def download(item: dict, extr: bool = False, server=Server.WB1, limit=None): file_name = item["name"] repl_list = [ (" ", r"\ "), # TODO: use escaped for all? ("'", "*"), ("[", "*"), ("]", "*"), ("(", "*"), (")", "*") ] for char, repl in repl_list: file_name = file_name.replace(char, repl) print(f'downloading: {cstr(file_name, "orange")}') conf = config.ConfigurationManager() dl_dir = conf.get("path_download") limit_str = f"-l {limit} " if limit is not None else "" command = f'scp {limit_str}-r {server.value}:"~/files/{file_name}" "{dl_dir}"' local_command(command, hide_output=False) # only run extract if dest was default dl dir if extr: path_for_extract_cmd = Path(dl_dir) / file_name if not path_for_extract_cmd.exists(): return pfcs(f"running extract command on: g[{path_for_extract_cmd}]") extract.extract_item(path_for_extract_cmd)
def get_subtitle_file(self, link_name, save_as=""): self.driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text(link_name).click() WebDriverWait(self.driver, 3).until( ec.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "downloadButton"))) button_element = self.driver.find_element_by_id("downloadButton") url = button_element.get_attribute('href') # TODO: urllib to download file instead of relying on curl? run.local_command(f"curl {url} --output {save_as}", print_info=False) self.driver.back()
def mount(ds_share): if platform.system() != 'Linux': pcstr("not on a linux-system, quitting", "red") sys.exit(1) mount_dest = get_mount_dest() ds_shares = get_ds_shares() cred_file = CONFIG.get('smb_credentials_reg') if ds_share == "all" or ds_share.upper() in ds_shares: for share in ds_shares: if share == ds_share.upper() or ds_share == "all": if ismounted(share): print( f"{cstr(share, 'lgreen')} is mounted at {get_mount_path(share)}" ) continue opt = f"credentials={cred_file},iocharset=utf8,vers=3.0,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777" src = f"//{NAS_IP}/{share}" local_dest = f"{mount_dest}{share.lower()}" print(f"mounting {share} to {local_dest}") success = local_command( f"sudo mount -t cifs {src} {local_dest} -o {opt}", print_info=False) if not success: print(f"mounting of {cstr(src, 'red')} failed!") else: _print_error_invalid_share(ds_share)
def main(): args = get_args() srt_filenames = [] if args.search_subscene is not None: if args.verbose: print("searching subscene") subscene = SubScene(args.search_subscene, verbose=args.verbose) for lang in [Language.English, Language.Swedish]: if args.lang is not None: if args.lang == "en" and lang != Language.English: continue if args.lang == "sv" and lang != Language.Swedish: continue sub = subscene.result.get_best(lang) if sub: srt_path = sub.download_and_unzip() if srt_path: handle_srt(srt_path) else: print(f"could not find any subs for language: {lang}") return 0 if "*" in args.file: items = list(Path().glob(args.file)) if items: pfcs(f"found i[{len(items)}] item matching i[{args.file}]") for num, item in enumerate(items, 1): if len(items) > 1: pfcs(f"processing item i[{num}] of {len(items)}") if item.suffix.endswith("srt"): handle_srt(, auto_move=args.auto_move) else: pfcs(f"skipping item w[{}], not srt") print_line() print("done!") sys.exit(0) file_path = Path(args.file) if not file_path.exists(): print("passed file does not exists") exit() if file_path.suffix.endswith('zip'): srt_filenames = find_srt_filenames_in_zip(file_path) if not srt_filenames: print("could not find srt in zip file!") exit() for srt_filename in srt_filenames: command = f"unzip -oj {file_path} {srt_filename}" if run.local_command(command, print_info=False): print(f"extracted {cstr(srt_filename, 154)}!") elif file_path.suffix.endswith('srt'): srt_filenames = [] else: print("no subtitle file to process..") exit() [handle_srt(srt, auto_move=args.auto_move) for srt in srt_filenames]
def download_with_svtplaydl(self): command = f'svtplay-dl -S --force-subtitle -o "{self.get_dest_path()}" {self.url}' dual_srt_filename = self.get_dest_path().name + ".srt" dual_srt_extension_path = Path(self.dest_path) / dual_srt_filename if dual_srt_extension_path.exists(): # svtplay-dl might add ext. pass elif not run.local_command(command, hide_output=True, print_info=False): self.download_succeeded = False if dual_srt_extension_path.exists(): # svtplay-dl adds srt extension? dual_srt_extension_path.rename(self.get_dest_path())
def wb_scp_torrents(server=Server.WB1): "send torrent files to wb watch dir" torrent_file_list = [] conf = config.ConfigurationManager() dl_paths = [ Path.home() / "mnt" / "downloads", Path(conf.get("path_download")) ] for dl_path in dl_paths: if not dl_path.exists(): continue torrent_file_list += dl_path.glob("**/*.torrent") for torrent_file in torrent_file_list: command = f'scp "{str(torrent_file)}" {server.value}:~/watch' pfcs(f"sending torrent: g[{}]") if local_command(command, hide_output=True): try: torrent_file.unlink() # remove file pfcs(f"removed local torrent: o[{}]") except: pfcs(f"failed to remove local torrent: e[{}]")
def subp(self, command): command = command.replace("{}", self.filename) local_command(command, hide_output=False, print_info=True)
def download_with_curl(self): command = f"curl {self.url} > {self.get_dest_path()}" self.log_fs(f"running: lg[{command}]") if not run.local_command(command, hide_output=True, print_info=False): self.download_succeeded = False