Пример #1
    def cardinality(self):
        Returns the number of Lyndon words with the evaluation e.


            sage: LyndonWords([]).cardinality()
            sage: LyndonWords([2,2]).cardinality()
            sage: LyndonWords([2,3,2]).cardinality()

        Check to make sure that the count matches up with the number of
        Lyndon words generated.


            sage: comps = [[],[2,2],[3,2,7],[4,2]] + Compositions(4).list()
            sage: lws = [LyndonWords(comp) for comp in comps]
            sage: all(lw.cardinality() == len(lw.list()) for lw in lws)
        evaluation = self._e
        le = builtins.list(evaluation)
        if len(evaluation) == 0:
            return 0

        n = sum(evaluation)

        return sum([
            moebius(j) * factorial(n / j) /
            prod([factorial(ni / j) for ni in evaluation])
            for j in divisors(gcd(le))
        ]) / n
Пример #2
    def zero_eigenvectors(self, tg, flags):

        if self._use_symmetry:
            return self.symm_zero_eigenvectors(tg, flags)

        cn = self._graph.n
        s = tg.n
        k = flags[0].n  # assume all flags the same order

        rows = []

        for tv in Tuples(range(1, cn + 1), s):

            it = self._graph.degenerate_induced_subgraph(tv)

            using_phantom_edge = False
            phantom_edge = None

            if hasattr(self, "_phantom_edge") and it.ne == tg.ne - 1:
                extra_edges = [e for e in tg if not e in it]
                if len(extra_edges) == 1:
                    phantom_edge = extra_edges[0]
                    if all(tv[phantom_edge[i] - 1] == self._phantom_edge[i]
                           for i in range(tg.r)):
                        using_phantom_edge = True

            if not (using_phantom_edge or it.is_labelled_isomorphic(tg)):

            total = Integer(0)
            row = [0] * len(flags)

            for ov in UnorderedTuples(range(1, cn + 1), k - s):

                factor = factorial(k - s)
                for i in range(1, cn + 1):
                    factor /= factorial(ov.count(i))

                if self._weights:
                    for v in ov:
                        factor *= self._weights[v - 1]

                ig = self._graph.degenerate_induced_subgraph(tv + ov)
                if using_phantom_edge:
                ig.t = s

                for j in range(len(flags)):
                    if ig.is_labelled_isomorphic(flags[j]):
                        row[j] += factor
                        total += factor

            for j in range(len(flags)):
                row[j] /= total

        return matrix_of_independent_rows(self._field, rows, len(flags))
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the cardinality of ``self``.

        The number of ordered set partitions of a set of length `k` with
        composition shape `\mu` is equal to

        .. MATH::

            \frac{k!}{\prod_{\mu_i \neq 0} \mu_i!}.


            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(5,[2,3]).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(0, []).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(0, [0]).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(0, [0,0]).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(5, [2,0,3]).cardinality()
        return factorial(len(self._set))/prod([factorial(i) for i in self.c])
Пример #4
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the cardinality of ``self``.

        The number of ordered set partitions of a set of length `k` with
        composition shape `\mu` is equal to

        .. MATH::

            \frac{k!}{\prod_{\mu_i \neq 0} \mu_i!}.


            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(5,[2,3]).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(0, []).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(0, [0]).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(0, [0,0]).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(5, [2,0,3]).cardinality()
        return factorial(len(self._set)) / prod([factorial(i) for i in self.c])
Пример #5
    def cardinality(self):
        Returns the number of Lyndon words with the evaluation e.


            sage: LyndonWords([]).cardinality()
            sage: LyndonWords([2,2]).cardinality()
            sage: LyndonWords([2,3,2]).cardinality()

        Check to make sure that the count matches up with the number of
        Lyndon words generated.


            sage: comps = [[],[2,2],[3,2,7],[4,2]] + Compositions(4).list()
            sage: lws = [LyndonWords(comp) for comp in comps]
            sage: all(lw.cardinality() == len(lw.list()) for lw in lws)
        evaluation = self._e
        le = builtins.list(evaluation)
        if len(evaluation) == 0:
            return 0

        n = sum(evaluation)

        return sum([moebius(j)*factorial(n/j) / prod([factorial(ni/j) for ni in evaluation]) for j in divisors(gcd(le))])/n
Пример #6
    def zero_eigenvectors(self, tg, flags):

        if self._use_symmetry:
            return self.symm_zero_eigenvectors(tg, flags)

        cn = self._graph.n
        s = tg.n
        k = flags[0].n  # assume all flags the same order

        rows = []

        for tv in Tuples(range(1, cn + 1), s):

            it = self._graph.degenerate_induced_subgraph(tv)

            using_phantom_edge = False
            phantom_edge = None

            if hasattr(self, "_phantom_edge") and it.ne == tg.ne - 1:
                extra_edges = [e for e in tg if not e in it]
                if len(extra_edges) == 1:
                    phantom_edge = extra_edges[0]
                    if all(tv[phantom_edge[i] - 1] == self._phantom_edge[i] for i in range(tg.r)):
                        using_phantom_edge = True

            if not (using_phantom_edge or it.is_labelled_isomorphic(tg)):

            total = Integer(0)
            row = [0] * len(flags)

            for ov in UnorderedTuples(range(1, cn + 1), k - s):

                factor = factorial(k - s)
                for i in range(1, cn + 1):
                    factor /= factorial(ov.count(i))

                if self._weights:
                    for v in ov:
                        factor *= self._weights[v - 1]

                ig = self._graph.degenerate_induced_subgraph(tv + ov)
                if using_phantom_edge:
                ig.t = s

                for j in range(len(flags)):
                    if ig.is_labelled_isomorphic(flags[j]):
                        row[j] += factor
                        total += factor

            for j in range(len(flags)):
                row[j] /= total

        return matrix_of_independent_rows(self._field, rows, len(flags))
Пример #7
    def by_taylor_expansion(self, fs, k, is_integral=False):
        We combine the theta decomposition and the heat operator as in [Sko].
        This yields a bijections of Jacobi forms of weight `k` and
        `M_k \times S_{k+2} \times .. \times S_{k+2m}`.
        ## we introduce an abbreviations
        if is_integral:
            PS = self.integral_power_series_ring()
            PS = self.power_series_ring()

        if not len(fs) == self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "fs must be a list of m + 1 elliptic modular forms or their fourier expansion"

        qexp_prec = self._qexp_precision()
        if qexp_prec is None:  # there are no forms below the precision
            return dict()

        f_divs = dict()
        for (i, f) in enumerate(fs):
            f_divs[(i, 0)] = PS(f(qexp_prec), qexp_prec)

        if self.__precision.jacobi_index() == 1:
            return self._by_taylor_expansion_m1(f_divs, k, is_integral)

        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1):
            for j in xrange(1, self.__precision.jacobi_index() - i + 1):
                f_divs[(i, j)] = f_divs[(i, j - 1)].derivative().shift(1)

        phi_divs = list()
        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1):
            ## This is the formula in Skoruppas thesis. He uses d/ d tau instead of d / dz which yields
            ## a factor 4 m
                sum(f_divs[(j, i - j)] *
                    (4 * self.__precision.jacobi_index())**i * binomial(i, j) /
                    2**i  #2**(self.__precision.jacobi_index() - i + 1)
                    * prod(2 * (i - l) + 1
                           for l in xrange(1, i)) / factorial(i + k + j - 1) *
                    factorial(2 * self.__precision.jacobi_index() + k - 1)
                    for j in xrange(i + 1)))

        phi_coeffs = dict()
        for r in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1):
            series = sum(map(operator.mul, self._theta_factors()[r], phi_divs))
            series = self._eta_factor() * series

            for n in xrange(qexp_prec):
                phi_coeffs[(n, r)] = series[n]

        return phi_coeffs
Пример #8
def volume_hamming(n,q,r):
    Returns number of elements in a Hamming ball of radius r in `\GF{q}^n`.
    Agrees with Guava's SphereContent(n,r,GF(q)).


        sage: codes.bounds.volume_hamming(10,2,3)
    ans=sum([factorial(n)/(factorial(i)*factorial(n-i))*(q-1)**i for i in range(r+1)])
    return ans
Пример #9
    def _bracket_(self, right):
        The lambda bracket of these two elements.

        The result is a dictionary with non-negative integer keys.
        The value corresponding to the entry `j` is ``self_{(j)}right``.


            sage: Vir = lie_conformal_algebras.Virasoro(QQ); L = Vir.0
            sage: L.bracket(L)
            {0: TL, 1: 2*L, 3: 1/2*C}
            sage: L.T().bracket(L)
            {1: -TL, 2: -4*L, 4: -2*C}

            sage: R = lie_conformal_algebras.Affine(QQbar, 'A1', names=('e','h','f')); R
            The affine Lie conformal algebra of type ['A', 1] over Algebraic Field
            sage: R.inject_variables()
            Defining e, h, f, K
            sage: e.bracket(f)
            {0: h, 1: K}
            sage: h.bracket(h.T())
            {2: 4*K}
        p = self.parent()
        if self.is_monomial() and right.is_monomial():
            if self.is_zero() or right.is_zero():
                return {}
            s_coeff = p._s_coeff
            a, k = self.index()
            coefa = self.monomial_coefficients()[(a, k)]
            b, m = right.index()
            coefb = right.monomial_coefficients()[(b, m)]
                mbr = dict(s_coeff[(a, b)])
            except KeyError:
                return {}
            pole = max(mbr.keys())
            ret =  {l: coefa*coefb*(-1)**k/factorial(k)*sum(factorial(l)\
                    mbr[j].T(m+k+j-l) for j in mbr if j >= l-m-k and\
                    j <= l-k) for l in range(m+k+pole+1)}
            return {k: v for k, v in ret.items() if v}

        diclist = [i._bracket_(j) for i in self.terms() for j in right.terms()]
        ret = {}
        pz = p.zero()
        for d in diclist:
            for k in d:
                ret[k] = ret.get(k, pz) + d[k]
        return {k: v for k, v in ret.items() if v}
Пример #10
    def by_taylor_expansion(self, fs, k, is_integral=False) :
        We combine the theta decomposition and the heat operator as in [Sko].
        This yields a bijections of Jacobi forms of weight `k` and
        `M_k \times S_{k+2} \times .. \times S_{k+2m}`.
        ## we introduce an abbreviations
        if is_integral :
            PS = self.integral_power_series_ring()
        else :
            PS = self.power_series_ring()
        if not len(fs) == self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1 :
            raise ValueError("fs must be a list of m + 1 elliptic modular forms or their fourier expansion")
        qexp_prec = self._qexp_precision()
        if qexp_prec is None : # there are no forms below the precision
            return dict()
        f_divs = dict()
        for (i, f) in enumerate(fs) :
            f_divs[(i, 0)] = PS(f(qexp_prec), qexp_prec)
        if self.__precision.jacobi_index() == 1 :
            return self._by_taylor_expansion_m1(f_divs, k, is_integral)
        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1) :
            for j in xrange(1, self.__precision.jacobi_index() - i + 1) :
                f_divs[(i,j)] = f_divs[(i, j - 1)].derivative().shift(1)
        phi_divs = list()
        for i in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1) :
            ## This is the formula in Skoruppas thesis. He uses d/ d tau instead of d / dz which yields
            ## a factor 4 m
            phi_divs.append( sum( f_divs[(j, i - j)] * (4 * self.__precision.jacobi_index())**i
                                  * binomial(i,j) / 2**i#2**(self.__precision.jacobi_index() - i + 1)
                                  * prod(2*(i - l) + 1 for l in xrange(1, i))
                                  / factorial(i + k + j - 1)
                                  * factorial(2*self.__precision.jacobi_index() + k - 1) 
                                  for j in xrange(i + 1) ) )
        phi_coeffs = dict()
        for r in xrange(self.__precision.jacobi_index() + 1) :
            series = sum( map(operator.mul, self._theta_factors()[r], phi_divs) )
            series = self._eta_factor() * series

            for n in xrange(qexp_prec) :
                phi_coeffs[(n, r)] = series[n]

        return phi_coeffs
Пример #11
def volume_hamming(n,q,r):
    Returns the number of elements in a Hamming ball.

    Returns the number of elements in a Hamming ball of radius `r` in


        sage: codes.bounds.volume_hamming(10,2,3)
    ans=sum([factorial(n)/(factorial(i)*factorial(n-i))*(q-1)**i for i in range(r+1)])
    return ans
Пример #12
def volume_hamming(n, q, r):
    Returns number of elements in a Hamming ball of radius r in `\GF{q}^n`.
    Agrees with Guava's SphereContent(n,r,GF(q)).


        sage: codes.bounds.volume_hamming(10,2,3)
    ans = sum([
        factorial(n) / (factorial(i) * factorial(n - i)) * (q - 1)**i
        for i in range(r + 1)
    return ans
Пример #13
    def subgraph_densities(self, n):

        if n < 0:
            raise ValueError

        if self._use_symmetry:
            return self.symm_subgraph_densities(n)

        cn = self._graph.n
        total = Integer(0)
        sharp_graph_counts = {}
        sharp_graphs = []

        for P in UnorderedTuples(range(1, cn + 1), n):

            factor = factorial(n)
            for i in range(1, cn + 1):
                factor /= factorial(P.count(i))

            if self._weights:
                for v in P:
                    factor *= self._weights[v - 1]

            ig = self._graph.degenerate_induced_subgraph(P)
            igc = copy(ig)  # copy for phantom edge

            ghash = hash(ig)
            if ghash in sharp_graph_counts:
                sharp_graph_counts[ghash] += factor
                sharp_graph_counts[ghash] = factor

            total += factor

            if hasattr(self, "_phantom_edge") and all(
                    x in P for x in self._phantom_edge):
                phantom_edge = [P.index(x) + 1 for x in self._phantom_edge]

                ghash = hash(igc)
                if not ghash in sharp_graph_counts:
                    sharp_graph_counts[ghash] = Integer(0)

        return [(g, sharp_graph_counts[hash(g)] / total) for g in sharp_graphs]
Пример #14
 def f(partition):
     n = 0
     m = 1
     for part in partition:
         n += part
         m *= factorial(part)
     return t**n/m
Пример #15
def d(p):
    Difference between the number of odd spin parity and even spin parity
    standard labeled permutations with given profile

    There is an explicit formula

    .. MATH::

        d(p) = \frac{(n-1)!}{2^{(n-k)/2}}

    where `n` is the sum of the partition `p` and `k` is its length.


        sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
        sage: p = [3,3,1]
        sage: rcc.d([3,3,1]) == factorial(6) / 2**2
        sage: rcc.d([13]) == factorial(12) / 2**6

     Adding marked points::

        sage: p = [5,3,3]
        sage: n = sum(p)
        sage: all(rcc.d(p + [1]*k) == factorial(n+k-1) / factorial(n-1) * rcc.d(p) for k in xrange(1,6))
    n = sum(p)
    k = len(p)
    return factorial(n - 1) / 2**((n - k) / 2)
def d(p):
    Difference between the number of odd spin parity and even spin parity
    standard labeled permutations with given profile

    There is an explicit formula

    .. MATH::

        d(p) = \frac{(n-1)!}{2^{(n-k)/2}}

    where `n` is the sum of the partition `p` and `k` is its length.


        sage: import surface_dynamics.interval_exchanges.rauzy_class_cardinality as rcc
        sage: p = [3,3,1]
        sage: rcc.d([3,3,1]) == factorial(6) / 2**2
        sage: rcc.d([13]) == factorial(12) / 2**6

     Adding marked points::

        sage: p = [5,3,3]
        sage: n = sum(p)
        sage: all(rcc.d(p + [1]*k) == factorial(n+k-1) / factorial(n-1) * rcc.d(p) for k in xrange(1,6))
    n = sum(p)
    k = len(p)
    return factorial(n-1) / 2**((n-k)/2)
Пример #17
    def subgraph_densities(self, n):

        if n < 0:
            raise ValueError

        if self._use_symmetry:
            return self.symm_subgraph_densities(n)

        cn = self._graph.n
        total = Integer(0)
        sharp_graph_counts = {}
        sharp_graphs = []

        for P in UnorderedTuples(range(1, cn + 1), n):

            factor = factorial(n)
            for i in range(1, cn + 1):
                factor /= factorial(P.count(i))

            if self._weights:
                for v in P:
                    factor *= self._weights[v - 1]

            ig = self._graph.degenerate_induced_subgraph(P)
            igc = copy(ig)  # copy for phantom edge

            ghash = hash(ig)
            if ghash in sharp_graph_counts:
                sharp_graph_counts[ghash] += factor
                sharp_graph_counts[ghash] = factor

            total += factor

            if hasattr(self, "_phantom_edge") and all(x in P for x in self._phantom_edge):
                phantom_edge = [P.index(x) + 1 for x in self._phantom_edge]

                ghash = hash(igc)
                if not ghash in sharp_graph_counts:
                    sharp_graph_counts[ghash] = Integer(0)

        return [(g, sharp_graph_counts[hash(g)] / total) for g in sharp_graphs]
Пример #18
def quadratic_L_function__exact(n, d):
    Returns the exact value of a quadratic twist of the Riemann Zeta function
    by `\chi_d(x) = \left(\frac{d}{x}\right)`.

    The input `n` must be a critical value.


        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(1, -4)
        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(-4, -4)
        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(2, 1)


        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(2, -4)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: n must be a critical value (i.e. odd > 0 or even <= 0)


    - [Iwa1972]_, pp 16-17, Special values of `L(1-n, \chi)` and `L(n, \chi)`
    - [IR1990]_
    - [Was1997]_
    from sage.all import SR, sqrt
    if n <= 0:
        return QuadraticBernoulliNumber(1 - n, d) / (n - 1)
    elif n >= 1:
        # Compute the kind of critical values (p10)
        if kronecker_symbol(fundamental_discriminant(d), -1) == 1:
            delta = 0
            delta = 1

        # Compute the positive special values (p17)
        if ((n - delta) % 2 == 0):
            f = abs(fundamental_discriminant(d))
            if delta == 0:
                GS = sqrt(f)
                GS = I * sqrt(f)
            ans = SR(ZZ(-1)**(1 + (n - delta) / 2))
            ans *= (2 * pi / f)**n
            ans *= GS  # Evaluate the Gauss sum here! =0
            ans *= QQ.one() / (2 * I**delta)
            ans *= QuadraticBernoulliNumber(n, d) / factorial(n)
            return ans
            if delta == 0:
                raise TypeError(
                    "n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)")
            if delta == 1:
                raise TypeError(
                    "n must be a critical value (i.e. odd > 0 or even <= 0)")
Пример #19
def _c_rec(p):
    Recurrence function that is called by :func:`c`.
    if p[0] == 1: return factorial(len(p) - 1)

    return (sum(_c_rec(split(p, k)) for k in xrange(1, p[0] - 1)) +
            sum(p[i] * _c_rec(collapse(p, 0, i)) for i in xrange(1, len(p))))
Пример #20
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the number of integer necklaces with the evaluation ``content``.

        The formula for the number of necklaces of content `\alpha`
        a composition of `n` is:

        .. MATH::

            \sum_{d|gcd(\alpha)} \phi(d)
            \binom{n/d}{\alpha_1/d, \ldots, \alpha_\ell/d},

        where `\phi(d)` is the Euler `\phi` function.


            sage: Necklaces([]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([2,2]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([2,3,2]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([0,3,2]).cardinality()

        Check to make sure that the count matches up with the number of
        necklace words generated.


            sage: comps = [[],[2,2],[3,2,7],[4,2],[0,4,2],[2,0,4]]+Compositions(4).list()
            sage: ns = [ Necklaces(comp) for comp in comps]
            sage: all( [ n.cardinality() == len(n.list()) for n in ns] )
        evaluation = self._content
        le = list(evaluation)
        if not le:
            return 0

        n = sum(le)

        return sum(
            euler_phi(j) * factorial(n / j) /
            prod(factorial(ni / j) for ni in evaluation)
            for j in divisors(gcd(le))) / n
Пример #21
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the number of integer necklaces with the evaluation ``content``.

        The formula for the number of necklaces of content `\alpha`
        a composition of `n` is:

        .. MATH::

            \sum_{d|gcd(\alpha)} \phi(d)
            \binom{n/d}{\alpha_1/d, \ldots, \alpha_\ell/d},

        where `\phi(d)` is the Euler `\phi` function.


            sage: Necklaces([]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([2,2]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([2,3,2]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([0,3,2]).cardinality()

        Check to make sure that the count matches up with the number of
        necklace words generated.


            sage: comps = [[],[2,2],[3,2,7],[4,2],[0,4,2],[2,0,4]]+Compositions(4).list()
            sage: ns = [Necklaces(comp) for comp in comps]
            sage: all(n.cardinality() == len(n.list()) for n in ns)
        evaluation = self._content
        le = list(evaluation)
        if not le:
            return ZZ.zero()

        n = sum(le)

        return ZZ.sum(euler_phi(j) * factorial(n // j) //
                      prod(factorial(ni // j) for ni in evaluation)
                      for j in divisors(gcd(le))) // n
Пример #22
def zeta__exact(n):
    Returns the exact value of the Riemann Zeta function

    The argument must be a critical value, namely either positive even
    or negative odd.

    See for example [Iwasawa]_, p13, Special value of `\zeta(2k)`


    Let us test the accuracy for negative special values::

        sage: RR = RealField(100)
        sage: for i in range(1,10):
        ...       print "zeta(" + str(1-2*i) + "): ", RR(zeta__exact(1-2*i)) - zeta(RR(1-2*i))
        zeta(-1):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-3):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-5):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-7):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-9):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-11):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-13):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-15):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-17):  0.00000000000000000000000000000

    Let us test the accuracy for positive special values::

        sage: all(abs(RR(zeta__exact(2*i))-zeta(RR(2*i))) < 10**(-28) for i in range(1,10))


        sage: zeta__exact(5)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)


    .. [Iwasawa] Iwasawa, *Lectures on p-adic L-functions*
    .. [IreRos] Ireland and Rosen, *A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory*
    .. [WashCyc] Washington, *Cyclotomic Fields*
    if n < 0:
        return bernoulli(1 - n) / (n - 1)
    elif n > 1:
        if (n % 2 == 0):
            return ZZ(-1)**(n / 2 + 1) * ZZ(2)**(
                n - 1) * pi**n * bernoulli(n) / factorial(n)
            raise TypeError(
                "n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)")
    elif n == 1:
        return infinity
    elif n == 0:
        return -1 / 2
Пример #23
def quadratic_L_function__exact(n, d):
    Returns the exact value of a quadratic twist of the Riemann Zeta function
    by `\chi_d(x) = \left(\frac{d}{x}\right)`.

    The input `n` must be a critical value.


        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(1, -4)
        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(-4, -4)
        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(2, 1)


        sage: quadratic_L_function__exact(2, -4)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: n must be a critical value (i.e. odd > 0 or even <= 0)


    - [Iwa1972]_, pp 16-17, Special values of `L(1-n, \chi)` and `L(n, \chi)`
    - [IR1990]_
    - [Was1997]_
    from sage.all import SR, sqrt
    if n <= 0:
        return QuadraticBernoulliNumber(1-n,d)/(n-1)
    elif n >= 1:
        # Compute the kind of critical values (p10)
        if kronecker_symbol(fundamental_discriminant(d), -1) == 1:
            delta = 0
            delta = 1

        # Compute the positive special values (p17)
        if ((n - delta) % 2 == 0):
            f = abs(fundamental_discriminant(d))
            if delta == 0:
                GS = sqrt(f)
                GS = I * sqrt(f)
            ans = SR(ZZ(-1)**(1+(n-delta)/2))
            ans *= (2*pi/f)**n
            ans *= GS     # Evaluate the Gauss sum here! =0
            ans *= QQ.one()/(2 * I**delta)
            ans *= QuadraticBernoulliNumber(n,d)/factorial(n)
            return ans
            if delta == 0:
                raise TypeError("n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)")
            if delta == 1:
                raise TypeError("n must be a critical value (i.e. odd > 0 or even <= 0)")
def _c_rec(p):
    Recurrence function that is called by :func:`c`.
    if p[0] == 1: return factorial(len(p)-1)

    return (
         sum(_c_rec(split(p,k)) for k in xrange(1,p[0]-1)) +
         sum(p[i]*_c_rec(collapse(p,0,i)) for i in xrange(1,len(p))))
Пример #25
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the cardinality of ``self``.

        The number of fully packed loops on  `n \times n` grid

        .. MATH::

            \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} \frac{(3k+1)!}{(n+k)!} = \frac{1! 4! 7! 10!
            \cdots (3n-2)!}{n! (n+1)! (n+2)! (n+3)! \cdots (2n-1)!}.


            sage: [AlternatingSignMatrices(n).cardinality() for n in range(0, 11)]
            [1, 1, 2, 7, 42, 429, 7436, 218348, 10850216, 911835460, 129534272700]
        return Integer(prod( [ factorial(3*k+1)/factorial(self._n+k)
                       for k in range(self._n)] ))
Пример #26
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the cardinality of ``self``.

        The number of decorated permutations of size `n` is equal to

        .. MATH::

            \sum_{k=0^n} \frac{n!}{k!}


            sage: [DecoratedPermutations(n).cardinality() for n in range(11)]
            [1, 2, 5, 16, 65, 326, 1957, 13700, 109601, 986410, 9864101]
        return Integer(
                factorial(self._n) // factorial(k)
                for k in range(self._n + 1)))
Пример #27
def zeta__exact(n):
    Returns the exact value of the Riemann Zeta function

    The argument must be a critical value, namely either positive even
    or negative odd.

    See for example [Iwasawa]_, p13, Special value of `\zeta(2k)`


    Let us test the accuracy for negative special values::

        sage: RR = RealField(100)
        sage: for i in range(1,10):
        ...       print "zeta(" + str(1-2*i) + "): ", RR(zeta__exact(1-2*i)) - zeta(RR(1-2*i))
        zeta(-1):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-3):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-5):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-7):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-9):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-11):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-13):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-15):  0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-17):  0.00000000000000000000000000000

    Let us test the accuracy for positive special values::

        sage: all(abs(RR(zeta__exact(2*i))-zeta(RR(2*i))) < 10**(-28) for i in range(1,10))


        sage: zeta__exact(5)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)


    .. [Iwasawa] Iwasawa, *Lectures on p-adic L-functions*
    .. [IreRos] Ireland and Rosen, *A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory*
    .. [WashCyc] Washington, *Cyclotomic Fields*
    if n < 0:
        return bernoulli(1-n)/(n-1)
    elif n > 1:
        if (n % 2 == 0):
            return ZZ(-1)**(n/2 + 1) * ZZ(2)**(n-1) * pi**n * bernoulli(n) / factorial(n)
            raise TypeError("n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)")
    elif n==1:
        return infinity
    elif n==0:
        return -1/2
Пример #28
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the cardinality of ``self``.

        The number of ordered partitions of a set of size `n` into `k`
        parts is equal to `k! S(n,k)` where `S(n,k)` denotes the Stirling
        number of the second kind.


            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(4,2).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(4,1).cardinality()
        return factorial(self.n) * stirling_number2(len(self._set), self.n)
Пример #29
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the cardinality of ``self``.

        The number of ordered partitions of a set of size `n` into `k`
        parts is equal to `k! S(n,k)` where `S(n,k)` denotes the Stirling
        number of the second kind.


            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(4,2).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(4,1).cardinality()
        return factorial(self.n)*stirling_number2(len(self._set), self.n)
Пример #30
    def cardinality(self):

            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(0).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(1).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(2).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(3).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions([1,2,3]).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(4).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(5).cardinality()
        return sum([factorial(k)*stirling_number2(len(self._set),k) for k in range(len(self._set)+1)])
Пример #31
    def cardinality(self):

            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(0).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(1).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(2).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(3).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions([1,2,3]).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(4).cardinality()
            sage: OrderedSetPartitions(5).cardinality()
        return sum([factorial(k)*stirling_number2(len(self._set),k) for k in range(len(self._set)+1)])
Пример #32
    def expansion_on_basis(self, w):
        Return the expansion of `S_w` in words of the shuffle algebra.


        - ``w`` -- a word


            sage: S = ShuffleAlgebra(QQ, 'ab').dual_pbw_basis()
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word())
            B[word: ]
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word()).parent()
            Shuffle Algebra on 2 generators ['a', 'b'] over Rational Field
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word('abba'))
            2*B[word: aabb] + B[word: abab] + B[word: abba]
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word())
            B[word: ]
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word('abab'))
            2*B[word: aabb] + B[word: abab]
        from sage.arith.all import factorial
        if not w:
            return self._alg.one()
        if len(w) == 1:
            return self._alg.monomial(w)
        if w.is_lyndon():
            W = self.basis().keys()
            letter = W([w[0]])
            expansion = self.expansion_on_basis(W(w[1:]))
            return self._alg.sum_of_terms(
                (letter * i, c) for i, c in expansion)

        lf = w.lyndon_factorization()
        powers = {}
        for i in lf:
            powers[i] = powers.get(i, 0) + 1
        denom = prod(factorial(p) for p in powers.values())
        result = self._alg.prod(self.expansion_on_basis(i) for i in lf)
        return self._alg(result / denom)
Пример #33
    def tuple_orbit_reps(self, k, prefix=None):

        if prefix is None:
            prefix = []

        s = len(prefix)
        tp = tuple(prefix)
        if s > k:
            raise ValueError

        if k == 0:
            return 1, {(): 1}

        gens = self._graph.automorphism_group_gens()

        # Pass generators to GAP to create a group for us.

        gen_str = ",".join("(" + "".join(str(cy) for cy in cys) + ")"
                           for cys in gens)
        gap.eval("g := Group(%s);" % gen_str)
        if len(prefix) > 0:
            gap.eval("g := Stabilizer(g, %s, OnTuples);" % list(set(prefix)))

        S = []
        for i in range(1, k - s + 1):
                [tuple(sorted(list(x))) for x in Subsets(self._graph.n, i)])

        set_orb_reps = {}

        #sys.stdout.write("Calculating orbits")

        while len(S) > 0:

            rep = list(S[0])

            o = gap.new("Orbit(g, %s, OnSets);" % (rep, )).sage()
            o = list(set([tuple(sorted(t)) for t in o]))
            ot = o[0]
            set_orb_reps[ot] = len(o)
            for t in o:


        combs = [tuple(c) for c in Compositions(k - s)]
        factors = []
        for c in combs:
            factor = factorial(k - s)
            for x in c:
                factor /= factorial(x)

        orb_reps = {}
        total = 0

        for ot, length in set_orb_reps.iteritems():

            ne = len(ot)
            for ci in range(len(combs)):
                c = combs[ci]
                if len(c) == ne:
                    t = tp
                    for i in range(ne):
                        t += c[i] * (ot[i], )
                    weight = factors[ci] * length
                    orb_reps[t] = weight
                    total += weight

        return total, orb_reps
Пример #34
def gamma__exact(n):
    Evaluates the exact value of the `\Gamma` function at an integer or
    half-integer argument.


        sage: gamma__exact(4)
        sage: gamma__exact(3)
        sage: gamma__exact(2)
        sage: gamma__exact(1)

        sage: gamma__exact(1/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(3/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(5/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(7/2)

        sage: gamma__exact(-1/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(-3/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(-5/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(-7/2)


        sage: gamma__exact(1/3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: you must give an integer or half-integer argument
    from sage.all import sqrt
    n = QQ(n)

    if denominator(n) == 1:
        if n <= 0:
            return infinity
        if n > 0:
            return factorial(n - 1)
    elif denominator(n) == 2:
        ans = QQ.one()
        while n != QQ((1, 2)):
            if n < 0:
                ans /= n
                n += 1
            elif n > 0:
                n += -1
                ans *= n

        ans *= sqrt(pi)
        return ans
        raise TypeError("you must give an integer or half-integer argument")
Пример #35
def splitting_field(poly, name, map=False, degree_multiple=None, abort_degree=None, simplify=True, simplify_all=False):
    Compute the splitting field of a given polynomial, defined over a
    number field.


    - ``poly`` -- a monic polynomial over a number field

    - ``name`` -- a variable name for the number field

    - ``map`` -- (default: ``False``) also return an embedding of
      ``poly`` into the resulting field. Note that computing this
      embedding might be expensive.

    - ``degree_multiple`` -- a multiple of the absolute degree of
      the splitting field.  If ``degree_multiple`` equals the actual
      degree, this can enormously speed up the computation.

    - ``abort_degree`` -- abort by raising a :class:`SplittingFieldAbort`
      if it can be determined that the absolute degree of the splitting
      field is strictly larger than ``abort_degree``.

    - ``simplify`` -- (default: ``True``) during the algorithm, try
      to find a simpler defining polynomial for the intermediate
      number fields using PARI's ``polred()``.  This usually speeds
      up the computation but can also considerably slow it down.
      Try and see what works best in the given situation.

    - ``simplify_all`` -- (default: ``False``) If ``True``, simplify
      intermediate fields and also the resulting number field.


    If ``map`` is ``False``, the splitting field as an absolute number
    field.  If ``map`` is ``True``, a tuple ``(K, phi)`` where ``phi``
    is an embedding of the base field in ``K``.


        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: K.<a> = (x^3 + 2).splitting_field(); K
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^6 + 3*x^5 + 6*x^4 + 11*x^3 + 12*x^2 - 3*x + 1
        sage: K.<a> = (x^3 - 3*x + 1).splitting_field(); K
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^3 - 3*x + 1

    The ``simplify`` and ``simplify_all`` flags usually yield
    fields defined by polynomials with smaller coefficients.
    By default, ``simplify`` is True and ``simplify_all`` is False.


        sage: (x^4 - x + 1).splitting_field('a', simplify=False)
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^24 - 2780*x^22 + 2*x^21 + 3527512*x^20 - 2876*x^19 - 2701391985*x^18 + 945948*x^17 + 1390511639677*x^16 + 736757420*x^15 - 506816498313560*x^14 - 822702898220*x^13 + 134120588299548463*x^12 + 362240696528256*x^11 - 25964582366880639486*x^10 - 91743672243419990*x^9 + 3649429473447308439427*x^8 + 14310332927134072336*x^7 - 363192569823568746892571*x^6 - 1353403793640477725898*x^5 + 24293393281774560140427565*x^4 + 70673814899934142357628*x^3 - 980621447508959243128437933*x^2 - 1539841440617805445432660*x + 18065914012013502602456565991
        sage: (x^4 - x + 1).splitting_field('a', simplify=True)
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^24 + 8*x^23 - 32*x^22 - 310*x^21 + 540*x^20 + 4688*x^19 - 6813*x^18 - 32380*x^17 + 49525*x^16 + 102460*x^15 - 129944*x^14 - 287884*x^13 + 372727*x^12 + 150624*x^11 - 110530*x^10 - 566926*x^9 + 1062759*x^8 - 779940*x^7 + 863493*x^6 - 1623578*x^5 + 1759513*x^4 - 955624*x^3 + 459975*x^2 - 141948*x + 53919
        sage: (x^4 - x + 1).splitting_field('a', simplify_all=True)
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^24 - 3*x^23 + 2*x^22 - x^20 + 4*x^19 + 32*x^18 - 35*x^17 - 92*x^16 + 49*x^15 + 163*x^14 - 15*x^13 - 194*x^12 - 15*x^11 + 163*x^10 + 49*x^9 - 92*x^8 - 35*x^7 + 32*x^6 + 4*x^5 - x^4 + 2*x^2 - 3*x + 1

    Reducible polynomials also work::

        sage: pol = (x^4 - 1)*(x^2 + 1/2)*(x^2 + 1/3)
        sage: pol.splitting_field('a', simplify_all=True)
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^8 - x^4 + 1

    Relative situation::

        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3 + 2)
        sage: S.<t> = PolynomialRing(K)
        sage: L.<b> = (t^2 - a).splitting_field()
        sage: L
        Number Field in b with defining polynomial t^6 + 2

    With ``map=True``, we also get the embedding of the base field
    into the splitting field::

        sage: L.<b>, phi = (t^2 - a).splitting_field(map=True)
        sage: phi
        Ring morphism:
          From: Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^3 + 2
          To:   Number Field in b with defining polynomial t^6 + 2
          Defn: a |--> b^2
        sage: (x^4 - x + 1).splitting_field('a', simplify_all=True, map=True)[1]
        Ring morphism:
          From: Rational Field
          To:   Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^24 - 3*x^23 + 2*x^22 - x^20 + 4*x^19 + 32*x^18 - 35*x^17 - 92*x^16 + 49*x^15 + 163*x^14 - 15*x^13 - 194*x^12 - 15*x^11 + 163*x^10 + 49*x^9 - 92*x^8 - 35*x^7 + 32*x^6 + 4*x^5 - x^4 + 2*x^2 - 3*x + 1
          Defn: 1 |--> 1

    We can enable verbose messages::

        sage: set_verbose(2)
        sage: K.<a> = (x^3 - x + 1).splitting_field()
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Starting field: y
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) SplittingData to factor: [(3, 0)]
        verbose 2 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Done factoring (time = ...)
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) SplittingData to handle: [(2, 2), (3, 3)]
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Bounds for absolute degree: [6, 6]
        verbose 2 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Handling polynomial x^2 + 23
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) New field before simplifying: x^2 + 23 (time = ...)
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) New field: y^2 - y + 6 (time = ...)
        verbose 2 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Converted polynomials to new field (time = ...)
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) SplittingData to factor: []
        verbose 2 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Done factoring (time = ...)
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) SplittingData to handle: [(3, 3)]
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Bounds for absolute degree: [6, 6]
        verbose 2 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Handling polynomial x^3 - x + 1
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) New field: y^6 + 3*y^5 + 19*y^4 + 35*y^3 + 127*y^2 + 73*y + 271 (time = ...)
        sage: set_verbose(0)

    Try all Galois groups in degree 4. We use a quadratic base field
    such that ``polgalois()`` cannot be used::

        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QuadraticField(-11))
        sage: C2C2pol = x^4 - 10*x^2 + 1
        sage: C2C2pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^8 + 24*x^6 + 608*x^4 + 9792*x^2 + 53824
        sage: C4pol = x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1
        sage: C4pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^8 - x^7 - 2*x^6 + 5*x^5 + x^4 + 15*x^3 - 18*x^2 - 27*x + 81
        sage: D8pol = x^4 - 2
        sage: D8pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^16 + 8*x^15 + 68*x^14 + 336*x^13 + 1514*x^12 + 5080*x^11 + 14912*x^10 + 35048*x^9 + 64959*x^8 + 93416*x^7 + 88216*x^6 + 41608*x^5 - 25586*x^4 - 60048*x^3 - 16628*x^2 + 12008*x + 34961
        sage: A4pol = x^4 - 4*x^3 + 14*x^2 - 28*x + 21
        sage: A4pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^24 - 20*x^23 + 290*x^22 - 3048*x^21 + 26147*x^20 - 186132*x^19 + 1130626*x^18 - 5913784*x^17 + 26899345*x^16 - 106792132*x^15 + 371066538*x^14 - 1127792656*x^13 + 2991524876*x^12 - 6888328132*x^11 + 13655960064*x^10 - 23000783036*x^9 + 32244796382*x^8 - 36347834476*x^7 + 30850889884*x^6 - 16707053128*x^5 + 1896946429*x^4 + 4832907884*x^3 - 3038258802*x^2 - 200383596*x + 593179173
        sage: S4pol = x^4 + x + 1
        sage: S4pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^48 ...

    Some bigger examples::

        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: pol15 = chebyshev_T(31, x) - 1    # 2^30*(x-1)*minpoly(cos(2*pi/31))^2
        sage: pol15.splitting_field('a')
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^15 - x^14 - 14*x^13 + 13*x^12 + 78*x^11 - 66*x^10 - 220*x^9 + 165*x^8 + 330*x^7 - 210*x^6 - 252*x^5 + 126*x^4 + 84*x^3 - 28*x^2 - 8*x + 1
        sage: pol48 = x^6 - 4*x^4 + 12*x^2 - 12
        sage: pol48.splitting_field('a')
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^48 ...

    If you somehow know the degree of the field in advance, you
    should add a ``degree_multiple`` argument.  This can speed up the
    computation, in particular for polynomials of degree >= 12 or
    for relative extensions::

        sage: pol15.splitting_field('a', degree_multiple=15)
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^15 + x^14 - 14*x^13 - 13*x^12 + 78*x^11 + 66*x^10 - 220*x^9 - 165*x^8 + 330*x^7 + 210*x^6 - 252*x^5 - 126*x^4 + 84*x^3 + 28*x^2 - 8*x - 1

    A value for ``degree_multiple`` which isn't actually a
    multiple of the absolute degree of the splitting field can
    either result in a wrong answer or the following exception::

        sage: pol48.splitting_field('a', degree_multiple=20)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: inconsistent degree_multiple in splitting_field()

    Compute the Galois closure as the splitting field of the defining polynomial::

        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: pol48 = x^6 - 4*x^4 + 12*x^2 - 12
        sage: K.<a> = NumberField(pol48)
        sage: L.<b> = pol48.change_ring(K).splitting_field()
        sage: L
        Number Field in b with defining polynomial x^48 ...

    Try all Galois groups over `\QQ` in degree 5 except for `S_5`
    (the latter is infeasible with the current implementation)::

        sage: C5pol = x^5 + x^4 - 4*x^3 - 3*x^2 + 3*x + 1
        sage: C5pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^5 + x^4 - 4*x^3 - 3*x^2 + 3*x + 1
        sage: D10pol = x^5 - x^4 - 5*x^3 + 4*x^2 + 3*x - 1
        sage: D10pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^10 - 28*x^8 + 216*x^6 - 681*x^4 + 902*x^2 - 401
        sage: AGL_1_5pol = x^5 - 2
        sage: AGL_1_5pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^20 + 10*x^19 + 55*x^18 + 210*x^17 + 595*x^16 + 1300*x^15 + 2250*x^14 + 3130*x^13 + 3585*x^12 + 3500*x^11 + 2965*x^10 + 2250*x^9 + 1625*x^8 + 1150*x^7 + 750*x^6 + 400*x^5 + 275*x^4 + 100*x^3 + 75*x^2 + 25
        sage: A5pol = x^5 - x^4 + 2*x^2 - 2*x + 2
        sage: A5pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^60 ...

    We can use the ``abort_degree`` option if we don't want to compute
    fields of too large degree (this can be used to check whether the
    splitting field has small degree)::

        sage: (x^5+x+3).splitting_field('b', abort_degree=119)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        SplittingFieldAbort: degree of splitting field equals 120
        sage: (x^10+x+3).splitting_field('b', abort_degree=60)  # long time (10s on sage.math, 2014)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        SplittingFieldAbort: degree of splitting field is a multiple of 180

    Use the ``degree_divisor`` attribute to recover the divisor of the
    degree of the splitting field or ``degree_multiple`` to recover a

        sage: from sage.rings.number_field.splitting_field import SplittingFieldAbort
        sage: try:  # long time (4s on sage.math, 2014)
        ....:     (x^8+x+1).splitting_field('b', abort_degree=60, simplify=False)
        ....: except SplittingFieldAbort as e:
        ....:     print(e.degree_divisor)
        ....:     print(e.degree_multiple)


        sage: from sage.rings.number_field.splitting_field import splitting_field
        sage: splitting_field(polygen(QQ), name='x', map=True, simplify_all=True)
        (Number Field in x with defining polynomial x, Ring morphism:
          From: Rational Field
          To:   Number Field in x with defining polynomial x
          Defn: 1 |--> 1)
    from sage.misc.all import verbose, cputime

    degree_multiple = Integer(degree_multiple or 0)
    abort_degree = Integer(abort_degree or 0)

    # Kpol = PARI polynomial in y defining the extension found so far
    F = poly.base_ring()
    if is_RationalField(F):
        Kpol = pari("'y")
        Kpol = F.pari_polynomial("y")
    # Fgen = the generator of F as element of Q[y]/Kpol
    # (only needed if map=True)
    if map:
        Fgen = F.gen().__pari__()
    verbose("Starting field: %s"%Kpol)

    # L and Lred are lists of SplittingData.
    # L contains polynomials which are irreducible over K,
    # Lred contains polynomials which need to be factored.
    L = []
    Lred = [SplittingData(poly._pari_with_name(), degree_multiple)]

    # Main loop, handle polynomials one by one
    while True:
        # Absolute degree of current field K
        absolute_degree = Integer(Kpol.poldegree())

        # Compute minimum relative degree of splitting field
        rel_degree_divisor = Integer(1)
        for splitting in L:
            rel_degree_divisor = rel_degree_divisor.lcm(splitting.poldegree())

        # Check for early aborts
        abort_rel_degree = abort_degree//absolute_degree
        if abort_rel_degree and rel_degree_divisor > abort_rel_degree:
            raise SplittingFieldAbort(absolute_degree * rel_degree_divisor, degree_multiple)
        # First, factor polynomials in Lred and store the result in L
        verbose("SplittingData to factor: %s"%[s._repr_tuple() for s in Lred])
        t = cputime()
        for splitting in Lred:
            m = splitting.dm.gcd(degree_multiple).gcd(factorial(splitting.poldegree()))
            if m == 1:
            factors = Kpol.nffactor(splitting.pol)[0]
            for q in factors:
                d = q.poldegree()
                fac = factorial(d)
                # Multiple of the degree of the splitting field of q,
                # note that the degree equals fac iff the Galois group is S_n.
                mq = m.gcd(fac)
                if mq == 1:
                # Multiple of the degree of the splitting field of q
                # over the field defined by adding square root of the
                # discriminant.
                # If the Galois group is contained in A_n, then mq_alt is
                # also the degree multiple over the current field K.
                # Here, we have equality if the Galois group is A_n.
                mq_alt = mq.gcd(fac//2)

                # If we are over Q, then use PARI's polgalois() to compute
                # these degrees exactly.
                if absolute_degree == 1:
                        G = q.polgalois()
                    except PariError:
                        mq = Integer(G[0])
                        mq_alt = mq//2 if (G[1] == -1) else mq

                # In degree 4, use the cubic resolvent to refine the
                # degree bounds.
                if d == 4 and mq >= 12:  # mq equals 12 or 24
                    # Compute cubic resolvent
                    a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 = (q/q.pollead()).Vecrev()
                    assert a4 == 1
                    cubicpol = pari([4*a0*a2 - a1*a1 -a0*a3*a3, a1*a3 - 4*a0, -a2, 1]).Polrev()
                    cubicfactors = Kpol.nffactor(cubicpol)[0]
                    if len(cubicfactors) == 1:    # A4 or S4
                        # After adding a root of the cubic resolvent,
                        # the degree of the extension defined by q
                        # is a factor 3 smaller.
                        L.append(SplittingData(cubicpol, 3))
                        rel_degree_divisor = rel_degree_divisor.lcm(3)
                        mq = mq//3  # 4 or 8
                        mq_alt = 4
                    elif len(cubicfactors) == 2:  # C4 or D8
                        # The irreducible degree 2 factor is
                        # equivalent to x^2 - q.poldisc().
                        discpol = cubicfactors[1]
                        L.append(SplittingData(discpol, 2))
                        mq = mq_alt = 4
                    else:                         # C2 x C2
                        mq = mq_alt = 4

                if mq > mq_alt >= 3:
                    # Add quadratic resolvent x^2 - D to decrease
                    # the degree multiple by a factor 2.
                    discpol = pari([-q.poldisc(), 0, 1]).Polrev()
                    discfactors = Kpol.nffactor(discpol)[0]
                    if len(discfactors) == 1:
                        # Discriminant is not a square
                        L.append(SplittingData(discpol, 2))
                        rel_degree_divisor = rel_degree_divisor.lcm(2)
                    mq = mq_alt

                L.append(SplittingData(q, mq))
                rel_degree_divisor = rel_degree_divisor.lcm(q.poldegree())
                if abort_rel_degree and rel_degree_divisor > abort_rel_degree:
                    raise SplittingFieldAbort(absolute_degree * rel_degree_divisor, degree_multiple)
        verbose("Done factoring", t, level=2)

        if len(L) == 0:  # Nothing left to do

        # Recompute absolute degree multiple
        new_degree_multiple = absolute_degree
        for splitting in L:
            new_degree_multiple *= splitting.dm
        degree_multiple = new_degree_multiple.gcd(degree_multiple)

        # Absolute degree divisor
        degree_divisor = rel_degree_divisor * absolute_degree

        # Sort according to degree to handle low degrees first
        L.sort(key=lambda x: x.key())
        verbose("SplittingData to handle: %s"%[s._repr_tuple() for s in L])
        verbose("Bounds for absolute degree: [%s, %s]"%(degree_divisor,degree_multiple))

        # Check consistency
        if degree_multiple % degree_divisor != 0:
            raise ValueError("inconsistent degree_multiple in splitting_field()")
        for splitting in L:
            # The degree of the splitting field must be a multiple of
            # the degree of the polynomial. Only do this check for
            # SplittingData with minimal dm, because the higher dm are
            # defined as relative degree over the splitting field of
            # the polynomials with lesser dm.
            if splitting.dm > L[0].dm:
            if splitting.dm % splitting.poldegree() != 0:
                raise ValueError("inconsistent degree_multiple in splitting_field()")

        # Add a root of f = L[0] to construct the field N = K[x]/f(x)
        splitting = L[0]
        f = splitting.pol
        verbose("Handling polynomial %s"%(f.lift()), level=2)
        t = cputime()
        Npol, KtoN, k = Kpol.rnfequation(f, flag=1)

        # Make Npol monic integral primitive, store in Mpol
        # (after this, we don't need Npol anymore, only Mpol)
        Mdiv = pari(1)
        Mpol = Npol
        while True:
            denom = Integer(Mpol.pollead())
            if denom == 1:
            denom = pari(denom.factor().radical_value())
            Mpol = (Mpol*(denom**Mpol.poldegree())).subst("x", pari([0,1/denom]).Polrev("x"))
            Mpol /= Mpol.content()
            Mdiv *= denom

        # We are finished for sure if we hit the degree bound
        finished = (Mpol.poldegree() >= degree_multiple)

        if simplify_all or (simplify and not finished):
            # Find a simpler defining polynomial Lpol for Mpol
            verbose("New field before simplifying: %s"%Mpol, t)
            t = cputime()
            M = Mpol.polred(flag=3)
            n = len(M[0])-1
            Lpol = M[1][n].change_variable_name("y")
            LtoM = M[0][n].change_variable_name("y").Mod(Mpol.change_variable_name("y"))
            MtoL = LtoM.modreverse()
            # Lpol = Mpol
            Lpol = Mpol.change_variable_name("y")
            MtoL = pari("'y")

        NtoL = MtoL/Mdiv
        KtoL = KtoN.lift().subst("x", NtoL).Mod(Lpol)
        Kpol = Lpol   # New Kpol (for next iteration)
        verbose("New field: %s"%Kpol, t)
        if map:
            t = cputime()
            Fgen = Fgen.lift().subst("y", KtoL)
            verbose("Computed generator of F in K", t, level=2)
        if finished:

        t = cputime()

        # Convert f and elements of L from K to L and store in L
        # (if the polynomial is certain to remain irreducible) or Lred.
        Lold = L[1:]
        L = []
        Lred = []

        # First add f divided by the linear factor we obtained,
        # mg is the new degree multiple.
        mg = splitting.dm//f.poldegree()
        if mg > 1:
            g = [c.subst("y", KtoL).Mod(Lpol) for c in f.Vecrev().lift()]
            g = pari(g).Polrev()
            g /= pari([k*KtoL - NtoL, 1]).Polrev()  # divide linear factor
            Lred.append(SplittingData(g, mg))

        for splitting in Lold:
            g = [c.subst("y", KtoL) for c in splitting.pol.Vecrev().lift()]
            g = pari(g).Polrev()
            mg = splitting.dm
            if Integer(g.poldegree()).gcd(f.poldegree()) == 1:  # linearly disjoint fields
                L.append(SplittingData(g, mg))
                Lred.append(SplittingData(g, mg))
        verbose("Converted polynomials to new field", t, level=2)

    # Convert Kpol to Sage and construct the absolute number field
    Kpol = PolynomialRing(RationalField(), name=poly.variable_name())(Kpol/Kpol.pollead())
    K = NumberField(Kpol, name)
    if map:
        return K, F.hom(Fgen, K)
        return K
Пример #36
    def _closed_form(hyp):
        a, b, z = hyp.operands()
        a, b = a.operands(), b.operands()
        p, q = len(a), len(b)

        if z == 0:
            return Integer(1)
        if p == q == 0:
            return exp(z)
        if p == 1 and q == 0:
            return (1 - z) ** (-a[0])

        if p == 0 and q == 1:
            # TODO: make this require only linear time
            def _0f1(b, z):
                F12 = cosh(2 * sqrt(z))
                F32 = sinh(2 * sqrt(z)) / (2 * sqrt(z))
                if 2 * b == 1:
                    return F12
                if 2 * b == 3:
                    return F32
                if 2 * b > 3:
                    return ((b - 2) * (b - 1) / z * (_0f1(b - 2, z) -
                            _0f1(b - 1, z)))
                if 2 * b < 1:
                    return (_0f1(b + 1, z) + z / (b * (b + 1)) *
                            _0f1(b + 2, z))
                raise ValueError
            # Can evaluate 0F1 in terms of elementary functions when
            # the parameter is a half-integer
            if 2 * b[0] in ZZ and b[0] not in ZZ:
                return _0f1(b[0], z)

        # Confluent hypergeometric function
        if p == 1 and q == 1:
            aa, bb = a[0], b[0]
            if aa * 2 == 1 and bb * 2 == 3:
                t = sqrt(-z)
                return sqrt(pi) / 2 * erf(t) / t
            if a == 1 and b == 2:
                return (exp(z) - 1) / z
            n, m = aa, bb
            if n in ZZ and m in ZZ and m > 0 and n > 0:
                rf = rising_factorial
                if m <= n:
                    return (exp(z) * sum(rf(m - n, k) * (-z) ** k /
                            factorial(k) / rf(m, k) for k in
                            xrange(n - m + 1)))
                    T = sum(rf(n - m + 1, k) * z ** k /
                            (factorial(k) * rf(2 - m, k)) for k in
                            xrange(m - n))
                    U = sum(rf(1 - n, k) * (-z) ** k /
                            (factorial(k) * rf(2 - m, k)) for k in
                    return (factorial(m - 2) * rf(1 - m, n) *
                            z ** (1 - m) / factorial(n - 1) *
                            (T - exp(z) * U))

        if p == 2 and q == 1:
            R12 = QQ('1/2')
            R32 = QQ('3/2')

            def _2f1(a, b, c, z):
                Evaluation of 2F1(a, b; c; z), assuming a, b, c positive
                integers or half-integers
                if b == c:
                    return (1 - z) ** (-a)
                if a == c:
                    return (1 - z) ** (-b)
                if a == 0 or b == 0:
                    return Integer(1)
                if a > b:
                    a, b = b, a
                if b >= 2:
                    F1 = _2f1(a, b - 1, c, z)
                    F2 = _2f1(a, b - 2, c, z)
                    q = (b - 1) * (z - 1)
                    return (((c - 2 * b + 2 + (b - a - 1) * z) * F1 +
                            (b - c - 1) * F2) / q)
                if c > 2:
                    # how to handle this case?
                    if a - c + 1 == 0 or b - c + 1 == 0:
                        raise NotImplementedError
                    F1 = _2f1(a, b, c - 1, z)
                    F2 = _2f1(a, b, c - 2, z)
                    r1 = (c - 1) * (2 - c - (a + b - 2 * c + 3) * z)
                    r2 = (c - 1) * (c - 2) * (1 - z)
                    q = (a - c + 1) * (b - c + 1) * z
                    return (r1 * F1 + r2 * F2) / q

                if (a, b, c) == (R12, 1, 2):
                    return (2 - 2 * sqrt(1 - z)) / z
                if (a, b, c) == (1, 1, 2):
                    return -log(1 - z) / z
                if (a, b, c) == (1, R32, R12):
                    return (1 + z) / (1 - z) ** 2
                if (a, b, c) == (1, R32, 2):
                    return 2 * (1 / sqrt(1 - z) - 1) / z
                if (a, b, c) == (R32, 2, R12):
                    return (1 + 3 * z) / (1 - z) ** 3
                if (a, b, c) == (R32, 2, 1):
                    return (2 + z) / (2 * (sqrt(1 - z) * (1 - z) ** 2))
                if (a, b, c) == (2, 2, 1):
                    return (1 + z) / (1 - z) ** 3
                raise NotImplementedError
            aa, bb = a
            cc, = b
            if z == 1:
                return (gamma(cc) * gamma(cc - aa - bb) / gamma(cc - aa) /
                        gamma(cc - bb))
            if ((aa * 2) in ZZ and (bb * 2) in ZZ and (cc * 2) in ZZ and
                aa > 0 and bb > 0 and cc > 0):
                    return _2f1(aa, bb, cc, z)
                except NotImplementedError:
        return hyp
Пример #37
    def tuple_orbit_reps(self, k, prefix=None):

        if prefix is None:
            prefix = []

        s = len(prefix)
        tp = tuple(prefix)
        if s > k:
            raise ValueError

        if k == 0:
            return 1, {() : 1}

        gens = self._graph.automorphism_group_gens()

        # Pass generators to GAP to create a group for us.

        gen_str = ",".join("(" + "".join(str(cy) for cy in cys) + ")" for cys in gens)
        gap.eval("g := Group(%s);" % gen_str)
        if len(prefix) > 0:
            gap.eval("g := Stabilizer(g, %s, OnTuples);" % list(set(prefix)))

        S = []
        for i in range(1, k - s + 1):
            S.extend([tuple(sorted(list(x))) for x in Subsets(self._graph.n, i)])

        set_orb_reps = {}

        #sys.stdout.write("Calculating orbits")

        while len(S) > 0:

            rep = list(S[0])

            o = gap.new("Orbit(g, %s, OnSets);" % (rep,)).sage()
            o = list(set([tuple(sorted(t)) for t in o]))
            ot = o[0]
            set_orb_reps[ot] = len(o)
            for t in o:


        combs = [tuple(c) for c in Compositions(k - s)]
        factors = []
        for c in combs:
            factor = factorial(k - s)
            for x in c:
                factor /= factorial(x)

        orb_reps = {}
        total = 0

        for ot, length in set_orb_reps.iteritems():

            ne = len(ot)
            for ci in range(len(combs)):
                c = combs[ci]
                if len(c) == ne:
                    t = tp
                    for i in range(ne):
                        t += c[i] * (ot[i],)
                    weight = factors[ci] * length
                    orb_reps[t] = weight
                    total += weight

        return total, orb_reps
Пример #38
def splitting_field(poly,
    Compute the splitting field of a given polynomial, defined over a
    number field.


    - ``poly`` -- a monic polynomial over a number field

    - ``name`` -- a variable name for the number field

    - ``map`` -- (default: ``False``) also return an embedding of
      ``poly`` into the resulting field. Note that computing this
      embedding might be expensive.

    - ``degree_multiple`` -- a multiple of the absolute degree of
      the splitting field.  If ``degree_multiple`` equals the actual
      degree, this can enormously speed up the computation.

    - ``abort_degree`` -- abort by raising a :class:`SplittingFieldAbort`
      if it can be determined that the absolute degree of the splitting
      field is strictly larger than ``abort_degree``.

    - ``simplify`` -- (default: ``True``) during the algorithm, try
      to find a simpler defining polynomial for the intermediate
      number fields using PARI's ``polred()``.  This usually speeds
      up the computation but can also considerably slow it down.
      Try and see what works best in the given situation.

    - ``simplify_all`` -- (default: ``False``) If ``True``, simplify
      intermediate fields and also the resulting number field.


    If ``map`` is ``False``, the splitting field as an absolute number
    field.  If ``map`` is ``True``, a tuple ``(K, phi)`` where ``phi``
    is an embedding of the base field in ``K``.


        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: K.<a> = (x^3 + 2).splitting_field(); K
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^6 + 3*x^5 + 6*x^4 + 11*x^3 + 12*x^2 - 3*x + 1
        sage: K.<a> = (x^3 - 3*x + 1).splitting_field(); K
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^3 - 3*x + 1

    The ``simplify`` and ``simplify_all`` flags usually yield
    fields defined by polynomials with smaller coefficients.
    By default, ``simplify`` is True and ``simplify_all`` is False.


        sage: (x^4 - x + 1).splitting_field('a', simplify=False)
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^24 - 2780*x^22 + 2*x^21 + 3527512*x^20 - 2876*x^19 - 2701391985*x^18 + 945948*x^17 + 1390511639677*x^16 + 736757420*x^15 - 506816498313560*x^14 - 822702898220*x^13 + 134120588299548463*x^12 + 362240696528256*x^11 - 25964582366880639486*x^10 - 91743672243419990*x^9 + 3649429473447308439427*x^8 + 14310332927134072336*x^7 - 363192569823568746892571*x^6 - 1353403793640477725898*x^5 + 24293393281774560140427565*x^4 + 70673814899934142357628*x^3 - 980621447508959243128437933*x^2 - 1539841440617805445432660*x + 18065914012013502602456565991
        sage: (x^4 - x + 1).splitting_field('a', simplify=True)
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^24 + 8*x^23 - 32*x^22 - 310*x^21 + 540*x^20 + 4688*x^19 - 6813*x^18 - 32380*x^17 + 49525*x^16 + 102460*x^15 - 129944*x^14 - 287884*x^13 + 372727*x^12 + 150624*x^11 - 110530*x^10 - 566926*x^9 + 1062759*x^8 - 779940*x^7 + 863493*x^6 - 1623578*x^5 + 1759513*x^4 - 955624*x^3 + 459975*x^2 - 141948*x + 53919
        sage: (x^4 - x + 1).splitting_field('a', simplify_all=True)
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^24 - 3*x^23 + 2*x^22 - x^20 + 4*x^19 + 32*x^18 - 35*x^17 - 92*x^16 + 49*x^15 + 163*x^14 - 15*x^13 - 194*x^12 - 15*x^11 + 163*x^10 + 49*x^9 - 92*x^8 - 35*x^7 + 32*x^6 + 4*x^5 - x^4 + 2*x^2 - 3*x + 1

    Reducible polynomials also work::

        sage: pol = (x^4 - 1)*(x^2 + 1/2)*(x^2 + 1/3)
        sage: pol.splitting_field('a', simplify_all=True)
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^8 - x^4 + 1

    Relative situation::

        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3 + 2)
        sage: S.<t> = PolynomialRing(K)
        sage: L.<b> = (t^2 - a).splitting_field()
        sage: L
        Number Field in b with defining polynomial t^6 + 2

    With ``map=True``, we also get the embedding of the base field
    into the splitting field::

        sage: L.<b>, phi = (t^2 - a).splitting_field(map=True)
        sage: phi
        Ring morphism:
          From: Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^3 + 2
          To:   Number Field in b with defining polynomial t^6 + 2
          Defn: a |--> b^2
        sage: (x^4 - x + 1).splitting_field('a', simplify_all=True, map=True)[1]
        Ring morphism:
          From: Rational Field
          To:   Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^24 - 3*x^23 + 2*x^22 - x^20 + 4*x^19 + 32*x^18 - 35*x^17 - 92*x^16 + 49*x^15 + 163*x^14 - 15*x^13 - 194*x^12 - 15*x^11 + 163*x^10 + 49*x^9 - 92*x^8 - 35*x^7 + 32*x^6 + 4*x^5 - x^4 + 2*x^2 - 3*x + 1
          Defn: 1 |--> 1

    We can enable verbose messages::

        sage: from sage.misc.verbose import set_verbose
        sage: set_verbose(2)
        sage: K.<a> = (x^3 - x + 1).splitting_field()
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Starting field: y
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) SplittingData to factor: [(3, 0)]
        verbose 2 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Done factoring (time = ...)
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) SplittingData to handle: [(2, 2), (3, 3)]
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Bounds for absolute degree: [6, 6]
        verbose 2 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Handling polynomial x^2 + 23
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) New field before simplifying: x^2 + 23 (time = ...)
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) New field: y^2 - y + 6 (time = ...)
        verbose 2 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Converted polynomials to new field (time = ...)
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) SplittingData to factor: []
        verbose 2 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Done factoring (time = ...)
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) SplittingData to handle: [(3, 3)]
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Bounds for absolute degree: [6, 6]
        verbose 2 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) Handling polynomial x^3 - x + 1
        verbose 1 (...: splitting_field.py, splitting_field) New field: y^6 + 3*y^5 + 19*y^4 + 35*y^3 + 127*y^2 + 73*y + 271 (time = ...)
        sage: set_verbose(0)

    Try all Galois groups in degree 4. We use a quadratic base field
    such that ``polgalois()`` cannot be used::

        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QuadraticField(-11))
        sage: C2C2pol = x^4 - 10*x^2 + 1
        sage: C2C2pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^8 + 24*x^6 + 608*x^4 + 9792*x^2 + 53824
        sage: C4pol = x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1
        sage: C4pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^8 - x^7 - 2*x^6 + 5*x^5 + x^4 + 15*x^3 - 18*x^2 - 27*x + 81
        sage: D8pol = x^4 - 2
        sage: D8pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^16 + 8*x^15 + 68*x^14 + 336*x^13 + 1514*x^12 + 5080*x^11 + 14912*x^10 + 35048*x^9 + 64959*x^8 + 93416*x^7 + 88216*x^6 + 41608*x^5 - 25586*x^4 - 60048*x^3 - 16628*x^2 + 12008*x + 34961
        sage: A4pol = x^4 - 4*x^3 + 14*x^2 - 28*x + 21
        sage: A4pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^24 - 20*x^23 + 290*x^22 - 3048*x^21 + 26147*x^20 - 186132*x^19 + 1130626*x^18 - 5913784*x^17 + 26899345*x^16 - 106792132*x^15 + 371066538*x^14 - 1127792656*x^13 + 2991524876*x^12 - 6888328132*x^11 + 13655960064*x^10 - 23000783036*x^9 + 32244796382*x^8 - 36347834476*x^7 + 30850889884*x^6 - 16707053128*x^5 + 1896946429*x^4 + 4832907884*x^3 - 3038258802*x^2 - 200383596*x + 593179173
        sage: S4pol = x^4 + x + 1
        sage: S4pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^48 ...

    Some bigger examples::

        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: pol15 = chebyshev_T(31, x) - 1    # 2^30*(x-1)*minpoly(cos(2*pi/31))^2
        sage: pol15.splitting_field('a')
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^15 - x^14 - 14*x^13 + 13*x^12 + 78*x^11 - 66*x^10 - 220*x^9 + 165*x^8 + 330*x^7 - 210*x^6 - 252*x^5 + 126*x^4 + 84*x^3 - 28*x^2 - 8*x + 1
        sage: pol48 = x^6 - 4*x^4 + 12*x^2 - 12
        sage: pol48.splitting_field('a')
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^48 ...

    If you somehow know the degree of the field in advance, you
    should add a ``degree_multiple`` argument.  This can speed up the
    computation, in particular for polynomials of degree >= 12 or
    for relative extensions::

        sage: pol15.splitting_field('a', degree_multiple=15)
        Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^15 + x^14 - 14*x^13 - 13*x^12 + 78*x^11 + 66*x^10 - 220*x^9 - 165*x^8 + 330*x^7 + 210*x^6 - 252*x^5 - 126*x^4 + 84*x^3 + 28*x^2 - 8*x - 1

    A value for ``degree_multiple`` which isn't actually a
    multiple of the absolute degree of the splitting field can
    either result in a wrong answer or the following exception::

        sage: pol48.splitting_field('a', degree_multiple=20)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: inconsistent degree_multiple in splitting_field()

    Compute the Galois closure as the splitting field of the defining polynomial::

        sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
        sage: pol48 = x^6 - 4*x^4 + 12*x^2 - 12
        sage: K.<a> = NumberField(pol48)
        sage: L.<b> = pol48.change_ring(K).splitting_field()
        sage: L
        Number Field in b with defining polynomial x^48 ...

    Try all Galois groups over `\QQ` in degree 5 except for `S_5`
    (the latter is infeasible with the current implementation)::

        sage: C5pol = x^5 + x^4 - 4*x^3 - 3*x^2 + 3*x + 1
        sage: C5pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^5 + x^4 - 4*x^3 - 3*x^2 + 3*x + 1
        sage: D10pol = x^5 - x^4 - 5*x^3 + 4*x^2 + 3*x - 1
        sage: D10pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^10 - 28*x^8 + 216*x^6 - 681*x^4 + 902*x^2 - 401
        sage: AGL_1_5pol = x^5 - 2
        sage: AGL_1_5pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^20 + 10*x^19 + 55*x^18 + 210*x^17 + 595*x^16 + 1300*x^15 + 2250*x^14 + 3130*x^13 + 3585*x^12 + 3500*x^11 + 2965*x^10 + 2250*x^9 + 1625*x^8 + 1150*x^7 + 750*x^6 + 400*x^5 + 275*x^4 + 100*x^3 + 75*x^2 + 25
        sage: A5pol = x^5 - x^4 + 2*x^2 - 2*x + 2
        sage: A5pol.splitting_field('x')
        Number Field in x with defining polynomial x^60 ...

    We can use the ``abort_degree`` option if we don't want to compute
    fields of too large degree (this can be used to check whether the
    splitting field has small degree)::

        sage: (x^5+x+3).splitting_field('b', abort_degree=119)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        SplittingFieldAbort: degree of splitting field equals 120
        sage: (x^10+x+3).splitting_field('b', abort_degree=60)  # long time (10s on sage.math, 2014)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        SplittingFieldAbort: degree of splitting field is a multiple of 180

    Use the ``degree_divisor`` attribute to recover the divisor of the
    degree of the splitting field or ``degree_multiple`` to recover a

        sage: from sage.rings.number_field.splitting_field import SplittingFieldAbort
        sage: try:  # long time (4s on sage.math, 2014)
        ....:     (x^8+x+1).splitting_field('b', abort_degree=60, simplify=False)
        ....: except SplittingFieldAbort as e:
        ....:     print(e.degree_divisor)
        ....:     print(e.degree_multiple)


        sage: from sage.rings.number_field.splitting_field import splitting_field
        sage: splitting_field(polygen(QQ), name='x', map=True, simplify_all=True)
        (Number Field in x with defining polynomial x, Ring morphism:
          From: Rational Field
          To:   Number Field in x with defining polynomial x
          Defn: 1 |--> 1)
    from sage.misc.all import cputime
    from sage.misc.verbose import verbose

    degree_multiple = Integer(degree_multiple or 0)
    abort_degree = Integer(abort_degree or 0)

    # Kpol = PARI polynomial in y defining the extension found so far
    F = poly.base_ring()
    if is_RationalField(F):
        Kpol = pari("'y")
        Kpol = F.pari_polynomial("y")
    # Fgen = the generator of F as element of Q[y]/Kpol
    # (only needed if map=True)
    if map:
        Fgen = F.gen().__pari__()
    verbose("Starting field: %s" % Kpol)

    # L and Lred are lists of SplittingData.
    # L contains polynomials which are irreducible over K,
    # Lred contains polynomials which need to be factored.
    L = []
    Lred = [SplittingData(poly._pari_with_name(), degree_multiple)]

    # Main loop, handle polynomials one by one
    while True:
        # Absolute degree of current field K
        absolute_degree = Integer(Kpol.poldegree())

        # Compute minimum relative degree of splitting field
        rel_degree_divisor = Integer(1)
        for splitting in L:
            rel_degree_divisor = rel_degree_divisor.lcm(splitting.poldegree())

        # Check for early aborts
        abort_rel_degree = abort_degree // absolute_degree
        if abort_rel_degree and rel_degree_divisor > abort_rel_degree:
            raise SplittingFieldAbort(absolute_degree * rel_degree_divisor,

        # First, factor polynomials in Lred and store the result in L
        verbose("SplittingData to factor: %s" %
                [s._repr_tuple() for s in Lred])
        t = cputime()
        for splitting in Lred:
            m = splitting.dm.gcd(degree_multiple).gcd(
            if m == 1:
            factors = Kpol.nffactor(splitting.pol)[0]
            for q in factors:
                d = q.poldegree()
                fac = factorial(d)
                # Multiple of the degree of the splitting field of q,
                # note that the degree equals fac iff the Galois group is S_n.
                mq = m.gcd(fac)
                if mq == 1:
                # Multiple of the degree of the splitting field of q
                # over the field defined by adding square root of the
                # discriminant.
                # If the Galois group is contained in A_n, then mq_alt is
                # also the degree multiple over the current field K.
                # Here, we have equality if the Galois group is A_n.
                mq_alt = mq.gcd(fac // 2)

                # If we are over Q, then use PARI's polgalois() to compute
                # these degrees exactly.
                if absolute_degree == 1:
                        G = q.polgalois()
                    except PariError:
                        mq = Integer(G[0])
                        mq_alt = mq // 2 if (G[1] == -1) else mq

                # In degree 4, use the cubic resolvent to refine the
                # degree bounds.
                if d == 4 and mq >= 12:  # mq equals 12 or 24
                    # Compute cubic resolvent
                    a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 = (q / q.pollead()).Vecrev()
                    assert a4 == 1
                    cubicpol = pari([
                        4 * a0 * a2 - a1 * a1 - a0 * a3 * a3, a1 * a3 - 4 * a0,
                        -a2, 1
                    cubicfactors = Kpol.nffactor(cubicpol)[0]
                    if len(cubicfactors) == 1:  # A4 or S4
                        # After adding a root of the cubic resolvent,
                        # the degree of the extension defined by q
                        # is a factor 3 smaller.
                        L.append(SplittingData(cubicpol, 3))
                        rel_degree_divisor = rel_degree_divisor.lcm(3)
                        mq = mq // 3  # 4 or 8
                        mq_alt = 4
                    elif len(cubicfactors) == 2:  # C4 or D8
                        # The irreducible degree 2 factor is
                        # equivalent to x^2 - q.poldisc().
                        discpol = cubicfactors[1]
                        L.append(SplittingData(discpol, 2))
                        mq = mq_alt = 4
                    else:  # C2 x C2
                        mq = mq_alt = 4

                if mq > mq_alt >= 3:
                    # Add quadratic resolvent x^2 - D to decrease
                    # the degree multiple by a factor 2.
                    discpol = pari([-q.poldisc(), 0, 1]).Polrev()
                    discfactors = Kpol.nffactor(discpol)[0]
                    if len(discfactors) == 1:
                        # Discriminant is not a square
                        L.append(SplittingData(discpol, 2))
                        rel_degree_divisor = rel_degree_divisor.lcm(2)
                    mq = mq_alt

                L.append(SplittingData(q, mq))
                rel_degree_divisor = rel_degree_divisor.lcm(q.poldegree())
                if abort_rel_degree and rel_degree_divisor > abort_rel_degree:
                    raise SplittingFieldAbort(
                        absolute_degree * rel_degree_divisor, degree_multiple)
        verbose("Done factoring", t, level=2)

        if len(L) == 0:  # Nothing left to do

        # Recompute absolute degree multiple
        new_degree_multiple = absolute_degree
        for splitting in L:
            new_degree_multiple *= splitting.dm
        degree_multiple = new_degree_multiple.gcd(degree_multiple)

        # Absolute degree divisor
        degree_divisor = rel_degree_divisor * absolute_degree

        # Sort according to degree to handle low degrees first
        L.sort(key=lambda x: x.key())
        verbose("SplittingData to handle: %s" % [s._repr_tuple() for s in L])
        verbose("Bounds for absolute degree: [%s, %s]" %
                (degree_divisor, degree_multiple))

        # Check consistency
        if degree_multiple % degree_divisor != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "inconsistent degree_multiple in splitting_field()")
        for splitting in L:
            # The degree of the splitting field must be a multiple of
            # the degree of the polynomial. Only do this check for
            # SplittingData with minimal dm, because the higher dm are
            # defined as relative degree over the splitting field of
            # the polynomials with lesser dm.
            if splitting.dm > L[0].dm:
            if splitting.dm % splitting.poldegree() != 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "inconsistent degree_multiple in splitting_field()")

        # Add a root of f = L[0] to construct the field N = K[x]/f(x)
        splitting = L[0]
        f = splitting.pol
        verbose("Handling polynomial %s" % (f.lift()), level=2)
        t = cputime()
        Npol, KtoN, k = Kpol.rnfequation(f, flag=1)

        # Make Npol monic integral primitive, store in Mpol
        # (after this, we don't need Npol anymore, only Mpol)
        Mdiv = pari(1)
        Mpol = Npol
        while True:
            denom = Integer(Mpol.pollead())
            if denom == 1:
            denom = pari(denom.factor().radical_value())
            Mpol = (Mpol * (denom**Mpol.poldegree())).subst(
                pari([0, 1 / denom]).Polrev("x"))
            Mpol /= Mpol.content()
            Mdiv *= denom

        # We are finished for sure if we hit the degree bound
        finished = (Mpol.poldegree() >= degree_multiple)

        if simplify_all or (simplify and not finished):
            # Find a simpler defining polynomial Lpol for Mpol
            verbose("New field before simplifying: %s" % Mpol, t)
            t = cputime()
            M = Mpol.polred(flag=3)
            n = len(M[0]) - 1
            Lpol = M[1][n].change_variable_name("y")
            LtoM = M[0][n].change_variable_name("y").Mod(
            MtoL = LtoM.modreverse()
            # Lpol = Mpol
            Lpol = Mpol.change_variable_name("y")
            MtoL = pari("'y")

        NtoL = MtoL / Mdiv
        KtoL = KtoN.lift().subst("x", NtoL).Mod(Lpol)
        Kpol = Lpol  # New Kpol (for next iteration)
        verbose("New field: %s" % Kpol, t)
        if map:
            t = cputime()
            Fgen = Fgen.lift().subst("y", KtoL)
            verbose("Computed generator of F in K", t, level=2)
        if finished:

        t = cputime()

        # Convert f and elements of L from K to L and store in L
        # (if the polynomial is certain to remain irreducible) or Lred.
        Lold = L[1:]
        L = []
        Lred = []

        # First add f divided by the linear factor we obtained,
        # mg is the new degree multiple.
        mg = splitting.dm // f.poldegree()
        if mg > 1:
            g = [c.subst("y", KtoL).Mod(Lpol) for c in f.Vecrev().lift()]
            g = pari(g).Polrev()
            g /= pari([k * KtoL - NtoL, 1]).Polrev()  # divide linear factor
            Lred.append(SplittingData(g, mg))

        for splitting in Lold:
            g = [c.subst("y", KtoL) for c in splitting.pol.Vecrev().lift()]
            g = pari(g).Polrev()
            mg = splitting.dm
            if Integer(g.poldegree()).gcd(
                    f.poldegree()) == 1:  # linearly disjoint fields
                L.append(SplittingData(g, mg))
                Lred.append(SplittingData(g, mg))
        verbose("Converted polynomials to new field", t, level=2)

    # Convert Kpol to Sage and construct the absolute number field
    Kpol = PolynomialRing(RationalField(),
                          name=poly.variable_name())(Kpol / Kpol.pollead())
    K = NumberField(Kpol, name)
    if map:
        return K, F.hom(Fgen, K)
        return K
Пример #39
def K1_func(SUK, v, A, prec=106):
    Return the constant `K_1` from Smart's TCDF paper, [Sma1995]_


    - ``SUK`` -- a group of `S`-units
    - ``v`` -- an infinite place of ``K`` (element of ``SUK.number_field().places(prec)``)
    - ``A`` -- a list of all products of each potential ``a``, ``b`` in the $S$-unit equation ``ax + by + 1 = 0`` with each root of unity of ``K``
    - ``prec`` -- (default: 106) the precision of the real field


    The constant ``K1,`` a real number


        sage: from sage.rings.number_field.S_unit_solver import K1_func
        sage: K.<xi> = NumberField(x^3-3)
        sage: SUK = UnitGroup(K, S=tuple(K.primes_above(3)))
        sage: phi_real = K.places()[0]
        sage: phi_complex = K.places()[1]
        sage: A = K.roots_of_unity()

        sage: K1_func(SUK, phi_real, A)

        sage: K1_func(SUK, phi_complex, A)


    - [Sma1995]_ p. 825

    R = RealField(prec)

    #[Sma1995]_ p. 825
    if is_real_place(v):
        c11 = R(4*c4_func(SUK, v, A, prec)).log() / c3_func(SUK, prec)
        c11 = 2*( R(4*(c4_func(SUK,v, A, prec)).sqrt()).log() ) / c3_func(SUK, prec)

    #[Sma1995]_ p. 825
    if is_real_place(v):
        c12 = R(2 * c4_func(SUK, v, A, prec))
        c12 = R(2 * c4_func(SUK, v, A, prec).sqrt())

    #[Sma1998]_ p. 225, Theorem A.1
    d = SUK.number_field().degree()
    t = SUK.rank()
    Baker_C = R(18 * factorial(t+2) * (t+1)**(t+2) * (32*d)**(t+3) * R(2*(t+1) * d).log())

    def hprime(SUK, alpha, v):
        #[Sma1998]_ p. 225
        return R(max(alpha.global_height(), 1/SUK.number_field().degree(), v(alpha).log().abs()/SUK.number_field().degree()))

    #[Sma1995]_ p. 825 and [Sma1998]_ p. 225, Theorem A.1
    c14 = Baker_C * prod([hprime(SUK, alpha, v) for alpha in SUK.gens_values()])

    #[Sma1995]_ p. 825
    c15 = 2 * (c12.log()+c14*((SUK.rank()+1)*c14/c13_func(SUK, v, prec)).log()) / c13_func(SUK, v, prec)

    return max([c11, c15])
Пример #40
    def _closed_form(hyp):
        a, b, z = hyp.operands()
        a, b = a.operands(), b.operands()
        p, q = len(a), len(b)

        if z == 0:
            return Integer(1)
        if p == q == 0:
            return exp(z)
        if p == 1 and q == 0:
            return (1 - z)**(-a[0])

        if p == 0 and q == 1:
            # TODO: make this require only linear time
            def _0f1(b, z):
                F12 = cosh(2 * sqrt(z))
                F32 = sinh(2 * sqrt(z)) / (2 * sqrt(z))
                if 2 * b == 1:
                    return F12
                if 2 * b == 3:
                    return F32
                if 2 * b > 3:
                    return ((b - 2) * (b - 1) / z *
                            (_0f1(b - 2, z) - _0f1(b - 1, z)))
                if 2 * b < 1:
                    return (_0f1(b + 1, z) + z / (b *
                                                  (b + 1)) * _0f1(b + 2, z))
                raise ValueError

            # Can evaluate 0F1 in terms of elementary functions when
            # the parameter is a half-integer
            if 2 * b[0] in ZZ and b[0] not in ZZ:
                return _0f1(b[0], z)

        # Confluent hypergeometric function
        if p == 1 and q == 1:
            aa, bb = a[0], b[0]
            if aa * 2 == 1 and bb * 2 == 3:
                t = sqrt(-z)
                return sqrt(pi) / 2 * erf(t) / t
            if a == 1 and b == 2:
                return (exp(z) - 1) / z
            n, m = aa, bb
            if n in ZZ and m in ZZ and m > 0 and n > 0:
                rf = rising_factorial
                if m <= n:
                    return (exp(z) * sum(
                        rf(m - n, k) * (-z)**k / factorial(k) / rf(m, k)
                        for k in range(n - m + 1)))
                    T = sum(
                        rf(n - m + 1, k) * z**k / (factorial(k) * rf(2 - m, k))
                        for k in range(m - n))
                    U = sum(
                        rf(1 - n, k) * (-z)**k / (factorial(k) * rf(2 - m, k))
                        for k in range(n))
                    return (factorial(m - 2) * rf(1 - m, n) * z**(1 - m) /
                            factorial(n - 1) * (T - exp(z) * U))

        if p == 2 and q == 1:
            R12 = QQ((1, 2))
            R32 = QQ((3, 2))

            def _2f1(a, b, c, z):
                Evaluation of 2F1(a, b; c; z), assuming a, b, c positive
                integers or half-integers
                if b == c:
                    return (1 - z)**(-a)
                if a == c:
                    return (1 - z)**(-b)
                if a == 0 or b == 0:
                    return Integer(1)
                if a > b:
                    a, b = b, a
                if b >= 2:
                    F1 = _2f1(a, b - 1, c, z)
                    F2 = _2f1(a, b - 2, c, z)
                    q = (b - 1) * (z - 1)
                    return (((c - 2 * b + 2 + (b - a - 1) * z) * F1 +
                             (b - c - 1) * F2) / q)
                if c > 2:
                    # how to handle this case?
                    if a - c + 1 == 0 or b - c + 1 == 0:
                        raise NotImplementedError
                    F1 = _2f1(a, b, c - 1, z)
                    F2 = _2f1(a, b, c - 2, z)
                    r1 = (c - 1) * (2 - c - (a + b - 2 * c + 3) * z)
                    r2 = (c - 1) * (c - 2) * (1 - z)
                    q = (a - c + 1) * (b - c + 1) * z
                    return (r1 * F1 + r2 * F2) / q

                if (a, b, c) == (R12, 1, 2):
                    return (2 - 2 * sqrt(1 - z)) / z
                if (a, b, c) == (1, 1, 2):
                    return -log(1 - z) / z
                if (a, b, c) == (1, R32, R12):
                    return (1 + z) / (1 - z)**2
                if (a, b, c) == (1, R32, 2):
                    return 2 * (1 / sqrt(1 - z) - 1) / z
                if (a, b, c) == (R32, 2, R12):
                    return (1 + 3 * z) / (1 - z)**3
                if (a, b, c) == (R32, 2, 1):
                    return (2 + z) / (2 * (sqrt(1 - z) * (1 - z)**2))
                if (a, b, c) == (2, 2, 1):
                    return (1 + z) / (1 - z)**3
                raise NotImplementedError

            aa, bb = a
            cc, = b
            if z == 1:
                return (gamma(cc) * gamma(cc - aa - bb) / gamma(cc - aa) /
                        gamma(cc - bb))
            if ((aa * 2) in ZZ and (bb * 2) in ZZ and (cc * 2) in ZZ and aa > 0
                    and bb > 0 and cc > 0):
                    return _2f1(aa, bb, cc, z)
                except NotImplementedError:
        return hyp
Пример #41
def gamma__exact(n):
    Evaluates the exact value of the `\Gamma` function at an integer or
    half-integer argument.


        sage: gamma__exact(4)
        sage: gamma__exact(3)
        sage: gamma__exact(2)
        sage: gamma__exact(1)

        sage: gamma__exact(1/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(3/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(5/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(7/2)

        sage: gamma__exact(-1/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(-3/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(-5/2)
        sage: gamma__exact(-7/2)


        sage: gamma__exact(1/3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: you must give an integer or half-integer argument
    from sage.all import sqrt
    n = QQ(n)

    if denominator(n) == 1:
        if n <= 0:
            return infinity
        if n > 0:
            return factorial(n-1)
    elif denominator(n) == 2:
        ans = QQ.one()
        while n != QQ((1, 2)):
            if n < 0:
                ans /= n
                n += 1
            elif n > 0:
                n += -1
                ans *= n

        ans *= sqrt(pi)
        return ans
        raise TypeError("you must give an integer or half-integer argument")
Пример #42
def zeta__exact(n):
    Returns the exact value of the Riemann Zeta function

    The argument must be a critical value, namely either positive even
    or negative odd.

    See for example [Iwa1972]_, p13, Special value of `\zeta(2k)`


    Let us test the accuracy for negative special values::

        sage: RR = RealField(100)
        sage: for i in range(1,10):
        ....:     print("zeta({}): {}".format(1-2*i, RR(zeta__exact(1-2*i)) - zeta(RR(1-2*i))))
        zeta(-1): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-3): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-5): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-7): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-9): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-11): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-13): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-15): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-17): 0.00000000000000000000000000000

    Let us test the accuracy for positive special values::

        sage: all(abs(RR(zeta__exact(2*i))-zeta(RR(2*i))) < 10**(-28) for i in range(1,10))


        sage: zeta__exact(4)
        sage: zeta__exact(-3)
        sage: zeta__exact(0)
        sage: zeta__exact(5)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)


    - [Iwa1972]_
    - [IR1990]_
    - [Was1997]_
    if n < 0:
        return bernoulli(1-n)/(n-1)
    elif n > 1:
        if (n % 2 == 0):
            return ZZ(-1)**(n//2 + 1) * ZZ(2)**(n-1) * pi**n * bernoulli(n) / factorial(n)
            raise TypeError("n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)")
    elif n == 1:
        return infinity
    elif n == 0:
        return QQ((-1, 2))
Пример #43
def zeta__exact(n):
    Returns the exact value of the Riemann Zeta function

    The argument must be a critical value, namely either positive even
    or negative odd.

    See for example [Iwa1972]_, p13, Special value of `\zeta(2k)`


    Let us test the accuracy for negative special values::

        sage: RR = RealField(100)
        sage: for i in range(1,10):
        ....:     print("zeta({}): {}".format(1-2*i, RR(zeta__exact(1-2*i)) - zeta(RR(1-2*i))))
        zeta(-1): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-3): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-5): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-7): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-9): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-11): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-13): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-15): 0.00000000000000000000000000000
        zeta(-17): 0.00000000000000000000000000000

    Let us test the accuracy for positive special values::

        sage: all(abs(RR(zeta__exact(2*i))-zeta(RR(2*i))) < 10**(-28) for i in range(1,10))


        sage: zeta__exact(4)
        sage: zeta__exact(-3)
        sage: zeta__exact(0)
        sage: zeta__exact(5)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)


    - [Iwa1972]_
    - [IR1990]_
    - [Was1997]_
    if n < 0:
        return bernoulli(1 - n) / (n - 1)
    elif n > 1:
        if (n % 2 == 0):
            return ZZ(-1)**(n // 2 + 1) * ZZ(2)**(
                n - 1) * pi**n * bernoulli(n) / factorial(n)
            raise TypeError(
                "n must be a critical value (i.e. even > 0 or odd < 0)")
    elif n == 1:
        return infinity
    elif n == 0:
        return QQ((-1, 2))
Пример #44
def bch_iterator(X=None, Y=None):
    A generator function which returns successive terms of the
    Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula.


    - ``X`` -- (optional) an element of a Lie algebra
    - ``Y`` -- (optional) an element of a Lie algebra

    The BCH formula is an expression for `\log(\exp(X)\exp(Y))` as a sum of Lie
    brackets of ``X`` and ``Y`` with rational coefficients. In arbitrary Lie
    algebras, the infinite sum is only guaranteed to converge for ``X`` and
    ``Y`` close to zero.

    If the elements ``X`` and ``Y`` are not given, then the iterator will
    return successive terms of the abstract BCH formula, i.e., the BCH formula
    for the generators of the free Lie algebra on 2 generators.

    If the Lie algebra containing ``X`` and ``Y`` is not nilpotent, the
    iterator will output infinitely many elements. If the Lie algebra is
    nilpotent, the number of elements outputted is equal to the nilpotency step.


    The terms of the abstract BCH formula up to fifth order brackets::

        sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.bch import bch_iterator
        sage: bch = bch_iterator()
        sage: next(bch)
        X + Y
        sage: next(bch)
        1/2*[X, Y]
        sage: next(bch)
        1/12*[X, [X, Y]] + 1/12*[[X, Y], Y]
        sage: next(bch)
        1/24*[X, [[X, Y], Y]]
        sage: next(bch)
        -1/720*[X, [X, [X, [X, Y]]]] + 1/180*[X, [X, [[X, Y], Y]]]
        + 1/360*[[X, [X, Y]], [X, Y]] + 1/180*[X, [[[X, Y], Y], Y]]
        + 1/120*[[X, Y], [[X, Y], Y]] - 1/720*[[[[X, Y], Y], Y], Y]

    For nilpotent Lie algebras the BCH formula only has finitely many terms::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 2, step=3)
        sage: L.inject_variables()
        Defining X_1, X_2, X_12, X_112, X_122
        sage: [Z for Z in bch_iterator(X_1, X_2)]
        [X_1 + X_2, 1/2*X_12, 1/12*X_112 + 1/12*X_122]
        sage: [Z for Z in bch_iterator(X_1 + X_2, X_12)]
        [X_1 + X_2 + X_12, 1/2*X_112 - 1/2*X_122, 0]

    The elements ``X`` and ``Y`` don't need to be elements of the same Lie
    algebra if there is a coercion from one to the other::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 3, step=2)
        sage: L.inject_variables()
        Defining X_1, X_2, X_3, X_12, X_13, X_23
        sage: S = L.subalgebra(X_1, X_2)
        sage: bch1 = [Z for Z in bch_iterator(S(X_1), S(X_2))]; bch1
        [X_1 + X_2, 1/2*X_12]
        sage: bch1[0].parent() == S
        sage: bch2 = [Z for Z in bch_iterator(S(X_1), X_3)]; bch2
        [X_1 + X_3, 1/2*X_13]
        sage: bch2[0].parent() == L

    The BCH formula requires a coercion from the rationals::

        sage: L.<X,Y,Z> = LieAlgebra(ZZ, 2, step=2)
        sage: bch = bch_iterator(X, Y); next(bch)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: the BCH formula is not well defined since Integer Ring has no coercion from Rational Field


    Compare to the BCH formula up to degree 5 given by wikipedia::

        sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.bch import bch_iterator
        sage: bch = bch_iterator()
        sage: L.<X,Y> = LieAlgebra(QQ)
        sage: L = L.Lyndon()
        sage: computed_BCH = L.sum(next(bch) for k in range(5))
        sage: wikiBCH = X + Y + 1/2*L[X,Y] + 1/12*(L[X,[X,Y]] + L[Y,[Y,X]])
        sage: wikiBCH += -1/24*L[Y,[X,[X,Y]]]
        sage: wikiBCH += -1/720*(L[Y,[Y,[Y,[Y,X]]]] + L[X,[X,[X,[X,Y]]]])
        sage: wikiBCH += 1/360*(L[X,[Y,[Y,[Y,X]]]] + L[Y,[X,[X,[X,Y]]]])
        sage: wikiBCH += 1/120*(L[Y,[X,[Y,[X,Y]]]] + L[X,[Y,[X,[Y,X]]]])
        sage: computed_BCH == wikiBCH


    The BCH formula `\log(\exp(X)\exp(Y)) = \sum_k Z_k` is computed starting
    from `Z_1 = X + Y`, by the recursion

    .. MATH::

        (m+1)Z_{m+1} =  \frac{1}{2}[X - Y, Z_m]
        + \sum_{2\leq 2p \leq m}\frac{B_{2p}}{(2p)!}\sum_{k_1+\cdots+k_{2p}=m}
        [Z_{k_1}, [\cdots [Z_{k_{2p}}, X + Y]\cdots],

    where `B_{2p}` are the Bernoulli numbers, see Lemma 2.15.3. in [Var1984]_.

    .. WARNING::

        The time needed to compute each successive term increases exponentially.
        For example on one machine iterating through `Z_{11},...,Z_{18}` for a
        free Lie algebra, computing each successive term took 4-5 times longer,
        going from 0.1s for `Z_{11}` to 21 minutes for `Z_{18}`.
    if X is None or Y is None:
        L = LieAlgebra(QQ, ['X', 'Y']).Lyndon()
        X, Y = L.lie_algebra_generators()
        X, Y = canonical_coercion(X, Y)
        L = X.parent()

    R = L.base_ring()
    if not R.has_coerce_map_from(QQ):
        raise TypeError("the BCH formula is not well defined since %s "
                        "has no coercion from %s" % (R, QQ))

    xdif = X - Y
    Z = [0, X + Y]  # 1-based indexing for convenience
    m = 1
    yield Z[1]

    while True:
        m += 1
        if L in LieAlgebras.Nilpotent and m > L.step():

        # apply the recursion formula of [Var1984]
        Zm = ~QQ(2 * m) * xdif.bracket(Z[-1])
        for p in range(1, (m - 1) // 2 + 1):
            partitions = IntegerListsLex(m - 1, length=2 * p, min_part=1)
            coeff = bernoulli(2 * p) / QQ(m * factorial(2 * p))
            for kvec in partitions:
                W = Z[1]
                for k in kvec:
                    W = Z[k].bracket(W)
                Zm += coeff * W

        yield Zm