Пример #1
    def test_init(self):
        string_parameter = StringParameter('28082014')
        string_parameter.name = 'Province Name'
        string_parameter.help_text = 'Name of province.'
        string_parameter.description = (
            'A <b>test _description</b> that is very long so that you need to '
            'read it for one minute and you will be tired after read this '
            'description. You are the best user so far. Even better if you '
            'read this description loudly so that all of your friends will '
            'be able to hear you')
        string_parameter.is_required = True
        string_parameter.value = 'Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta'

        widget = StringParameterWidget(string_parameter)

        expected_value = string_parameter.name
        real_value = widget._label.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = string_parameter.value
        real_value = widget._line_edit_input.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        # change value
        widget._line_edit_input.setText('Nusa Tenggara Barat')

        expected_value = 'Nusa Tenggara Barat'
        real_value = widget._line_edit_input.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)
    def test_init(self):
        string_parameter = StringParameter('28082014')
        string_parameter.name = 'Province Name'
        string_parameter.help_text = 'Name of province.'
        string_parameter.description = (
            'A <b>test _description</b> that is very long so that you need to '
            'read it for one minute and you will be tired after read this '
            'description. You are the best user so far. Even better if you '
            'read this description loudly so that all of your friends will '
            'be able to hear you')
        string_parameter.is_required = True
        string_parameter.value = 'Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta'

        widget = StringParameterWidget(string_parameter)

        expected_value = string_parameter.name
        real_value = widget._label.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = string_parameter.value
        real_value = widget._line_edit_input.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        # change value
        widget._line_edit_input.setText('Nusa Tenggara Barat')

        expected_value = 'Nusa Tenggara Barat'
        real_value = widget._line_edit_input.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)
Пример #3
def target_field():
    """Generator for the flooded target field parameter."""
    field = StringParameter()
    field.name = 'Target Field'
    field.is_required = True
    field.help_text = (
        'This field of impact layer marks inundated roads by \'1\' value')
    field.description = (
        'This field of impact layer marks inundated roads by \'1\' value. '
        'This is the longer description of this parameter.')
    field.value = 'INUNDATED'  # default value
    return field
Пример #4
def affected_value():
    """Generator for parameter stating what values constitute 'affected'."""
    field = StringParameter()
    field.name = 'Affected Value'
    field.is_required = True
    field.help_text = (
        'This value in \'affected_field\' of the hazard layer marks the areas '
        'as inundated')
    field.description = (
        'This value in \'affected_field\' of the hazard layer marks the areas '
        'as inundated. This is the longer description of this parameter.')
    field.value = '1'  # default value
    return field
Пример #5
def affected_field():
    """"Generator for selection of affected field parameter."""
    field = StringParameter()
    field.name = 'Affected Field'
    field.is_required = True
    field.help_text = (
        'This field of the  hazard layer contains information about inundated '
    field.description = (
        'This field of the  hazard layer contains information about inundated '
        'areas. This is the longer description of this parameter.')
    field.value = 'affected'  # default value
    return field
Пример #6
    def test_boolean(self):
        """Test a bool parameter works properly.

        ..versionadded:: 2.2

        parameter = StringParameter('1231231')
        parameter.name = 'String parameter'
        parameter.help_text = 'A string parameter'
        parameter.description = 'A test description'
        parameter.is_required = True

        parameter.value = 'Yogyakarta'
        self.assertEqual('Yogyakarta', parameter.value)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            parameter.value = 1
Пример #7
    def set_up_resource_parameters(self):
        """Set up the resource parameter for the add/edit view.
        name_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-1')
        name_parameter.name = tr('Resource name')
        name_parameter.help_text = tr(
            'Name of the resource that will be provided '
            'as part of minimum needs. '
            'e.g. Rice, Water etc.')
        name_parameter.description = tr(
            'A <b>resource</b> is something that you provide to displaced '
            'persons in the event of a disaster. The resource will be made '
            'available at IDP camps and may need to be stockpiled by '
            'contingency planners in their preparations for a disaster.')
        name_parameter.is_required = True
        name_parameter.value = ''

        description_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-2')
        description_parameter.name = tr('Resource description')
        description_parameter.help_text = tr(
            'Description of the resource that will be provided as part of '
            'minimum needs.')
        description_parameter.description = tr(
            'This gives a detailed description of what the resource is and ')
        description_parameter.is_required = True
        description_parameter.value = ''

        unit_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-3')
        unit_parameter.name = tr('Unit')
        unit_parameter.help_text = tr(
            'Single unit for the resources spelled out. e.g. litre, '
            'kilogram etc.')
        unit_parameter.description = tr(
            'A <b>unit</b> is the basic measurement unit used for computing '
            'the allowance per individual. For example when planning water '
            'rations the unit would be single litre.')
        unit_parameter.is_required = True
        unit_parameter.value = ''

        units_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-4')
        units_parameter.name = tr('Units')
        units_parameter.help_text = tr(
            'Multiple units for the resources spelled out. e.g. litres, '
            'kilogram etc.')
        units_parameter.description = tr(
            '<b>Units</b> are the basic measurement used for computing the '
            'allowance per individual. For example when planning water '
            'rations the units would be litres.')
        units_parameter.is_required = True
        units_parameter.value = ''

        unit_abbreviation_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-5')
        unit_abbreviation_parameter.name = tr('Unit abbreviation')
        unit_abbreviation_parameter.help_text = tr(
            'Abbreviations of unit for the resources. e.g. l, kg etc.')
        unit_abbreviation_parameter.description = tr(
            "A <b>unti abbreviation</b> is the basic measurement unit's "
            "shortened. For example when planning water rations "
            "the units would be l.")
        unit_abbreviation_parameter.is_required = True
        unit_abbreviation_parameter.value = ''

        minimum_parameter = FloatParameter('UUID-6')
        minimum_parameter.name = tr('Minimum allowed')
        minimum_parameter.is_required = True
        minimum_parameter.precision = 2
        minimum_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = -99999.0
        minimum_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 99999.0
        minimum_parameter.help_text = tr(
            'The minimum allowable quantity per person. ')
        minimum_parameter.description = tr(
            'The <b>minimum</b> is the minimum allowed quantity of the '
            'resource per person. For example you may dictate that the water '
            'ration per person per day should never be allowed to be less '
            'than 0.5l. This is enforced when tweaking a minimum needs set '
            'before an impact evaluation')
        minimum_parameter.value = 0.00

        maximum_parameter = FloatParameter('UUID-7')
        maximum_parameter.name = tr('Maximum allowed')
        maximum_parameter.is_required = True
        maximum_parameter.precision = 2
        maximum_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = -99999.0
        maximum_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 99999.0
        maximum_parameter.help_text = tr(
            'The maximum allowable quantity per person. ')
        maximum_parameter.description = tr(
            'The <b>maximum</b> is the maximum allowed quantity of the '
            'resource per person. For example you may dictate that the water '
            'ration per person per day should never be allowed to be more '
            'than 50l. This is enforced when tweaking a minimum needs set '
            'before an impact evaluation.')
        maximum_parameter.value = 100.0

        default_parameter = FloatParameter('UUID-8')
        default_parameter.name = tr('Default')
        default_parameter.is_required = True
        default_parameter.precision = 2
        default_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = -99999.0
        default_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 99999.0
        default_parameter.help_text = tr(
            'The default allowable quantity per person. ')
        default_parameter.description = tr(
            "The <b>default</b> is the default allowed quantity of the "
            "resource per person. For example you may indicate that the water "
            "ration per person weekly should be 67l.")
        default_parameter.value = 10.0

        frequency_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-9')
        frequency_parameter.name = tr('Frequency')
        frequency_parameter.help_text = tr(
            "The frequency that this resource needs to be provided to a "
            "displaced person. e.g. weekly, daily, once etc.")
        frequency_parameter.description = tr(
            "The <b>frequency</b> informs the aid worker how regularly this "
            "resource needs to be provided to the displaced person.")
        frequency_parameter.is_required = True
        frequency_parameter.value = tr('weekly')

        sentence_parameter = TextParameter('UUID-10')
        sentence_parameter.name = tr('Readable sentence')
        sentence_parameter.help_text = tr(
            'A readable presentation of the resource.')
        sentence_parameter.description = tr(
            "A <b>readable sentence</b> is a presentation of the resource "
            "that displays all pertinent information. If you are unsure then "
            "use the default. Properties should be included using double "
            "curly brackets '{{' '}}'. Including the resource name would be "
            "achieved by including e.g. {{ Resource name }}")
        sentence_parameter.is_required = True
        sentence_parameter.value = tr(
            "A displaced person should be provided with "
            "{{ Default }} {{ Unit }}/{{ Units }}/{{ Unit abbreviation }} of "
            "{{ Resource name }}. Though no less than {{ Minimum allowed }} "
            "and no more than {{ Maximum allowed }}. This should be provided "
            "{{ Frequency }}.")

        parameters = [
        parameter_container = ParameterContainer(parameters)

        layout = QGridLayout()
        layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
Пример #8
    def set_up_resource_parameters(self):
        """Set up the resource parameter for the add/edit view.
        name_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-1')
        name_parameter.name = 'Resource name'
        name_parameter.help_text = (
            'Name of the resource that will be provided '
            'as part of minimum needs. '
            'e.g. Rice, Water etc.')
        name_parameter.description = (
            'A <b>resource</b> is something that you provide to displaced '
            'persons in the event of a disaster. The resource will be made '
            'available at IDP camps and may need to be stockpiled by '
            'contingency planners in their preparations for a disaster.')
        name_parameter.is_required = True
        name_parameter.value = ''

        description_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-2')
        description_parameter.name = 'Resource description'
        description_parameter.help_text = (
            'Description of the resource that will be provided as part of '
            'minimum needs.')
        description_parameter.description = (
            'This gives a detailed description of what the resource is and ')
        description_parameter.is_required = True
        description_parameter.value = ''

        unit_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-3')
        unit_parameter.name = 'Unit'
        unit_parameter.help_text = (
            'Single unit for the resources spelled out. e.g. litre, '
            'kilogram etc.')
        unit_parameter.description = (
            'A <b>unit</b> is the basic measurement unit used for computing '
            'the allowance per individual. For example when planning water '
            'rations the unit would be single litre.')
        unit_parameter.is_required = True
        unit_parameter.value = ''

        units_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-4')
        units_parameter.name = 'Units'
        units_parameter.help_text = (
            'Multiple units for the resources spelled out. e.g. litres, '
            'kilogram etc.')
        units_parameter.description = (
            '<b>Units</b> are the basic measurement used for computing the '
            'allowance per individual. For example when planning water '
            'rations the units would be litres.')
        units_parameter.is_required = True
        units_parameter.value = ''

        unit_abbreviation_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-5')
        unit_abbreviation_parameter.name = 'Unit abbreviation'
        unit_abbreviation_parameter.help_text = (
            'Abbreviations of unit for the resources. e.g. l, kg etc.')
        unit_abbreviation_parameter.description = (
            "A <b>unti abbreviation</b> is the basic measurement unit's "
            "shortened. For example when planning water rations "
            "the units would be l.")
        unit_abbreviation_parameter.is_required = True
        unit_abbreviation_parameter.value = ''

        minimum_parameter = FloatParameter('UUID-6')
        minimum_parameter.name = 'Minimum allowed'
        minimum_parameter.is_required = True
        minimum_parameter.precision = 2
        minimum_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = -99999.0
        minimum_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 99999.0
        minimum_parameter.help_text = (
            'The minimum allowable quantity per person. ')
        minimum_parameter.description = (
            'The <b>minimum</b> is the minimum allowed quantity of the '
            'resource per person. For example you may dictate that the water '
            'ration per person per day should never be allowed to be less '
            'than 0.5l. This is enforced when tweaking a minimum needs set '
            'before an impact evaluation')
        minimum_parameter.value = 0.00

        maximum_parameter = FloatParameter('UUID-7')
        maximum_parameter.name = 'Maximum allowed'
        maximum_parameter.is_required = True
        maximum_parameter.precision = 2
        maximum_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = -99999.0
        maximum_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 99999.0
        maximum_parameter.help_text = (
            'The maximum allowable quantity per person. ')
        maximum_parameter.description = (
            'The <b>maximum</b> is the maximum allowed quantity of the '
            'resource per person. For example you may dictate that the water '
            'ration per person per day should never be allowed to be more '
            'than 50l. This is enforced when tweaking a minimum needs set '
            'before an impact evaluation.')
        maximum_parameter.value = 100.0

        default_parameter = FloatParameter('UUID-8')
        default_parameter.name = 'Default'
        default_parameter.is_required = True
        default_parameter.precision = 2
        default_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = -99999.0
        default_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 99999.0
        default_parameter.help_text = (
            'The default allowable quantity per person. ')
        default_parameter.description = (
            "The <b>default</b> is the default allowed quantity of the "
            "resource per person. For example you may indicate that the water "
            "ration per person weekly should be 67l.")
        default_parameter.value = 10.0

        frequency_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-9')
        frequency_parameter.name = 'Frequency'
        frequency_parameter.help_text = (
            "The frequency that this resource needs to be provided to a "
            "displaced person. e.g. weekly, daily, once etc.")
        frequency_parameter.description = (
            "The <b>frequency</b> informs the aid worker how regularly this "
            "resource needs to be provided to the displaced person.")
        frequency_parameter.is_required = True
        frequency_parameter.value = 'weekly'

        sentence_parameter = StringParameter('UUID-10')
        sentence_parameter.name = 'Readable sentence'
        sentence_parameter.help_text = (
            'A readable presentation of the resource.')
        sentence_parameter.description = (
            "A <b>readable sentence</b> is a presentation of the resource "
            "that displays all pertinent information. If you are unsure then "
            "use the default. Properties should be included using double "
            "curly brackets '{{' '}}'. Including the resource name would be "
            "achieved by including e.g. {{ Resource name }}")
        sentence_parameter.is_required = True
        sentence_parameter.value = (
            "A displaced person should be provided with "
            "{{ Default }} {{ Unit }}/{{ Units }}/{{ Unit abbreviation }} of "
            "{{ Resource name }}. Though no less than {{ Minimum allowed }} "
            "and no more than {{ Maximum allowed }}. This should be provided "
            "{{ Frequency }}.")

        parameters = [
        parameter_container = ParameterContainer(parameters)

        layout = QGridLayout()
        layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)