Пример #1
def render_hgm_webpage(args):
    data = None
    info = {}
    if 'label' in args:
        label = clean_input(args['label'])
        C = base.getDBConnection()
        data = C.hgm.motives.find_one({'label': label})
        if data is None:
            bread = get_bread([("Search error", url_for('.search'))])
            info['err'] = "Motive " + label + " was not found in the database."
            info['label'] = label
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        title = 'Hypergeometric Motive:' + label
        A = data['A']
        B = data['B']
        tn,td = data['t']
        t = latex(QQ(str(tn)+'/'+str(td)))
        primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71]
        locinfo = data['locinfo']
        for j in range(len(locinfo)):
            locinfo[j] = [primes[j]] + locinfo[j]
            locinfo[j][2] = poly_with_factored_coeffs(locinfo[j][2], primes[j])
        hodge = data['hodge']
        prop2 = [
            ('Degree', '\(%s\)' % data['degree']),
            ('Weight',  '\(%s\)' % data['weight']),
            ('Conductor', '\(%s\)' % data['cond']),
        # Now add factorization of conductor
        Cond = ZZ(data['cond'])
        if not (Cond.abs().is_prime() or Cond == 1):
            data['cond'] = "%s=%s" % (str(Cond), factorint(data['cond']))

                    'A': A,
                    'B': B,
                    't': t,
                    'degree': data['degree'],
                    'weight': data['weight'],
                    'sign': data['sign'],
                    'sig': data['sig'],
                    'hodge': hodge,
                    'cond': data['cond'],
                    'req': data['req'],
                    'locinfo': locinfo
        AB_data, t_data = data["label"].split("_t")
        #AB_data = data["label"].split("_t")[0]
        friends = [("Motive family "+AB_data.replace("_"," "), url_for(".by_family_label", label = AB_data))]
        friends.append(('L-function', url_for("l_functions.l_function_hgm_page", label=AB_data, t='t'+t_data)))
#        if rffriend != '':
#            friends.append(('Discriminant root field', rffriend))

        bread = get_bread([(label, ' ')])
        return render_template("hgm-show-motive.html", credit=HGM_credit, title=title, bread=bread, info=info, properties2=prop2, friends=friends)
Пример #2
def render_hgm_webpage(label):
    data = None
    info = {}
    data = db.hgm_motives.lookup(label)
    if data is None:
            404, "Hypergeometric motive " + label +
            " was not found in the database.")
    title = 'Hypergeometric motive:' + label
    A = data['A']
    B = data['B']

    alpha = cyc_to_QZ(A)
    beta = cyc_to_QZ(B)
    gammas = ab2gammas(A, B)

    det = db.hgm_families.lucky({'A': A, 'B': B}, 'det')
    if det is None:
        det = 'data not computed'
        det = [det[0], str(det[1])]
        d1 = det[1]
        d1 = re.sub(r'\s', '', d1)
        d1 = re.sub(r'(.)\(', r'\1*(', d1)
        R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 't')
        if det[1] == '':
            d2 = R(1)
            d2 = R(d1)
        det = d2(QQ(data['t'])) * det[0]
    t = latex(QQ(data['t']))
    typee = 'Orthogonal'
    if (data['weight'] % 2) == 1 and (data['degree'] % 2) == 0:
        typee = 'Symplectic'
    primes = [
        2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67,
    locinfo = data['locinfo']
    for j in range(len(locinfo)):
        locinfo[j] = [primes[j]] + locinfo[j]
        #locinfo[j][2] = poly_with_factored_coeffs(locinfo[j][2], primes[j])
        locinfo[j][2] = list_to_factored_poly_otherorder(locinfo[j][2],
    hodge = data['hodge']
    famhodge = data['famhodge']
    prop2 = [
        ('Label', '%s' % data['label']),
        ('A', r'\(%s\)' % A),
        ('B', r'\(%s\)' % B),
        ('Degree', r'\(%s\)' % data['degree']),
        ('Weight', r'\(%s\)' % data['weight']),
        ('Hodge vector', r'\(%s\)' % hodge),
        ('Conductor', r'\(%s\)' % data['cond']),
    # Now add factorization of conductor
    Cond = ZZ(data['cond'])
    if not (Cond.abs().is_prime() or Cond == 1):
        data['cond'] = "%s=%s" % (str(Cond), factorint(data['cond']))

        'A': A,
        'B': B,
        'alpha': web_latex(alpha),
        'beta': web_latex(beta),
        'gammas': gammas,
        't': t,
        'degree': data['degree'],
        'weight': data['weight'],
        'sign': data['sign'],
        'sig': data['sig'],
        'hodge': hodge,
        'famhodge': famhodge,
        'cond': data['cond'],
        'req': data['req'],
        'lcms': data['lcms'],
        'type': typee,
        'det': det,
        'locinfo': locinfo
    AB_data, t_data = data["label"].split("_t")
    friends = [("Motive family " + AB_data.replace("_", " "),
                url_for(".by_family_label", label=AB_data))]
                            t='t' + t_data)))
    #    if rffriend != '':
    #        friends.append(('Discriminant root field', rffriend))

    AB = 'A = ' + str(A) + ', B = ' + str(B)
    t_data = str(QQ(data['t']))

    bread = get_bread([('family ' + str(AB),
                        url_for(".by_family_label", label=AB_data)),
                       ('t = ' + t_data, ' ')])
    return render_template("hgm-show-motive.html",
Пример #3
def render_hgm_webpage(args):
    data = None
    info = {}
    if 'label' in args:
        label = clean_input(args['label'])
        data = motivedb().find_one({'label': label})
        if data is None:
            bread = get_bread([("Search error", url_for('.search'))])
            info['err'] = "Motive " + label + " was not found in the database."
            info['label'] = label
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        title = 'Hypergeometric Motive:' + label
        A = data['A']
        B = data['B']
        myfam = familydb().find_one({'A': A, 'B': B})
        if myfam is None:
            det = 'data not computed'
            det = myfam['det']
            det = [det[0],str(det[1])]
            d1 = det[1]
            d1 = re.sub(r'\s','', d1)
            d1 = re.sub(r'(.)\(', r'\1*(', d1)
            R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 't')
            if det[1]=='':
                d2 = R(1)
                d2 = R(d1)
            det = d2(QQ(data['t']))*det[0]
        t = latex(QQ(data['t']))
        typee = 'Orthogonal'
        if (data['weight'] % 2) == 1 and (data['degree'] % 2) == 0:
            typee = 'Symplectic'
        primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71]
        locinfo = data['locinfo']
        for j in range(len(locinfo)):
            locinfo[j] = [primes[j]] + locinfo[j]
            #locinfo[j][2] = poly_with_factored_coeffs(locinfo[j][2], primes[j])
            locinfo[j][2] = list_to_factored_poly_otherorder(locinfo[j][2], vari='x')
        hodge = string2list(data['hodge'])
        famhodge = string2list(data['famhodge'])
        prop2 = [
            ('Degree', '\(%s\)' % data['degree']),
            ('Weight',  '\(%s\)' % data['weight']),
            ('Hodge vector',  '\(%s\)' % hodge),
            ('Conductor', '\(%s\)' % data['cond']),
        # Now add factorization of conductor
        Cond = ZZ(data['cond'])
        if not (Cond.abs().is_prime() or Cond == 1):
            data['cond'] = "%s=%s" % (str(Cond), factorint(data['cond']))

                    'A': A,
                    'B': B,
                    't': t,
                    'degree': data['degree'],
                    'weight': data['weight'],
                    'sign': data['sign'],
                    'sig': data['sig'],
                    'hodge': hodge,
                    'famhodge': famhodge,
                    'cond': data['cond'],
                    'req': data['req'],
                    'lcms': data['lcms'],
                    'type': typee,
                    'det': det,
                    'locinfo': locinfo
        AB_data, t_data = data["label"].split("_t")
        friends = [("Motive family "+AB_data.replace("_"," "), url_for(".by_family_label", label = AB_data))]
        friends.append(('L-function', url_for("l_functions.l_function_hgm_page", label=AB_data, t='t'+t_data)))
#        if rffriend != '':
#            friends.append(('Discriminant root field', rffriend))

        bread = get_bread([(label, ' ')])
        return render_template("hgm-show-motive.html", credit=HGM_credit, title=title, bread=bread, info=info, properties2=prop2, friends=friends, learnmore=learnmore_list())
Пример #4
def render_hgm_webpage(label):
    data = None
    info = {}
    data = db.hgm_motives.lookup(label)
    if data is None:
        abort(404, "Hypergeometric motive " + label + " was not found in the database.")
    title = 'Hypergeometric Motive:' + label
    A = data['A']
    B = data['B']
    det = db.hgm_families.lucky({'A': A, 'B': B}, 'det')
    if det is None:
        det = 'data not computed'
        det = [det[0],str(det[1])]
        d1 = det[1]
        d1 = re.sub(r'\s','', d1)
        d1 = re.sub(r'(.)\(', r'\1*(', d1)
        R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 't')
        if det[1]=='':
            d2 = R(1)
            d2 = R(d1)
        det = d2(QQ(data['t']))*det[0]
    t = latex(QQ(data['t']))
    typee = 'Orthogonal'
    if (data['weight'] % 2) == 1 and (data['degree'] % 2) == 0:
        typee = 'Symplectic'
    primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71]
    locinfo = data['locinfo']
    for j in range(len(locinfo)):
        locinfo[j] = [primes[j]] + locinfo[j]
        #locinfo[j][2] = poly_with_factored_coeffs(locinfo[j][2], primes[j])
        locinfo[j][2] = list_to_factored_poly_otherorder(locinfo[j][2], vari='x')
    hodge = data['hodge']
    famhodge = data['famhodge']
    prop2 = [
        ('Degree', '\(%s\)' % data['degree']),
        ('Weight',  '\(%s\)' % data['weight']),
        ('Hodge vector',  '\(%s\)' % hodge),
        ('Conductor', '\(%s\)' % data['cond']),
    # Now add factorization of conductor
    Cond = ZZ(data['cond'])
    if not (Cond.abs().is_prime() or Cond == 1):
        data['cond'] = "%s=%s" % (str(Cond), factorint(data['cond']))

                'A': A,
                'B': B,
                't': t,
                'degree': data['degree'],
                'weight': data['weight'],
                'sign': data['sign'],
                'sig': data['sig'],
                'hodge': hodge,
                'famhodge': famhodge,
                'cond': data['cond'],
                'req': data['req'],
                'lcms': data['lcms'],
                'type': typee,
                'det': det,
                'locinfo': locinfo
    AB_data, t_data = data["label"].split("_t")
    friends = [("Motive family "+AB_data.replace("_"," "), url_for(".by_family_label", label = AB_data))]
    friends.append(('L-function', url_for("l_functions.l_function_hgm_page", label=AB_data, t='t'+t_data)))
#    if rffriend != '':
#        friends.append(('Discriminant root field', rffriend))

    bread = get_bread([(label, ' ')])
    return render_template("hgm-show-motive.html", credit=HGM_credit, title=title, bread=bread, info=info, properties2=prop2, friends=friends, learnmore=learnmore_list())
Пример #5
def render_hgm_webpage(args):
    data = None
    info = {}
    if 'label' in args:
        label = clean_input(args['label'])
        C = base.getDBConnection()
        data = C.hgm.motives.find_one({'label': label})
        if data is None:
            bread = get_bread([("Search error", url_for('.search'))])
            info['err'] = "Motive " + label + " was not found in the database."
            info['label'] = label
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        title = 'Hypergeometric Motive:' + label
        A = data['A']
        B = data['B']
        tn, td = data['t']
        t = latex(QQ(str(tn) + '/' + str(td)))
        primes = [
            2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61,
            67, 71
        locinfo = data['locinfo']
        for j in range(len(locinfo)):
            locinfo[j] = [primes[j]] + locinfo[j]
            locinfo[j][2] = poly_with_factored_coeffs(locinfo[j][2], primes[j])
        hodge = data['hodge']
        prop2 = [
            ('Degree', '\(%s\)' % data['degree']),
            ('Weight', '\(%s\)' % data['weight']),
            ('Conductor', '\(%s\)' % data['cond']),
        # Now add factorization of conductor
        Cond = ZZ(data['cond'])
        if not (Cond.abs().is_prime() or Cond == 1):
            data['cond'] = "%s=%s" % (str(Cond), factorint(data['cond']))

            'A': A,
            'B': B,
            't': t,
            'degree': data['degree'],
            'weight': data['weight'],
            'sign': data['sign'],
            'sig': data['sig'],
            'hodge': hodge,
            'cond': data['cond'],
            'req': data['req'],
            'locinfo': locinfo
        AB_data, t_data = data["label"].split("_t")
        #AB_data = data["label"].split("_t")[0]
        friends = [("Motive family " + AB_data.replace("_", " "),
                    url_for(".by_family_label", label=AB_data))]
                                t='t' + t_data)))
        #        if rffriend != '':
        #            friends.append(('Discriminant root field', rffriend))

        bread = get_bread([(label, ' ')])
        return render_template("hgm-show-motive.html",