def send_command(self, command): """Send command to the robot. @param command: command to send to robot (tuple) returns: respons from robot (tuple) """ #msg = ','.join(map(str, command)) msg = ','.join(str(x) for x in command) + '\r' #rospy.loginfo("msg=%s", str(msg)) if not self.fake_connection: done = False start_time = rospy.get_rostime() while not done: try: if self.sci is None: self.sci = SerialInterface(self.tty, self.baudrate) with self.sci.lock: self.sci.flush_input() self.sci.send(msg) rsp = #rsp = msg #rospy.loginfo("rsp=%s", str(rsp)) done = True except Exception, err: rospy.logerr(str(err)) if rospy.get_rostime() - start_time > self.connection_timeout: raise rospy.ROSInterruptException("connection to robot seems broken") self.sci = None # assume serial interface is broken rospy.loginfo('waiting for connection') rospy.sleep(1.) # wait 1 seconds before retrying
def main(): rospy.init_node('state_machine') sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['END']) with sm: smach.StateMachine.add('LISTEN', Listen(), transitions={'Bell':'NAVIGATION'}) smach.StateMachine.add('NAVIGATION', Navigation(), transitions={'SPEECH':'SPEECH','RECOGNITION':'RECOGNITION','DELIMAN_IN_KITCHEN':'DELIMAN_IN_KITCHEN','DOCTOR_IN_BEDROOM':'DOCTOR_IN_BEDROOM','BYE':'BYE','Failed':'NAVIGATION','Unknown':'END'}) smach.StateMachine.add('RECOGNITION', Recognition(), transitions={'Doctor':'DOCTOR','Deliman':'DELIMAN','Postman':'POSTMAN','Unknown':'UNKNOWN_PERSON','Unrecognised':'SPEECH','No Face':'SPEECH','Unsure':'SPEECH'}) smach.StateMachine.add('CONFIRM_RECOGNITION', ConfirmRecognition(), transitions={'Doctor':'DOCTOR','Deliman':'DELIMAN','Postman':'POSTMAN','Unknown':'UNKNOWN_PERSON','Unrecognised':'RECOGNITION','Unsure':'CONFIRM_RECOGNITION'}) smach.StateMachine.add('SPEECH', SpeechState(), transitions={'NAVIGATION':'NAVIGATION','RECOGNITION':'RECOGNITION','LISTEN':'LISTEN','POSTMAN_ENTERED':'POSTMAN_ENTERED','POSTMAN_WAIT':'POSTMAN_WAIT','DELIMAN_ENTERED':'DELIMAN_ENTERED','DELIMAN_WAIT':'DELIMAN_WAIT','DOCTOR_ENTERED':'DOCTOR_ENTERED','DOCTOR_WAIT':'DOCTOR_WAIT','CONFIRM_RECOGNITION':'CONFIRM_RECOGNITION'}) smach.StateMachine.add('DOCTOR', Doctor(), transitions={'NAVIGATION':'NAVIGATION'}) smach.StateMachine.add('DELIMAN', Deliman(), transitions={'NAVIGATION':'NAVIGATION'}) smach.StateMachine.add('POSTMAN', Postman(), transitions={'NAVIGATION':'NAVIGATION'}) smach.StateMachine.add('UNKNOWN_PERSON', UnknownPerson(), transitions={'Speech':'SPEECH'}) smach.StateMachine.add('POSTMAN_ENTERED', PostmanEntered(), transitions={'Speech':'SPEECH'}) smach.StateMachine.add('POSTMAN_WAIT', PostmanWait(), transitions={'Leaving':'BYE'}) smach.StateMachine.add('DELIMAN_ENTERED', DelimanEntered(), transitions={'Speech':'SPEECH'}) smach.StateMachine.add('DELIMAN_IN_KITCHEN', DelimanInKitchen(), transitions={'Speech':'SPEECH'}) smach.StateMachine.add('DELIMAN_WAIT', DelimanWait(), transitions={'Leaving':'SPEECH'}) smach.StateMachine.add('DOCTOR_ENTERED', DoctorEntered(), transitions={'Speech':'SPEECH'}) smach.StateMachine.add('DOCTOR_IN_BEDROOM', DoctorInBedroom(), transitions={'Speech':'SPEECH'}) smach.StateMachine.add('DOCTOR_WAIT', DoctorWait(), transitions={'Leaving':'SPEECH'}) smach.StateMachine.add('BYE', Bye(), transitions={'Speech':'SPEECH'}) rospy.sleep(2) Recognition.unknown_count = 0 outcome = sm.execute()
def create_test_sock(pcap_filename): rospy.sleep(0.1) import pcapy from StringIO import StringIO from impacket import ImpactDecoder body_list = [] cap = pcapy.open_offline(pcap_filename) decoder = ImpactDecoder.EthDecoder() while True: header, payload = if not header: break udp = decoder.decode(payload).child().child() body_list.append(udp.child().get_packet()) data_io = StringIO(''.join(body_list)) class MockSocket(object): def recv(self, byte_count): rospy.sleep(0.0001) data = if data == "": rospy.signal_shutdown("Test completed.") return data def settimeout(self, timeout): pass return MockSocket()
def logger(): rospy.init_node('log_imu_topic', anonymous=False) rospy.Subscriber("uav0/imu", Imu, imu_callback) while not rospy.is_shutdown (): rospy.sleep(0.1)
def load_config_from_param(): # first, make sure parameter server is even loaded while not rospy.search_param("/joints"): rospy.loginfo("waiting for parameter server to load with joint definitions") rospy.sleep(1) rospy.sleep(1) joints = rospy.get_param('/joints') for name in joints: rospy.loginfo( "found: " + name ) s = Servo() key = '/joints/' + name + '/' s.bus = rospy.get_param(key + 'bus') s.servoPin = rospy.get_param(key + 'servoPin') s.minPulse = rospy.get_param(key + 'minPulse') s.maxPulse = rospy.get_param(key + 'maxPulse') s.minGoal = rospy.get_param(key + 'minGoal') s.maxGoal = rospy.get_param(key + 'maxGoal') = rospy.get_param(key + 'rest') s.maxSpeed = rospy.get_param(key + 'maxSpeed') s.smoothing = rospy.get_param(key + 'smoothing') s.sensorpin = rospy.get_param(key + 'sensorPin') s.minSensor = rospy.get_param(key + 'minSensor') s.maxSensor = rospy.get_param(key + 'maxSensor') servos[name] = s return servos
def broadcast(self): f = open("/home/davinci2/catkin_ws/src/davinci_vision/launch/BC_registration/camera_frame.p", "rb") self.camera_transform = pickle.load(f) f.close() #SOMETIMES NEED TO INVERT X & Y AXES; just change from 1 to -1 and vice versa offset = tfx.transform([SKETCH_OFFSET, 0, CAP_OFFSET], [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) self.camera_transform = tfx.transform(self.camera_transform).as_transform() * offset transform = tfx.inverse_tf(self.camera_transform) pt = transform.translation rot = transform.rotation msg = TransformStamped() msg.header.stamp = msg.transform.rotation.x = rot.x msg.transform.rotation.y = rot.y msg.transform.rotation.z = rot.z msg.transform.rotation.w = rot.w msg.child_frame_id = "left_BC" msg.transform.translation.x = pt.x msg.transform.translation.y = pt.y msg.transform.translation.z = pt.z msg.header.frame_id = "registration_brick_right" msg.header.stamp = print('boo') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg.header.stamp =[msg]) rospy.sleep(0.1)
def main_loop(self): img = Image() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #print "getting image..", image = self.camProxy.getImageRemote(self.nameId) #print "ok" # TODO: better time img.header.stamp = img.header.frame_id = self.frame_id img.height = image[1] img.width = image[0] nbLayers = image[2] #colorspace = image[3] if image[3] == kYUVColorSpace: encoding = "mono8" elif image[3] == kRGBColorSpace: encoding = "rgb8" elif image[3] == kBGRColorSpace: encoding = "bgr8" else: rospy.logerror("Received unknown encoding: {0}".format(image[3])) img.encoding = encoding img.step = img.width * nbLayers = image[6] self.info_.width = img.width self.info_.height = img.height self.info_.header = img.header self.pub_img_.publish(img) self.pub_info_.publish(self.info_) rospy.sleep(0.0001)# TODO: is this necessary? self.camProxy.unsubscribe(self.nameId)
def execute(self, userdata): log('In state SPEECH. Message: ' + SpeechState.msg) say(SpeechState.msg) rospy.sleep(1) return SpeechState.next_state
def speak(message): string = message music_stream_uri = ''+string player = gst.element_factory_make("playbin","player") player.set_property('uri',music_stream_uri) player.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING) rospy.sleep(4)
def execute(self,userdata): self.angle = userdata.angle_in print self.angle move_cmd = Twist() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): move_cmd = Twist() self.odom_angle = self.get_odom_angle() last_angle = self.odom_angle turn_angle = 0 angular_speed = self.speed while abs(float(turn_angle)) < abs(float(self.angle)): if rospy.is_shutdown(): return "succeeded" if self.angle < 0: move_cmd.angular.z = -angular_speed else: move_cmd.angular.z = angular_speed self.cmd_vel.publish(move_cmd) self.r.sleep() self.odom_angle = self.get_odom_angle() delta_angle = self.secretindigal * self.normalize_angle(self.odom_angle - last_angle) turn_angle += delta_angle last_angle = self.odom_angle rospy.sleep(0.5) if move_cmd.angular.z != 0.0: self.cmd_vel.publish(move_cmd) else: break self.cmd_vel.publish(Twist()) return "succeeded"
def serWrite(myStr): try: for i in range(len(myStr)): ser.write(myStr[i]) rospy.sleep(0.0001) # Sometimes, a delay seems to help. Maybe? except: rospy.logerr("[GS] Unable to send data. Check connection.")
def complete_timing_trials(): rospy.init_node('time_trials') times = dict(zip(['pickup', 'place'], [[], []])) awesome = pick_and_place() for i in range(5): #raw_input("pick up object?") start = rospy.get_rostime().to_sec() result = awesome.pick_up() while not result: result = awesome.pick_up() continue end = rospy.get_rostime().to_sec() times['pickup'].append(int(end - start)+1) # ceiling round off #raw_input("place object?") rospy.sleep(1) # wait for robot to see AR tag start = rospy.get_rostime().to_sec() result = while not result: result = end = rospy.get_rostime().to_sec() times['place'].append(int(end - start)+1) # ceiling round off with open("time_results.csv", "wb") as f: for key in times: f.write( "%s, %s\n" % (key, ", ".join(repr(e) for e in times[key])))
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('vel_def') self.scale_rotRob = rospy.get_param("~scaleRotRob",0.5) self.sigmaVel = rospy.get_param("~sigmaVel",0.5) self.minVel = rospy.get_param("~minVel",0.025) self.maxVel = rospy.get_param("~maxVel",0.3) self.minVelForRot = rospy.get_param("~minVelForRot",0.08) self.maxRotRob = rospy.get_param("~maxRotRob",0.5) self.maxRotCam = rospy.get_param("~maxRotCam",0.5) self.scale_lin = rospy.get_param("~scale_lin",0.5) self.sigmaRot = rospy.get_param("~sigmaRot",0.08) self.scale_rotCam = rospy.get_param("~scaleRotCam",0.5) self.scale_rotInit = rospy.get_param("~scaleRotInit",1) rospy.Subscriber("~servo", Twist, self.convert_vel) sub = rospy.Subscriber('~joy', Joy, self.joy_cb) sub = rospy.Subscriber('/imu/data', Imu, self.imu_cb) self.rob_twist_pub = rospy.Publisher("~rob_twist_pub", Twist) self.pan_pub_fl = rospy.Publisher("~pan_pub_float",Float64) self.pan_pub_tw = rospy.Publisher("~pan_pub_twist",Twist) self.ang_rob = 0 self.omega_z = 0 self.reached_goal = 0 self.reconfig_srv = Server(VelConvertConfig, self.reconfig_cb) rospy.sleep(1.0)
def start(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.kikloi+=1 print "kikloi=", self.kikloi state=randrange(2) print "state=", state if state==0: philosopherState="STATE_NOTHING" print philosopherState self.philosopherIState="ISTATE_NOTHING" rospy.sleep(0.1) elif state==1: philosopherState="STATE_ACTIVE" print philosopherState self.stateActive() print "state Active" if self.kikloi<=self.allagi: self.hunger_level_=self.philosopher.recalculateHunger(self.philosopherIState,self.last_hunger_update_,self.hunger_level_) else: self.hunger_level_=self.findTheRightRecalculateHunger(self.scenario_code) print "recalculate" self.last_hunger_update_=rospy.get_time() philosopherIState="ISTATE_WAITING" else: print "state error"
def main(): frizzle = QuadcopterBrain() # Quadcopter node (carl) must be initialized before get_param will work outside = rospy.get_param("Quadcopter/outside", False) rospy.loginfo("In outside mode: %s.", outside) rospy.loginfo("If incorrect, add _outside:=True to the rosrun call") frizzle.quadcopter.clear_waypoints() rospy.loginfo("Sleeping for 3 seconds...") rospy.sleep(3) #To change waypoints, change the file shown below mission_waypoints = WaypointTools.open_waypoint_file( "great_lawn_waypoints.json") if outside: frizzle.quadcopter.arm() #If mission file has all of the points of interest, use: #for point in mission_waypoints: # mission.append(point) #frizzle.fly_path(mission) frizzle.fly_path([mission_waypoints["F"], mission_waypoints["E"], mission_waypoints["G"]])
def __init__(self, name, log_level=rospy.INFO, start=True): rospy.init_node(name, log_level=log_level) self.clear_octomap_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/octomap_server/clear_bbx', BoundingBoxQuery) self.reset_octomap_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/octomap_server/reset', Empty) is_sim = rospy.get_param("~is_simulation", False) self.is_ready = True rospy.wait_for_service('/obstacle_generator') rospy.wait_for_service('/goal_manager/add_goal', 5) rospy.wait_for_service('/move_base/make_plan', 5) if not is_sim: rospy.wait_for_message('/odometry/filtered', Odometry, timeout=None) rospy.sleep(0.02) self.generate_obstacle_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/obstacle_generator', GenerateObstacle) self.send_goal_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/goal_manager/add_goal', AddGoal) rospy.Subscriber("/goal_manager/current", GoalWithPriority, self.goal_callback) rospy.Subscriber("/goal_manager/last_goal_reached", Bool, self.last_goal_callback) self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.goal_count = 0 self.tf_listener.waitForTransform("/odom", "/base_footprint", rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(6.0)) self.is_ready = True self.save_start_pos() rospy.loginfo("StateAi {} started.".format(name)) if start: self.on_start() rospy.spin()
def __init__(self, port=None, baud=57600, timeout=5.0): """ Initialize node, connect to bus, attempt to negotiate topics. """ self.mutex = thread.allocate_lock() self.lastsync = rospy.Time(0) self.lastsync_lost = rospy.Time(0) self.timeout = timeout self.synced = False self.pub_diagnostics = rospy.Publisher('/diagnostics', diagnostic_msgs.msg.DiagnosticArray) if port== None: # no port specified, listen for any new port? pass elif hasattr(port, 'read'): #assume its a filelike object self.port=port else: # open a specific port try: self.port = Serial(port, baud, timeout=self.timeout*0.5) except SerialException as e: rospy.logerr("Error opening serial: %s", e) rospy.signal_shutdown("Error opening serial: %s" % e) raise SystemExit self.port.timeout = 0.01 # Edit the port timeout time.sleep(0.1) # Wait for ready (patch for Uno) # hydro introduces protocol ver2 which must match node_handle.h # The protocol version is sent as the 2nd sync byte emitted by each end self.protocol_ver1 = '\xff' self.protocol_ver2 = '\xfe' self.protocol_ver = self.protocol_ver2 self.publishers = dict() # id:Publishers self.subscribers = dict() # topic:Subscriber = dict() # topic:Service self.buffer_out = -1 self.buffer_in = -1 self.callbacks = dict() # endpoints for creating new pubs/subs self.callbacks[TopicInfo.ID_PUBLISHER] = self.setupPublisher self.callbacks[TopicInfo.ID_SUBSCRIBER] = self.setupSubscriber # service client/servers have 2 creation endpoints (a publisher and a subscriber) self.callbacks[TopicInfo.ID_SERVICE_SERVER+TopicInfo.ID_PUBLISHER] = self.setupServiceServerPublisher self.callbacks[TopicInfo.ID_SERVICE_SERVER+TopicInfo.ID_SUBSCRIBER] = self.setupServiceServerSubscriber self.callbacks[TopicInfo.ID_SERVICE_CLIENT+TopicInfo.ID_PUBLISHER] = self.setupServiceClientPublisher self.callbacks[TopicInfo.ID_SERVICE_CLIENT+TopicInfo.ID_SUBSCRIBER] = self.setupServiceClientSubscriber # custom endpoints self.callbacks[TopicInfo.ID_PARAMETER_REQUEST] = self.handleParameterRequest self.callbacks[TopicInfo.ID_LOG] = self.handleLoggingRequest self.callbacks[TopicInfo.ID_TIME] = self.handleTimeRequest rospy.sleep(2.0) # TODO self.requestTopics() self.lastsync =
def lookAroundAction(self): self.say("I'm looking for somebody. Please come closer.") p = PointStamped() p.header.stamp = p.header.frame_id = "/base_link" p.point.x = 5.0 sign = random.choice([-1, 1]) p.point.y = sign * random.uniform(1.5, 0.5) p.point.z = random.uniform(1.7, 0.2) self._head_buff.put((copy.deepcopy(p), 0.1, True)) p.point.y = -1 * sign * random.uniform(1.5, 0.5) p.point.z = random.uniform(1.7, 0.2) self._head_buff.put((copy.deepcopy(p), 0.1, True)) p.point.y = sign * random.uniform(1.5, 0.5) p.point.z = random.uniform(1.7, 0.2) self._head_buff.put((copy.deepcopy(p), 0.1, True)) p.point.y = -1 * sign * random.uniform(1.5, 0.5) p.point.z = random.uniform(1.7, 0.2) self._head_buff.put((copy.deepcopy(p), 0.1, True)) rospy.loginfo("Looking around") rospy.sleep(1)
def publish_robot_status(): status_updates = rospy.Publisher('status_updates', String) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): update = robot.status rospy.loginfo(update) status_updates.publish(String(update)) rospy.sleep(0.5)
def send_clusters(): pub = rospy.Publisher( 'test_cluster', Cluster2 ) rospy.init_node( 'test_cluster' ) rospy.loginfo( 'Cluster test started. Sending cluster points...' ) br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #points = np.random.randn( points_number, 3 ) #points = points / 2.5 * range_size points = [] for i in range( points_number ): points.append([ np.random.randint( -1 * range_size, range_size ), np.random.randint( -1 * range_size, range_size ), np.random.randint( -1 * range_size, range_size )]) points = np.asarray( points ) pub.publish( gen_cluster_msg( points, get_points_label( points ))) br.sendTransform((0, 0, 0), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0),, "base_link", "map") rospy.sleep( 1. / fps )
def align(self): with self.lock: angle = self._scan_angle no_data_count = 0 count = 0 epsilon = 0.05 cmd = Twist() while True: #self._inital_wall_angle: if angle == 0: # magic number, means we have no data yet no_data_count += 1 if no_data_count == 40: return False if self._stop or rospy.is_shutdown(): return False elif count > 20: with self.lock: self._centred_gyro_angle = self._gyro_angle cmd.angular.z = 0.0 self.cmd_vel_publisher.publish(cmd) return True if math.fabs(angle) < 0.05: count = count + 1 # The work if angle > 0: cmd.angular.z = -0.2 else: cmd.angular.z = 0.2 self.cmd_vel_publisher.publish(cmd) rospy.sleep(0.05) with self.lock: angle = self._scan_angle print "end of align"
def startlistening(self, msg): speech = sl = 'jude' if sl in speech: self.ct = 1 self.soundhandle.say('i am here', self.voice) rospy.sleep(0.02)
def execute(self, userdata): self.publisher = rospy.Publisher('/Module_Enable', ModuleEnableMsg) self.subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('/Task_Completion', String, self.taskCompleted) self.buoySubscriber = rospy.Subscriber('img_rec/buoys/red', ImgRecObject, self.buoyLoc) self.depthSubscriber = rospy.Subscriber('Sub_Depth', Float32, self.depth) msg = ModuleEnableMsg() msg.Module = 'NewBuoyTask' msg.State = True self.publisher.publish(msg) #keep trying until preempted, success, or timeout while self.timeout > 0: if self.buoyHit: self.beDone() return 'succeeded' if self.preempt_requested(): self.beDone() self.service_preempt() return 'preempted' if self.objectLost: self.scanForBuoy() else: self.descendToBuoy() self.alignWithBouy() self.advance() self.extendTimeout() # we decide the object is lost until we receive another message self.objectLost = True rospy.sleep(1) self.timeout -= 1 self.objectLost = True #we timed out self.beDone() return 'timeout'
def talker(): global joy_value global last_joy rospy.init_node('vrep_ros_teleop') sub = rospy.Subscriber('~joy', Joy, joy_cb) pub = rospy.Publisher('~twistCommand', Twist, queue_size=1) axis_linear = rospy.get_param("~axis_linear",1) axis_angular = rospy.get_param("~axis_angular",0) scale_linear = rospy.get_param("~scale_linear",5.) scale_angular = rospy.get_param("~scale_angular",10.) timeout = True while not rospy.is_shutdown(): twist = Twist() if (rospy.rostime.get_time() - last_joy) < 0.5: if timeout: timeout = False rospy.loginfo("Accepting joystick commands") twist.linear.x = joy_value.axes[axis_linear] * scale_linear twist.angular.z = joy_value.axes[axis_angular] * scale_angular if twist.linear.x < 0: twist.angular.z = - twist.angular.z else: if not timeout: timeout = True rospy.loginfo("Timeout: ignoring joystick commands") pub.publish(twist) rospy.sleep(0.1)
def start(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) # Catch Ctrl-Cs self.initRobot() self.initComms("haptic_mpc") rospy.sleep(1.0) # Delay to allow the ROS node to initialise properly. self.initControlParametersFromServer() r = rospy.Rate(self.frequency) self.time_step = 1.0/self.frequency rospy.loginfo("Haptic MPC: Waiting for Robot Haptic State message") while not self.getJointAngles(): r.sleep() rospy.loginfo("Haptic MPC: Got Robot Haptic State message") rospy.loginfo("Haptic MPC: Resetting desired joint angles to current position") self.publishDesiredJointAngles(self.getJointAngles()) # Main control loop rospy.loginfo("Haptic MPC: Starting MPC") # lasttime = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.updateController() #rospy.spin() # For debug - run once r.sleep()
def run(self): while self.joint_names is None: print "Waiting for joint state information from %s/state topic" %self.controller rospy.sleep(2) print "Received joint state information. Sending neck to default position (0.0m)" head_up_msg = self.head_up_msg() self.goal_pub.publish(head_up_msg)
def goal_cb(self, goal): self.update_goal(goal.goal) update_rate = rospy.Rate(40) command = Twist() while not (rospy.is_shutdown() or self.at_goal): command.linear.x = self.get_trans_x() command.linear.y = self.get_trans_y() command.angular.z = self.get_rot() (x,y,z) = self.avoid_obstacles() if x is not None: command.linear.x = x if y is not None: command.linear.y = y command.angular.z += z if command.linear.y > 0: if not self.left_clear(): command.linear.y = 0.0 elif command.linear.y < 0: if not self.right_clear(): command.linear.y = 0.0 #print "Sending vel_command: \r\n %s" %self.command self.vel_out.publish(command) rospy.sleep(0.01) #Min sleep update_rate.sleep() #keep pace if self.at_goal: print "Arrived at goal" result = ServoResult() result.arrived = Bool(True) self.servoing_as.set_succeeded(result)
def execute(self, userdata): sss.move("gripper", "open", blocking=False) # sss.move("arm", "zeroposition") for object in userdata.object_list: # ToDo: need to be adjusted to correct stuff if object.pose.pose.position.z <= 0.0 or object.pose.pose.position.z >= 0.10: continue sss.move("arm", "zeroposition", mode="planned") #object.pose.pose.position.z = object.pose.pose.position.z + 0.02 object.pose.pose.position.x = object.pose.pose.position.x + 0.01 object.pose.pose.position.y = object.pose.pose.position.y - 0.005 handle_arm = sss.move("arm", [object.pose.pose.position.x, object.pose.pose.position.y, object.pose.pose.position.z, "/base_link"], mode="planned") if handle_arm.get_state() == 3: sss.move("gripper", "close", blocking=False) rospy.sleep(3.0) sss.move("arm", "zeroposition", mode="planned") return 'succeeded' else: rospy.logerr('could not find IK for current object') return 'failed'
def __init__(self): #start node rospy.init_node("map_saver") rospy.on_shutdown(self.die) #get parameters from server self.save_dir = rospy.get_param("map_save_dir","map_log/") #default to .ros/map_log update_rate = rospy.get_param("map_save_update_rate",120) #update once every 2 min #create directory and set clean_open self.clean_open=self.create_dir() #create dictionaries self.edges={} #dictionary of edge_id:edge_obj self.nodes={} #dictionary of node_id:node_obj #begin listening rospy.Subscriber("/node",GVGNode, self.node_handler) rospy.Subscriber("/edge",GVGEdgeMsg, self.edge_handler) self.updated=False #while alive and able to open the file self.alive=True while(self.clean_open and self.alive): if(self.updated): self.dump(str(rospy.get_time())) self.updated=False rospy.sleep(update_rate)
raw_keys = masterPoseDict['poses'].keys() if len(raw_keys) == 0: continue sorted_keys = sorted( raw_keys, key=lambda x: int(x[9:])) # 9 because 'trainEnv_' is 9 characters print('sorted keys:') print(len(sorted_keys)) for i, pose_name in enumerate(sorted_keys): print("iter number: " + str(i) + " \n\n\n") gazeboMod.delete_obstacles() print("POSE: " + str(pose_name)) new_pose = masterPoseDict['poses'][pose_name] gazeboMod.permute_obstacles(new_pose) print("Loaded new pose and permuted obstacles") rospy.sleep(30) # make sure the scene is generated call = create_call(executable, rootPath, pose_name) ### Printing the executable call and allowing user to manually cycle through environments for demonstration print(call) ### Uncomment below to call pointcloud_to_pcd executable which takes snapshot of the streaming pointcloud data ### and saves it to a .pcd file in a desired file location (as specified by prefix in the command call) print("Calling executable... \n\n\n") t = time.time() stderr_f = open('log.txt', 'w') p = subprocess.Popen(call, stderr=stderr_f) rospy.sleep(2) p.terminate() # original version
#set goal goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = 0.0 goal.target_pose.pose.position.y = 1.0 goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'map' goal.target_pose.header.stamp = # Start the robot toward the next location self.move_base.send_goal(goal) # Allow 30 seconds to get there finished_within_time = self.move_base.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(30)) rospy.loginfo("OK 1") def shutdown(self): rospy.loginfo("Stopping the robot...") #self.move_base.cancel_goal() rospy.sleep(2) self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(Twist()) rospy.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': try: x = NavTest() rospy.sleep(2) x.shutdown() rospy.loginfo("OK 2") except rospy.ROSInterruptException: rospy.loginfo("Navigation test finished.")
def check_mood(topic): s = "Currently, public opinion about covid is mostly neutral. On Twitter posts there are more negative posts on the topic than positive." speak_comp(s) if __name__ == "__main__": tlk = "Adjusting for ambient noise, please be quiet" speak_comp(tlk) with m as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) rospy.sleep(1) check = True count = 0 while check: if count == 0: s = recognize( "Hi, I am Palpi. Your personal assistant in times of covid19. I can help with covid tips, reports, statistics or tell you news about possible vaccine. What would you line to know?" ).lower() else: s = recognize( "Would you like to know more about tips, reports, public opinion or statistics?" ).lower() print("heard: " + s) print(type(s)) parsed = interpreter.parse(s) obj = objectify(parsed)
def filterCB(self, msg): if msg.mode is controllerFusionMsg.IGNORE: self.is_collision_expected = True rospy.sleep(0.1) # TODO else: self.is_collision_expected = False
def get_current_pos(self, frame='end'): while self.joint_position[0] == 0: rospy.loginfo('Waiting for joint angles...') rospy.sleep(1) return self.forward_kinematics(self.joint_position, frame)
def stopSlowly(): global VelocityMessage_publisher global VelocityMes VelocityMessage.linear.x = 0.09 VelocityMessage_publisher.publish rospy.sleep(0.2) VelocityMessage.linear.x = 0.08 VelocityMessage_publisher.publish(VelocityMessage) rospy.sleep(0.2) VelocityMessage.linear.x = 0.07 VelocityMessage_publisher.publish(VelocityMessage) rospy.sleep(0.2) VelocityMessage.linear.x = 0.06 VelocityMessage_publisher.publish(VelocityMessage) rospy.sleep(0.2) VelocityMessage.linear.x = 0.05 VelocityMessage_publisher.publish(VelocityMessage) rospy.sleep(0.2) VelocityMessage.linear.x = 0.04 VelocityMessage_publisher.publish(VelocityMessage) rospy.sleep(0.2) VelocityMessage.linear.x = 0.03 VelocityMessage_publisher.publish(VelocityMessage) rospy.sleep(0.2) VelocityMessage.linear.x = 0.02 VelocityMessage_publisher.publish(VelocityMessage) rospy.sleep(0.2) VelocityMessage.linear.x = 0.01 VelocityMessage_publisher.publish(VelocityMessage) rospy.sleep(0.2) VelocityMessage.linear.x = 0.0 VelocityMessage_publisher.publish(VelocityMessage) rospy.sleep(0.5) VelocityMessage.linear.x = 0.0 VelocityMessage_publisher.publish(VelocityMessage) rospy.sleep(0.5)
def shutdown(self): rospy.loginfo("Stopping the robot...") #self.move_base.cancel_goal() rospy.sleep(2) self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(Twist()) rospy.sleep(1)
def gripper_open(self): rospy.sleep(1.0)
def sleep(t): try: rospy.sleep(t) except: pass
def gripper_close(self): self._gripper.close() rospy.sleep(1.0)
vel_linear_x_send = 100 * vel_linear_x + 100 vel_angular_z_send = 30 * vel_angular_z + 90 # [60 - 120]3 str1 = str(chr(int(vel_linear_x_send))) #print str1 #print vel_linear_x_send str1 = str(chr(int(vel_angular_z_send))) #print str1 #print vel_angular_z_send #ser.write(str(chr(int(vel_linear_x_send)))) #ser.write(str(chr(int(vel_angular_z_send)))) a = chr(int(vel_linear_x_send)) b = chr(int(vel_angular_z_send)) s = a + b print s #ser.write(chr(int(vel_linear_x_send))) #ser.write(chr(int(vel_angular_z_send))) ser.write(s) ser.isOpen() rospy.init_node('llc_node', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber("/cmd_vel", Twist, cmdvel_callback) #while 1: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #time.sleep(0.05) rospy.sleep(0.02) rospy.spin() #rospy.Subscriber("/cmd_vel", Twist, cmdvel_callback)
def move_to_start(self, start_angles=None): print("Moving the {0} arm to start pose...".format(self._limb_name)) if not start_angles: start_angles = dict(zip(self._joint_names, [0]*7)) self._guarded_move_to_joint_position(start_angles) rospy.sleep(1.0)
"rh_LFJ1": 90, "rh_LFJ2": 90, "rh_LFJ3": 90, "rh_LFJ4": 0, "rh_LFJ5": 0, "rh_WRJ1": 0, "rh_WRJ2": 0} # store step 2 Bio_Tac store_2_BioTac = {"rh_THJ1": 20, "rh_THJ2": 36, "rh_THJ3": 0, "rh_THJ4": 30, "rh_THJ5": -3, "rh_FFJ1": 90, "rh_FFJ2": 90, "rh_FFJ3": 90, "rh_FFJ4": 0, "rh_MFJ1": 90, "rh_MFJ2": 90, "rh_MFJ3": 90, "rh_MFJ4": 0, "rh_RFJ1": 90, "rh_RFJ2": 90, "rh_RFJ3": 90, "rh_RFJ4": 0, "rh_LFJ1": 90, "rh_LFJ2": 90, "rh_LFJ3": 90, "rh_LFJ4": 0, "rh_LFJ5": 0, "rh_WRJ1": 0, "rh_WRJ2": 0} # store step 3 store_3 = {"rh_THJ1": 0, "rh_THJ2": 0, "rh_THJ3": 0, "rh_THJ4": 65, "rh_THJ5": 0} for x in range(0, 100): print "We're on iteration number %d" % (x) rospy.sleep(1) hand_commander.move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe(store_3, 1.1, False, angle_degrees=True) rospy.sleep(1.1) hand_commander.move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe(start_pos, 1.1, False, angle_degrees=True) rospy.sleep(1.1) hand_commander.move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe(flex_ff, 1.0, False, angle_degrees=True) rospy.sleep(1.1) hand_commander.move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe(ext_ff, 1.0, False, angle_degrees=True) rospy.sleep(1.1) hand_commander.move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe(flex_mf, 1.0, False, angle_degrees=True) rospy.sleep(1.1) hand_commander.move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe(ext_mf, 1.0, False, angle_degrees=True) rospy.sleep(1.1) hand_commander.move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe(flex_rf, 1.0, False, angle_degrees=True) rospy.sleep(1.1) hand_commander.move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe(ext_rf, 1.0, False, angle_degrees=True)
def shutdown(self): if self.goal_sent: self.move_base.cancel_goal() rospy.loginfo("Stop") rospy.sleep(1)
import Utils import rospy rospy.init_node("flight") ir = Utils.IR() desription = { "6897": "Noose through Ring", "9867": "Noose through Gate", "b04f": "Fly to start point with purple led and landing", "30cf": "Fly to start point with blue led and landing", "18e7": "Fly to payload zone with yellow led and landing" } ir_cmds = ["6897", "9867", "b04f", "30cf", "18e7"] ccc = ir.waitData(ir_cmds) print(desription[ccc]) rospy.sleep(0.2)
global scanMessageQueue scanMessageQueue = Queue.Queue() #Subscribe to map updates map_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, mapCallback, queue_size=1) #check scan_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/hsrb/base_scan', LaserScan, scanCallback, queue_size=1) # costmap_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/move_base/local_costmap/costmap', OccupancyGrid, costmapCallback, queue_size=1) #Start requesting position in background Thread(target=request_pos_at_rate, name="Request_pos_at_rate Thread", args=[POS_REQUEST_RATE]).start() Thread(target=scanProcessing, name="Request_pos_at_rate Thread").start() print "Waiting for the initial position from tf...", while not receivedInitPos or not receivedNewMap or not receivedNewCostMap: rospy.sleep(.1) pass print "DONE" print "Started exploration." #control = RobotControl(rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop', Twist, queue_size=5), POS_REQUEST_RATE, ROTATE_AROUND_GRANULARITY, ANGLE_TOLERANCE, POS_TOLERANCE) # control.rotate(math.pi) exploreEnvironment() global save_map_path print "Done with exploration. Exiting..." print "saving map" os.system(save_map_path)
global xact, yact, yaw, vact, wact xact, yact, yaw, vact, wact = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 vref = 8 Radius = 40.0 xact, yact, theta_old = Radius, 0.0, 0.0 x_ref, y_ref, theta_up = Radius, 0.0, 0.0 rospy.init_node('check', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber('/agent_0/odom', Odometry, datagps) pub_speed = rospy.Publisher('/agent_0/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) pub_graph_data = rospy.Publisher('/graph_data', Float64MultiArray, queue_size=100) graph_data = Float64MultiArray() speed_car = Twist() rospy.sleep(5.0) time_init = rospy.get_time() while True: global xact, yact, yaw, vact, wact time_curr = rospy.get_time() deltat = time_curr - time_init theta_dot_up = vref / Radius theta_up = theta_old + deltat * theta_dot_up x_ref = Radius * math.cos(theta_up) y_ref = Radius * math.sin(theta_up) theta_act = yaw if theta_act < 0: theta_act += 2 * math.pi
def test_AA_initial_state(self): # test the initial state of kill signal self.AlarmBroadcaster.clear_alarm() rospy.sleep(0.1) self.assertEqual(self.AlarmListener.is_cleared(), True, msg='current state of kill signal is raised')
def turn(deg): angle_to_achieve = (get_yaw() + deg) angle_to_achieve -= 360. if angle_to_achieve > 360. else 0. vel.linear.x = 0 vel.angular.z =0.4 rate = rospy.Rate(5) print "Target::" + str(angle_to_achieve) rospy.sleep(.5) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and abs(angle_diff(get_yaw(), angle_to_achieve)) > 0.5: vel_pub.publish(vel) print "yaw_now::"+ str(get_yaw()) rate.sleep() vel.angular.z = 0 vel_pub.publish(vel) # while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # vel.angular.z = 0.4 # vel_pub.publish(vel) # print "YAW:: " + str(get_yaw()) # rate.sleep() print "YAW1:: " + str(get_yaw()) rospy.sleep(2.) print "YAW1:: " + str(get_yaw()) turn(90) print "YAW2:: " + str(get_yaw()) rospy.sleep(2.) turn(180) print "YAW1:: " + str(get_yaw())
def listener(): rospy.init_node('listener', anonymous=True) rospy.sleep(rospy.get_param('delay', 0.0)) rospy.Subscriber("chatter", String, callback) rospy.spin()
def main(): # initiate node rospy.init_node('SNU_drone', anonymous=True) # controller object cnt = Controller() # flight mode object modes = fcuModes() # ROS loop rate rate = rospy.Rate(20.0) # Subscribe to drone's local position rospy.Subscriber('mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, cnt.posCb) # cnt.local_pos = Drone's local_position rospy.sleep(0.2) rospy.Subscriber('mavros/global_position/global', NavSatFix, cnt.posCb_glob) # cnt.global_pos = Drone's GPS position(lat, long, alt) rospy.sleep(0.2) rospy.Subscriber('/Target_GPS_msg', Target_GPS, cnt.GPS_callback) rospy.sleep(0.2) # Setpoint publisher sp_pub = rospy.Publisher('mavros/setpoint_raw/local', PositionTarget, queue_size=1) rospy.sleep(0.2) sp_glob_pub = rospy.Publisher('mavros/setpoint_raw/global', GlobalPositionTarget, queue_size=1) rospy.sleep(0.2) ########################################## #### Now the Drone starts operation!! #### ########################################## # # Arm the drone modes.setArm() rospy.sleep(1) # # We need to send few setpoint messages, then activate OFFBOARD mode, to take effect k=0 while k<10: sp_pub.publish(cnt.sp) rate.sleep() k = k + 1 # # activate OFFBOARD mode modes.setOffboardMode() # # TakeOff modes.setTakeoff(cnt.global_pos) rospy.sleep(3) # Update sp_glob to Target's GPS cnt.updateSp_glob() print(cnt.sp_glob) rospy.sleep(1) # # Update sp to Target's local position # # cnt.updateSp() # # rospy.sleep(1) # # Move the drone to Target's GPS position # sp_glob_pub.publish(cnt.sp_glob) modes.setTakeoff(cnt.sp_glob) rospy.sleep(5) # # Move the drone to Target's local position by Camera info # # sp_pub.publish(cnt.sp) # # rospy.sleep(3) # Land the drone modes.setAutoLandMode() rospy.sleep(3) # Disarm the drone modes.setDisarm() rospy.sleep(2)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import rospy import numpy as np from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist, Vector3 from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan dist = None def scaneou(dado): global dist dist = np.array(dado.ranges)[0] if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("le_scan") velocidade_saida = rospy.Publisher("/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=3) recebe_scan = rospy.Subscriber("/scan", LaserScan, scaneou) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if dist < 1: velocidade = Twist(Vector3(-0.2, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0)) velocidade_saida.publish(velocidade) rospy.sleep(0.5) elif dist > 1.2: velocidade = Twist(Vector3(0.2, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0)) velocidade_saida.publish(velocidade) rospy.sleep(0.5)
numberOfObjectDetectionRuns += 1 numberOfAllSearchedObjectTypes += len(self.searched_object_types) rospy.loginfo("Number of object detections: " + str(numberOfObjectDetectionRuns)) rospy.loginfo("Number of all searched_object_types: " + str(numberOfAllSearchedObjectTypes)) rospy.loginfo("Average number of searched_object_types per run: " + str((1.0 * numberOfAllSearchedObjectTypes / numberOfObjectDetectionRuns))) detectors_manager = ObjectDetectorsManager() if detectors_manager.start_recognizers( self.searched_object_types) is 'aborted': return 'aborted' # wait till object detectors will be started rospy.sleep(2.0) # Listen for 'detection_duration * number_of_searched_object_types' seconds for detected objects rospy.loginfo("All requested recognizers should now publish to " + "/stereo/objects") wait_time = rospy.get_param("/nbv/speedFactorRecognizer") * len( self.searched_object_types) future = time() + wait_time sub = rospy.Subscriber('/stereo/objects', AsrObject, self.detection_callback) while (time() < future): pass # unregister, otherwise the callbacks are still called sub.unregister() if detectors_manager.stop_recognizers(
def docking(self): print "DOCKINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" # TEST 3 CASES HERE EACH WITH DIFF MOVE & ROTATE (-150 extreme) #Case 1: camera extreme right of tgt (face tgt) current_angle = 0 rate = rospy.Rate(0.5) if (self.ar_logo_errx < -80 and self.range_ahead >= 0.8 and self.range_ahead != 999): print "CASE 1" #rotate 90 deg & move forward while (current_angle < 2): self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(self.twist) rospy.sleep(1) print "CURR ANGLE:", current_angle self.twist.angular.z = 16.0 #4.8 current_angle = current_angle + 1 rate.sleep() self.move(0.1, 1.0, 1) current_angle = 0 while (current_angle < 4): self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(self.twist) rospy.sleep(1) print "CURR ANGLE3:", current_angle self.twist.linear.x = 0 self.twist.angular.z = -20.0 current_angle = current_angle + 1 rate.sleep() self.travel_init_wp() #Case 2: camera mid (face tgt) elif (self.ar_logo_errx >= -80 and self.ar_logo_errx <= 110 and self.range_ahead >= 0.8 and self.range_ahead != 999): print "CASE 2" self.move(0.1, 0.7, 1) #(speed, distance, forward) self.travel_init_wp() #Case 3: camera extreme left of tgt (face tgt) elif (self.ar_logo_errx > 110 and self.range_ahead >= 0.8 and self.range_ahead != 999): print "CASE 3" #rotate 90 deg & move forward while (current_angle < 2): self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(self.twist) rospy.sleep(1) print "CURR ANGLE:", current_angle self.twist.angular.z = -16.0 current_angle = current_angle + 1 rate.sleep() self.move(0.1, 1.0, 1) current_angle = 0 while (current_angle < 4): self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(self.twist) rospy.sleep(1) print "CURR ANGLE3:", current_angle self.twist.linear.x = 0 self.twist.angular.z = 20.0 current_angle = current_angle + 1 rate.sleep() self.travel_init_wp() elif (self.range_ahead < 0.8 or self.range_ahead == 999): print "STOP" self.twist.linear.x = 0.0 self.twist.angular.z = 0.0
def main(): global publisher_motor, publisher_ping, publisher_servo, publisher_odom, publisher_render global subscriber_odometry, subscriber_state global IR_THRESHOLD, CYCLE_TIME, RENDER_LIMIT global pose2D_sparki_odometry, servo_angle, ir_readings, ping_distance global render_buffer global servo_angle, display, task_complete, initial_start #TODO: Init your node to register it with the ROS core init() servos = list(range(0, 90, 15)) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #TODO: Implement CYCLE TIME start_time = time.time() # push ping command publisher_ping.publish(Empty()) # MOTORS motor_left = 1.0 motor_right = 1.0 # LOOP CLOSURE if ir_readings['L'] < IR_THRESHOLD and ir_readings[ 'C'] < IR_THRESHOLD and ir_readings['R'] < IR_THRESHOLD: # close the loop, do relevant things if not initial_start: if not on_start: rospy.loginfo("Loop Closure Triggered") if servos: new_servo_angle = servos.pop(0) servo_msg = Int16(new_servo_angle) publisher_servo.publish(servo_msg) servo_angle = new_servo_angle elif not task_complete: display = True task_complete = True on_start = True else: on_start = False initial_start = False pass # FOLLOW LINE if ir_readings['C'] < IR_THRESHOLD: motor_left = 1.0 motor_right = 1.0 else: if ir_readings['L'] < IR_THRESHOLD: motor_left = -1.0 motor_right = 1.0 if ir_readings['R'] < IR_THRESHOLD: motor_left = 1.0 motor_right = -1.0 motor_msg = Float32MultiArray() = [float(motor_left), float(motor_right)] publisher_motor.publish(motor_msg) if render_buffer >= RENDER_LIMIT: render_buffer = 0 publisher_render.publish(Empty()) #TODO: Implement line following code here # To create a message for changing motor speed, use Float32MultiArray() # (e.g., msg = Float32MultiArray() = [1.0,1.0] #TODO: Implement loop closure here #if : # rospy.loginfo("Loop Closure Triggered") #TODO: Implement CYCLE TIME render_buffer += CYCLE_TIME rospy.sleep(max(CYCLE_TIME - (start_time - time.time()), 0))
def checkoutDirt(self): # todo (rmb-ma) rospy.sleep(1.)
def speak_wait(s): nwords = len(s.split(" ")) sperword = 0.4 publish_weather(s) tts.say(s) rospy.sleep(nwords * sperword)
return (self.w_P_c.position.x, self.w_P_c.position.y, self.w_P_c.position.z), (self.w_P_c.orientation.x, self.w_P_c.orientation.y, self.w_P_c.orientation.z, self.w_P_c.orientation.w),, self.camera_frame_name, self.base_frame_name) (self.ee_P_m.position.x, self.ee_P_m.position.y, self.ee_P_m.position.z), (self.ee_P_m.orientation.x, self.ee_P_m.orientation.y, self.ee_P_m.orientation.z, self.ee_P_m.orientation.w),, self.marker_frame_name + "_nominal", self.robot_ee_frame_name) # if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('camera_robot_calibration') est = camera_robot_calibration_ros() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): est.publish_tfs() rospy.sleep(0.01) rospy.spin()
l_leg.setup() r_leg.setup() #print r_leg.setup() print "l_leg:", l_leg.get_joint_names() print "r_leg:", r_leg.get_joint_names() print "ankle:", ankle_angles print len(thigh_angles) rate = rospy.Rate(5) #plt.plot(time, ankle_angles, 'g', lw=3) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): for i, thetha in enumerate(thigh_angles): print "Moving left leg to: [", thigh_angles[ i], "] [", tibia_angles[i], "] [", ankle_angles[i], "]" l_leg.set_angles( [thigh_angles[i], tibia_angles[i], ankle_angles[i]]) print "Moving right leg to: [", thigh_angles_c[ i], "] [", tibia_angles_c[i], "] [", ankle_angles_c[i], "]" r_leg.set_angles( [thigh_angles_c[i], tibia_angles_c[i], ankle_angles_c[i]]) if (tibia_angles[i] > 1.2): print('ping-------------------------------left') if (tibia_angles_c[i] < -1.2): print('ping-------------------------------right') #l_leg.set_joint_states([ankle_angles[i],phalange_angles[i],thigh_angles[i],tibia_angles[i]]) #r_leg.set_joint_states([ankle_angles_c[i],phalange_angles_c[i],thigh_angles_c[i],tibia_angles_c[i]]) print "ok i=", i print "-------------------------------------" rospy.sleep(time_step * 1.0)
def __init__(self): rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup) # Subscribe to the move_base action server self.move_base = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("move_base", MoveBaseAction) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for move_base action server...") pub.publish("Waiting for move_base action server...") # Wait for the action server to become available self.move_base.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(120)) rospy.loginfo("Connected to move base server") pub.publish("Connected to move base server") # A variable to hold the initial pose of the robot to be set by the user in RViz initial_pose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() rospy.Subscriber('initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose) # Get the initial pose from the user rospy.loginfo("Click the 2D Pose Estimate button in RViz to set the robot's initial pose") pub.publish("Click the 2D Pose Estimate button in RViz to set the robot's initial pose") rospy.wait_for_message('initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped) # Make sure we have the initial pose while initial_pose.header.stamp == "": rospy.sleep(1) point_pose = String() rospy.Subscriber('lm_data', String, self.update_point_pose) while True: rospy.loginfo("Waiting for your order...") pub.publish("Waiting for your order...") rospy.sleep(3) rospy.wait_for_message('lm_data', String) if( == "GO TO POINT A"): A_x = 1.8 A_y = -5.51 A_theta = 1.5708 elif( == "GO TO POINT B"): B_x = -2.2 B_y = -2.53 B_theta = 1.5708 elif( == "GO TO POINT C"): C_x = 1.9 C_y = 1.18 C_theta = 1.5708 rospy.loginfo("Ready to go") pub.publish("Ready to go") rospy.sleep(1) locations = dict() quaternion = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, A_theta) locations['A'] = Pose(Point(A_x, A_y, 0.000), Quaternion(quaternion[0], quaternion[1], quaternion[2], quaternion[3])) self.goal = MoveBaseGoal() rospy.loginfo("Starting navigation test") self.goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'map' self.goal.target_pose.header.stamp = rospy.loginfo("Going to point "+A_name) pub.publish("Going to point "+A_name) rospy.sleep(2) self.goal.target_pose.pose = locations['A'] self.move_base.send_goal(self.goal) waiting = self.move_base.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(300)) if waiting == 1: rospy.loginfo("Reached point "+A_name) pub.publish("Reached point "+A_name) rospy.sleep(2)
def processImage(self, rosImage): # Discard old images #rospy.loginfo( "times" + str(rosImage.header.stamp) +","+ str( if - rosImage.header.stamp < rospy.Duration(0.5): # rospy.loginfo("Received image") try: img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(rosImage, desired_encoding="passthrough") except CvBridgeError, e: print "Macana:", e img = np.asarray(img) # rangeFiltered = inRange(img, np.asarray([0,0,0]), np.asarray([200,100,100])) # gaussian_blur = GaussianBlur(rangeFiltered,(201,201),10) # retval, thrs = threshold(gaussian_blur, 200, 255, THRESH_BINARY) # img = bitwise_and(img, img, mask=thrs) canny = Canny(img, 100, 200) lines = HoughLinesP(canny, 1, cv.CV_PI/180, 50, minLineLength=10,maxLineGap=3) # rospy.loginfo("Processed Image") # if (lines != None): # for l in lines[0]: # #rospy.loginfo(l) # line(img, (l[0], l[1]),(l[2],l[3]), cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 3, 8) if lines <> None: lines, lineMarkers = self.transformLines(lines, rosImage.header.stamp) # rospy.loginfo("Transformed Points") self.publishLines(lineMarkers,lines, rosImage.header.stamp) # rospy.loginfo("Marker published") else: self.publishLines([],[],rosImage.header.stamp) rospy.sleep(.5)