndPoint[self.countLaneFinish][1],self.numGPSallPoint) elif self.curDirDrive == BACK: self.GPSmap = genMapPoint(self.mapEndPoint[self.countLaneFinish][1],self.mapEndPoint[self.countLaneFinish][0],self.numGPSallPoint) # 记录跟踪实际坐标点 if self.flagLogPosition == 0: # 到终点记录一次并保存后,便不再记录 if self.curDirDrive == BACK: self.flagIsLogging = True self.logPosition.append(point_self) # 保存记录的跟踪坐标点,并清空为再次记录做准备 if (self.curDirDrive == FORWARD or self.flagLaneFinish == 1) and self.flagIsLogging == True: # 逻辑是刚走完BACK,马上切换到FORWARD或是终点 # 此逻辑不足之处在于,必须走完当前路线,才能保存数据 self.flagIsLogging = False self.logPositionAll.append(self.logPosition) self.logPosition = [] # 停车模式判断 if (self.flagLaneFinish==1) | (self.flagIsShifting==1): # self.flagLaneFinish只有再次初始化才能清除,意味着车到这只有停车模式 modeDriveLane = STOP self.countChangesPre = 0 print 'tttttttt',self.flagLaneFinish # 用于驾校测试,消除停车积分 if == 'A60': if shift_stat == shift_P or shift_stat == shift_N: modeDriveLane = STOP # 保存实际走过的位置点 # 全程走完时,计算所有线路回程的跟踪误差。去程因存在规划偏移,故无意义 if self.flagLaneFinish == 1 and self.flagLogPosition == 0: self.flagLogPosition = 1,'../log/logPositionAll.npy'),self.logPositionAll) vbrMode = self.vbrMode return modeDriveLane,vbrMode def checkObstacle(self,pathCandidate): ################################################################# #通过寻找第一个弧线上第一个栅格为0(障碍物)来确定无障碍弧长 #弧长越长越好 ################################################################# if self.curDirDrive == FORWARD: OccupancyValueMat = recv['OccupancyValueForward'] else: OccupancyValueMat = recv['OccupancyValueBackward'] #障碍物检测横向区域,左右各widthMargin*0.1m 。 校园大圈:11;驾校:22;工程车23,左右总宽4.6m,振动碾对角宽6.6m widthMargin = int(CALIBRT['widthObstDetect']/0.1) limitNumOccupied = 1 #认定为不可通行时占据栅格数目限值 x_S = pathCandidate[0] y_S = pathCandidate[1] indRow = np.minimum(299,np.round(np.array(x_S)/0.1).astype(np.int32)) # 校园大圈:284; 驾校:290 indRow = np.maximum(0,indRow) indRowMat = np.tile(indRow,(2*widthMargin+1,1)).transpose() indCol = np.minimum(200,100+np.round(np.array(y_S)/0.1).astype(np.int32)) # 负的在右边 indColTemp = np.arange(-widthMargin,widthMargin+1,1) indColTemp1 = np.tile(indColTemp,(indCol.shape[0],1)) indColMatTemp = indColTemp1+indCol.reshape(-1,1) indColMat = np.minimum(200,indColMatTemp) indColMat = np.maximum(0,indColMat) awardOccupancyTemp = OccupancyValueMat[indRowMat,indColMat] # x_S行,2*widthMargin+1列 checkFree = np.where(awardOccupancyTemp>80) # > 60表示有障碍物 occupiedRowTemp = np.array(checkFree)[0] occupiedRow = np.unique(occupiedRowTemp) # 删除数组中由不同列导致的相同行号 numOccupiedRow = occupiedRow.size closedObstaclDist = 1000. # 初始值无穷大,表示无障碍物 if numOccupiedRow <= limitNumOccupied: #无障碍 awardOccupancy = 1 else: # awardOccupancy = checkFree[0][0] # 循环行数,可以抽象等价为路径长度 awardOccupancy = 0 ''' 障碍物距离计算 note: awardOccupancyTemp是OccupancyValueMat的子集, 所以不能直接通过它索引x轴距离。 需按如下方法: 首先通过occupiedRow找到障碍物在awardOccupancyTemp中的行数,然后根据这个 行数,映射到indRowMat矩阵的真实物理意义行数。 ''' if self.curDirDrive == BACK: distOffset = DIST_OBST_OFFSET_BACK else: distOffset = DIST_OBST_OFFSET_FORWARD closedObstaclDist = (indRowMat[np.min(occupiedRow),0])*0.1 - distOffset return awardOccupancy,closedObstaclDist # @timeit def genCandidate(self,d0,df,wayPointLocal): ''' generate local path candidate Coordinate: vehicle local coordinate Parameter: wayPointLocal: wayPoint in local coordinate, two row ''' if not taskTypeGLB == 'campus': pathCandidate = commonFcn.bezierBased(df, wayPointLocal) else: pathCandidate = commonFcn.laneBased(d0,df,wayPointLocal) # 障碍物检测,输入车辆坐标系序列点 awardOccupancy,closedObstaclDist = self.checkObstacle(pathCandidate) result = [pathCandidate,awardOccupancy,closedObstaclDist] return result # @timeit def localPlanning(self,indClosest,indPre,position): global GLBlogDistErr global CALIBRT, countCALIBRTGLB global CenterGlobalEndGLB flagCandidateAllDie = 0 safeDist2RightEdge = 0.5 modeDrive = NORMAL xCenterGlobal = np.array(self.GPSmap[indClosest:indPre+1,0]) yCenterGlobal = np.array(self.GPSmap[indClosest:indPre+1,1]) # 路径终点,采用之前的路点,避免各种拟合函数错误 distCenterPathVect = np.array([self.GPSmap[indPre,0:2] - \ self.GPSmap[indClosest,0:2]]) distCenterPath = np.linalg.norm(np.array([distCenterPathVect])) # if distCenterPath < max(5., CALIBRT['distIsEnd']): # xCenterGlobal, yCenterGlobal = CenterGlobalEndGLB # else: # CenterGlobalEndGLB = np.array([xCenterGlobal, yCenterGlobal]) # 抽样中心线 # numSample = xCenterGlobal.size # indexSample = np.arange(0,numSample,int(numSample/100)+1) # xCenterGlobal = xCenterGlobal[indexSample] # yCenterGlobal = yCenterGlobal[indexSample] # bezier平滑中心线,结果发现,转弯处偏离过多 # wayPoint = np.array([xCenterGlobal,yCenterGlobal]) # xCenterGlobal, yCenterGlobal = commonFcn.bezierSmooth(wayPoint) # spline平滑中心线(1)或单纯增加道路点(0),从而可以使全局地图可以更稀疏,加快最近点搜索速度 # 经验证此种增加数据点的方法失效,另寻差值方法 # numGenPathPoint = max(100, int(CALIBRT['distPreview'] / 0.2)) # spl = UnivariateSpline(xCenterGlobal,yCenterGlobal) # spl.set_smoothing_factor(0.) # xCenterGlobal = np.linspace(xCenterGlobal[0],xCenterGlobal[-1],numGenPathPoint) # yCenterGlobal = spl(xCenterGlobal) # 估计当前位置横向偏差 # 原理:在最近点处,利用点斜式构造切线方程,然后用点到直线方程求距离 xClosest = self.GPSmap[indClosest,0] yClosest = self.GPSmap[indClosest,1] polyCoeffCenter = np.polyfit(xCenterGlobal,yCenterGlobal,2) polyder1CoeffCenter = np.polyder(polyCoeffCenter) #导函数多项式系数 polyder1Center = np.polyval(polyder1CoeffCenter,xClosest) # 斜率 polyCoeffLine = [polyder1Center, yClosest-polyder1Center*xClosest] # A C point = [position['x'],position['y']] self.distYClose = commonFcn.calcDistPoint2Line(polyCoeffLine,point) # 判断当前点在中心线左右,决定初始偏差正负 if indClosest >= self.GPSmap.shape[0]-2: # 避免索引溢出 S = 0 else: PA = np.array([xClosest, yClosest]) PB = np.array(self.GPSmap[indClosest+1,0:2]) S = commonFcn.checkSidePoint2Line(PA, PB, point) self.distYClose *= np.sign(S) # 平滑中心线 # yCenterGlobal = np.polyval(polyCoeffCenter, xCenterGlobal) # 先将最近的全局坐标转换为局部坐标 pointGlobal = np.array([xCenterGlobal, yCenterGlobal]) wayPointLocal = commonFcn.global_2_local_vect(position,pointGlobal) ########################################################## #采用map函数代替for循环,构造不同df的 path candidate dfMax = 2. # 依据道路宽度3.5m设置 dfStep = 0.1 # candidate采样距离偏差 d0 = self.distYClose # 规划时刻当前位置偏差 if not taskTypeGLB == 'campus': ''' 出山店遇到障碍物直接停车,不规划绕行 ''' dfMapTemp = np.array([0]) #不进行路径规划,只有一条candidate else: dfMapTemp = np.arange(-dfMax-1.,dfMax+dfStep+1.,dfStep) dfMap = dfMapTemp.tolist() numCandidate = len(dfMap) d0Map = [d0]*numCandidate wayPointLocalMap = [wayPointLocal]*numCandidate candidate = map(self.genCandidate, d0Map,dfMap,wayPointLocalMap) # 为一个多维list pathCandidate = [m for m,n,p in candidate] # 仍然是多维list awardOccupancy = [n for m,n,p in candidate] ObstaclDist = [p for m,n,p in candidate] closedObstaclDist = np.min(ObstaclDist) # 检查是否可通行 indHalfOptimal = np.where(np.array(awardOccupancy)>0)[0] # 索引数组 dimIndHalfOptimal = np.array(indHalfOptimal).size defaultCandi = int(len(dfMap)/2) # 默认直接跟踪中线 xCtrPath = np.array([]) yCtrPath = np.array([]) indOptimal = defaultCandi print 'safe number', dimIndHalfOptimal if dimIndHalfOptimal == 0: flagCandidateAllDie = 1 # 有障碍物,不能通行 xCtrPath = xCenterGlobal yCtrPath = yCenterGlobal else: # 先找出最右的path,作为右边界。也就是最后一位索引path-->dfSafe[-1] dfSafe = dfMapTemp[indHalfOptimal] # df_map是list不能用此方法索引 # 然后找到距离右边界安全距离的path #左手坐标系 # dfCandi = dfSafe[-1]-1. # indOptimalTemp = bisect.bisect_left(dfSafe,dfCandi) # numpy.searchsorted() # 右手坐标系 # idea1 dfCandi = dfSafe[0]+1. indOptimalTemp = bisect.bisect_right(dfSafe,dfCandi) # numpy.searchsorted() # indOptimalTemp = np.argmin(costAll) # # idea2 indOptimalTemp = int(len(indHalfOptimal)/2) indOptimal = indHalfOptimal[indOptimalTemp] #通过上一步索引,反推剩下一半,也即是全局索引 # indOptimal = defaultCandi # 直接跟踪中线,只作用于显示 pointOptimal = pathCandidate[indOptimal] xOptimalGlb, yOptimalGlb = commonFcn.local_2_global_vect(position,pointOptimal) # select path to control module, according to option that choose local planning or not. if vehicle_model.locPlan == True: # use local planning path xCtrPath = xOptimalGlb yCtrPath = yOptimalGlb else: # use map directly xCtrPath = xCenterGlobal yCtrPath = yCenterGlobal # 模式判断 # 首先处理大曲率转弯时,缩短预瞄距离 distPreviewCurv = CALIBRT['distPreview'] distPreviewReplan = CALIBRT['distPreview'] # if recv['flagBigCurv'] == True: # distPreviewCurv = 9. if flagCandidateAllDie == 1: if closedObstaclDist < CALIBRT['distObstDetect']: print("closedObstaclDist is ", closedObstaclDist, ' m') # rospy.logwarn("due to obstacle, there is no path, please stop") modeDrive = STOP_SAFE else: # 减速,并缩短规划路径,重规划 # modeDrive = DECELERATE modeDrive = NORMAL # CSD countCALIBRTGLB += 5 distPlanLag = -1. # 规划周期内行驶距离 distPreviewReplan = CALIBRT['distObstDetect'] + distPlanLag else: # 恢复预瞄距离 if countCALIBRTGLB > 0: countCALIBRTGLB -= 1 if countCALIBRTGLB == 0: CALIBRT = rospy.get_param('~CALIBRT') modeDrive = NORMAL CALIBRT['distPreview'] = min(distPreviewCurv, distPreviewReplan, CALIBRT['distPreview']) pathCandidate = np.array(pathCandidate) result = {'xCtrPath':xCtrPath, 'yCtrPath':yCtrPath, \ 'xGlbPath':xCenterGlobal, 'yGlbPath':yCenterGlobal, \ 'pathCandidate':pathCandidate, 'indOptimal':indOptimal, \ 'modeDrive':modeDrive, 'distObst':closedObstaclDist} return result def getOccupancyGridForward(data): recv['OccupancyValueForward'] = np.array(, def getOccupancyGridBackward(data): recv['OccupancyValueBackward'] = np.array(, def getCAN(data): recv['is_shifting'] = data.is_shifting recv['start_trace'] = data.start_trace def getVehState(data): global flagPositionReceivedGLB flagPositionReceivedGLB = True recv['x'] = data.x recv['y'] = data.y recv['z'] = data.z recv['roll'] = data.roll recv['pitch'] = data.pitch recv['azimuth'] = data.azimuth recv['speed'] = data.speed recv['brake_stat'] = data.brake_stat recv['shift'] = data.shift def getSteerAngle(data): recv['curvature'] = data.curvature recv['flagBigCurv'] = data.flagBigCurv def getSafeAreaWarn(data): recv['stopSafeArea'] = data.stopSafeArea def getCloudTask(data): recv['cloudTaskID'] = data.taskID recv['cloudStartTask'] = data.startTask recv['cloudPathType'] = data.VPathType # recv['cloudFlagPoint'] = data.taskID if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('local_planning', anonymous = False) recv = {'x':0., 'y':0., 'z':0., 'roll':0., 'pitch':0., 'azimuth':0., \ 'speed':0., 'brake_stat':0, 'shift':shift_P, \ 'is_shifting':False, 'start_trace':START_TRACE_INIT, \ 'OccupancyValueForward':np.zeros([300,201]), \ 'OccupancyValueBackward':np.zeros([300,201]), \ 'curvature':0.000001, 'flagBigCurv':False, 'stopSafeArea':False, \ 'cloudTaskID':0, 'cloudStartTask':False, 'cloudPathType':0, 'vbrMode':0} # Loading Parameters # Constant Parameters param_file = cur_path + '/../params/paramLWB.yaml' with open(param_file,'r') as f: param = yaml.load(f) mapTypeGLB = param["map"]["mapType"] taskTypeGLB = param["map"]["taskType"] if mapTypeGLB == 'raw' or taskTypeGLB == 'csdCircle': # 校园正常测试,而不是模拟出山店 numAllLaneGLB = 1 distBetweenLaneGLB = 1. # 可随意设置,不再用到 timesSingleLaneGLB = 1 else: numAllLaneGLB = param["map"]["numAllLane"] distBetweenLaneGLB = param["map"]["distBetweenLane"] timesSingleLaneGLB = param["map"]["timesSingleLane"] # initialize Calibrated Parameters rospy.set_param('~GLBflagOpenCalib', 0) # 控制标定量接收程序,初始化将yaml中的强制覆盖 # CALIBRT = rospy.get_param('~CALIBRT') param_file = cur_path + '/../params/calibParam.yaml' with open(param_file,'r') as f: param = yaml.load(f) CALIBRT = param["local_planning"]["CALIBRT"] rospy.Subscriber("vehState", VehState, getVehState) rospy.Subscriber("/forward/final_grid", OccupancyGrid, getOccupancyGridForward) rospy.Subscriber("/backward/final_grid", OccupancyGrid, getOccupancyGridBackward) rospy.Subscriber("/mcu_flag", mcuFlag, getCAN) rospy.Subscriber('steerAngleCmd', stm32TX, getSteerAngle) rospy.Subscriber('safeArea', PlanOP, getSafeAreaWarn) rospy.Subscriber('cloudChatter',cloudTask, getCloudTask) basePathPub = rospy.Publisher('basePath', PathDisplay, queue_size =1) planPub = rospy.Publisher('planOutput', PlanOP, queue_size =5) state = Planning() rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): state.calibrate() state.update() state.publish() rate.sleep(),'../log/logDistErr.npy'),GLBlogDistErr) rospy.spin() #rospy.spin()作用是当节点停止时让python程序退出,和C++ spin的作用不同
def genBlocksWorld(self): """Generates a world of exclusive-owned colored blocks. Creates n_agents+1 clusters of objects, each of which is clustered by color, position, proximity, or any combination. Agent IDs start at 1, and colors are procedurally named as 'color0', 'color1', etc. """ n_agents = rospy.get_param("blocks_world/n_agents", 3) n_objects = rospy.get_param("blocks_world/n_objects", 20) # Variables to cluster blocks by cluster_vars = rospy.get_param("blocks_world/cluster_vars", ['color', 'position', 'proximity', 'time']) # Distance paramaters avatar_rng = rospy.get_param("blocks_world/avatar_rng", [0.4, 0.8]) cluster_rng = rospy.get_param("blocks_world/cluster_rng", [0.4, 0.8]) cluster_rad = rospy.get_param("blocks_world/cluster_rad", 0.3) object_rng = rospy.get_param("blocks_world/object_rng", [-1.0, 1.0]) # Color names color_names = rospy.get_param("blocks_world/color_names", ["none", "red", "green", "blue"]) # Avg interaction periods (how frequently objects are interacted with) beta_owned = rospy.get_param("blocks_world/beta_owned", 10.0) beta_unowned = rospy.get_param("blocks_world/beta_unowned", 1000.0) # Store scenario generation time t_now = # Update color database for c_id in range(n_agents + 1): if c_id < len(color_names): c_name = color_names[c_id] else: c_name = "color" + str(c_id) color_names.append(c_name) rospy.set_param("colors/" + c_name, [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]) # Generate agents and their avatars for i in range(n_agents): av = Object(id=self.avt_base_id+i, is_avatar=True) ag = Agent(id=i+1, dist = r.uniform(*avatar_rng) angle = r.uniform(i, i+1) * 2 * math.pi / n_agents av.position = Point(x=dist*math.cos(angle) + self.home_pos.x, y=dist*math.sin(angle) + self.home_pos.y, z=self.ground_lvl) self.agent_db[] = ag self.object_db[] = av # Generate cluster centers if 'proximity' in cluster_vars: # Centers are avatar locations if clustering by proximity centers = ([Point(self.home_pos.x, self.home_pos.y, self.ground_lvl)] + [av.position for av in self.object_db.values()]) else: # Otherwise, just cluster based on absolute position centers = [] for i in range(n_agents + 1): dist = r.uniform(*cluster_rng) angle = r.uniform(i, i+1) * 2 * math.pi / (n_agents + 1) c = Point(x=dist*math.cos(angle) + self.home_pos.x, y=dist*math.sin(angle) + self.home_pos.y, z=self.ground_lvl) centers.append(c) # Generate objects within each cluster for i in range(n_objects): obj = Object(id=self.obj_base_id+i) c_id = i % (n_agents + 1) # Cluster ID, with 0 unowned # Set membership in block category to 1 obj.categories["block"] = 1.0 # Generate object locations if ('position' in cluster_vars or 'proximity' in cluster_vars): # Cluster around centers r_offset = r.uniform(0, cluster_rad) r_angle = r.uniform(0, 2*math.pi) c = centers[c_id] obj.position = Point(x=c.x + r_offset * math.cos(r_angle), y=c.y + r_offset * math.sin(r_angle), z=c.z) else: # Uniform distribution if no position or proximity clustering obj.position = Point(x=r.uniform(*object_rng), y=r.uniform(*object_rng), z=self.ground_lvl) # Generate object colors if 'color' in cluster_vars: # Associate cluster with color obj.color = color_names[c_id] else: # Choose color uniformly at random col_id = r.choice(range(n_agents+1)) obj.color = color_names[col_id] # Generate last interaction times according to exp. distribution if 'time' in cluster_vars: for a_id in range(1, n_agents+1): if a_id == c_id: t_last_action = np.random.exponential(beta_owned) else: t_last_action = np.random.exponential(beta_unowned) t_last_action = rospy.Duration(t_last_action) obj.t_last_actions[a_id] = t_now - t_last_action # Assign ownership if not unowned if c_id > 0: obj.ownership[c_id] = 1.0 self.object_db[] = obj
def execute(self, userdata): rospy.set_param('/aggregator/inVisionTracking', self.state) return 'succeeded'
def setParam(self, name, value): rospy.set_param(self.prefix + "/" + name, value) self.updateParamsService([name])
def execute(self, userdata): rospy.set_param('/aggregator/inStateMachine', self.state) return 'succeeded'
'--target-network-update-freq', type=int, default=10, help="freq (in training examples) in which to flush core network to" " target network") parser.add_argument( '--target-network-update-coeff', type=float, default=1.0, help="affine coeff for target network update. 0 => no update," " 0.5 => mean of core/target, 1.0 => clobber target completely") opts = parser.parse_args() print "OPTS", opts # push refreshable args to param server rospy.set_param("/q_table_policy/discount", opts.q_discount) rospy.set_param("/q_table_policy/learning_rate", opts.q_learning_rate) rospy.set_param("/q_table_policy/state_normalisation_squash", opts.q_state_normalisation_squash) rospy.set_param("/q_table_policy/summary_log_freq", opts.summary_log_freq) rospy.set_param("/q_table_policy/target_network_update_freq", opts.target_network_update_freq) # build policy NUM_ACTIONS = 3 # TODO: shared with sim if opts.policy == "Baseline": policy = policy.baseline.BaselinePolicy() elif opts.policy == "DiscreteQTablePolicy": policy = policy.discrete_q_table.DiscreteQTablePolicy( num_actions=NUM_ACTIONS) elif opts.policy == "NNQTablePolicy":
def setParams(self, params): for name, value in params.iteritems(): rospy.set_param(self.prefix + "/" + name, value) self.updateParamsService(params.keys())
def startCloudRecognition(self): #Get path to the local cloud data base object_path = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir( 'qbo_webi' ) + "/config/" + "cloud_objects_" + self.language["current_language"] #Check if the objects folder exists and if not, create it if not os.path.exists(object_path): os.makedirs(object_path) rospy.loginfo("Qbo Webi: Path for the cloud's objects: " + object_path) #If version file does not exists if not os.path.isfile(object_path + "/version"): #Download latest version rospy.loginfo( "Qbo Webi: Downloading latest version from the Cloud") resp = self.download_latest_version(object_path) if resp != "ok": return json.dumps({ 'status': 'Unable to download latest version from Cloud', 'object': 'none' }) else: #Read version file version_str = "" try: version_file = open(object_path + "/version") version_str = version_file.close() except IOError as e: return json.dumps({ 'status': 'Could not access local files', 'object': 'none' }) #Get latest version of Cloud rospy.loginfo( "Qbo Webi: Getting version number from Cloud...") resp = self.get_version() if resp == "": return json.dumps({ 'status': 'Could not get version number from Cloud', 'object': 'none' }) rospy.loginfo("Qbo Webi: Latest version is " + resp + " and local version is " + version_str) if resp == version_str: #If you have latest version, don't do anything rospy.loginfo( "Qbo Webi: Local version is the latest version: " + version_str) else: rospy.loginfo( "Qbo Webi: Downloading latest version from Cloud") #download latest version resp = self.download_latest_version(object_path) if resp != "ok": return json.dumps({ 'status': 'Unable to download latest version from Cloud', 'object': 'none' }) rospy.loginfo( "Qbo Webi: Latest version has been succesfully downloaded from Cloud" ) #Store the previous update_path update_path_back = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir( 'qbo_object_recognition') + "/objects/objects_db/" rospy.loginfo("Qbo Webi: Storing the previous update path: " + update_path_back) #Change the update_path of the object recognizer rospy.set_param("/qbo_object_recognition/update_path", object_path) rospy.loginfo( "Qbo Webi: Loading object recognition with the cloud object path") #Update the objects folder of the object recognizer to the latest version of cloud rospy.loginfo("Qbo Webi: Waiting for service update...") rospy.wait_for_service("/qbo_object_recognition/update") rospy.loginfo("Qbo Webi: Update service is ready!") update_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/qbo_object_recognition/update', Update) resultUpdating = update_srv() #Call the recognize service of the object recognizer rospy.loginfo( "Qbo Webi: Started object recognizer mode. Waiting for service...") rospy.wait_for_service( "/qbo_object_recognition/recognize_with_stabilizer") rospy.loginfo("Qbo Webi: Recognize service is ready!") recog = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/qbo_object_recognition/recognize_with_stabilizer', RecognizeObject) object_recog = recog() #Restore the previous update_path and load the previous object daba base rospy.set_param("/qbo_object_recognition/update_path", update_path_back) rospy.loginfo( "Restoring the object recognition node with the previous data base" ) update_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/qbo_object_recognition/update', Update) resultUpdating = update_srv() output = json.dumps({ 'status': 'ok', 'object': str(object_recog.object_name) }) return output
launch.launch(virtual_sensor_node) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: print('Object Spawning Error') pass try: launch.spin() except rospy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException: # After Ctrl+C is pressed. pass if __name__ == '__main__': # Specify the initial sensor poses and target poses here. # Simplified pose format: [x,y,theta]. # The number of sensors and targets to use is automatically determined by the dimensions of poses passed in. sensor_poses=[ # [1,1,-3.04],\ [1,1.5,-3.04],\ [1,0.5,-3.04]] target_poses = [[2.4, 4.5, 3.14 / 2]] noise_level = input('Additive Gaussian Noise Std(a non-negative number):') rospy.set_param('noise_level', float(noise_level)) # Specify the path to a basis launch file. It usually contains information about the .world file. # Here we use the empty world launch file provided by gazebo_ros. launch_simulation(sensor_poses=sensor_poses, target_poses=target_poses)
#Give time for everything to start up if args.less_wait: time.sleep(10) else: if args.debug: time.sleep( 27 ) #spawning a bunch of xterms for debugging takes longer than subprocesses else: time.sleep(17) #End If different physical genome print('Loading received genome into ros param and setting ready msg') # Load the data into a parameter in ROS rospy.set_param('rover_genome', data['genome']) # Send a ready message on the topic to the behavior node pub.publish(std_msgs.msg.Empty()) print('Done! Entering sleep onto sim evaluation is complete.') # Wait for a result to return from the basicbot node # TODO: Remove this spinning while loop with a different construct. # Dependent upon the internal structure of ROS nodes! # TODO: get the dependent software crash reset working wihtout having to send back a -1 result this_eval_start = while evaluation_result == '': current_time = if (current_time - this_eval_start).total_seconds() > max_single_sim_running_time:
def cbCameraInfo(self): self.imgWidth = rospy.get_param("/raspicam/width") self.imgHeight = rospy.get_param("/raspicam/height") rospy.set_param("/raspicam/vFlip", True)
def retrieve(listener, br, isExecute=True, objId='expo_eraser', binId=0, withPause=False, viz_pub=None, recorder=None, ws_object=None): liftoff_pub = rospy.Publisher('/liftoff_time', std_msgs.msg.String, queue_size=10, latch=False) def compose_output(): return { 'collision': collision, 'grasp_possible': grasp_possible, 'plan_possible': plan_possible, 'execution_possible': execution_possible, 'gripper_opening': gripper_opening, 'graspPose': graspPose, 'gelsight_data': gelsight_data, 'final_object_pose': final_object_pose } q_initial = ik.helper.get_joints() bin_pose = ik.helper.get_params_yaml('bin' + str(binId) + '_pose') spatula_tip_to_tcp_dist = rospy.get_param( "/gripper/spatula_tip_to_tcp_dist") l1 = 0.0 l2 = 0.0 l3 = spatula_tip_to_tcp_dist tip_hand_transform = [l1, l2, l3, 0, 0, 0] delta_vision_pose = ik.helper.get_params_yaml('vision_pose_picking') delta_vision_pose[3:7] = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0]) vision_pos = np.array(bin_pose[0:3]) + np.array(delta_vision_pose[0:3]) vision_pos[2] = 0.17786528 plans = [] plans_grasping = [] graspPose = [] plan_possible = False execution_possible = False gripper_opening = 0.0 grasp_possible = True gelsight_data = [] collision = False final_object_pose = None rospy.set_param('is_record', False) rospy.set_param('is_contact', False) # ~10. Move to a location above the bin plan, qf, plan_possible = generatePlan(q_initial, vision_pos, delta_vision_pose[3:7], tip_hand_transform, 'fastest', plan_name='retrieve_object') if plan_possible: plans_grasping.append(plan) q_initial = qf else: return compose_output() if isExecute and plan_possible: #Publish liftoff time liftoff_msgs = std_msgs.msg.String() = 'Liftoff (Robot command)' liftoff_pub.publish(liftoff_msgs) #Execute non-guarded grasp plan move executePlanForward(plans_grasping, withPause) #~Check if picking success low_threshold = 0.0035 high_threshold = 0.027 #shake robot rospy.sleep(1.5) if gripper.getGripperopening() > high_threshold and isExecute: # We initialize drop listener ws_object.start_listening_for_drop(bin_num=binId) ik.ik.shake() rospy.sleep(2.) # We stop drop listener ws_object.stop_listening_for_drop() ### We stop recording if recorder is not None: recorder.stop_recording(save_action=True) lasers.stop(binId) if isExecute and plan_possible: rospy.sleep(2) gripper_opening = gripper.getGripperopening() if gripper_opening > high_threshold: rospy.loginfo('[Picking] ***************') rospy.loginfo('[Picking] Pick Successful (Gripper Opening Test)') rospy.loginfo('[Picking] ***************') execution_possible = True #temporary hack else: rospy.loginfo('[Picking] ***************') rospy.loginfo('[Picking] Pick Inconclusive (Gripper Opening Test)') rospy.loginfo('[Picking] ***************') execution_possible = None elif not isExecute: execution_possible = plan_possible return compose_output()
def _copy_to_parameter_server(self): for param in extract_params(self.type.config_description): rospy.set_param(self._prefix + param['name'], self.config[param['name']])
def sliderKpRepVel(self): position = self.horizontalSlider_kp_r_vel.sliderPosition() rospy.set_param('swarm_node/local_plan/kp_repulsive_vel', (position / 50.0)) self.lineEdit_kp_r_vel.setText( str(rospy.get_param('swarm_node/local_plan/kp_repulsive_vel')))
def place(listener, br, isExecute=True, binId=0, withPause=False, rel_pose=None, BoxBody=None, place_pose=None, viz_pub=None, is_drop=True, recorder=None): ######################################################### # fhogan and nikhilcd # Description: #~2017 picking primitive # #~Usage #~ pick(objInput, listener, br, isExecute = True, objId = 'cheezit_big_original', flag = 1, withPause = False, rel_pose=None, BoxBody=None, place_pose=None, viz_pub=None): # #~Parameters: # #~Inputs: # 1) objInput: Input from vision or RViz (list of 12, or 7) # 2) listener: Input from vision or RViz (list of 12, or 7) # 3) br: Input from vision or RViz (list of 12, or 7) # 4) isExecute: execute the robot motion if possible or not? (Bool) # 5) objId: name of object (str) # 6) binId: bin in which we need to place the objects. (It is useless when flag 0 and 1) # 7) flag: Type of action directed by planning (0:run picking, 1:go to home (camera), 2: drop the object at target location) # 8) withPause: Pause between robot motions (Bool) # 9) rel_pose: object pose relative to link_6 # 10) BoxBody: Bounding box points resolved in link 6 frame # 11) place_pose: desired position of bounding box # 12) viz_pub: desired position of bounding box # #~Output: # Dictionary of following keys: # 1) grasp_possible: Does the object fit in the hand? (True/False) # 2) plan_possible: Has the plan succeeded? (True/False) # 3) execution_possible: Is there anything in the grasp? (True/False) # 4) gripper_opening: gripper opening after grasp attempt (in meters) # 5) graspPose: pose of the gripper at grasp (7X1 - position and quaternion) # 6) gelsight_data: [] , dummy for now ######################################################### #rospy.logdebug(msg, *args) #rospy.loginfo(msg, *args) #rospy.logwarn(msg, *args) #rospy.logerr(msg, *args) #rospy.logfatal(msg, *args) ############################### ## Pring input variables for ## ############################### rospy.logdebug('[Picking] withPause %s', withPause) rospy.logdebug('[Picking] rel_pose %s', rel_pose) rospy.logdebug('[Picking] BoxBody %s', BoxBody) rospy.logdebug('[Picking] place_pose %s', place_pose) ######################## ## Initialize values ## ######################## q_initial = ik.helper.get_joints() bin_pose = ik.helper.get_params_yaml('bin' + str(binId) + '_pose') spatula_tip_to_tcp_dist = rospy.get_param( "/gripper/spatula_tip_to_tcp_dist") delta_vision_pose = ik.helper.get_params_yaml('vision_pose_picking') vision_pos = np.array(bin_pose[0:3]) + np.array(delta_vision_pose[0:3]) plans = [] plans_grasping = [] plans_grasping2 = [] plans_guarded = [] plans_guarded2 = [] plans_placing = [] plans_placing2 = [] graspPose = [] plan_possible = False execution_possible = False gripper_opening = 0.0 grasp_possible = True gelsight_data = [] collision = False final_object_pose = None rospy.set_param('is_record', False) rospy.set_param('is_contact', False) liftoff_pub = rospy.Publisher('/liftoff_time', std_msgs.msg.String, queue_size=10, latch=False) def compose_output(): return { 'collision': collision, 'grasp_possible': grasp_possible, 'plan_possible': plan_possible, 'execution_possible': execution_possible, 'gripper_opening': gripper_opening, 'graspPose': graspPose, 'gelsight_data': gelsight_data, 'final_object_pose': final_object_pose } ######################### ## Constant parameters ## ######################### UpdistFromBinFast = 0.15 # Margin above object during "move to a location" UpdistFromBinGuarded = 0.05 # Margin above object during "move to a location" gripperOriHome = [0, 1, 0, 0] l1 = 0.0 l2 = 0.0 l3 = spatula_tip_to_tcp_dist tip_hand_transform = [l1, l2, l3, 0, 0, 0] vision_pos[2] = 0.17786528 ############# ## Placing ## ############# #if primitive called without placing arguments, go to center of bin if rel_pose == None: drop_pose = ik.helper.get_params_yaml('bin' + str(binId) + '_pose') drop_pose[3:7] = gripperOriHome else: drop_pose = ik.helper.drop_pose_transform(binId, rel_pose, BoxBody, place_pose, viz_pub, listener, br) #~ Adjust height according to weigth if is_drop: drop_offset = 0.15 else: drop_offset = 0.025 #~set drop pose target z position to be bottom of bin drop_pose[2] = bin_pose[2] - rospy.get_param('tote/height') + drop_offset #~Predrop: go to top middle bin surface fast without guarded move predrop_pos = np.array(drop_pose[0:3]) predrop_pos[2] = bin_pose[2] + 0.05 ###################### ## Generate plans ## ###################### #~move safe to placing bin number rospy.logdebug( '[Picking] Collision free placing to binId %s and position %s', binId, predrop_pos) # if isExecute: # q_initial = collision_free_placing(binId, listener, obj_ID=objId, BoxBody=BoxBody, isSuction = False,with_object = True, hand_orientation=drop_pose[3:7],projected_target_position = predrop_pos, isReturn = True) # if update_command is not None: # update_command.execute() #~0.go up to avoid collision with tote walls current_pose = ik.helper.get_tcp_pose(listener, tcp_offset=l3) current_pose[2] = current_pose[2] + 0.15 plan, qf, plan_possible = generatePlan(q_initial, current_pose[0:3], current_pose[3:7], tip_hand_transform, 'faster', plan_name='go_up') if plan_possible: plans.append(plan) q_initial = qf else: return compose_output() motion to bin surface high predrop_pos_high = predrop_pos predrop_pos_high[2] = current_pose[2] plan, qf, plan_possible = generatePlan(q_initial, predrop_pos_high, drop_pose[3:7], tip_hand_transform, 'faster', plan_name='go_bin_surface_high') if plan_possible: plans.append(plan) q_initial = qf else: return compose_output() motion to bin surface predrop_pos[2] = bin_pose[2] + 0.05 plan, qf, plan_possible = generatePlan(q_initial, predrop_pos, drop_pose[3:7], tip_hand_transform, 'faster', plan_name='go_bin_surface') if plan_possible: plans.append(plan) q_initial = qf else: return compose_output() #~2. Guarded move down slow plan, qf, plan_possible = generatePlan(q_initial, drop_pose[0:3], drop_pose[3:7], tip_hand_transform, 'fast', guard_on=WeightGuard(binId, threshold=100), backwards_speed='superSaiyan', plan_name='guarded_drop') if plan_possible: plans_placing.append(plan) q_initial = qf else: return compose_output() #~3. open gripper grasp_plan = EvalPlan('helper.moveGripper(0.110, 200)') plans_placing2.append(grasp_plan) #~4. open spatula grasp_plan = EvalPlan('') plans_placing2.append(grasp_plan) #~5. go to predrop_pos plan, qf, plan_possible = generatePlan(q_initial, predrop_pos[0:3], drop_pose[3:7], tip_hand_transform, 'superSaiyan', plan_name='predrop_pos') if plan_possible: plans_placing2.append(plan) q_initial = qf else: return compose_output() #~6. go to final pose final_pos = bin_pose[0:3] final_pos[2] = bin_pose[2] + 0.3 plan, qf, plan_possible = generatePlan(q_initial, final_pos, drop_pose[3:7], tip_hand_transform, 'superSaiyan', plan_name='final_pose') if plan_possible: plans_placing2.append(plan) q_initial = qf else: return compose_output() #~ Execute plans if plan_possible: if isExecute: executePlanForward(plans, withPause) #We start recording now if recorder is not None: lasers.start(binId) recorder.start_recording( action='placing', action_id=str("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")), tote_num=binId, frame_rate_ratio=5, image_size=-1) rospy.set_param('is_record', True) executePlanForward(plans_placing, withPause) if rospy.get_param('is_contact'): ik.helper.move_cart(dz=0.015) executePlanForward(plans_placing2, withPause) rospy.set_param('is_record', False) if recorder is not None: recorder.stop_recording(save_action=True) lasers.stop(binId) execution_possible = True return compose_output()
def sliderKpAtt(self): position = self.horizontalSlider_kp_att.sliderPosition() rospy.set_param('swarm_node/local_plan/kp_attractive', (position / 50.0)) self.lineEdit_kp_att.setText( str(rospy.get_param('swarm_node/local_plan/kp_attractive')))
def grasp(objInput, listener, br, isExecute=True, objId='expo_eraser', binId=0, withPause=False, viz_pub=None, recorder=None): ######################################################### # fhogan and nikhilcd # Description: #~2017 picking primitive # #~Usage #~ pick(objInput, listener, br, isExecute = True, objId = 'cheezit_big_original', flag = 1, withPause = False, rel_pose=None, BoxBody=None, place_pose=None, viz_pub=None): # #~Parameters: # #~Inputs: # 1) objInput: Input from vision or RViz (list of 12, or 7) # 2) listener: Input from vision or RViz (list of 12, or 7) # 3) br: Input from vision or RViz (list of 12, or 7) # 4) isExecute: execute the robot motion if possible or not? (Bool) # 5) objId: name of object (str) # 6) binId: bin in which we need to place the objects. (It is useless when flag 0 and 1) # 7) flag: Type of action directed by planning (0:run picking, 1:go to home (camera), 2: drop the object at target location) # 8) withPause: Pause between robot motions (Bool) # 9) rel_pose: object pose relative to link_6 # 10) BoxBody: Bounding box points resolved in link 6 frame # 11) place_pose: desired position of bounding box # 12) viz_pub: desired position of bounding box # #~Output: # Dictionary of following keys: # 1) grasp_possible: Does the object fit in the hand? (True/False) # 2) plan_possible: Has the plan succeeded? (True/False) # 3) execution_possible: Is there anything in the grasp? (True/False) # 4) gripper_opening: gripper opening after grasp attempt (in meters) # 5) graspPose: pose of the gripper at grasp (7X1 - position and quaternion) # 6) gelsight_data: [] , dummy for now ######################################################### #rospy.logdebug(msg, *args) #rospy.loginfo(msg, *args) #rospy.logwarn(msg, *args) #rospy.logerr(msg, *args) #rospy.logfatal(msg, *args) ############################### ## Pring input variables for ## ############################### rospy.logdebug('[Picking] objInput %s', objInput) rospy.logdebug('[Picking] objId %s', objId) rospy.logdebug('[Picking] withPause %s', withPause) ######################## ## Initialize values ## ######################## q_initial = ik.helper.get_joints() bin_pose = ik.helper.get_params_yaml('bin' + str(binId) + '_pose') spatula_tip_to_tcp_dist = rospy.get_param( "/gripper/spatula_tip_to_tcp_dist") delta_vision_pose = ik.helper.get_params_yaml('vision_pose_picking') vision_pos = np.array(bin_pose[0:3]) + np.array(delta_vision_pose[0:3]) plans = [] plans_grasping = [] plans_grasping2 = [] plans_guarded = [] plans_guarded2 = [] plans_placing = [] plans_placing2 = [] graspPose = [] plan_possible = False execution_possible = False gripper_opening = 0.0 grasp_possible = True gelsight_data = [] collision = False final_object_pose = None rospy.set_param('is_record', False) rospy.set_param('is_contact', False) def compose_output(): return { 'collision': collision, 'grasp_possible': grasp_possible, 'plan_possible': plan_possible, 'execution_possible': execution_possible, 'gripper_opening': gripper_opening, 'graspPose': graspPose, 'gelsight_data': gelsight_data, 'final_object_pose': final_object_pose } ######################### ## Constant parameters ## ######################### UpdistFromBinFast = 0.15 # Margin above object during "move to a location" UpdistFromBinGuarded = 0.05 # Margin above object during "move to a location" gripperOriHome = [0, 1, 0, 0] l1 = 0.0 l2 = 0.0 l3 = spatula_tip_to_tcp_dist tip_hand_transform = [l1, l2, l3, 0, 0, 0] vision_pos[2] = 0.17786528 ############################### ## Picking primitive ## ############################### # ik.visualize_helper.visualize_grasping_proposals(viz_pub, np.asarray([objInput]), listener, br, False) #~Define reference frames world_X, world_Y, world_Z, tote_X, tote_Y, tote_Z, tote_pose_pos = ik.helper.reference_frames( listener=listener, br=br) #~get grasp pose and gripper opening from vision if len(objInput) == 12: graspPos, hand_X, hand_Y, hand_Z, grasp_width = ik.helper.get_picking_params_from_12( objInput) graspPos = graspPos # + hand_X*0.02*1 elif len(objInput) == 7: graspPos, hand_X, hand_Y, hand_Z, grasp_width = ik.helper.get_picking_params_from_7( objInput, objId, listener, br) #frank hack for stationary spatula: grasp_width = 0.11 #~build gripper orientation matrix 3x3 hand_orient_norm = np.vstack([hand_X, hand_Y, hand_Z]) hand_orient_norm = hand_orient_norm.transpose() #~Grasp relocation script hand_orient_quat = ik.helper.mat2quat(hand_orient_norm) euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(hand_orient_quat) theta = euler[2] - np.pi colFreePose = collisionFree(graspPos, binId=binId, listener=listener, br=br, finger_opening=grasp_width, safety_margin=0.00, theta=theta) graspPos[0:2] = colFreePose[0:2] ################################# ## GENERATE PLANS OF PRIMITIVE ## #################################. #~ Start from home position # if isExecute: # q_initial = collision_free_placing(binId, listener, isSuction = False, with_object = False, hand_orientation=[0,1,0,0], projected_target_position = bin_pose[0:3], isReturn = True) # scorpion.back() #~0. Move to a location above the bin, Rotate gripper to grasp orientation pregrasp_targetPosition = graspPos pregrasp_targetPosition[2] = bin_pose[2] + UpdistFromBinFast plan, qf, plan_possible = generatePlan(q_initial, pregrasp_targetPosition, hand_orient_quat, tip_hand_transform, 'superSaiyan', plan_name='go_safe_bin') if plan_possible: plans.append(plan) q_initial = qf else: return compose_output() #~1. Move to to surface of bin pregrasp_targetPosition[2] = bin_pose[2] + UpdistFromBinGuarded plan, qf, plan_possible = generatePlan(q_initial, pregrasp_targetPosition, hand_orient_quat, tip_hand_transform, 'superSaiyan', plan_name='go_top_bin') if plan_possible: plans.append(plan) q_initial = qf else: return compose_output() #~2. Open gripper grasp_plan = EvalPlan('helper.moveGripper(%f, 200)' % grasp_width) plans.append(grasp_plan) #~ 3. Open spatula grasp_plan = EvalPlan('') plans.append(grasp_plan) grasp_targetPosition = deepcopy(graspPos) # rospy.loginfo('[Picking] Grasp Target %s', grasp_targetPosition) #~4. sleep sleep_plan = EvalPlan('rospy.sleep(0.2)') plans.append(sleep_plan) #~5. perform guarded move down grasp_targetPosition[2] = bin_pose[2] - rospy.get_param( '/tote/height') + 0.02 #~frank hack for safety plan, qf, plan_possible = generatePlan(q_initial, grasp_targetPosition, hand_orient_quat, tip_hand_transform, 'faster', guard_on=WeightGuard(binId, threshold=100), plan_name='guarded_pick') if plan_possible: plans_guarded.append(plan) q_initial = qf else: return compose_output() #~7. Close spatula grasp_plan = EvalPlan('spatula.close()') plans_guarded2.append(grasp_plan) #~8. Close gripper grasp_plan = EvalPlan('helper.graspinGripper(%f,%f)' % (800, 30)) plans_guarded2.append(grasp_plan) #~9. sleep sleep_plan = EvalPlan('rospy.sleep(0.6)') plans_guarded2.append(sleep_plan) #~10. Move to a location above the bin # plan, qf, plan_possible = generatePlan(q_initial, vision_pos, delta_vision_pose[3:7], tip_hand_transform, 'fastest', plan_name = 'retrieve_object') # if plan_possible: # plans_grasping.append(plan) # q_initial = qf # else: # return compose_output() ################ ## EXECUTION ### ################ if isExecute and plan_possible: executePlanForward(plans, withPause) ###We start recording now if recorder is not None: lasers.start(binId) recorder.start_recording( action='grasping', action_id=str("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")), tote_num=binId, frame_rate_ratio=5, image_size=-1) #Execute guarded move rospy.set_param('is_record', True) executePlanForward(plans_guarded, withPause) if rospy.get_param('is_contact'): ik.helper.move_cart(dz=0.005) executePlanForward(plans_guarded2, withPause) rospy.set_param('is_record', False) elif not isExecute: execution_possible = plan_possible return compose_output()
def sliderSafetyRange(self): position = self.horizontalSlider_safety_range.sliderPosition() rospy.set_param('swarm_node/local_plan/safety_range', (position / 10.0)) self.lineEdit_safety_range.setText( str(rospy.get_param('swarm_node/local_plan/safety_range')))
def sliderKdRep(self): position = self.horizontalSlider_kd_rep.sliderPosition() rospy.set_param('swarm_node/local_plan/kd_repulsive', (position / 50.0)) self.lineEdit_kd_rep.setText( str(rospy.get_param('swarm_node/local_plan/kd_repulsive')))