def test_download_path(self): """Test to download all directories and files under a path.""" sftp_client = SFtpClient(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) self.assertIsNotNone(sftp_client) # Download directories shake_path = get_shake_test_data_path() remote_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(shake_path, SHAKE_ID)) local_path = temp_dir('realtime-test') sftp_client.download_path(remote_path, local_path) # Check the local_path consist of SHAKE_ID folder expected_dir = [SHAKE_ID] actual_dir = os.listdir(local_path) message = "In the local path, I got: %s dir, Expectation: %s dir" % ( actual_dir, expected_dir) self.assertEqual(expected_dir, actual_dir, message) # Inside that SHAKE_ID folder, there should be 'output' folder expected_dir = ['output'] actual_dir = os.listdir(os.path.join(local_path, SHAKE_ID)) message = "In the local path, I got: %s dir, Expectation: %s dir" % ( actual_dir, expected_dir) self.assertEqual(expected_dir, actual_dir, message) # Inside that output folder, there should be 'grid.xml' file expected_dir = ['grid.xml'] actual_dir = os.listdir(os.path.join(local_path, SHAKE_ID, 'output')) message = "In the local path, I got: %s dir, Expectation: %s dir" % ( actual_dir, expected_dir) self.assertEqual(expected_dir, actual_dir, message)
def test_download_path(self): """Test to download all directories and files under a path.""" sftp_client = SFtpClient(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) self.assertIsNotNone(sftp_client) # Download directories shake_path = get_shake_test_data_path() remote_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(shake_path, SHAKE_ID)) local_path = temp_dir('realtime-test') sftp_client.download_path(remote_path, local_path) # Check the local_path consist of SHAKE_ID folder expected_dir = [SHAKE_ID] actual_dir = os.listdir(local_path) message = "In the local path, I got: %s dir, Expectation: %s dir" % ( actual_dir, expected_dir) self.assertEqual(expected_dir, actual_dir, message) # Inside that SHAKE_ID folder, there should be 'output' folder expected_dir = ['output'] actual_dir = os.listdir(os.path.join(local_path, SHAKE_ID)) message = "In the local path, I got: %s dir, Expectation: %s dir" % ( actual_dir, expected_dir) self.assertEqual(expected_dir, actual_dir, message) # Inside that output folder, there should be 'grid.xml' file expected_dir = ['grid.xml'] actual_dir = os.listdir(os.path.join(local_path, SHAKE_ID, 'output')) message = "In the local path, I got: %s dir, Expectation: %s dir" % ( actual_dir, expected_dir) self.assertEqual(expected_dir, actual_dir, message)
def test_constructor(self): """Test create shake data.""" try: event_one = SftpShakeData(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) event_two = SftpShakeData(event=SHAKE_ID, working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) self.assertIsNotNone(event_one) self.assertIsNotNone(event_two) except: raise
def test_constructor(self): """Test create shake data.""" try: event_one = SftpShakeData(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) event_two = SftpShakeData( event=SHAKE_ID, working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) self.assertIsNotNone(event_one) self.assertIsNotNone(event_two) except: raise
def setUp(self): """Setup before each test.""" # Call sftp client monkey patching before running each tests run_monkey_patching_sftp_client() # Download files (which are local files) to realtime-test temp folder # AG: # So since we're using local data, in instantiating SFTPShakeData, # please pass the working dir to the local dir sftp_client = SFtpClient(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) local_path = temp_dir('realtime-test') remote_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(get_shake_test_data_path(), SHAKE_ID)) sftp_client.download_path(remote_path, local_path)
def test_get_listing(self): """Test get_listing if it's working correctly.""" sftp_client = SFtpClient(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) self.assertIsNotNone(sftp_client) # Download directories shake_path = get_shake_test_data_path() remote_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(shake_path, SHAKE_ID)) local_path = temp_dir('realtime-test') sftp_client.download_path(remote_path, local_path) event_ids = sftp_client.get_listing(function=is_event_id) expected_event_ids = [SHAKE_ID] message = 'In the local path I got %s dir, Expectation %s dir' self.assertEqual(event_ids, expected_event_ids, message)
def test_sorted_impacted_cities(self): """Test getting impacted cities sorted by mmi then population.""" shake_id = '20120726022003' shake_event = ShakeEvent(shake_id) table = shake_event.sorted_impacted_cities() file_path = unique_filename( prefix='test_sorted_impacted_cities', suffix='.txt', dir=temp_dir('test')) cities_file = file(file_path, 'w') cities_file.writelines(str(table)) cities_file.close() table = str(table).replace(', \'', ',\n\'') table += '\n' fixture_path = os.path.join( data_dir(), 'tests', 'test_sorted_impacted_cities.txt') cities_file = file(fixture_path) expected_string = cities_file.close() expected_string = expected_string.replace(', \'', ',\n\'') self.max_diff = None self.assertEqual(expected_string, table)
def testSortedImpactedCities(self): """Test getting impacted cities sorted by mmi then population.""" myShakeId = '20120726022003' myShakeEvent = ShakeEvent(myShakeId) myTable = myShakeEvent.sortedImpactedCities() myFilePath = unique_filename( prefix='testSortedImpactedCities', suffix='.txt', dir=temp_dir('test')) myFile = file(myFilePath, 'wt') myFile.writelines(str(myTable)) myFile.close() myTable = str(myTable).replace(', \'', ',\n\'') myTable += '\n' myFixturePath = os.path.join( dataDir(), 'tests', 'testSortedImpactedCities.txt') myFile = file(myFixturePath, 'rt') myExpectedString = myFile.close() myExpectedString = myExpectedString.replace(', \'', ',\n\'') self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(myExpectedString, myTable)
def test_sorted_impacted_cities(self): """Test getting impacted cities sorted by mmi then population.""" shake_event = ShakeEvent(SHAKE_ID, data_is_local_flag=True) table = shake_event.sorted_impacted_cities() file_path = unique_filename( prefix='test_sorted_impacted_cities', suffix='.txt', dir=temp_dir('test')) cities_file = file(file_path, 'w') cities_file.writelines(str(table)) cities_file.close() table = str(table).replace(', \'', ',\n\'') table += '\n' fixture_path = os.path.join( data_dir(), 'tests', 'test_sorted_impacted_cities.txt') cities_file = file(fixture_path) expected_string = cities_file.close() expected_string = expected_string.replace(', \'', ',\n\'') self.max_diff = None message = 'Expectation:\n%s, Got\n%s' % (expected_string, table) self.assertEqual(expected_string, table, message)
def test_get_listing(self): """Test get_listing if it's working correctly.""" sftp_client = SFtpClient(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) self.assertIsNotNone(sftp_client) # Download directories shake_path = get_shake_test_data_path() remote_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(shake_path, SHAKE_ID)) local_path = temp_dir('realtime-test') sftp_client.download_path(remote_path, local_path) event_ids = sftp_client.get_listing(function=is_event_id) expected_event_ids = [SHAKE_ID] message = 'In the local path I got %s dir, Expectation %s dir' self.assertEqual(event_ids, expected_event_ids, message)
def test_extract(self): """Test extracting data to be used in earth quake realtime.""" sftp_shake_data = SftpShakeData(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) sftp_shake_data.extract() final_grid_xml_file = os.path.join(sftp_shake_data.extract_dir(), 'grid.xml') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(final_grid_xml_file), 'grid.xml not found')
def test_fetch_file(self): """Test fetch data.""" sftp_shake_data = SftpShakeData(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) local_path = sftp_shake_data.fetch_file() expected_path = os.path.join(shakemap_cache_dir(), SHAKE_ID) message = 'File should be fetched to %s, I got %s' % (expected_path, local_path) self.assertEqual(local_path, expected_path, message)
def test_fetch_file(self): """Test fetch data.""" sftp_shake_data = SftpShakeData(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) local_path = sftp_shake_data.fetch_file() expected_path = os.path.join(shakemap_cache_dir(), SHAKE_ID) message = 'File should be fetched to %s, I got %s' % ( expected_path, local_path) self.assertEqual(local_path, expected_path, message)
def test_extract(self): """Test extracting data to be used in earth quake realtime.""" sftp_shake_data = SftpShakeData(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) sftp_shake_data.extract() final_grid_xml_file = os.path.join( sftp_shake_data.extract_dir(), 'grid.xml') self.assertTrue( os.path.exists(final_grid_xml_file), 'grid.xml not found')
def test_get_list_event_ids(self): """Test get list event id.""" sftp_shake_data = SftpShakeData(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) list_id = sftp_shake_data.get_list_event_ids() expected_list_id = [SHAKE_ID] message = 'I got %s for the event ID in the server, Expectation %s' % ( list_id, expected_list_id) self.assertEqual(list_id, expected_list_id, message)
def test_get_latest_event_id(self): """Test get latest event id.""" sftp_shake_data = SftpShakeData(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) latest_id = sftp_shake_data.get_latest_event_id() # The latest event ID should be = SHAKE_ID since there's only one expected_event_id = SHAKE_ID message = 'I got %s for this latest event id, Expectation %s' % ( latest_id, expected_event_id) self.assertEqual(expected_event_id, latest_id, message)
def test_get_file(self): """Test that the ftp client can fetch a file ok""" client = FtpClient() local_path = os.path.join(temp_dir('realtime-test'), '') client.get_file('', local_path) message = 'Function get_file is not working correctly.' self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(local_path), message)
def test_get_file(self): """Test that the ftp client can fetch a file ok""" client = FtpClient() local_path = os.path.join( temp_dir('realtime-test'), '') client.get_file('', local_path) message = 'Function get_file is not working correctly.' self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(local_path), message)
def test_reconnect_sftp(self): """Test to reconnect SFTP.""" sftp_shake_data = SftpShakeData(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) sftp_client = sftp_shake_data.sftp_client sftp_shake_data.reconnect_sftp() new_sftp_client = sftp_shake_data.sftp_client message = 'Oh no, we got the same sftp client after reconnecting!' self.assertNotEqual(sftp_client, new_sftp_client, message) message = 'Oh dear, the new sftp object is None after reconnecting' self.assertIsNotNone(new_sftp_client, message)
def test_local_cities(self): """Test that we can retrieve the cities local to the event""" shake_id = '20120726022003' shake_event = ShakeEvent(shake_id) # Get teh mem layer cities_layer = shake_event.local_cities_memory_layer() provider = cities_layer.dataProvider() expected_feature_count = 6 self.assertEquals(provider.featureCount(), expected_feature_count) strings = [] request = QgsFeatureRequest() for feature in cities_layer.getFeatures(request): # fetch map of attributes attributes = cities_layer.dataProvider().attributeIndexes() for attribute_key in attributes: strings.append("%d: %s\n" % ( attribute_key, feature[attribute_key].toString())) strings.append('------------------\n') LOGGER.debug('Mem table:\n %s' % strings) file_path = unique_filename(prefix='test_local_cities', suffix='.txt', dir=temp_dir('test')) cities_file = file(file_path, 'w') cities_file.writelines(strings) cities_file.close() fixture_path = os.path.join(data_dir(), 'tests', 'test_local_cities.txt') cities_file = file(fixture_path) expected_string = cities_file.readlines() cities_file.close() diff = difflib.unified_diff(expected_string, strings) diff_list = list(diff) diff_string = '' for _, myLine in enumerate(diff_list): diff_string += myLine message = ('Diff is not zero length:\n' 'Control file: %s\n' 'Test file: %s\n' 'Diff:\n%s' % (fixture_path, file_path, diff_string)) self.assertEqual(diff_string, '', message)
def testLocalCities(self): """Test that we can retrieve the cities local to the event""" myShakeId = '20120726022003' myShakeEvent = ShakeEvent(myShakeId) # Get teh mem layer myCitiesLayer = myShakeEvent.localCitiesMemoryLayer() myProvider = myCitiesLayer.dataProvider() myFeature = QgsFeature() myAttributes = myProvider.attributeIndexes() myExpectedFeatureCount = 6 self.assertEquals(myProvider.featureCount(), myExpectedFeatureCount) myStrings = [] while myProvider.nextFeature(myFeature): # fetch map of attributes myAttributes = myFeature.attributeMap() for (myKey, myValue) in myAttributes.iteritems(): myStrings.append("%d: %s\n" % (myKey, myValue.toString())) myStrings.append('------------------\n') LOGGER.debug('Mem table:\n %s' % myStrings) myFilePath = unique_filename(prefix='testLocalCities', suffix='.txt', dir=temp_dir('test')) myFile = file(myFilePath, 'wt') myFile.writelines(myStrings) myFile.close() myFixturePath = os.path.join(dataDir(), 'tests', 'testLocalCities.txt') myFile = file(myFixturePath, 'rt') myExpectedString = myFile.readlines() myFile.close() myDiff = difflib.unified_diff(myStrings, myExpectedString) myDiffList = list(myDiff) myDiffString = '' for _, myLine in enumerate(myDiffList): myDiffString += myLine myMessage = ('Diff is not zero length:\n' 'Control file: %s\n' 'Test file: %s\n' 'Diff:\n%s' % (myFixturePath, myFilePath, myDiffString)) self.assertEqual(myDiffString, '', myMessage)
def testLocalCities(self): """Test that we can retrieve the cities local to the event""" myShakeId = '20120726022003' myShakeEvent = ShakeEvent(myShakeId) # Get teh mem layer myCitiesLayer = myShakeEvent.localCitiesMemoryLayer() myProvider = myCitiesLayer.dataProvider() myExpectedFeatureCount = 6 self.assertEquals(myProvider.featureCount(), myExpectedFeatureCount) myStrings = [] myRequest = QgsFeatureRequest() for myFeature in myCitiesLayer.getFeatures(myRequest): # fetch map of attributes myAttributes = myCitiesLayer.dataProvider().attributeIndexes() for myKey in myAttributes: myStrings.append("%d: %s\n" % ( myKey, myFeature[myKey].toString())) myStrings.append('------------------\n') LOGGER.debug('Mem table:\n %s' % myStrings) myFilePath = unique_filename(prefix='testLocalCities', suffix='.txt', dir=temp_dir('test')) myFile = file(myFilePath, 'wt') myFile.writelines(myStrings) myFile.close() myFixturePath = os.path.join(dataDir(), 'tests', 'testLocalCities.txt') myFile = file(myFixturePath, 'rt') myExpectedString = myFile.readlines() myFile.close() myDiff = difflib.unified_diff(myExpectedString, myStrings) myDiffList = list(myDiff) myDiffString = '' for _, myLine in enumerate(myDiffList): myDiffString += myLine myMessage = ('Diff is not zero length:\n' 'Control file: %s\n' 'Test file: %s\n' 'Diff:\n%s' % (myFixturePath, myFilePath, myDiffString)) self.assertEqual(myDiffString, '', myMessage)
def tearDown(self): """Action after each test is called.""" # Delete the files that we make in the init for the shake data shutil.rmtree(temp_dir('realtime-test'))
def setUp(self): """Setup before each test call.""" run_monkey_patching_sftp_client() # Make temp dir temp_dir('realtime-test')
def test_is_on_server(self): """Test to check if a event is in server.""" sftp_shake_data = SftpShakeData(working_dir=temp_dir('realtime-test')) message = 'Event does not exist in the server.' self.assertTrue(sftp_shake_data.is_on_server(), message)
def setUp(self): """Run before calling each test.""" run_monkey_patching_ftp_client() temp_dir('realtime-test')
def tearDown(self): """Action after each test call.""" # Delete temp dir shutil.rmtree(temp_dir('realtime-test'))
def tearDown(self): """Action after each test is called.""" # Delete temp dir shutil.rmtree(temp_dir('realtime-test'))