def add_account_identity(identity, type, account, email, default=False, password=None, session=None): """ Adds a membership association between identity and account. :param identity: The identity key name. For example x509 DN, or a username. :param type: The type of the authentication (x509, gss, userpass, ssh, saml, oidc). :param account: The account name. :param email: The Email address associated with the identity. :param default: If True, the account should be used by default with the provided identity. :param password: Password if type is userpass. :param session: The database session in use. """ if not account_exists(account, session=session): raise exception.AccountNotFound('Account \'%s\' does not exist.' % account) id = session.query(models.Identity).filter_by(identity=identity, identity_type=type).first() if id is None: add_identity(identity=identity, type=type, email=email, password=password, session=session) id = session.query(models.Identity).filter_by(identity=identity, identity_type=type).first() iaa = models.IdentityAccountAssociation(identity=id.identity, identity_type=id.identity_type, account=account) try: except IntegrityError: raise exception.Duplicate('Identity pair \'%s\',\'%s\' already exists!' % (identity, type))
def list_identities(account, session=None): """ List all identities on an account. :param account: The account name. :param session: the database session in use. """ identity_list = list() query = session.query(models.Account).filter_by(account=account).filter_by( status=AccountStatus.ACTIVE) try: except exc.NoResultFound: raise exception.AccountNotFound( 'Account with ID \'%s\' cannot be found' % account) query = session.query(models.IdentityAccountAssociation, models.Identity)\ .join(models.Identity, and_(models.Identity.identity == models.IdentityAccountAssociation.identity, models.Identity.identity_type == models.IdentityAccountAssociation.identity_type))\ .filter(models.IdentityAccountAssociation.account == account) for identity in query: identity_list.append({ 'type': identity[0].identity_type, 'identity': identity[0].identity, 'email': identity[1].email }) return identity_list
def add_account_attribute(account, key, value, session=None): """ Add an attribute for the given account name. :param key: the key for the new attribute. :param value: the value for the new attribute. :param account: the account to add the attribute to. :param session: The database session in use. """ query = session.query(models.Account).filter_by( account=account, status=AccountStatus.ACTIVE) try: except exc.NoResultFound: raise exception.AccountNotFound( "Account ID '{0}' does not exist".format(account)) new_attr = models.AccountAttrAssociation(account=account, key=key, value=value) try: except IntegrityError as error: if match('.*IntegrityError.*ORA-00001: unique constraint.*ACCOUNT_ATTR_MAP_PK.*violated.*', error.args[0]) \ or match('.*IntegrityError.*1062.*Duplicate entry.*for key.*', error.args[0]) \ or match('.*IntegrityError.*UNIQUE constraint failed: account_attr_map.account, account_attr_map.key.*', error.args[0]) \ or match('.*IntegrityError.*columns? account.*key.*not unique.*', error.args[0]) \ or match('.*IntegrityError.*duplicate key value violates unique constraint.*', error.args[0]) \ or match('.*UniqueViolation.*duplicate key value violates unique constraint.*', error.args[0]): raise exception.Duplicate( 'Key {0} already exist for account {1}!'.format(key, account)) except Exception: raise exception.RucioException(str(format_exc()))
def add_account_identity(identity, type_, account, email, default=False, password=None, session=None): """ Adds a membership association between identity and account. :param identity: The identity key name. For example x509 DN, or a username. :param type_: The type of the authentication (x509, gss, userpass, ssh, saml, oidc). :param account: The account name. :param email: The Email address associated with the identity. :param default: If True, the account should be used by default with the provided identity. :param password: Password if type is userpass. :param session: The database session in use. """ if not account_exists(account, session=session): raise exception.AccountNotFound('Account \'%s\' does not exist.' % account) id_ = session.query(models.Identity).filter_by(identity=identity, identity_type=type_).first() if id_ is None: add_identity(identity=identity, type_=type_, email=email, password=password, session=session) id_ = session.query(models.Identity).filter_by(identity=identity, identity_type=type_).first() iaa = models.IdentityAccountAssociation(identity=id_.identity, identity_type=id_.identity_type, account=account, is_default=default) try: except IntegrityError as error: if match('.*IntegrityError.*ORA-00001: unique constraint.*violated.*', error.args[0]) \ or match('.*IntegrityError.*UNIQUE constraint failed.*', error.args[0]) \ or match('.*IntegrityError.*1062.*Duplicate entry.*for key.*', error.args[0]) \ or match('.*IntegrityError.*duplicate key value violates unique constraint.*', error.args[0]) \ or match('.*UniqueViolation.*duplicate key value violates unique constraint.*', error.args[0]) \ or match('.*IntegrityError.*columns? .*not unique.*', error.args[0]): raise exception.Duplicate('Identity pair \'%s\',\'%s\' already exists!' % (identity, type_))
def del_account_attribute(account, key, session=None): """ Add an attribute for the given account name. :param account: the account to add the attribute to. :param key: the key for the new attribute. :param session: The database session in use. """ aid = session.query(models.AccountAttrAssociation).filter_by(key=key, account=account).first() if aid is None: raise exception.AccountNotFound('Attribute ({0}) does not exist for the account {1}!'.format(key, account)) aid.delete(session=session)
def del_account(account, session=None): """ Disable an account with the given account name. :param account: the account name. :param session: the database session in use. """ query = session.query(models.Account).filter_by(account=account).filter_by(status=AccountStatus.ACTIVE) try: account = except exc.NoResultFound: raise exception.AccountNotFound('Account with ID \'%s\' cannot be found' % account) account.update({'status': AccountStatus.DELETED, 'deleted_at': datetime.utcnow()})
def get_account(account, session=None): """ Returns an account for the given account name. :param account: the name of the account. :param session: the database session in use. :returns: a dict with all information for the account. """ query = session.query(models.Account).filter_by(account=account) result = query.first() if result is None: raise exception.AccountNotFound('Account with ID \'%s\' cannot be found' % account) return result
def set_account_status(account, status, session=None): """ Set the status of an account. :param account: Name of the account. :param status: The status for the account. :param session: the database session in use. """ query = session.query(models.Account).filter_by(account=account) try: account = except exc.NoResultFound: raise exception.AccountNotFound( 'Account with ID \'%s\' cannot be found' % account) if (isinstance(status, str) or isinstance(status, unicode)): status = AccountStatus.from_sym(status) if status == AccountStatus.SUSPENDED: query.update({'status': status, 'suspended_at': datetime.utcnow()}) elif status == AccountStatus.ACTIVE: query.update({'status': status, 'suspended_at': None})
def list_account_attributes(account, session=None): """ Get all attributes defined for an account. :param account: the account name to list the scopes of. :param session: The database session in use. :returns: a list of all key, value pairs for this account. """ attr_list = [] query = session.query(models.Account).filter_by(account=account).filter_by(status=AccountStatus.ACTIVE) try: except exc.NoResultFound: raise exception.AccountNotFound("Account ID '{0}' does not exist".format(account)) query = session.query(models.AccountAttrAssociation).filter_by(account=account) for attr in query: attr_list.append({'key': attr.key, 'value': attr.value}) return attr_list
def update_account(account, key, value, session=None): """ Update a property of an account. :param account: Name of the account. :param key: Account property like status. :param value: Property value. :param session: the database session in use. """ query = session.query(models.Account).filter_by(account=account) try: account = except exc.NoResultFound: raise exception.AccountNotFound('Account with ID \'%s\' cannot be found' % account) if key == 'status': if isinstance(value, string_types): value = AccountStatus.from_sym(value) if value == AccountStatus.SUSPENDED: query.update({'status': value, 'suspended_at': datetime.utcnow()}) elif value == AccountStatus.ACTIVE: query.update({'status': value, 'suspended_at': None}) else: query.update({key: value})