Пример #1
def set_safe_states(iDevIdx,iSlotID):
	sepia.laser_soft_lock_on(iDevIdx,iSlotID)	## turns the laser soft lock on 
	sepia.set_laser_intensity(0,iDevIdx)          #sets the intensity to 0%
	## TODO: Need to fix the frequencies in safepysepia and also need to check the numbers for internal and external triggers. 
	sepia.set_laser_frequency(6,iDevIdx) 		##sets the frequency to external trigger need to check this
	rs.SetRSChannel(0)			        ##sets the relay box to channel 0 (default channel)
	rs.Execute()                                    ##executes the relay switch channel
Пример #2

## START OF THE PROGRAM #################################################################################################	

## TODO: Need a while loop looking for communication from ORCA

##Initialisation steps
iDevIdx,iModuleType,iSlotID = sepia.initialise() #Initialise the Sepia 2 box
## TODO: Need to check the relay switch here

## TODO: Need to check connections and error status and send to ORCA

set_safe_states(iDevIdx,iSlotID)	        ##sets all the laser components to their safe states print here
iDevIdx,iModuleType,iSlotID = sepia.initialise() #Initialise the Sepia 2 box
print "here"
check_safe_states(iDevIdx,iSlotID)		##checks all devices are in their safe states 
print "here check safe states"

#setting up the relay box

rs.SetRSChannel(4)				##sets the relay channel to 1
rs.Execute()                                    ##executes the relay switch channel
iDevIdx,iModuleType,iSlotID = sepia.initialise() #Initialise the Sepia 2 box

##set parameters stage
## these numbers need to integers