def main2():
    a = continued_fraction(Integer(17) / Integer(23))
    b = continued_fraction(Integer(6) / Integer(23))
    A = CFF(a)
    B = CFF(b)
    print(A + B)
def main5():
    c = continued_fraction(
        [Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4), Integer(5)])
    print([c.p(n) for n in range(c.length())])
    print([c.q(n) for n in range(c.length())])
def main6():
    c = continued_fraction([Integer(1)] * (8))
    v = [(i, c.p(i) / c.q(i)) for i in range(c.length())]
    P = point(v, rgbcolor=(0, 0, 1), pointsize=40)
    L = line(v, rgbcolor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    L2 = line([(Integer(0), c.value()), (c.length() - Integer(1), c.value())],
              thickness=0.5, rgbcolor=(0.7, 0, 0))
    (L + L2 + P).save(filename="continued_fraction.png")
    print("Graph is saved as continued_fraction.png")
def main4():
    c = continued_fraction(pi)
    for n in range(-1, 13):
        print(c.p(n) * c.q(n - Integer(1)) -
              c.q(n) * c.p(n - Integer(1)), end=' ')
    for n in range(Integer(13)):
        print(c.p(n) * c.q(n - Integer(2)) -
              c.q(n) * c.p(n - Integer(2)), end=' ')
Пример #5
def wiener(e, n):
    m = 12345
    c = pow(m, e, n)

    list1 = continued_fraction(Integer(e) / Integer(n))
    conv = list1.convergents()
    for i in conv:
        d = int(i.denominator())
        m1 = pow(c, d, n)
        if m1 == m:
            return d
Пример #6
def wiener(e, n):
    m = 12345
    c = pow(m, e, n)
    q0 = 1

    list1 = continued_fraction(Integer(e) / Integer(n))
    conv = list1.convergents()
    for i in conv:
        k = i.numerator()
        q1 = i.denominator()

        for r in range(20):
            for s in range(20):
                d = r * q1 + s * q0
                m1 = pow(c, d, n)
                if m1 == m:
                    return d
        q0 = q1
Пример #7
def attack(n, e):
    Recovers the prime factors of a modulus and the private exponent if the private exponent is too small.
    :param n: the modulus
    :param e: the public exponent
    :return: a tuple containing the prime factors of the modulus and the private exponent, or None if the private exponent was not found
    convergents = continued_fraction(Integer(e) / Integer(n)).convergents()
    for c in convergents:
        k = c.numerator()
        d = c.denominator()
        if k == 0 or (e * d - 1) % k != 0:

        phi = (e * d - 1) // k
        factors = known_phi.factorize(n, phi)
        if factors:
            return *factors, d
def attack(n, e, max_s=20000, max_r=100, max_t=100):
    Recovers the prime factors of a modulus and the private exponent if the private exponent is too small.
    More information: Dujella A., "Continued fractions and RSA with small secret exponent"
    :param n: the modulus
    :param e: the public exponent
    :param max_s: the amount of s values to try (default: 20000)
    :param max_r: the amount of r values to try for each s value (default: 100)
    :param max_t: the amount of t values to try for each s value (default: 100)
    :return: a tuple containing the prime factors of the modulus and the private exponent, or None if the private exponent was not found
    i_n = Integer(n)
    i_e = Integer(e)
    threshold = i_e / i_n + (RealNumber(2.122) * i_e) / (i_n * i_n.sqrt())
    convergents = continued_fraction(i_e / i_n).convergents()
    for i in range(1, len(convergents) - 2, 2):
        if convergents[i + 2] < threshold < convergents[i]:
            m = i

    for s in range(max_s):
        for r in range(max_r):
            k = r * convergents[m + 1].numerator() + s * convergents[m + 1].numerator()
            d = r * convergents[m + 1].denominator() + s * convergents[m + 1].denominator()
            if k == 0 or (e * d - 1) % k != 0:

            phi = (e * d - 1) // k
            factors = known_phi.factorize(n, phi)
            if factors:
                return *factors, d

        for t in range(max_t):
            k = s * convergents[m + 2].numerator() - t * convergents[m + 1].numerator()
            d = s * convergents[m + 2].denominator() - t * convergents[m + 1].denominator()
            if k == 0 or (e * d - 1) % k != 0:

            phi = (e * d - 1) // k
            factors = known_phi.factorize(n, phi)
            if factors:
                return *factors, d
def main1():
    print(continued_fraction(Integer(17) / Integer(23)))
    print(continued_fraction_list(e, bits=21))
    print(continued_fraction_list(e, bits=30))
def main3():
    c = continued_fraction(pi)