Пример #1
def getMoonPhase( n ):
    if not isinstance( n, RPNDateTime ):
        raise ValueError( '\'moon_phase\' expects a date-time argument' )

    datetime = n.to( 'utc' ).format( )

    previous = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( ephem.previous_new_moon( datetime ) ).getLocalTime( )
    next = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( ephem.next_new_moon( datetime ) ).getLocalTime( )

    cycle = next - previous
    current = n - previous

    return current.total_seconds( ) / cycle.total_seconds( )
Пример #2
def getEphemTime( n, func ):
    '''Returns a pyephem date-time value from an RPNDateTime value.'''
    if not isinstance( n, RPNDateTime ):
        raise ValueError( 'expected a date-time argument' )

    result = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( func( n.format( ) ) )
    return result.getLocalTime( )
Пример #3
def getAntitransitTime( body, location, date ):
    if isinstance( location, str ):
        location = getLocation( location )

    if not isinstance( body, ephem.Body ) or not isinstance( location, RPNLocation ) or \
       not isinstance( date, RPNDateTime ):
        raise ValueError( 'expected an astronomical object, a locaton and a date-time' )

    location.observer.date = date.to( 'utc' ).format( )
    location.observer.horizon = '0'

    ephemSetting = location.observer.next_setting( body )
    setting = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( ephemSetting ).getLocalTime( )
    rising = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( location.observer.next_rising( body, start=ephemSetting ) ).getLocalTime( )

    return subtract( rising, setting )
Пример #4
def getPreviousSetting( body, location, date ):
    if isinstance( location, str ):
        location = getLocation( location )

    if not isinstance( body, ephem.Body ) or not isinstance( location, RPNLocation ) or not isinstance( date, RPNDateTime ):
        raise ValueError( 'expected an astronomical object, a locaton and a date-time' )

    old_horizon = location.observer.horizon

    location.observer.date = date.to( 'utc' ).format( )
    location.observer.horizon = '0'

    result = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( location.observer.previous_setting( body ) ).getLocalTime( )

    location.observer.horizon = old_horizon

    return result
Пример #5
def getNextDusk( location, date, horizon = -6 ):
    if isinstance( location, str ):
        location = getLocation( location )

    if not isinstance( location, RPNLocation ) or not isinstance( date, RPNDateTime ):
        raise ValueError( 'expected locaton and date-time arguments' )

    old_horizon = location.observer.horizon

    location.observer.date = date.to( 'utc' ).format( )
    location.observer.horizon = str( horizon )

    result = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate(
                location.observer.next_setting( ephem.Sun( ), use_center=True ) ).getLocalTime( )

    location.observer.horizon = old_horizon

    return result
Пример #6
def getWinterSolstice( n ):
    '''Returns the date of the next winter solstice after n.'''
    result = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( ephem.next_solstice( str( n ) + '-07-01' ) )
    return result.getLocalTime( )
Пример #7
def getAutumnalEquinox( n ):
    '''Returns the date of the next autumnal equinox after n.'''
    result = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( ephem.next_equinox( str( n ) + '-07-01' ) )
    return result.getLocalTime( )
Пример #8
def getWinterSolstice( n ):
    result = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( ephem.next_solstice( str( n ) + '-07-01' ) )
    return result.getLocalTime( )
Пример #9
def getAutumnalEquinox( n ):
    result = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( ephem.next_equinox( str( n ) + '-07-01' ) )
    return result.getLocalTime( )
Пример #10
def getSummerSolstice( n ):
    result = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( ephem.next_solstice( str( n ) ) )
    return result.getLocalTime( )
Пример #11
def getVernalEquinox( n ):
    result = RPNDateTime.convertFromEphemDate( ephem.next_equinox( str( n ) ) )
    return result.getLocalTime( )