def test_volcano_circle_population_impact(self):
        """Volcano function runs circular evacuation zone."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/Merapi_alert.shp' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = ('%s/glp10ag.asc' % EXPDATA)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Volcano Polygon Hazard Population'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        print keywords
        # This is the expected number of people affected
        # Distance [km]	Total	Cumulative
        # 3	     15.800	15.800
        # 5	     17.300	33.100
        # 10	125.000	158.000
        message = 'Result not as expected'
        impact_summary = keywords['impact_summary']
        self.assertTrue(format_int(15800) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(17300) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(125000) in impact_summary, message)
Пример #2
    def test_run(self):
        function = AshRasterPopulationFunction.instance()

        hazard_path = standard_data_path('hazard', 'ash_raster_wgs84.tif')
        exposure_path = standard_data_path(
            'exposure', 'pop_binary_raster_20_20.asc')
        # We need clipping for both layers to be in the same dimension
        clipped_hazard, clipped_exposure = clip_layers(
            hazard_path, exposure_path)

        hazard_layer = read_layer(clipped_hazard.source())
        exposure_layer = read_layer(clipped_exposure.source())

        # Let's set the extent to the hazard extent
        function.hazard = SafeLayer(hazard_layer)
        function.exposure = SafeLayer(exposure_layer)
        impact = function.impact
        expected = [
            [u'Population in very low hazard zone', 0],
            [u'Population in medium hazard zone', 1374],
            [u'Population in high hazard zone', 20],
            [u'Population in very high hazard zone', 0],
            [u'Population in low hazard zone', 8443],
            [u'Total affected population', 9837],
            [u'Unaffected population', 0],
            [u'Total population', 9837],
            [u'Population needing evacuation <sup>1</sup>', 9837]
            expected, impact.impact_data['impact summary']['fields'])
    def test_run(self):
        impact_function = TsunamiRasterBuildingFunction.instance()

        hazard_path = test_data_path("hazard", "continuous_flood_20_20.asc")
        exposure_path = test_data_path("exposure", "buildings.shp")
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_path)

        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(hazard_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(exposure_layer)
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact

        # Extract calculated result
        impact_data = impact_layer.get_data()
        self.assertEqual(len(impact_data), 181)

        # 1 = inundated, 2 = wet, 3 = dry
        expected_result = {0: 1, 1: 116, 2: 64, 3: 0, 4: 0}

        result = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0}
        for feature in impact_data:
            inundated_status = feature[impact_function.target_field]
            result[inundated_status] += 1

        message = "Expecting %s, but it returns %s" % (expected_result, result)
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result, message)
Пример #4
    def test_earthquake_building_impact_function(self):
        """Earthquake Building Impact Function works as expected."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/eq_yogya_2006.asc' % HAZDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/OSM_building_polygons_20110905.shp' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Earthquake Building Impact Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        # calculated_result = I.get_data()
        # print calculated_result.shape
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        impact_summary = keywords['impact_summary']

        # This is the expected number of building might be affected
        # Hazard Level - Buildings Affected
        # Low - 845
        # Medium - 15524
        # High - 122
        message = 'Result not as expected'
        self.assertTrue(format_int(845) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(15524) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(122) in impact_summary, message)
    def test_run(self):
        """TestVolcanoPolygonPopulationFunction: Test running the IF."""
        merapi_krb_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'volcano_krb.shp')
        population_path = test_data_path(
            'exposure', 'pop_binary_raster_20_20.asc')

        merapi_krb_layer = read_layer(merapi_krb_path)
        population_layer = read_layer(population_path)

        impact_function = VolcanoPolygonPopulationFunction.instance()

        # 2. Run merapi krb
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(merapi_krb_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(population_layer)
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact
        # Check the question
        expected_question = ('In the event of volcano krb how many population '
                             'might need evacuation')
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)
        # Count by hand
        expected_affected_population = 181
        result = numpy.nansum(impact_layer.get_data())
        self.assertEqual(expected_affected_population, result, message)
    def test_run(self):
        impact_function = FloodRasterBuildingFunction.instance()

        hazard_path = standard_data_path('hazard',
        exposure_path = standard_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_path)

        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(hazard_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(exposure_layer)
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact

        # Extract calculated result
        impact_data = impact_layer.get_data()
        self.assertEqual(len(impact_data), 181)

        # 1 = inundated, 2 = wet, 3 = dry
        expected_result = {1: 64, 2: 117, 3: 0}

        result = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
        for feature in impact_data:
            inundated_status = feature[impact_function.target_field]
            result[inundated_status] += 1

        message = 'Expecting %s, but it returns %s' % (expected_result, result)
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result, message)
Пример #7
    def test_run(self):
        """TestVolcanoPolygonBuildingFunction: Test running the IF."""
        volcano_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'volcano_krb.shp')
        building_path = test_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')

        hazard_layer = read_layer(volcano_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(building_path)

        impact_function = VolcanoPolygonBuildingFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = hazard_layer
        impact_function.exposure = exposure_layer
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact

        # Check the question
        expected_question = ('In the event of volcano krb how many buildings '
                             'might be affected')
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)

        # The buildings should all be categorised into 5000 zone
        zone_sum = impact_layer.get_data(attribute='zone')
        krb3_zone_count = zone_sum.count('Kawasan Rawan Bencana III')
        krb2_zone_count = zone_sum.count('Kawasan Rawan Bencana II')
        # The result (counted by hand)
        expected_krb3_count = 11
        expected_krb2_count = 161
        message = 'Expecting %s for KRB III zone, but it returns %s' % (
            krb3_zone_count, expected_krb3_count)
        self.assertEqual(krb3_zone_count, expected_krb3_count, message)
        message = 'Expecting %s for KRB II zone, but it returns %s' % (
            krb2_zone_count, expected_krb2_count)
        self.assertEqual(krb2_zone_count, expected_krb2_count, message)
Пример #8
    def test_run(self):
        function = ContinuousHazardPopulationFunction.instance()

        hazard_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'continuous_flood_20_20.asc')
        exposure_path = test_data_path('exposure',
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_path)

        function.hazard = SafeLayer(hazard_layer)
        function.exposure = SafeLayer(exposure_layer)
        impact = function.impact

        # print "keywords", keywords
        keywords = impact.get_keywords()
        total_needs_full = keywords['total_needs']
        total_needs_weekly = OrderedDict([[x['table name'], x['amount']]
                                          for x in total_needs_full['weekly']])
        total_needs_single = OrderedDict([[x['table name'], x['amount']]
                                          for x in total_needs_full['single']])

        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Rice [kg]'], 336)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Drinking Water [l]'], 2100)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Clean Water [l]'], 8040)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Family Kits'], 24)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_single['Toilets'], 6)
Пример #9
    def test_run(self):
        """TestVolcanoPolygonPopulationFunction: Test running the IF."""
        merapi_krb_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'volcano_krb.shp')
        population_path = test_data_path(
            'exposure', 'pop_binary_raster_20_20.asc')

        merapi_krb_layer = read_layer(merapi_krb_path)
        population_layer = read_layer(population_path)

        impact_function = VolcanoPolygonPopulationFunction.instance()

        # 2. Run merapi krb
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(merapi_krb_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(population_layer)
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact
        # Check the question
        expected_question = ('In the event of volcano krb how many population '
                             'might need evacuation')
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)
        # Count by hand
        expected_affected_population = 181
        result = numpy.nansum(impact_layer.get_data())
        self.assertEqual(expected_affected_population, result, message)
Пример #10
    def test_volcano_building_impact(self):
        """Building impact from volcanic hazard is computed correctly."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, 'donut.shp')
        exposure_filename = test_data_path('exposure', 'bangunan.shp')

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Volcano Building Impact'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)
        impact_function.parameters['name attribute'] = 'GUNUNG'
        print 'Calculating'
        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard, exposure], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact.get_keywords()

        # Check for expected results:
        for value in ['Merapi', 5, 86, 91, 1, 21, 22, 6, 107, 113]:
            if isinstance(value, int):
                x = format_int(value)
                x = value
            summary = keywords['impact_summary']
            message = (
                'Did not find expected value %s in summary %s' % (x, summary))
            self.assertIn(x, summary, message)
Пример #11
    def test_flood_population_evacuation_polygon(self):
        """Flood population evacuation (flood is polygon)
        population = 'pop_clip_flood_test.tif'
        flood_data = 'flood_poly_clip_flood_test.shp'
        plugin_name = 'FloodEvacuationFunctionVectorHazard'

        hazard_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, flood_data)
        exposure_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, population)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()
        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        # print "keywords", keywords
        affected_population = float(keywords['affected_population'])
        total_population = keywords['total_population']

        self.assertEqual(affected_population, 134000)
        self.assertEqual(total_population, 163000)
    def test_run(self):
        function = ClassifiedRasterHazardBuildingFunction.instance()

        hazard_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'classified_flood_20_20.asc')
        exposure_path = test_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_path)

        function.hazard = SafeLayer(hazard_layer)
        function.exposure = SafeLayer(exposure_layer)
        impact_layer = function.impact
        impact_data = impact_layer.get_data()

        # Count
        expected_impact = {1.0: 67, 2.0: 49, 3.0: 64}

        result_impact = {1.0: 0, 2.0: 0, 3.0: 0}
        for impact_feature in impact_data:
            level = impact_feature['level']
            if not math.isnan(level):
                result_impact[level] += 1
        message = 'Expecting %s, but it returns %s' % (expected_impact,
        self.assertEqual(expected_impact, result_impact, message)
Пример #13
    def test_flood_raster_building_impact_function(self):
        """Flood raster building impact function works

        This test also exercises interpolation of hazard level (raster) to
        building locations (vector data).
        for haz_filename in ['Flood_Current_Depth_Jakarta_geographic.asc',
            # Name file names for hazard level and exposure
            hazard_filename = '%s/%s' % (HAZDATA, haz_filename)
            exposure_filename = ('%s/OSM_building_polygons_20110905.shp'
                                 % TESTDATA)

            # Calculate impact using API
            hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
            exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

            plugin_name = 'FloodRasterBuildingImpactFunction'
            impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

            impact_vector = calculate_impact(
                layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],

            # Extract calculated result
            icoordinates = impact_vector.get_geometry()
            iattributes = impact_vector.get_data()

            # Check
            assert len(icoordinates) == 34960
            assert len(iattributes) == 34960
Пример #14
    def test_aggregate(self):
        """Aggregation by boundaries works

        # Name file names for hazard level and exposure
        boundary_filename = ('%s/kecamatan_jakarta_osm.shp' % TESTDATA)
        #data_filename = ('%s/Population_Jakarta_geographic.asc' % TESTDATA)

        # Get reference building impact data
        building_filename = ('%s/building_impact_scenario.shp' % TESTDATA)

        boundary_layer = read_layer(boundary_filename)
        building_layer = read_layer(building_filename)

        res = aggregate(data=building_layer,

        #print res, len(res)
        #print boundary_layer, len(boundary_layer)
        msg = ('Number of aggregations %i should be the same as the '
               'number of specified boundaries %i' %
               (len(res), len(boundary_layer)))
        assert len(res) == len(boundary_layer), msg
    def test_run(self):
        """TestVolcanoPointPopulationFunction: Test running the IF."""
        merapi_point_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'volcano_point.shp')
        population_path = test_data_path(
            'exposure', 'pop_binary_raster_20_20.asc')

        merapi_point_layer = read_layer(merapi_point_path)
        population_layer = read_layer(population_path)

        impact_function = VolcanoPointPopulationFunction.instance()

        # Run merapi point
        impact_function.hazard = merapi_point_layer
        impact_function.exposure = population_layer
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact
        # Check the question
        expected_question = (
            'In the event of a volcano point how many '
            'people might be impacted')
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)
        # Count by hand
        expected_affected_population = 200
        result = numpy.nansum(impact_layer.get_data())
        message = 'Expecting %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_affected_population, result)
        self.assertEqual(expected_affected_population, result, message)
    def test_run(self):
        function = ClassifiedRasterHazardBuildingFunction.instance()

        hazard_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'classified_flood_20_20.asc')
        exposure_path = test_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_path)

        function.hazard = hazard_layer
        function.exposure = exposure_layer
        impact_layer = function.impact
        impact_data = impact_layer.get_data()

        # Count
        expected_impact = {
            1.0: 67,
            2.0: 49,
            3.0: 64

        result_impact = {
            1.0: 0,
            2.0: 0,
            3.0: 0
        for impact_feature in impact_data:
            level = impact_feature['level']
            if not math.isnan(level):
                result_impact[level] += 1
        message = 'Expecting %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_impact, result_impact)
        self.assertEqual(expected_impact, result_impact, message)
    def test_pager_earthquake_fatality_estimation(self):
        """Fatalities from ground shaking can be computed correctly
            using the Pager fatality model."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/itb_test_mmi.asc' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/itb_test_pop.asc' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)
        plugin_name = 'PAG Fatality Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        population = keywords['total_population']
        fatalities = keywords['total_fatalities']

        # Check aggregated values
        expected_population = 85425000.0
        msg = ('Expected population was %f, I got %f' %
               (expected_population, population))
        self.assertEqual(population, expected_population, msg)

        expected_fatalities = 410000.0
        msg = ('Expected fatalities was %f, I got %f' %
               (expected_fatalities, fatalities))
        assert numpy.allclose(fatalities, expected_fatalities,
                              rtol=1.0e-5), msg
    def test_run(self):
        function = FloodEvacuationRasterHazardFunction.instance()

        hazard_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'continuous_flood_20_20.asc')
        exposure_path = test_data_path(
            'exposure', 'pop_binary_raster_20_20.asc')
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_path)

        function.hazard = hazard_layer
        function.exposure = exposure_layer
        impact = function.impact

        # Count of flooded objects is calculated "by the hands"
        # print "keywords", keywords
        keywords = impact.get_keywords()
        evacuated = float(keywords['evacuated'])
        total_needs_full = keywords['total_needs']
        total_needs_weekly = OrderedDict([
            [x['table name'], x['amount']] for x in
        total_needs_single = OrderedDict([
            [x['table name'], x['amount']] for x in

        expected_evacuated = 100
        self.assertEqual(evacuated, expected_evacuated)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Rice [kg]'], 280)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Family Kits'], 20)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Drinking Water [l]'], 1750)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Clean Water [l]'], 6700)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_single['Toilets'], 5)
Пример #19
    def test_run(self):
        """TestVolcanoPointPopulationFunction: Test running the IF."""
        merapi_point_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'volcano_point.shp')
        population_path = test_data_path('exposure',

        merapi_point_layer = read_layer(merapi_point_path)
        population_layer = read_layer(population_path)

        impact_function = VolcanoPointPopulationFunction.instance()

        # Run merapi point
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(merapi_point_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(population_layer)
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact
        # Check the question
        expected_question = ('In the event of a volcano point how many '
                             'people might be impacted')
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)
        # Count by hand
        expected_affected_population = 200
        result = numpy.nansum(impact_layer.get_data())
        message = 'Expecting %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_affected_population, result)
        self.assertEqual(expected_affected_population, result, message)
Пример #20
    def test_run(self):
        function = ClassifiedRasterHazardBuildingFunction.instance()

        hazard_path = standard_data_path(
            'hazard', 'classified_hazard.tif')
        exposure_path = standard_data_path('exposure', 'small_building.shp')
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_path)

        function.hazard = SafeLayer(hazard_layer)
        function.exposure = SafeLayer(exposure_layer)
        impact_layer = function.impact
        impact_data = impact_layer.get_data()

        # Count
        expected_impact = {
            'Not affected': 5,
            'Low hazard zone': 2,
            'Medium hazard zone': 9,
            'High hazard zone': 5

        result_impact = {}
        for impact_feature in impact_data:
            hazard_class = impact_feature[function.target_field]
            if hazard_class in result_impact:
                result_impact[hazard_class] += 1
                result_impact[hazard_class] = 1
        self.assertDictEqual(expected_impact, result_impact)
Пример #21
    def test_run(self):
        """TestVolcanoPointPopulationFunction: Test running the IF."""
        merapi_point_path = standard_data_path('hazard', 'volcano_point.shp')
        population_path = standard_data_path(
            'exposure', 'pop_binary_raster_20_20.asc')

        merapi_point_layer = read_layer(merapi_point_path)
        population_layer = read_layer(population_path)

        impact_function = VolcanoPointPopulationFunction.instance()

        # Run merapi point
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(merapi_point_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(population_layer)
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact
        # Check the question
        expected_question = (
            'In the event of a volcano point how many people might be '
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question)
        # Count by hand
        expected_affected_population = 200
        result = numpy.nansum(impact_layer.get_data())
        self.assertEqual(expected_affected_population, result)
Пример #22
    def test_run(self):
        """TestClassifiedPolygonPopulationFunction: Test running the IF."""
        generic_polygon_path = test_data_path(
            'hazard', 'classified_generic_polygon.shp')
        population_path = test_data_path('exposure',

        generic_polygon_layer = read_layer(generic_polygon_path)
        population_layer = read_layer(population_path)

        impact_function = ClassifiedPolygonHazardPopulationFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = generic_polygon_layer
        impact_function.exposure = population_layer
        impact_function.parameters['hazard zone attribute'] = 'h_zone'
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact
        # Check the question
        expected_question = ('In each of the hazard zones how many people '
                             'might be impacted.')
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)
        # Count by hand
        expected_affected_population = 181
        result = numpy.nansum(impact_layer.get_data())
        self.assertEqual(expected_affected_population, result, message)
    def test_flood_vector_building_impact_function(self):
        """Test flood building impact function works (flood is polygon)."""
        building = 'test_flood_building_impact_exposure.shp'
        flood_data = 'test_flood_building_impact_hazard.shp'
        plugin_name = 'FloodVectorBuildingImpactFunction'

        hazard_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, flood_data)
        exposure_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, building)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()
        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        buildings_total = keywords['buildings_total']
        buildings_affected = keywords['buildings_affected']

        self.assertEqual(buildings_total, 67)
        self.assertEqual(buildings_affected, 41)
    def test_run(self):
        function = FloodEvacuationRasterHazardFunction.instance()

        hazard_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'continuous_flood_20_20.asc')
        exposure_path = test_data_path('exposure',
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_path)

        function.hazard = hazard_layer
        function.exposure = exposure_layer
        impact = function.impact

        # Count of flooded objects is calculated "by the hands"
        # print "keywords", keywords
        keywords = impact.get_keywords()
        evacuated = float(keywords['evacuated'])
        total_needs_full = keywords['total_needs']
        total_needs_weekly = OrderedDict([[x['table name'], x['amount']]
                                          for x in total_needs_full['weekly']])
        total_needs_single = OrderedDict([[x['table name'], x['amount']]
                                          for x in total_needs_full['single']])

        expected_evacuated = 100
        self.assertEqual(evacuated, expected_evacuated)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Rice [kg]'], 280)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Family Kits'], 20)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Drinking Water [l]'], 1750)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Clean Water [l]'], 6700)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_single['Toilets'], 5)
    def test_pager_earthquake_fatality_estimation(self):
        """Fatalities from ground shaking can be computed correctly
            using the Pager fatality model."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/itb_test_mmi.asc' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/itb_test_pop.asc' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)
        plugin_name = 'PAG Fatality Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        population = keywords['total_population']
        fatalities = keywords['total_fatalities']

        # Check aggregated values
        expected_population = 85425000.0
        msg = ('Expected population was %f, I got %f'
               % (expected_population, population))
        self.assertEqual(population, expected_population, msg)

        expected_fatalities = 410000.0
        msg = ('Expected fatalities was %f, I got %f'
               % (expected_fatalities, fatalities))
        assert numpy.allclose(
            fatalities, expected_fatalities, rtol=1.0e-5), msg
Пример #26
    def test_run(self):
        """TestEarthquakeBuildingFunction: Test running the IF."""
        eq_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'earthquake.tif')
        building_path = test_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')

        eq_layer = read_layer(eq_path)
        building_layer = read_layer(building_path)

        impact_function = EarthquakeBuildingFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = eq_layer
        impact_function.exposure = building_layer
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact
        # Check the question
        expected_question = ('In the event of earthquake how many '
                             'buildings might be affected')
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)
        # Count by hand,
        # 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high
        impact = {1: 0, 2: 181, 3: 0}
        result = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
        impact_features = impact_layer.get_data()
        for i in range(len(impact_features)):
            impact_feature = impact_features[i]
            level = impact_feature.get('Shake_cls')
            result[level] += 1

        message = 'Expecting %s, but it returns %s' % (impact, result)
        self.assertEqual(impact, result, message)
    def test_run(self):
        function = ContinuousHazardPopulationFunction.instance()

        hazard_path = test_data_path(
            'hazard', 'continuous_flood_20_20.asc')
        exposure_path = test_data_path(
            'exposure', 'pop_binary_raster_20_20.asc')
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_path)

        function.hazard = SafeLayer(hazard_layer)
        function.exposure = SafeLayer(exposure_layer)
        impact = function.impact

        # print "keywords", keywords
        keywords = impact.get_keywords()
        total_needs_full = keywords['total_needs']
        total_needs_weekly = OrderedDict([
            [x['table name'], x['amount']] for x in
        total_needs_single = OrderedDict([
            [x['table name'], x['amount']] for x in

        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Rice [kg]'], 336)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Drinking Water [l]'], 2100)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Clean Water [l]'], 8040)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Family Kits'], 24)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_single['Toilets'], 6)
Пример #28
    def test_aggregate(self):
        """Aggregation by boundaries works

        # Name file names for hazard level and exposure
        boundary_filename = ('%s/kecamatan_jakarta_osm.shp' % TESTDATA)
        #data_filename = ('%s/Population_Jakarta_geographic.asc' % TESTDATA)

        # Get reference building impact data
        building_filename = ('%s/building_impact_scenario.shp' % TESTDATA)

        boundary_layer = read_layer(boundary_filename)
        building_layer = read_layer(building_filename)

        res = aggregate(data=building_layer,

        #print res, len(res)
        #print boundary_layer, len(boundary_layer)
        msg = ('Number of aggregations %i should be the same as the '
               'number of specified boundaries %i' % (len(res),
        assert len(res) == len(boundary_layer), msg
    def test_run(self):
        """TestVolcanoPolygonBuildingFunction: Test running the IF."""
        volcano_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'volcano_krb.shp')
        building_path = test_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')

        hazard_layer = read_layer(volcano_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(building_path)

        impact_function = VolcanoPolygonBuildingFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = hazard_layer
        impact_function.exposure = exposure_layer
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact

        # Check the question
        expected_question = ('In the event of volcano krb how many buildings '
                             'might be affected')
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)

        # The buildings should all be categorised into 5000 zone
        zone_sum = impact_layer.get_data(attribute='zone')
        krb3_zone_count = zone_sum.count('Kawasan Rawan Bencana III')
        krb2_zone_count = zone_sum.count('Kawasan Rawan Bencana II')
        # The result (counted by hand)
        expected_krb3_count = 11
        expected_krb2_count = 161
        message = 'Expecting %s for KRB III zone, but it returns %s' % (
            krb3_zone_count, expected_krb3_count)
        self.assertEqual(krb3_zone_count, expected_krb3_count, message)
        message = 'Expecting %s for KRB II zone, but it returns %s' % (
            krb2_zone_count, expected_krb2_count)
        self.assertEqual(krb2_zone_count, expected_krb2_count, message)
Пример #30
    def test_run(self):
        """TestVolcanoPointBuildingFunction: Test running the IF."""
        volcano_path = standard_data_path('hazard', 'volcano_point.shp')
        building_path = standard_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')

        hazard_layer = read_layer(volcano_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(building_path)

        impact_function = VolcanoPointBuildingFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(hazard_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(exposure_layer)
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact

        # Check the question
        expected_question = (
            'In the event of volcano point how many buildings might be '
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question)

        # The buildings should all be categorised into 3000 zone
        zone_sum = sum(
        expected_sum = 3 * 181
        message = 'Expecting %s, but it returns %s' % (expected_sum, zone_sum)
        self.assertEqual(zone_sum, expected_sum, message)
    def test_run(self):
        impact_function = FloodRasterBuildingFunction.instance()

        hazard_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'continuous_flood_20_20.asc')
        exposure_path = test_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_path)

        impact_function.hazard = hazard_layer
        impact_function.exposure = exposure_layer
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact

        # Extract calculated result
        impact_data = impact_layer.get_data()
        self.assertEqual(len(impact_data), 181)

        # 1 = inundated, 2 = wet, 3 = dry
        expected_result = {
            1: 64,
            2: 117,
            3: 0

        result = {
            1: 0,
            2: 0,
            3: 0
        for feature in impact_data:
            inundated_status = feature['INUNDATED']
            result[inundated_status] += 1

        message = 'Expecting %s, but it returns %s' % (expected_result, result)
        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result, message)
    def test_run(self):
        """TestVolcanoPointBuildingFunction: Test running the IF."""
        volcano_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'volcano_point.shp')
        building_path = test_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')

        hazard_layer = read_layer(volcano_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(building_path)

        impact_function = VolcanoPointBuildingFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(hazard_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(exposure_layer)
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact

        # Check the question
        expected_question = (
            'In the event of volcano point how many buildings might be '
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)

        # The buildings should all be categorised into 3000 zone
        zone_sum = sum(impact_layer.get_data(
        expected_sum = 3000 * 181
        message = 'Expecting %s, but it returns %s' % (expected_sum, zone_sum)
        self.assertEqual(zone_sum, expected_sum, message)
Пример #33
    def test_run(self):
        """TestVolcanoPolygonBuildingFunction: Test running the IF."""
        volcano_path = standard_data_path('hazard', 'volcano_krb.shp')
        building_path = standard_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')

        hazard_layer = read_layer(volcano_path)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(building_path)

        impact_function = VolcanoPolygonBuildingFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(hazard_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(exposure_layer)
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact

        # Check the question
        expected_question = (
            'In the event of volcano krb how many buildings might be '
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question)

        # The buildings should all be categorised into 5000 zone
        zone_sum = impact_layer.get_data(
        krb3_zone_count = zone_sum.count('High Hazard Zone')
        krb2_zone_count = zone_sum.count('Medium Hazard Zone')
        # The result (counted by hand)
        expected_krb3_count = 11
        expected_krb2_count = 161
        message = 'Expecting %s for KRB III zone, but it returns %s' % (
            krb3_zone_count, expected_krb3_count)
        self.assertEqual(krb3_zone_count, expected_krb3_count, message)
        message = 'Expecting %s for KRB II zone, but it returns %s' % (
            krb2_zone_count, expected_krb2_count)
        self.assertEqual(krb2_zone_count, expected_krb2_count, message)
    def test_earthquake_building_impact_function(self):
        """Earthquake Building Impact Function works as expected."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/eq_yogya_2006.asc' % HAZDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/OSM_building_polygons_20110905.shp' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Earthquake Building Impact Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        # calculated_result = I.get_data()
        # print calculated_result.shape
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        impact_summary = keywords['impact_summary']

        # This is the expected number of building might be affected
        # Hazard Level - Buildings Affected
        # Low - 845
        # Medium - 15524
        # High - 122
        message = 'Result not as expected'
        self.assertTrue(format_int(845) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(15524) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(122) in impact_summary, message)
    def test_run(self):
        """TestClassifiedPolygonPopulationFunction: Test running the IF."""
        generic_polygon_path = test_data_path(
            'hazard', 'classified_generic_polygon.shp')
        population_path = test_data_path(
            'exposure', 'pop_binary_raster_20_20.asc')

        generic_polygon_layer = read_layer(generic_polygon_path)
        population_layer = read_layer(population_path)

        impact_function = ClassifiedPolygonHazardPopulationFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(generic_polygon_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(population_layer)
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact
        # Check the question
        expected_question = ('In each of the hazard zones how many people '
                             'might be impacted.')
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)
        # Count by hand
        expected_affected_population = 181
        result = numpy.nansum(impact_layer.get_data())
        self.assertEqual(expected_affected_population, result, message)
    def test_volcano_population_evacuation_impact(self):
        """Population impact from volcanic hazard is computed correctly."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/donut.shp' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = ('%s/pop_merapi_clip.tif' % TESTDATA)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Volcano Polygon Hazard Population'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()

        # Check for expected results:
        for value in ['Merapi', 192055, 56514, 68568, 66971]:
            if isinstance(value, int):
                x = format_int(population_rounding(value))
                x = value
            summary = keywords['impact_summary']
            msg = ('Did not find expected value %s in summary %s'
                   % (x, summary))
            assert x in summary, msg
Пример #37
    def test_run(self):
        """TestEarthquakeBuildingFunction: Test running the IF."""
        eq_path = test_data_path("hazard", "earthquake.tif")
        building_path = test_data_path("exposure", "buildings.shp")

        eq_layer = read_layer(eq_path)
        building_layer = read_layer(building_path)

        impact_function = EarthquakeBuildingFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(eq_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(building_layer)
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact
        # Check the question
        expected_question = "In the event of earthquake how many buildings might be affected"
        message = "The question should be %s, but it returns %s" % (expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)
        # Count by hand,
        # 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high
        impact = {1: 0, 2: 181, 3: 0}
        result = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
        impact_features = impact_layer.get_data()
        for i in range(len(impact_features)):
            impact_feature = impact_features[i]
            level = impact_feature.get(impact_function.target_field)
            result[level] += 1

        message = "Expecting %s, but it returns %s" % (impact, result)
        self.assertEqual(impact, result, message)
Пример #38
    def test_volcano_circle_population_impact(self):
        """Volcano function runs circular evacuation zone."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/Merapi_alert.shp' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = ('%s/glp10ag.asc' % EXPDATA)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Volcano Polygon Hazard Population'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        print keywords
        # This is the expected number of people affected
        # Distance [km]	Total	Cumulative
        # 3	     15.800	15.800
        # 5	     17.300	33.100
        # 10	125.000	158.000
        message = 'Result not as expected'
        impact_summary = keywords['impact_summary']
        self.assertTrue(format_int(15800) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(17300) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(125000) in impact_summary, message)
Пример #39
    def test_volcano_population_evacuation_impact(self):
        """Population impact from volcanic hazard is computed correctly."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/donut.shp' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = ('%s/pop_merapi_clip.tif' % TESTDATA)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Volcano Polygon Hazard Population'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()

        # Check for expected results:
        for value in ['Merapi', 192055, 56514, 68568, 66971]:
            if isinstance(value, int):
                x = format_int(population_rounding(value))
                x = value
            summary = keywords['impact_summary']
            msg = ('Did not find expected value %s in summary %s' %
                   (x, summary))
            assert x in summary, msg
    def test_flood_vector_building_impact_function(self):
        """Test flood building impact function works (flood is polygon)."""
        building = 'test_flood_building_impact_exposure.shp'
        flood_data = 'test_flood_building_impact_hazard.shp'
        plugin_name = 'FloodVectorBuildingImpactFunction'

        hazard_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, flood_data)
        exposure_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, building)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()
        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        buildings_total = keywords['buildings_total']
        buildings_affected = keywords['buildings_affected']

        self.assertEqual(buildings_total, 67)
        self.assertEqual(buildings_affected, 41)
    def test_itb_earthquake_fatality_estimation(self):
        """Fatalities from ground shaking can be computed correctly using the
            ITB fatality model (Test data from Hadi Ghasemi)."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/itb_test_mmi.asc' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/itb_test_pop.asc' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'ITB Fatality Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        # calculated_result = I.get_data()
        # print calculated_result.shape
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        # print "keywords", keywords
        population = float(keywords['total_population'])
        fatalities = float(keywords['total_fatalities'])

        # Check aggregated values
        expected_population = population_rounding(85424650.0)
        msg = ('Expected population was %f, I got %f'
               % (expected_population, population))
        assert population == expected_population, msg

        expected_fatalities = population_rounding(40871.3028)
        msg = ('Expected fatalities was %f, I got %f'
               % (expected_fatalities, fatalities))

        assert numpy.allclose(fatalities, expected_fatalities,
                              rtol=1.0e-5), msg

        # Check that aggregated number of fatilites is as expected
        all_numbers = int(numpy.sum([31.8937368131,
        msg = ('Aggregated number of fatalities not as expected: %i'
               % all_numbers)
        assert all_numbers == 40871, msg

        x = population_rounding(all_numbers)
        msg = ('Did not find expected fatality value %i in summary %s'
               % (x, keywords['impact_summary']))
        assert format_int(x) in keywords['impact_summary'], msg
Пример #42
    def test_itb_earthquake_fatality_estimation(self):
        """Fatalities from ground shaking can be computed correctly using the
            ITB fatality model (Test data from Hadi Ghasemi)."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/itb_test_mmi.asc' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/itb_test_pop.asc' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'ITB Fatality Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        # calculated_result = I.get_data()
        # print calculated_result.shape
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        # print "keywords", keywords
        population = float(keywords['total_population'])
        fatalities = float(keywords['total_fatalities'])

        # Check aggregated values
        expected_population = population_rounding(85424650.0)
        msg = ('Expected population was %f, I got %f' %
               (expected_population, population))
        assert population == expected_population, msg

        expected_fatalities = population_rounding(40871.3028)
        msg = ('Expected fatalities was %f, I got %f' %
               (expected_fatalities, fatalities))

        assert numpy.allclose(fatalities, expected_fatalities,
                              rtol=1.0e-5), msg

        # Check that aggregated number of fatilites is as expected
        all_numbers = int(
                31.8937368131, 2539.26369372, 1688.72362573, 17174.9261705,
        msg = ('Aggregated number of fatalities not as expected: %i' %
        assert all_numbers == 40871, msg

        x = population_rounding(all_numbers)
        msg = ('Did not find expected fatality value %i in summary %s' %
               (x, keywords['impact_summary']))
        assert format_int(x) in keywords['impact_summary'], msg
    def test_run(self):
        """TestPagerEarthquakeFatalityFunction: Test running the IF."""
        eq_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'earthquake.tif')
        population_path = test_data_path(
            'exposure', 'pop_binary_raster_20_20.asc')

        # For EQ on Pops we need to clip the hazard and exposure first to the
        #  same dimension
        clipped_hazard, clipped_exposure = clip_layers(eq_path,

        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        eq_layer = read_layer(
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        population_layer = read_layer(

        impact_function = PAGFatalityFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = eq_layer
        impact_function.exposure = population_layer
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact
        # Check the question
        expected_question = ('In the event of earthquake how many '
                             'population might die or be displaced according '
                             'pager model')
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)

        expected_exposed_per_mmi = {
            2.0: 0,
            2.5: 0,
            3.0: 0,
            3.5: 0,
            4.0: 0,
            4.5: 0,
            5.0: 0,
            5.5: 0,
            6.5: 0,
            6.0: 0,
            7.0: 0,
            7.5: 60,
            8.0: 140,
            8.5: 0,
            9.0: 0,
            9.5: 0}
        result = impact_layer.get_keywords('exposed_per_mmi')

        message = 'Expecting %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_exposed_per_mmi, result)
        self.assertEqual(expected_exposed_per_mmi, result, message)
Пример #44
def analysis_execution():

    from safe.test.utilities import get_qgis_app

    # get_qgis_app must be called before importing Analysis
    QGIS_APP, CANVAS, IFACE, PARENT = get_qgis_app()

    from safe.utilities.analysis import Analysis
    from safe.utilities.keyword_io import KeywordIO

    analysis = Analysis()

    arg = AnalysisArguments.read_arguments()


    registry = ImpactFunctionManager().registry

    function = registry.get_instance(arg.impact_function_name)

    hazard_layer = safe_to_qgis_layer(read_layer(arg.hazard_filename))
    exposure_layer = safe_to_qgis_layer(read_layer(arg.exposure_filename))
    if arg.aggregation_filename:
        aggregation_layer = safe_to_qgis_layer(read_layer(

    keywords_io = KeywordIO()

        analysis.map_canvas = IFACE.mapCanvas()
        analysis.hazard_layer = hazard_layer
        analysis.hazard_keyword = keywords_io.read_keywords(hazard_layer)
        analysis.exposure_layer = exposure_layer
        analysis.exposure_keyword = keywords_io.read_keywords(exposure_layer)
        if aggregation_layer:
            analysis.aggregation_layer = aggregation_layer
            analysis.aggregation_keyword = keywords_io.read_keywords(
        analysis.impact_function = function

        print 'Setup analysis done'
        print 'Analysis done'
    except Exception as e:
        print e.message

    impact = analysis.impact_layer
    qgis_impact = safe_to_qgis_layer(impact)

    generate_styles(impact, qgis_impact)

    copy_impact_layer(impact, arg.impact_filename)
Пример #45
def analysis_execution():

    from safe.test.utilities import get_qgis_app

    # get_qgis_app must be called before importing Analysis
    QGIS_APP, CANVAS, IFACE, PARENT = get_qgis_app()

    from safe.utilities.analysis import Analysis
    from safe.utilities.keyword_io import KeywordIO

    analysis = Analysis()

    arg = AnalysisArguments.read_arguments()


    registry = ImpactFunctionManager().registry

    function = registry.get_instance(arg.impact_function_name)

    hazard_layer = safe_to_qgis_layer(read_layer(arg.hazard_filename))
    exposure_layer = safe_to_qgis_layer(read_layer(arg.exposure_filename))
    if arg.aggregation_filename:
        aggregation_layer = safe_to_qgis_layer(

    keywords_io = KeywordIO()

        analysis.map_canvas = IFACE.mapCanvas()
        analysis.hazard_layer = hazard_layer
        analysis.hazard_keyword = keywords_io.read_keywords(hazard_layer)
        analysis.exposure_layer = exposure_layer
        analysis.exposure_keyword = keywords_io.read_keywords(exposure_layer)
        if aggregation_layer:
            analysis.aggregation_layer = aggregation_layer
            analysis.aggregation_keyword = keywords_io.read_keywords(
        analysis.impact_function = function

        print 'Setup analysis done'
        print 'Analysis done'
    except Exception as e:
        print e.message

    impact = analysis.impact_layer
    qgis_impact = safe_to_qgis_layer(impact)

    generate_styles(impact, qgis_impact)

    copy_impact_layer(impact, arg.impact_filename)
Пример #46
    def test_run(self):
        """TestPagerEarthquakeFatalityFunction: Test running the IF."""
        eq_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'earthquake.tif')
        population_path = test_data_path('exposure',

        # For EQ on Pops we need to clip the hazard and exposure first to the
        #  same dimension
        clipped_hazard, clipped_exposure = clip_layers(eq_path,

        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        eq_layer = read_layer(str(clipped_hazard.source()))
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        population_layer = read_layer(str(clipped_exposure.source()))

        impact_function = PAGFatalityFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = eq_layer
        impact_function.exposure = population_layer
        impact_layer = impact_function.impact
        # Check the question
        expected_question = ('In the event of earthquake how many '
                             'population might die or be displaced according '
                             'pager model')
        message = 'The question should be %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_question, impact_function.question)
        self.assertEqual(expected_question, impact_function.question, message)

        expected_exposed_per_mmi = {
            2.0: 0,
            2.5: 0,
            3.0: 0,
            3.5: 0,
            4.0: 0,
            4.5: 0,
            5.0: 0,
            5.5: 0,
            6.5: 0,
            6.0: 0,
            7.0: 0,
            7.5: 60,
            8.0: 140,
            8.5: 0,
            9.0: 0,
            9.5: 0
        result = impact_layer.get_keywords('exposed_per_mmi')

        message = 'Expecting %s, but it returns %s' % (
            expected_exposed_per_mmi, result)
        self.assertEqual(expected_exposed_per_mmi, result, message)
Пример #47
    def test_calculate_impact(self):
        """Test calculating impact."""
        eq_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'earthquake.tif')
        building_path = test_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')

        eq_layer = read_layer(eq_path)
        building_layer = read_layer(building_path)

        impact_function = EarthquakeBuildingFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(eq_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(building_layer)
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(impact_function)

Пример #48
    def test_calculate_impact(self):
        """Test calculating impact."""
        eq_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'earthquake.tif')
        building_path = test_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')

        eq_layer = read_layer(eq_path)
        building_layer = read_layer(building_path)

        impact_function = EarthquakeBuildingFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(eq_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(building_layer)
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(impact_function)

Пример #49
    def test_clip_points_by_polygons(self):
        """Points can be clipped by polygons (real data)

        # Name input files
        point_name = join(TESTDATA, 'population_5x5_jakarta_points.shp')
        point_layer = read_layer(point_name)
        points = numpy.array(point_layer.get_geometry())
        attrs = point_layer.get_data()

        # Loop through polygons
        for filename in ['polygon_0.shp', 'polygon_1.shp', 'polygon_2.shp',
                         'polygon_3.shp', 'polygon_4.shp',
                         'polygon_5.shp', 'polygon_6.shp']:

            polygon_layer = read_layer(join(TESTDATA, filename))
            polygon = polygon_layer.get_geometry()[0]

            # Clip
            indices = inside_polygon(points, polygon)

            # Sanity
            for point in points[indices, :]:
                assert is_inside_polygon(point, polygon)

            # Explicit tests
            if filename == 'polygon_0.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 6
            elif filename == 'polygon_1.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 2
                assert numpy.allclose(points[indices[0], :],
                                      [106.8125, -6.1875])
                assert numpy.allclose(points[indices[1], :],
                                      [106.8541667, -6.1875])
                assert numpy.allclose(attrs[indices[0]]['value'],
                assert numpy.allclose(attrs[indices[1]]['value'],
            elif filename == 'polygon_2.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 7
            elif filename == 'polygon_3.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 0  # Degenerate
            elif filename == 'polygon_4.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 0  # Degenerate
            elif filename == 'polygon_5.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 8
            elif filename == 'polygon_6.shp':
                assert len(indices) == 6
Пример #50
    def test_clip_points_by_polygons_with_holes0(self):
        """Points can be clipped by polygons with holes

        # Define an outer ring
        outer_ring = numpy.array([[106.79, -6.233], [106.80, -6.24],
                                  [106.78, -6.23], [106.77, -6.21],
                                  [106.79, -6.233]])

        # Define inner rings
        inner_rings = [
            numpy.array([[106.77827, -6.2252], [106.77775, -6.22378],
                         [106.78, -6.22311], [106.78017, -6.22530],
                         [106.77827, -6.2252]])[::-1],
            numpy.array([[106.78652, -6.23215], [106.78642, -6.23075],
                         [106.78746, -6.23143], [106.78831, -6.23307],
                         [106.78652, -6.23215]])[::-1]

        v = Vector(
            geometry=[Polygon(outer_ring=outer_ring, inner_rings=inner_rings)])
        assert v.is_polygon_data

        # Write it to file
        tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')

        # Read polygon it back
        L = read_layer(tmp_filename)
        P = L.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)[0]

        outer_ring = P.outer_ring
        inner_ring0 = P.inner_rings[0]
        inner_ring1 = P.inner_rings[1]

        # Make some test points
        points = generate_random_points_in_bbox(outer_ring, 1000, seed=13)

        # Clip to outer ring, excluding holes
        indices = inside_polygon(points, P.outer_ring, holes=P.inner_rings)

        # Sanity
        for point in points[indices, :]:
            # Must be inside outer ring
            assert is_inside_polygon(point, outer_ring)

            # But not in any of the inner rings
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring0)
            assert not is_inside_polygon(point, inner_ring1)

        if False:
            # Store for visual check
            pol = Vector(geometry=[P])
            tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
            # print 'Polygon with holes written to %s' % tmp_filename

            pts = Vector(geometry=points[indices, :])
            tmp_filename = unique_filename(suffix='.shp')
Пример #51
    def accept(self):
        """Process the layer and field and generate a new layer.

        .. note:: This is called on ok click.

        myIndex = self.cboFields.currentIndex()
        myFieldName = self.cboFields.itemData(
            myIndex, QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toString()

        myIndex = self.cboPolygonLayers.currentIndex()
        myLayerId = self.cboPolygonLayers.itemData(
            myIndex, QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toString()
        myLayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayer(myLayerId)

        myFileName = str(myLayer.source())

        myInputLayer = read_layer(myFileName)

            myOutputLayer = self.minimum_needs(myInputLayer, str(myFieldName))
        except ValueError:

        myNewFile = myFileName[:-4] + '_perka7' + '.shp'


        myNewLayer = QgsVectorLayer(myNewFile, 'Minimum Needs', 'ogr')
Пример #52
    def calculate_impact(self):
        if_manager = ImpactFunctionManager()
        function_id = self.function_id
        impact_function = if_manager.get_instance(function_id)

        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(self.hazard_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(self.exposure_layer)

            self.impact_layer = safe_calculate_impact(impact_function)
        except ZeroImpactException as e:
            # in case zero impact, just return
  'No impact detected')

        # copy results of impact to report_path directory
        base_name, _ = os.path.splitext(self.impact_layer.filename)
        dir_name = os.path.dirname(self.impact_layer.filename)
        for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(dir_name):
            for f in files:
                source_filename = os.path.join(root, f)
                if source_filename.find(base_name) >= 0:
                    extensions = source_filename.replace(base_name, '')
                    new_path = os.path.join(self.report_path,
                                            'impact' + extensions)
                    shutil.copy(source_filename, new_path)

        self.impact_layer = read_layer(self.impact_path)
Пример #53
    def test_osm2padang(self):
        """OSM structure types maps to Padang vulnerability curves

        # hazard_filename = '%s/Shakemap_Padang_2009.asc' % HAZDATA
        exposure_filename = ('%s/jakarta_OSM_building.shp'
                             % EXPDATA)

        # Calculate impact using API
        E = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        # Map from OSM attributes to the padang building classes
        Emap = osm2padang(E)

        for i, feature in enumerate(E.get_data()):

            vclass = int(Emap.get_data('VCLASS', i))

            levels = feature['building_l']
            structure = feature['building_s']
            msg = ('Unexpected VCLASS %i. '
                   'I have levels == %s and structure == %s.'
                   % (vclass, levels, structure))

            if levels is None or structure is None:
                assert vclass == 2, msg

            # Map string variable levels to integer
            if levels.endswith('+'):
                levels = 100

                levels = int(levels)
            except ValueError:
                # E.g. 'ILP jalan'
                assert vclass == 2, msg

            levels = int(levels)

            # Check the main cases
            if levels >= 10:
                assert vclass == 6, msg
            elif 4 <= levels < 10:
                assert vclass == 4, msg
            elif 1 <= levels < 4:
                if structure in ['plastered',
                                 'reinforced masonry',
                    assert vclass == 7, msg
                elif structure == 'confined_masonry':
                    assert vclass == 8, msg
                elif 'kayu' in structure or 'wood' in structure:
                    assert vclass == 9, msg
                    assert vclass == 2, msg
                assert vclass == 2, msg
Пример #54
    def test_run_failed(self):
        """Test run IF with missing keywords."""
        merapi_krb_path = standard_data_path('hazard', 'volcano_krb.shp')
        population_path = standard_data_path('exposure',

        merapi_krb_layer = read_layer(merapi_krb_path)
        population_layer = read_layer(population_path)

        impact_function = VolcanoPolygonPopulationFunction.instance()

        # 2. Run merapi krb
        layer = SafeLayer(merapi_krb_layer)
        layer.keywords = {}
        impact_function.hazard = layer
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(population_layer)