def getEcfromWeightedKDE(lonOrMesh=None,latOrMesh=None,ZZpdfPframe=None,delta=None, kt=None,populationClass=None,polygonClass=None,desval=0.0,boundsOption=1): areapop = delta**2.0 if populationClass.keyDen ==None: popMatrix,xmatlocations,ymatlocations = SMF.agsgetdensity(populationClass.keyPop,populationClass.keyArea, populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh, populationClass.xMax,populationClass.yMax, boundsOption,[populationClass.ncols,populationClass.nrows,xlen,ylen]) else: popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(populationClass.keyDen,populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,populationClass.xMax, populationClass.yMax,boundsOption) if polygonClass!=None: xpol = polygonClass.xy[0] ypol = polygonClass.xy[1] matout = SMF.checkpolygon(lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,xpol,ypol) #print matout popMatrix = SMF.updatematpolygon(lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,xpol,ypol,popMatrix,desval) #print xpol,ypol #print popMatrix #print lonOrMesh.max(),lonOrMesh.min(),latOrMesh.min(),latOrMesh.max() Ec,Ecmatrix = getEc(popMatrix,ZZpdfPframe,areapop) Ec = Ec*kt Ecmatrix = Ecmatrix*kt return Ec,Ecmatrix
def calculateEc(lonlat,nSamples,delta,nsigma,key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,xMax,yMax,boundsOption,ncols,nrows,nPieces,arefMean,pdfoption): # this version uses the rotated pdf (actual lon lat coordinates). Gets pdf in regular frame, and integrates it. Inneficient for big ranges of lat lon (memory intensive) tempval = .3048 #1ft to meters PframeVals,OrFrameVals,transformDetails,areaInt = getPDF(lonlat,pdfoption=pdfoption,delta=delta) [lonPMesh,latPMesh,ZZpdf] = PframeVals [lonMesh,latMesh,ZZpdfN] = OrFrameVals popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,lonMesh,latMesh,xMax,yMax,boundsOption) Ec = nPieces*(SMF.calculateec(ZZpdf,areaInt,arefMean,tempval,popMatrix)) return (Ec,lonMesh,latMesh,ZZpdf)
def calculateEc(lonlat,nSamples,delta,nsigma,key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,xMax,yMax,boundsOption,ncols,nrows,nPieces,arefMean,pdfoption): # this version uses the rotated pdf (actual lon lat coordinates). Gets pdf in regular frame, and integrates it. Inneficient for big ranges of lat lon (memory intensive) areapop = delta*delta tempval = .3048 #1ft to meters lonMesh,latMesh,ZZpdf,XX,YY,xlen,ylen,transformDetails = getPDF(lonlat,nSamples,delta,nsigma,pdfoption) popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,lonMesh,latMesh,xMax,yMax,boundsOption,[ncols,nrows,ylen,xlen]) Ec = nPieces*(SMF.calculateec(ZZpdf,areapop,arefMean,tempval,popMatrix,[ylen,xlen])) return (Ec,lonMesh,latMesh,ZZpdf)
def calculateEcRotatedFrame(lonlat,nSamples,delta,nsigma,key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,xMax,yMax,boundsOption,ncols,nrows,nPieces,arefMean,pdfoption): # calculates Ec by calculating pdf in P frame, then get corresponding population density for P frame. sys.path.append("../SafetyMetrics") import safetyMetrics as SMF # this version uses the rotated pdf (actual lon lat coordinates) areapop = delta*delta tempval = .3048 #1ft to meters lonPMesh,latPMesh,ZZpdfPframe,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,xlen,ylen,transformDetails = getPDF2(lonlat,nSamples,delta,nsigma,pdfoption) popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,xMax,yMax,boundsOption,[ncols,nrows,ylen,xlen]) Ec = nPieces*(SMF.calculateec(ZZpdfPframe,areapop,arefMean,tempval,popMatrix,[ylen,xlen])) return (Ec,lonPMesh,latPMesh,ZZpdfPframe)
def calculateEc(lonlat, nSamples, delta, nsigma, key, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, xMax, yMax, boundsOption, ncols, nrows, nPieces, arefMean, pdfoption): # this version uses the rotated pdf (actual lon lat coordinates). Gets pdf in regular frame, and integrates it. Inneficient for big ranges of lat lon (memory intensive) tempval = .3048 #1ft to meters PframeVals, OrFrameVals, transformDetails, areaInt = getPDF( lonlat, pdfoption=pdfoption, delta=delta) [lonPMesh, latPMesh, ZZpdf] = PframeVals [lonMesh, latMesh, ZZpdfN] = OrFrameVals popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, lonMesh, latMesh, xMax, yMax, boundsOption) Ec = nPieces * (SMF.calculateec(ZZpdf, areaInt, arefMean, tempval, popMatrix)) return (Ec, lonMesh, latMesh, ZZpdf)
def checkStateVector(Vmag,gamma,beta,lat,long,alt,lonRef,latRef,mainVelRelOption,Vdebris,ballMin,ballMax,altitudeList,densitylist,key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,nrows, ncols,xMax,yMax): #################################################### MAIN CALL TO DEBRIS PROPAGATOR ############################################################################# #print ballMax,ballMin initialposition = np.array([lat,long,alt,lonRef,latRef]) mainVel = np.array([Vmag+Vdebris,gamma,beta]) #mainVelRelOption = 1 # 0 for main Vehicle inertial velocity, 1 for main vehicle relative to rotating planet velocity debrisRelVel = np.array([0,0,0]) loverd = 0 ## Debris Modeling Options cloption = 0# 1 =>using CL value instead of LoverD for computing Lift force, 0 => use LoverD value for lift calculation planetModel = 0#0 for spherical, 1 for oblate geoptions = 0# atmosoption = -1# -1 Vacuum, 0 exp density, 1 gram density, 2 gram wind and density cl = 0. aref = 1. mass = 1. cd = mass/(ballMin*aref) minfcd = 1. minfcl = 1. #altitudeList = 1. #densitylist = 1. #ulist = 1. #vlist = 1. #wlist = 1. filename = 'piece1' #print ballMin,ballMax ncd = 1 ncl = 1 nlist = len(densitylist) zerolist = np.zeros((nlist)) ulist = zerolist vlist = zerolist wlist = zerolist #print nlist finalConditions = DP.debrispropagation(initialposition, mainVel,mainVelRelOption, debrisRelVel, mass,aref, # debris piece state vector wrt to main vehicle minfcd,cd,cloption,minfcl,cl,loverd, # aerodynamic inputs atmosoption,altitudeList, # dt for RK4, angrate for tumbling debris. Atmospheric options densitylist,ulist,vlist,wlist, # atmospheric profile geoptions,filename,planetModel,[ncd,ncl,nlist]) # geoptions & filename used for Google Earth visualiation. ncd => length of CD array # ncl => length of CL array. nlist=> length of atmospheric data array (altitude) filename = 'piece2' altitudefinal = finalConditions[0] latitudefinal = finalConditions[1] longitudefinal = finalConditions[2] flag = finalConditions[8] vrelmag = finalConditions[3] mainVel = np.array([Vmag-Vdebris,gamma,beta]) cd = mass/(ballMax*aref) atmosoption = 1# -1 Vacuum, 0 exp density, 1 gram density, 2 gram wind and density lowerConditions = DP.debrispropagation(initialposition, mainVel,mainVelRelOption, debrisRelVel, mass,aref, # debris piece state vector wrt to main vehicle minfcd,cd,cloption,minfcl,cl,loverd, # aerodynamic inputs atmosoption,altitudeList, # dt for RK4, angrate for tumbling debris. Atmospheric options densitylist,ulist,vlist,wlist, # atmospheric profile geoptions,filename,planetModel,[ncd,ncl,nlist]) # geoptions & filename used for Google Earth visualiation. ncd => length of CD array # ncl => length of CL array. nlist=> length of atmospheric data array (altitude) altitudeLower = lowerConditions[0] latitudeLower = lowerConditions[1] longitudeLower = lowerConditions[2] flagLower = lowerConditions[8] vrelmagLower = lowerConditions[3] if (altitudefinal<0)and(altitudeLower<0): # calculating radius thetaLength = 20 rLength = 20 deltaLon = longitudefinal - longitudeLower deltaLat = latitudefinal - latitudeLower rmax = max(1.,(deltaLat**2+deltaLat**2)**.5) #+ .5 # .5 added to be conservative rmin = 0.0 centerLon = .5*(longitudefinal + longitudeLower) centerLat = .5*(latitudefinal + latitudeLower) theta = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,thetaLength) r = np.linspace(rmin,rmax,rLength) rMesh,thetaMesh = np.meshgrid(r,theta) xlon = rMesh*np.cos(thetaMesh) + centerLon ylat = rMesh*np.sin(theta) + centerLat boundsOption = 1 popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,xlon,ylat,xMax,yMax,boundsOption,[ncols,nrows,rLength,thetaLength]) val = np.sum(popMatrix) if val < 1e-16: dangerZone = 0 else : dangerZone = 1 elif (altitudeLower>0)and(altitudefinal>0): dangerZone = 0 # debris will be in orbit elif altitudeLower<0 : thetaLength = 20 rLength = 20 rmax = 2.5 # conservative bound for upper level case rmin = 0.0 centerLon = longitudeLower centerLat = latitudeLower theta = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,thetaLength) r = np.linspace(rmin,rmax,rLength) rMesh,thetaMesh = np.meshgrid(r,theta) xlon = rMesh*np.cos(thetaMesh) + centerLon ylat = rMesh*np.sin(theta) + centerLat boundsOption = 1 popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,xlon,ylat,xMax,yMax,boundsOption,[ncols,nrows,rLength,thetaLength]) val = np.sum(popMatrix) if val < 1e-16: dangerZone = 0 else : dangerZone = 1 print rmax,val,centerLon,centerLat # print xlon # print ylat return dangerZone
def checkStateVector(Vmag, gamma, beta, lat, long, alt, lonRef, latRef, mainVelRelOption, Vdebris, ballMin, ballMax, altitudeList, densitylist, key, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, nrows, ncols, xMax, yMax): #################################################### MAIN CALL TO DEBRIS PROPAGATOR ############################################################################# #print ballMax,ballMin initialposition = np.array([lat, long, alt, lonRef, latRef]) mainVel = np.array([Vmag + Vdebris, gamma, beta]) #mainVelRelOption = 1 # 0 for main Vehicle inertial velocity, 1 for main vehicle relative to rotating planet velocity debrisRelVel = np.array([0, 0, 0]) loverd = 0 ## Debris Modeling Options cloption = 0 # 1 =>using CL value instead of LoverD for computing Lift force, 0 => use LoverD value for lift calculation planetModel = 0 #0 for spherical, 1 for oblate geoptions = 0 # atmosoption = -1 # -1 Vacuum, 0 exp density, 1 gram density, 2 gram wind and density cl = 0. aref = 1. mass = 1. cd = mass / (ballMin * aref) minfcd = 1. minfcl = 1. #altitudeList = 1. #densitylist = 1. #ulist = 1. #vlist = 1. #wlist = 1. filename = 'piece1' #print ballMin,ballMax ncd = 1 ncl = 1 nlist = len(densitylist) zerolist = np.zeros((nlist)) ulist = zerolist vlist = zerolist wlist = zerolist #print nlist finalConditions = DP.debrispropagation( initialposition, mainVel, mainVelRelOption, debrisRelVel, mass, aref, # debris piece state vector wrt to main vehicle minfcd, cd, cloption, minfcl, cl, loverd, # aerodynamic inputs atmosoption, altitudeList, # dt for RK4, angrate for tumbling debris. Atmospheric options densitylist, ulist, vlist, wlist, # atmospheric profile geoptions, filename, planetModel, [ncd, ncl, nlist] ) # geoptions & filename used for Google Earth visualiation. ncd => length of CD array # ncl => length of CL array. nlist=> length of atmospheric data array (altitude) filename = 'piece2' altitudefinal = finalConditions[0] latitudefinal = finalConditions[1] longitudefinal = finalConditions[2] flag = finalConditions[8] vrelmag = finalConditions[3] mainVel = np.array([Vmag - Vdebris, gamma, beta]) cd = mass / (ballMax * aref) atmosoption = 1 # -1 Vacuum, 0 exp density, 1 gram density, 2 gram wind and density lowerConditions = DP.debrispropagation( initialposition, mainVel, mainVelRelOption, debrisRelVel, mass, aref, # debris piece state vector wrt to main vehicle minfcd, cd, cloption, minfcl, cl, loverd, # aerodynamic inputs atmosoption, altitudeList, # dt for RK4, angrate for tumbling debris. Atmospheric options densitylist, ulist, vlist, wlist, # atmospheric profile geoptions, filename, planetModel, [ncd, ncl, nlist] ) # geoptions & filename used for Google Earth visualiation. ncd => length of CD array # ncl => length of CL array. nlist=> length of atmospheric data array (altitude) altitudeLower = lowerConditions[0] latitudeLower = lowerConditions[1] longitudeLower = lowerConditions[2] flagLower = lowerConditions[8] vrelmagLower = lowerConditions[3] if (altitudefinal < 0) and (altitudeLower < 0): # calculating radius thetaLength = 20 rLength = 20 deltaLon = longitudefinal - longitudeLower deltaLat = latitudefinal - latitudeLower rmax = max(1., (deltaLat**2 + deltaLat**2)**.5) #+ .5 # .5 added to be conservative rmin = 0.0 centerLon = .5 * (longitudefinal + longitudeLower) centerLat = .5 * (latitudefinal + latitudeLower) theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, thetaLength) r = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, rLength) rMesh, thetaMesh = np.meshgrid(r, theta) xlon = rMesh * np.cos(thetaMesh) + centerLon ylat = rMesh * np.sin(theta) + centerLat boundsOption = 1 popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, xlon, ylat, xMax, yMax, boundsOption, [ncols, nrows, rLength, thetaLength]) val = np.sum(popMatrix) if val < 1e-16: dangerZone = 0 else: dangerZone = 1 elif (altitudeLower > 0) and (altitudefinal > 0): dangerZone = 0 # debris will be in orbit elif altitudeLower < 0: thetaLength = 20 rLength = 20 rmax = 2.5 # conservative bound for upper level case rmin = 0.0 centerLon = longitudeLower centerLat = latitudeLower theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, thetaLength) r = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, rLength) rMesh, thetaMesh = np.meshgrid(r, theta) xlon = rMesh * np.cos(thetaMesh) + centerLon ylat = rMesh * np.sin(theta) + centerLat boundsOption = 1 popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, xlon, ylat, xMax, yMax, boundsOption, [ncols, nrows, rLength, thetaLength]) val = np.sum(popMatrix) if val < 1e-16: dangerZone = 0 else: dangerZone = 1 print rmax, val, centerLon, centerLat # print xlon # print ylat return dangerZone
def calculateEcMatrixShelteringWeighted(lonlat,delta,populationClass, boundsOption,weightArray,massSum,massTotal, polygon=None,ArefList = None,massList=None,CDref = 1.0,debrisClass = None): # calculates Ec by calculating pdf in P frame, then get corresponding population density for P frame. #massSum is the added mass for all sampled debris pieces #massTotal is the actual physical mass for the debris group...constrained by the vehicle size # nSamplesModeled is not necessary equal to the number of samples in lonlat..because #some pieces might be in orbit, or would not cause a casualty. It is needed to calculate the weights in the KDE import safetyMetrics as SMF # this version uses the rotated pdf (actual lon lat coordinates) nSamples,otherdim = np.shape(lonlat) if nSamples==0: return 0,[],[],[] popOrigArea = populationClass.cellsize**2 areapop = delta*delta #mc = massSum/float(nSamplesModeled) #kt = massTotal/mc #print kt kt = (massTotal/massSum)*float(nSamples) # this takes into account that sometimes pieces of debris do not make it to the ground (e.g in orbit). # It adjusts the (1/n_pdf) term in the pdf calculation to 1/n_modeled #exit() print 'setting kde' lonlatPframe,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,U,xMeshP,yMeshP,transformDetails,areaInt = pdfSetup(lonlat=lonlat,nSamples=nSamples, delta=delta,pdfoption='kde') ylen,xlen = np.shape(xMeshP) if populationClass.keyDen ==None: popMatrix,xmatlocations,ymatlocations = SMF.agsgetdensity(populationClass.keyPop,populationClass.keyArea, populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh, populationClass.xMax,populationClass.yMax, boundsOption,[populationClass.ncols,populationClass.nrows,xlen,ylen]) else: popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(populationClass.keyDen,populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,populationClass.xMax, populationClass.yMax,boundsOption) xmatlocations = [] ymatlocations = [] if polygon!=None: xpol = polygon[0] ypol = polygon[1] matout = SMF.checkpolygon(lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,xpol,ypol) desval = 0.0 popMatrix = SMF.updatematpolygon(lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,xpol,ypol,popMatrix,desval) ''' print matout print lonOrMesh print latOrMesh plt.plot(lonlat[:,0],lonlat[:,1],'x') plt.plot(xpol,ypol) ''' # adjusting population density maps to account for exclusion zones # a ''' plt.figure() CS=plt.contourf(lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,popMatrix) locs,labels = plt.xticks() plt.xticks(locs, map(lambda x: "%.8f" % x, locs)) locs,labels = plt.yticks() plt.yticks(locs, map(lambda x: "%.8f" % x, locs)) plt.colorbar(CS) ''' print 'pop1Mat',np.sum(popMatrix) if np.sum(popMatrix)>0.0: ''' pdfoption = 'kde' lonPMesh,latPMesh,ZZpdfPframe,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh = getPDFfromSetup(nSamples,pdfoption,lonlatPframe,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,U,xMeshP,yMeshP) levels = np.linspace(np.min(ZZpdfPframe),np.max(ZZpdfPframe),30) plt.figure() plt.contourf(lonPMesh,latPMesh,ZZpdfPframe,50) plt.plot(lonlatPframe[:,0],lonlatPframe[:,1],'rx') ''' # now divide into ballistic coefficient groups nAref,nmass,nlonlat,nweightArray =groupBallisticCoeff(ArefList=ArefList,massList=massList,lonlat=lonlat,weight=weightArray,CDref=CDref) nSamplesTotal = 0.0 ZZpdfPframe = 0.0 for index in range(len(nAref)): lonlatPframe = originalFrame2Pframe(nlonlat[index],U) weightArray = nweightArray[index] nSamplesloc = len(weightArray) nSamplesTotal = nSamplesloc + nSamplesTotal print nSamplesloc if nSamplesloc<=10: print 'Error: Adjust debris catalog. Current samples for this subgroup (rearranged by ballistic coeff) <10 samples ' print 'Try subdiviging this debris group or add more samples' print 'Check debris catalog', exit(2) #print lonlatPframe lonPMesh,latPMesh,ZZpdfPframetemp,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh = getWeightedPDFfromSetup(nSamplesloc,lonlatPframe,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,U,xMeshP,yMeshP,weightArray) print 'temp1PDF',np.sum(ZZpdfPframetemp) ZZpdfPframe = float(nSamplesloc)*ZZpdfPframetemp + ZZpdfPframe minDen = np.min(popMatrix[popMatrix>0]) popMatrix[popMatrix<=0.] = 0.0#0.000000001*minDen ZZpdfPframe = (1./float(nSamplesTotal))*ZZpdfPframe Ec,Ecmatrix = getEc(popMatrix,ZZpdfPframe,areaInt) Ec = Ec*kt Ecmatrix = Ecmatrix*kt else: print 'No pdf calc',np.sum(popMatrix) Ec = 0.0 #Ec2 = 0.0 xmatlocations = [1] ymatlocations = [1] Ecmatrix = np.zeros((1,1)) return Ec,Ecmatrix,xmatlocations,ymatlocations#,Ec2
def checkStateVector(stateVec, Vdeb, planetModel, dt, thetag, populationData): key, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, xMax, yMax, ncols, nrows = populationData # def checkStateVector(Vmag,gamma,beta,lat,long,alt,lonRef,latRef,mainVelRelOption,Vdebris,ballMin,ballMax,altitudeList,densitylist,key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,nrows, ncols,xMax,yMax): massval = 1.0 arefval = 1.0 minfcdval = 1.0 CDval = 1.0 minfclval = 1.0 CLval = 0.0 altitudeList = [1.0] densityList = 1.0 uList = 1.0 vList = 1.0 wList = 1.0 ncdval = 1 nclval = 1 nlist = 1 finalConditions = dp.debrispropagation(initialstate=stateVec, debrisvel=Vdeb, mass=massval, sref=arefval, minfcd=minfcdval, cd=CDval, cloption=1, minfcl=minfclval, cl=CLval, loverd=0, atmosoption=-1, altitudelist=altitudeList, densitylist=densityList, ulist=uList, vlist=vList, wlist=wList, geoptions=0, filename='none', planetmodel=planetModel, dtinterval=dt, thetag0=thetag, ncd=ncdval, ncl=nclval, nlist=len(altitudeList)) altitudefinal = finalConditions[0] latitudefinal = finalConditions[1] longitudefinal = finalConditions[2] ballMin = 0.1 cd = massval / (ballMin * arefval) atmosoption = 1 # -1 Vacuum, 0 exp density, 1 gram density, 2 gram wind and density lowerConditions = dp.debrispropagation(initialstate=stateVec, debrisvel=Vdeb, mass=massval, sref=arefval, minfcd=minfcdval, cd=CDval, cloption=1, minfcl=minfclval, cl=CLval, loverd=0, atmosoption=0, altitudelist=altitudeList, densitylist=densityList, ulist=uList, vlist=vList, wlist=wList, geoptions=0, filename='none', planetmodel=planetModel, dtinterval=dt, thetag0=thetag, ncd=ncdval, ncl=nclval, nlist=len(altitudeList)) altitudeLower = lowerConditions[0] latitudeLower = lowerConditions[1] longitudeLower = lowerConditions[2] if (altitudefinal < 0) and (altitudeLower < 0): # calculating radius thetaLength = 20 rLength = 20 deltaLon = longitudefinal - longitudeLower deltaLat = latitudefinal - latitudeLower rmax = max(1., (deltaLon**2 + deltaLat**2)**.5) #+ .5 # .5 added to be conservative rmin = 0.0 centerLon = .5 * (longitudefinal + longitudeLower) centerLat = .5 * (latitudefinal + latitudeLower) theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, thetaLength) r = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, rLength) rMesh, thetaMesh = np.meshgrid(r, theta) xlon = rMesh * np.cos(thetaMesh) + centerLon ylat = rMesh * np.sin(theta) + centerLat boundsOption = 1 popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, xlon, ylat, xMax, yMax, boundsOption, [ncols, nrows, rLength, thetaLength]) val = np.sum(popMatrix) if val < 1e-16: dangerZone = 0 else: dangerZone = 1 elif (altitudeLower > 0) and (altitudefinal > 0): dangerZone = 0 # debris will be in orbit elif altitudeLower < 0: thetaLength = 20 rLength = 20 rmax = 2.5 # conservative bound for upper level case rmin = 0.0 centerLon = longitudeLower centerLat = latitudeLower theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, thetaLength) r = np.linspace(rmin, rmax, rLength) rMesh, thetaMesh = np.meshgrid(r, theta) xlon = rMesh * np.cos(thetaMesh) + centerLon ylat = rMesh * np.sin(theta) + centerLat boundsOption = 1 popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key, xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, xlon, ylat, xMax, yMax, boundsOption, [ncols, nrows, rLength, thetaLength]) val = np.sum(popMatrix) if val < 1e-16: dangerZone = 0 else: dangerZone = 1 #print rmax,val,centerLon,centerLat # print xlon # print ylat return dangerZone
def checkStateVector(stateVec,Vdeb,planetModel,dt,thetag,populationData): key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,xMax,yMax,ncols,nrows = populationData # def checkStateVector(Vmag,gamma,beta,lat,long,alt,lonRef,latRef,mainVelRelOption,Vdebris,ballMin,ballMax,altitudeList,densitylist,key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,nrows, ncols,xMax,yMax): massval = 1.0 arefval = 1.0 minfcdval = 1.0 CDval = 1.0 minfclval = 1.0 CLval = 0.0 altitudeList = [1.0] densityList = 1.0 uList = 1.0 vList = 1.0 wList = 1.0 ncdval = 1 nclval = 1 nlist = 1 finalConditions = dp.debrispropagation(initialstate = stateVec, debrisvel = Vdeb, mass=massval,sref=arefval,minfcd=minfcdval,cd=CDval,cloption=1, minfcl=minfclval,cl=CLval,loverd = 0,atmosoption=-1,altitudelist=altitudeList, densitylist=densityList,ulist=uList,vlist=vList, wlist=wList,geoptions=0,filename='none',planetmodel=planetModel,dtinterval = dt,thetag0=thetag, ncd=ncdval, ncl=nclval, nlist=len(altitudeList)) altitudefinal = finalConditions[0] latitudefinal = finalConditions[1] longitudefinal = finalConditions[2] ballMin = 0.1 cd = massval/(ballMin*arefval) atmosoption = 1# -1 Vacuum, 0 exp density, 1 gram density, 2 gram wind and density lowerConditions = dp.debrispropagation(initialstate = stateVec, debrisvel = Vdeb, mass=massval,sref=arefval,minfcd=minfcdval,cd=CDval,cloption=1, minfcl=minfclval,cl=CLval,loverd = 0,atmosoption=0,altitudelist=altitudeList, densitylist=densityList,ulist=uList,vlist=vList, wlist=wList,geoptions=0,filename='none',planetmodel=planetModel,dtinterval = dt,thetag0=thetag, ncd=ncdval, ncl=nclval, nlist=len(altitudeList)) altitudeLower = lowerConditions[0] latitudeLower = lowerConditions[1] longitudeLower = lowerConditions[2] if (altitudefinal<0)and(altitudeLower<0): # calculating radius thetaLength = 20 rLength = 20 deltaLon = longitudefinal - longitudeLower deltaLat = latitudefinal - latitudeLower rmax = max(1.,(deltaLon**2+deltaLat**2)**.5) #+ .5 # .5 added to be conservative rmin = 0.0 centerLon = .5*(longitudefinal + longitudeLower) centerLat = .5*(latitudefinal + latitudeLower) theta = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,thetaLength) r = np.linspace(rmin,rmax,rLength) rMesh,thetaMesh = np.meshgrid(r,theta) xlon = rMesh*np.cos(thetaMesh) + centerLon ylat = rMesh*np.sin(theta) + centerLat boundsOption = 1 popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,xlon,ylat,xMax,yMax,boundsOption,[ncols,nrows,rLength,thetaLength]) val = np.sum(popMatrix) if val < 1e-16: dangerZone = 0 else : dangerZone = 1 elif (altitudeLower>0)and(altitudefinal>0): dangerZone = 0 # debris will be in orbit elif altitudeLower<0 : thetaLength = 20 rLength = 20 rmax = 2.5 # conservative bound for upper level case rmin = 0.0 centerLon = longitudeLower centerLat = latitudeLower theta = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,thetaLength) r = np.linspace(rmin,rmax,rLength) rMesh,thetaMesh = np.meshgrid(r,theta) xlon = rMesh*np.cos(thetaMesh) + centerLon ylat = rMesh*np.sin(theta) + centerLat boundsOption = 1 popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(key,xllcorner,yllcorner,cellsize,xlon,ylat,xMax,yMax,boundsOption,[ncols,nrows,rLength,thetaLength]) val = np.sum(popMatrix) if val < 1e-16: dangerZone = 0 else : dangerZone = 1 #print rmax,val,centerLon,centerLat # print xlon # print ylat return dangerZone
def calculateEcMatrixShelteringWeighted(lonlat,populationClass,weightArray, E_N_simulated,V_N_simulated,fractionOnGround=1.0,boundsOption=1,delta = None,nMesh = None, polygon=None,ArefList = None,massList=None,CDref = 1.0, debrisClass = None , variance = False): # calculates Ec by calculating pdf in P frame, then get corresponding population density for P frame. # E_N_simulated is the expected number of debris pieces from the debris group # V_N_simulated is the variance of the number of debris pieces from the debris group # fractionOnground is the fraction of the debris pieces that impact the ground (pieces could reach orbit) # this version uses the rotated pdf (actual lon lat coordinates) nSamples,otherdim = np.shape(lonlat) E_N_ground = fractionOnGround*E_N_simulated V_N_ground = (fractionOnGround**2.0) * V_N_simulated if nSamples==0 or np.sum(weightArray)==0: return 0,[],[],[],0 ################################################################################################ #making sure we have distributions and not just point landing in the same location #KDE cannot handle points landing in the same location lonCheck = lonlat[:,0] latCheck = lonlat[:,1] maxlon = lonCheck.max() minlon = lonCheck.min() maxlat = latCheck.max() minlat = latCheck.min() dlon = maxlon - minlon dlat = maxlat - minlat #special case....deterministic point.. KDE not necessary if (dlon*dlat<=10**-25): lonOrMesh = [lonCheck.mean()] latOrMesh = [latCheck.mean()] if populationClass.keyDen ==None: popMatrix,xmatlocations,ymatlocations = SMF.agsgetdensity(populationClass.keyPop,populationClass.keyArea, populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh, populationClass.xMax,populationClass.yMax, boundsOption)#,[populationClass.ncols,populationClass.nrows,xlen,ylen]) else: popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(populationClass.keyDen,populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,populationClass.xMax, populationClass.yMax,boundsOption) xmatlocations = [] ymatlocations = [] #popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(populationClass.keyDen,populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, # populationClass.cellsize,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,populationClass.xMax, # populationClass.yMax,boundsOption) if polygon!=None: xpol = polygon[0] ypol = polygon[1] matout = SMF.checkpolygon(lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,xpol,ypol) desval = 0.0 popMatrix = SMF.updatematpolygon(lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,xpol,ypol,popMatrix,desval) km2_to_m_2 = (1000.0)**2.0 Ec = np.sum(weightArray)/nSamples *(popMatrix[0][0]/km2_to_m_2)*E_N_ground return Ec,[],[],[],0 ################################################################################################ popOrigArea = populationClass.cellsize**2 (PframeVals,OrFrameVals,rotVals) = pdfSetup(lonlat,pdfoption='kde',delta=delta,nMesh=nMesh) [xMeshP,yMeshP,lonlatPframe] = PframeVals [lonOrMesh,latOrMesh] = OrFrameVals [U,transformDetails,areaInt] = rotVals ylen,xlen = np.shape(xMeshP) if populationClass.keyDen ==None: popMatrix,xmatlocations,ymatlocations = SMF.agsgetdensity(populationClass.keyPop,populationClass.keyArea, populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh, populationClass.xMax,populationClass.yMax, boundsOption)#,[populationClass.ncols,populationClass.nrows,xlen,ylen]) else: popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(populationClass.keyDen,populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,populationClass.xMax, populationClass.yMax,boundsOption) xmatlocations = [] ymatlocations = [] if polygon!=None: xpol = polygon[0] ypol = polygon[1] matout = SMF.checkpolygon(lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,xpol,ypol) desval = 0.0 popMatrix = SMF.updatematpolygon(lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,xpol,ypol,popMatrix,desval) if np.sum(popMatrix)>0.0: #print 'A0',len(ArefList) # now divide into ballistic coefficient groups nAref,nmass,nlonlat,nweightArray =groupBallisticCoeff(ArefList=ArefList,massList=massList,lonlat=lonlat,weight=weightArray,CDref=CDref) nSamplesTotal = 0.0 ZZpdfPframe = 0.0 ZZpdfPframe_sq = 0.0 Vc = 0.0 for index in range(len(nAref)): lonlatPframe = originalFrame2Pframe(nlonlat[index],U) weightArrayLocal = nweightArray[index] nSamplesloc = len(weightArrayLocal) nSamplesTotal = nSamplesloc + nSamplesTotal if nSamplesloc<=10: print 'Error: Adjust debris catalog. Current samples for this subgroup (rearranged by ballistic coeff) <10 samples ' print 'Try subdiviging this debris group or add more samples' print 'Check debris catalog',,nSamplesloc print 'Weight Array',weightArrayLocal exit(2) ZZpdfPframetemp = getWeightedPDFfromSetup(lonlatPframe,xMeshP,yMeshP,weightArrayLocal) percentPDF = float(nSamplesloc)/float(nSamples) assert (percentPDF<=1.0) ZZpdfPframe = percentPDF*ZZpdfPframetemp + ZZpdfPframe ZZpdfPframetemp_sq = getWeightedPDFfromSetup(lonlatPframe,xMeshP,yMeshP,weightArrayLocal**2.0) ZZpdfPframe_sq = percentPDF*ZZpdfPframetemp_sq + ZZpdfPframe_sq [[Ecsingle,Ecmatrixsingle],Vcsingle] = getEcVc(popMatrix,ZZpdfPframe,areaInt,ZZpdfPframe_sq) Ec = Ecsingle*E_N_ground Vc = (Vcsingle*E_N_ground) + (V_N_ground * Ecsingle**2.0) # variance computation Ecmatrix = Ecmatrixsingle*E_N_ground else: print 'No pdf calc',np.sum(popMatrix) Ec = 0.0 Vc = 0.0 #Ec2 = 0.0 xmatlocations = [1] ymatlocations = [1] Ecmatrix = np.zeros((1,1)) return Ec,Ecmatrix,xmatlocations,ymatlocations,Vc
def calculateEcBlast(lon,lat,populationClass,boundsOption,rad_Exp_Blast,angleDegBlast,polygon=None,desval=0.0 ): # TO DO...update to use classes instead of list for population import safetyMetrics as SMF import orbitTools #km2_to_m_2 = (1000.0)**2.0 m2_to_km2 = 1/(1000.0)**2.0 #print lon,lat,angleDegBlast,rad_Exp_Blast # starting a mesh for blast overpressure lonVec = np.linspace(lon - 1.2*angleDegBlast,lon + 1.2*angleDegBlast,50) latVec = np.linspace(lat - 1.2*angleDegBlast,lat + 1.2*angleDegBlast,52) RplanetCirc = 6371000.8 # meters spherical Earth dlon = ( lonVec[1] - lonVec[0]) * np.pi/180. dlat = (latVec[1] - latVec[0]) * np.pi/180. lonMesh,latMesh = np.meshgrid(lonVec,latVec) try: popdensity,xMatLoc,yMatLoc = SMF.agsgetdensity(populationClass.keyPop,populationClass.keyArea, populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize,lonMesh,latMesh, populationClass.xMax,populationClass.yMax,boundsOption) except: popdensity = SMF.agsgetvals(populationClass.keyDen,populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize,lonMesh,latMesh,populationClass.xMax, populationClass.yMax,boundsOption) if polygon!=None: xpol = polygon[0] ypol = polygon[1] matout = SMF.checkpolygon(lonMesh,latMesh,xpol,ypol) popdensity = SMF.updatematpolygon(lonMesh,latMesh,xpol,ypol,popdensity,desval) Ac = (dlon*dlat)*( RplanetCirc**2) * np.cos(latMesh*np.pi/180.) r0= orbitTools.latlonalt2ECEF(lat,lon,0,0) rX,rY,rZ = orbitTools.latlonalt2ECEF(latMesh,lonMesh,0.,0) distMat = ((rX-r0[0])**2 + (rY-r0[1])**2 + (rZ-r0[2])**2)**.5 indexSphere = distMat > rad_Exp_Blast Ac[indexSphere] = 0.0 casualties = popdensity * (Ac*m2_to_km2) #print np.sum(Ac)*m2_to_km2 #currPopulation = np.asarray(deepcopy(populationClass.keyPop),order='F') # making sure it is Fortran ordered #print 'P1',populationClass.keyPop[xMatLoc,yMatLoc] #row,col = np.shape(xMatLoc) # population was being updated every single time #for i in range(row): # for j in range(col): # populationClass.keyPop[xMatLoc[i,j],yMatLoc[i,j]] = max(populationClass.keyPop[xMatLoc[i,j],yMatLoc[i,j]]- casualties[i,j],0.0) # updating population counts #print 'P2',populationClass.keyPop[xMatLoc,yMatLoc] #print 'Popden',popdensity #print np.sum(casualties),np.sum(Ac),rad_Exp_Blast**2*np.pi return np.sum(casualties) , populationClass
def calculateEcMatrixShelteringWeighted(lonlat, populationClass, weightArray, E_N_simulated, V_N_simulated, fractionOnGround=1.0, boundsOption=1, delta=None, nMesh=None, polygon=None, ArefList=None, massList=None, CDref=1.0, debrisClass=None, variance=False): # calculates Ec by calculating pdf in P frame, then get corresponding population density for P frame. # E_N_simulated is the expected number of debris pieces from the debris group # V_N_simulated is the variance of the number of debris pieces from the debris group # fractionOnground is the fraction of the debris pieces that impact the ground (pieces could reach orbit) # this version uses the rotated pdf (actual lon lat coordinates) nSamples, otherdim = np.shape(lonlat) E_N_ground = fractionOnGround * E_N_simulated V_N_ground = (fractionOnGround**2.0) * V_N_simulated if nSamples == 0 or np.sum(weightArray) == 0: return 0, [], [], [], 0 ################################################################################################ #making sure we have distributions and not just point landing in the same location #KDE cannot handle points landing in the same location lonCheck = lonlat[:, 0] latCheck = lonlat[:, 1] maxlon = lonCheck.max() minlon = lonCheck.min() maxlat = latCheck.max() minlat = latCheck.min() dlon = maxlon - minlon dlat = maxlat - minlat #special case....deterministic point.. KDE not necessary if (dlon * dlat <= 10**-25): lonOrMesh = [lonCheck.mean()] latOrMesh = [latCheck.mean()] if populationClass.keyDen == None: popMatrix, xmatlocations, ymatlocations = SMF.agsgetdensity( populationClass.keyPop, populationClass.keyArea, populationClass.xllcorner, populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize, lonOrMesh, latOrMesh, populationClass.xMax, populationClass.yMax, boundsOption ) #,[populationClass.ncols,populationClass.nrows,xlen,ylen]) else: popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(populationClass.keyDen, populationClass.xllcorner, populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize, lonOrMesh, latOrMesh, populationClass.xMax, populationClass.yMax, boundsOption) xmatlocations = [] ymatlocations = [] #popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(populationClass.keyDen,populationClass.xllcorner,populationClass.yllcorner, # populationClass.cellsize,lonOrMesh,latOrMesh,populationClass.xMax, # populationClass.yMax,boundsOption) if polygon != None: xpol = polygon[0] ypol = polygon[1] matout = SMF.checkpolygon(lonOrMesh, latOrMesh, xpol, ypol) desval = 0.0 popMatrix = SMF.updatematpolygon(lonOrMesh, latOrMesh, xpol, ypol, popMatrix, desval) km2_to_m_2 = (1000.0)**2.0 Ec = np.sum(weightArray) / nSamples * (popMatrix[0][0] / km2_to_m_2) * E_N_ground return Ec, [], [], [], 0 ################################################################################################ popOrigArea = populationClass.cellsize**2 (PframeVals, OrFrameVals, rotVals) = pdfSetup(lonlat, pdfoption='kde', delta=delta, nMesh=nMesh) [xMeshP, yMeshP, lonlatPframe] = PframeVals [lonOrMesh, latOrMesh] = OrFrameVals [U, transformDetails, areaInt] = rotVals ylen, xlen = np.shape(xMeshP) if populationClass.keyDen == None: popMatrix, xmatlocations, ymatlocations = SMF.agsgetdensity( populationClass.keyPop, populationClass.keyArea, populationClass.xllcorner, populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize, lonOrMesh, latOrMesh, populationClass.xMax, populationClass.yMax, boundsOption ) #,[populationClass.ncols,populationClass.nrows,xlen,ylen]) else: popMatrix = SMF.agsgetvals(populationClass.keyDen, populationClass.xllcorner, populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize, lonOrMesh, latOrMesh, populationClass.xMax, populationClass.yMax, boundsOption) xmatlocations = [] ymatlocations = [] if polygon != None: xpol = polygon[0] ypol = polygon[1] matout = SMF.checkpolygon(lonOrMesh, latOrMesh, xpol, ypol) desval = 0.0 popMatrix = SMF.updatematpolygon(lonOrMesh, latOrMesh, xpol, ypol, popMatrix, desval) if np.sum(popMatrix) > 0.0: #print 'A0',len(ArefList) # now divide into ballistic coefficient groups nAref, nmass, nlonlat, nweightArray = groupBallisticCoeff( ArefList=ArefList, massList=massList, lonlat=lonlat, weight=weightArray, CDref=CDref) nSamplesTotal = 0.0 ZZpdfPframe = 0.0 ZZpdfPframe_sq = 0.0 Vc = 0.0 for index in range(len(nAref)): lonlatPframe = originalFrame2Pframe(nlonlat[index], U) weightArrayLocal = nweightArray[index] nSamplesloc = len(weightArrayLocal) nSamplesTotal = nSamplesloc + nSamplesTotal if nSamplesloc <= 10: print 'Error: Adjust debris catalog. Current samples for this subgroup (rearranged by ballistic coeff) <10 samples ' print 'Try subdiviging this debris group or add more samples' print 'Check debris catalog',, nSamplesloc print 'Weight Array', weightArrayLocal exit(2) ZZpdfPframetemp = getWeightedPDFfromSetup(lonlatPframe, xMeshP, yMeshP, weightArrayLocal) percentPDF = float(nSamplesloc) / float(nSamples) assert (percentPDF <= 1.0) ZZpdfPframe = percentPDF * ZZpdfPframetemp + ZZpdfPframe ZZpdfPframetemp_sq = getWeightedPDFfromSetup( lonlatPframe, xMeshP, yMeshP, weightArrayLocal**2.0) ZZpdfPframe_sq = percentPDF * ZZpdfPframetemp_sq + ZZpdfPframe_sq [[Ecsingle, Ecmatrixsingle], Vcsingle] = getEcVc(popMatrix, ZZpdfPframe, areaInt, ZZpdfPframe_sq) Ec = Ecsingle * E_N_ground Vc = (Vcsingle * E_N_ground) + (V_N_ground * Ecsingle**2.0 ) # variance computation Ecmatrix = Ecmatrixsingle * E_N_ground else: print 'No pdf calc', np.sum(popMatrix) Ec = 0.0 Vc = 0.0 #Ec2 = 0.0 xmatlocations = [1] ymatlocations = [1] Ecmatrix = np.zeros((1, 1)) return Ec, Ecmatrix, xmatlocations, ymatlocations, Vc
def calculateEcBlast(lon, lat, populationClass, boundsOption, rad_Exp_Blast, angleDegBlast, polygon=None, desval=0.0): # TO DO...update to use classes instead of list for population import safetyMetrics as SMF import orbitTools #km2_to_m_2 = (1000.0)**2.0 m2_to_km2 = 1 / (1000.0)**2.0 #print lon,lat,angleDegBlast,rad_Exp_Blast # starting a mesh for blast overpressure lonVec = np.linspace(lon - 1.2 * angleDegBlast, lon + 1.2 * angleDegBlast, 50) latVec = np.linspace(lat - 1.2 * angleDegBlast, lat + 1.2 * angleDegBlast, 52) RplanetCirc = 6371000.8 # meters spherical Earth dlon = (lonVec[1] - lonVec[0]) * np.pi / 180. dlat = (latVec[1] - latVec[0]) * np.pi / 180. lonMesh, latMesh = np.meshgrid(lonVec, latVec) try: popdensity, xMatLoc, yMatLoc = SMF.agsgetdensity( populationClass.keyPop, populationClass.keyArea, populationClass.xllcorner, populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize, lonMesh, latMesh, populationClass.xMax, populationClass.yMax, boundsOption) except: popdensity = SMF.agsgetvals(populationClass.keyDen, populationClass.xllcorner, populationClass.yllcorner, populationClass.cellsize, lonMesh, latMesh, populationClass.xMax, populationClass.yMax, boundsOption) if polygon != None: xpol = polygon[0] ypol = polygon[1] matout = SMF.checkpolygon(lonMesh, latMesh, xpol, ypol) popdensity = SMF.updatematpolygon(lonMesh, latMesh, xpol, ypol, popdensity, desval) Ac = (dlon * dlat) * (RplanetCirc**2) * np.cos(latMesh * np.pi / 180.) r0 = orbitTools.latlonalt2ECEF(lat, lon, 0, 0) rX, rY, rZ = orbitTools.latlonalt2ECEF(latMesh, lonMesh, 0., 0) distMat = ((rX - r0[0])**2 + (rY - r0[1])**2 + (rZ - r0[2])**2)**.5 indexSphere = distMat > rad_Exp_Blast Ac[indexSphere] = 0.0 casualties = popdensity * (Ac * m2_to_km2) #print np.sum(Ac)*m2_to_km2 #currPopulation = np.asarray(deepcopy(populationClass.keyPop),order='F') # making sure it is Fortran ordered #print 'P1',populationClass.keyPop[xMatLoc,yMatLoc] #row,col = np.shape(xMatLoc) # population was being updated every single time #for i in range(row): # for j in range(col): # populationClass.keyPop[xMatLoc[i,j],yMatLoc[i,j]] = max(populationClass.keyPop[xMatLoc[i,j],yMatLoc[i,j]]- casualties[i,j],0.0) # updating population counts #print 'P2',populationClass.keyPop[xMatLoc,yMatLoc] #print 'Popden',popdensity #print np.sum(casualties),np.sum(Ac),rad_Exp_Blast**2*np.pi return np.sum(casualties), populationClass