Пример #1
def createDeBruijnSequence( n, k ):
    wordSize = real_int( k )
    symbolCount = real_int( n )

    v = [ 0 for _ in range( wordSize ) ]
    l = 1
    result = [ ]

    while True:
        if wordSize % l == 0:
            result.extend( v[ 0 : l ] )

        for i in range( l, wordSize ):
            v[ i ] = v[ i - l ]

        l = wordSize

        while l > 0 and v[ l - 1 ] >= symbolCount - 1:
            l -= 1

        if l == 0:

        v[ l - 1 ] += 1

    return result
Пример #2
def isMorphic( n, k ):
    Returns true if n to the k power ends with n.
    digits = getMPFIntegerAsString( real_int( n ) )
    sqr_digits = getMPFIntegerAsString( power( n, real_int( k ) ) )

    start = len( sqr_digits ) - len( digits )
    return 1 if ( sqr_digits[ start : ] == digits ) else 0
Пример #3
def findPalindrome( n, k ):
    next = int( real_int( n ) )

    for i in range( int( real_int( k ) ) + 1 ):
        if isPalindrome( next ):
            return [ i, next ]
            next = reverseDigits( next ) + next

    return [ k, 0 ]
Пример #4
def getBitCount( n ):
    result = 0

    if isinstance( n, RPNMeasurement ):
        value = real_int( n.getValue( ) )
        value = real_int( n )

    while ( value ):
        value &= value - 1
        result += 1

    return result
Пример #5
def getNthPrimeRange( arg1, arg2 ):
    n = int( real_int( arg1 ) )
    count = int( real_int( arg2 ) )

    if count < 1:
        return [ ]

    # for primes below 7, we have to do it manually
    if n == 1:
        if count == 1:
            return [ 2 ]
        elif count == 2:
            return[ 2, 3 ]
        elif count == 3:
            return [ 2, 3, 5 ]
            result = [ 2, 3, 5, 7 ]
            count -= 3
            p = 7
    elif n == 2:
        if count == 1:
            return [ 3 ]
        elif count == 2:
            return [ 3, 5 ]
            result = [ 3, 5, 7 ]
            count -= 2
            p = 7
    elif n == 3:
        if count == 1:
            return [ 5 ]
            result = [ 5, 7 ]
            count -= 1
            p = 7
        p = getNthPrime( n )
        result = [ p ]

    found = 1

    while found < count:
        p = getNextPrimeCandidate( p )

        if isPrime( p ):
            result.append( p )
            found += 1

    return result
Пример #6
def getNthCousinPrime( arg ):
    n = int( real_int( arg ) )

    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError( 'index must be > 0' )
    elif n == 1:
        return 3
    elif n >= 100:
        openPrimeCache( 'cousin_primes' )

        maxIndex = g.cursors[ 'cousin_primes' ].execute(
            '''SELECT MAX( id ) FROM cache''' ).fetchone( )[ 0 ]

        if n > maxIndex:
            sys.stderr.write( '{:,} is above the max cached index of {:,}.  This could take some time...\n'.
                              format( n, maxIndex ) )

        currentIndex, p = g.cursors[ 'cousin_primes' ].execute(
            '''SELECT MAX( id ), value FROM cache WHERE id <= ?''', ( int( n ), ) ).fetchone( )
        currentIndex = 2
        p = 7

    while n > currentIndex:
        p = getNextPrime( p )

        if isPrime( p + 4 ):
            currentIndex += 1

    return p
Пример #7
def calculateLaborDay( year ):
    if isinstance( year, RPNDateTime ):
        year = year.year
        year = real_int( year )

    return calculateNthWeekdayOfMonth( year, 9, 1, 1 )
Пример #8
def calculateThanksgiving( year ):
    if isinstance( year, RPNDateTime ):
        year = year.year
        year = real_int( year )

    return calculateNthWeekdayOfMonth( year, November, 4, Thursday )
Пример #9
def calculateNthWeekdayOfMonth( year, month, nth, weekday ):
    if real( weekday ) > Sunday or weekday < Monday:
        raise ValueError( 'day of week must be 1 - 7 (Monday to Sunday)' )

    if isinstance( year, RPNDateTime ):
        year = year.year
        year = real_int( year )

    firstDayOfWeek = arrow.Arrow( real( year ), real( month ), 1 ).isoweekday( )

    if nth < 0:
        day = ( ( real( weekday ) + 1 ) - firstDayOfWeek ) % 7

        while day <= getLastDayOfMonth( year, month ):
            day += 7

        day += nth * 7
        day = ( real( weekday ) - firstDayOfWeek + 1 ) + nth * 7

        if weekday >= firstDayOfWeek:
            day -= 7

    return RPNDateTime( year, month, day, dateOnly = True )
Пример #10
def getNthOctagonalTriangularNumber( n ):
    sign = power( -1, real( n ) )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul( fsub( 7, fprod( [ 2, sqrt( 6 ), sign ] ) ),
                                    power( fadd( sqrt( 3 ), sqrt( 2 ) ),
                                           fsub( fmul( 4, real_int( n ) ), 2 ) ) ),
                              96 ) ) )
Пример #11
def getNthIsolatedPrime( arg ):
    global isolatedPrimes
    global updateDicts

    n = int( real_int( arg ) )

    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError( 'index must be > 0' )
    elif n == 1:
        return 2
    elif n == 2:
        return 23
    elif n >= 1000:
        if isolatedPrimes == { }:
            isolatedPrimes = loadIsolatedPrimes( g.dataPath )

        currentIndex = max( key for key in isolatedPrimes if key <= n )
        p = isolatedPrimes[ currentIndex ]
        currentIndex = 2
        p = 23

    while n > currentIndex:
        p = getNextPrime( p )

        if not isPrime( p - 2 ) and not isPrime( p + 2 ):
            currentIndex += 1

    if updateDicts:
        isolatedPrimes[ n ] = p

    return p
Пример #12
def getNthNonagonalOctagonalNumber( n ):
    sqrt6 = sqrt( 6 )
    sqrt7 = sqrt( 7 )

    return nint( floor( fdiv( fmul( fsub( fmul( 11, sqrt7 ), fmul( 9, sqrt6 ) ),
                                    power( fadd( sqrt6, sqrt7 ), fsub( fmul( 8, real_int( n ) ), 5 ) ) ),
                              672 ) ) )
Пример #13
def combineDigits( n ):
    result = 0

    for i in n:
        result = addDigits( result, real_int( i ) )

    return result
Пример #14
def getNthIsolatedPrime( arg ):
    n = int( real_int( arg ) )

    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError( 'index must be > 0' )
    elif n == 1:
        return 2
    elif n == 2:
        return 23
    elif n >= 1000:
        openPrimeCache( 'isolated_primes' )

        currentIndex, p = g.cursors[ 'isolated_primes' ].execute(
            '''SELECT MAX( id ), value FROM cache WHERE id <= ?''', ( int( n ), ) ).fetchone( )
        currentIndex = 2
        p = 23

    while n > currentIndex:
        p = getNextPrime( p )

        if not isPrime( p - 2 ) and not isPrime( p + 2 ):
            currentIndex += 1

    return p
Пример #15
def calculateMemorialDay( year ):
    if isinstance( year, RPNDateTime ):
        year = year.year
        year = real_int( year )

    return calculateNthWeekdayOfMonth( year, May, -1, Monday )
Пример #16
def getNthQuadrupletPrime( arg ):
    n = int( real_int( arg ) )

    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError( 'index must be > 0' )
    elif n == 1:
        return 5
    elif n == 2:
        return 11

    if n >= 10:
        openPrimeCache( 'quad_primes' )

        maxIndex = g.cursors[ 'quad_primes' ].execute(
            '''SELECT MAX( id ) FROM cache''' ).fetchone( )[ 0 ]

        if n > maxIndex:
            sys.stderr.write( '{:,} is above the max cached index of {:,}.  This could take some time...\n'.
                              format( n, maxIndex ) )

        startingPlace, p = g.cursors[ 'quad_primes' ].execute(
            '''SELECT MAX( id ), value FROM cache WHERE id <= ?''', ( int( n ), ) ).fetchone( )
        startingPlace = 2
        p = 11

    # after 5, the first of a prime quadruplet must be a number of the form 30n + 11
    while n > startingPlace:
        p += 30

        if isPrime( p ) and isPrime( p + 2 ) and isPrime( p + 6 ) and isPrime( p + 8 ):
            n -= 1

    return p
Пример #17
def getNthSextupletPrime( arg ):
    n = int( real_int( arg ) )

    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError( 'index must be > 0' )
    elif n == 1:
        return 7
    elif n >= 10:
        openPrimeCache( 'sext_primes' )

        maxIndex = g.cursors[ 'sext_primes' ].execute(
            '''SELECT MAX( id ) FROM cache''' ).fetchone( )[ 0 ]

        if n > maxIndex:
            sys.stderr.write( '{:,} is above the max cached index of {:,}.  This could take some time...\n'.
                              format( n, maxIndex ) )

        startingPlace, p = g.cursors[ 'sext_primes' ].execute(
            '''SELECT MAX( id ), value FROM cache WHERE id <= ?''', ( int( n ), ) ).fetchone( )
        startingPlace = 1
        p = 7

    # all sets of prime sextuplets must start with 30x+7
    while n > startingPlace:
        p += 30

        if isPrime( p ) and isPrime( p + 4 ) and isPrime( p + 6 ) and \
           isPrime( p + 10 ) and isPrime( p + 12 ) + isPrime( 16 ):
            n -= 1

    return p
Пример #18
def findQuintupletPrimes( arg ):
    n = int( real_int( arg ) )

    if n < 5:
        return 1, [ 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 ]
    elif n < 7:
        return 2, [ 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 ]

    openPrimeCache( 'quint_primes' )

    currentIndex, p = g.cursors[ 'quint_primes' ].execute(
        '''SELECT id, max( value ) FROM cache WHERE value <= ?''', ( n, ) ).fetchone( )

    while True:
        p += 30

        f = p % 10

        if ( ( f == 1 ) and isPrime( p + 2 ) and isPrime( p + 6 ) and isPrime( p + 8 ) and isPrime( p + 12 ) ) or \
           ( ( f == 7 ) and isPrime( p + 4 ) and isPrime( p + 6 ) and isPrime( p + 10 ) and isPrime( p + 12 ) ):
            currentIndex += 1

            if p > n:
                if f == 1:
                    return currentIndex, [ p, fadd( p, 2 ), fadd( p, 6 ), fadd( p, 8 ), fadd( p, 12 ) ]
                elif f == 7:
                    return currentIndex, [ p, fadd( p, 4 ), fadd( p, 6 ), fadd( p, 10 ), fadd( p, 12 ) ]
Пример #19
def getNSphereRadius( n, k ):
    if real_int( k ) < 3:
        raise ValueError( 'the number of dimensions must be at least 3' )

    if not isinstance( n, RPNMeasurement ):
        return RPNMeasurement( n, 'meter' )

    dimensions = n.getDimensions( )

    if dimensions == { 'length' : 1 }:
        return n
    elif dimensions == { 'length' : int( k - 1 ) }:
        m2 = n.convertValue( RPNMeasurement( 1, [ { 'meter' : int( k - 1 ) } ] ) )

        result = root( fdiv( fmul( m2, gamma( fdiv( k, 2 ) ) ),
                             fmul( 2, power( pi, fdiv( k, 2 ) ) ) ), fsub( k, 1 ) )

        return RPNMeasurement( result, [ { 'meter' : 1 } ] )
    elif dimensions == { 'length' : int( k ) }:
        m3 = n.convertValue( RPNMeasurement( 1, [ { 'meter' : int( k ) } ] ) )

        result = root( fmul( fdiv( gamma( fadd( fdiv( k, 2 ), 1 ) ),
                                   power( pi, fdiv( k, 2 ) ) ),
                             m3 ), k )

        return RPNMeasurement( result, [ { 'meter' : 1 } ] )
        raise ValueError( 'incompatible measurement type for computing the radius: ' +
                          str( dimensions ) )
Пример #20
def findNthPolygonalNumber( n, k ):
    if real_int( k ) < 3:
        raise ValueError( 'the number of sides of the polygon cannot be less than 3,' )

    return nint( fdiv( fsum( [ sqrt( fsum( [ power( k, 2 ), fprod( [ 8, k, real( n ) ] ),
                                             fneg( fmul( 8, k ) ), fneg( fmul( 16, n ) ), 16 ] ) ),
                               k, -4 ] ), fmul( 2, fsub( k, 2 ) ) ) )
Пример #21
def calculatePresidentsDay( year ):
    if isinstance( year, RPNDateTime ):
        year = year.year
        year = real_int( year )

    return calculateNthWeekdayOfMonth( year, February, 3, Monday )
Пример #22
def getNthSexyPrime( arg ):
    n = int( real_int( arg ) )

    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError( 'index must be > 0' )
    elif n == 1:
        return 5
    elif n >= 100:
        openPrimeCache( 'sexy_primes' )

        maxIndex = g.cursors[ 'sexy_primes' ].execute(
            '''SELECT MAX( id ) FROM cache''' ).fetchone( )[ 0 ]

        if n > maxIndex:
            sys.stderr.write( '{:,} is above the max cached index of {:,}.  This could take some time...\n'.
                              format( n, maxIndex ) )

        startingPlace, p = g.cursors[ 'sexy_primes' ].execute(
            '''SELECT MAX( id ), value FROM cache WHERE id <= ?''', ( int( n ), ) ).fetchone( )
        startingPlace = 2
        p = 7

    while n > startingPlace:
        p = getNextPrime( p, getNextSexyPrimeCandidate )

        if isPrime( p + 6 ):
            n -= 1

    return p
Пример #23
def getCompositions( n, k ):
    value = int( real_int( n ) )
    count = int( real_int( k ) )

    if count < 1:
        raise ValueError( "'compositions' expects a size argument greater than 0'" )

    if count == 1:
        return [ [ value ] ]
        result = [ ]

        for i in range( 1, int( ( value - count ) + 2 ) ):
            result.extend( [ [ nint( i ) ] + comp for comp in getCompositions( n - i, count - 1 ) ] )

        return result
Пример #24
def findQuintupletPrimes( arg ):
    global quintPrimes

    n = int( real_int( arg ) )

    if n < 5:
        return 1, [ 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 ]
    elif n < 7:
        return 2, [ 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 ]

    if quintPrimes == { }:
        quintPrimes = loadQuintupletPrimes( g.dataPath )

    currentIndex = max( key for key in quintPrimes if quintPrimes[ key ] <= n )
    p = quintPrimes[ currentIndex ]

    while True:
        p += 30

        f = p % 10

        if ( ( f == 1 ) and isPrime( p + 2 ) and isPrime( p + 6 ) and isPrime( p + 8 ) and isPrime( p + 12 ) ) or \
           ( ( f == 7 ) and isPrime( p + 4 ) and isPrime( p + 6 ) and isPrime( p + 10 ) and isPrime( p + 12 ) ):
            currentIndex += 1

            if p > n:
                if f == 1:
                    return currentIndex, [ p, fadd( p, 2 ), fadd( p, 6 ), fadd( p, 8 ), fadd( p, 12 ) ]
                elif f == 7:
                    return currentIndex, [ p, fadd( p, 4 ), fadd( p, 6 ), fadd( p, 10 ), fadd( p, 12 ) ]
Пример #25
def calculateNthWeekdayOfYear( year, nth, weekday ):
    if isinstance( year, RPNDateTime ):
        year = year.year
        year = real_int( year )

    if real( nth ) > 0:
        firstDay = RPNDateTime( year, 1, 1 )

        firstWeekDay = real( weekday ) - firstDay.isoweekday( ) + 1

        if firstWeekDay < 1:
            firstWeekDay += 7

        result = RPNDateTime( year, 1, firstWeekDay ).add( RPNMeasurement( nth - 1, 'week' ) )
        result.setDateOnly( )

        return result
    elif nth < 0:
        lastDay = RPNDateTime( year, 12, 31 )

        lastWeekDay = real( weekday ) - lastDay.isoweekday( )

        if lastWeekDay > 0:
            lastWeekDay -= 7

        lastWeekDay += 31

        result = RPNDateTime( year, 12, lastWeekDay, dateOnly = True ).add( RPNMeasurement( ( nth + 1 ), 'week' ) )
        result.setDateOnly( )

        return result
Пример #26
def isUnusual( n ):
    if real_int( n ) < 2:
        return 0

    factors = getECMFactors( n ) if g.ecm else getFactors( n )

    return 1 if max( [ i[ 0 ] for i in factors ] ) > sqrt( n ) else 0
Пример #27
def isSquareFree( n ):
    if real_int( n ) == 0:
        return 0

    factors = getECMFactors( n ) if g.ecm else getFactors( n )

    return 1 if max( [ i[ 1 ] for i in factors ] ) == 1 else 0
Пример #28
def getNthCalkinWilf( n ):
    if real_int( n ) < 0:
        raise ValueError( 'non-negative, real integer expected' )

    if n == 0:
        return 0

    return fdiv( getNthStern( n ), getNthStern( fadd( n, 1 ) ) )
Пример #29
def findCenteredPolygonalNumber( n, k ):
    if real_int( k ) < 3:
        raise ValueError( 'the number of sides of the polygon cannot be less than 3,' )

    s = fdiv( k, 2 )

    return nint( fdiv( fadd( sqrt( s ),
                       sqrt( fsum( [ fmul( 4, real( n ) ), s, -4 ] ) ) ), fmul( 2, sqrt( s ) ) ) )
Пример #30
def calculateElectionDay( year ):
    if isinstance( year, RPNDateTime ):
        year = year.year
        year = real_int( year )

    result = calculateNthWeekdayOfMonth( year, November, 1, Monday)
    return result.replace( day = result.day + 1 )