Пример #1
def select(crds):  # -> idxSet, zid
    assert type(crds) is HandCards, "TypeError: not HandCards"
    assert 0 < len(crds) <= 5, "IndexError: overrange"
    keyMap = {'Z': 0, 'X': 1, 'C': 2, 'V': 3, 'B': 4}
    keyStr = "ZXCVB"
    keyStr = keyStr[0:len(crds)]  # fix length to n
    print('use [%s] to select:' % keyStr)
    idxSet = set()
    selC, actLst = [], []
    while True:
        k = getkey(blocking=True)  # block version
        kn = keys.name(k)
        if len(kn) == 1 and kn in keyMap:
            if kn in idxSet:  # already in set
                idxSet ^= {keyMap[kn]}  # xor, flip
                idxSet |= {keyMap[kn]}  # or, update
            selC = Cards([crds[i] for i in idxSet])
            actLst = match(selC)
            print(selC, actLst)
        elif kn in {'ENTER', 'SPACE'} and len(actLst) > 0:
            if len(actLst) > 1:
                return idxSet, actLst[choose(actLst)]
                return idxSet, actLst[0]
        elif kn == "ESC":
            idxSet = set()
Пример #2
    def processrules(self, string, conndata, dgram_time):
        TODO: This code is not 100% ideal. It places a lot of responsibility on
        the caller for processing the rule chain, etc. This should be abstracted
        out and hidden in in the rule module. This is a nice, functional
        version, though.
        Very little of this code depends on the class it is in. All it needs
        is a rule chain. Perhaps a RuleChain class is in order?
        if self.rules is None:
            return string
        if len(self.rules) == 0:
            return  string
        addr = ""
        port = conndata.serverport
        if conndata.direction == "c2s":
            addr = conndata.clientip
        elif conndata.direction == "s2c":
            addr = conndata.serverip

        matchingrules = []
        result = None
        kargs = {'addr':addr,
        for rule in self.rules:
            #matched = rule.match(addr, port, conndata.direction)
            matched = rule.match(**kargs)
            if matched:
                # Stop processing unless the rule is a passthru Rule
                if not rule.passthru:
        for rule in matchingrules:
            self.log.debug("Matched UDP Rule: %s" % (rule))
            was_fuzzed = False
            if rule.action.name == "muck":
                string = rule.action.execute(data=string)
            if rule.action.name == "fuzz":
                old_string = string
                was_fuzzed, string = rule.action.execute(data=string)
                if was_fuzzed:
                    tdata = (conndata.clientip, conndata.clientport, 
                             conndata.serverip, conndata.serverport,
                             conndata.direction, repr(old_string),
                             repr(string), dgram_time)
        return string 
Пример #3
def selectR(crds):  # -> idxSet, zid
    assert type(crds) is HandCards, "TypeError: not HandCards"
    assert 0 < len(crds) <= 5, "IndexError: overrange"
    bag = list(range(1, 2**len(crds)))
    while True:
        if len(bag) > 0:
            r = randint(0, len(bag) - 1)  # as index
            raise RuntimeError("no choice in bag")

        selPat = [bag[r] & (2**i) > 0 for i in range(5)]  # binary exp
        idxSet = []
        selC = []
        for i in range(5):
            if selPat[i]:
        actLst = match(Cards(selC))
        if len(actLst) >= 1:
            return set(idxSet), choice(actLst)
            del bag[r]  # remove this val
Пример #4
    def processrules(self, string, conndata, msg_cnt = -1):
        TODO: This code is not 100% ideal. It places a lot of responsibility on
        the caller for processing the rule chain, etc. This should be abstracted
        out and hidden in in the rule module. This is a nice, functional
        version, though.
        Very little of this code depends on the class it is in. All it needs
        is a rule chain. Perhaps a RuleChain class is in order?
#        return False, string
        # Make sure there are rules to process
        if self.rules is None:
            return False, string
        if len(self.rules) == 0:
            return False, string
        addr = ""
        port = conndata.serverport
        if conndata.direction == "c2s":
            addr = conndata.clientip
        elif conndata.direction == "s2c":
            addr = conndata.serverip

        matchingrules = []
        result = None
        kargs = {'addr':addr,
        for rule in self.rules:
            #matched = rule.match(addr, port, conndata.direction)
            matched = rule.match(**kargs)
            if matched:
                # Stop processing unless the rule is a passthru Rule
                if not rule.passthru:
        shoulddebug = False
        was_fuzzed = False 
        for rule in matchingrules:
            self.log.debug("Matched rule: %s" % (rule))
            # Debug flag set
            if rule.action.name == "debug":
                shoulddebug = True
            # Muck pipe execution
            if rule.action.name == "muck":
                string = rule.action.execute(data=string)
            # Fuzz rule execution
            if rule.action.name == "fuzz":
                old_string = string
                was_fuzzed, string = rule.action.execute(data=string)
        # Put the old string and new string in the DB
        if was_fuzzed: 
            self.trafficdb.qfuzztcp.put((conndata.conncount, msg_cnt,
                    conndata.direction, repr(old_string), repr(string)))
        # Logging cruft
        if matched and self.config.debug > 2:
            self.log.debug("==== RULE MATCH ====")
            self.log.debug("Matching rule action name:%s" % 
            self.log.debug("Matching rule action:%s" % (matchingrule.action))
            self.log.debug("Matched rule: %s" % (matchingrule))        
            self.log.debug("Matched class%s" % (matchingrule.__class__))
            self.log.debug("addr = %s, port = %d, direction = %s" %
                            (addr, port, conndata.direction))
            if shoulddebug:
                self.log.debug("I should be debugged!!")
            self.log.debug("==== END RULE ====")
        # TODO: Seems that processrules should not return a bool only related to debug    
        return shoulddebug, string