Пример #1
def inspect_cand(mergepkl, candnum=-1, scan=0, **kwargs):
    """ Create detailed plot of a single candidate.
    Thresholds (as minimum), then provides list of candidates to select with candnum.
    scan can be used to define scan number with pre-merge pkl file.
    kwargs passed to rt.set_pipeline

    d = pickle.load(open(mergepkl, "r"))
    loc, prop = read_candidates(mergepkl)

    if not os.path.dirname(d["filename"]):
        d["filename"] = os.path.join(d["workdir"], d["filename"])

    # feature columns
    if "snr2" in d["features"]:
        snrcol = d["features"].index("snr2")
    elif "snr1" in d["features"]:
        snrcol = d["features"].index("snr1")
    if "l2" in d["features"]:
        lcol = d["features"].index("l2")
    elif "l1" in d["features"]:
        lcol = d["features"].index("l1")
    if "m2" in d["features"]:
        mcol = d["features"].index("m2")
    elif "m1" in d["features"]:
        mcol = d["features"].index("m1")

    if not scan:
        scancol = d["featureind"].index("scan")
    segmentcol = d["featureind"].index("segment")
    intcol = d["featureind"].index("int")
    dtindcol = d["featureind"].index("dtind")
    dmindcol = d["featureind"].index("dmind")

    # sort and prep candidate list
    snrs = n.array([prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))])
    #    if isinstance(snrmin, type(None)):
    #        snrmin = min(snrs)
    #    sortord = snrs.argsort()
    #    snrinds = n.where(snrs[sortord] > snrmin)[0]
    #    loc = loc[sortord][snrinds]
    #    prop = n.array([prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))][sortord][snrinds])  # total hack to get prop as list to sort

    if candnum < 0:
        for i in range(len(loc)):
            logger.info("%d %s %s" % (i, str(loc[i]), str(prop[i][snrcol])))
        logger.info("Returning candidate (loc, snr) ...")
        return (loc, n.array([prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))]))
            "Reproducing and visualizing candidate %d at %s with properties %s."
            % (candnum, loc[candnum], prop[candnum])
        if not scan:
            scan = loc[candnum, scancol]
            nsegments = len(d["segmenttimesdict"][scan])
            nsegments = len(d["segmenttimes"])
        segment = loc[candnum, segmentcol]
        dmind = loc[candnum, dmindcol]
        dtind = loc[candnum, dtindcol]
        candint = loc[candnum, intcol]
        dmarrorig = d["dmarr"]
        dtarrorig = d["dtarr"]

        d2 = rt.set_pipeline(
        im, data = rt.pipeline_reproduce(
            d2, segment, (candint, dmind, dtind)
        )  # with candnum, pipeline will return cand image and data

        # calc source location
        peakl, peakm = n.where(im == im.max())
        xpix, ypix = im.shape
        l1 = (xpix / 2.0 - peakl[0]) / (xpix * d["uvres"])
        m1 = (ypix / 2.0 - peakm[0]) / (ypix * d["uvres"])
        pt_ra, pt_dec = d["radec"]
        src_ra, src_dec = source_location(pt_ra, pt_dec, l1, m1)
        logger.info("Peak (RA, Dec): %.3f, %.3f" % (src_ra, src_dec))

        logger.info("Returning candidate d, im, data")
        return d2, im, data
Пример #2
def plot_cand(candsfile,
    """ Reproduce detection of a single candidate for plotting or inspection.

    candsfile can be merge or single-scan cands pkl file. Difference defined by presence of scan in d['featureind'].
    candloc reproduces candidate at given location (scan, segment, integration, dmind, dtind, beamnum).
    candnum selects one to reproduce from ordered list
    threshold is min of sbs(SNR) used to filter candidates to select with candnum.
    savefile/outname define if/how to save png of candidate
    if returndata, (im, data) returned.
    kwargs passed to rt.set_pipeline

    # get candidate info
    loc, prop = pc.read_candidates(candsfile)

    # define state dict and overload with user prefs
    d0 = pickle.load(open(candsfile, 'r'))
    for key in kwargs:
        logger.info('Setting %s to %s' % (key, kwargs[key]))
        d0[key] = kwargs[key]
    d0['logfile'] = False  # no need to save log

    # feature columns
    if 'snr2' in d0['features']:
        snrcol = d0['features'].index('snr2')
    elif 'snr1' in d0['features']:
        snrcol = d0['features'].index('snr1')
    if 'l2' in d0['features']:
        lcol = d0['features'].index('l2')
    elif 'l1' in d0['features']:
        lcol = d0['features'].index('l1')
    if 'm2' in d0['features']:
        mcol = d0['features'].index('m2')
    elif 'm1' in d0['features']:
        mcol = d0['features'].index('m1')

        scancol = d0['featureind'].index('scan')  # if merged pkl
    except ValueError:
        scancol = -1  # if single-scan pkl
    segmentcol = d0['featureind'].index('segment')
    intcol = d0['featureind'].index('int')
    dtindcol = d0['featureind'].index('dtind')
    dmindcol = d0['featureind'].index('dmind')

    # sort and prep candidate list
    snrs = prop[:, snrcol]
    select = np.where(np.abs(snrs) > threshold)[0]
    loc = loc[select]
    prop = prop[select]
    times = pc.int2mjd(d0, loc)
    times = times - times[0]

    # default case will print cand info
    if (candnum < 0) and (not len(candloc)):
        logger.info('Getting candidates...')
        logger.info('candnum: loc, SNR, DM (pc/cm3), time (s; rel)')
        for i in range(len(loc)):
            logger.info("%d: %s, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" %
                        (i, str(loc[i]), prop[i, snrcol], np.array(
                            d0['dmarr'])[loc[i, dmindcol]], times[i]))
    else:  # if candnum or candloc provided, try to reproduce
        if (candnum >= 0) and not len(candloc):
                'Reproducing and visualizing candidate %d at %s with properties %s.'
                % (candnum, loc[candnum], prop[candnum]))
            dmarrorig = d0['dmarr']
            dtarrorig = d0['dtarr']
            if scancol >= 0:  # here we have a merge pkl
                scan = loc[candnum, scancol]
            else:  # a scan-based cands pkl
                scan = d0['scan']
            segment = loc[candnum, segmentcol]
            candint = loc[candnum, intcol]
            dmind = loc[candnum, dmindcol]
            dtind = loc[candnum, dtindcol]
            beamnum = 0
            candloc = (scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum)
        elif len(candloc) and (candnum < 0):
            assert len(
            ) == 6, 'candloc should be length 6 ( scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum ).'
            logger.info('Reproducing and visualizing candidate %d at %s' %
                        (candnum, candloc))
            dmarrorig = d0['dmarr']
            dtarrorig = d0['dtarr']
            scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum = candloc
            raise Exception, 'Provide candnum or candloc, not both'

        # if working locally, set workdir appropriately. Can also be used in queue system with full path given.
        if not os.path.dirname(candsfile):
            d0['workdir'] = os.getcwd()
            d0['workdir'] = os.path.dirname(candsfile)
        filename = os.path.join(d0['workdir'],

        # clean up d0 of superfluous keys
        params = pp.Params()  # will be used as input to rt.set_pipeline
        for key in d0.keys():
            if not hasattr(params, key) and 'memory_limit' not in key:
                _ = d0.pop(key)

        d0['npix'] = 0
        d0['uvres'] = 0
        d0['nsegments'] = 0
        d0['logfile'] = False
        # get cand data
        d = rt.set_pipeline(filename, scan, **d0)
        im, data = rt.pipeline_reproduce(
            d, candloc, product='imdata')  # removed loc[candnum]

        # optionally plot
        if savefile:
            loclabel = scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum
            make_cand_plot(d, im, data, loclabel, outname=outname)

        # optionally return data
        if returndata:
            return (im, data)
Пример #3
def plot_cand(mergepkl, candnum=-1, outname="", **kwargs):
    """ Create detailed plot of a single candidate.
    Thresholds (as minimum), then provides list of candidates to select with candnum.
    kwargs passed to rt.set_pipeline

    # if isinstance(pkllist, list):
    #     outroot = '_'.join(pkllist[0].split('_')[1:3])
    #     merge_cands(pkllist, outroot=outroot)
    #     mergepkl = 'cands_' + outroot + '_merge.pkl'
    # elif isinstance(pkllist, str):
    #     logger.info('Assuming input is mergepkl')
    #     mergepkl = pkllist

    d = pickle.load(open(mergepkl, "r"))
    loc, prop = read_candidates(mergepkl)

    if not os.path.dirname(d["filename"]):
        d["filename"] = os.path.join(d["workdir"], d["filename"])

    # feature columns
    if "snr2" in d["features"]:
        snrcol = d["features"].index("snr2")
    elif "snr1" in d["features"]:
        snrcol = d["features"].index("snr1")
    if "l2" in d["features"]:
        lcol = d["features"].index("l2")
    elif "l1" in d["features"]:
        lcol = d["features"].index("l1")
    if "m2" in d["features"]:
        mcol = d["features"].index("m2")
    elif "m1" in d["features"]:
        mcol = d["features"].index("m1")

    scancol = d["featureind"].index("scan")
    segmentcol = d["featureind"].index("segment")
    intcol = d["featureind"].index("int")
    dtindcol = d["featureind"].index("dtind")
    dmindcol = d["featureind"].index("dmind")

    # sort and prep candidate list
    snrs = n.array([prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))])
    #    if isinstance(snrmin, type(None)):
    #        snrmin = min(snrs)
    #    sortord = snrs.argsort()
    #    snrinds = n.where(snrs[sortord] > snrmin)[0]
    #    loc = loc[sortord][snrinds]
    #    prop = n.array([prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))][sortord][snrinds])  # total hack to get prop as list to sort
    #    prop = prop[sortord][snrinds]  # original

    if candnum < 0:
        logger.info("Getting candidates...")
        for i in range(len(loc)):
            logger.info("%d %s %s" % (i, str(loc[i]), str(prop[i][snrcol])))
        return (loc, n.array([prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))]))
            "Reproducing and visualizing candidate %d at %s with properties %s."
            % (candnum, loc[candnum], prop[candnum])
        scan = loc[candnum, scancol]
        segment = loc[candnum, segmentcol]
        dmind = loc[candnum, dmindcol]
        dtind = loc[candnum, dtindcol]
        candint = loc[candnum, intcol]
        dmarrorig = d["dmarr"]
        dtarrorig = d["dtarr"]
        nsegments = len(d["segmenttimesdict"][scan])

        d2 = rt.set_pipeline(
        im, data = rt.pipeline_reproduce(
            d2, segment, (candint, dmind, dtind)
        )  # with candnum, pipeline will return cand image and data

        # calc source location
        peakl, peakm = n.where(im == im.max())
        xpix, ypix = im.shape
        l1 = (xpix / 2.0 - peakl[0]) / (xpix * d["uvres"])
        m1 = (ypix / 2.0 - peakm[0]) / (ypix * d["uvres"])
        pt_ra, pt_dec = d["radec"]
        src_ra, src_dec = source_location(pt_ra, pt_dec, l1, m1)
        logger.info("Peak (RA, Dec): %.3f, %.3f" % (src_ra, src_dec))

        # plot it
        fig = plt.Figure(figsize=(8.5, 8))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(221, axisbg="white")

        # # first plot dm-t distribution beneath
        times0 = int2mjd(d, loc)
        times0 = times0 - times0[0]
        times = times0[candnum]
        dms0 = n.array(dmarrorig)[list(loc[:, dmindcol])]
        dms = dmarrorig[loc[candnum, dmindcol]]
        snr0 = prop[:][snrcol]
        snr = prop[candnum][snrcol]
        snrmin = 0.8 * min(d["sigma_image1"], d["sigma_image2"])
        # plot positive
        good = n.where(snr0 > 0)
            times0[good], dms0[good], s=(snr0[good] - snrmin) ** 5, facecolor="none", linewidth=0.2, clip_on=False
        ax.scatter(times, dms, s=(snr - snrmin) ** 5, facecolor="none", linewidth=2, clip_on=False)
        # plot negative
        good = n.where(snr0 < 0)
            s=(n.abs(snr0)[good] - snrmin) ** 5,
        ax.set_ylim(dmarrorig[0], dmarrorig[-1])
        ax.set_xlim(times0.min(), times0.max())
        ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)")
        ax.set_ylabel("DM (pc/cm3)")

        # # then add annotating info
        ax.text(0.1, 0.9, d["fileroot"] + "_sc" + str(scan), fontname="sans-serif", transform=ax.transAxes)
            "seg %d, int %d, DM %.1f, dt %d"
            % (segment, loc[candnum, intcol], dmarrorig[loc[candnum, dmindcol]], dtarrorig[loc[candnum, dtindcol]]),

            "Peak: (" + str(n.round(peakx, 1)) + "' ," + str(n.round(peaky, 1)) + "'), SNR: " + str(n.round(snr, 1)),

        # plot dynamic spectra
        left, width = 0.6, 0.2
        bottom, height = 0.2, 0.7
        rect_dynsp = [left, bottom, width, height]
        rect_lc = [left, bottom - 0.1, width, 0.1]
        rect_sp = [left + width, bottom, 0.1, height]
        ax_dynsp = fig.add_axes(rect_dynsp)
        ax_lc = fig.add_axes(rect_lc)
        ax_sp = fig.add_axes(rect_sp)
        spectra = n.swapaxes(data.real, 0, 1)  # seems that latest pickle actually contains complex values in spectra...
        dd = n.concatenate(
            (spectra[..., 0], n.zeros_like(spectra[..., 0]), spectra[..., 1]), axis=1
        )  # make array for display with white space between two pols
        impl = ax_dynsp.imshow(dd, origin="lower", interpolation="nearest", aspect="auto", cmap=plt.get_cmap("Greys"))
            "RR LL",
        ax_dynsp.set_yticks(range(0, len(d["freq"]), 30))
        ax_dynsp.set_ylabel("Freq (GHz)")
        ax_dynsp.set_xlabel("Integration (rel)")
        spectrum = spectra[:, len(spectra[0]) / 2].mean(
        )  # assume pulse in middle bin. get stokes I spectrum. **this is wrong in a minority of cases.**
        ax_sp.plot(spectrum, range(len(spectrum)), "k.")
        ax_sp.plot(n.zeros(len(spectrum)), range(len(spectrum)), "k:")
        ax_sp.set_ylim(0, len(spectrum))
        xmin, xmax = ax_sp.get_xlim()
        ax_sp.set_xticks(n.linspace(xmin, xmax, 3).round(2))
        ax_sp.set_xlabel("Flux (Jy)")
        lc = dd.mean(axis=0)
        lenlc = n.where(lc == 0)[0][0]
        ax_lc.plot(range(0, lenlc) + range(2 * lenlc, 3 * lenlc), list(lc)[:lenlc] + list(lc)[-lenlc:], "k.")
        ax_lc.plot(range(0, lenlc) + range(2 * lenlc, 3 * lenlc), list(n.zeros(lenlc)) + list(n.zeros(lenlc)), "k:")
        ax_lc.set_ylabel("Flux (Jy)")
        ax_lc.set_xticks([0, 0.5 * lenlc, lenlc, 1.5 * lenlc, 2 * lenlc, 2.5 * lenlc, 3 * lenlc])
        ax_lc.set_xticklabels(["0", str(lenlc / 2), str(lenlc), "", "0", str(lenlc / 2), str(lenlc)])
        ymin, ymax = ax_lc.get_ylim()
        ax_lc.set_yticks(n.linspace(ymin, ymax, 3).round(2))

        # image
        ax = fig.add_subplot(223)
        fov = n.degrees(1.0 / d["uvres"]) * 60.0
            ((xpix / 2 - srcra[0]) - 0.05 * xpix) * fov / xpix,
            (ypix / 2 - srcdec[0]) * fov / ypix,
            ((xpix / 2 - srcra[0]) + 0.05 * xpix) * fov / xpix,
            (ypix / 2 - srcdec[0]) * fov / ypix,
        impl = ax.imshow(
            extent=[fov / 2, -fov / 2, -fov / 2, fov / 2],
            vmax=0.5 * im.max(),
        ax.set_xlabel("RA Offset (arcmin)")
        ax.set_ylabel("Dec Offset (arcmin)")

        if not outname:
            outname = os.path.join(
                % (d["fileroot"], scan, segment, loc[candnum, intcol], dmind, dtind),
            canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig)

        return ([], [])
Пример #4
def plot_cand(candsfile,
    """ Reproduce detection of a single candidate for plotting or inspection.

    candsfile can be merge or single-scan cands pkl file. Difference defined by presence of scan in d['featureind'].
    candloc reproduces candidate at given location (scan, segment, integration, dmind, dtind, beamnum).
    candnum selects one to reproduce from ordered list
    threshold is min of sbs(SNR) used to filter candidates to select with candnum.
    savefile/outname define if/how to save png of candidate
    if returndata, (im, data) returned.
    kwargs passed to rt.set_pipeline
    if newplot, then plot with the new candidate plot using bridget's version

    # get candidate info
    loc, prop, d0 = pc.read_candidates(candsfile, returnstate=True)

    # define state dict and overload with user prefs
    for key in kwargs:
        logger.info('Setting %s to %s' % (key, kwargs[key]))
        d0[key] = kwargs[key]
    d0['logfile'] = False  # no need to save log

    # feature columns
    if 'snr2' in d0['features']:
        snrcol = d0['features'].index('snr2')
    elif 'snr1' in d0['features']:
        snrcol = d0['features'].index('snr1')
    if 'l2' in d0['features']:
        lcol = d0['features'].index('l2')
    elif 'l1' in d0['features']:
        lcol = d0['features'].index('l1')
    if 'm2' in d0['features']:
        mcol = d0['features'].index('m2')
    elif 'm1' in d0['features']:
        mcol = d0['features'].index('m1')

    scancol = d0['featureind'].index('scan')
    segmentcol = d0['featureind'].index('segment')
    intcol = d0['featureind'].index('int')
    dtindcol = d0['featureind'].index('dtind')
    dmindcol = d0['featureind'].index('dmind')

    # sort and prep candidate list
    snrs = prop[:, snrcol]
    select = np.where(np.abs(snrs) > threshold)[0]
    loc = loc[select]
    prop = prop[select]

    if candnum >= 0 or len(candloc):
        if (candnum >= 0) and not len(candloc):
                'Reproducing and visualizing candidate %d at %s with properties %s.'
                % (candnum, loc[candnum], prop[candnum]))
            dmarrorig = d0['dmarr']
            dtarrorig = d0['dtarr']
            scan = loc[candnum, scancol]
            segment = loc[candnum, segmentcol]
            candint = loc[candnum, intcol]
            dmind = loc[candnum, dmindcol]
            dtind = loc[candnum, dtindcol]
            beamnum = 0
            candloc = (scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum)
        elif len(candloc) and (candnum < 0):
            assert len(
            ) == 6, 'candloc should be length 6 ( scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum ).'
            logger.info('Reproducing and visualizing candidate %d at %s' %
                        (candnum, candloc))
            dmarrorig = d0['dmarr']
            dtarrorig = d0['dtarr']
            scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum = candloc
            raise Exception, 'Provide candnum or candloc, not both'

        # if working locally, set workdir appropriately. Can also be used in queue system with full path given.
        if not os.path.dirname(candsfile):
            d0['workdir'] = os.getcwd()
            d0['workdir'] = os.path.dirname(candsfile)
        filename = os.path.join(d0['workdir'],

        if d0.has_key('segmenttimesdict'):  # using merged pkl
            segmenttimes = d0['segmenttimesdict'][scan]
            segmenttimes = d0['segmenttimes']

        # clean up d0 of superfluous keys
        params = pp.Params()  # will be used as input to rt.set_pipeline
        for key in d0.keys():
            if not hasattr(params, key):  # and 'memory_limit' not in key:
                _ = d0.pop(key)
        d0['npix'] = 0
        d0['uvres'] = 0
        d0['logfile'] = False
        d0['savenoise'] = False
        d0['savecands'] = False

        # this triggers redefinition of segment boundaries. memory optimization changed, so this is a problem.
        #        d0['nsegments'] = 0
        #        d0['scale_nsegments'] = 1.
        d0['segmenttimes'] = segmenttimes
        d0['nsegments'] = len(segmenttimes)

        # get cand data
        d = rt.set_pipeline(filename, scan, **d0)
        (vismem, immem) = rt.calc_memory_footprint(d)
        if 'memory_limit' in d:
            assert vismem + immem < d[
                'memory_limit'], 'memory_limit defined, but nsegments must (for now) be set to initial values to properly reproduce candidate'

        im, data = rt.pipeline_reproduce(
            d, candloc, product='imdata')  # removed loc[candnum]

        # optionally plot
        if savefile:
            loclabel = scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum
            if newplot:

        # optionally return data
        if returndata:
            return (im, data)
        elif returnstate:
            return d
Пример #5
def plot_cand(candsfile, candloc=[], candnum=-1, threshold=0, savefile=True, returndata=False, outname='', **kwargs):
    """ Reproduce detection of a single candidate for plotting or inspection.

    candsfile can be merge or single-scan cands pkl file. Difference defined by presence of scan in d['featureind'].
    candloc reproduces candidate at given location (scan, segment, integration, dmind, dtind, beamnum).
    candnum selects one to reproduce from ordered list
    threshold is min of sbs(SNR) used to filter candidates to select with candnum.
    savefile/outname define if/how to save png of candidate
    if returndata, (im, data) returned.
    kwargs passed to rt.set_pipeline

    # get candidate info
    loc, prop = pc.read_candidates(candsfile)

    # define state dict and overload with user prefs
    d0 = pickle.load(open(candsfile, 'r'))
    for key in kwargs:
        logger.info('Setting %s to %s' % (key, kwargs[key]))
        d0[key] = kwargs[key]
    d0['logfile'] = False  # no need to save log

    # feature columns
    if 'snr2' in d0['features']:
        snrcol = d0['features'].index('snr2')
    elif 'snr1' in d0['features']:
        snrcol = d0['features'].index('snr1')
    if 'l2' in d0['features']:
        lcol = d0['features'].index('l2')
    elif 'l1' in d0['features']:
        lcol = d0['features'].index('l1')
    if 'm2' in d0['features']:
        mcol = d0['features'].index('m2')
    elif 'm1' in d0['features']:
        mcol = d0['features'].index('m1')

        scancol = d0['featureind'].index('scan')  # if merged pkl
    except ValueError:
        scancol = -1   # if single-scan pkl
    segmentcol = d0['featureind'].index('segment')
    intcol = d0['featureind'].index('int')
    dtindcol = d0['featureind'].index('dtind')
    dmindcol = d0['featureind'].index('dmind')

    # sort and prep candidate list
    snrs = prop[:, snrcol]
    select = np.where(np.abs(snrs) > threshold)[0]
    loc = loc[select]
    prop = prop[select]
    times = pc.int2mjd(d0, loc)
    times = times - times[0]

    # default case will print cand info
    if (candnum < 0) and (not len(candloc)):
        logger.info('Getting candidates...')
        logger.info('candnum: loc, SNR, DM (pc/cm3), time (s; rel)')
        for i in range(len(loc)):
            logger.info("%d: %s, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % (i, str(loc[i]), prop[i, snrcol], np.array(d0['dmarr'])[loc[i,dmindcol]], times[i]))
    else:  # if candnum or candloc provided, try to reproduce
        if (candnum >= 0) and not len(candloc):
            logger.info('Reproducing and visualizing candidate %d at %s with properties %s.' % (candnum, loc[candnum], prop[candnum]))
            dmarrorig = d0['dmarr']
            dtarrorig = d0['dtarr']
            if scancol >= 0:  # here we have a merge pkl
                scan = loc[candnum, scancol]
            else:   # a scan-based cands pkl
                scan = d0['scan']
            segment = loc[candnum, segmentcol]
            candint = loc[candnum, intcol]
            dmind = loc[candnum, dmindcol]
            dtind = loc[candnum, dtindcol]
            beamnum = 0
            candloc = (scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum)
        elif len(candloc) and (candnum < 0):
            assert len(candloc) == 6, 'candloc should be length 6 ( scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum ).'
            logger.info('Reproducing and visualizing candidate %d at %s' % (candnum, candloc))
            dmarrorig = d0['dmarr']
            dtarrorig = d0['dtarr']
            scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum = candloc
            raise Exception, 'Provide candnum or candloc, not both'

        # if working locally, set workdir appropriately. Can also be used in queue system with full path given.
        if not os.path.dirname(candsfile):
            d0['workdir'] = os.getcwd()
            d0['workdir'] = os.path.dirname(candsfile)
        filename = os.path.join(d0['workdir'], os.path.basename(d0['filename']))

        # clean up d0 of superfluous keys
        params = pp.Params()  # will be used as input to rt.set_pipeline
        for key in d0.keys():
            if not hasattr(params, key) and 'memory_limit' not in key:
                _ = d0.pop(key)

        d0['npix'] = 0
        d0['uvres'] = 0
        d0['nsegments'] = 0
        d0['logfile'] = False
        # get cand data
        d = rt.set_pipeline(filename, scan, **d0)
        im, data = rt.pipeline_reproduce(d, candloc, product='imdata') # removed loc[candnum]

        # optionally plot
        if savefile:
            loclabel = scan, segment, candint, dmind, dtind, beamnum
            make_cand_plot(d, im, data, loclabel, outname=outname)

        # optionally return data
        if returndata:
            return (im, data)
Пример #6
def inspect_cand(mergepkl, candnum=-1, scan=0, **kwargs):
    """ Create detailed plot of a single candidate.
    Thresholds (as minimum), then provides list of candidates to select with candnum.
    scan can be used to define scan number with pre-merge pkl file.
    kwargs passed to rt.set_pipeline

    d = pickle.load(open(mergepkl, 'r'))
    loc, prop = read_candidates(mergepkl)
    if not os.path.dirname(d['filename']):
        d['filename'] = os.path.join(d['workdir'], d['filename'])

    # feature columns
    if 'snr2' in d['features']:
        snrcol = d['features'].index('snr2')
    elif 'snr1' in d['features']:
        snrcol = d['features'].index('snr1')
    if 'l2' in d['features']:
        lcol = d['features'].index('l2')
    elif 'l1' in d['features']:
        lcol = d['features'].index('l1')
    if 'm2' in d['features']:
        mcol = d['features'].index('m2')
    elif 'm1' in d['features']:
        mcol = d['features'].index('m1')
    if not scan:
        scancol = d['featureind'].index('scan')
    segmentcol = d['featureind'].index('segment')
    intcol = d['featureind'].index('int')
    dtindcol = d['featureind'].index('dtind')
    dmindcol = d['featureind'].index('dmind')

    # sort and prep candidate list
    snrs = n.array([prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))])
#    if isinstance(snrmin, type(None)):
#        snrmin = min(snrs)
#    sortord = snrs.argsort()
#    snrinds = n.where(snrs[sortord] > snrmin)[0]
#    loc = loc[sortord][snrinds]
#    prop = n.array([prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))][sortord][snrinds])  # total hack to get prop as list to sort

    if candnum < 0:
        for i in range(len(loc)):
            logger.info("%d %s %s" % (i, str(loc[i]), str(prop[i][snrcol])))
        logger.info('Returning candidate (loc, snr) ...')
        return (loc, n.array([prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))]))
        logger.info('Reproducing and visualizing candidate %d at %s with properties %s.' % (candnum, loc[candnum], prop[candnum]))
        if not scan:
            scan = loc[candnum, scancol]
            nsegments = len(d['segmenttimesdict'][scan])
            nsegments = len(d['segmenttimes'])
        segment = loc[candnum, segmentcol]
        dmind = loc[candnum, dmindcol]
        dtind = loc[candnum, dtindcol]
        candint = loc[candnum, intcol]
        dmarrorig = d['dmarr']
        dtarrorig = d['dtarr']

        d2 = rt.set_pipeline(d['filename'], scan, fileroot=d['fileroot'], paramfile='rtparams.py', savecands=False, savenoise=False, nsegments=nsegments, **kwargs)
        im, data = rt.pipeline_reproduce(d2, segment, (candint, dmind, dtind))  # with candnum, pipeline will return cand image and data

        # calc source location
        if snrmax > -1*snrmin:
            l1, m1 = calc_lm(d, im, minmax='max')
            l1, m1 = calc_lm(d, im, minmax='min')
        pt_ra, pt_dec = d['radec']
        src_ra, src_dec = source_location(pt_ra, pt_dec, l1, m1)
        logger.info('Peak (RA, Dec): %s, %s' % (src_ra, src_dec))

        logger.info('Returning candidate d, im, data')
        return d2, im, data
Пример #7
def plot_cand(mergepkl, candnum=-1, outname='', threshold=0, **kwargs):
    """ Create detailed plot of a single candidate.
    threshold is min of sbs(SNR) used to filter candidates to select with candnum.
    kwargs passed to rt.set_pipeline

    d = pickle.load(open(mergepkl, 'r'))
    loc, prop = read_candidates(mergepkl)
    if not os.path.dirname(d['filename']):
        d['filename'] = os.path.join(d['workdir'], d['filename'])

    # feature columns
    if 'snr2' in d['features']:
        snrcol = d['features'].index('snr2')
    elif 'snr1' in d['features']:
        snrcol = d['features'].index('snr1')
    if 'l2' in d['features']:
        lcol = d['features'].index('l2')
    elif 'l1' in d['features']:
        lcol = d['features'].index('l1')
    if 'm2' in d['features']:
        mcol = d['features'].index('m2')
    elif 'm1' in d['features']:
        mcol = d['features'].index('m1')
    scancol = d['featureind'].index('scan')
    segmentcol = d['featureind'].index('segment')
    intcol = d['featureind'].index('int')
    dtindcol = d['featureind'].index('dtind')
    dmindcol = d['featureind'].index('dmind')

    # sort and prep candidate list
    snrs = n.array([prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))])
    select = n.where(n.abs(snrs) > threshold)[0]
    loc = loc[select]
    prop = [prop[i] for i in select]

    if candnum < 0:
        logger.info('Getting candidates...')
        for i in range(len(loc)):
            logger.info("%d %s %s" % (i, str(loc[i]), str(prop[i][snrcol])))
        return (loc, n.array([prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))]))
        logger.info('Reproducing and visualizing candidate %d at %s with properties %s.' % (candnum, loc[candnum], prop[candnum]))

        # get cand info
        scan = loc[candnum, scancol]
        segment = loc[candnum, segmentcol]
        dmind = loc[candnum, dmindcol]
        dtind = loc[candnum, dtindcol]
        candint = loc[candnum, intcol]
        dmarrorig = d['dmarr']
        dtarrorig = d['dtarr']

        # set up state dict
        d['starttime_mjd'] = d['starttime_mjddict'][scan]
        d['scan'] = scan
        d['nsegments'] = len(d['segmenttimesdict'][scan])
#        d2 = rt.set_pipeline(d['filename'], scan, fileroot=d['fileroot'], savecands=False, savenoise=False, nsegments=nsegments, **kwargs)
        d['segmenttimes'] = d['segmenttimesdict'][scan]
        d['savecands'] = False; d['savenoise'] = False
        for key in kwargs.keys():
            logger.info('Setting %s to %s' % (key, kwargs[key]))
            d[key] = kwargs[key]

        # reproduce
        im, data = rt.pipeline_reproduce(d, segment, (candint, dmind, dtind))  # with candnum, pipeline will return cand image and data

        # calc source location
        snrmin = im.min()/im.std()
        snrmax = im.max()/im.std()
        if snrmax > -1*snrmin:
            l1, m1 = rt.calc_lm(d, im, minmax='max')
            l1, m1 = rt.calc_lm(d, im, minmax='min')
        pt_ra, pt_dec = d['radec']
        src_ra, src_dec = source_location(pt_ra, pt_dec, l1, m1)
        logger.info('Peak (RA, Dec): %s, %s' % (src_ra, src_dec))

        # plot it
        fig = plt.Figure(figsize=(8.5,8))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(221, axisbg='white')

        # # first plot dm-t distribution beneath
        times0 = int2mjd(d, loc)
        times0 = times0 - times0[0]
        times = times0[candnum]
        dms0 = n.array(dmarrorig)[list(loc[:,dmindcol])]
        dms = dmarrorig[loc[candnum,dmindcol]]
        snr0 = [prop[i][snrcol] for i in range(len(prop))]
        snr = snr0[candnum]
        snrmin = 0.8 * min(d['sigma_image1'], d['sigma_image2'])
        # plot positive
        good = n.where(snr0 > 0)[0]
        ax.scatter(times0[good], dms0[good], s=(snr0[good]-snrmin)**5, facecolor='none', linewidth=0.2, clip_on=False)
        ax.scatter(times, dms, s=(snr-snrmin)**5, facecolor='none', linewidth=2, clip_on=False)
        # plot negative
        good = n.where(snr0 < 0)
        ax.scatter(times0[good], dms0[good], s=(n.abs(snr0)[good]-snrmin)**5, marker='x', edgecolors='k', linewidth=0.2, clip_on=False)
        ax.set_ylim(dmarrorig[0], dmarrorig[-1])
        ax.set_xlim(times0.min(), times0.max())
        ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
        ax.set_ylabel('DM (pc/cm3)')

        # # then add annotating info
        ax.text(0.1, 0.9, d['fileroot']+'_sc'+str(scan), fontname='sans-serif', transform = ax.transAxes)
        ax.text(0.1, 0.8, 'seg %d, int %d, DM %.1f, dt %d' % (segment, loc[candnum, intcol], dmarrorig[loc[candnum, dmindcol]], dtarrorig[loc[candnum,dtindcol]]), fontname='sans-serif', transform = ax.transAxes)

        ax.text(0.1, 0.7, 'Peak: (' + str(n.round(l1, 3)) + '\' ,' + str(n.round(m1, 3)) + '\'), SNR: ' + str(n.round(snr, 1)), fontname='sans-serif', transform = ax.transAxes)

        # plot dynamic spectra
        left, width = 0.6, 0.2
        bottom, height = 0.2, 0.7
        rect_dynsp = [left, bottom, width, height]
        rect_lc = [left, bottom-0.1, width, 0.1]    
        rect_sp = [left+width, bottom, 0.1, height]
        ax_dynsp = fig.add_axes(rect_dynsp)
        ax_lc = fig.add_axes(rect_lc)    
        ax_sp = fig.add_axes(rect_sp)
        spectra = n.swapaxes(data.real,0,1)      # seems that latest pickle actually contains complex values in spectra...
        dd = n.concatenate( (spectra[...,0], n.zeros_like(spectra[...,0]), spectra[...,1]), axis=1)    # make array for display with white space between two pols
        impl = ax_dynsp.imshow(dd, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'))
        ax_dynsp.text(0.5, 0.95, 'RR LL', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=16, color='w', transform = ax_dynsp.transAxes)
        ax_dynsp.set_ylabel('Freq (GHz)')
        ax_dynsp.set_xlabel('Integration (rel)')
        spectrum = spectra[:,len(spectra[0])/2].mean(axis=1)      # assume pulse in middle bin. get stokes I spectrum. **this is wrong in a minority of cases.**
        ax_sp.plot(spectrum, range(len(spectrum)), 'k.')
        ax_sp.plot(n.zeros(len(spectrum)), range(len(spectrum)), 'k:')
        ax_sp.set_ylim(0, len(spectrum))
        xmin,xmax = ax_sp.get_xlim()
        ax_sp.set_xlabel('Flux (Jy)')
        lc = dd.mean(axis=0)
        lenlc = n.where(lc == 0)[0][0]
        ax_lc.plot(range(0,lenlc)+range(2*lenlc,3*lenlc), list(lc)[:lenlc] + list(lc)[-lenlc:], 'k.')
        ax_lc.plot(range(0,lenlc)+range(2*lenlc,3*lenlc), list(n.zeros(lenlc)) + list(n.zeros(lenlc)), 'k:')
        ax_lc.set_ylabel('Flux (Jy)')
        ymin,ymax = ax_lc.get_ylim()

        # image
        ax = fig.add_subplot(223)
        fov = n.degrees(1./d['uvres'])*60.
#        ax.scatter(((xpix/2-srcra[0])-0.05*xpix)*fov/xpix, (ypix/2-srcdec[0])*fov/ypix, s=80, marker='<', facecolor='none')
#        ax.scatter(((xpix/2-srcra[0])+0.05*xpix)*fov/xpix, (ypix/2-srcdec[0])*fov/ypix, s=80, marker='>', facecolor='none')
        impl = ax.imshow(im.transpose(), aspect='equal', origin='upper', interpolation='nearest', extent=[fov/2, -fov/2, -fov/2, fov/2], cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys'), vmin=0, vmax=0.5*im.max())
        ax.set_xlabel('RA Offset (arcmin)')
        ax.set_ylabel('Dec Offset (arcmin)')

        if not outname:
            outname = os.path.join(d['workdir'], 'cands_%s_sc%dseg%di%ddm%ddt%d.png' % (d['fileroot'], scan, segment, loc[candnum, intcol], dmind, dtind))
            canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig)

        return ([],[])