Пример #1
def cd(cmd_path, full_path):
    path, port = rtctree.path.parse_path(full_path)
    if port:
        raise rts_exceptions.NotADirectoryError(cmd_path)
    if not path[-1]:
        # Remove trailing slash part
        path = path[:-1]
    tree = rtctree.tree.RTCTree(paths=path)
    if not tree.has_path(path):
        raise rts_exceptions.NotADirectoryError(cmd_path)
    if not tree.is_directory(path):
        raise rts_exceptions.NotADirectoryError(cmd_path)
    return make_cmd_line(full_path)
Пример #2
def search(cmd_path, full_path, options, tree=None):
    def get_result(node, args):
        if node.full_path_str.startswith(cmd_path):
            result = node.full_path_str[len(cmd_path):]
            if not result:
                # This will happen if the search root is a component
                return node.name
            return node.full_path_str
            return node.full_path_str

    def matches_search(node):
        # Filter out types
        if options.type:
            if node.is_component and 'c' not in options.type:
                return False
            if node.is_manager and 'm' not in options.type and \
                    'd' not in options.type:
                return False
            if node.is_nameserver and 'n' not in options.type and \
                    'd' not in options.type:
                return False
            if node.is_directory and 'd' not in options.type and \
                    (not node.is_nameserver and not node.is_manager):
                return False
            if node.is_zombie and 'z' not in options.type:
                return False
        # Filter out depth
        if max_depth > 0 and node.depth > max_depth:
            return False
        if not name_res:
            return True
        # Check for name matches
        for name_re in name_res:
            if name_re.search(node.full_path_str):
                return True
        return False

    path, port = rtctree.path.parse_path(full_path)
    if port:
        raise rts_exceptions.NotADirectoryError(cmd_path)

    trailing_slash = False
    if not path[-1]:
        # There was a trailing slash
        trailing_slash = True
        path = path[:-1]

    if not tree:
        tree = rtctree.tree.RTCTree(paths=path, filter=[path])

    # Find the root node of the search
    root = tree.get_node(path)
    if not root:
        raise rts_exceptions.NoSuchObjectError(cmd_path)
    if root.is_component and trailing_slash:
        raise rts_exceptions.NotADirectoryError(cmd_path)

    if options.max_depth:
        max_depth = options.max_depth + len(path) - 1  # The root is 1-long
        max_depth = 0

    name_res = []
    for name in options.name:
        # Replace regex special characters
        name = re.escape(name)
        # * goes to .*?
        name = name.replace(r'\*', '.*?')
        # ? goes to .
        name = name.replace(r'\?', r'.')
    for name in options.iname:
        # Replace regex special characters
        name = re.escape(name)
        # * goes to .*?
        name = name.replace(r'\*', '.*?')
        # ? goes to .
        name = name.replace(r'\?', r'.')
        name_res.append(re.compile(name, re.IGNORECASE))

    return root.iterate(get_result, filter=[matches_search])