Пример #1
    def __init__(self, periscope, p_data):
        Setup the vision device using data from the supplied xml file.
        ##get periscope properties from the dictionary returned by the api
        datums = p_data[periscope]["datums"]
        properties = p_data[periscope]["properties"]
        self.name = periscope

        self.trans_glass = datums["EXT_PSCOPE_OUTER"]["global"]
        self.trans_inner_glass = datums["EXT_PSCOPE_INNER"]["global"]

        self.focal_distance = float(properties["focal_distance"])
        self.fv_left = float(properties["field_of_view_angle_left"])
        self.fv_right = float(properties["field_of_view_angle_right"])
        self.fv_down = float(properties["field_of_view_angle_down"])
        self.fv_up = float(properties["field_of_view_angle_up"])

        ## Get transform to focal point in vehicle space and it's inverse
        self.focal_point_trans = np.dot(
            self.trans_glass, translate(np.array([0, 0,
        self.focal_point_trans_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.focal_point_trans)

        ## Axis to rotate around to scan horizontally from focal point
        self.lens_hor_axis = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1])
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, periscope, p_data):
        Setup the vision device using data from the supplied xml file.
        ##get periscope properties from the dictionary returned by the api
        datums = p_data[periscope]["datums"]
        properties = p_data[periscope]["properties"]
        self.name = periscope

        self.trans_glass = datums["EXT_PSCOPE_OUTER"]["global"]
        self.trans_inner_glass = datums["EXT_PSCOPE_INNER"]["global"]

        self.focal_distance = float(properties["focal_distance"])
        self.fv_left = float(properties["field_of_view_angle_left"])
        self.fv_right = float(properties["field_of_view_angle_right"])
        self.fv_down = float(properties["field_of_view_angle_down"])
        self.fv_up = float(properties["field_of_view_angle_up"])

        ## Get transform to focal point in vehicle space and it's inverse
        self.focal_point_trans = np.dot(self.trans_glass, translate(np.array([0, 0, -self.focal_distance])))
        self.focal_point_trans_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.focal_point_trans)

        ## Axis to rotate around to scan horizontally from focal point
        self.lens_hor_axis = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1])
Пример #3
    def _is_target_point_visible(self, target_point_trans, c_periscope):
        Return True if the ``target_point_trans`` is visible from the current view device.
        ## Target point in the focal point coord system
        t_pt_foc = get_translation(c_periscope.focal_point_trans_inv, target_point_trans)

        ## Calculate angle to target w.r.t to periscope view axis
        h_ang = atan2(t_pt_foc[0], t_pt_foc[2])
        rad_in_plane = sqrt(t_pt_foc[0] * t_pt_foc[0] + t_pt_foc[2] * t_pt_foc[2])
        v_ang = atan2(-t_pt_foc[1], rad_in_plane)

        ## Transform to project forward from the focal point to be slightly in front of the glass
        lens_dist = translate([0.0, 0.0, c_periscope.focal_distance * self.focal_length_multiplier, 1.0])

        ## Check if within the periscope view frustrum
        if c_periscope.is_ray_within_frustrum(h_ang, v_ang):
            ## Calculate the lens offset point
            tran_hor = rotation_about_vector(c_periscope.lens_hor_axis, h_ang)
            tran_vert = rotation_about_vector(mul(tran_hor, c_periscope.lens_hor_axis), v_ang)
            lens_point = get_translation(c_periscope.focal_point_trans, tran_vert, tran_hor, lens_dist)

            ## Actually do the intersection here
            t = self.b_tree.get_line_intersection(lens_point, get_translation(target_point_trans))

            if t < 0:
                ## Visible
                return True
        ## Not visible
        return False
Пример #4
    def _is_target_point_visible(self, target_point_trans, c_periscope):
        Return True if the ``target_point_trans`` is visible from the current view device.
        ## Target point in the focal point coord system
        t_pt_foc = get_translation(c_periscope.focal_point_trans_inv,

        ## Calculate angle to target w.r.t to periscope view axis
        h_ang = atan2(t_pt_foc[0], t_pt_foc[2])
        rad_in_plane = sqrt(t_pt_foc[0] * t_pt_foc[0] +
                            t_pt_foc[2] * t_pt_foc[2])
        v_ang = atan2(-t_pt_foc[1], rad_in_plane)

        ## Transform to project forward from the focal point to be slightly in front of the glass
        lens_dist = translate([
            0.0, 0.0,
            c_periscope.focal_distance * self.focal_length_multiplier, 1.0

        ## Check if within the periscope view frustrum
        if c_periscope.is_ray_within_frustrum(h_ang, v_ang):
            ## Calculate the lens offset point
            tran_hor = rotation_about_vector(c_periscope.lens_hor_axis, h_ang)
            tran_vert = rotation_about_vector(
                mul(tran_hor, c_periscope.lens_hor_axis), v_ang)
            lens_point = get_translation(c_periscope.focal_point_trans,
                                         tran_vert, tran_hor, lens_dist)

            ## Actually do the intersection here
            t = self.b_tree.get_line_intersection(
                lens_point, get_translation(target_point_trans))

            if t < 0:
                ## Visible
                return True
        ## Not visible
        return False
Пример #5
    def trace_rays(self):
        Trace the rays to calculate the raw hit points for each device.
        for p, periscope in enumerate(self.periscopes):

            hit = []
            hor_fan = []

            dist_ver = get_translation(
                periscope.trans_glass)[1] - self.z_ground

            ## Sweep around the global up direction to find horizontal view percent
            for i, ang_hor in enumerate(self.hor_sweep):
                ## Global transform to target point
                tran_hor_world = rotation_about_vector(self.up_direction,

                target_point_trans = mul(
                    self.tran_veh, tran_hor_world,
                    translate(np.array([self.far_dist, 0, 0])),
                    translate(np.array([0, dist_ver, 0])))

                if self._is_target_point_visible(target_point_trans,
                    self.target_points_horizon[i] += 2**p


            ## Find the highest visible point in front of the vehicle
            max_uplook = 50
            accuracy = 0.001
            self.uplook[p] = 0.0
            tran_hor_world = rotation_about_vector(self.up_direction, pi)
            upper_uplook = max_uplook
            lower_uplook = 0.0

            while (upper_uplook - lower_uplook) > accuracy:
                ## Global transform to target point
                height = (upper_uplook + lower_uplook) * 0.5

                target_point_trans = mul(
                    self.tran_veh, tran_hor_world,
                    translate(np.array([0.0, height, 50.0])))

                if self._is_target_point_visible(target_point_trans,
                    self.uplook[p] = height
                    lower_uplook = height
                    upper_uplook = height

            if self.uplook[p] > 0.0:

            ## Find the closest visible ground point fore and aft
            max_radius = 2e6
            self.fore_aft[p] = [max_radius, max_radius]
            for i, rot in enumerate([pi, 0.0]):
                tran_hor_world = rotation_about_vector(self.up_direction, rot)
                upper_radius = max_radius
                lower_radius = 0.0

                while (upper_radius - lower_radius) > accuracy:
                    ## Global transform to target point
                    radius = (upper_radius + lower_radius) * 0.5

                    target_point_trans = mul(
                        self.tran_veh, tran_hor_world,
                        translate(np.array([0, 0, radius])))

                    if self._is_target_point_visible(target_point_trans,
                        self.fore_aft[p][i] = radius
                        upper_radius = radius
                        lower_radius = radius

                if self.fore_aft[p][i] < max_radius * 0.5:

Пример #6
    def __init__(self, settings_f):
        Setup vision metrics based on settings read in from file.
        ##pass setting to the test bench api
        settings_dict = tba.load_settings(settings_f)

        ## Optional test bench settings
        self.show_3d = settings_dict.get("show_3d", False)
        horizontal_divs = settings_dict.get("horizontal_divs", 720)
        self.focal_length_multiplier = settings_dict.get(
            "focal_length_multiplier", 1.5)
        self.far_dist = settings_dict.get("far_dist", 20.0)
        self.up_direction = settings_dict.get("up_direction",
                                              np.array([0, 1.0, 0]))
        self.fore_direction = settings_dict.get("fore_direction",
                                                np.array([0, 0, -1.0]))
        self.ground = settings_dict.get("ground", np.array([0, 1.0, 0]))

        ## Set up some constant parameters
        self.hor_sweep = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, horizontal_divs)
        self.target_points_horizon = np.zeros(horizontal_divs, np.uint32)

        ## Get a dictionary of parts and properties form the api (periscopes, manikins, screens)
        fov_data = tba.get_data(parts_of_interest)

        ## Get Periscope objects for any that are found
        self.periscopes = [
            Vision_Device(p, fov_data["Periscope"])
            for p in fov_data["Periscope"]

        ## Get Manikin objects for the vehicle occupants that have vision requirements
        m_data = fov_data["Manikin"]

        req_roles = ["driver", "vehicle_commander", "troop_commander"]

        vis_roles = lambda m: m_data[m]["properties"]["vehicle_role"
                                                      ] in req_roles
        self.manikins = [
            Manikin(m, fov_data["Manikin"]) for m in m_data if vis_roles(m)

        ## Need exactly one of each
        roles = [m.vehicle_role for m in self.manikins]
        if len(set(roles)) != len(req_roles):
            msg = "Didn't get 1 of each vehicle_role={} instead got={}".format(
                req_roles, roles)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        ## Specify the classes of objects we want geometry for.
        class_set = tba.get_all_geom_set(
        ) - tba.geom_sets["never_exterior_classes"]

        ## And load them all as an effective single file
        surface = tba.load_geometry(class_set, single_file=True)

        ## Make a binary space partition to speed up intersection calculations
        self.nodes = np.vstack((surface['x'], surface['y'], surface['z'])).T
        self.tris = surface['tris']
        self.b_tree = BSP_Tree(self.nodes, self.tris)

        ## TODO this won't cope with unusual orientations
        ## determine orientation of the vehicle given the direction up and forward
        fore = np.dot(self.nodes, self.fore_direction).min()
        fore = np.min(surface["z"])
        self.side_direction = np.cross(self.up_direction, self.fore_direction)
        side_array = np.dot(self.nodes, self.side_direction)

        self.z_ground = np.dot(self.ground, self.up_direction)

        center = (side_array.min() + side_array.max()) / 2.0
        center = (np.min(surface["x"]) + np.max(surface["x"])) * 0.5
        ## Find the vehicle origin (point on ground at front on centerline)
        self.veh_origin = np.array([center, self.z_ground, fore])
        logging.info("Vehicle origin is at {}".format(self.veh_origin))
        self.tran_veh = translate(self.veh_origin)

        self.fore_aft = [None] * len(self.periscopes)
        self.uplook = np.array([-1000.0] * len(self.periscopes))

        self.hit = []

        self.hor_fans = []
Пример #7
    def trace_rays(self):
        Trace the rays to calculate the raw hit points for each device.
        for p, periscope in enumerate(self.periscopes):

            hit = []
            hor_fan = []

            dist_ver = get_translation(periscope.trans_glass)[1] - self.z_ground

            ## Sweep around the global up direction to find horizontal view percent
            for i, ang_hor in enumerate(self.hor_sweep):
                ## Global transform to target point
                tran_hor_world = rotation_about_vector(self.up_direction, ang_hor)

                target_point_trans = mul(
                    translate(np.array([self.far_dist, 0, 0])),
                    translate(np.array([0, dist_ver, 0])),

                if self._is_target_point_visible(target_point_trans, periscope):
                    self.target_points_horizon[i] += 2 ** p


            ## Find the highest visible point in front of the vehicle
            max_uplook = 50
            accuracy = 0.001
            self.uplook[p] = 0.0
            tran_hor_world = rotation_about_vector(self.up_direction, pi)
            upper_uplook = max_uplook
            lower_uplook = 0.0

            while (upper_uplook - lower_uplook) > accuracy:
                ## Global transform to target point
                height = (upper_uplook + lower_uplook) * 0.5

                target_point_trans = mul(self.tran_veh, tran_hor_world, translate(np.array([0.0, height, 50.0])))

                if self._is_target_point_visible(target_point_trans, periscope):
                    self.uplook[p] = height
                    lower_uplook = height
                    upper_uplook = height

            if self.uplook[p] > 0.0:

            ## Find the closest visible ground point fore and aft
            max_radius = 2e6
            self.fore_aft[p] = [max_radius, max_radius]
            for i, rot in enumerate([pi, 0.0]):
                tran_hor_world = rotation_about_vector(self.up_direction, rot)
                upper_radius = max_radius
                lower_radius = 0.0

                while (upper_radius - lower_radius) > accuracy:
                    ## Global transform to target point
                    radius = (upper_radius + lower_radius) * 0.5

                    target_point_trans = mul(self.tran_veh, tran_hor_world, translate(np.array([0, 0, radius])))

                    if self._is_target_point_visible(target_point_trans, periscope):
                        self.fore_aft[p][i] = radius
                        upper_radius = radius
                        lower_radius = radius

                if self.fore_aft[p][i] < max_radius * 0.5:

Пример #8
    def __init__(self, settings_f):
        Setup vision metrics based on settings read in from file.
        ##pass setting to the test bench api
        settings_dict = tba.load_settings(settings_f)

        ## Optional test bench settings
        self.show_3d = settings_dict.get("show_3d", False)
        horizontal_divs = settings_dict.get("horizontal_divs", 720)
        self.focal_length_multiplier = settings_dict.get("focal_length_multiplier", 1.5)
        self.far_dist = settings_dict.get("far_dist", 20.0)
        self.up_direction = settings_dict.get("up_direction", np.array([0, 1.0, 0]))
        self.fore_direction = settings_dict.get("fore_direction", np.array([0, 0, -1.0]))
        self.ground = settings_dict.get("ground", np.array([0, 1.0, 0]))

        ## Set up some constant parameters
        self.hor_sweep = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, horizontal_divs)
        self.target_points_horizon = np.zeros(horizontal_divs, np.uint32)

        ## Get a dictionary of parts and properties form the api (periscopes, manikins, screens)
        fov_data = tba.get_data(parts_of_interest)

        ## Get Periscope objects for any that are found
        self.periscopes = [Vision_Device(p, fov_data["Periscope"]) for p in fov_data["Periscope"]]

        ## Get Manikin objects for the vehicle occupants that have vision requirements
        m_data = fov_data["Manikin"]

        req_roles = ["driver", "vehicle_commander", "troop_commander"]

        vis_roles = lambda m: m_data[m]["properties"]["vehicle_role"] in req_roles
        self.manikins = [Manikin(m, fov_data["Manikin"]) for m in m_data if vis_roles(m)]

        ## Need exactly one of each
        roles = [m.vehicle_role for m in self.manikins]
        if len(set(roles)) != len(req_roles):
            msg = "Didn't get 1 of each vehicle_role={} instead got={}".format(req_roles, roles)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        ## Specify the classes of objects we want geometry for.
        class_set = tba.get_all_geom_set() - tba.geom_sets["never_exterior_classes"]

        ## And load them all as an effective single file
        surface = tba.load_geometry(class_set, single_file=True)

        ## Make a binary space partition to speed up intersection calculations
        self.nodes = np.vstack((surface["x"], surface["y"], surface["z"])).T
        self.tris = surface["tris"]
        self.b_tree = BSP_Tree(self.nodes, self.tris)

        ## TODO this won't cope with unusual orientations
        ## determine orientation of the vehicle given the direction up and forward
        fore = np.dot(self.nodes, self.fore_direction).min()
        fore = np.min(surface["z"])
        self.side_direction = np.cross(self.up_direction, self.fore_direction)
        side_array = np.dot(self.nodes, self.side_direction)

        self.z_ground = np.dot(self.ground, self.up_direction)

        center = (side_array.min() + side_array.max()) / 2.0
        center = (np.min(surface["x"]) + np.max(surface["x"])) * 0.5
        ## Find the vehicle origin (point on ground at front on centerline)
        self.veh_origin = np.array([center, self.z_ground, fore])
        logging.info("Vehicle origin is at {}".format(self.veh_origin))
        self.tran_veh = translate(self.veh_origin)

        self.fore_aft = [None] * len(self.periscopes)
        self.uplook = np.array([-1000.0] * len(self.periscopes))

        self.hit = []

        self.hor_fans = []