def query(self, **kwargs): config = kwargs["config"] user = config["user"] password = config["password"] domain = config["domain"] port = config["port"] uri = config["uri"] pgi = None try: pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name('mesos-master')) except ConfigException: try: pgi = self.find_single_process_group( pgi_name('mesosphere.marathon.Main')) except ConfigException: pass if pgi is not None: pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id stats_url = ("http://" + domain + ":" + port + uri) stats = json.loads( requests.get(stats_url, auth=(user, password)).content.decode()) for metric in self.metrics: stat_key = metric["source"]["stat"] print(stat_key) stat_value = stats[stat_key] metric_key = metric["timeseries"]["key"] self.results_builder.absolute(key=metric_key, value=stat_value, entity_id=pgi_id)
def query(self, **kwargs): pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name('Windows System')) pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id hostname = "" ssl_date_fmt = r'%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z' context = ssl.create_default_context() conn = context.wrap_socket( socket.socket(socket.AF_INET), server_hostname=hostname, ) # 3 second timeout because Lambda has runtime limitations conn.settimeout(3.0) conn.connect((hostname, 443)) ssl_info = conn.getpeercert() # parse the string from the certificate into a Python datetime object ssl_expiry_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime( ssl_info['notAfter'], ssl_date_fmt) raw_diff = ssl_expiry_datetime - datetime.datetime.utcnow() result_seconds = raw_diff.total_seconds() result = result_seconds / 60 / 60 / 24 self.results_builder.absolute(key='days_remaining', value=result, entity_id=pgi_id)
def query(self, **kwargs): pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name('springmin.Application')) pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id self.results_builder.absolute(key='random', value=1.0, entity_id=pgi_id) self.results_builder.relative(key='counter', value=1.0, entity_id=pgi_id)
def query(self, **kwargs): pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name('oneagent_sdk.demo_app')) pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id stats_url = "http://localhost:8769" stats = json.loads(requests.get(stats_url).content.decode()) self.results_builder.absolute(key='random', value=stats['random'], entity_id=pgi_id) self.results_builder.relative(key='counter', value=stats['counter'], entity_id=pgi_id)
def query(self, **kwargs): pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name('Windows System')) pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id queue1 = winstats.get_perf_data(r'\MSMQ Queue(<hostname>\private$\<queuename>)\Messages in Queue', fmts='double', delay=100) queue2 = winstats.get_perf_data(r'\MSMQ Queue(<hostname>\private$\<queuename>)\Messages in Queue', fmts='double', delay=100) self.results_builder.relative(key='<queuename>', value=<queuename>[0], entity_id=pgi_id) self.results_builder.relative(key='<queuename>', value=<queuename>[0], entity_id=pgi_id)
def query(self, **kwargs): pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name('puppet')) pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id #stats_url = "http://localhost:8769" #stats = json.loads(requests.get(stats_url).content.decode()) #self.results_builder.absolute(key='random', value=stats['random'], entity_id=pgi_id) #self.results_builder.relative(key='counter', value=stats['counter'], entity_id=pgi_id) # open("testfile.txt","w+").write("Hello") stats_url = "" stats = json.loads(requests.get(stats_url).content.decode()) btc_value = stats['bpi']['USD']['rate_float'] print(btc_value) self.results_builder.absolute(key="BTC", value=stats['bpi']['USD']['rate_float'], entity_id=pgi_id)
def query(self, **kwargs): pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name('DirectAccess')) pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id json_file_path = "D:\\Software\\Scripts\\DirectAccessStats.JSON" stats = {} try: with open(json_file_path, encoding='utf-8') as json_file: clean_file ='\ufeff', '') try: stats = json.loads(clean_file) except ValueError as ex: raise ConfigException('Unable to parse "%s" as JSON' % json_file_path) from ex except IOError as ex: raise ConfigException('Could not open file "%s"' % json_file_path) from ex self.results_builder.absolute(key='total_connections', value=stats['TotalConnections'], entity_id=pgi_id) self.results_builder.absolute(key='total_DA_connections', value=stats['TotalDAConnections'], entity_id=pgi_id) self.results_builder.absolute(key='total_vpn_connections', value=stats['TotalVpnConnections'], entity_id=pgi_id) self.results_builder.absolute(key='total_unique_users', value=stats['TotalUniqueUsers'], entity_id=pgi_id) self.results_builder.absolute(key='max_concurrent_connections', value=stats['MaxConcurrentConnections'], entity_id=pgi_id) self.results_builder.absolute( key='total_cumulative_connections', value=stats['TotalCumulativeConnections'], entity_id=pgi_id) self.results_builder.absolute(key='total_bytes_in', value=stats['TotalBytesIn'], entity_id=pgi_id) self.results_builder.absolute(key='total_bytes_out', value=stats['TotalBytesOut'], entity_id=pgi_id) self.results_builder.absolute(key='total_bytes_in_out', value=stats['TotalBytesInOut'], entity_id=pgi_id)
def query(self, **kwargs): config = kwargs["config"] filename = config["filename"] pginame = config["pginame"] unaccessed = [] for metric in metrics: # only report a value of 0 for metrics with no capture group if metric.pattern.groups == 0: unaccessed.append( pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name(pginame)) pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id try: inf = open(filename, 'r') for line in inf.readlines(): for metric in metrics: matched, value = metric.match(line) if not matched: continue self.results_builder.absolute(, value=value, entity_id=pgi_id) if in unaccessed: unaccessed.remove( except Exception as ex: raise ConfigException( 'Caught exception while trying to open file "%s": %s' % (filename, ex)) from ex finally: if 'inf' in locals(): try: inf.close() except: pass # report a value of 0 for those metrics that were not found for n in unaccessed: self.results_builder.absolute(key=n, value=0, entity_id=pgi_id)
def query(self, **kwargs): config = kwargs["config"] user = config["user"] password = config["password"] domain = config["domain"] port = config["port"] uri = config["uri"] pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name('openshift')) pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id stats_url = ("http://" + domain + ":" + port + uri) #stats_url = ("") stats = json.loads( requests.get(stats_url, auth=(user, password)).content.decode()) for metric in self.metrics: stat_key = metric["source"]["stat"] print(stat_key) stat_value = stats[stat_key] metric_key = metric["timeseries"]["key"] self.results_builder.absolute(key=metric_key, value=stat_value, entity_id=pgi_id)
def query(self, **kwargs): #initialize variables processName = "org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer" hostName = "localhost" userName = "******" userPassword = "******" pathToKey = "" hostKey = "null" key = "" pathToLDAPSearch = "/opt/opendj/bin" ldapPort = "1389" bindDN = "cn=Directory Manager" bindPassword = "" baseDN = "cn=Replication,cn=monitor" config = kwargs['config'] #add in variable values from kwargs try: if processName in config: processName = config['processName'] if 'userName' in config: userName = config['userName'] if 'userPassword' in config: userPassword = config['userPassword'] if 'pathToKey' in config: pathToKey = config['pathToKey'] if 'hostKey' in config: hostKey = config['hostKey'] if 'pathToLDAPSearch' in config: pathToLDAPSearch = config['pathToLDAPSearch'] if 'ldapPort' in config: ldapPort = config['ldapPort'] if bindPassword in config: bindPassword = config['bindPassword'] ('--- List of kwargs --') for item in config.values(): except:'There was an error with the parameters.') # Find Dynatrace pgi_id from oneAgent monitoring of OpenDJ pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name(processName)) pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id #these are the metrics the values will be captured for key_mapper = ["lost-connections", "received-updates", "sent-updates", "replayed-updates", "pending-updates", "replayed-updates-ok", "resolved-modify-conflicts", "resolved-naming-conflicts", "unresolved-naming-conflicts", "missing-changes", "approximate-delay"] #connect to host client = paramiko.SSHClient() try: if userName != "null" and hostName != "null": if pathToKey != "": #Using private keys to connect to host key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(pathToKey) client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(hostname = hostName, username = userName, pkey = key) elif userPassword != "null" and hostKey != "null": ##Using host key verification & password auth to connect key = paramiko.RSAKey(data=base64.b64decode(hostKey)) #base64 RSA host key for verification client.get_host_keys().add(hostName, 'ssh-rsa', key) client.connect(hostName, username=userName, password=userPassword, timeout=30) else : ('No User or Host provided - Could not Connect') except:'Generic Could not Connect to Host') if ldapPort != "" and bindPassword != "": linuxCommand = 'cd ' + pathToLDAPSearch + ' ; ./ldapsearch --port ' + ldapPort + ' --bindDN "' + bindDN + '" --bindPassword ' + bindPassword + ' --baseDN "' + baseDN + '" --searchScope sub "(objectClass=*)" \* + lost-connections received-updates sent-updates replayed-updates pending-updates replayed-updates-ok resolved-modify-conflicts resolved-naming-conflicts unresolved-naming-conflicts missing-changes approximate-delay' else :'Issue with LDAP Port or Bind Password') try: #first move to correct directory then run ldapsearch command and pipe all data to stdin, stdout, & stderr stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(linuxCommand) except:'Issue with running linux ldapsearch command') #for each line check to see if it contains a wanted variable for line in stdout: strArray = line.split(":") measureValue = strArray[1].strip(' ') if strArray[0] in key_mapper :[0] + ' : ' + strArray[1]) self.results_builder.absolute(key=strArray[0], value=measureValue, entity_id=pgi_id) # send measure try: client.close() except:"Issue closing client connection") finally: if client: client.close()
def query(self, **kwargs): pgi = self.find_single_process_group(pgi_name('Apache Web Server httpd')) pgi_id = pgi.group_instance_id stats_url = "http://localhost" stats = json.loads(requests.get(stats_url).content.decode()) self.results_builder.absolute(key='randomNumber', value=stats['randomNumber'], entity_id=pgi_id)