Пример #1
def prev_yearly_vacation_date (db, user, ctype, date) :
    d = date - common.day
    dyn = vac_get_user_dynamic (db, user, ctype, d)
    if  (  not dyn
        or dyn.valid_from > d
        or dyn.vacation_month is None
        or dyn.vacation_day is None
        ) :
        return None
    y = int (d.get_tuple () [0])
    prev_date = Date \
        ('%04d-%02d-%02d' % (y, dyn.vacation_month, dyn.vacation_day))
    if prev_date >= date :
        prev_date = Date \
            ('%04d-%02d-%02d' % (y - 1, dyn.vacation_month, dyn.vacation_day))
    assert prev_date < date
    while dyn.valid_from > prev_date :
        dyn = vac_prev_user_dynamic (db, dyn)
        if not dyn :
            return prev_date
        yday = dyn.vacation_day
        ymon = dyn.vacation_month
        if yday is None or ymon is None :
            return prev_date
        prev_date = Date ('%04d-%02d-%02d' % (y, ymon, yday))
        if prev_date >= date :
            prev_date = Date ('%04d-%02d-%02d' % (y - 1, ymon, yday))
    return prev_date
Пример #2
    def testTZ(self):
        ae = self.assertEqual
        tz = "Europe/Warsaw"

        # local to utc, DST
        date = Date("2006-04-04.12:00:00", tz)
        ae(str(date), "2006-04-04.10:00:00")

        # local to utc, no DST
        date = Date("2006-01-01.12:00:00", tz)
        ae(str(date), "2006-01-01.11:00:00")

        # utc to local, DST
        date = Date("2006-04-04.10:00:00")
        date = date.local(tz)
        ae(str(date), "2006-04-04.12:00:00")

        # utc to local, no DST
        date = Date("2006-01-01.10:00:00")
        date = date.local(tz)
        ae(str(date), "2006-01-01.11:00:00")

        date = Date("2006-04-04.12:00:00")
        date = Date(date, tz)
        ae(str(date), "2006-04-04.10:00:00")
        date = Date("2006-01-01.12:00:00")
        date = Date(date, tz)
        ae(str(date), "2006-01-01.11:00:00")
Пример #3
def get_user_dynamic (db, user, date) :
    """ Get a user_dynamic record by user and date.
        Return None if no record could be found.
    user = str  (user)
    date = Date (date)
    # last_dynamic: Simple one-element cache as attribute of db
    try :
        if  (   db.last_dynamic
            and db.last_dynamic.user == user
            and db.last_dynamic.valid_from < date
            and (  not db.last_dynamic.valid_to
                or db.last_dynamic.valid_to > date
            ) :
            return db.last_dynamic
    except AttributeError :
        db.last_dynamic = None
        def last_dynamic_clear (db) :
            db.last_dynamic = None
        db.registerClearCacheCallback (last_dynamic_clear, db)
    ids = db.user_dynamic.filter \
        ( None, dict (user = user, valid_from = date.pretty (';%Y-%m-%d'))
        , group = ('-', 'valid_from')
    if ids :
        db.last_dynamic = db.user_dynamic.getnode (ids [0])
        if not db.last_dynamic.valid_to or db.last_dynamic.valid_to > date :
            return db.last_dynamic
    return None
Пример #4
def get_daily_record (db, user, date) :
    """ Use caching: prefetch all records from given date until now and
        store them. Use a per-user cache of the earliest dr found.
    pdate = date.pretty (ymd)
    date  = Date (pdate)
    now   = Date (Date ('.').pretty (ymd))
    if not getattr (db, 'daily_record_cache', None) :
        db.daily_record_cache = {}
        def daily_record_cache_clear (db) :
            db.daily_record_cache = {}
        db.registerClearCacheCallback (daily_record_cache_clear, db)
    if (user, pdate) not in db.daily_record_cache :
        if date < now :
            start = date
            end   = now
        else :
            start = now
            end   = date
        range = common.pretty_range (start, end)
        drs = db.daily_record.filter \
            (None, dict (user = user, date = range), sort = ('+', 'date'))
        next = start
        for drid in drs :
            dr = db.daily_record.getnode (drid)
            _update_empty_dr (db, user, dr.date, next)
            db.daily_record_cache [(user, dr.date.pretty (ymd))] = dr
            next = dr.date + day
        _update_empty_dr (db, user, end, next)
    return db.daily_record_cache [(user, pdate)]
Пример #5
def get_vacation_correction (db, user, ctype = -1, date = None) :
    """ Get latest absolute vacation_correction.
        Special handling of ctype: None means ctype 'None' while -1
        means "don't care, search for *any* ctype". Note that roundups
        interface for searching specifies -1 when searching for an
        empty link....
    if date is None :
        date = Date ('.')
    dt = ";%s" % date.pretty (common.ymd)
    d = dict \
        ( user          = user
        , absolute      = True
        , date          = dt
    # If no ctype given, try to get dyn. user record on date and use
    # ctype from there. If not found we simply search for the latest
    # vacation correction before date.
    if ctype == -1 :
        dyn = user_dynamic.get_user_dynamic (db, user, date)
        if dyn :
            ctype = dyn.contract_type
    if ctype != -1 :
        d ['contract_type'] = ctype
        if ctype is None :
            d ['contract_type'] = '-1' # roundup: -1 means search empty
    vcs = db.vacation_correction.filter (None, d, sort = [('-', 'date')])
    if not vcs :
    for id in vcs :
        vc = db.vacation_correction.getnode (id)
        if ctype == -1 or vc.contract_type == ctype :
            return vc
Пример #6
    def testTZ(self):
        ae = self.assertEqual
        tz = 'Europe/Warsaw'

        # local to utc, DST
        date = Date('2006-04-04.12:00:00', tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-04-04.10:00:00')

        # local to utc, no DST
        date = Date('2006-01-01.12:00:00', tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-01-01.11:00:00')

        # utc to local, DST
        date = Date('2006-04-04.10:00:00')
        date = date.local(tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-04-04.12:00:00')

        # utc to local, no DST
        date = Date('2006-01-01.10:00:00')
        date = date.local(tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-01-01.11:00:00')

        date = Date('2006-04-04.12:00:00')
        date = Date(date, tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-04-04.10:00:00')
        date = Date('2006-01-01.12:00:00')
        date = Date(date, tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-01-01.11:00:00')
Пример #7
 def ldap_picture(self, luser, attr):
         lpic = luser[attr][0]
     except KeyError:
         return None
     uid = None
         uid = self.db.user.lookup(luser.uid[0])
     except KeyError:
     if uid:
         upicids = self.db.user.get(uid, 'pictures')
         pics = [self.db.file.getnode(i) for i in upicids]
         for n, p in enumerate \
             (sorted (pics, reverse = True, key = lambda x : x.activity)) :
             if p.content == lpic:
                 if n:
                     # refresh name to put it in front
                     self.db.file.set(p.id, name=str(Date('.')))
             f = self.db.file.create \
                 ( name    = str (Date ('.'))
                 , content = lpic
                 , type    = 'image/jpeg'
         return upicids
         f = self.db.file.create \
             ( name    = str (Date ('.'))
             , content = lpic
             , type    = 'image/jpeg'
         return [f]
Пример #8
def dynuser_half_frozen (dyn) :
    db       = dyn._db
    userid   = dyn.user.id
    val_from = Date (str (dyn.valid_from._value))
    val_to   = dyn.valid_to._value
    if val_to :
        val_to = Date (str (val_to))
    return _dynuser_half_frozen (db, userid, val_from, val_to - common.day)
Пример #9
 def testDateInterval(self):
     ae = self.assertEqual
     date = Date("2000-06-26.00:34:02 + 2d")
     ae(str(date), '2000-06-28.00:34:02')
     date = Date("2000-02-27 + 2d")
     ae(str(date), '2000-02-29.00:00:00')
     date = Date("2001-02-27 + 2d")
     ae(str(date), '2001-03-01.00:00:00')
Пример #10
def check_start_end_duration \
    (date, start, end, duration, new_values, dist = 0) :
        either duration or both start/end must be set but not both
        of duration/end
        set duration from start/end if duration empty
        set end from start/duration if end empty
        Note: We are using naive times (with timezone 0) here, this
        means we can safely use date.pretty for converting back to
    dstart = dend = None
    if dist :
        check_duration (dist)
    if start and ":" not in start :
        start = start + ":00"
    if end   and ":" not in end :
        end   = end   + ":00"
    if 'end' in new_values :
        if not start :
            attr = _ ('start')
            raise Reject, _ (''"%(attr)s must be specified") % locals ()
        if 'duration' in new_values :
            raise Reject, _ (''"Either specify duration or start/end")
        dstart, dend, sp, ep, dur = check_timestamps (start, end, date)
        duration                = dur
        new_values ['duration'] = duration
        new_values ['start']    = sp
        new_values ['end']      = ep
    else :
        check_duration (duration, 24)
        if 'duration' in new_values :
            new_values ['duration'] = duration
        if start :
            if 'start' in new_values or 'duration' in new_values :
                minutes = duration * 60
                hours   = int (duration % 60)
                minutes = minutes - hours * 60
                ds      = Date (start, offset = 0)
                t = (ds + Interval ('%d:%d' % (hours, minutes))).pretty \
                if duration > 0 and t == '00:00' :
                    t = '24:00'
                dstart, dend, sp, ep, dur = check_timestamps (start, t, date)
                assert dur == duration
                new_values ['start'] = sp
                new_values ['end']   = ep
    if dist and dist < duration :
        duration -= dist
        if start :
            hours   = int (dist)
            minutes = (dist - hours) * 60
            if not dstart :
                dstart = Date (start, offset = 0)
            dstart = dstart + Interval ('%d:%d' % (hours, minutes))
            new_values ['start'] = dstart.pretty (hour_format)
        new_values ['duration']  = duration
    return dstart, dend
Пример #11
def _find_next(db, daily_record_freeze, direction='+', frozen=None):
    user = daily_record_freeze.user.id
    date = daily_record_freeze.date
    if not isinstance(date, Date):
            date = Date(date._value)
        except AttributeError:
            date = Date(date)
    return find_next_dr_freeze(db, user, date, direction, frozen=frozen)
Пример #12
 def testGranularity(self):
     ae = self.assertEqual
     ae(str(Date('2003-2-12', add_granularity=1)), '2003-02-12.23:59:59')
     ae(str(Date('2003-1-1.23:00', add_granularity=1)), '2003-01-01.23:00:59')
     ae(str(Date('2003', add_granularity=1)), '2003-12-31.23:59:59')
     ae(str(Date('2003-5', add_granularity=1)), '2003-05-31.23:59:59')
     ae(str(Date('2003-12', add_granularity=1)), '2003-12-31.23:59:59')
     ae(str(Interval('+1w', add_granularity=1)), '+ 14d')
     ae(str(Interval('-2m 3w', add_granularity=1)), '- 2m 14d')
Пример #13
def rough_date_diff (left, right, format = "%Y-%m-%d") :
    """returns the interval between the two dates left - right.
    format is used for the granularity when interpreting the two values.

    left and right need to be Date values.
    format needs to be a Date parseable format.
    l_d = Date (left.pretty (format))
    r_d = Date (right.pretty (format))
    return l_d - r_d
Пример #14
 def testDateInterval(self):
     ae = self.assertEqual
     date = Date("2000-06-26.00:34:02 + 2d")
     ae(str(date), '2000-06-28.00:34:02')
     date = Date("2000-02-27 + 2d")
     ae(str(date), '2000-02-29.00:00:00')
     date = Date("2001-02-27 + 2d")
     ae(str(date), '2001-03-01.00:00:00')
     date = Date("2009", add_granularity=True)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Date, ". +30d", add_granularity=True)
Пример #15
 def testIntervalSubtractYearBoundary(self):
     # force the transition over a year boundary
     now = Date('2003-01-01.00:00:00')
     then = now - Interval('2d')
     self.assertEqual(str(then), '2002-12-30.00:00:00')
     now = Date('2004-02-01.00:00:00')
     then = now - Interval('365d')
     self.assertEqual(str(then), '2003-02-01.00:00:00')
     now = Date('2005-02-01.00:00:00')
     then = now - Interval('365d')
     self.assertEqual(str(then), '2004-02-02.00:00:00')
Пример #16
 def testSimpleTZ(self):
     ae = self.assertEqual
     # local to utc
     date = Date('2006-04-04.12:00:00', 2)
     ae(str(date), '2006-04-04.10:00:00')
     # utc to local
     date = Date('2006-04-04.10:00:00')
     date = date.local(2)
     ae(str(date), '2006-04-04.12:00:00')
     # from Date instance
     date = Date('2006-04-04.12:00:00')
     date = Date(date, 2)
     ae(str(date), '2006-04-04.10:00:00')
Пример #17
 def testSimpleTZ(self):
     ae = self.assertEqual
     # local to utc
     date = Date("2006-04-04.12:00:00", 2)
     ae(str(date), "2006-04-04.10:00:00")
     # utc to local
     date = Date("2006-04-04.10:00:00")
     date = date.local(2)
     ae(str(date), "2006-04-04.12:00:00")
     # from Date instance
     date = Date("2006-04-04.12:00:00")
     date = Date(date, 2)
     ae(str(date), "2006-04-04.10:00:00")
Пример #18
    def testTZ(self):
        ae = self.assertEqual
        tz = 'Europe/Warsaw'

        # local to utc, DST
        date = Date('2006-04-04.12:00:00', tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-04-04.10:00:00')

        # local to utc, no DST
        date = Date('2006-01-01.12:00:00', tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-01-01.11:00:00')

        # utc to local, DST
        date = Date('2006-04-04.10:00:00')
        date = date.local(tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-04-04.12:00:00')

        # utc to local, no DST
        date = Date('2006-01-01.10:00:00')
        date = date.local(tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-01-01.11:00:00')

        date = Date('2006-04-04.12:00:00')
        date = Date(date, tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-04-04.10:00:00')
        date = Date('2006-01-01.12:00:00')
        date = Date(date, tz)
        ae(str(date), '2006-01-01.11:00:00')
Пример #19
def leave_days(db, user, first_day, last_day):
    if not isinstance(first_day, Date):
            first_day = Date(first_day._value)
        except AttributeError:
            first_day = Date(first_day)
    if not isinstance(last_day, Date):
            last_day = Date(last_day._value)
        except AttributeError:
            last_day = Date(last_day)
        return vacation.leave_days(db, user, first_day, last_day)
    except AssertionError:
        return 'Invalid data'
Пример #20
def set_first_reply (db, cl, nodeid, new_values) :
    """ Set first_reply field in case the support issue hasn't set this
        yet *and* status goes to closed or satisfied.
    issue = cl.getnode (nodeid)
    if issue.first_reply :
    if 'status' in new_values and 'first_reply' not in new_values :
        closed = db.sup_status.lookup ('closed')
        satis  = db.sup_status.lookup ('satisfied')
        cust   = db.sup_status.lookup ('customer')
        if new_values ['status'] in (closed, satis, cust) :
            new_values ['first_reply'] = Date ('.')
    elif new_values.get ('set_first_reply', None) :
        new_values ['first_reply'] = Date ('.')
Пример #21
def remaining_vacation \
    (db, user, ctype = -1, date = None, cons = None, to_eoy = True) :
    """ Compute remaining vacation on the given date
    if date is None :
        date = Date ('.')
    pdate = date.pretty (common.ymd)
    if ctype == -1 :
        ctype = _get_ctype (db, user, date)
    if ctype == -1 :
    vac   = None
    try :
        vac = db.rem_vac_cache.get ((user, ctype, pdate, to_eoy))
    except AttributeError :
        def vac_clear_cache (db) :
            db.rem_vac_cache = {}
        db.registerClearCacheCallback (vac_clear_cache, db)
        db.rem_vac_cache = {}
    if vac is not None :
        return vac
    vc = get_vacation_correction (db, user, ctype, date)
    if not vc :
    ed  = next_yearly_vacation_date (db, user, ctype, date)
    if not to_eoy :
        ed = min (ed, date)
    if cons is None :
        cons = consolidated_vacation (db, user, ctype, date, vc, to_eoy)
    vac = cons
    vac -= vacation_time_sum (db, user, ctype, vc.date, ed)
    # All vacation_correction records up to date but starting with one
    # day later (otherwise we'll find the absolute correction)
    # Also one day *earlier* than ed for the same reason.
    dt  = common.pretty_range (vc.date + common.day, ed - common.day)
    d   = dict (user = user, date = dt)
    if ctype is not None :
        d ['contract_type'] = ctype
    ds  = [('+', 'date')]
    vcs = db.vacation_correction.filter (None, d, sort = ds)
    for vcid in vcs :
        vc = db.vacation_correction.getnode (vcid)
        if vc.contract_type != ctype :
        assert not vc.absolute
        vac += vc.days
    db.rem_vac_cache [(user, ctype, pdate, to_eoy)] = vac
    return vac
Пример #22
def _get_ctype(db, user, start, end):
    now = Date('.')
    if start <= now <= end:
        dyn = user_dynamic.get_user_dynamic(db, user, now)
        dyn = user_dynamic.get_user_dynamic(db, user, start)
    return dyn.contract_type
Пример #23
def eoy_vacation(db, user, date):
    eoy = Date(date.pretty('%Y-12-31'))
    vc = vacation.get_vacation_correction(db, user)
    assert vc
    yday, pd, carry, ltot = vacation.vacation_params(db, user, eoy, vc)
    cons = vacation.consolidated_vacation(db, user, vc.contract_type, eoy)
    return ceil(cons - ltot + carry)
Пример #24
def user_leave_submissions(db, context):
    dt = '%s;' % Date('. - 14m').pretty(common.ymd)
    uid = db._db.getuid()
    d = dict(user=uid, first_day=dt)
    s = [('+', 'first_day')]
    ls = db.leave_submission.filter(None, d, s)
    return ls
Пример #25
def set_defaults (db, cl, nodeid, new_values) :
    for i in ('aboprice', 'subscriber') :
        if not new_values.has_key (i) :
            raise Reject, err ('mandatory', attr = i)
    for i in ('invoices', 'end') :
        if new_values.has_key (i) :
            raise Reject, err ('forbidden', attr = i)
    if not new_values.has_key ('amount') :
        new_values ['amount'] = \
            db.abo_price.get (new_values ['aboprice'], 'amount')
    # if no begin-date is specified, use start of next month
    # or today if the start of month is today.
    if not new_values.has_key ('begin') :
        year, month, day = localtime ()[:3]
        if day != 1 :
            day    = 1
            month += 1
            if month > 12 :
                month = 1
                year += 1
        new_values ['begin'] = Date ('%d-%d-%d' % (year, month, day))
    else :
        new_values ['begin'] = fix_date (new_values ['begin'])
    if not new_values.has_key ('payer') :
        new_values ['payer'] = new_values ['subscriber']
Пример #26
def range_frozen(db, user, range):
    """Check if a given range of dates is completely frozen
    if not range or not user:
        return False
    date = Date(range.split(';', 1)[-1])
    return frozen(db, user, date)
Пример #27
def handle_decline(db, vs):
    now = Date('.')
    try_send_mail \
        ( db, vs, now
Пример #28
def avg_hours_per_week_this_year (db, user, date_in_year) :
    """ Loop over all dyn records in this year and use only those with
        all-in set. For those we count the hours and compute the
        average over all all-in days.
    y     = common.start_of_year (date_in_year)
    eoy   = common.end_of_year   (y)
    now   = Date ('.')
    if eoy > now :
        eoy = now
    hours = 0.0
    dsecs = 0.0
    ds    = 24 * 60 * 60
    for dyn in user_dynamic.user_dynamic_year_iter (db, user, y) :
        if not dyn.all_in :
        vf = dyn.valid_from
        if vf < y :
            vf = y
        vt = dyn.valid_to
        if not vt or vt > eoy + common.day :
            vt = eoy + common.day
        dsecs += (vt - vf).as_seconds ()
        drs = db.daily_record.filter \
            (None, dict (date = common.pretty_range (vf, vt), user = user))
        for drid in drs :
            dr  = db.daily_record.getnode (drid)
            dur = user_dynamic.update_tr_duration (db, dr)
            hours += dur
    days = dsecs / ds
    assert days <= 366
    if not days :
        return 0
    avgday = hours / float (days)
    return avgday * 7
Пример #29
def valid_wps \
    (db, filter = {}, user = None, date = None, srt = None, future = False) :
    srt  = srt or [('+', 'id')]
    wps  = {}
    date = date or Date ('.')
    dt   = (date + common.day).pretty (common.ymd)
    d    = {}
    if not future :
        d ['time_start'] = ';%s' % date.pretty (common.ymd)
    # Only select WPs that are not exclusively managed by external tool
    d ['is_extern']         = False
    d ['project.is_extern'] = False
    d.update (filter)

    wp  = []
    if user :
        d1  = dict (d, is_public = True, has_expiration_date = False)
        wp.extend (db.time_wp.filter (None, d1, srt))
        d1  = dict (d, is_public = True, time_end = '%s;' % dt)
        wp.extend (db.time_wp.filter (None, d1, srt))
        d1  = dict (d, bookers = user, has_expiration_date = False)
        wp.extend (db.time_wp.filter (None, d1, srt))
        d1  = dict (d, bookers = user, time_end = '%s;' % dt)
        wp.extend (db.time_wp.filter (None, d1, srt))
    else :
        d1 = dict (d, has_expiration_date = False)
        wp.extend (db.time_wp.filter (None, d1, srt))
        d1 = dict (d, time_end = '%s;' % dt)
        wp.extend (db.time_wp.filter (None, d1, srt))
    # Filter again via db to get sorting right
    return db.time_wp.filter (wp, {}, sort = srt)
Пример #30
def vacation_time_sum (db, user, ctype, start, end) :
    dt  = common.pretty_range (start, end)
    dr  = db.daily_record.filter (None, dict (user = user, date = dt))
    dtt = [('+', 'daily_record.date')]
    vwp = vacation_wps (db)
    trs = db.time_record.filter \
        (None, dict (daily_record = dr, wp = vwp), sort = dtt)
    vac = 0.0
    if ctype == -1 :
        ctype = _get_ctype (db, user, Date ('.'))
    by_dr = {}
    for tid in trs :
        tr  = db.time_record.getnode  (tid)
        dr  = db.daily_record.getnode (tr.daily_record)
        dyn = user_dynamic.get_user_dynamic (db, user, dr.date)
        # dyn is None if time_records booked but dyn record revoked for this period:
        if not dyn or dyn.contract_type != ctype :
        wh  = user_dynamic.day_work_hours (dyn, dr.date)
        assert wh
        if dr.id not in by_dr :
            by_dr [dr.id] = (wh, [])
        assert by_dr [dr.id][0] == wh
        by_dr [dr.id][1].append (tr.duration)
    for wh, durs in by_dr.itervalues () :
        vac += ceil (sum (durs) / wh * 2) / 2.
    return vac
Пример #31
def remaining_until(db):
    db = db._db
    now = Date('.')
    uid = db.getuid()
    dyn = user_dynamic.get_user_dynamic(db, uid, now)
    return vacation.next_yearly_vacation_date \
        (db, uid, dyn.contract_type, now) - common.day
Пример #32
 def handle (self) :
     self.set_request ()
     filterspec   = self.request.filterspec
     try :
         weeknostr = filterspec ['weekno']
     except KeyError :
         weeknostr = self.request.form ['weekno'].value
     try :
         year, weekno = [int (i) for i in weeknostr.split ('/')]
     except ValueError :
         year = Date ('.').year
         weekno = int (weeknostr)
     filterspec ['date'] = common.pretty_range \
         (* common.from_week_number (year, weekno))
     try :
         return self.__super.handle ()
     except Redirect :
     args = \
         { ':action'        : 'search'
         , ':template'      : 'edit'
         , ':sort'          : 'date'
         , ':group'         : 'user'
         , ':filter'        : ','.join (self.request.filterspec.keys ())
         , ':startwith'     : '0'
         , ':ok_message'    : self.ok_msg
     url = self.request.indexargs_url ('', args)
     raise Redirect, url
Пример #33
def fix_vacation (db, uid, date_from = None, date_to = None) :
    """ Fix vacation for a user where the dyn. user record has been
        changed *after* the user already booked vacation.
        We search for all time-records with a daily-record in state
        'leave' since the last frozen time or date_from if given.
    #print ("fix_vacation: %s %s %s" % (uid, date_from, date_to))
    if date_from is None :
        date_from = Date ('2000-01-01')
        frozen = db.daily_record_freeze.filter \
            (None, dict (user = uid, frozen = True), sort = ('-', 'date'))
        if frozen :
            frozen = db.daily_record_freeze.getnode (frozen [0])
            date_from = frozen.date + common.day
    leave = db.daily_record_status.lookup ('leave')
    d = dict ()
    d ['daily_record.user']   = uid
    d ['daily_record.date']   = common.pretty_range (date_from, date_to)
    d ['daily_record.status'] = leave
    trs = db.time_record.filter (None, d)
    for trid in trs :
	tr = db.time_record.getnode  (trid)
	dr = db.daily_record.getnode (tr.daily_record)
	wp = db.time_wp.getnode      (tr.wp)
	tp = db.time_project.getnode (wp.project)
	if not tp.is_vacation and not tp.is_public_holiday :
	du = leave_duration (db, uid, dr.date, tp.is_public_holiday)
	if tr.duration != du :
	    #print "Wrong: time_record%s: %s->%s" % (trid, tr.duration, du)
	    db.time_record.set (trid, duration = du)
Пример #34
def create_message(author=None, content='', date='', issue_id=None, issue=None):
    db = tracker().open('admin')
    if date=='':
    node_id = db.msg.create( author=str(author),
    if issue is not None or issue_id is not None:
        if issue is None:
        if issue.messages is not None and issue.messages != []:
            issue.messages +=  [node_id]
            issue.messages = [ node_id ]
    return node_id
Пример #35
 def testTimestamp(self):
     ae = self.assertEqual
     date = Date('2038')
     ae(date.timestamp(), 2145916800)
     date = Date('1902')
     ae(date.timestamp(), -2145916800)
     date = Date(time.gmtime(0))
     ae(date.timestamp(), 0)
     ae(str(date), '1970-01-01.00:00:00')
     date = Date(time.gmtime(0x7FFFFFFF))
     ae(date.timestamp(), 2147483647)
     ae(str(date), '2038-01-19.03:14:07')
     date = Date('1901-12-13.20:45:52')
     ae(date.timestamp(), -0x80000000L)
     ae(str(date), '1901-12-13.20:45:52')
     date = Date('9999')
     ae (date.timestamp(), 253370764800.0)
     date = Date('0033')
     ae (date.timestamp(), -61125753600.0)
     ae(str(date), '0033-01-01.00:00:00')
Пример #36
 def testDateLocal(self):
     ae = self.assertEqual
     date = Date("02:42:20")
     date = date.local(10)
     y, m, d, x, x, x, x, x, x = time.gmtime(time.time())
     ae(str(date), "%s-%02d-%02d.12:42:20" % (y, m, d))
Пример #37
 def testTimestamp(self):
     ae = self.assertEqual
     date = Date("2038")
     ae(date.timestamp(), 2145916800)
     date = Date("1902")
     ae(date.timestamp(), -2145916800)
     date = Date(time.gmtime(0))
     ae(date.timestamp(), 0)
     ae(str(date), "1970-01-01.00:00:00")
     date = Date(time.gmtime(0x7FFFFFFF))
     ae(date.timestamp(), 2147483647)
     ae(str(date), "2038-01-19.03:14:07")
     date = Date("1901-12-13.20:45:52")
     ae(date.timestamp(), -0x80000000L)
     ae(str(date), "1901-12-13.20:45:52")
     date = Date("9999")
     ae(date.timestamp(), 253370764800.0)
     date = Date("0033")
     ae(date.timestamp(), -61125753600.0)
     ae(str(date), "0033-01-01.00:00:00")