Пример #1
def rsa_verify(K, h: bytes, sig: bytes) -> bool:
    # NB: our int_to_bytes() does not output leading 0s (so we prepend 1)
    h1 = b'\x00' + int_to_bytes(rsalib.decrypt(K, int.from_bytes(sig, 'big')))
    print('Decrypted hash:', h1)
    # bad verif.: we only check a prefix of the decrypted data
    pref = b'\x00\x01\xff*\x00' + re.escape(ASN1 + h)
    return re.match(pref, h1) is not None
Пример #2
def main_6_47():
    global k, _k, K
    k = 1 << 5  # byte length of the key (article notation)
    _k, K = rsalib.gen_key(8 * k)
    print(f'Key size = {K.n.bit_length()}')
    _MSG = b'kick it, CC'
    CIPH = rsalib.encrypt(K, int.from_bytes(_MSG, 'big'))
    deciph = int_to_bytes(attack(CIPH))  # attack
    assert deciph == _MSG
Пример #3
def forge_sig(K, h: bytes) -> bytes:
    assert K.e == 3
    s = b'\x00\x01\xff\x00' + ASN1 + h
    # we triple the size of the signature by padding with garbage
    s += get_random_bytes(2 * (len(s) + 1))
    # we take an approx. integer cube root (as s is not likely a perfect cube)
    r = rsalib.root3(int.from_bytes(s, 'big'))
    # r^3 does not reach the modulus
    assert r**3 <= K.n
    # its bits will start with the target signature
    return int_to_bytes(r)
Пример #4
def rsa_sign(k, h: bytes) -> bytes:
    ph = pkcs115_pad(k.n.bit_length() - 1, h)
    return int_to_bytes(rsalib.encrypt(k, int.from_bytes(ph, 'big')))
Пример #5
CIPH = rsalib.encrypt(K, _MSG)

def odd_oracle(x: int):
    return rsalib.decrypt(_k, x) & 1

## Attack
c2 = CIPH                  # = m^e mod n
p2 = rsalib.encrypt(K, 2)  # = 2^e mod n
decimal.getcontext().prec = K.n.bit_length()//3
l, r = decimal.Decimal(0), decimal.Decimal(K.n-1)
d2 = decimal.Decimal(2)
for i in range(K.n.bit_length()):
    c2 = (p2*c2) % K.n
    # let d(i) = decrypted c2(i)
    #          = (2^i * msg) mod n
    # if 2*d(i) < n, d(i) = 2*d(i-1)     even
    # if 2*d(i) >=n, d(i) = 2*d(i-1) - n odd
    # as n is odd (and not prime as the statement says...)
    if odd_oracle(c2):
        l = (l+r)/d2
        r = (l+r)/d2
    # progress output
    if i&7==0:
        mr = bytes(takewhile((lambda c: 32<=c<127), int_to_bytes(int(r))))
        print('>', mr.decode(), end='\r')
msg = int(r)
assert msg == _MSG
Пример #6
# with  0 <= m   < n1,n2,n3
# hence 0 <= m^3 < n1*n2*n3
# hence c123 exactly is m^3 !!

# 1. Use Python decimals to compute the cube root
#from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
#getcontext().prec = c123.bit_length()//3
#m1 = round(Decimal(c123)**(Decimal(1)/Decimal(3)))

# 2. Compute integer cube root via Newton's method
def root3(c: int) -> int:
    # Newton's method with integers
    # f(x)  = x^3 - c
    # f'(x) = 3x^2
    x = x0 = 1 + (1 << (c.bit_length() // 3))
    x -= (x**3 - c) // (3 * x**2)
    while x != x0:
        x0 = x
        x2 = x * x
        x -= (x2 * x - c) // (3 * x2)
    x -= 1
    assert x**3 == c
    return x

m1 = root3(c123)
mess1 = int_to_bytes(m1)
print(mess1, hex(m1))
assert mess1 == mess0
Пример #7

class Server:
    def __init__(self):
        self.k, self.K = rsalib.gen_key(1<<10)
        self.Seen = {}
    def decrypt(self, c):
        assert c not in self.Seen
        self.Seen[c] = time.time()
        return rsalib.decrypt(self.k, c)

if __name__=='__main__':
    S = Server()
    e, n = K = S.K
    mess0 = b'platypus:'+base64.b64encode(get_random_bytes(12))
    m0 = int.from_bytes(mess0, 'big')
    print(mess0, hex(m0))
    c0 = rsalib.encrypt(K, m0)  # intercepted
    print('Server:', hex(S.decrypt(c0)))
    s = randint(2, n-1)
    c1 = (pow(s, e, n) * c0) % n
    # c1 = s^e * c0 = (s*m)^e
    # c1^d = s*m
    m1 = S.decrypt(c1)
    m2 = (m1 * pow(s, -1, n)) % n
    mess2 = int_to_bytes(m2)
    print(mess2, hex(m2))
    assert mess2 == mess0