Пример #1
def get_tx_info(conn, token_system, txid, pars=None):
    if token_system:
        import rpc_erachain
        return rpc_erachain.get_tx_info(token_system, txid)
    elif not conn:
        return None

    res = None
        res = conn.gettransaction(txid)
    except Exception as e:
        res = {'error': e}
    return res
Пример #2
def sender_addr(conn, token_system, tr):

    if token_system:
        import rpc_erachain
        return rpc_erachain.get_tx_info(token_system, tr)['creator']
    elif not conn:
        return None

    tr_info = conn.getrawtransaction(tr, 1)
    vins = tr_info and 'vin' in tr_info and tr_info['vin']
    if not vins:
        #res.append({ 'tr_info.vins': 'None'})
        # тут может быть приход с добвтого блока - тогда тоже будет пусто!
        print 'ERROR: sender_addr - tr_in_info:', tr_in_info
        print 'RUN "crypto WALLET.exe"  -reindex -txindex'
    vin = vins[0]
    txid = vin['txid']
    vout = vin['vout']
    tr_in_info = conn.getrawtransaction(txid, 1)

    if 'error' in tr_in_info:
        print 'ERROR: sender_addr - tr_in_info:', tr_in_info
        print 'RUN "crypto WALLET.exe"  -reindex -txindex'
    vin = vins[0]
    txid = vin['txid']
    vout = vin['vout']
    tr_in_info = conn.getrawtransaction(txid, 1)

    if 'error' in tr_in_info:
        print 'ERROR: sender_addr - tr_in_info:', tr_in_info
        print 'RUN "crypto WALLET.exe"  -reindex -txindex'
    sender = tr_in_info[u'vout'][vout][u'scriptPubKey'][u'addresses']
    return sender[0]
Пример #3
def get_incomed(db, token_system, from_block_in=None):

    erachain_addr = token_system.account
    erachain_rpc = token_system.connect_url

    tab = []
    curr_block = rpc_erachain.get_info(erachain_rpc)
    print curr_block
    if type(curr_block) != type(1):
        # кошелек еще не запустился
        print 'not started else'
        return tab, from_block_in # если переиндексация то возможно что и меньше

    from_block = from_block_in or token_system.from_block
    if from_block:
        if not curr_block > from_block:
            print 'not curr_block > from_block', curr_block, from_block
            return tab, from_block # если переиндексация то возможно что и меньше
        print from_block, '-->', curr_block, erachain_addr
        tab, curr_block = rpc_erachain.get_transactions(token_system, erachain_rpc, erachain_addr, from_block, token_system.conf)

        if curr_block == None:
            return [], None

        # если нет еще номера обработанного блока
        # то и делать нечего - мол служба только запущена
        # на нее нет еще переводоов, хотя можно наоборот взять все входы
        token_system.from_block = from_block = 1 # все входы со всеми подтверждениями берем
        tab, curr_block = rpc_erachain.get_transactions(token_system, erachain_rpc, erachain_addr, conf = token_system.conf)

        if curr_block == None:
            return [], None

    print tab, curr_block
    transactions = []
    for rec in tab:

        acc = parse_mess(db, rec.get('title'), rec.get('creator'))
        if not acc:
            acc = parse_mess(db, rec.get('message'), rec.get('creator'))
        if not acc:

        # make record INCOME from Erachain TRANSACTION 
        make_rec(erachain_addr, acc, rec, transactions)

        lines = rec.get('message')
        if lines:
            lines = lines.strip().split('\n')

        if lines and len(lines) > 1:
            for line in lines:
                if True:
                    command = line.split(':')
                    if len(command) > 1:
                        if command[0].strip().lower() == 'add':
                            ## ADD transactions without payments details to that payment
                            ## need 
                            for txid in command[1].strip().split(' '):
                                # see this TX in DB and set DETAILS
                                pay_in = db(db.pay_ins.txid == txid).select().first()
                                if pay_in:
                                    # already assigned

                                recAdded = rpc_erachain.get_tx_info(token_system, txid.strip())
                                if not recAdded or 'creator' not in recAdded or recAdded['creator'] != rec['creator']:
                                    # set payment details only for this creator records

                                # make record INCOME from Erachain TRANSACTION 
                                make_rec(erachain_addr, acc, recAdded, transactions)

                #except Exception as e:
                    mess = 'COMMAND: %s - %s' % (line, e)
                    log(db, mess)

    return transactions, curr_block