def message_callback(self, message): ROSTopicHz.callback_hz(self, message) with self.lock: self.timestamps.append(rospy.get_time()) # FIXME: this only works for message of class AnyMsg #self.sizes.append(len(message._buff)) # time consuming workaround... buff = StringIO() message.serialize(buff) self.sizes.append(len(buff.getvalue())) if len(self.timestamps) > self.window_size - 1: self.timestamps.pop(0) self.sizes.pop(0) assert(len(self.timestamps) == len(self.sizes)) self.last_message = message
def message_callback(self, message): ROSTopicHz.callback_hz(self, message) with self.lock: self.timestamps.append(rospy.get_time()) # FIXME: this only works for message of class AnyMsg #self.sizes.append(len(message._buff)) # time consuming workaround... buff = StringIO() message.serialize(buff) self.sizes.append(buff.len) if len(self.timestamps) > self.window_size - 1: self.timestamps.pop(0) self.sizes.pop(0) assert(len(self.timestamps) == len(self.sizes)) self.last_message = message
def get_hz(topic, window_size=-1, filter_expr=None): rates = [] rt = ROSTopicHz(window_size, filter_expr=filter_expr) sub = rospy.Subscriber(topic, Image, rt.callback_hz) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if len(rt.times) > 0: n = len(rt.times) mean = sum(rt.times) / n rate = 1. / mean if mean > 0. else 0 rates.append(rate) if len(rates) >= 3: sub.unregister() return np.average(rates) rospy.sleep(1)
def message_callback(self, message): ROSTopicHz.callback_hz(self, message) with self.lock: self.timestamps.append(rospy.get_time()) # FIXME: this only works for message of class AnyMsg #self.sizes.append(len(message._buff)) # time consuming workaround... buff = StringIO() message.serialize(buff) # patch begin pos = buff.tell(), os.SEEK_END) self.sizes.append(buff.tell()) # patch end if len(self.timestamps) > self.window_size - 1: self.timestamps.pop(0) self.sizes.pop(0) assert (len(self.timestamps) == len(self.sizes)) self.last_message = message
def __init__(self, topic, metrics, window_size=1000, filter_expr=None, timer_freq=0.5, filename="freqfile"): """ A topic logger class, which will initiate ROS BW and HZ loggers for the specified topic """ self.topic = topic.replace('/','') self.Metrics = metrics self.rthz = ROSTopicHz(window_size, filter_expr=filter_expr) rospy.Subscriber(topic, rospy.AnyMsg, self.rthz.callback_hz) # Access the variables through "rt.times", see self.rtbw = ROSTopicBw() # Default window_size is 100 rospy.Subscriber(topic, rospy.AnyMsg, self.rtbw.callback) # Timer to repeatedly log the values. Documentation here: self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(timer_freq), self.timer_callback) self.logging_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.Metrics).set_index("Time")
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # 注意:这是自动生成的程序,请不要做任何修改! import rospy import time from std_msgs.msg import Header from rostopic import ROSTopicHz from rospy_test.msg import node_state from rospy_test.msg import all_state from rospy_test.msg import Num from rospy_test.msg import info hz_checker = ROSTopicHz(10, use_wtime=True) msg_dict = {} msg_keys = ['msg', 'hz', 'hz_state', 'param', 'param_value', 'param_state'] pub = rospy.Publisher('node_states', all_state, queue_size=10) def func_checking_value(param, min, max): return param <= max and param >= min def timer_callback(event): global hz_checker global pub node_msg = []
import curses import rospy from rostopic import ROSTopicHz from rti_dvl.msg import DVL from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu from bar30_depth.msg import Depth from sonar_oculus.msg import OculusPing from bluerov_bridge import Bridge OCULUS_PARTNUMBER = {0: 'NAN', 1032: 'M750d', 1042: 'M1200d'} dvl, depth, imu, ping = DVL(), Depth(), Imu(), OculusPing() hz = ROSTopicHz(-1) dvl_hz, depth_hz, imu_hz, sonar_hz = 0, 0, 0, 0 def dvl_callback(msg): global dvl dvl = msg hz.callback_hz(msg, 'dvl') def depth_callback(msg): global depth depth = msg hz.callback_hz(msg, 'depth')
def goas(self): time = ROSTopicHz(-1) time.print_hz() print(time.rate)