Пример #1
def pixel_rays(mapshape, disc_step, disc_angle):
    # Find intersection of points with the wallsi
    points_start, angles, shape = sample_uniform(disc_step, disc_angle)
    points_end = interesection_with_walls(points_start, angles)
    # Convert to pixels
    pixels_start = pose2pixel(points_start, mapshape)
    pixels_end = pose2pixel(points_end, mapshape)
    # Extract coordinates of lines between start and end points i.e. the rays
    pixel_lines = [line(*p1, *p2) for p1, p2 in zip(pixels_start, pixels_end)]
    return pixel_lines, shape
Пример #2
    def draw_orientation(self, viz, pose, thickness=10): 
        # Start and end pose for arrow
        stp, enp = self.orientation_vector(pose)

        # Convert to pixel
        st_pix = pose2pixel(stp, viz.shape)
        en_pix = pose2pixel(enp, viz.shape)
        # Draw orientation
        cv2.arrowedLine(viz, point(st_pix), point(en_pix), GREEN, thickness=thickness)
        return viz
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, scanId, show_rays=True, show_grid=True): 
        self.scanId = scanId
        self.root, self.target, agent_pose, goal_pose = scanId.split('-')
        self.root = os.path.join(Files.basedir, dirname(self.root))
        self.agent_pose_ini = to_array(agent_pose)
        self.goal_pose_ini  = to_array(goal_pose)
        # Cache variables
        self.pmc_var = None
        # Visualization settnigs
        self.show_rays = show_rays
        self.show_grid = show_grid 
        # Floyd warshall algorithm for shortest path supervision
        self.mapfile_var = join(self.root, Files.objfile)
        self.planner = FloydWarshallRobotslang(self.mapfile_var)
        # Navigation pixels for  visualization
        self.nav_pixels   = self.planner.navigable_pixels

        ## Target poses
        self.target_poses  = get_targets()[scanId]
        self.target_pixels = pose2pixel(np.asarray(self.target_poses), MC.mazeshape)
        self.target_pixels = list(zip(["jar", "mug", "paddle"], self.target_pixels))

        # Randomize location of agent and goal
        self.agent   = Particles(1)
        self.goal    = Particles(1)

        # Start by resetting
Пример #4
 def draw_rays(self, viz, pose):
     stp, enp = self.orientation_vector(pose)
     st_pix = pose2pixel(stp, viz.shape)
     out = self.pmc.get_rays(pose)
     for o in out:
         cv2.line(viz, point(st_pix), point(o), WHITE, thickness=4)
     return viz
 def heatmap(self, viz):
     viz = viz * 0
     planner = self.env.planner
     particles = Particles(planner.poses.shape[0])
     particles.pose[:,:2] = planner.poses[:,:2]
     particles.pose[:, 2] = self.env.agent.pose[:,2]
     pixels = pose2pixel(particles.pose, MC.mazeshape)
     weights = np.zeros(len(particles))
     measurement = self.env.get_visual_obs(self.env.agent.pose)
     for i, (pose, pix) in enumerate(zip(particles.pose, pixels)):
         pose_measurement = self.env.get_visual_obs(pose)
         weights[i] = (pose_measurement == measurement).sum()
     #print(weights.max(), weights.min(), weights.mean())
     #weights = softmax(weights, t=.05)
     for i, (pose, pix) in enumerate(zip(particles.pose, pixels)):
         c_indx = int((self.num_cgs-1) * weights[i]/weights.max())
         color  = color2bgr(self.color_gradient[c_indx])
         self.env.draw_circle(viz, pix, rad=20, color=color)
         self.env.draw_orientation(viz, pose, thickness=2)
     for i, (pose, pix) in enumerate(zip(particles.pose, pixels)):
         cv2.putText(viz, str(int(weights[i])), point(pix), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
     return viz
    def grid(self, radius):
        # Make a grid
        x = np.arange(0, MC.width, radius)
        y = np.arange(0, MC.height, radius)

        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        xx, yy = xx.flatten(), yy.flatten()

        poses = np.stack([xx, yy], 1)
        pixels = pose2pixel(poses, MC.mazeshape)

        return poses, pixels
    def display(self):
        viz = self.env.display().copy()
        pixels = pose2pixel(self.particles.pose, MC.mazeshape)
        for i, (pose, pixel) in enumerate(zip(self.particles.pose, pixels)):
            #viz = self.env.draw_rays(viz, pose)
            #viz = self.env.draw_orientation(viz, pose, thickness=2)

            norm = self.particles.weights[i]/self.particles.weights.max()
            c_indx = int((self.num_cgs-1) * norm)
            color  = color2bgr(self.color_gradient[c_indx])
            viz = self.env.draw_circle(viz, pixel, rad=5, color=color)

        # Make a heatmap
        heatmap = self.heatmap(viz)
        out = np.concatenate((viz, heatmap), 1)
        show(out, 30)
        return out
Пример #8
 def draw_trajectory(self, viz, traj_poses, color=(59,181,207)):
     if traj_poses is not None:
         traj_pix = pose2pixel(traj_poses, viz.shape)
         for i in range(len(traj_pix)-1):
             cv2.line(viz, point(traj_pix[i]), point(traj_pix[i+1]), color, thickness=4)
         return viz
Пример #9
 def draw_agent(self, viz, pose):
     stp, enp = self.orientation_vector(pose)
     st_pix = pose2pixel(stp, viz.shape)
     self.draw_circle(viz, st_pix, rad=MC.PRAD*2, color=BLUE)