class ObjectSpace(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.cache = SpaceCache(self) self.symbol_cache = {} self._executioncontexts = ExecutionContextHolder() self.globals = GlobalsDict() self.bootstrap = True self.exit_handlers_w = [] self.w_true = W_TrueObject(self) self.w_false = W_FalseObject(self) self.w_nil = W_NilObject(self) # Force the setup of a few key classes, we create a fake "Class" class # for the initial bootstrap. self.w_class = self.newclass("FakeClass", None) cls_reference = weakref.ref(self.w_class) self.w_basicobject = self.getclassfor(W_BaseObject) self.w_object = self.getclassfor(W_Object) self.w_class = self.getclassfor(W_ClassObject) # We replace the one reference to our FakeClass with the real class. self.w_basicobject.klass.superclass = self.w_class gc.collect() assert cls_reference() is None self.w_symbol = self.getclassfor(W_SymbolObject) self.w_array = self.getclassfor(W_ArrayObject) self.w_proc = self.getclassfor(W_ProcObject) self.w_binding = self.getclassfor(W_BindingObject) self.w_numeric = self.getclassfor(W_NumericObject) self.w_fixnum = self.getclassfor(W_FixnumObject) self.w_float = self.getclassfor(W_FloatObject) self.w_bignum = self.getclassfor(W_BignumObject) self.w_integer = self.getclassfor(W_IntegerObject) self.w_module = self.getclassfor(W_ModuleObject) self.w_string = self.getclassfor(W_StringObject) self.w_regexp = self.getclassfor(W_RegexpObject) self.w_hash = self.getclassfor(W_HashObject) self.w_method = self.getclassfor(W_MethodObject) self.w_unbound_method = self.getclassfor(W_UnboundMethodObject) self.w_io = self.getclassfor(W_IOObject) self.w_NoMethodError = self.getclassfor(W_NoMethodError) self.w_ArgumentError = self.getclassfor(W_ArgumentError) self.w_LocalJumpError = self.getclassfor(W_LocalJumpError) self.w_NameError = self.getclassfor(W_NameError) self.w_NotImplementedError = self.getclassfor(W_NotImplementedError) self.w_IndexError = self.getclassfor(W_IndexError) self.w_KeyError = self.getclassfor(W_KeyError) self.w_IOError = self.getclassfor(W_IOError) self.w_EOFError = self.getclassfor(W_EOFError) self.w_FiberError = self.getclassfor(W_FiberError) self.w_LoadError = self.getclassfor(W_LoadError) self.w_RangeError = self.getclassfor(W_RangeError) self.w_FloatDomainError = self.getclassfor(W_FloatDomainError) self.w_RegexpError = self.getclassfor(W_RegexpError) self.w_RuntimeError = self.getclassfor(W_RuntimeError) self.w_StandardError = self.getclassfor(W_StandardError) self.w_StopIteration = self.getclassfor(W_StopIteration) self.w_SyntaxError = self.getclassfor(W_SyntaxError) self.w_SystemCallError = self.getclassfor(W_SystemCallError) self.w_SystemExit = self.getclassfor(W_SystemExit) self.w_SystemStackError = self.getclassfor(W_SystemStackError) self.w_TypeError = self.getclassfor(W_TypeError) self.w_ZeroDivisionError = self.getclassfor(W_ZeroDivisionError) self.w_kernel = self.getmoduleobject(Kernel.moduledef) self.w_topaz = self.getmoduleobject(Topaz.moduledef) for w_cls in [ self.w_basicobject, self.w_object, self.w_array, self.w_proc, self.w_numeric, self.w_fixnum, self.w_bignum, self.w_float, self.w_string, self.w_symbol, self.w_class, self.w_module, self.w_hash, self.w_regexp, self.w_method, self.w_unbound_method, self.w_io, self.w_binding, self.w_NoMethodError, self.w_ArgumentError, self.w_TypeError, self.w_ZeroDivisionError, self.w_SystemExit, self.w_RangeError, self.w_RegexpError, self.w_RuntimeError, self.w_SystemCallError, self.w_LoadError, self.w_StopIteration, self.w_SyntaxError, self.w_NameError, self.w_StandardError, self.w_LocalJumpError, self.w_IndexError, self.w_IOError, self.w_NotImplementedError, self.w_EOFError, self.w_FloatDomainError, self.w_FiberError, self.w_SystemStackError, self.w_KeyError, self.w_kernel, self.w_topaz, self.getclassfor(W_NilObject), self.getclassfor(W_TrueObject), self.getclassfor(W_FalseObject), self.getclassfor(W_RangeObject), self.getclassfor(W_FileObject), self.getclassfor(W_DirObject), self.getclassfor(W_EncodingObject), self.getclassfor(W_IntegerObject), self.getclassfor(W_RandomObject), self.getclassfor(W_ThreadObject), self.getclassfor(W_TimeObject), self.getclassfor(W_MethodObject), self.getclassfor(W_UnboundMethodObject), self.getclassfor(W_FiberObject), self.getclassfor(W_MatchDataObject), self.getclassfor(W_ExceptionObject), self.getclassfor(W_ThreadError), self.getmoduleobject(Comparable.moduledef), self.getmoduleobject(Enumerable.moduledef), self.getmoduleobject(Marshal.moduledef), self.getmoduleobject(Math.moduledef), self.getmoduleobject(Fcntl.moduledef), self.getmoduleobject(FFI.moduledef), self.getmoduleobject(Process.moduledef), self.getmoduleobject(Signal.moduledef), self.getmoduleobject(ObjectSpaceModule.moduledef), ]: self.set_const(self.w_object, self.str_w(self.send(w_cls, "name")), w_cls) for w_cls in [ self.getclassfor(W_EnvObject), self.getclassfor(W_HashIterator), ]: self.set_const(self.w_topaz, self.str_w(self.send(w_cls, "name")), w_cls) self.set_const(self.w_basicobject, "BasicObject", self.w_basicobject) # This is bootstrap. We have to delay sending until true, false and nil # are defined self.send(self.w_object, "include", [self.w_kernel]) self.bootstrap = False self.w_load_path = self.newarray([]) self.globals.define_virtual("$LOAD_PATH", lambda space: space.w_load_path) self.globals.define_virtual("$:", lambda space: space.w_load_path) self.globals.define_virtual( "$$", lambda space: space.send( space.getmoduleobject(Process.moduledef), "pid")) self.w_loaded_features = self.newarray([]) self.globals.define_virtual("$LOADED_FEATURES", lambda space: space.w_loaded_features) self.globals.define_virtual('$"', lambda space: space.w_loaded_features) self.w_main_thread = W_ThreadObject(self) self.w_load_path = self.newarray([]) self.base_lib_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir), "lib-ruby")) def _freeze_(self): self._executioncontexts.clear() return True def find_executable(self, executable): if os.sep in executable or (system.IS_WINDOWS and ":" in executable): return executable path = os.environ.get("PATH") if path: for dir in path.split(os.pathsep): f = os.path.join(dir, executable) if os.path.isfile(f): executable = f break return rpath.rabspath(executable) def setup(self, executable): """ Performs runtime setup. """ path = rpath.rabspath(self.find_executable(executable)) # Fallback to a path relative to the compiled location. lib_path = self.base_lib_path kernel_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(lib_path, os.path.pardir), "lib-topaz") while True: par_path = rpath.rabspath(os.path.join(path, os.path.pardir)) if par_path == path: break path = par_path if isdir(os.path.join(path, "lib-ruby")): lib_path = os.path.join(path, "lib-ruby") kernel_path = os.path.join(path, "lib-topaz") break self.send(self.w_load_path, "unshift", [self.newstr_fromstr(lib_path)]) self.load_kernel(kernel_path) def load_kernel(self, kernel_path): self.send( self.w_kernel, "load", [self.newstr_fromstr(os.path.join(kernel_path, "bootstrap.rb"))]) @specialize.memo() def fromcache(self, key): return self.cache.getorbuild(key) # Methods for dealing with source code. def parse(self, source, initial_lineno=1, symtable=None): if symtable is None: symtable = SymbolTable() parser = Parser( Lexer(source, initial_lineno=initial_lineno, symtable=symtable)) try: return parser.parse().getast() except ParsingError as e: source_pos = e.getsourcepos() token = e.message if source_pos is not None: msg = "line %d (unexpected %s)" % (source_pos.lineno, token) else: msg = "" raise self.error(self.w_SyntaxError, msg) except LexerError as e: raise self.error(self.w_SyntaxError, "line %d (%s)" % (e.pos.lineno, e.msg)) def compile(self, source, filepath, initial_lineno=1, symtable=None): if symtable is None: symtable = SymbolTable() astnode = self.parse(source, initial_lineno=initial_lineno, symtable=symtable) ctx = CompilerContext(self, "<main>", symtable, filepath) with ctx.set_lineno(initial_lineno): try: astnode.compile(ctx) except CompilerError as e: raise self.error(self.w_SyntaxError, "%s" % e.msg) return ctx.create_bytecode(initial_lineno, [], [], None, None) def execute(self, source, w_self=None, lexical_scope=None, filepath="-e", initial_lineno=1): bc = self.compile(source, filepath, initial_lineno=initial_lineno) frame = self.create_frame(bc, w_self=w_self, lexical_scope=lexical_scope) with self.getexecutioncontext().visit_frame(frame): return self.execute_frame(frame, bc) @jit.loop_invariant def getexecutioncontext(self): ec = self._executioncontexts.get() if ec is None: ec = ExecutionContext() self._executioncontexts.set(ec) return ec def create_frame(self, bc, w_self=None, lexical_scope=None, block=None, parent_interp=None, top_parent_interp=None, regexp_match_cell=None): if w_self is None: w_self = self.w_top_self if regexp_match_cell is None: regexp_match_cell = ClosureCell(None) return Frame(jit.promote(bc), w_self, lexical_scope, block, parent_interp, top_parent_interp, regexp_match_cell) def execute_frame(self, frame, bc): return Interpreter().interpret(self, frame, bc) # Methods for allocating new objects. @signature(types.any(), types.bool(), returns=types.instance(W_Root)) def newbool(self, boolvalue): if boolvalue: return self.w_true else: return self.w_false @signature(types.any(),, returns=types.instance(W_FixnumObject)) def newint(self, intvalue): return W_FixnumObject(self, intvalue) def newbigint_fromint(self, intvalue): return W_BignumObject.newbigint_fromint(self, intvalue) def newbigint_fromfloat(self, floatvalue): return W_BignumObject.newbigint_fromfloat(self, floatvalue) def newbigint_fromrbigint(self, bigint): return W_BignumObject.newbigint_fromrbigint(self, bigint) @specialize.argtype(1) def newint_or_bigint(self, someinteger): if -sys.maxint <= someinteger <= sys.maxint: # The smallest int -sys.maxint - 1 has to be a Bignum, # because parsing gives a Bignum in that case return self.newint(intmask(someinteger)) else: return self.newbigint_fromrbigint( rbigint.fromrarith_int(someinteger)) @specialize.argtype(1) def newint_or_bigint_fromunsigned(self, someunsigned): #XXX somehow combine with above if 0 <= someunsigned <= sys.maxint: return self.newint(intmask(someunsigned)) else: return self.newbigint_fromrbigint( rbigint.fromrarith_int(someunsigned)) def newfloat(self, floatvalue): return W_FloatObject(self, floatvalue) @jit.elidable def newsymbol(self, symbol): try: w_sym = self.symbol_cache[symbol] except KeyError: w_sym = self.symbol_cache[symbol] = W_SymbolObject(self, symbol) return w_sym def newstr_fromchars(self, chars): return W_StringObject.newstr_fromchars(self, chars) def newstr_fromstr(self, strvalue): assert strvalue is not None return W_StringObject.newstr_fromstr(self, strvalue) def newstr_fromstrs(self, strs_w): return W_StringObject.newstr_fromstrs(self, strs_w) def newarray(self, items_w): return W_ArrayObject(self, items_w) def newhash(self): return W_HashObject(self) def newrange(self, w_start, w_end, exclusive): return W_RangeObject(self, w_start, w_end, exclusive) def newregexp(self, regexp, flags): return W_RegexpObject(self, regexp, flags) def newmodule(self, name, w_scope=None): complete_name = self.buildname(name, w_scope) return W_ModuleObject(self, complete_name) def newclass(self, name, superclass, is_singleton=False, w_scope=None, attached=None): complete_name = self.buildname(name, w_scope) return W_ClassObject(self, complete_name, superclass, is_singleton=is_singleton, attached=attached) def newfunction(self, w_name, w_code, lexical_scope, visibility): name = self.symbol_w(w_name) assert isinstance(w_code, W_CodeObject) return W_UserFunction(name, w_code, lexical_scope, visibility) def newmethod(self, name, w_cls): w_function = w_cls.find_method(self, name) if w_function is None: raise self.error( self.w_NameError, "undefined method `%s' for class `%s'" % (name, self.obj_to_s(w_cls))) else: return W_UnboundMethodObject(self, w_cls, w_function) def newproc(self, bytecode, w_self, lexical_scope, cells, block, parent_interp, top_parent_interp, regexp_match_cell, is_lambda=False): return W_ProcObject(self, bytecode, w_self, lexical_scope, cells, block, parent_interp, top_parent_interp, regexp_match_cell, is_lambda=False) @jit.unroll_safe def newbinding_fromframe(self, frame): names = frame.bytecode.cellvars + frame.bytecode.freevars cells = [None] * len(frame.cells) for i in xrange(len(frame.cells)): cells[i] = frame.cells[i].upgrade_to_closure(self, frame, i) return W_BindingObject(self, names, cells, frame.w_self, frame.lexical_scope) @jit.unroll_safe def newbinding_fromblock(self, block): names = block.bytecode.cellvars + block.bytecode.freevars cells = block.cells[:] return W_BindingObject(self, names, cells, block.w_self, block.lexical_scope) def buildname(self, name, w_scope): complete_name = name if w_scope is not None: assert isinstance(w_scope, W_ModuleObject) if w_scope is not self.w_object: complete_name = "%s::%s" % (self.obj_to_s(w_scope), name) return complete_name def int_w(self, w_obj): return w_obj.int_w(self) def bigint_w(self, w_obj): return w_obj.bigint_w(self) def float_w(self, w_obj): return w_obj.float_w(self) def symbol_w(self, w_obj): return w_obj.symbol_w(self) def str_w(self, w_obj): """Unpacks a string object as an rstr.""" return w_obj.str_w(self) def str0_w(self, w_obj): string = w_obj.str_w(self) if "\x00" in string: raise self.error(self.w_ArgumentError, "string contains null byte") else: return string def listview(self, w_obj): return w_obj.listview(self) # Methods for implementing the language semantics. def is_true(self, w_obj): return w_obj.is_true(self) def getclass(self, w_receiver): return w_receiver.getclass(self) def getsingletonclass(self, w_receiver): return w_receiver.getsingletonclass(self) def getscope(self, w_receiver): if isinstance(w_receiver, W_ModuleObject): return w_receiver else: return self.getclass(w_receiver) @jit.unroll_safe def getnonsingletonclass(self, w_receiver): cls = self.getclass(w_receiver) while cls.is_singleton: cls = cls.superclass return cls def getclassfor(self, cls): return self.getclassobject(cls.classdef) def getclassobject(self, classdef): return self.fromcache(ClassCache).getorbuild(classdef) def getmoduleobject(self, moduledef): return self.fromcache(ModuleCache).getorbuild(moduledef) def find_const(self, w_module, name): w_res = w_module.find_const(self, name, autoload=True) if w_res is None: w_res = self.send(w_module, "const_missing", [self.newsymbol(name)]) return w_res @jit.elidable def _valid_const_name(self, name): if not name[0].isupper(): return False for i in range(1, len(name)): ch = name[i] if not (ch.isalnum() or ch == "_" or ord(ch) > 127): return False return True def _check_const_name(self, name): if not self._valid_const_name(name): raise self.error(self.w_NameError, "wrong constant name %s" % name) def set_const(self, module, name, w_value): self._check_const_name(name) module.set_const(self, name, w_value) @jit.unroll_safe def _find_lexical_const(self, lexical_scope, name, autoload=True): w_res = None scope = lexical_scope # perform lexical search but skip Object while scope is not None: w_mod = scope.w_mod if w_mod is self.w_top_self: break w_res = w_mod.find_local_const(self, name, autoload=autoload) if w_res is not None: return w_res scope = scope.backscope object_seen = False fallback_scope = self.w_object if lexical_scope is not None: w_mod = lexical_scope.w_mod while w_mod is not None: object_seen = w_mod is self.w_object # BasicObject was our starting point, do not use Object # as fallback if w_mod is self.w_basicobject and not object_seen: fallback_scope = None w_res = w_mod.find_const(self, name, autoload=autoload) if w_res is not None: return w_res if isinstance(w_mod, W_ClassObject): w_mod = w_mod.superclass else: break if fallback_scope is not None: w_res = fallback_scope.find_const(self, name, autoload=autoload) return w_res @jit.unroll_safe def find_lexical_const(self, lexical_scope, name): w_res = self._find_lexical_const(lexical_scope, name) if w_res is None: if lexical_scope is not None: w_mod = lexical_scope.w_mod else: w_mod = self.w_object w_res = self.send(w_mod, "const_missing", [self.newsymbol(name)]) return w_res def find_instance_var(self, w_obj, name): w_res = w_obj.find_instance_var(self, name) return w_res if w_res is not None else self.w_nil def set_instance_var(self, w_obj, name, w_value): w_obj.set_instance_var(self, name, w_value) def find_class_var(self, w_module, name): w_res = w_module.find_class_var(self, name) if w_res is None: module_name = self.obj_to_s(w_module) raise self.error( self.w_NameError, "uninitialized class variable %s in %s" % (name, module_name)) return w_res def set_class_var(self, w_module, name, w_value): w_module.set_class_var(self, name, w_value) def send(self, w_receiver, name, args_w=None, block=None): if args_w is None: args_w = [] w_cls = self.getclass(w_receiver) raw_method = w_cls.find_method(self, name) return self._send_raw(name, raw_method, w_receiver, w_cls, args_w, block) def send_super(self, w_cls, w_receiver, name, args_w, block=None): raw_method = w_cls.find_method_super(self, name) return self._send_raw(name, raw_method, w_receiver, w_cls, args_w, block) def _send_raw(self, name, raw_method, w_receiver, w_cls, args_w, block): if raw_method is None: method_missing = w_cls.find_method(self, "method_missing") if method_missing is None: class_name = self.str_w(self.send(w_cls, "to_s")) raise self.error( self.w_NoMethodError, "undefined method `%s' for %s" % (name, class_name)) else: args_w = [self.newsymbol(name)] + args_w return, w_receiver, args_w, block) return, w_receiver, args_w, block) def respond_to(self, w_receiver, name): w_cls = self.getclass(w_receiver) raw_method = w_cls.find_method(self, name) return raw_method is not None def is_kind_of(self, w_obj, w_cls): return w_obj.is_kind_of(self, w_cls) @jit.unroll_safe def invoke_block(self, block, args_w, block_arg=None): bc = block.bytecode frame = self.create_frame( bc, w_self=block.w_self, lexical_scope=block.lexical_scope, block=block.block, parent_interp=block.parent_interp, top_parent_interp=block.top_parent_interp, regexp_match_cell=block.regexp_match_cell, ) if block.is_lambda: frame.handle_args(self, bc, args_w, block_arg) else: if len(bc.arg_pos ) != 0 or bc.splat_arg_pos != -1 or bc.block_arg_pos != -1: frame.handle_block_args(self, bc, args_w, block_arg) assert len(block.cells) == len(bc.freevars) for i in xrange(len(bc.freevars)): frame.cells[len(bc.cellvars) + i] = block.cells[i] with self.getexecutioncontext().visit_frame(frame): return self.execute_frame(frame, bc) def invoke_function(self, w_function, w_receiver, args_w, block): return self._send_raw(, w_function, w_receiver, self.getclass(w_receiver), args_w, block) def error(self, w_type, msg="", optargs=None): if not optargs: optargs = [] args_w = [self.newstr_fromstr(msg)] + optargs w_exc = self.send(w_type, "new", args_w) assert isinstance(w_exc, W_ExceptionObject) return RubyError(w_exc) def hash_w(self, w_obj): return self.int_w(self.send(w_obj, "hash")) def eq_w(self, w_obj1, w_obj2): return self.is_true(self.send(w_obj2, "eql?", [w_obj1])) def register_exit_handler(self, w_proc): self.exit_handlers_w.append(w_proc) def run_exit_handlers(self): status = -1 while self.exit_handlers_w: w_proc = self.exit_handlers_w.pop() try: self.send(w_proc, "call") except RubyError as e: w_exc = e.w_value if isinstance(w_exc, W_SystemExit): status = w_exc.status else: print_traceback(self, e.w_value) return status def subscript_access(self, length, w_idx, w_count): inclusive = False as_range = False end = 0 nil = False if isinstance(w_idx, W_RangeObject) and not w_count: start = self.int_w( self.convert_type(w_idx.w_start, self.w_fixnum, "to_int")) end = self.int_w( self.convert_type(w_idx.w_end, self.w_fixnum, "to_int")) inclusive = not w_idx.exclusive as_range = True else: start = self.int_w( self.convert_type(w_idx, self.w_fixnum, "to_int")) if w_count: end = self.int_w( self.convert_type(w_count, self.w_fixnum, "to_int")) if end >= 0: as_range = True else: if start < 0: start += length return (start, end, False, True) if start < 0: start += length if as_range: if w_count: end += start if end < 0: end += length if inclusive: end += 1 if end < start: end = start elif end > length: end = length nil = start < 0 or end < 0 or start > length else: nil = start < 0 or start >= length return (start, end, as_range, nil) def convert_type(self, w_obj, w_cls, method, raise_error=True, reraise_error=False): if self.is_kind_of(w_obj, w_cls): return w_obj try: w_res = self.send(w_obj, method) except RubyError as e: if reraise_error: raise e self.mark_topframe_not_escaped() if not raise_error: return self.w_nil src_cls_name = self.obj_to_s(self.getclass(w_obj)) w_cls_name = self.obj_to_s(w_cls) raise self.error( self.w_TypeError, "can't convert %s into %s" % (src_cls_name, w_cls_name)) if not w_res or w_res is self.w_nil and not raise_error: return self.w_nil elif not self.is_kind_of(w_res, w_cls): src_cls = self.obj_to_s(self.getclass(w_obj)) res_cls = self.obj_to_s(self.getclass(w_res)) w_cls_name = self.obj_to_s(w_cls) raise self.error( self.w_TypeError, "can't convert %s to %s (%s#%s gives %s)" % (src_cls, w_cls_name, src_cls, method, res_cls)) else: return w_res def mark_topframe_not_escaped(self): self.getexecutioncontext().gettopframe().escaped = False def infect(self, w_dest, w_src, taint=True, untrust=True, freeze=False): """ By default copies tainted and untrusted state from src to dest. Frozen state isn't copied by default, as this is the rarer case MRI. """ if taint and self.is_true(w_src.get_flag(self, "tainted?")): w_dest.set_flag(self, "tainted?") if untrust and self.is_true(w_src.get_flag(self, "untrusted?")): w_dest.set_flag(self, "untrusted?") if freeze and self.is_true(w_src.get_flag(self, "frozen?")): w_dest.set_flag(self, "frozen?") def getaddrstring(self, w_obj): w_id = self.newint_or_bigint(compute_unique_id(w_obj)) w_4 = self.newint(4) w_0x0F = self.newint(0x0F) i = 2 * rffi.sizeof(llmemory.Address) addrstring = [" "] * i while True: n = self.int_w(self.send(w_id, "&", [w_0x0F])) n += ord("0") if n > ord("9"): n += (ord("a") - ord("9") - 1) i -= 1 addrstring[i] = chr(n) if i == 0: break w_id = self.send(w_id, ">>", [w_4]) return "".join(addrstring) def any_to_s(self, w_obj): return "#<%s:0x%s>" % (self.obj_to_s( self.getnonsingletonclass(w_obj)), self.getaddrstring(w_obj)) def obj_to_s(self, w_obj): return self.str_w(self.send(w_obj, "to_s")) def compare(self, w_a, w_b, block=None): if block is None: w_cmp_res = self.send(w_a, "<=>", [w_b]) else: w_cmp_res = self.invoke_block(block, [w_a, w_b]) if w_cmp_res is self.w_nil: raise self.error( self.w_ArgumentError, "comparison of %s with %s failed" % ( self.obj_to_s(self.getclass(w_a)), self.obj_to_s(self.getclass(w_b)), )) else: return w_cmp_res
def prepare_const(self, n): result = malloc(self.LIST, n, immortal=True) return result # ____________________________________________________________ # # Low-level methods. These can be run for testing, but are meant to # be direct_call'ed from rtyped flow graphs, which means that they will # get flowed and annotated, mostly with SomePtr. # adapted C code @jit.look_inside_iff(lambda l, newsize, overallocate: jit.isconstant(len(l.items)) and jit.isconstant(newsize)) @signature(types.any(),, types.bool(), returns=types.none()) def _ll_list_resize_hint_really(l, newsize, overallocate): """ Ensure l.items has room for at least newsize elements. Note that l.items may change, and even if newsize is less than l.length on entry. """ # This over-allocates proportional to the list size, making room # for additional growth. The over-allocation is mild, but is # enough to give linear-time amortized behavior over a long # sequence of appends() in the presence of a poorly-performing # system malloc(). # The growth pattern is: 0, 4, 8, 16, 25, 35, 46, 58, 72, 88, ... if newsize <= 0: ll_assert(newsize == 0, "negative list length") l.length = 0