import algorithms.geomath as geomath import algorithms.followBall as follow_ball #logging = "./logs/" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + ".txt" #loggingFile = open(logging,'w') #loggingFile.write("Beginning Logging at time in file name\n") #loggingFile.close() #print(logging) # Hardware Setup rovecomm_node = RoveCommEthernetUdp("hi") drive = DriveBoard("hi") nav_board = NavBoard(rovecomm_node, "hi") state_switcher = rs.StateSwitcher("hi") waypoints = deque() gps_data = GPSData() tracker = ObjectTracker() print("Setup complete") # Assign callbacks for incoming messages def add_waypoint_handler(packet_contents): latitude, longitude = waypoint = constants.Coordinate(latitude, longitude) waypoints.append(waypoint) print("YO im addin a point") #loggingFile = open(logging, 'a') #log = "Add waypoint lat,lon: " + str(latitude) + "," + str(longitude) + "\n"
import logging import time import constants import rover_states import algorithms.marker_search as marker_search import algorithms.gps_navigate as gps_nav state_switcher = rover_states.StateSwitcher() state_switcher.state = rover_states.Searching() gps_data = gps_nav.GPSData() gps_data.start = constants.Coordinate(37.950271, -91.777770) current_loc = gps_data.start gps_data.goal = marker_search.calculate_next_coordinate( gps_data.start, current_loc) print("Origin: " + str( + ", " + str(gps_data.start.lon)) while True: if state_switcher.state == rover_states.Searching(): print() goal, start = #print("Current: " + str(current_loc)) #print("Goal: " + str(goal)) new_goal = marker_search.calculate_next_coordinate(start, current_loc) print("New Goal: " + str( + ", " + str(new_goal.lon)) current_loc = goal
import rover_states as rs import time def callback_func(): print("Running callback") time.sleep(TIME_INTERVAL) print("Switched to state: " + str(stateSwitcher.state) + "\n") stateSwitcher = rs.StateSwitcher() TIME_INTERVAL = 2 time.sleep(TIME_INTERVAL) print("Starting autonomy...") stateSwitcher.handle_event(rs.AutonomyEvents.START) print("Switched to state: " + str(stateSwitcher.state) + "\n") time.sleep(TIME_INTERVAL) print("Rover reached a marker") stateSwitcher.handle_event(rs.AutonomyEvents.REACHED_MARKER, then=callback_func) time.sleep(TIME_INTERVAL) print("Test terminated") counter = 0
outString = "./logs/" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + ".txt" outFile = open(outString, 'w') outFile.write(time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + "\n") outFile.close() print(outString) # Hardware Setup rovecomm_node = RoveCommEthernetUdp(outString) print("RoveComm") drive = DriveBoard(outString) print("DriveBoard") nav_board = NavBoard(rovecomm_node, outString) notify = Notify(rovecomm_node) print("NavBoard") state_switcher = rs.StateSwitcher(outString) print("StateSwitcher") waypoints = deque() print("waypoint") gps_data = GPSData() print("GPSData") tracker = ObjectTracker() print("Cameras") loopDelay = 0.07 print("Setup complete") # Assign callbacks for incoming messages def add_waypoint_handler(packet_contents): latitude, longitude = waypoint = constants.Coordinate(latitude, longitude)