Пример #1
    def send(self):
		Send the latest line in the open file to the specified port at localhost.
		If the next line's timestamp is the same,
		that line will also be sent immediately.
		If the next line does not contain the same timestamp,
		the program will seek back to the last line read
		and then break for a new loop.

		If the line contains ``TERM``, the program will set ``self.alive = False``
		and prepare to exit.
        l = self.f.readline()
        if ('TERM' in l.decode('utf-8')) or (l.decode('utf-8') == ''):
            printM('End of file.', self.sender)
            self.alive = False
            ts = rs.getTIME(l)
            self.sock.sendto(l, (self.addr, self.port))

            while True:
                self.pos = self.f.tell()
                l = self.f.readline()
                if 'TERM' in l.decode('utf-8'):
                if rs.getTIME(l) == ts:
                    self.sock.sendto(l, (self.addr, self.port))
Пример #2
def run(printFREQ=60, port=8888):
	Initialize stream and print constants, then process data for packet loss.

	:param int printFREQ: Value in seconds denoting the frequency with which this program will report packets lost
	:param int port: Local port to listen on

    global DPtime, DPttlLoss
        dport=port, rsstn='Z0000'
    )  # runs in quiet mode; suppresses needless output but shows errors
    add_debug_handler()  # now start console output
    # initialize data stream constants
    printM('Opened data port successfully.')
    DP = raspberryshake.getDATA()
    CHAN = raspberryshake.getCHN(
        DP)  # first channel - doesn't matter which, used to stop looping
    TR = raspberryshake.tf  # transmission rate - in milliseconds
    TRE = (TR +
           TR * .5) / 1000.  # time diff / error to identify a missed packet
    SR = raspberryshake.sps  # sample / second
    ttlCHN = raspberryshake.getTTLCHN()  # total number of channels
    printM("	Total Channels: %s" % ttlCHN)
    printM("	   Sample Rate: %s samples / second" % SR)
    printM("	       TX Rate: Every %s milliseconds" % TR)

    # start processing data packets for packet loss detection
    # initialize
    chnNum = 0
    while chnNum < ttlCHN:
        DP = raspberryshake.getDATA()
        CHAN = raspberryshake.getCHN(DP)
        DPtime[CHAN] = raspberryshake.getTIME(DP)
        timeStart[CHAN] = DPtime[CHAN]
        DPttlLoss[CHAN] = 0
        chnNum += 1

    printM('Data Packet reading begun.')
        'Will report any DP loss as it happens and totals every %s seconds.' %

    while 1:  # loop forever
        DP = raspberryshake.getDATA()
        CHAN = raspberryshake.getCHN(DP)
        timeS = raspberryshake.getTIME(DP)
        timeD = timeS - DPtime[CHAN]
        if abs(timeD) > TRE:
            printM("DP loss of %s second(s) Current TS: %s, Previous TS: %s" %
                   (round(timeD, 3), timeS, DPtime[CHAN]))
            DPttlLoss[CHAN] += abs(int(timeD * TR))
        DPtime[CHAN] = timeS

        if int(timeS) % printFREQ == 0:
            if printTTLS(CHAN, TR):
                timeStart[CHAN] = timeS
                DPttlLoss[CHAN] = 0
Пример #3
    def run(self):
		Start the thread. First, opens a file, determines the speed of data flow,
		then opens a socket and begins sending data at that transmission rate.

		Continues sending data until an ``ENDTEST`` packet arrives on the queue,
		or until the reader reaches the end of the file.
		Then, sends a ``TERM`` message to the localhost port and exits.
        self.f = open(self.data_file, 'rb')
        l = self.f.readline()
        l2 = self.f.readline()
        while (rs.getTIME(l2) == rs.getTIME(l)):
            l2 = self.f.readline()


        self.speed = rs.getTIME(l2) - rs.getTIME(l)

        printW('Opening test socket...', sender=self.sender, announce=False)
        socket_type = s.SOCK_DGRAM if os.name in 'nt' else s.SOCK_DGRAM | s.SO_REUSEADDR
        self.sock = s.socket(s.AF_INET, socket_type)

        printW('Sending data to %s:%s every %s seconds' %
               (self.addr, self.port, self.speed),

        while self.alive:
                q = self._getq()
                if q.decode('utf-8') in 'ENDTEST':
                    self.alive = False
            except Empty:
                TEST['x_send'][1] = True

        self.sock.sendto(helpers.msg_term(), (self.addr, self.port))
        printW('Exiting.', self.sender, announce=False)