Пример #1
def plot_crypt(max_key_length, trials):
    key_lengths = range(8, max_key_length + 1)
    encryption_times = []
    for key_length in key_lengths:
        print('Computing key length', key_length)
        key_length_time = 0
        for _ in range(trials):
            e, _, n = generate_keys(key_length)
            time_before = time()
            crypt(n - 1, (e, n))
            time_after = time()
            key_length_time += time_after - time_before
        encryption_times.append(key_length_time / trials)

    pyplot.plot(key_lengths, encryption_times)
    pyplot.title('Encryption Time vs. Key Length')
    pyplot.xlabel('Key Length (in bits)')
    pyplot.ylabel('Encryption Time (in seconds)')
Пример #2
import rsa

# from https://github.com/Theo6898/Python-RSA-module
# version 1.0 - 15 november 2015

# For security issues, server and user need to know their respective public keys for sure
# You need a trust authoritie to check if the public keys are correct

#Generating key pairs
publicKeyUser, privateKeyUser = rsa.generateKeyPair("RSA-1024")
publicKeyServer, privateKeyServer = rsa.generateKeyPair("RSA-1024")

# user crypt message with server's public key and sign it with its own private key
data = ["Hello this a message", "And another one !"]
data_crypted = rsa.crypt(data, publicKeyServer)
data_signed = rsa.sign(data, privateKeyUser)

# server decrypt the message with its own private key and check if the message has been signed by the user itself
data_decrypted = rsa.decrypt(data_crypted, privateKeyServer)
if rsa.check_signature(data_decrypted, data_signed, publicKeyUser) == True:
	print("Message received :\n", data_decrypted)
	print("Invalid signature, man in the middle attack")
Пример #3
def parity(ciphertext):
    """Ciphertext is an integer. Depends on privkey."""
    decrypt_int = rsa.crypt(ciphertext, privkey)
    return int(decrypt_int % 2)  # int, not a long.
Пример #4
bounds = [0, n]
start = time.time()
for i in range(2048):
    p = parity(multiply(ciphertext, 2**(i + 1), e, n))
    half_the_dist = (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) / 2
    if p == 0:
        bounds = [bounds[0], bounds[1] - half_the_dist]
    elif p == 1:
        bounds = [bounds[0] + half_the_dist, bounds[1]]
    if i % 16 == 0:
        print p, i, cleanup(rsa.i2s(bounds[1]),
                            '_')  # get 256 char wide screen

end = time.time()
dur = round(end - start, 1)
print "--------"
for b in bounds:
    print rsa.i2s(b)

print "2048 oracularities in", dur, "s =", round(2048 / dur, 1), "per s."

#### tests ####

hi = 'Hi'
c_hi = rsa.encrypt_string(hi, pubkey)
D = multiply(c_hi, 2, pubkey[0], pubkey[1])
assert rsa.s2i(hi) * 2 == rsa.crypt(D, privkey)

warn("Passed assertions:", __file__)
Пример #5
def parity(ciphertext):
    """Ciphertext is an integer. Depends on privkey."""
    decrypt_int = rsa.crypt(ciphertext, privkey)
    return int(decrypt_int % 2) # int, not a long.
Пример #6
# theory, I think we could just cube-root it, but oh well.

bounds = [0, n]
start = time.time()
for i in range(2048):
    p = parity(multiply(ciphertext, 2**(i+1), e, n))
    half_the_dist = (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) / 2
    if p == 0:
        bounds = [bounds[0], bounds[1] -  half_the_dist]
    elif p == 1:
        bounds = [bounds[0] + half_the_dist, bounds[1]]
    if i % 16 == 0:
        print p, i, cleanup(rsa.i2s(bounds[1]), '_') # get 256 char wide screen

end = time.time()
dur = round(end - start, 1)
print "--------"
for b in bounds:
    print rsa.i2s(b)

print "2048 oracularities in", dur, "s =", round(2048 / dur, 1), "per s."

#### tests ####

hi = 'Hi'
c_hi = rsa.encrypt_string(hi, pubkey)
D = multiply(c_hi, 2, pubkey[0], pubkey[1])
assert rsa.s2i(hi) * 2 == rsa.crypt(D, privkey)

warn("Passed assertions:", __file__)
# RSA numbers below RSA-1024 are not secured enough,
# use them for better performances during developement
	# - "RSA-2048"
	# - "RSA-1536"
	# - "RSA-1024"
	# - "RSA-896"
	# - "RSA-768"
	# - "RSA-704"
	# - "RSA-576"

# Crypt a message
data = ["abc", 1, 7]
data_crypted = rsa.crypt(data, key)

# it takes 2 arguments :
# - a LIST of datas to encrypt (it can only contain int and str)
# - a key (public or private), the message can be decrypted with the opposite key
# exemple : by encrypting a message with a public key you will be able to decrypt
# it with the corresponding private key and vice-versa.

# the function return a list of the encrypted datas
# in this case it could return something like that
# [[89, 23, 41], 31, 97]
# as you can see every single letter in the 'data' string 'abc' is transformed by a number

# Decrypt a message
Пример #8
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command')
generate_keys_parser = parsers.add_parser('generate_keys')
generate_keys_parser.add_argument('seed_length', type=int)
crypt_parser = parsers.add_parser('crypt', aliases=['encrypt', 'decrypt'])
crypt_parser.add_argument('key', type=int, nargs=2)
crypt_parser.add_argument('message', type=int)
crack_parser = parsers.add_parser('crack')
crack_parser.add_argument('key', type=int, nargs=2)
plot_parser = parsers.add_parser('plot')
plot_parser.add_argument('operation', type=str, choices=['crypt', 'crack'])
plot_parser.add_argument('max_key_length', type=int)
plot_parser.add_argument('trials', type=int)

args = parser.parse_args()

if args.command == 'generate_keys':
elif args.command == 'encrypt' or args.command == 'decrypt':
    print(crypt(args.message, args.key))
elif args.command == 'crack':
elif args.command == 'plot':
    if args.operation == 'crypt':
        plot_crypt(args.max_key_length, args.trials)
    if args.operation == 'crack':
        plot_crack(args.max_key_length, args.trials)
    raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Invalid command')
Пример #9
import rsa

# from https://github.com/Theo6898/Python-RSA-module
# version 1.0 - 15 november 2015

# For security issues, server and user need to know their respective public keys for sure
# You need a trust authoritie to check if the public keys are correct

#Generating key pairs
publicKeyUser, privateKeyUser = rsa.generateKeyPair("RSA-1024")
publicKeyServer, privateKeyServer = rsa.generateKeyPair("RSA-1024")

# user crypt message with server's public key and sign it with its own private key
data = ["Hello this a message", "And another one !"]
data_crypted = rsa.crypt(data, publicKeyServer)
data_signed = rsa.sign(data, privateKeyUser)

# server decrypt the message with its own private key and check if the message has been signed by the user itself
data_decrypted = rsa.decrypt(data_crypted, privateKeyServer)
if rsa.check_signature(data_decrypted, data_signed, publicKeyUser) == True:
    print("Message received :\n", data_decrypted)
    print("Invalid signature, man in the middle attack")