Пример #1
def combined_fis(database: str, label: str, veg_type: str,
                 max_drainage_area: float):
    Combined beaver dam capacity FIS
    :param network: Shapefile path containing necessary FIS inputs
    :param label: Plain English label identifying vegetation type ("Existing" or "Historical")
    :param veg_type: Vegetation type suffix added to end of output ShapeFile fields
    :param max_drainage_area: Max drainage above which features are not processed.
    :return: None

    log = Logger('Combined FIS')
    log.info('Processing {} vegetation'.format(label))

    veg_fis_field = 'oVC_{}'.format(veg_type)
    capacity_field = 'oCC_{}'.format(veg_type)
    dam_count_field = 'mCC_{}_CT'.format(veg_type)

    fields = [
        veg_fis_field, 'iGeo_Slope', 'iGeo_DA', 'iHyd_SP2', 'iHyd_SPLow',
    reaches = load_attributes(
        database, fields,
        ' AND '.join(['({} IS NOT NULL)'.format(f) for f in fields]))

    calculate_combined_fis(reaches, veg_fis_field, capacity_field,
                           dam_count_field, max_drainage_area)
    write_db_attributes(database, reaches, [capacity_field, dam_count_field],

    log.info('Process completed successfully.')
def vegetation_fis(database: str, label: str, veg_type: str):
    """Calculate vegetation suitability for each reach in a BRAT
    SQLite database

        database {str} -- Path to BRAT SQLite database
        label {str} -- Either 'historic' or 'existing'. Only used for lof messages.
        veg_type {str} -- Prefix either 'EX' for existing or 'HPE' for historic

    log = Logger('Vegetation FIS')
    log.info('Processing {} vegetation'.format(label))

    streamside_field = 'iVeg_30{}'.format(veg_type)
    riparian_field = 'iVeg100{}'.format(veg_type)
    out_field = 'oVC_{}'.format(veg_type)

    feature_values = load_attributes(
        database, [streamside_field, riparian_field],
        '({} IS NOT NULL) AND ({} IS NOT NULL)'.format(streamside_field,
    calculate_vegegtation_fis(feature_values, streamside_field, riparian_field,
    write_db_attributes(database, feature_values, [out_field])

    log.info('Process completed successfully.')
Пример #3
def conflict_attributes(output_gpkg: str, flowlines_path: str,
                        valley_bottom: str, roads: str, rail: str, canals: str,
                        ownership: str, buffer_distance_metres: float,
                        cell_size_meters: float, epsg: int,
                        canal_codes: List[int], intermediates_gpkg_path: str):
    """Calculate conflict attributes and write them back to a BRAT database

        database {str} -- Path to BRAT database
        valley_bottom {str} -- Path to valley bottom polygon ShapeFile
        roads {str} -- Path to roads polyline ShapeFile
        rail {str} -- Path to railway polyline ShapeFile
        canals {str} -- Path to canals polyline ShapeFile
        ownership {str} -- Path to land ownership polygon ShapeFile
        buffer_distance_metres {float} -- Distance (meters) to buffer reaches when calculating distance to conflict
        cell_size_meters {float} -- Size of cells (meters) when rasterize Euclidean distance to conflict features
        epsg {str} -- Spatial reference in which to perform the analysis

    # Calculate conflict attributes
    values = calc_conflict_attributes(flowlines_path, valley_bottom, roads,
                                      rail, canals, ownership,
                                      buffer_distance_metres, cell_size_meters,
                                      epsg, canal_codes,

    # Write float and string fields separately with log summary enabled
    write_db_attributes(output_gpkg, values, [
        'iPC_Road', 'iPC_RoadVB', 'iPC_Rail', 'iPC_RailVB', 'iPC_Canal',
        'iPC_DivPts', 'iPC_RoadX', 'iPC_Privat', 'oPC_Dist'
    write_db_attributes(output_gpkg, values, ['AgencyID'], summarize=False)
Пример #4
def land_use(database: str, buffer: float):
    """Calculate land use intensity for each reach in BRAT database

        database {str} -- Path to BRAT SQLite database
        buffer {float} -- Distance (meters) to buffer reach to obtain land use

    reaches = calculate_land_use(database, buffer)
        database, reaches,
        ['iPC_LU', 'iPC_VLowLU', 'iPC_LowLU', 'iPC_ModLU', 'iPC_HighLU'])
Пример #5
def conservation(database: str):
    """Calculate conservation fields for an existing BRAT database
    Assumes that conflict attributes and the dam capacity model
    have already been run for the database

        database {str} -- Path to BRAT database

    results = calculate_conservation(database)
    write_db_attributes(database, results,
                        ['OpportunityID', 'LimitationID', 'RiskID'])
Пример #6
def vegetation_suitability(gpkg_path: str, buffer: float, prefix: str,
                           ecoregion: str):
    """Calculate vegetation suitability for each reach in a BRAT SQLite

        database {str} -- Path to BRAT SQLite database
        buffer {float} -- Distance to buffer reach polyline to obtain vegetation
        prefix {str} -- Either 'EX' for existing or 'HPE' for historic.
        ecoregion {int} -- Database ID of the ecoregion associated with the watershed

    veg_col = 'iVeg{}{}{}'.format('_' if len(str(int(buffer))) < 3 else '',
                                  int(buffer), prefix)

    reaches = calculate_vegetation_suitability(gpkg_path, buffer, prefix,
                                               veg_col, ecoregion)
    write_db_attributes(gpkg_path, reaches, [veg_col])
Пример #7
def rvd(huc: int, flowlines_orig: Path, existing_veg_orig: Path, historic_veg_orig: Path,
        valley_bottom_orig: Path, output_folder: Path, reach_codes: List[str], flow_areas_orig: Path, waterbodies_orig: Path, meta=None):
    """[Generate segmented reaches on flowline network and calculate RVD from historic and existing vegetation rasters

        huc (integer): Watershed ID
        flowlines_orig (Path): Segmented flowlines feature layer
        existing_veg_orig (Path): LANDFIRE version 2.00 evt raster, with adjacent xml metadata file
        historic_veg_orig (Path): LANDFIRE version 2.00 bps raster, with adjacent xml metadata file
        valley_bottom_orig (Path): Vbet polygon feature layer
        output_folder (Path): destination folder for project output
        reach_codes (List[int]): NHD reach codes for features to include in outputs
        flow_areas_orig (Path): NHD flow area polygon feature layer
        waterbodies (Path): NHD waterbodies polygon feature layer
        meta (Dict[str,str]): dictionary of riverscapes metadata key: value pairs

    log = Logger("RVD")
    log.info('RVD v.{}'.format(cfg.version))

    except ValueError:
        raise Exception('Invalid HUC identifier "{}". Must be an integer'.format(huc))

    if not (len(huc) == 4 or len(huc) == 8):
        raise Exception('Invalid HUC identifier. Must be four digit integer')


    project, _realization, proj_nodes = create_project(huc, output_folder)

    # Incorporate project metadata to the riverscapes project
    if meta is not None:

    log.info('Adding inputs to project')
    _prj_existing_path_node, prj_existing_path = project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['EXVEG'], existing_veg_orig)
    _prj_historic_path_node, prj_historic_path = project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['HISTVEG'], historic_veg_orig)

    # TODO: Don't forget the att_filter
    # _prj_flowlines_node, prj_flowlines = project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['INPUTS'], flowlines, att_filter="\"ReachCode\" Like '{}%'".format(huc))
    # Copy in the vectors we need
    inputs_gpkg_path = os.path.join(output_folder, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].rel_path)
    intermediates_gpkg_path = os.path.join(output_folder, LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES'].rel_path)
    outputs_gpkg_path = os.path.join(output_folder, LayerTypes['OUTPUTS'].rel_path)

    # Make sure we're starting with empty/fresh geopackages

    # Copy our input layers and also find the difference in the geometry for the valley bottom
    flowlines_path = os.path.join(inputs_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['FLOWLINES'].rel_path)
    vbottom_path = os.path.join(inputs_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['VALLEY_BOTTOM'].rel_path)

    copy_feature_class(flowlines_orig, flowlines_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG)
    copy_feature_class(valley_bottom_orig, vbottom_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG)

    with GeopackageLayer(flowlines_path) as flow_lyr:
        # Set the output spatial ref as this for the whole project
        out_srs = flow_lyr.spatial_ref
        meter_conversion = flow_lyr.rough_convert_metres_to_vector_units(1)
        distance_buffer = flow_lyr.rough_convert_metres_to_vector_units(1)

    # Transform issues reading 102003 as espg id. Using sr wkt seems to work, however arcgis has problems loading feature classes with this method...
    raster_srs = ogr.osr.SpatialReference()
    ds = gdal.Open(prj_existing_path, 0)
    transform_shp_to_raster = VectorBase.get_transform(out_srs, raster_srs)

    gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
    cell_area = ((gt[1] / meter_conversion) * (-gt[5] / meter_conversion))

    # Create the output feature class fields
    with GeopackageLayer(outputs_gpkg_path, layer_name='ReachGeometry', delete_dataset=True) as out_lyr:
        out_lyr.create_layer(ogr.wkbMultiLineString, spatial_ref=out_srs, options=['FID=ReachID'], fields={
            'GNIS_NAME': ogr.OFTString,
            'ReachCode': ogr.OFTString,
            'TotDASqKm': ogr.OFTReal,
            'NHDPlusID': ogr.OFTReal,
            'WatershedID': ogr.OFTInteger

    metadata = {
        'RVD_DateTime': datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(),
        'Reach_Codes': reach_codes

    # Execute the SQL to create the lookup tables in the RVD geopackage SQLite database
    watershed_name = create_database(huc, outputs_gpkg_path, metadata, cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG, os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..', 'database', 'rvd_schema.sql'))
    project.add_metadata({'Watershed': watershed_name})

    geom_vbottom = get_geometry_unary_union(vbottom_path, spatial_ref=raster_srs)

    flowareas_path = None
    if flow_areas_orig:
        flowareas_path = os.path.join(inputs_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['FLOW_AREA'].rel_path)
        copy_feature_class(flow_areas_orig, flowareas_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG)
        geom_flow_areas = get_geometry_unary_union(flowareas_path)
        # Difference with existing vbottom
        geom_vbottom = geom_vbottom.difference(geom_flow_areas)
        del LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['FLOW_AREA']

    waterbodies_path = None
    if waterbodies_orig:
        waterbodies_path = os.path.join(inputs_gpkg_path, LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['WATERBODIES'].rel_path)
        copy_feature_class(waterbodies_orig, waterbodies_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG)
        geom_waterbodies = get_geometry_unary_union(waterbodies_path)
        # Difference with existing vbottom
        geom_vbottom = geom_vbottom.difference(geom_waterbodies)
        del LayerTypes['INPUTS'].sub_layers['WATERBODIES']

    # Add the inputs to the XML
    _nd, _in_gpkg_path, _sublayers = project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Inputs'], LayerTypes['INPUTS'])

    # Filter the flow lines to just the required features and then segment to desired length
    # TODO: These are brat methods that need to be refactored to use VectorBase layers
    cleaned_path = os.path.join(outputs_gpkg_path, 'ReachGeometry')
    build_network(flowlines_path, flowareas_path, cleaned_path, waterbodies_path=waterbodies_path, epsg=cfg.OUTPUT_EPSG, reach_codes=reach_codes, create_layer=False)

    # Generate Voroni polygons
    log.info("Calculating Voronoi Polygons...")

    # Add all the points (including islands) to the list
    flowline_thiessen_points_groups = centerline_points(cleaned_path, distance_buffer, transform_shp_to_raster)
    flowline_thiessen_points = [pt for group in flowline_thiessen_points_groups.values() for pt in group]
    simple_save([pt.point for pt in flowline_thiessen_points], ogr.wkbPoint, raster_srs, "Thiessen_Points", intermediates_gpkg_path)

    # Exterior is the shell and there is only ever 1
    myVorL = NARVoronoi(flowline_thiessen_points)

    # Generate Thiessen Polys

    # Dissolve by flowlines
    log.info("Dissolving Thiessen Polygons")
    dissolved_polys = myVorL.dissolve_by_property('fid')

    # Clip Thiessen Polys
    log.info("Clipping Thiessen Polygons to Valley Bottom")

    clipped_thiessen = clip_polygons(geom_vbottom, dissolved_polys)

    # Save Intermediates
    simple_save(clipped_thiessen.values(), ogr.wkbPolygon, raster_srs, "Thiessen", intermediates_gpkg_path)
    simple_save(dissolved_polys.values(), ogr.wkbPolygon, raster_srs, "ThiessenPolygonsDissolved", intermediates_gpkg_path)
    simple_save(myVorL.polys, ogr.wkbPolygon, raster_srs, "ThiessenPolygonsRaw", intermediates_gpkg_path)
    _nd, _inter_gpkg_path, _sublayers = project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES'])

    # dissolved_polys2 = dissolve_by_points(flowline_thiessen_points_groups, myVorL.polys)
    # simple_save(dissolved_polys2.values(), ogr.wkbPolygon, out_srs, "ThiessenPolygonsDissolved_OLD", intermediates_gpkg_path)

    # Load Vegetation Rasters
    log.info(f"Loading Existing and Historic Vegetation Rasters")
    vegetation = {}
    vegetation["EXISTING"] = load_vegetation_raster(prj_existing_path, outputs_gpkg_path, True, output_folder=os.path.join(output_folder, 'Intermediates'))
    vegetation["HISTORIC"] = load_vegetation_raster(prj_historic_path, outputs_gpkg_path, False, output_folder=os.path.join(output_folder, 'Intermediates'))

    for epoch in vegetation.keys():
        for name in vegetation[epoch].keys():
            if not f"{epoch}_{name}" == "HISTORIC_LUI":
                project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes[f"{epoch}_{name}"])

    if vegetation["EXISTING"]["RAW"].shape != vegetation["HISTORIC"]["RAW"].shape:
        raise Exception('Vegetation raster shapes are not equal Existing={} Historic={}. Cannot continue'.format(vegetation["EXISTING"]["RAW"].shape, vegetation["HISTORIC"]["RAW"].shape))

    # Vegetation zone calculations
    riparian_zone_arrays = {}
    riparian_zone_arrays["RIPARIAN_ZONES"] = ((vegetation["EXISTING"]["RIPARIAN"] + vegetation["HISTORIC"]["RIPARIAN"]) > 0) * 1
    riparian_zone_arrays["NATIVE_RIPARIAN_ZONES"] = ((vegetation["EXISTING"]["NATIVE_RIPARIAN"] + vegetation["HISTORIC"]["NATIVE_RIPARIAN"]) > 0) * 1
    riparian_zone_arrays["VEGETATION_ZONES"] = ((vegetation["EXISTING"]["VEGETATED"] + vegetation["HISTORIC"]["VEGETATED"]) > 0) * 1

    # Save Intermediate Rasters
    for name, raster in riparian_zone_arrays.items():
        save_intarr_to_geotiff(raster, os.path.join(output_folder, "Intermediates", f"{name}.tif"), prj_existing_path)
        project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes[name])

    # Calculate Riparian Departure per Reach
    riparian_arrays = {f"{epoch.capitalize()}{(name.capitalize()).replace('Native_riparian', 'NativeRiparian')}Mean": array for epoch, arrays in vegetation.items() for name, array in arrays.items() if name in ["RIPARIAN", "NATIVE_RIPARIAN"]}

    # Vegetation Cell Counts
    raw_arrays = {f"{epoch}": array for epoch, arrays in vegetation.items() for name, array in arrays.items() if name == "RAW"}

    # Generate Vegetation Conversions
    vegetation_change = (vegetation["HISTORIC"]["CONVERSION"] - vegetation["EXISTING"]["CONVERSION"])
    save_intarr_to_geotiff(vegetation_change, os.path.join(output_folder, "Intermediates", "Conversion_Raster.tif"), prj_existing_path)
    project.add_project_raster(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['VEGETATION_CONVERSION'])

    # load conversion types dictionary from database
    conn = sqlite3.connect(outputs_gpkg_path)
    conn.row_factory = dict_factory
    curs = conn.cursor()
    curs.execute('SELECT * FROM ConversionTypes')
    conversion_classifications = curs.fetchall()
    curs.execute('SELECT * FROM vwConversions')
    conversion_ids = curs.fetchall()

    # Split vegetation change classes into binary arrays
    vegetation_change_arrays = {
        c['FieldName']: (vegetation_change == int(c["TypeValue"])) * 1 if int(c["TypeValue"]) in np.unique(vegetation_change) else None
        for c in conversion_classifications

    # Calcuate average and unique cell counts  per reach
    progbar = ProgressBar(len(clipped_thiessen.keys()), 50, "Extracting array values by reach...")
    counter = 0
    discarded = 0
    with rasterio.open(prj_existing_path) as dataset:
        unique_vegetation_counts = {}
        reach_average_riparian = {}
        reach_average_change = {}
        for reachid, poly in clipped_thiessen.items():
            counter += 1
            # we can discount a lot of shapes here.
            if not poly.is_valid or poly.is_empty or poly.area == 0 or poly.geom_type not in ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"]:
                discarded += 1

            raw_values_unique = {}
            change_values_mean = {}
            riparian_values_mean = {}
            reach_raster = np.ma.masked_invalid(
            for raster_name, raster in raw_arrays.items():
                if raster is not None:
                    current_raster = np.ma.masked_array(raster, mask=reach_raster.mask)
                    raw_values_unique[raster_name] = np.unique(np.ma.filled(current_raster, fill_value=0), return_counts=True)
                    raw_values_unique[raster_name] = []
            for raster_name, raster in riparian_arrays.items():
                if raster is not None:
                    current_raster = np.ma.masked_array(raster, mask=reach_raster.mask)
                    riparian_values_mean[raster_name] = np.ma.mean(current_raster)
                    riparian_values_mean[raster_name] = 0.0
            for raster_name, raster in vegetation_change_arrays.items():
                if raster is not None:
                    current_raster = np.ma.masked_array(raster, mask=reach_raster.mask)
                    change_values_mean[raster_name] = np.ma.mean(current_raster)
                    change_values_mean[raster_name] = 0.0
            unique_vegetation_counts[reachid] = raw_values_unique
            reach_average_riparian[reachid] = riparian_values_mean
            reach_average_change[reachid] = change_values_mean


    with SQLiteCon(outputs_gpkg_path) as gpkg:
        # Ensure all reaches are present in the ReachAttributes table before storing RVD output values
        gpkg.curs.execute('INSERT INTO ReachAttributes (ReachID) SELECT ReachID FROM ReachGeometry;')

        errs = 0
        for reachid, epochs in unique_vegetation_counts.items():
            for epoch in epochs.values():
                insert_values = [[reachid, int(vegetationid), float(count * cell_area), int(count)] for vegetationid, count in zip(epoch[0], epoch[1]) if vegetationid != 0]
                    gpkg.curs.executemany('''INSERT INTO ReachVegetation (
                        VALUES (?,?,?,?)''', insert_values)
                # Sqlite can't report on SQL errors so we have to print good log messages to help intuit what the problem is
                except sqlite3.IntegrityError as err:
                    # THis is likely a constraint error.
                    errstr = "Integrity Error when inserting records: ReachID: {} VegetationIDs: {}".format(reachid, str(list(epoch[0])))
                    errs += 1
                except sqlite3.Error as err:
                    # This is any other kind of error
                    errstr = "SQL Error when inserting records: ReachID: {} VegetationIDs: {} ERROR: {}".format(reachid, str(list(epoch[0])), str(err))
                    errs += 1
        if errs > 0:
            raise Exception('Errors were found inserting records into the database. Cannot continue.')

    # load RVD departure levels from DepartureLevels database table
    with SQLiteCon(outputs_gpkg_path) as gpkg:
        gpkg.curs.execute('SELECT LevelID, MaxRVD FROM DepartureLevels ORDER BY MaxRVD ASC')
        departure_levels = gpkg.curs.fetchall()

    # Calcuate Average Departure for Riparian and Native Riparian
    riparian_departure_values = riparian_departure(reach_average_riparian, departure_levels)
    write_db_attributes(outputs_gpkg_path, riparian_departure_values, departure_type_columns)

    # Add Conversion Code, Type to Vegetation Conversion
    with SQLiteCon(outputs_gpkg_path) as gpkg:
        gpkg.curs.execute('SELECT LevelID, MaxValue, NAME FROM ConversionLevels ORDER BY MaxValue ASC')
        conversion_levels = gpkg.curs.fetchall()
    reach_values_with_conversion_codes = classify_conversions(reach_average_change, conversion_ids, conversion_levels)
    write_db_attributes(outputs_gpkg_path, reach_values_with_conversion_codes, rvd_columns)

    # # Write Output to GPKG table
    # log.info('Insert values to GPKG tables')

    # # TODO move this to write_attirubtes method
    # with get_shp_or_gpkg(outputs_gpkg_path, layer_name='ReachAttributes', write=True, ) as in_layer:
    #     # Create each field and store the name and index in a list of tuples
    #     field_indices = [(field, in_layer.create_field(field, field_type)) for field, field_type in {
    #         "FromConifer": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "FromDevegetated": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "FromGrassShrubland": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "FromDeciduous": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "NoChange": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "Deciduous": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "GrassShrubland": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "Devegetation": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "Conifer": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "Invasive": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "Development": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "Agriculture": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "ConversionCode": ogr.OFTInteger,
    #         "ConversionType": ogr.OFTString}.items()]

    #     for feature, _counter, _progbar in in_layer.iterate_features("Writing Attributes", write_layers=[in_layer]):
    #         reach = feature.GetFID()
    #         if reach not in reach_values_with_conversion_codes:
    #             continue

    #         # Set all the field values and then store the feature
    #         for field, _idx in field_indices:
    #             if field in reach_values_with_conversion_codes[reach]:
    #                 if not reach_values_with_conversion_codes[reach][field]:
    #                     feature.SetField(field, None)
    #                 else:
    #                     feature.SetField(field, reach_values_with_conversion_codes[reach][field])
    #         in_layer.ogr_layer.SetFeature(feature)

    #     # Create each field and store the name and index in a list of tuples
    #     field_indices = [(field, in_layer.create_field(field, field_type)) for field, field_type in {
    #         "EXISTING_RIPARIAN_MEAN": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "HISTORIC_RIPARIAN_MEAN": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "RIPARIAN_DEPARTURE": ogr.OFTReal,
    #         "NATIVE_RIPARIAN_DEPARTURE": ogr.OFTReal, }.items()]

    #     for feature, _counter, _progbar in in_layer.iterate_features("Writing Attributes", write_layers=[in_layer]):
    #         reach = feature.GetFID()
    #         if reach not in riparian_departure_values:
    #             continue

    #         # Set all the field values and then store the feature
    #         for field, _idx in field_indices:
    #             if field in riparian_departure_values[reach]:
    #                 if not riparian_departure_values[reach][field]:
    #                     feature.SetField(field, None)
    #                 else:
    #                     feature.SetField(field, riparian_departure_values[reach][field])
    #         in_layer.ogr_layer.SetFeature(feature)

    # with sqlite3.connect(outputs_gpkg_path) as conn:
    #     cursor = conn.cursor()
    #     errs = 0
    #     for reachid, epochs in unique_vegetation_counts.items():
    #         for epoch in epochs.values():
    #             insert_values = [[reachid, int(vegetationid), float(count * cell_area), int(count)] for vegetationid, count in zip(epoch[0], epoch[1]) if vegetationid != 0]
    #             try:
    #                 cursor.executemany('''INSERT INTO ReachVegetation (
    #                     ReachID,
    #                     VegetationID,
    #                     Area,
    #                     CellCount)
    #                     VALUES (?,?,?,?)''', insert_values)
    #             # Sqlite can't report on SQL errors so we have to print good log messages to help intuit what the problem is
    #             except sqlite3.IntegrityError as err:
    #                 # THis is likely a constraint error.
    #                 errstr = "Integrity Error when inserting records: ReachID: {} VegetationIDs: {}".format(reachid, str(list(epoch[0])))
    #                 log.error(errstr)
    #                 errs += 1
    #             except sqlite3.Error as err:
    #                 # This is any other kind of error
    #                 errstr = "SQL Error when inserting records: ReachID: {} VegetationIDs: {} ERROR: {}".format(reachid, str(list(epoch[0])), str(err))
    #                 log.error(errstr)
    #                 errs += 1
    #     if errs > 0:
    #         raise Exception('Errors were found inserting records into the database. Cannot continue.')
    #     conn.commit()

    # Add intermediates and the report to the XML
    # project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Intermediates'], LayerTypes['INTERMEDIATES']) already
    # added above
    project.add_project_geopackage(proj_nodes['Outputs'], LayerTypes['OUTPUTS'])

    # Add the report to the XML
    report_path = os.path.join(project.project_dir, LayerTypes['REPORT'].rel_path)
    project.add_report(proj_nodes['Outputs'], LayerTypes['REPORT'], replace=True)

    report = RVDReport(report_path, project)

    log.info('RVD complete')
def reach_geometry(flow_lines: Path, dem_path: Path, buffer_distance: float):
    """ Calculate reach geometry BRAT attributes

        flow_lines (Path): [description]
        dem_path (Path): [description]
        buffer_distance (float): [description]

    log = Logger('Reach Geometry')

    # Determine the best projected coordinate system based on the raster
    dataset = gdal.Open(dem_path)
    geo_transform = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
    xcentre = geo_transform[0] + (dataset.RasterXSize * geo_transform[1]) / 2.0
    epsg = get_utm_zone_epsg(xcentre)

    with rasterio.open(dem_path) as raster:
        bounds = raster.bounds
        extent = box(*bounds)

    # Buffer the start and end point of each reach
    line_start_polygons = {}
    line_end_polygons = {}
    reaches = {}
    with get_shp_or_gpkg(flow_lines) as lyr:

        # Transformations from original flow line features to metric EPSG, and to raster spatial reference
        _srs, transform_to_metres = VectorBase.get_transform_from_epsg(lyr.spatial_ref, epsg)
        _srs, transform_to_raster = VectorBase.get_transform_from_raster(lyr.spatial_ref, dem_path)

        # Buffer distance converted to the units of the raster spatial reference
        vector_buffer = VectorBase.rough_convert_metres_to_raster_units(dem_path, buffer_distance)

        for feature, _counter, _progbar in lyr.iterate_features("Processing reaches"):
            reach_id = feature.GetFID()
            geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
            geom_clone = geom.Clone()

            # Calculate the reach length in the output spatial reference
            if transform_to_metres is not None:

            reaches[reach_id] = {'iGeo_Len': geom.Length(), 'iGeo_Slope': 0.0, 'iGeo_ElMin': None, 'IGeo_ElMax': None}

            if transform_to_raster is not None:

            # Buffer the ends of the reach polyline in the raster spatial reference
            pt_start = Point(VectorBase.ogr2shapely(geom_clone, transform_to_raster).coords[0])
            pt_end = Point(VectorBase.ogr2shapely(geom_clone, transform_to_raster).coords[-1])
            if extent.contains(pt_start) and extent.contains(pt_end):
                line_start_polygons[reach_id] = pt_start.buffer(vector_buffer)
                line_end_polygons[reach_id] = pt_end.buffer(vector_buffer)

    # Retrieve the mean elevation of start and end of point
    line_start_elevations = raster_buffer_stats2(line_start_polygons, dem_path)
    line_end_elevations = raster_buffer_stats2(line_end_polygons, dem_path)

    for reach_id, data in reaches.items():
        if reach_id in line_start_elevations and reach_id in line_end_elevations:
            sta_data = line_start_elevations[reach_id]
            end_data = line_end_elevations[reach_id]

            data['iGeo_ElMax'] = _max_ignore_none(sta_data['Maximum'], end_data['Maximum'])
            data['iGeo_ElMin'] = _min_ignore_none(sta_data['Minimum'], end_data['Minimum'])

            if sta_data['Mean'] is not None and end_data['Mean'] is not None and sta_data['Mean'] != end_data['Mean']:
                data['iGeo_Slope'] = abs(sta_data['Mean'] - end_data['Mean']) / data['iGeo_Len']
            log.warning('{:,} features skipped because one or both ends of polyline not on DEM raster'.format(reach_id))

    write_db_attributes(os.path.dirname(flow_lines), reaches, ['iGeo_Len', 'iGeo_ElMax', 'iGeo_ElMin', 'iGeo_Slope'])
Пример #9
def hydrology(gpkg_path: str, prefix: str, huc: str):
    """Calculate low flow, peak flow discharges for each reach
    in a BRAT database

        database {str} -- Path to BRAT SQLite database
        prefix {str} -- Q2 or QLow identifying which discharge to calculate
        huc {str} -- watershed identifier

        Exception: When the watershed is missing the regional discharge equation

    hydrology_field = 'iHyd_Q{}'.format(prefix)
    streampower_field = 'iHyd_SP{}'.format(prefix)

    log = Logger('Hydrology')
    log.info('Calculating Q{} hydrology for HUC {}'.format(prefix, huc))
    log.info('Discharge field: {}'.format(hydrology_field))
    log.info('Stream power field: {}'.format(streampower_field))

    # Load the hydrology equation for the HUC
    with SQLiteCon(gpkg_path) as database:
            'SELECT Q{} As Q FROM Watersheds WHERE WatershedID = ?'.format(
                prefix), [huc])
        equation = database.curs.fetchone()['Q']
        equation = equation.replace('^', '**')

        if not equation:
            raise Exception('Missing {} hydrology formula for HUC {}'.format(
                prefix, huc))

        log.info('Regional curve: {}'.format(equation))

        # Load the hydrology CONVERTED parameters for the HUC (the values will be in the same units as used in the regional equations)
            'SELECT Parameter, ConvertedValue FROM vwHydroParams WHERE WatershedID = ?',
        params = {
            row['Parameter']: row['ConvertedValue']
            for row in database.curs.fetchall()
            log.info('Param: {} = {:.2f}'.format(key, value))
            for key, value in params.items()

        # Load the conversion factor for converting reach attribute drainage areas to the values used in the regional equations
            'SELECT Conversion FROM HydroParams WHERE Name = ?',
        drainage_conversion_factor = database.curs.fetchone()['Conversion']
        log.info('Reach drainage area attribute conversion factor = {}'.format(

    # Load the discharges for each reach
    reaches = load_attributes(gpkg_path, ['iGeo_DA'], '(iGeo_DA IS NOT NULL)')
    log.info('{:,} reaches loaded with valid drainage area values'.format(

    # Calculate the discharges for each reach
    results = calculate_hydrology(reaches, equation, params,
                                  drainage_conversion_factor, hydrology_field)
    log.info('{:,} reach hydrology values calculated.'.format(len(results)))

    # Write the discharges to the database
    write_db_attributes(gpkg_path, results, [hydrology_field])

    # Convert discharges to stream power
    with SQLiteCon(gpkg_path) as database:
            'UPDATE ReachAttributes SET {0} = ROUND((1000 * 9.80665) * iGeo_Slope * ({1} * 0.028316846592), 2)'
            ' WHERE ({1} IS NOT NULL) AND (iGeo_Slope IS NOT NULL)'.format(
                streampower_field, hydrology_field))

    log.info('Hydrology calculation complete')