Пример #1
def affine_transformations_line(R, names=['X', 'Y'], representation='bracket'):
    The Lie algebra of affine transformations of the line.


        sage: L = lie_algebras.affine_transformations_line(QQ)
        sage: L.structure_coefficients()
        Finite family {('X', 'Y'): Y}
        sage: X, Y = L.lie_algebra_generators()
        sage: L[X, Y] == Y
        sage: TestSuite(L).run()
        sage: L = lie_algebras.affine_transformations_line(QQ, representation="matrix")
        sage: X, Y = L.lie_algebra_generators()
        sage: L[X, Y] == Y
        sage: TestSuite(L).run()
    if isinstance(names, str):
        names = names.split(',')
    names = tuple(names)
    if representation == 'matrix':
        from sage.matrix.matrix_space import MatrixSpace
        MS = MatrixSpace(R, 2, sparse=True)
        one = R.one()
        gens = tuple(MS({(0, i): one}) for i in range(2))
        from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.lie_algebra import LieAlgebraFromAssociative
        return LieAlgebraFromAssociative(MS, gens, names=names)
    X = names[0]
    Y = names[1]
    from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.structure_coefficients import LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients
    s_coeff = {(X, Y): {Y: R.one()}}
    L = LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(R, s_coeff, names=names)
        "Lie algebra of affine transformations of a line over {}".format(R))
    return L
Пример #2
def affine_transformations_line(R, names=['X', 'Y'], representation='bracket'):
    The Lie algebra of affine transformations of the line.


        sage: L = lie_algebras.affine_transformations_line(QQ)
        sage: L.structure_coefficients()
        Finite family {('X', 'Y'): Y}
        sage: X, Y = L.lie_algebra_generators()
        sage: L[X, Y] == Y
        sage: TestSuite(L).run()
        sage: L = lie_algebras.affine_transformations_line(QQ, representation="matrix")
        sage: X, Y = L.lie_algebra_generators()
        sage: L[X, Y] == Y
        sage: TestSuite(L).run()
    if isinstance(names, str):
        names = names.split(',')
    names = tuple(names)
    if representation == 'matrix':
        from sage.matrix.matrix_space import MatrixSpace
        MS = MatrixSpace(R, 2, sparse=True)
        one = R.one()
        gens = tuple(MS({(0,i):one}) for i in range(2))
        from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.lie_algebra import LieAlgebraFromAssociative
        return LieAlgebraFromAssociative(MS, gens, names=names)
    X = names[0]
    Y = names[1]
    from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.structure_coefficients import LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients
    s_coeff = {(X,Y): {Y:R.one()}}
    L = LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(R, s_coeff, names=names)
    L.rename("Lie algebra of affine transformations of a line over {}".format(R))
    return L
Пример #3
def three_dimensional_by_rank(R, n, a=None, names=['X', 'Y', 'Z']):
    Return a 3-dimensional Lie algebra of rank ``n``, where `0 \leq n \leq 3`.

    Here, the *rank* of a Lie algebra `L` is defined as the dimension
    of its derived subalgebra `[L, L]`. (We are assuming that `R` is
    a field of characteristic `0`; otherwise the Lie algebras
    constructed by this function are still well-defined but no longer
    might have the correct ranks.) This is not to be confused with
    the other standard definition of a rank (namely, as the
    dimension of a Cartan subalgebra, when `L` is semisimple).


    - ``R`` -- the base ring
    - ``n`` -- the rank
    - ``a`` -- the deformation parameter (used for `n = 2`); this should
      be a nonzero element of `R` in order for the resulting Lie
      algebra to actually have the right rank(?)
    - ``names`` -- (optional) the generator names


        sage: lie_algebras.three_dimensional_by_rank(QQ, 0)
        Abelian Lie algebra on 3 generators (X, Y, Z) over Rational Field
        sage: L = lie_algebras.three_dimensional_by_rank(QQ, 1)
        sage: L.structure_coefficients()
        Finite family {('Y', 'Z'): X}
        sage: L = lie_algebras.three_dimensional_by_rank(QQ, 2, 4)
        sage: L.structure_coefficients()
        Finite family {('X', 'Y'): Y, ('X', 'Z'): Y + Z}
        sage: L = lie_algebras.three_dimensional_by_rank(QQ, 2, 0)
        sage: L.structure_coefficients()
        Finite family {('X', 'Y'): Y}
        sage: lie_algebras.three_dimensional_by_rank(QQ, 3)
        sl2 over Rational Field
    if isinstance(names, str):
        names = names.split(',')
    names = tuple(names)

    if n == 0:
        from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.abelian import AbelianLieAlgebra
        return AbelianLieAlgebra(R, names=names)

    if n == 1:
        L = three_dimensional(R, 0, 1, 0, 0, names=names) # Strictly upper triangular matrices
        L.rename("Lie algebra of 3x3 strictly upper triangular matrices over {}".format(R))
        return L

    if n == 2:
        if a is None:
            raise ValueError("The parameter 'a' must be specified")
        X = names[0]
        Y = names[1]
        Z = names[2]
        from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.structure_coefficients import LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients
        if a == 0:
            s_coeff = {(X,Y): {Y:R.one()}, (X,Z): {Y:R(a)}}
            # Why use R(a) here if R == 0 ? Also this has rank 1.
            L = LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(R, s_coeff, tuple(names))
            L.rename("Degenerate Lie algebra of dimension 3 and rank 2 over {}".format(R))
            s_coeff = {(X,Y): {Y:R.one()}, (X,Z): {Y:R.one(), Z:R.one()}}
            # a doesn't appear here :/
            L = LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(R, s_coeff, tuple(names))
            L.rename("Lie algebra of dimension 3 and rank 2 with parameter {} over {}".format(a, R))
        return L

    if n == 3:
        #return sl(R, 2)
        from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.structure_coefficients import LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients
        E = names[0]
        F = names[1]
        H = names[2]
        s_coeff = { (E,F): {H:R.one()}, (H,E): {E:R(2)}, (H,F): {F:R(-2)} }
        L = LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(R, s_coeff, tuple(names))
        L.rename("sl2 over {}".format(R))
        return L

    raise ValueError("Invalid rank")
Пример #4
def three_dimensional_by_rank(R, n, a=None, names=['X', 'Y', 'Z']):
    Return a 3-dimensional Lie algebra of rank ``n``, where `0 \leq n \leq 3`.

    Here, the *rank* of a Lie algebra `L` is defined as the dimension
    of its derived subalgebra `[L, L]`. (We are assuming that `R` is
    a field of characteristic `0`; otherwise the Lie algebras
    constructed by this function are still well-defined but no longer
    might have the correct ranks.) This is not to be confused with
    the other standard definition of a rank (namely, as the
    dimension of a Cartan subalgebra, when `L` is semisimple).


    - ``R`` -- the base ring
    - ``n`` -- the rank
    - ``a`` -- the deformation parameter (used for `n = 2`); this should
      be a nonzero element of `R` in order for the resulting Lie
      algebra to actually have the right rank(?)
    - ``names`` -- (optional) the generator names


        sage: lie_algebras.three_dimensional_by_rank(QQ, 0)
        Abelian Lie algebra on 3 generators (X, Y, Z) over Rational Field
        sage: L = lie_algebras.three_dimensional_by_rank(QQ, 1)
        sage: L.structure_coefficients()
        Finite family {('Y', 'Z'): X}
        sage: L = lie_algebras.three_dimensional_by_rank(QQ, 2, 4)
        sage: L.structure_coefficients()
        Finite family {('X', 'Y'): Y, ('X', 'Z'): Y + Z}
        sage: L = lie_algebras.three_dimensional_by_rank(QQ, 2, 0)
        sage: L.structure_coefficients()
        Finite family {('X', 'Y'): Y}
        sage: lie_algebras.three_dimensional_by_rank(QQ, 3)
        sl2 over Rational Field
    if isinstance(names, str):
        names = names.split(',')
    names = tuple(names)

    if n == 0:
        from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.abelian import AbelianLieAlgebra
        return AbelianLieAlgebra(R, names=names)

    if n == 1:
        L = three_dimensional(R, 0, 1, 0, 0, names=names) # Strictly upper triangular matrices
        L.rename("Lie algebra of 3x3 strictly upper triangular matrices over {}".format(R))
        return L

    if n == 2:
        if a is None:
            raise ValueError("The parameter 'a' must be specified")
        X = names[0]
        Y = names[1]
        Z = names[2]
        from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.structure_coefficients import LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients
        if a == 0:
            s_coeff = {(X,Y): {Y:R.one()}, (X,Z): {Y:R(a)}}
            # Why use R(a) here if R == 0 ? Also this has rank 1.
            L = LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(R, s_coeff, tuple(names))
            L.rename("Degenerate Lie algebra of dimension 3 and rank 2 over {}".format(R))
            s_coeff = {(X,Y): {Y:R.one()}, (X,Z): {Y:R.one(), Z:R.one()}}
            # a doesn't appear here :/
            L = LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(R, s_coeff, tuple(names))
            L.rename("Lie algebra of dimension 3 and rank 2 with parameter {} over {}".format(a, R))
        return L

    if n == 3:
        #return sl(R, 2)
        from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.structure_coefficients import LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients
        E = names[0]
        F = names[1]
        H = names[2]
        s_coeff = { (E,F): {H:R.one()}, (H,E): {E:R(2)}, (H,F): {F:R(-2)} }
        L = LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(R, s_coeff, tuple(names))
        L.rename("sl2 over {}".format(R))
        return L

    raise ValueError("Invalid rank")