Пример #1
 def test_recover_root_identity(self):
     """ MULTI VO (CORE): Test adding a new identity for root using super_root """
     identity_key = ''.join(choice(ascii_lowercase) for x in range(10))
     with assert_raises(AccessDenied):
         vo_api.recover_vo_root_identity(root_vo=self.new_vo['vo'], identity_key=identity_key, id_type='userpass', email='*****@*****.**', issuer='root', password='******', **self.vo)
     vo_api.recover_vo_root_identity(root_vo=self.new_vo['vo'], identity_key=identity_key, id_type='userpass', email='*****@*****.**', issuer='super_root', password='******', vo='def')
     assert_in('root', list_accounts_for_identity(identity_key=identity_key, id_type='userpass'))
Пример #2
def select_account_name(identitystr, identity_type):
    Looks for account corresponding to the provided identity.
    :param identitystr: identity string
    :param identity_type: identity_type e.g. x509, saml, oidc, userpass
    :returns: None or account string
    accounts = identity.list_accounts_for_identity(identitystr, identity_type)
    ui_account = None
    if len(accounts) == 0:
        return None
    # check if ui_account param is set
    if 'ui_account' in input():
        ui_account = input()['ui_account']
    # if yes check if the accounts provided for users identity include this account
    if not ui_account and 'account' in input():
        ui_account = input()['account']
    if ui_account:
        if ui_account not in accounts:
            return None
            return ui_account
        # try to set the default account to the user account, if not available take the first account.
        def_account = accounts[0]
        for account in accounts:
            account_info = get_account_info(account)
            if account_info.account_type == AccountType.USER:
                def_account = account
        selected_account = cookies().get('rucio-selected-account')
        if (selected_account):
            def_account = selected_account
        ui_account = def_account
    return ui_account
Пример #3
def finalize_auth(token, identity_type, cookie_dict_extra=None):
    Finalises login. Validates provided token, sets cookies
    and redirects to the final page.
    :param token: token string
    :param identity_type:  identity_type e.g. x509, userpass, oidc, saml
    :param cookie_dict_extra: extra cookies to set, dictionary expected
    :returns: redirects to the final page or renders a page with an error message.
    valid_token_dict = validate_webui_token(from_cookie=False, session_token=token)
    if not valid_token_dict:
        return RENDERER.problem("It was not possible to validate and finalize your login with the provided token.")
        attribs = list_account_attributes(valid_token_dict['account'], valid_token_dict['vo'])
        accounts = identity.list_accounts_for_identity(valid_token_dict['identity'], identity_type)
        accvalues = ""
        for acc in accounts:
            accvalues += acc + " "
        accounts = accvalues[:-1]

        cookie_dict = {'x-rucio-auth-token': token,
                       'x-rucio-auth-type': identity_type,
                       'rucio-auth-token-created-at': long(time()),
                       'rucio-available-accounts': accounts,
                       'rucio-account-attr': dumps(attribs),
                       'rucio-selected-account': valid_token_dict['account'],
                       'rucio-selected-vo': valid_token_dict['vo']}
        if cookie_dict_extra and isinstance(cookie_dict_extra, dict):
        return redirect_to_last_known_url()
        return RENDERER.problem("It was not possible to validate and finalize your login with the provided token.")
Пример #4
    def test_api_identity(self):
        """ IDENTITY (API): Test external representation of identity accounts """

        id_key = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for x in range(10))

        add_account_identity(id_key, 'userpass', self.account_name, '*****@*****.**', 'root', default=True, password='******', **self.vo)

        out = list_accounts_for_identity(id_key, 'userpass')
        assert_in(self.account_name, out)
        if self.multi_vo:
            assert_not_in(self.account.internal, out)
Пример #5
def check_token(rendered_tpl):
    token = None
    js_token = ""
    js_account = ""
    def_account = None
    accounts = None
    cookie_accounts = None
    rucio_ui_version = version.version_string()

    render = template.render(join(dirname(__file__), '../templates'))
    if ctx.env.get('SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY') != 'SUCCESS':
        return render.problem("No certificate provided. Please authenticate with a cerficate registered in Rucio.")

    dn = ctx.env.get('SSL_CLIENT_S_DN')

    # try to get and check the rucio session token from cookie
    session_token = cookies().get('x-rucio-auth-token')
    validate_token = authentication.validate_auth_token(session_token)

    # if there is no session token or if invalid: get a new one.
    if validate_token is None:
        # get all accounts for an identity. Needed for account switcher in UI.
        accounts = identity.list_accounts_for_identity(dn, 'x509')
        cookie_accounts = accounts
                # try to get the default account for the identity.
                def_account = identity.get_default_account(dn, 'x509')
            except IdentityError:
                # if there is no default account used the first from the list off accounts.
                def_account = accounts[0]

            token = authentication.get_auth_token_x509(def_account,
            return render.problem("Your certificate (%s) is not registered in Rucio. Please contact <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">Rucio Support</a>" % dn)

        # write the token and account to javascript variables, that will be used in the HTML templates.
        js_token = __to_js('token', token)
        js_account = __to_js('account', def_account)

    # if there was no valid session token write the new token to a cookie.
    if token:
        setcookie('x-rucio-auth-token', value=token, expires=3600, path='/')

    if cookie_accounts:
        values = ""
        for acc in cookie_accounts:
            values += acc + " "
        setcookie('rucio-available-accounts', value=values[:-1], path='/')

    return render.base(js_token, js_account, rucio_ui_version, rendered_tpl)
Пример #6
def select_account_name(identitystr, identity_type, vo=None):
    Looks for account (and VO if not known) corresponding to the provided identity.
    :param identitystr: identity string
    :param identity_type: identity_type e.g. x509, saml, oidc, userpass
    :returns: Tuple of None or account string, None or VO string or list of VO strings
    ui_account = None
    if not MULTI_VO:
        vo = 'def'
    if vo is not None:
        accounts = identity.list_accounts_for_identity(identitystr,
        internal_accounts = identity_core.list_accounts_for_identity(
            identitystr, IdentityType.from_sym(identity_type))
        accounts = [account.external for account in internal_accounts]
        vos = [account.vo for account in internal_accounts]
        if vos:
            vos = list(set(vos))
            # If we only have 1 VO that matches the identity use that, otherwise return all possible VOs so the user can choose
            if len(vos) == 1:
                vo = vos[0]
                return None, vos

    if len(accounts) == 0:
        return None, vo
    # check if ui_account param is set
    if 'ui_account' in input():
        ui_account = input()['ui_account']
    # if yes check if the accounts provided for users identity include this account
    if not ui_account and 'account' in input():
        ui_account = input()['account']
    if ui_account:
        if ui_account not in accounts:
            return None, vo
            return ui_account, vo
        # try to set the default account to the user account, if not available take the first account.
        def_account = accounts[0]
        for account in accounts:
            account_info = get_account_info(account, vo=vo)
            if account_info.account_type == AccountType.USER:
                def_account = account
        selected_account = cookies().get('rucio-selected-account')
        if (selected_account):
            def_account = selected_account
        ui_account = def_account
    return ui_account, vo
Пример #7
    def get(self, identity_key, type):
        Return all identities mapped to an account.

        .. :quickref: Accounts; list account identities.

        :param identity_key: Identity string.
        :param type: Identity type.
        :resheader Content-Type: application/json
        :status 200: OK.
        :status 401: Invalid Auth Token.
        :status 406: Not Acceptable.
        :returns: List of identities.
        accounts = list_accounts_for_identity(identity_key, type)
        return jsonify(accounts)
Пример #8
    def test_recover_vo_success(self):
        """ MULTI VO (REST): Test recovering VO through REST layer succeeds """
        mw = []

        headers1 = {'X-Rucio-Account': 'super_root', 'X-Rucio-Username': '******', 'X-Rucio-Password': '******'}
        res1 = TestApp(auth_app.wsgifunc(*mw)).get('/userpass', headers=headers1, expect_errors=True)

        assert_equal(res1.status, 200)
        token = str(res1.header('X-Rucio-Auth-Token'))

        identity_key = ''.join(choice(ascii_lowercase) for x in range(10))
        params = {'identity': identity_key, 'authtype': 'userpass', 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'password': '******'}
        headers2 = {'X-Rucio-Auth-Token': str(token)}
        res2 = TestApp(vo_app.wsgifunc(*mw)).post('/' + self.vo['vo'] + '/recover', headers=headers2, expect_errors=True, params=dumps(params))
        assert_equal(res2.status, 201)

        assert_in('root', list_accounts_for_identity(identity_key=identity_key, id_type='userpass'))
Пример #9
    def GET(self, identity_key, type):
        Return all identities mAPPed to an account.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            400 Bad Reqeust
            401 Unauthorized
            500 Internal Error

        :param account: Identity string.
            return json.dumps(list_accounts_for_identity(identity_key, type))
        except Exception as error:
            raise InternalError(error)
Пример #10
    def get(self, identity_key, type):
        Return all identities mapped to an account.

        .. :quickref: Accounts; list account identities.

        :param identify_key: Identity string.
        :param type: Identity type.
        :resheader Content-Type: application/json
        :status 200: OK.
        :status 401: Invalid Auth Token.
        :status 500: Internal Error.
        :returns: List of identities.
            return Response(json.dumps(list_accounts_for_identity(identity_key, type)), content_type="application/json")
        except Exception, error:
            print error
            print str(format_exc())
            return error, 500
Пример #11
    def get(self, identity_key, type):
        Return all identities mapped to an account.

        .. :quickref: Accounts; list account identities.

        :param identity_key: Identity string.
        :param type: Identity type.
        :resheader Content-Type: application/json
        :status 200: OK.
        :status 401: Invalid Auth Token.
        :status 406: Not Acceptable.
        :status 500: Internal Error.
        :returns: List of identities.
            accounts = list_accounts_for_identity(identity_key, type)
            return jsonify(accounts)
        except Exception as error:
            return str(error), 500
Пример #12
 def get(self, identity_key, type):
     summary: List
     description: List all identities mapped to an account.
       - Identity
     - name: identity_key
       in: path
       description: Identity string.
         type: string
       style: simple
     - name: type
       in: path
       description: Identity type.
         type: string
       style: simple
       required: false
         description: OK
               type: array
                 type: object
                 description: Account for the identity.
         description: Invalid Auth Token
         description: Not acceptable
     accounts = list_accounts_for_identity(identity_key, type)
     return jsonify(accounts)
Пример #13
def check_token(rendered_tpl):
    attribs = None
    token = None
    js_token = ""
    js_account = ""
    def_account = None
    accounts = None
    cookie_accounts = None
    rucio_ui_version = version.version_string()

    ui_account = None
    if 'ui_account' in input():
        ui_account = input()['ui_account']

    render = template.render(join(dirname(__file__), '../templates'))
    if ctx.env.get('SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY') != 'SUCCESS':
        return render.problem(
            "No certificate provided. Please authenticate with a certificate registered in Rucio."

    dn = ctx.env.get('SSL_CLIENT_S_DN')

    msg = "Your certificate (%s) is not mapped to any rucio account." % dn
    msg += "<br><br><font color=\"red\">First, please make sure it is correctly registered in <a href=\"https://voms2.cern.ch:8443/voms/atlas\">VOMS</a> and be patient until it has been fully propagated through the system.</font>"
    msg += "<br><br>Then, if it is still not working please contact <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">DDM Support</a>."

    # try to get and check the rucio session token from cookie
    session_token = cookies().get('x-rucio-auth-token')
    validate_token = authentication.validate_auth_token(session_token)

    # check if ui_account param is set and if yes, force new token
    if ui_account:
        accounts = identity.list_accounts_for_identity(dn, 'x509')

        if len(accounts) == 0:
            return render.problem(msg)

        if ui_account not in accounts:
            return render.problem(
                "The rucio account (%s) you selected is not mapped to your certificate (%s). Please select another account or none at all to automatically use your default account."
                % (ui_account, dn))

        cookie_accounts = accounts
        if (validate_token is None) or (validate_token['account'] !=
                token = authentication.get_auth_token_x509(
                    ui_account, dn, 'webui', ctx.env.get('REMOTE_ADDR'))
                return render.problem(msg)

        attribs = list_account_attributes(ui_account)
        js_token = __to_js('token', token)
        js_account = __to_js('account', def_account)
        # if there is no session token or if invalid: get a new one.
        if validate_token is None:
            # get all accounts for an identity. Needed for account switcher in UI.
            accounts = identity.list_accounts_for_identity(dn, 'x509')
            if len(accounts) == 0:
                return render.problem(msg)

            cookie_accounts = accounts

            # try to set the default account to the user account, if not available take the first account.
            def_account = accounts[0]
            for account in accounts:
                account_info = get_account_info(account)
                if account_info.account_type == AccountType.USER:
                    def_account = account

            selected_account = cookies().get('rucio-selected-account')
            if (selected_account):
                def_account = selected_account
                token = authentication.get_auth_token_x509(
                    def_account, dn, 'webui', ctx.env.get('REMOTE_ADDR'))
                return render.problem(msg)

            attribs = list_account_attributes(def_account)
            # write the token and account to javascript variables, that will be used in the HTML templates.
            js_token = __to_js('token', token)
            js_account = __to_js('account', def_account)

    # if there was no valid session token write the new token to a cookie.
    if token:
        setcookie('x-rucio-auth-token', value=token, path='/')
        setcookie('rucio-auth-token-created-at', value=int(time()), path='/')

    if cookie_accounts:
        values = ""
        for acc in cookie_accounts:
            values += acc + " "
        setcookie('rucio-available-accounts', value=values[:-1], path='/')

    if attribs:
        setcookie('rucio-account-attr', value=dumps(attribs), path='/')

    if ui_account:
        setcookie('rucio-selected-account', value=ui_account, path='/')
    return render.base(js_token, js_account, rucio_ui_version, rendered_tpl)
Пример #14
def finalize_auth(token, identity_type, cookie_dict_extra=None):
    Finalises login. Validates provided token, sets cookies
    and redirects to the final page.
    :param token: token string
    :param identity_type:  identity_type e.g. x509, userpass, oidc, saml
    :param cookie_dict_extra: extra cookies to set, dictionary expected
    :returns: redirects to the final page or renders a page with an error message.
    global COOKIES
    valid_token_dict = validate_webui_token(from_cookie=False,
    if not valid_token_dict:
        return render_template(
            "It was not possible to validate and finalize your login with the provided token."
        attribs = list_account_attributes(valid_token_dict['account'],
        accounts = identity.list_accounts_for_identity(
            valid_token_dict['identity'], identity_type)
        accvalues = ""
        for acc in accounts:
            accvalues += acc + " "
        accounts = accvalues[:-1]

            'key': 'x-rucio-auth-token',
            'value': quote(token)
        }, {
            'key': 'x-rucio-auth-type',
            'value': quote(identity_type)
        }, {
            'key': 'rucio-auth-token-created-at',
            'value': str(long(time()))
        }, {
            'key': 'rucio-available-accounts',
            'value': quote(accounts)
        }, {
            'key': 'rucio-account-attr',
            'value': quote(dumps(attribs))
        }, {
            'key': 'rucio-selected-account',
            'value': quote(valid_token_dict['account'])
        }, {
            'key': 'rucio-selected-vo',
            'value': quote(valid_token_dict['vo'])

        if cookie_dict_extra:
            for key, value in cookie_dict_extra.items():
                COOKIES.append({'key': key, 'value': value})
        return redirect_to_last_known_url()
    except Exception:
        return render_template(
            "It was not possible to validate and finalize your login with the provided token."
Пример #15
def saml_authentication(method, rendered_tpl):
    Login with SAML

    :param method: method type, GET or POST
    :param rendered_tpl: page to be rendered

    attribs = None
    token = None
    js_token = ""
    js_account = ""
    def_account = None
    accounts = None
    cookie_accounts = None
    rucio_ui_version = version.version_string()
    policy = config_get('policy', 'permission')

    # Initialize variables for sending SAML request
    SAML_PATH = join(dirname(__file__), 'saml/')
    request = ctx.env
    data = dict(input())
    req = prepare_webpy_request(request, data)
    auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, custom_base_path=SAML_PATH)

    saml_user_data = cookies().get('saml-user-data')

    render = template.render(join(dirname(__file__), '../templates'))

    session_token = cookies().get('x-rucio-auth-token')
    validate_token = authentication.validate_auth_token(session_token)

    if method == "GET":
        # If user data is not present, redirect to IdP for authentication
        if not saml_user_data:
            return seeother(auth.login())

        # If user data is present and token is valid, render the required page
        elif validate_token:
            js_token = __to_js('token', session_token)
            js_account = __to_js('account', def_account)

            return render.base(js_token, js_account, rucio_ui_version, policy,

        # If user data is present but token is not valid, create a new one
        saml_nameid = cookies().get('saml-nameid')
        accounts = identity.list_accounts_for_identity(saml_nameid, 'saml')

        cookie_accounts = accounts
            token = authentication.get_auth_token_saml(
                def_account, saml_nameid, 'webui',

            return render.problem('Cannot get auth token')

        attribs = list_account_attributes(def_account)
        # write the token and account to javascript variables, that will be used in the HTML templates.
        js_token = __to_js('token', token)
        js_account = __to_js('account', def_account)

        set_cookies(token, cookie_accounts, attribs)

        return render.base(js_token, js_account, rucio_ui_version, policy,

    # If method is POST, check the received SAML response and redirect to home if valid
    errors = auth.get_errors()
    if not errors:
        if auth.is_authenticated():
            setcookie('saml-user-data', value=auth.get_attributes(), path='/')
            setcookie('saml-nameid', value=auth.get_nameid(), path='/')
            saml_nameid = auth.get_nameid()

            accounts = identity.list_accounts_for_identity(saml_nameid, 'saml')
            cookie_accounts = accounts
            # try to set the default account to the user account, if not available take the first account.
            def_account = accounts[0]
            for account in accounts:
                account_info = get_account_info(account)
                if account_info.account_type == AccountType.USER:
                    def_account = account

            selected_account = cookies().get('rucio-selected-account')
            if (selected_account):
                def_account = selected_account

                token = authentication.get_auth_token_saml(
                    def_account, saml_nameid, 'webui',

                return render.problem('Cannot get auth token')

            attribs = list_account_attributes(def_account)
            # write the token and account to javascript variables, that will be used in the HTML templates.
            js_token = __to_js('token', token)
            js_account = __to_js('account', def_account)

            set_cookies(token, cookie_accounts, attribs)

            return seeother("/")

        return render.problem("Not authenticated")

    return render.problem("Error while processing SAML")
Пример #16
def log_in(data, rendered_tpl):
    attribs = None
    token = None
    js_token = ""
    js_account = ""
    def_account = None
    accounts = None
    cookie_accounts = None
    rucio_ui_version = version.version_string()
    policy = config_get('policy', 'permission')

    render = template.render(join(dirname(__file__), '../templates'))

    # # try to get and check the rucio session token from cookie
    session_token = cookies().get('x-rucio-auth-token')
    validate_token = authentication.validate_auth_token(session_token)

    # if token is valid, render the requested page.
    if validate_token and not data:
        token = session_token
        js_token = __to_js('token', token)
        js_account = __to_js('account', def_account)

        return render.base(js_token, js_account, rucio_ui_version, policy,

        # if there is no session token or if invalid: get a new one.
        # if user tries to access a page through URL without logging in, then redirect to login page.
        if rendered_tpl:
            return render.login()

        # get all accounts for an identity. Needed for account switcher in UI.
        accounts = identity.list_accounts_for_identity(data.username,
        if len(accounts) == 0:
            return render.problem('No accounts for the given identity.')

        cookie_accounts = accounts
        # try to set the default account to the user account, if not available take the first account.
        def_account = accounts[0]
        for account in accounts:
            account_info = get_account_info(account)
            if account_info.account_type == AccountType.USER:
                def_account = account

        selected_account = cookies().get('rucio-selected-account')
        if (selected_account):
            def_account = selected_account

            token = authentication.get_auth_token_user_pass(
                def_account, data.username, data.password.encode("ascii"),
                'webui', ctx.env.get('REMOTE_ADDR')).token

            return render.problem('Cannot get auth token')

        attribs = list_account_attributes(def_account)
        # write the token and account to javascript variables, that will be used in the HTML templates.
        js_token = __to_js('token', token)
        js_account = __to_js('account', def_account)

    set_cookies(token, cookie_accounts, attribs)

    return seeother('/')