def _get_credentials(rse, endpoint): """ Pass an endpoint and return its credentials. :param endpoint: URL endpoint string. :param rse: RSE name. :returns: Dictionary of credentials. """ key = '%s_%s' % (rse, endpoint) result = REGION.get(key) if type(result) is NoValue: try: logging.debug("Loading account credentials") result = config.get_rse_credentials(None) if result and rse in result: result = result[rse] result['is_secure'] = result['is_secure'][endpoint] REGION.set(key, result) else: raise Exception("Failed to load account credentials") logging.debug("Loaded account credentials") except KeyError, e: raise exception.CannotAuthenticate( 'RSE %s endpoint %s not in rse account cfg: %s' % (rse, endpoint, e)) except:
def connect(self): """ Establishes the actual connection to the referred RSE. :param: credentials needed to establish a connection with the stroage. :raises RSEAccessDenied: if no connection could be established. """ try: scheme, prefix = self.attributes.get( 'scheme'), self.attributes.get('prefix') netloc, port = self.attributes['hostname'], self.attributes.get( 'port', 80) service_url = '%(scheme)s://%(netloc)s:%(port)s' % locals() access_key, secret_key, is_secure = None, None, None if 'S3_ACCESS_KEY' in os.environ: access_key = os.environ['S3_ACCESS_KEY'] if 'S3_SECRET_KEY' in os.environ: secret_key = os.environ['S3_SECRET_KEY'] if 'S3_IS_SECURE' in os.environ: if str(os.environ['S3_IS_SECURE']).lower() == 'true': is_secure = True elif str(os.environ['S3_IS_SECURE']).lower() == 'false': is_secure = False if is_secure is None or access_key is None or secret_key is None: credentials = get_rse_credentials() self.rse['credentials'] = credentials.get(self.rse['rse']) if not access_key: access_key = self.rse['credentials']['access_key'], if not secret_key: secret_key = self.rse['credentials']['secret_key'], if not is_secure: is_secure = self.rse['credentials'].get('is_secure', {}).\ get(service_url, False) self._disable_http_proxy() self.__conn = connect_s3(host=self.attributes['hostname'], port=int(port), aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, is_secure=is_secure, calling_format=OrdinaryCallingFormat()) self._reset_http_proxy() except Exception as e: self._reset_http_proxy() raise exception.RSEAccessDenied(e)
def get_signed_url(rse_id, service, operation, url, lifetime=600): """ Get a signed URL for a particular service and operation. The signed URL will be valid for 1 hour but can be overriden. :param rse_id: The ID of the RSE that the URL points to. :param service: The service to authorise, either 'gcs', 's3' or 'swift'. :param operation: The operation to sign, either 'read', 'write', or 'delete'. :param url: The URL to sign. :param lifetime: Lifetime of the signed URL in seconds. :returns: Signed URL as a variable-length string. """ global CREDS_GCS if service not in ['gcs', 's3', 'swift']: raise UnsupportedOperation('Service must be "gcs", "s3" or "swift"') if operation not in ['read', 'write', 'delete']: raise UnsupportedOperation( 'Operation must be "read", "write", or "delete"') if url is None or url == '': raise UnsupportedOperation('URL must not be empty') if lifetime: if not isinstance(lifetime, integer_types): try: lifetime = int(lifetime) except: raise UnsupportedOperation( 'Lifetime must be convertible to numeric.') signed_url = None if service == 'gcs': if not CREDS_GCS: CREDS_GCS = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( config_get( 'credentials', 'gcs', raise_exception=False, default='/opt/rucio/etc/google-cloud-storage-test.json')) components = urlparse(url) host = components.netloc # select the correct operation operations = {'read': 'GET', 'write': 'PUT', 'delete': 'DELETE'} operation = operations[operation] # special case to test signature, force epoch time if lifetime is None: lifetime = 0 else: # GCS is timezone-sensitive, don't use UTC # has to be converted to Unixtime lifetime = + datetime.timedelta( seconds=lifetime) lifetime = int(time.mktime(lifetime.timetuple())) # sign the path only path = components.path # assemble message to sign to_sign = "%s\n\n\n%s\n%s" % (operation, lifetime, path) # create URL-capable signature # first character is always a '=', remove it signature = urlencode( {'': base64.b64encode(CREDS_GCS.sign_blob(to_sign)[1])})[1:] # assemble final signed URL signed_url = 'https://%s%s?GoogleAccessId=%s&Expires=%s&Signature=%s' % ( host, path, CREDS_GCS.service_account_email, lifetime, signature) elif service == 's3': # split URL to get hostname, bucket and key components = urlparse(url) host = components.netloc pathcomponents = components.path.split('/') if len(pathcomponents) < 3: raise UnsupportedOperation('Not a valid S3 URL') bucket = pathcomponents[1] key = '/'.join(pathcomponents[2:]) # remove port number from host if present colon = host.find(':') port = '443' if colon >= 0: port = host[colon + 1:] host = host[:colon] # look up in RSE account configuration by RSE ID cred_name = rse_id cred = REGION.get('s3-%s' % cred_name) if cred is NO_VALUE: rse_cred = get_rse_credentials() cred = rse_cred.get(cred_name) REGION.set('s3-%s' % cred_name, cred) access_key = cred['access_key'] secret_key = cred['secret_key'] signature_version = cred['signature_version'] region_name = cred['region'] if operation == 'read': s3op = 'get_object' elif operation == 'write': s3op = 'put_object' else: s3op = 'delete_object' with record_timer_block('credential.signs3'): s3 = boto3.client('s3', endpoint_url='https://' + host + ':' + port, aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_key, config=Config( signature_version=signature_version, region_name=region_name)) signed_url = s3.generate_presigned_url(s3op, Params={ 'Bucket': bucket, 'Key': key }, ExpiresIn=lifetime) elif service == 'swift': # split URL to get hostname and path components = urlparse(url) host = components.netloc # remove port number from host if present colon = host.find(':') if colon >= 0: host = host[:colon] # use RSE ID to look up key cred_name = rse_id # look up tempurl signing key cred = REGION.get('swift-%s' % cred_name) if cred is NO_VALUE: rse_cred = get_rse_credentials() cred = rse_cred.get(cred_name) REGION.set('swift-%s' % cred_name, cred) tempurl_key = cred['tempurl_key'] if operation == 'read': swiftop = 'GET' elif operation == 'write': swiftop = 'PUT' else: swiftop = 'DELETE' expires = int(time.time() + lifetime) # create signed URL with record_timer_block('credential.signswift'): hmac_body = u'%s\n%s\n%s' % (swiftop, expires, components.path) # Python 3 hmac only accepts bytes or bytearray sig =, 'utf-8'), bytearray(hmac_body, 'utf-8'), sha1).hexdigest() signed_url = 'https://' + host + components.path + '?temp_url_sig=' + sig + '&temp_url_expires=' + str( expires) return signed_url
def setuphostname(self, protocols): """ Initializes the rclone object with information about protocols in the referred RSE. :param protocols Protocols in the RSE """ if protocols['scheme'] in ['scp', 'rsync', 'sftp']: self.hostname = 'ssh_rclone_rse' = protocols['hostname'] self.port = str(protocols['port']) if protocols['extended_attributes'] is not None and 'user' in list( protocols['extended_attributes'].keys()): self.user = protocols['extended_attributes']['user'] else: self.user = None try: data = load_conf_file('rclone-init.cfg') key_file = data[ + '_ssh']['key_file'] except KeyError: self.logger( logging.ERROR, 'rclone.init: rclone-init.cfg:- Field value missing for "{}_ssh: key_file"' .format( return False try: if self.user: cmd = 'rclone config create {0} sftp host {1} user {2} port {3} key_file {4}'.format( self.hostname,, self.user, str(self.port), key_file) self.logger(logging.DEBUG, 'rclone.init: cmd: {}'.format(cmd)) status, out, err = execute(cmd) if status: return False else: cmd = 'rclone config create {0} sftp host {1} port {2} key_file {3}'.format( self.hostname,, str(self.port), key_file) self.logger(logging.DEBUG, 'rclone.init: cmd: {}'.format(cmd)) status, out, err = execute(cmd) if status: return False except Exception as e: raise exception.ServiceUnavailable(e) elif protocols['scheme'] == 'file': self.hostname = '%s_rclone_rse' % (protocols['scheme']) = 'localhost' try: cmd = 'rclone config create {0} local'.format(self.hostname) self.logger(logging.DEBUG, 'rclone.init: cmd: {}'.format(cmd)) status, out, err = execute(cmd) if status: return False except Exception as e: raise exception.ServiceUnavailable(e) elif protocols['scheme'] in ['davs', 'https']: self.hostname = '%s_rclone_rse' % (protocols['scheme']) = protocols['hostname'] url = '%s://%s:%s%s' % (protocols['scheme'], protocols['hostname'], str(protocols['port']), protocols['prefix']) try: data = load_conf_file('rclone-init.cfg') bearer_token = data[ + '_webdav']['bearer_token'] except KeyError: self.logger( logging.ERROR, 'rclone.init: rclone-init.cfg:- Field value missing for "{}_webdav: bearer_token"' .format( return False try: cmd = 'rclone config create {0} webdav url {1} vendor other bearer_token {2}'.format( self.hostname, url, bearer_token) self.logger(logging.DEBUG, 'rclone.init: cmd: {}'.format(cmd)) status, out, err = execute(cmd) if status: return False except Exception as e: raise exception.ServiceUnavailable(e) elif protocols['scheme'] == 's3': self.hostname = '%s_rclone_rse' % (protocols['scheme']) = protocols['hostname'] access_key, secret_key, is_secure = None, None, None if 'S3_ACCESS_KEY' in os.environ: access_key = os.environ['S3_ACCESS_KEY'] if 'S3_SECRET_KEY' in os.environ: secret_key = os.environ['S3_SECRET_KEY'] if is_secure is None or access_key is None or secret_key is None: credentials = get_rse_credentials() self.rse['credentials'] = credentials.get(self.rse['rse']) if not access_key: access_key = self.rse['credentials']['access_key'] if not secret_key: secret_key = self.rse['credentials']['secret_key'] if not access_key or not secret_key: self.logger( logging.ERROR, 'rclone.init: Missing key(s) for s3 host: {}'.format( return False try: cmd = 'rclone config create {0} s3 provider AWS env_auth false access_key_id {1} secret_access_key {2} region us-east-1 acl private'.format( self.hostname, access_key, secret_key) self.logger(logging.DEBUG, 'rclone.init: cmd: {}'.format(cmd)) status, out, err = execute(cmd) if status: return False except Exception as e: raise exception.ServiceUnavailable(e) else: self.logger( logging.DEBUG, 'rclone.init: {} protocol impl not supported by rucio rclone'. format(protocols['impl'])) return False return True