Пример #1
    def test_clip_points_by_polygons(self):
        """Points can be clipped by polygons (real data)

        # Name input files
        point_name = join(TESTDATA, 'population_5x5_jakarta_points.shp')
        point_layer = read_layer(point_name)
        points = numpy.array(point_layer.get_geometry())
        attrs = point_layer.get_data()

        # Loop through polygons
        for filename in [
                'polygon_0.shp', 'polygon_1.shp', 'polygon_2.shp',
                'polygon_3.shp', 'polygon_4.shp', 'polygon_5.shp',

            polygon_layer = read_layer(join(TESTDATA, filename))
            polygon = polygon_layer.get_geometry()[0]

            # Clip
            indices = inside_polygon(points, polygon)

            # Sanity
            for point in points[indices, :]:
                assert is_inside_polygon(point, polygon)

            # Explicit tests
            if filename == 'polygon_0.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 6
            elif filename == 'polygon_1.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 2
                assert numpy.allclose(points[indices[0], :],
                                      [106.8125, -6.1875])
                assert numpy.allclose(points[indices[1], :],
                                      [106.8541667, -6.1875])
                assert numpy.allclose(attrs[indices[0]]['value'], 331941.6875)
                assert numpy.allclose(attrs[indices[1]]['value'], 496445.8125)
            elif filename == 'polygon_2.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 7
            elif filename == 'polygon_3.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 0  # Degenerate
            elif filename == 'polygon_4.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 0  # Degenerate
            elif filename == 'polygon_5.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 8
            elif filename == 'polygon_6.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 6
Пример #2
    def test_clip_points_by_polygons(self):
        """Points can be clipped by polygons (real data)

        # Name input files
        point_name = join(TESTDATA, 'population_5x5_jakarta_points.shp')
        point_layer = read_layer(point_name)
        points = numpy.array(point_layer.get_geometry())
        attrs = point_layer.get_data()

        # Loop through polygons
        for filename in ['polygon_0.shp', 'polygon_1.shp', 'polygon_2.shp',
                         'polygon_3.shp', 'polygon_4.shp',
                         'polygon_5.shp', 'polygon_6.shp']:

            polygon_layer = read_layer(join(TESTDATA, filename))
            polygon = polygon_layer.get_geometry()[0]

            # Clip
            indices = inside_polygon(points, polygon)

            # Sanity
            for point in points[indices, :]:
                assert is_inside_polygon(point, polygon)

            # Explicit tests
            if filename == 'polygon_0.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 6
            elif filename == 'polygon_1.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 2
                assert numpy.allclose(points[indices[0], :],
                                      [106.8125, -6.1875])
                assert numpy.allclose(points[indices[1], :],
                                      [106.8541667, -6.1875])
                assert numpy.allclose(attrs[indices[0]]['value'],
                assert numpy.allclose(attrs[indices[1]]['value'],
            elif filename == 'polygon_2.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 7
            elif filename == 'polygon_3.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 0  # Degenerate
            elif filename == 'polygon_4.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 0  # Degenerate
            elif filename == 'polygon_5.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 8
            elif filename == 'polygon_6.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 6
Пример #3
def aggregate_point_data(data=None,
    """Clip data to boundaries and aggregate their values for each.

        data: Point dataset
        boundaries: Polygon dataset
        attribute_name: Name of attribute to aggrate over.
        aggregation_function: Function to apply ('count' or 'sum')

        List of aggregated values for each polygon.

        Aggregated values depend on aggregation function:

        'sum': Sum of values for attribute_name

        'count': Dictionary with counts of occurences of each value
        of attribute_name


    msg = ('Input argument "data" must be point type. I got type: %s' %
    if not data.is_point_data:
        raise Exception(msg)

    msg = ('Input argument "boundaries" must be polygon type. I got type: %s' %
    if not boundaries.is_polygon_data:
        raise Exception(msg)

    polygon_geoms = boundaries.get_geometry()
    #polygon_attrs = boundaries.get_data()

    points = data.get_geometry()
    attributes = data.get_data()

    result = []
    #for i, polygon in enumerate(polygon_geoms):
    for polygon in polygon_geoms:
        indices = inside_polygon(points, polygon)

        #print 'Found %i points in polygon %i' % (len(indices), i)

        # Aggregate numbers
        if aggregation_function == 'count':
            bins = {}
            for att in numpy.take(attributes, indices):
                val = att[attribute_name]

                # Count occurences of val
                if val not in bins:
                    bins[val] = 0
                bins[val] += 1
        elif aggregation_function == 'sum':
            sum_ = 0
            for att in numpy.take(attributes, indices):
                val = att[attribute_name]
                sum_ += val

    return result
Пример #4
def interpolate_polygon_points(source, target, layer_name=None):
    """Interpolate from polygon vector layer to point vector data

        * source: Vector data set (polygon)
        * target: Vector data set (points)
        * layer_name: Optional name of returned interpolated layer.
              If None the name of target is used for the returned layer.

        I: Vector data set; points located as target with values interpolated
        from source

        All attribute names from polygons are transferred to the points
        that are inside them.

    msg = ('Vector layer to interpolate to must be point geometry. '
           'I got OGR geometry type %s' %
    verify(target.is_point_data, msg)

    msg = ('Name must be either a string or None. I got %s' %
    verify(layer_name is None or isinstance(layer_name, basestring), msg)

    attribute_names = source.get_attribute_names()

    # Start algorithm

    # Extract point features
    points = ensure_numeric(target.get_geometry())
    attributes = target.get_data()
    original_geometry = target.get_geometry()  # Geometry for returned data

    # Extract polygon features
    geom = source.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)
    data = source.get_data()
    verify(len(geom) == len(data))

    # Include polygon_id as attribute

    # Augment point features with empty attributes from polygon
    for a in attributes:
        # Create all attributes that exist in source
        for key in attribute_names:
            a[key] = None

    # Traverse polygons and assign attributes to points that fall inside
    for i, polygon in enumerate(geom):
        # Carry all attributes across from source
        poly_attr = data[i]

        # Assign default attribute to indicate points inside
        poly_attr[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = True

        # Clip data points by polygons and add polygon attributes
        indices = inside_polygon(points,

        for k in indices:
            for key in poly_attr:
                # Assign attributes from polygon to points
                attributes[k][key] = poly_attr[key]
            attributes[k]['polygon_id'] = i  # Store id for associated polygon

    # Create new Vector instance and return
    V = Vector(data=attributes,
    return V
Пример #5
def aggregate_point_data(data=None, boundaries=None,
    """Clip data to boundaries and aggregate their values for each.

        data: Point dataset
        boundaries: Polygon dataset
        attribute_name: Name of attribute to aggrate over.
        aggregation_function: Function to apply ('count' or 'sum')

        List of aggregated values for each polygon.

        Aggregated values depend on aggregation function:

        'sum': Sum of values for attribute_name

        'count': Dictionary with counts of occurences of each value
        of attribute_name


    msg = ('Input argument "data" must be point type. I got type: %s'
           % data.get_geometry_type())
    if not data.is_point_data:
        raise Exception(msg)

    msg = ('Input argument "boundaries" must be polygon type. I got type: %s'
           % boundaries.get_geometry_type())
    if not boundaries.is_polygon_data:
        raise Exception(msg)

    polygon_geoms = boundaries.get_geometry()
    #polygon_attrs = boundaries.get_data()

    points = data.get_geometry()
    attributes = data.get_data()

    result = []
    #for i, polygon in enumerate(polygon_geoms):
    for polygon in polygon_geoms:
        indices = inside_polygon(points, polygon)

        #print 'Found %i points in polygon %i' % (len(indices), i)

        # Aggregate numbers
        if aggregation_function == 'count':
            bins = {}
            for att in numpy.take(attributes, indices):
                val = att[attribute_name]

                # Count occurences of val
                if val not in bins:
                    bins[val] = 0
                bins[val] += 1
        elif aggregation_function == 'sum':
            sum_ = 0
            for att in numpy.take(attributes, indices):
                val = att[attribute_name]
                sum_ += val

    return result
Пример #6
def interpolate_polygon_points(source, target,
    """Interpolate from polygon vector layer to point vector data

        * source: Vector data set (polygon)
        * target: Vector data set (points)
        * layer_name: Optional name of returned interpolated layer.
              If None the name of target is used for the returned layer.

        I: Vector data set; points located as target with values interpolated
        from source

        All attribute names from polygons are transferred to the points
        that are inside them.

    msg = ('Vector layer to interpolate to must be point geometry. '
           'I got OGR geometry type %s'
           % geometry_type_to_string(target.geometry_type))
    verify(target.is_point_data, msg)

    msg = ('Name must be either a string or None. I got %s'
           % (str(type(target)))[1:-1])
    verify(layer_name is None or
           isinstance(layer_name, basestring), msg)

    attribute_names = source.get_attribute_names()

    # Start algorithm

    # Extract point features
    points = ensure_numeric(target.get_geometry())
    attributes = target.get_data()
    original_geometry = target.get_geometry()  # Geometry for returned data

    # Extract polygon features
    geom = source.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)
    data = source.get_data()
    verify(len(geom) == len(data))

    # Include polygon_id as attribute

    # Augment point features with empty attributes from polygon
    for a in attributes:
        # Create all attributes that exist in source
        for key in attribute_names:
            a[key] = None

    # Traverse polygons and assign attributes to points that fall inside
    for i, polygon in enumerate(geom):
        # Carry all attributes across from source
        poly_attr = data[i]

        # Assign default attribute to indicate points inside
        poly_attr[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = True

        # Clip data points by polygons and add polygon attributes
        indices = inside_polygon(points, polygon.outer_ring,

        for k in indices:
            for key in poly_attr:
                # Assign attributes from polygon to points
                attributes[k][key] = poly_attr[key]
            attributes[k]['polygon_id'] = i  # Store id for associated polygon

    # Create new Vector instance and return
    V = Vector(data=attributes,
    return V
Пример #7
    def test_clip_points_by_polygons_with_holes_real(self):
        """Points can be clipped by polygons with holes (real data)

        # Read real polygon with holes
        filename = '%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, 'donut.shp')
        L = read_layer(filename)

        # --------------------------------------------
        # Pick one polygon that has 2 inner rings
        P = L.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)[1]

        outer_ring = P.outer_ring
        inner_ring0 = P.inner_rings[0]
        inner_ring1 = P.inner_rings[1]

        # Make some test points
        points_in_bbox = generate_random_points_in_bbox(outer_ring, 1000)
        points_in_inner_ring0 = populate_polygon(inner_ring0, 2, seed=13)
        points_in_inner_ring1 = populate_polygon(inner_ring1, 2, seed=17)
        points = numpy.concatenate(
            (points_in_bbox, points_in_inner_ring0, points_in_inner_ring1))

        # Clip
        indices = inside_polygon(points, P.outer_ring, holes=P.inner_rings)

        # Sanity
        for point in points[indices, :]:
            # Must be inside outer ring
            assert is_inside_polygon(point, outer_ring)

            # But not in any of the inner rings
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring0)
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring1)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------
        # Pick a polygon that has 1 inner ring (nice visualisation)
        P = L.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)[9]

        outer_ring = P.outer_ring
        inner_ring = P.inner_rings[0]

        # Make some test points
        points = generate_random_points_in_bbox(outer_ring, 500)

        # Clip
        indices = inside_polygon(points, P.outer_ring, holes=P.inner_rings)

        # Sanity
        for point in points[indices, :]:
            # Must be inside outer ring
            assert is_inside_polygon(point, outer_ring)

            # But not in the inner ring
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring)

        # Store for visual check (nice one!)
        # Uncomment os.remove if you want see the layers
        pol = Vector(geometry=[P])
        tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
        # print 'Polygon with holes written to %s' % tmp_filename

        pts = Vector(geometry=points[indices, :])
        tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
        # print 'Clipped points written to %s' % tmp_filename
Пример #8
    def test_clip_points_by_polygons_with_holes0(self):
        """Points can be clipped by polygons with holes

        # Define an outer ring
        outer_ring = numpy.array([[106.79, -6.233], [106.80, -6.24],
                                  [106.78, -6.23], [106.77, -6.21],
                                  [106.79, -6.233]])

        # Define inner rings
        inner_rings = [
            numpy.array([[106.77827, -6.2252], [106.77775, -6.22378],
                         [106.78, -6.22311], [106.78017, -6.22530],
                         [106.77827, -6.2252]])[::-1],
            numpy.array([[106.78652, -6.23215], [106.78642, -6.23075],
                         [106.78746, -6.23143], [106.78831, -6.23307],
                         [106.78652, -6.23215]])[::-1]

        v = Vector(
            geometry=[Polygon(outer_ring=outer_ring, inner_rings=inner_rings)])
        assert v.is_polygon_data

        # Write it to file
        tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')

        # Read polygon it back
        L = read_layer(tmp_filename)
        P = L.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)[0]

        outer_ring = P.outer_ring
        inner_ring0 = P.inner_rings[0]
        inner_ring1 = P.inner_rings[1]

        # Make some test points
        points = generate_random_points_in_bbox(outer_ring, 1000, seed=13)

        # Clip to outer ring, excluding holes
        indices = inside_polygon(points, P.outer_ring, holes=P.inner_rings)

        # Sanity
        for point in points[indices, :]:
            # Must be inside outer ring
            assert is_inside_polygon(point, outer_ring)

            # But not in any of the inner rings
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring0)
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring1)

        if False:
            # Store for visual check
            pol = Vector(geometry=[P])
            tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
            print 'Polygon with holes written to %s' % tmp_filename

            pts = Vector(geometry=points[indices, :])
            tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
            print 'Clipped points written to %s' % tmp_filename
Пример #9
    def test_clip_points_by_polygons_with_holes_real(self):
        """Points can be clipped by polygons with holes (real data)

        # Read real polygon with holes
        filename = '%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, 'donut.shp')
        L = read_layer(filename)

        # --------------------------------------------
        # Pick one polygon that has 2 inner rings
        P = L.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)[1]

        outer_ring = P.outer_ring
        inner_ring0 = P.inner_rings[0]
        inner_ring1 = P.inner_rings[1]

        # Make some test points
        points_in_bbox = generate_random_points_in_bbox(outer_ring, 1000)
        points_in_inner_ring0 = populate_polygon(inner_ring0, 2, seed=13)
        points_in_inner_ring1 = populate_polygon(inner_ring1, 2, seed=17)
        points = numpy.concatenate((points_in_bbox,

        # Clip
        indices = inside_polygon(points, P.outer_ring, holes=P.inner_rings)

        # Sanity
        for point in points[indices, :]:
            # Must be inside outer ring
            assert is_inside_polygon(point, outer_ring)

            # But not in any of the inner rings
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring0)
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring1)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------
        # Pick a polygon that has 1 inner ring (nice visualisation)
        P = L.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)[9]

        outer_ring = P.outer_ring
        inner_ring = P.inner_rings[0]

        # Make some test points
        points = generate_random_points_in_bbox(outer_ring, 500)

        # Clip
        indices = inside_polygon(points, P.outer_ring, holes=P.inner_rings)

        # Sanity
        for point in points[indices, :]:
            # Must be inside outer ring
            assert is_inside_polygon(point, outer_ring)

            # But not in the inner ring
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring)

        # Store for visual check (nice one!)
        # Uncomment os.remove if you want see the layers
        pol = Vector(geometry=[P])
        tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
        #print 'Polygon with holes written to %s' % tmp_filename

        pts = Vector(geometry=points[indices, :])
        tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
        #print 'Clipped points written to %s' % tmp_filename
Пример #10
    def test_clip_points_by_polygons_with_holes0(self):
        """Points can be clipped by polygons with holes

        # Define an outer ring
        outer_ring = numpy.array([[106.79, -6.233],
                                  [106.80, -6.24],
                                  [106.78, -6.23],
                                  [106.77, -6.21],
                                  [106.79, -6.233]])

        # Define inner rings
        inner_rings = [numpy.array([[106.77827, -6.2252],
                                    [106.77775, -6.22378],
                                    [106.78, -6.22311],
                                    [106.78017, -6.22530],
                                    [106.77827, -6.2252]])[::-1],
                       numpy.array([[106.78652, -6.23215],
                                    [106.78642, -6.23075],
                                    [106.78746, -6.23143],
                                    [106.78831, -6.23307],
                                    [106.78652, -6.23215]])[::-1]]

        v = Vector(geometry=[Polygon(outer_ring=outer_ring,
        assert v.is_polygon_data

        # Write it to file
        tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')

        # Read polygon it back
        L = read_layer(tmp_filename)
        P = L.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)[0]

        outer_ring = P.outer_ring
        inner_ring0 = P.inner_rings[0]
        inner_ring1 = P.inner_rings[1]

        # Make some test points
        points = generate_random_points_in_bbox(outer_ring, 1000, seed=13)

        # Clip to outer ring, excluding holes
        indices = inside_polygon(points, P.outer_ring, holes=P.inner_rings)

        # Sanity
        for point in points[indices, :]:
            # Must be inside outer ring
            assert is_inside_polygon(point, outer_ring)

            # But not in any of the inner rings
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring0)
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring1)

        if False:
            # Store for visual check
            pol = Vector(geometry=[P])
            tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
            print 'Polygon with holes written to %s' % tmp_filename

            pts = Vector(geometry=points[indices, :])
            tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
            print 'Clipped points written to %s' % tmp_filename
Пример #11
def interpolate_polygon_points(source, target,
    """Interpolate from polygon vector layer to point vector data

        * source: Vector data set (polygon)
        * target: Vector data set (points)
        * layer_name: Optional name of returned interpolated layer.
              If None the name of target is used for the returned layer.
        * attribute_name: Name for new attribute.
              If None (default) the name of source is used

        I: Vector data set; points located as target with values interpolated
        from source

    msg = ('Vector layer to interpolate to must be point geometry. '
           'I got OGR geometry type %s'
           % geometrytype2string(target.geometry_type))
    verify(target.is_point_data, msg)

    msg = ('Name must be either a string or None. I got %s'
           % (str(type(target)))[1:-1])
    verify(layer_name is None or
           isinstance(layer_name, basestring), msg)

    msg = ('Attribute must be either a string or None. I got %s'
           % (str(type(target)))[1:-1])
    verify(attribute_name is None or
           isinstance(attribute_name, basestring), msg)

    attribute_names = source.get_attribute_names()
    if attribute_name is not None:
        msg = ('Requested attribute "%s" did not exist in %s'
               % (attribute_name, attribute_names))
        verify(attribute_name in attribute_names, msg)

    # Start algorithm

    # Extract point features
    points = ensure_numeric(target.get_geometry())
    attributes = target.get_data()
    original_geometry = target.get_geometry()  # Geometry for returned data

    # Extract polygon features
    geom = source.get_geometry()
    data = source.get_data()
    verify(len(geom) == len(data))

    # Augment point features with empty attributes from polygon
    for a in attributes:
        if attribute_name is None:
            # Use all attributes
            for key in attribute_names:
                a[key] = None
            # Use only requested attribute
            # FIXME (Ole): Test for this is not finished
            a[attribute_name] = None

        # Always create default attribute flagging if point was
        # inside any of the polygons
        a[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = None

    # Traverse polygons and assign attributes to points that fall inside
    for i, polygon in enumerate(geom):
        if attribute_name is None:
            # Use all attributes
            poly_attr = data[i]
            # Use only requested attribute
            poly_attr = {attribute_name: data[i][attribute_name]}

        # Assign default attribute to indicate points inside
        poly_attr[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = True

        # Clip data points by polygons and add polygon attributes
        indices = inside_polygon(points, polygon)
        for k in indices:
            for key in poly_attr:
                # Assign attributes from polygon to points
                attributes[k][key] = poly_attr[key]

    # Create new Vector instance and return
    V = Vector(data=attributes,
    return V
Пример #12
def interpolate_polygon_points(source,
    """Interpolate from polygon vector layer to point vector data

        * source: Vector data set (polygon)
        * target: Vector data set (points)
        * layer_name: Optional name of returned interpolated layer.
              If None the name of target is used for the returned layer.
        * attribute_name: Name for new attribute.
              If None (default) the name of source is used

        I: Vector data set; points located as target with values interpolated
        from source

    msg = ('Vector layer to interpolate to must be point geometry. '
           'I got OGR geometry type %s' %
    verify(target.is_point_data, msg)

    msg = ('Name must be either a string or None. I got %s' %
    verify(layer_name is None or isinstance(layer_name, basestring), msg)

    msg = ('Attribute must be either a string or None. I got %s' %
    verify(attribute_name is None or isinstance(attribute_name, basestring),

    attribute_names = source.get_attribute_names()
    if attribute_name is not None:
        msg = ('Requested attribute "%s" did not exist in %s' %
               (attribute_name, attribute_names))
        verify(attribute_name in attribute_names, msg)

    # Start algorithm

    # Extract point features
    points = ensure_numeric(target.get_geometry())
    attributes = target.get_data()
    original_geometry = target.get_geometry()  # Geometry for returned data

    # Extract polygon features
    geom = source.get_geometry()
    data = source.get_data()
    verify(len(geom) == len(data))

    # Augment point features with empty attributes from polygon
    for a in attributes:
        if attribute_name is None:
            # Use all attributes
            for key in attribute_names:
                a[key] = None
            # Use only requested attribute
            # FIXME (Ole): Test for this is not finished
            a[attribute_name] = None

        # Always create default attribute flagging if point was
        # inside any of the polygons
        a[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = None

    # Traverse polygons and assign attributes to points that fall inside
    for i, polygon in enumerate(geom):
        if attribute_name is None:
            # Use all attributes
            poly_attr = data[i]
            # Use only requested attribute
            poly_attr = {attribute_name: data[i][attribute_name]}

        # Assign default attribute to indicate points inside
        poly_attr[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE] = True

        # Clip data points by polygons and add polygon attributes
        indices = inside_polygon(points, polygon)
        for k in indices:
            for key in poly_attr:
                # Assign attributes from polygon to points
                attributes[k][key] = poly_attr[key]

    # Create new Vector instance and return
    V = Vector(data=attributes,
    return V