Пример #1
def lattice_width(vertices):
    if not vertices:
        return ZZ(-1)

    miny = min(y for x, y in vertices)
    maxy = max(y for x, y in vertices)

    # Interval of Y values
    lattice_width = maxy - miny

    # Try to do better than lattice_width: we propose an affine
    # transformation matrix
    # [ a b 0 ]
    # [ d e f ]
    # [ 0 0 1 ]
    # with the goal of minimizing the interval of Y values.
    compute_width = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=False, solver="PPL")
    t = compute_width.new_variable(integer=True)
    lw = compute_width.new_variable(integer=True)[0]

    # We want d >= 1 to ensure that the X-axis gets mapped to some
    # line which is not parallel to the original X-axis. If we keep the
    # X-axis parallel, then we get a lattice width equal to lattice_width
    # which does not give new information. If d >= 1, we are also
    # guaranteed that we can make the transformation matrix invertible.
    compute_width.set_min(t[0], 1)
    for x, y in vertices:
        compute_width.add_constraint(0 <= t[0] * x + t[1] * y + t[2] <= lw)

    return min(compute_width.solve(), lattice_width)
Пример #2
def normalize_vertices(vertices):
    if not vertices:
        return vertices

    lw = lattice_width(vertices)

    # Find all values (d,e,f) of transformation matrices
    # [ a b 0 ]
    # [ d e f ]
    # [ 0 0 1 ]
    # realizing the lattice width.
    compute_width = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=False, solver="PPL")
    t = compute_width.new_variable(integer=True)

    # There are always 2 choices of sign for (d,e) but we want to pick
    # only one. So we assume d >= 0. We still need to take care of the
    # case d == 0 and e < 0 later.
    compute_width.set_min(t[0], 0)

    for x, y in vertices:
        compute_width.add_constraint(0 <= t[0] * x + t[1] * y + t[2] <= lw)

    # Get list of (a,b,d,e,f) transformation matrices
    if lw:
        transformations = []
        for d, e, f in compute_width.polyhedron().integral_points():
            # Take care of sign of (d,e) when d == 0 and skip
            # trivial solution (d,e) == (0,0).
            if d == 0 and e <= 0:

            g, a, b = e.xgcd(-d)   # a e - b d = 1
            assert g == 1
            # Two cases: det=1 and det=-1
            transformations += [(a,b,d,e,f), (-a,-b,d,e,f)]
        # Special case lattice width zero: the "compute_width"
        # polyhedron is a vector line and we want the point on that
        # line with content 1.
        d, e, f = compute_width.polyhedron().lines()[0]
        g = d.gcd(e)
        d, e, f = d/g, e/g, f/g
        g, a, b = e.xgcd(-d)   # a e - b d = 1
        assert g == 1
        transformations = [(a,b,d,e,f)]

    best_llg = None
    candidates = []  # Contains lists of vertices with optimal lattice length
    for a, b, d, e, f in transformations:
        newvertices = [(a * x + b * y, d * x + e * y + f) for x, y in vertices]
        newvertices.sort(key=lambda xy: (xy[1], xy[0]))

        # Assert that the range of Y values is the interval [0,lw]
        assert newvertices[0][1] == 0
        assert newvertices[-1][1] == lw

        # Now move the first vertex to the origin and shear such
        # that all points have positive X-coordinate.
        # Note that this shearing keeps the vertices sorted.
        originx = newvertices[0][0]

        # Now shear by a variable amount. We only need those candidates
        # with minimal lattice length. Remark that lattice length is a
        # convex function of the shear distance.
        if lw:
            maxshear = max((originx - x) / y for x, y in newvertices if y).ceil()
            newvertices = [(x - originx + maxshear * y, y) for x, y in newvertices]
            # All points have Y-coordinate 0: shearing does nothing
            newvertices = [(x - originx, y) for x, y in newvertices]
        newllg = max(x for x, y in newvertices)
        if best_llg is None or newllg < best_llg:
            # We improved the best length: delete all
            # previous candidates
            candidates = []
            best_llg = newllg
        if newllg == best_llg:

        if not lw:

        # Now continue shearing in both directions as long as we do not
        # increase the lattice length.
        for s in [-1, 1]:
            shearvertices = newvertices
            while True:
                originx = min(x + s*y for x, y in shearvertices)
                shearvertices = [(x + s*y - originx, y) for x, y in shearvertices]
                llg = max(x for x, y in shearvertices)
                if llg > newllg:
                if llg < best_llg:
                    # We improved the best length: delete all
                    # previous candidates
                    candidates = []
                    best_llg = llg
                if llg == best_llg:

    candidates180 = []
    for vertices in candidates:
        # Also consider the polygon rotated over 180 degrees. We need
        # this because we considered only 1 sign for (d,e) in the
        # transformation matrix.
        vertices180 = [(best_llg-x, lw-y) for x, y in vertices[::-1]]

    candidates += candidates180

    # Now find the best candidate
    def vertices_key(v):
        k = []
        for x, y in v:
            k += [y, x]
        return k

    return min(candidates, key=vertices_key)