Пример #1
def load_hashes():
    hashfile = opj("DATA", "hash", "thash.out")
    clusters = defaultdict(list)
    seen = defaultdict(set)
    with open(hashfile) as F:
        for line in F:
            n, t, N, hsh = map(ZZ, line.strip().split())
            if N == 1024 or N > 2000 and not libgap.SmallGroupsAvailable(N):
                clusters[N, hsh].append(f"{n}T{t}")
    # We manually add some groups where we didn't succeed in computing the hash, but know that they are unique up to isomorphism (up to degree 47 at least)
    for n in range(39, 48):
        tmax = ZZ(libgap.NrTransitiveGroups(n))
        clusters[factorial(n), -1] = [f"{n}T{tmax}"]  # Sn
        clusters[factorial(n) // 2, -1] = [f"{n}T{tmax-1}"]  # An
        seen[n].update(set([tmax - 1, tmax]))
    for n in range(1, 47):
        if n not in seen:
            print("Missing degree", n)
            cnt = libgap.NrTransitiveGroups(n)
            if len(seen[n]) != cnt:
                print(f"Missing {cnt - len(seen[n])} in degree {n}")
                if cnt - len(seen[n]) < 10:
                    print([i for i in range(1, cnt + 1) if i not in seen[n]])
                    for i in range(1, cnt + 1):
                        if i not in seen[n]:
                            print("Smallest", i)
                    for i in range(cnt, 0, -1):
                        if i not in seen[n]:
                            print("Largest", i)
    return clusters
    def _bracket_(self, right):
        The lambda bracket of these two elements.

        The result is a dictionary with non-negative integer keys.
        The value corresponding to the entry `j` is ``self_{(j)}right``.


            sage: Vir = lie_conformal_algebras.Virasoro(QQ); L = Vir.0
            sage: L.bracket(L)
            {0: TL, 1: 2*L, 3: 1/2*C}
            sage: L.T().bracket(L)
            {1: -TL, 2: -4*L, 4: -2*C}

            sage: R = lie_conformal_algebras.Affine(QQbar, 'A1', names=('e','h','f')); R
            The affine Lie conformal algebra of type ['A', 1] over Algebraic Field
            sage: R.inject_variables()
            Defining e, h, f, K
            sage: e.bracket(f)
            {0: h, 1: K}
            sage: h.bracket(h.T())
            {2: 4*K}
        p = self.parent()
        if self.is_monomial() and right.is_monomial():
            if self.is_zero() or right.is_zero():
                return {}
            s_coeff = p._s_coeff
            a, k = self.index()
            coefa = self.monomial_coefficients()[(a, k)]
            b, m = right.index()
            coefb = right.monomial_coefficients()[(b, m)]
                mbr = dict(s_coeff[(a, b)])
            except KeyError:
                return {}
            pole = max(mbr.keys())
            ret =  {l: coefa*coefb*(-1)**k/factorial(k)*sum(factorial(l)\
                    mbr[j].T(m+k+j-l) for j in mbr if j >= l-m-k and\
                    j <= l-k) for l in range(m+k+pole+1)}
            return {k: v for k, v in ret.items() if v}

        diclist = [i._bracket_(j) for i in self.terms() for j in right.terms()]
        ret = {}
        pz = p.zero()
        for d in diclist:
            for k in d:
                ret[k] = ret.get(k, pz) + d[k]
        return {k: v for k, v in ret.items() if v}
Пример #3
            def is_symmetric(self):
                Determine if a `NCSym^*` function, expressed in the
                `\mathbf{w}` basis, is symmetric.

                A function `f` in the `\mathbf{w}` basis is a symmetric
                function if it is in the image of `\chi^*`. That is to say we

                .. MATH::

                    f = \sum_{\lambda} c_{\lambda} \prod_i m_i(\lambda)!
                    \sum_{\lambda(A) = \lambda} \mathbf{w}_A

                where the second sum is over all set partitions `A` whose
                shape `\lambda(A)` is equal to `\lambda` and `m_i(\mu)` is
                the multiplicity of `i` in the partition `\mu`.


                - ``True`` if `\lambda(A)=\lambda(B)` implies the coefficients of
                  `\mathbf{w}_A` and `\mathbf{w}_B` are equal, ``False`` otherwise


                    sage: w = SymmetricFunctionsNonCommutingVariables(QQ).dual().w()
                    sage: elt = w.sum_of_partitions([2,1,1])
                    sage: elt.is_symmetric()
                    sage: elt -= 3*w.sum_of_partitions([1,1])
                    sage: elt.is_symmetric()
                    sage: w = SymmetricFunctionsNonCommutingVariables(ZZ).dual().w()
                    sage: elt = w.sum_of_partitions([2,1,1]) / 2
                    sage: elt.is_symmetric()
                    sage: elt = w[[1,3],[2]]
                    sage: elt.is_symmetric()
                    sage: elt = w[[1],[2,3]] + w[[1,2],[3]] + 2*w[[1,3],[2]]
                    sage: elt.is_symmetric()
                d = {}
                R = self.base_ring()
                for A, coeff in self:
                    la = A.shape()
                    exp = prod([factorial(_) for _ in la.to_exp()])
                    if la not in d:
                        if coeff / exp not in R:
                            return False
                        d[la] = [coeff, 1]
                        if d[la][0] != coeff:
                            return False
                        d[la][1] += 1
                # Make sure we've seen each set partition of the shape
                return all(
                    d[la][1] == SetPartitions(la.size(), la).cardinality()
                    for la in d)
Пример #4
 def f(partition):
     n = 0
     for part in partition:
         if part != 1:
             return 0
         n += 1
     return t**n / factorial(n)
Пример #5
 def f(partition):
     n = 0
     m = 1
     for part in partition:
         n += part
         m *= factorial(part)
     return t**n / m
Пример #6
        def sum_of_partitions(self, la):
            Return the sum over all sets partitions whose shape is ``la``,
            scaled by `\prod_i m_i!` where `m_i` is the multiplicity
            of `i` in ``la``.


            - ``la`` -- an integer partition


            - an element of ``self``


                sage: w = SymmetricFunctionsNonCommutingVariables(QQ).dual().w()
                sage: w.sum_of_partitions([2,1,1])
                2*w{{1}, {2}, {3, 4}} + 2*w{{1}, {2, 3}, {4}} + 2*w{{1}, {2, 4}, {3}}
                 + 2*w{{1, 2}, {3}, {4}} + 2*w{{1, 3}, {2}, {4}} + 2*w{{1, 4}, {2}, {3}}
            la = Partition(la)
            c = prod([factorial(_) for _ in la.to_exp()])
            P = SetPartitions()
            return self.sum_of_terms([(P(m), c) for m in SetPartitions(sum(la), la)], distinct=True)
Пример #7
            def is_symmetric(self):
                Determine if a `NCSym^*` function, expressed in the
                `\mathbf{w}` basis, is symmetric.

                A function `f` in the `\mathbf{w}` basis is a symmetric
                function if it is in the image of `\chi^*`. That is to say we

                .. MATH::

                    f = \sum_{\lambda} c_{\lambda} \prod_i m_i(\lambda)!
                    \sum_{\lambda(A) = \lambda} \mathbf{w}_A

                where the second sum is over all set partitions `A` whose
                shape `\lambda(A)` is equal to `\lambda` and `m_i(\mu)` is
                the multiplicity of `i` in the partition `\mu`.


                - ``True`` if `\lambda(A)=\lambda(B)` implies the coefficients of
                  `\mathbf{w}_A` and `\mathbf{w}_B` are equal, ``False`` otherwise


                    sage: w = SymmetricFunctionsNonCommutingVariables(QQ).dual().w()
                    sage: elt = w.sum_of_partitions([2,1,1])
                    sage: elt.is_symmetric()
                    sage: elt -= 3*w.sum_of_partitions([1,1])
                    sage: elt.is_symmetric()
                    sage: w = SymmetricFunctionsNonCommutingVariables(ZZ).dual().w()
                    sage: elt = w.sum_of_partitions([2,1,1]) / 2
                    sage: elt.is_symmetric()
                    sage: elt = w[[1,3],[2]]
                    sage: elt.is_symmetric()
                    sage: elt = w[[1],[2,3]] + w[[1,2],[3]] + 2*w[[1,3],[2]]
                    sage: elt.is_symmetric()
                d = {}
                R = self.base_ring()
                for A, coeff in self:
                    la = A.shape()
                    exp = prod([factorial(_) for _ in la.to_exp()])
                    if la not in d:
                        if coeff / exp not in R:
                            return False
                        d[la] = [coeff, 1]
                        if d[la][0] != coeff:
                            return False
                        d[la][1] += 1
                # Make sure we've seen each set partition of the shape
                return all(d[la][1] == SetPartitions(la.size(), la).cardinality() for la in d)
Пример #8
def logpp_binom(n, p, p_prec):
    """returns the (integral) power series p^n*(log_p(1+p*z)/log_p(1+p) choose n)"""
    L = logpp_gam(p, p_prec)
    ans = prod([(L - j) for j in range(n)])
    #for j in range(0,n):
    #    prod=prod*(L-j)
    ans *= (p**n) / factorial(n)

    return ps_normalize(ans.truncate(p_prec), p, p_prec)
Пример #9
def logpp_binom(n, p, p_prec):
    """returns the (integral) power series p^n*(log_p(1+p*z)/log_p(1+p) choose n)"""
    L = logpp_gam(p, p_prec)
    ans = prod([(L - j) for j in range(n)])
    #for j in range(0,n):
    #    prod=prod*(L-j)
    ans *= (p ** n) / factorial(n)
    return ps_normalize(ans.truncate(p_prec), p, p_prec)
Пример #10
def polynomial_derivative_on_basis(e, f):
    Return the differentiation of `f` by `e`.


    - `e`, `f` -- exponent vectors representing two monomials `X^e` and `X^f`
                  (type: :class:`sage.rings.polynomial.polydict.ETuple`)


    - a pair `(g,c)` where `g` is an exponent vector and `c` a
      coefficient, representing the term `c X^g`, or :obj:`None` if
      the result is zero.

    Let `R=K[X]` be a multivariate polynomial ring. Write `X^e` for
    the monomial with exponent vector `e`, and `p(\partial)` the
    differential operator obtained by substituting each variable `x`
    in `p` by `\frac{\partial}{\partial x}`.

    This returns `X^e(\partial)(X^f)`


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.polydict import ETuple
        sage: polynomial_derivative_on_basis(ETuple((4,0)), ETuple((4,0)))
        ((0, 0), 24)
        sage: polynomial_derivative_on_basis(ETuple((0,3)), ETuple((0,3)))
        ((0, 0), 6)
        sage: polynomial_derivative_on_basis(ETuple((0,1)), ETuple((0,3)))
        ((0, 2), 3)
        sage: polynomial_derivative_on_basis(ETuple((2,0)), ETuple((4,0)))
        ((2, 0), 12)
        sage: polynomial_derivative_on_basis(ETuple((2,1)), ETuple((4,3)))
        ((2, 2), 36)
        sage: polynomial_derivative_on_basis(ETuple((1,3)), ETuple((1,2)))
        sage: polynomial_derivative_on_basis(ETuple((2,0)), ETuple((1,2)))
    g = f.esub(e)
    if any(i < 0 for i in g):
        return None
    return (g, prod(factorial(i) / factorial(j) for (i, j) in zip(f, g)))
Пример #11
 def flip(self):  ##does not work correctly??
     k = self.weight()
         k = ZZ(k)
     except TypeError:
         return NotImplemented
     u = factorial(-k)
     return WeilRepMockModularForm(k,
                                   (u * self.shadow()).fourier_expansion(),
                                   self.bol() / u,
Пример #12
 def coeff(p, q):
     ret = QQ.one()
     last = 0
     for val in p:
         count = 0
         s = 0
         while s != val:
             s += q[last+count]
             count += 1
         ret /= factorial(count)
         last += count
     return ret
Пример #13
 def pochhammer_numerator(alpha, p, m, verbose=False):
     rational = fractional_part(alpha + m / (1 - p))
     R = GF(p)
     k = R(rational).lift()
     if k == 0:
         if verbose:
             print("issue alpha=%s m=%s" % (alpha, m))
         return R(1)
         fact = R(factorial(k - 1))
         res = (p - fact) if k % 2 else fact
         return res
Пример #14
def logp_binom(n, p, p_prec):
    """returns the (integral) power series (log_p(1+z)/log_p(1+p) choose n)"""
    if n == 0:
        return PolynomialRing(QQ, 'y')(1)
    L = logp_gam(p, p_prec)
    ans = prod([(L - j) for j in range(n)])
    #for j in range(0,n):
    #    prod=prod*(L-j)
    ans = ans / factorial(n)
    return ps_normalize(ans.truncate(p_prec+1), p, p_prec) #Do we need the +1?
Пример #15
 def coeff(p, q):
     ret = QQ.one()
     last = 0
     for val in p:
         count = 0
         s = 0
         while s != val:
             s += q[last + count]
             count += 1
         ret /= factorial(count)
         last += count
     return ret
Пример #16
def logp_binom(n, p, p_prec):
    """returns the (integral) power series (log_p(1+z)/log_p(1+p) choose n)"""
    if n == 0:
        return PolynomialRing(QQ, 'y')(1)
    L = logp_gam(p, p_prec)
    ans = prod([(L - j) for j in range(n)])
    #for j in range(0,n):
    #    prod=prod*(L-j)
    ans = ans / factorial(n)

    return ps_normalize(ans.truncate(p_prec + 1), p,
                        p_prec)  #Do we need the +1?
Пример #17
    def eval_formula(self, n, x):
        Evaluate ``chebyshev_T`` using an explicit formula.
        See [ASHandbook]_ 227 (p. 782) for details for the recurions.
        See also [EffCheby]_ for fast evaluation techniques.


        - ``n`` -- an integer

        - ``x`` -- a value to evaluate the polynomial at (this can be
          any ring element)


            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_formula(-1,x)
            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_formula(0,x)
            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_formula(1,x)
            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_formula(2,0.1) == chebyshev_T._evalf_(2,0.1)
            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_formula(10,x)
            512*x^10 - 1280*x^8 + 1120*x^6 - 400*x^4 + 50*x^2 - 1
            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_algebraic(10,x).expand()
            512*x^10 - 1280*x^8 + 1120*x^6 - 400*x^4 + 50*x^2 - 1
        if n < 0:
            return self.eval_formula(-n, x)
        elif n == 0:
            return parent(x).one()

        res = parent(x).zero()
        for j in xrange(0, n // 2 + 1):
            f = factorial(n - 1 - j) / factorial(j) / factorial(n - 2 * j)
            res += (-1) ** j * (2 * x) ** (n - 2 * j) * f
        res *= n / 2
        return res
Пример #18
    def eval_formula(self, n, x):
        Evaluate ``chebyshev_T`` using an explicit formula.
        See [ASHandbook]_ 227 (p. 782) for details for the recurions.
        See also [EffCheby]_ for fast evaluation techniques.


        - ``n`` -- an integer

        - ``x`` -- a value to evaluate the polynomial at (this can be
          any ring element)


            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_formula(-1,x)
            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_formula(0,x)
            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_formula(1,x)
            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_formula(2,0.1) == chebyshev_T._evalf_(2,0.1)
            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_formula(10,x)
            512*x^10 - 1280*x^8 + 1120*x^6 - 400*x^4 + 50*x^2 - 1
            sage: chebyshev_T.eval_algebraic(10,x).expand()
            512*x^10 - 1280*x^8 + 1120*x^6 - 400*x^4 + 50*x^2 - 1
        if n < 0:
            return self.eval_formula(-n, x)
        elif n == 0:
            return parent(x).one()

        res = parent(x).zero()
        for j in xrange(0, n // 2 + 1):
            f = factorial(n - 1 - j) / factorial(j) / factorial(n - 2 * j)
            res += (-1)**j * (2 * x)**(n - 2 * j) * f
        res *= n / 2
        return res
Пример #19
def abnormal_polynomials(L, r, m, s):
    Return the highest degree coefficients for abnormal polynomials in step `s`
    of layer `m` in the Lie algebra `L`.


    - ``L`` -- the Lie algebra to do the computations in
    - ``r`` -- the rank of the free Lie algebra
    - ``m`` -- the layer whose abnormal polynomials are computed
    - ``s`` -- the step of coefficients to compute


    A dictionary {X: {mon: coeff}, where

    - ``X`` -- a Hall basis element of layer `m`
    - ``mon`` -- a tuple `(i_1,...,i_n)` describing the monomial
    - ``coeff`` -- an element of a :class:`HallQuotient` Lie algebra whose dual
      element would be the coefficient of the monomial in the polynomial `P_X`
    elems = sum((list(L.graded_basis(k)) for k in range(1, m)), [])
    weights = sum(([k] * len(L.graded_basis(k)) for k in range(1, m)), [])
    P = {}
    mons = list(reversed(list(WeightedIntegerVectors(s - m, weights))))
    verbose("computing abnormal polynomials:")
    for X in L.graded_basis(m):
        PX = {}
        pname = freebasis_element_to_short_word(X).replace("X", "P")
        verbose("  %s deg %d coefficients" % (pname, s - m))
        # compute coefficients for the abnormal polynomial P_X
        for mon in mons:
            # compute coefficient of the monomial mon
            adx = X
            mult = QQ(1)
            for i in mon:
                mult = mult / factorial(i)
            for rep, Xi in zip(mon, elems):
                for k in range(rep):
                    adx = Xi.bracket(adx)
            PX[tuple(mon)] = mult * adx
        P[X] = PX

    return P
Пример #20
    def cardinality(self):
        Count the number of linear extensions using a hook-length formula.


            sage: from sage.combinat.posets.poset_examples import Posets
            sage: P = Posets.YoungDiagramPoset(Partition([3,2]), dual=True)
            sage: P.linear_extensions().cardinality()
        num_elmts = self._poset.cardinality()

        if num_elmts == 0:
            return 1

        hook_product = self._poset.hook_product()
        return factorial(num_elmts) // hook_product
Пример #21
    def __getitem__(self, key):

            sage: a, b, c, z = var('a b c z')
            sage: hs = HypergeometricSeries([a, b], [c], z)
            sage: for i in range(4): print hs[i]
            1/2*(b + 1)*(a + 1)*a*b*z^2/((c + 1)*c)
            1/6*(b + 1)*(b + 2)*(a + 1)*(a + 2)*a*b*z^3/((c + 1)*(c + 2)*c)

        if key >= 0:
            nominator = PochhammerSymbol(self.list_a, key).evaluate()
            denominator = PochhammerSymbol(self.list_b, key).evaluate()*factorial(key)
            return nominator / denominator * self.z**key
            return 0
def kontsevich_star_product_terms(K, prime_weights, precision):
    Kontsevich star product terms in KontsevichGraphSums ``K`` up to order ``precision``.


    - ``K`` - KontsevichGraphSums module.
    - ``prime_weights`` - weights of prime graphs, modulo edge labeling and mirror images.


        sage: K = KontsevichGraphSums(QQ);
        sage: weights = {}
        sage: weights[KontsevichGraph({'F' : {},'G' : {}}, ground_vertices=('F','G'), immutable=True)] = 1
        sage: weights[KontsevichGraph([(1, 'F', 'L'), (1, 'G', 'R')], ground_vertices=('F','G'), immutable=True)] = 1/2
        sage: weights[KontsevichGraph([(1, 2, 'R'), (1, 'F', 'L'), (2, 1, 'L'), (2, 'G', 'R')], ground_vertices=('F','G'), immutable=True)] = 1/24
        sage: weights[KontsevichGraph([(1, 2, 'R'), (1, 'F', 'L'), (2, 'F', 'L'), (2, 'G', 'R')], ground_vertices=('F','G'), immutable=True)] = 1/12
        sage: S.<h> = KontsevichGraphSeriesRng(K, star_product_terms = kontsevich_star_product_terms(K, weights, 2), default_prec = 2);
        sage: F = S(KontsevichGraph(('F',),immutable=True));
        sage: G = S(KontsevichGraph(('G',),immutable=True));
        sage: H = S(KontsevichGraph(('H',),immutable=True));
        sage: A = (F*G)*H - F*(G*H)
        sage: A.reduce()
        sage: len(A[2])  # three terms in the Jacobi identity
    series_terms = {
        K([(prime_weights[KontsevichGraph(('F', 'G'), immutable=True)],
            KontsevichGraph(('F', 'G'), immutable=True))])
    for n in range(1, precision + 1):
        term = K(0)
        for graph in kontsevich_graphs(n,
            coeff = kontsevich_weight(
                graph, prime_weights) * graph.multiplicity() / factorial(
            if coeff != 0:
                term += K([(coeff, graph)])
        series_terms[n] = term
    return series_terms
Пример #23
    def expansion_on_basis(self, w):
        Return the expansion of `S_w` in words of the shuffle algebra.


        - ``w`` -- a word


            sage: S = ShuffleAlgebra(QQ, 'ab').dual_pbw_basis()
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word())
            B[word: ]
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word()).parent()
            Shuffle Algebra on 2 generators ['a', 'b'] over Rational Field
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word('abba'))
            2*B[word: aabb] + B[word: abab] + B[word: abba]
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word())
            B[word: ]
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word('abab'))
            2*B[word: aabb] + B[word: abab]
        from sage.functions.other import factorial
        if len(w) == 0:
            return self._alg.one()
        if len(w) == 1:
            return self._alg.monomial(w)

        if w.is_lyndon():
            W = self.basis().keys()
            letter = W(w[0])
            expansion = self.expansion_on_basis(W(w[1:]))
            return self._alg.sum_of_terms([(letter * i, c)
                                           for i, c in expansion])

        lf = w.lyndon_factorization()
        powers = {}
        for i in lf:
            powers[i] = powers.get(i, 0) + 1
        denom = prod(factorial(p) for p in powers.values())
        result = self._alg.prod(self.expansion_on_basis(i) for i in lf)
        return self._alg(result / denom)
Пример #24
    def hodge_star(self, metric):
        Compute the Hodge dual of the differential form.

        If ``self`` is a `p`-form `A`, its Hodge dual is the `(n-p)`-form
        `*A` defined by (`n` being the manifold's dimension)

        .. MATH::

            *A_{i_1\ldots i_{n-p}} = \frac{1}{p!} A_{k_1\ldots k_p}
                \epsilon^{k_1\ldots k_p}_{\qquad\ i_1\ldots i_{n-p}}

        where `\epsilon` is the volume form associated with some
        pseudo-Riemannian metric `g` on the manifold, and the indices
        `k_1,\ldots, k_p` are raised with `g`.


        - ``metric``: the pseudo-Riemannian metric `g` defining the Hodge dual,
          via the volume form `\epsilon`; must be an instance of


        - the `(n-p)`-form `*A`


        from sage.functions.other import factorial
        from sage.tensor.modules.format_utilities import format_unop_txt, \
        p = self._tensor_rank
        eps = metric.volume_form(p)
        args = range(p) + [eps] + range(p)
        resu = self.contract(*args)
        if p > 1:
            resu = resu / factorial(p)
        resu.set_name(name=format_unop_txt('*', self._name),
                      latex_name=format_unop_latex(r'\star ',
        return resu
Пример #25
    def expansion_on_basis(self, w):
        Return the expansion of `S_w` in words of the shuffle algebra.


        - ``w`` -- a word


            sage: S = ShuffleAlgebra(QQ, 'ab').dual_pbw_basis()
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word())
            B[word: ]
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word()).parent()
            Shuffle Algebra on 2 generators ['a', 'b'] over Rational Field
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word('abba'))
            2*B[word: aabb] + B[word: abab] + B[word: abba]
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word())
            B[word: ]
            sage: S.expansion_on_basis(Word('abab'))
            2*B[word: aabb] + B[word: abab]
        from sage.functions.other import factorial
        if len(w) == 0:
            return self._alg.one()
        if len(w) == 1:
           return self._alg.monomial(w)

        if w.is_lyndon():
            W = self.basis().keys()
            letter = W(w[0])
            expansion = self.expansion_on_basis(W(w[1:]))
            return self._alg.sum_of_terms([(letter * i, c) for i,c in expansion])

        lf = w.lyndon_factorization()
        powers = {}
        for i in lf:
            powers[i] = powers.get(i, 0) + 1
        denom = prod(factorial(p) for p in powers.values())
        result = self._alg.prod(self.expansion_on_basis(i) for i in lf)
        return self._alg(result / denom)
Пример #26
    def _eval_(self, s, x):

            sage: hurwitz_zeta(x, 1)
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(4, 3)
            1/90*pi^4 - 17/16
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(-4, x)
            -1/5*x^5 + 1/2*x^4 - 1/3*x^3 + 1/30*x
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(3, 0.5)
        if x == 1:
            return zeta(s)
        if s in ZZ and s > 1:
            return ((-1)**s) * psi(s - 1, x) / factorial(s - 1)
        elif s in ZZ and s < 0:
            return -bernoulli_polynomial(x, -s + 1) / (-s + 1)
Пример #27
    def order(self):
        Returns the number of elements of ``self``.


            sage: F.<a> = GF(4)
            sage: SemimonomialTransformationGroup(F, 5).order() == (4-1)**5 * factorial(5) * 2
        from sage.functions.other import factorial
        from sage.categories.homset import End
        n = self.degree()
        R = self.base_ring()
        if R.is_field():
            multgroup_size = len(R) - 1
            autgroup_size = R.degree()
            multgroup_size = R.unit_group_order()
            autgroup_size = len([x for x in End(R) if x.is_injective()])
        return multgroup_size**n * factorial(n) * autgroup_size
Пример #28
    def _eval_(self, s, x):

            sage: hurwitz_zeta(x, 1)
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(4, 3)
            1/90*pi^4 - 17/16
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(-4, x)
            -1/5*x^5 + 1/2*x^4 - 1/3*x^3 + 1/30*x
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(3, 0.5)
        if x == 1:
            return zeta(s)
        if s in ZZ and s > 1:
            return ((-1) ** s) * psi(s - 1, x) / factorial(s - 1)
        elif s in ZZ and s < 0:
            return -bernoulli_polynomial(x, -s + 1) / (-s + 1)
    def order(self):
        Returns the number of elements of ``self``.


            sage: F.<a> = GF(4)
            sage: SemimonomialTransformationGroup(F, 5).order() == (4-1)**5 * factorial(5) * 2
        from sage.functions.other import factorial
        from sage.categories.homset import End
        n = self.degree()
        R = self.base_ring()
        if R.is_field():
            multgroup_size = len(R)-1
            autgroup_size = R.degree()
            multgroup_size = R.unit_group_order()
            autgroup_size = len([x for x in End(R) if x.is_injective()])
        return multgroup_size**n * factorial(n) * autgroup_size
Пример #30
            def to_symmetric_function(self):
                Take a function in the `\mathbf{w}` basis, and return its
                symmetric realization, when possible, expressed in the
                homogeneous basis of symmetric functions.


                - If ``self`` is a symmetric function, then the expansion
                  in the homogeneous basis of the symmetric functions is returned.
                  Otherwise an error is raised.


                    sage: w = SymmetricFunctionsNonCommutingVariables(QQ).dual().w()
                    sage: elt = w[[1],[2,3]] + w[[1,2],[3]] + w[[1,3],[2]]
                    sage: elt.to_symmetric_function()
                    h[2, 1]
                    sage: elt = w.sum_of_partitions([2,1,1]) / 2
                    sage: elt.to_symmetric_function()
                    1/2*h[2, 1, 1]


                    sage: w = SymmetricFunctionsNonCommutingVariables(QQ).dual().w()
                    sage: w(0).to_symmetric_function()
                    sage: w([]).to_symmetric_function()
                    sage: (2*w([])).to_symmetric_function()
                if not self.is_symmetric():
                    raise ValueError("not a symmetric function")
                h = SymmetricFunctions(self.parent().base_ring()).homogeneous()
                d = {A.shape(): c for A, c in self}
                return h.sum_of_terms(
                    [(AA, cc / prod([factorial(_) for _ in AA.to_exp()]))
                     for AA, cc in d.items()],
Пример #31
        def idempotent(self, la):
            Return the idemponent corresponding to the partition ``la``.


                sage: I = DescentAlgebra(QQ, 4).I()
                sage: E = I.idempotent([3,1]); E
                1/2*I[1, 3] + 1/2*I[3, 1]
                sage: E*E == E
                sage: E2 = I.idempotent([2,1,1]); E2
                1/6*I[1, 1, 2] + 1/6*I[1, 2, 1] + 1/6*I[2, 1, 1]
                sage: E2*E2 == E2
                sage: E*E2 == I.zero()
            from sage.combinat.permutation import Permutations
            k = len(la)
            C = Compositions(self.realization_of()._n)
            return self.sum_of_terms([(C(x), ~QQ(factorial(k))) for x in Permutations(la)])
Пример #32
            def to_symmetric_function(self):
                Take a function in the `\mathbf{w}` basis, and return its
                symmetric realization, when possible, expressed in the
                homogeneous basis of symmetric functions.


                - If ``self`` is a symmetric function, then the expansion
                  in the homogeneous basis of the symmetric functions is returned.
                  Otherwise an error is raised.


                    sage: w = SymmetricFunctionsNonCommutingVariables(QQ).dual().w()
                    sage: elt = w[[1],[2,3]] + w[[1,2],[3]] + w[[1,3],[2]]
                    sage: elt.to_symmetric_function()
                    h[2, 1]
                    sage: elt = w.sum_of_partitions([2,1,1]) / 2
                    sage: elt.to_symmetric_function()
                    1/2*h[2, 1, 1]


                    sage: w = SymmetricFunctionsNonCommutingVariables(QQ).dual().w()
                    sage: w(0).to_symmetric_function()
                    sage: w([]).to_symmetric_function()
                    sage: (2*w([])).to_symmetric_function()
                if not self.is_symmetric():
                    raise ValueError("not a symmetric function")
                h = SymmetricFunctions(self.parent().base_ring()).homogeneous()
                d = {A.shape(): c for A, c in self}
                return h.sum_of_terms(
                    [(AA, cc / prod([factorial(_) for _ in AA.to_exp()])) for AA, cc in d.items()], distinct=True
Пример #33
def coeff_sp(J, I):
    Returns the coefficient `sp_{J,I}` as defined in [NCSF]_.


    - ``J`` -- a composition
    - ``I`` -- a composition refining ``J``


    - integer


        sage: from sage.combinat.ncsf_qsym.combinatorics import coeff_sp
        sage: coeff_sp(Composition([1,1,1]), Composition([2,1]))
        sage: coeff_sp(Composition([2,1]), Composition([3]))
    return prod(factorial(len(K)) * prod(K) for K in J.refinement_splitting(I))
Пример #34
def coeff_sp(J,I):
    Returns the coefficient `sp_{J,I}` as defined in [NCSF]_.


    - ``J`` -- a composition
    - ``I`` -- a composition refining ``J``


    - integer


        sage: from sage.combinat.ncsf_qsym.combinatorics import coeff_sp
        sage: coeff_sp(Composition([1,1,1]), Composition([2,1]))
        sage: coeff_sp(Composition([2,1]), Composition([3]))
    return prod(factorial(len(K))*prod(K) for K in J.refinement_splitting(I))
Пример #35
        def idempotent(self, la):
            Return the idemponent corresponding to the partition ``la``.


                sage: I = DescentAlgebra(QQ, 4).I()
                sage: E = I.idempotent([3,1]); E
                1/2*I[1, 3] + 1/2*I[3, 1]
                sage: E*E == E
                sage: E2 = I.idempotent([2,1,1]); E2
                1/6*I[1, 1, 2] + 1/6*I[1, 2, 1] + 1/6*I[2, 1, 1]
                sage: E2*E2 == E2
                sage: E*E2 == I.zero()
            from sage.combinat.permutation import Permutations
            k = len(la)
            C = Compositions(self.realization_of()._n)
            return self.sum_of_terms([(C(x), ~QQ(factorial(k)))
                                      for x in Permutations(la)])
Пример #36
    def _eval_(self, s, x):

            sage: hurwitz_zeta(x, 1)
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(4, 3)
            1/90*pi^4 - 17/16
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(-4, x)
            -1/5*x^5 + 1/2*x^4 - 1/3*x^3 + 1/30*x
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(3, 0.5)
        co = get_coercion_model().canonical_coercion(s, x)[0]
        if is_inexact(co) and not isinstance(co, Expression):
            return self._evalf_(s, x, parent=parent(co))
        if x == 1:
            return zeta(s)
        if s in ZZ and s > 1:
            return ((-1) ** s) * psi(s - 1, x) / factorial(s - 1)
        elif s in ZZ and s < 0:
            return -bernoulli_polynomial(x, -s + 1) / (-s + 1)
    def _eval_(self, s, x):

            sage: hurwitz_zeta(x, 1)
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(4, 3)
            1/90*pi^4 - 17/16
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(-4, x)
            -1/5*x^5 + 1/2*x^4 - 1/3*x^3 + 1/30*x
            sage: hurwitz_zeta(3, 0.5)
        co = get_coercion_model().canonical_coercion(s, x)[0]
        if is_inexact(co) and not isinstance(co, Expression):
            return self._evalf_(s, x, parent=parent(co))
        if x == 1:
            return zeta(s)
        if s in ZZ and s > 1:
            return ((-1)**s) * psi(s - 1, x) / factorial(s - 1)
        elif s in ZZ and s < 0:
            return -bernoulli_polynomial(x, -s + 1) / (-s + 1)
def kontsevich_star_product_terms(K, prime_weights, precision):
    Kontsevich star product terms in KontsevichGraphSums ``K`` up to order ``precision``.


    - ``K`` - KontsevichGraphSums module.
    - ``prime_weights`` - weights of prime graphs, modulo edge labeling and mirror images.


        sage: K = KontsevichGraphSums(QQ);
        sage: weights = {}
        sage: weights[KontsevichGraph({'F' : {},'G' : {}}, ground_vertices=('F','G'), immutable=True)] = 1
        sage: weights[KontsevichGraph([(1, 'F', 'L'), (1, 'G', 'R')], ground_vertices=('F','G'), immutable=True)] = 1/2
        sage: weights[KontsevichGraph([(1, 2, 'R'), (1, 'F', 'L'), (2, 1, 'L'), (2, 'G', 'R')], ground_vertices=('F','G'), immutable=True)] = 1/24
        sage: weights[KontsevichGraph([(1, 2, 'R'), (1, 'F', 'L'), (2, 'F', 'L'), (2, 'G', 'R')], ground_vertices=('F','G'), immutable=True)] = 1/12
        sage: S.<h> = KontsevichGraphSeriesRng(K, star_product_terms = kontsevich_star_product_terms(K, weights, 2), default_prec = 2);
        sage: F = S(KontsevichGraph(('F',),immutable=True));
        sage: G = S(KontsevichGraph(('G',),immutable=True));
        sage: H = S(KontsevichGraph(('H',),immutable=True));
        sage: A = (F*G)*H - F*(G*H)
        sage: A.reduce()
        sage: len(A[2])  # three terms in the Jacobi identity
    series_terms = {0 : K([(prime_weights[KontsevichGraph(('F','G'), immutable=True)],
                            KontsevichGraph(('F','G'), immutable=True))])}
    for n in range(1, precision + 1):
        term = K(0)
        for graph in kontsevich_graphs(n, modulo_edge_labeling=True, positive_differential_order=True):
            coeff = kontsevich_weight(graph, prime_weights)*graph.multiplicity()/factorial(len(graph.internal_vertices()))
            if coeff != 0:
                term += K([(coeff, graph)])
        series_terms[n] = term
    return series_terms
Пример #39
    def __call__(self, x, type_3_pole_check=True):
        Makes dynamical systems on Berkovich space over ``Cp`` callable.


        - ``x`` -- a point of projective Berkovich space over ``Cp``.

        - type_3_pole_check -- (default ``True``) A bool. WARNING:
          changing the value of type_3_pole_check can lead to mathematically
          incorrect answers. Only set to ``False`` if there are NO
          poles of the dynamical system in the disk corresponding
          to the type III point ``x``. See Examples.

        OUTPUT: A point of projective Berkovich space over ``Cp``.


            sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(Qp(3), 1)
            sage: g = DynamicalSystem_projective([x^2 + y^2, x*y])
            sage: G = DynamicalSystem_Berkovich(g)
            sage: B = G.domain()
            sage: Q3 = B(0, 1)
            sage: G(Q3)
            Type II point centered at (0 : 1 + O(3^20)) of radius 3^0


            sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(Qp(3), 1)
            sage: H = DynamicalSystem_Berkovich([x*y^2, x^3 + 20*y^3])
            sage: B = H.domain()
            sage: Q4 = B(1/9, 1.5)
            sage: H(Q4, False)
            Type III point centered at (3^4 + 3^10 + 2*3^11 + 2*3^13 + 2*3^14 +
            2*3^15 + 3^17 + 2*3^18 + 2*3^19 + 3^20 + 3^21 + 3^22 + O(3^24) : 1 +
            O(3^20)) of radius 0.00205761316872428


        - For type II points, we use the approach outlined in Example
          7.37 of [Ben2019]_
        - For type III points, we use Proposition 7.6 of [Ben2019]_
        if not isinstance(x.parent(), Berkovich_Cp_Projective):
                x = self.domain()(x)
                raise TypeError(
                    'action of dynamical system not defined on %s' %
        if x.parent().is_padic_base() != self.domain().is_padic_base():
            raise ValueError('x was not backed by the same type of field as f')
        if x.prime() != self.domain().prime():
            raise ValueError(
                'x and f are defined over Berkovich spaces over Cp for different p'
        if x.type_of_point() == 1:
            return self.domain()(self._system(x.center()))
        if x.type_of_point() == 4:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'action on Type IV points not implemented')
        f = self._system
        if x.type_of_point() == 2:
            if self.domain().is_number_field_base():
                ideal = self.domain().ideal()
                ring_of_integers = self.domain().base_ring().ring_of_integers()
            field = f.domain().base_ring()
            M = Matrix([[field(x.prime()**(-1 * x.power())),
                         x.center()[0]], [field(0), field(1)]])
            F = list(f * M)
            R = field['z']
            S = f.domain().coordinate_ring()
            z = R.gen(0)
            dehomogenize_hom = S.hom([z, 1])
            for i in range(len(F)):
                F[i] = dehomogenize_hom(F[i])
            lcm = field(1)
            for poly in F:
                for i in poly:
                    if i != 0:
                        lcm = i.denominator().lcm(lcm)
            for i in range(len(F)):
                F[i] *= lcm
            gcd = [i for i in F[0] if i != 0][0]
            for poly in F:
                for i in poly:
                    if i != 0:
                        gcd = gcd * i * gcd.lcm(i).inverse_of_unit()
            for i in range(len(F)):
                F[i] *= gcd.inverse_of_unit()
            gcd = F[0].gcd(F[1])
            F[0] = F[0].quo_rem(gcd)[0]
            F[1] = F[1].quo_rem(gcd)[0]
            fraction = []
            for poly in F:
                new_poly = []
                for i in poly:
                    if self.domain().is_padic_base():
                new_poly = R(new_poly)
            gcd = fraction[0].gcd(fraction[1])
            num = fraction[0].quo_rem(gcd)[0]
            dem = fraction[1].quo_rem(gcd)[0]
            if dem.is_zero():
                f = DynamicalSystem_affine(F[0] / F[1]).homogenize(1)
                f = f.conjugate(Matrix([[0, 1], [1, 0]]))
                g = DynamicalSystem_Berkovich(f)
                return g(self.domain()(QQ(0), QQ(1))).involution_map()
            # if the reduction is not constant, the image is the Gauss point
            if not (num.is_constant() and dem.is_constant()):
                return self.domain()(QQ(0), QQ(1))
            if self.domain().is_padic_base():
                reduced_value = field(num *
                reduced_value = field(num * dem.inverse_of_unit())
            new_num = F[0] - reduced_value * F[1]
            if self.domain().is_padic_base():
                power_of_p = min([i.valuation() for i in new_num])
                power_of_p = min([i.valuation(ideal) for i in new_num])
            inverse_map = field(x.prime()**power_of_p) * z + reduced_value
            if self.domain().is_padic_base():
                return self.domain()(inverse_map(0),
                                     (inverse_map(1) - inverse_map(0)).abs())
                val = (inverse_map(1) - inverse_map(0)).valuation(ideal)
                if val == Infinity:
                    return self.domain()(inverse_map(0), 0)
                return self.domain()(inverse_map(0), x.prime()**(-1 * val))
        # point is now type III, so we compute using Proposition 7.6 [of Benedetto]
        affine_system = f.dehomogenize(1)
        dem = affine_system.defining_polynomials()[0].denominator(
        if type_3_pole_check:
            if self.domain().is_padic_base():
                factorization = [i[0] for i in dem.factor()]
                for factor in factorization:
                    if factor.degree() >= 2:
                            factor_root_field = factor.root_field('a')
                            factor = factor.change_ring(factor_root_field)
                            raise NotImplementedError(
                                'cannot check if poles lie in type III disk')
                        factor_root_field = factor.base_ring()
                    center = factor_root_field(x.center()[0])
                    for pole in [i[0] for i in factor.roots()]:
                        if (center - pole).abs() <= x.radius():
                            raise NotImplementedError(
                                'image of type III point not implemented when poles in disk'
                dem_splitting_field, embedding = dem.splitting_field('a', True)
                poles = [i[0] for i in dem.roots(dem_splitting_field)]
                primes_above = dem_splitting_field.primes_above(
                # check if all primes of the extension map the roots to outside
                # the disk corresponding to the type III point
                for prime in primes_above:
                    no_poles = True
                    for pole in poles:
                        valuation = (embedding(x.center()[0]) -
                        if valuation == Infinity:
                            no_poles = False
                        elif x.prime()**(-1 * valuation /
                                         ) <= x.radius():
                            no_poles = False
                    if not no_poles:
                if not no_poles:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'image of type III not implemented when poles in disk')
        nth_derivative = f.dehomogenize(1).defining_polynomials()[0]
        variable = nth_derivative.parent().gens()[0]
        a = x.center()[0]
        Taylor_expansion = []
        from sage.functions.other import factorial
        for i in range(f.degree() + 1):
            Taylor_expansion.append(nth_derivative(a) * 1 / factorial(i))
            nth_derivative = nth_derivative.derivative(variable)
        r = x.radius()
        new_center = f(a)
        if self.domain().is_padic_base():
            new_radius = max([
                Taylor_expansion[i].abs() * r**i
                for i in range(1, len(Taylor_expansion))
            if prime is None:
                prime = x.parent().ideal()
                dem_splitting_field = x.parent().base_ring()
            p = x.prime()
            new_radius = 0
            for i in range(1, len(Taylor_expansion)):
                valuation = dem_splitting_field(
                new_radius = max(
                    p**(-valuation / prime.absolute_ramification_index()) *
        return self.domain()(new_center, new_radius)
Пример #40
def number_of_partial_injection(n, algorithm='binomial'):
    Return the number of partial injections on an set of `n` elements
    defined on a subset of `k` elements for each `k` in `0, 1, ..., n`.


    - ``n`` -- integer
    - ``algorithm`` -- string (default: ``'binomial'``), ``'binomial'``
      or ``'recursive'``. When n>50, the binomial coefficient approach is
      faster (linear time vs quadratic time).



    .. NOTE::

        The recursive code of this function was originally written by
        Vincent Delecroix (Nov 30, 2017) the day after a discussion with
        Pascal Weil and me at LaBRI.


        sage: from slabbe import number_of_partial_injection
        sage: number_of_partial_injection(0)
        sage: number_of_partial_injection(1)
        [1, 1]
        sage: number_of_partial_injection(2)
        [1, 4, 2]
        sage: number_of_partial_injection(3)
        [1, 9, 18, 6]
        sage: number_of_partial_injection(4)
        [1, 16, 72, 96, 24]
        sage: number_of_partial_injection(5)
        [1, 25, 200, 600, 600, 120]
        sage: number_of_partial_injection(6)
        [1, 36, 450, 2400, 5400, 4320, 720]
        sage: number_of_partial_injection(7)
        [1, 49, 882, 7350, 29400, 52920, 35280, 5040]
        sage: number_of_partial_injection(8)
        [1, 64, 1568, 18816, 117600, 376320, 564480, 322560, 40320]


        sage: number_of_partial_injection(8, algorithm='recursive')
        [1, 64, 1568, 18816, 117600, 376320, 564480, 322560, 40320]


    if algorithm == 'binomial':
        return [binomial(n,k)**2*factorial(k) for k in range(n+1)]
    elif algorithm == 'recursive':
        L = [ZZ(1)]
        for t in range(1, n+1):
            L.append(t * L[-1])
            for k in range(t-1, 0, -1):
                L[k] = (t * L[k]) // (t-k) + t * L[k-1]
        return L
Пример #41
 def f(partition):
     n = partition.size()
     return (StandardTableaux(partition).cardinality() * t**n /
def _compute_sw_spherical_harm(s,
    Compute the spin-weighted spherical harmonic of spin weight ``s`` and
    indices ``(l,m)`` as a callable symbolic expression in (theta,phi)


    - ``s`` -- integer; the spin weight
    - ``l`` -- non-negative integer; the harmonic degree
    - ``m`` -- integer within the range ``[-l, l]``; the azimuthal number
    - ``theta`` -- colatitude angle
    - ``phi`` -- azimuthal angle
    - ``condon_shortley`` -- (default: ``True``) determines whether the
      Condon-Shortley phase of `(-1)^m` is taken into account (see below)
    - ``numerical`` -- (default: ``None``) determines whether a symbolic or
      a numerical computation of a given type is performed; allowed values are

      - ``None``: a symbolic computation is performed
      - ``RDF``: Sage's machine double precision floating-point numbers
      - ``RealField(n)``, where ``n`` is a number of bits: Sage's
        floating-point numbers with an arbitrary precision; note that ``RR`` is
        a shortcut for ``RealField(53)``.
      - ``float``: Python's floating-point numbers


    - `{}_s Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)` either

      - as a symbolic expression if ``numerical`` is ``None``
      - or a pair of floating-point numbers, each of them being of the type
        corresponding to ``numerical`` and representing respectively the
        real and imaginary parts of `{}_s Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)`


    The spin-weighted spherical harmonic is evaluated according to Eq. (3.1)
    of J. N. Golberg et al., J. Math. Phys. **8**, 2155 (1967)
    [:doi:`10.1063/1.1705135`], with an extra `(-1)^m` factor (the so-called
    *Condon-Shortley phase*) if ``condon_shortley`` is ``True``, the actual
    formula being then the one given in


        sage: from kerrgeodesic_gw.spin_weighted_spherical_harm import _compute_sw_spherical_harm
        sage: theta, phi = var("theta phi")
        sage: _compute_sw_spherical_harm(-2, 2, 1, theta, phi)
        1/4*(sqrt(5)*cos(theta) + sqrt(5))*e^(I*phi)*sin(theta)/sqrt(pi)

    if abs(s) > l:
        return ZZ(0)
    if abs(theta) < 1.e-6:  # TODO: fix the treatment of small theta values
        if theta < 0:  #       possibly with exact formula for theta=0
            theta = -1.e-6  #
        else:  #
            theta = 1.e-6  #
    cott2 = cos(theta / 2) / sin(theta / 2)
    res = 0
    for r in range(l - s + 1):
        res += (-1)**(l - r - s) * (binomial(l - s, r) * binomial(
            l + s, r + s - m) * cott2**(2 * r + s - m))
    res *= sin(theta / 2)**(2 * l)
    ff = factorial(l + m) * factorial(l - m) * (2 * l + 1) / (
        factorial(l + s) * factorial(l - s))
    if numerical:
        pre = sqrt(numerical(ff) / numerical(pi)) / 2
        pre = sqrt(ff) / (2 * sqrt(pi))
    res *= pre
    if condon_shortley:
        res *= (-1)**m
    if numerical:
        return (numerical(res * cos(m * phi)), numerical(res * sin(m * phi)))
    # Symbolic case:
    res = res.simplify_full()
    res = res.reduce_trig()  # get rid of cos(theta/2) and sin(theta/2)
    res = res.simplify_trig()  # further trigonometric simplifications
    res *= exp(I * m * phi)
    return res
Пример #43
    def hodge_star(self, metric):
        Compute the Hodge dual of the differential form. 
        If ``self`` is a `p`-form `A`, its Hodge dual is the `(n-p)`-form
        `*A` defined by (`n` being the manifold's dimension)
        .. MATH::
            *A_{i_1\ldots i_{n-p}} = \frac{1}{p!} A_{k_1\ldots k_p}
                \epsilon^{k_1\ldots k_p}_{\qquad\ i_1\ldots i_{n-p}}
        where $\epsilon$ is the volume form associated with some 
        pseudo-Riemannian metric `g` on the manifold, and the indices 
        `k_1,\ldots, k_p` are raised with `g`. 
        - ``metric``: the pseudo-Riemannian metric `g` defining the Hodge dual, 
          via the volume form `\epsilon`; must be an instance of :class:`Metric`
        - the `(n-p)`-form `*A` 
        Hodge star of a 1-form in the Euclidean space `R^3`::
            sage: m = Manifold(3, 'M', start_index=1)
            sage: X = Chart(m, 'x y z', 'xyz')
            sage: g = Metric(m, 'g')
            sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = 1, 1, 1
            sage: a = OneForm(m, 'A')
            sage: var('Ax Ay Az')
            (Ax, Ay, Az)
            sage: a[:] = (Ax, Ay, Az)
            sage: sa = a.hodge_star(g) ; sa
            2-form '*A' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: sa.show()
            *A = Az dx/\dy - Ay dx/\dz + Ax dy/\dz
            sage: ssa = sa.hodge_star(g) ; ssa
            1-form '**A' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: ssa.show()
            **A = Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
            sage: ssa == a  # must hold for a Riemannian metric in dimension 3
        Hodge star of a 0-form (scalar field) in `R^3`::
            sage: f = ScalarField(m, function('F',x,y,z), name='f')
            sage: sf = f.hodge_star(g) ; sf
            3-form '*f' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: sf.show()
            *f = F(x, y, z) dx/\dy/\dz
            sage: ssf = sf.hodge_star(g) ; ssf
            scalar field '**f' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: ssf.show()
            **f: (x, y, z) |--> F(x, y, z)
            sage: ssf == f # must hold for a Riemannian metric
        Hodge star of a 0-form in Minkowksi spacetime::
            sage: m = Manifold(4, 'M')
            sage: X = Chart(m, 't x y z', 'txyz')
            sage: g = Metric(m, 'g', signature=2)
            sage: g[0,0], g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = -1, 1, 1, 1
            sage: g.show()  # Minkowski metric
            g = -dt*dt + dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
            sage: var('f0')
            sage: f = ScalarField(m, f0, name='f')
            sage: sf = f.hodge_star(g) ; sf 
            4-form '*f' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: sf.show()
            *f = f0 dt/\dx/\dy/\dz
            sage: ssf = sf.hodge_star(g) ; ssf
            scalar field '**f' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: ssf.show()
            **f: (t, x, y, z) |--> -f0
            sage: ssf == -f  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric             

        Hodge star of a 1-form in Minkowksi spacetime::
            sage: a = OneForm(m, 'A')
            sage: var('At Ax Ay Az')
            (At, Ax, Ay, Az)
            sage: a[:] = (At, Ax, Ay, Az)
            sage: a.show()
            A = At dt + Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
            sage: sa = a.hodge_star(g) ; sa
            3-form '*A' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: sa.show()
            *A = -Az dt/\dx/\dy + Ay dt/\dx/\dz - Ax dt/\dy/\dz - At dx/\dy/\dz
            sage: ssa = sa.hodge_star(g) ; ssa
            1-form '**A' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: ssa.show()
            **A = At dt + Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
            sage: ssa == a  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric in dimension 4

        Hodge star of a 2-form in Minkowksi spacetime::
            sage: F = DiffForm(m, 2, 'F')    
            sage: var('Ex Ey Ez Bx By Bz')
            (Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz)
            sage: F[0,1], F[0,2], F[0,3] = -Ex, -Ey, -Ez
            sage: F[1,2], F[1,3], F[2,3] = Bz, -By, Bx
            sage: F[:]
            [  0 -Ex -Ey -Ez]
            [ Ex   0  Bz -By]
            [ Ey -Bz   0  Bx]
            [ Ez  By -Bx   0]
            sage: sF = F.hodge_star(g) ; sF
            2-form '*F' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: sF[:]
            [  0  Bx  By  Bz]
            [-Bx   0  Ez -Ey]
            [-By -Ez   0  Ex]
            [-Bz  Ey -Ex   0]
            sage: ssF = sF.hodge_star(g) ; ssF
            2-form '**F' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: ssF[:]   
            [  0  Ex  Ey  Ez]
            [-Ex   0 -Bz  By]
            [-Ey  Bz   0 -Bx]
            [-Ez -By  Bx   0]
            sage: ssF.show()
            **F = Ex dt/\dx + Ey dt/\dy + Ez dt/\dz - Bz dx/\dy + By dx/\dz - Bx dy/\dz
            sage: F.show()
            F = -Ex dt/\dx - Ey dt/\dy - Ez dt/\dz + Bz dx/\dy - By dx/\dz + Bx dy/\dz
            sage: ssF == -F  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric in dimension 4

        Test of the standard identity
        .. MATH::
            *(A\wedge B) = \epsilon(A^\sharp, B^\sharp, ., .)
        where `A` and `B` are any 1-forms and `A^\sharp` and `B^\sharp` the 
        vectors associated to them by the metric `g` (index raising)::

            sage: b = OneForm(m, 'B')
            sage: var('Bt Bx By Bz')
            (Bt, Bx, By, Bz)
            sage: b[:] = (Bt, Bx, By, Bz) ; b.show()
            B = Bt dt + Bx dx + By dy + Bz dz
            sage: epsilon = g.volume_form()
            sage: (a.wedge(b)).hodge_star(g) == epsilon.contract(0, a.up(g), 0).contract(0, b.up(g), 0)

        from sage.functions.other import factorial
        from utilities import format_unop_txt, format_unop_latex
        p = self.rank
        eps = metric.volume_form(p)
        if p == 0:
            resu = self * eps
            resu = self.contract(0, eps, 0)
            for j in range(1, p):
                resu = resu.self_contract(0, p - j)
            if p > 1:
                resu = resu / factorial(p)
        # Name and LaTeX name of the result:
        resu.name = format_unop_txt('*', self.name)
        resu.latex_name = format_unop_latex(r'\star ', self.latex_name)
        return resu
Пример #44
def bch_iterator(X=None, Y=None):
    A generator function which returns successive terms of the
    Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula.


    - ``X`` -- (optional) an element of a Lie algebra
    - ``Y`` -- (optional) an element of a Lie algebra

    The BCH formula is an expression for `\log(\exp(X)\exp(Y))` as a sum of Lie
    brackets of ``X`` and ``Y`` with rational coefficients. In arbitrary Lie
    algebras, the infinite sum is only guaranteed to converge for ``X`` and
    ``Y`` close to zero.

    If the elements ``X`` and ``Y`` are not given, then the iterator will
    return successive terms of the abstract BCH formula, i.e., the BCH formula
    for the generators of the free Lie algebra on 2 generators.

    If the Lie algebra containing ``X`` and ``Y`` is not nilpotent, the
    iterator will output infinitely many elements. If the Lie algebra is
    nilpotent, the number of elements outputted is equal to the nilpotency step.


    The terms of the abstract BCH formula up to fifth order brackets::

        sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.bch import bch_iterator
        sage: bch = bch_iterator()
        sage: next(bch)
        X + Y
        sage: next(bch)
        1/2*[X, Y]
        sage: next(bch)
        1/12*[X, [X, Y]] + 1/12*[[X, Y], Y]
        sage: next(bch)
        1/24*[X, [[X, Y], Y]]
        sage: next(bch)
        -1/720*[X, [X, [X, [X, Y]]]] + 1/180*[X, [X, [[X, Y], Y]]]
        + 1/360*[[X, [X, Y]], [X, Y]] + 1/180*[X, [[[X, Y], Y], Y]]
        + 1/120*[[X, Y], [[X, Y], Y]] - 1/720*[[[[X, Y], Y], Y], Y]

    For nilpotent Lie algebras the BCH formula only has finitely many terms::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 2, step=3)
        sage: L.inject_variables()
        Defining X_1, X_2, X_12, X_112, X_122
        sage: [Z for Z in bch_iterator(X_1, X_2)]
        [X_1 + X_2, 1/2*X_12, 1/12*X_112 + 1/12*X_122]
        sage: [Z for Z in bch_iterator(X_1 + X_2, X_12)]
        [X_1 + X_2 + X_12, 1/2*X_112 - 1/2*X_122, 0]

    The elements ``X`` and ``Y`` don't need to be elements of the same Lie
    algebra if there is a coercion from one to the other::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 3, step=2)
        sage: L.inject_variables()
        Defining X_1, X_2, X_3, X_12, X_13, X_23
        sage: S = L.subalgebra(X_1, X_2)
        sage: bch1 = [Z for Z in bch_iterator(S(X_1), S(X_2))]; bch1
        [X_1 + X_2, 1/2*X_12]
        sage: bch1[0].parent() == S
        sage: bch2 = [Z for Z in bch_iterator(S(X_1), X_3)]; bch2
        [X_1 + X_3, 1/2*X_13]
        sage: bch2[0].parent() == L

    The BCH formula requires a coercion from the rationals::

        sage: L.<X,Y,Z> = LieAlgebra(ZZ, 2, step=2)
        sage: bch = bch_iterator(X, Y); next(bch)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: the BCH formula is not well defined since Integer Ring has no coercion from Rational Field


    Compare to the BCH formula up to degree 5 given by wikipedia::

        sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.bch import bch_iterator
        sage: bch = bch_iterator()
        sage: L.<X,Y> = LieAlgebra(QQ)
        sage: L = L.Lyndon()
        sage: computed_BCH = L.sum(next(bch) for k in range(5))
        sage: wikiBCH = X + Y + 1/2*L[X,Y] + 1/12*(L[X,[X,Y]] + L[Y,[Y,X]])
        sage: wikiBCH += -1/24*L[Y,[X,[X,Y]]]
        sage: wikiBCH += -1/720*(L[Y,[Y,[Y,[Y,X]]]] + L[X,[X,[X,[X,Y]]]])
        sage: wikiBCH += 1/360*(L[X,[Y,[Y,[Y,X]]]] + L[Y,[X,[X,[X,Y]]]])
        sage: wikiBCH += 1/120*(L[Y,[X,[Y,[X,Y]]]] + L[X,[Y,[X,[Y,X]]]])
        sage: computed_BCH == wikiBCH


    The BCH formula `\log(\exp(X)\exp(Y)) = \sum_k Z_k` is computed starting
    from `Z_1 = X + Y`, by the recursion

    .. MATH::

        (m+1)Z_{m+1} =  \frac{1}{2}[X - Y, Z_m]
        + \sum_{2\leq 2p \leq m}\frac{B_{2p}}{(2p)!}\sum_{k_1+\cdots+k_{2p}=m}
        [Z_{k_1}, [\cdots [Z_{k_{2p}}, X + Y]\cdots],

    where `B_{2p}` are the Bernoulli numbers, see Lemma 2.15.3. in [Var1984]_.

    .. WARNING::

        The time needed to compute each successive term increases exponentially.
        For example on one machine iterating through `Z_{11},...,Z_{18}` for a
        free Lie algebra, computing each successive term took 4-5 times longer,
        going from 0.1s for `Z_{11}` to 21 minutes for `Z_{18}`.
    if X is None or Y is None:
        L = LieAlgebra(QQ, ['X', 'Y']).Lyndon()
        X, Y = L.lie_algebra_generators()
        X, Y = canonical_coercion(X, Y)
        L = X.parent()

    R = L.base_ring()
    if not R.has_coerce_map_from(QQ):
        raise TypeError("the BCH formula is not well defined since %s "
                        "has no coercion from %s" % (R, QQ))

    xdif = X - Y
    Z = [0, X + Y]  # 1-based indexing for convenience
    m = 1
    yield Z[1]

    while True:
        m += 1
        if L in LieAlgebras.Nilpotent and m > L.step():

        # apply the recursion formula of [Var1984]
        Zm = ~QQ(2 * m) * xdif.bracket(Z[-1])
        for p in range(1, (m - 1) // 2 + 1):
            partitions = IntegerListsLex(m - 1, length=2 * p, min_part=1)
            coeff = bernoulli(2 * p) / QQ(m * factorial(2 * p))
            for kvec in partitions:
                W = Z[1]
                for k in kvec:
                    W = Z[k].bracket(W)
                Zm += coeff * W

        yield Zm
Пример #45
def fiej(i, j, d):  # fiejcoeff_on_highest_weight

    - `i`, `j`, `d` -- nonnegative integers

    OUTPUT: a nonnegative integer

    Let $f = x\partial_y and e = y\partial_x$, and `p` be a highest
    weight polynomial of weight `d`.  Then `c=fiej(i,j,d)` is such
    that `f^i e^j p = c e^{j-i} p`. `c` is given by the formula::

    .. MATH:: \prod_{k = j-i+1}^j (kd - 2 \binom{k}{2})


        sage: R = QQ['x,y']
        sage: R.inject_variables()
        Defining x, y
        sage: def f(p): return x*diff(p,y)
        sage: def e(p): return y*diff(p,x)

        sage: fiej(0,0,3)

        sage: fiej(0,1,3)
        sage: f(e(x^3)) / x^3
        sage: fiej(1,1,3)
        sage: f(f(e(x^3)))
        sage: fiej(2,1,3)

        sage: fiej(0,2,3)
        sage: f(e(e(x^3))) / e(x^3)
        sage: fiej(1,2,3)
        sage: f(f(e(e(x^3)))) / x^3
        sage: fiej(2,2,3)

        sage: fiej(0,3,3)
        sage: f(e(e(e(x^3)))) / e(e(x^3))
        sage: fiej(1,3,3)
        sage: f(f(e(e(e(x^3))))) / e(x^3)
        sage: f(f(f(e(e(e(x^3)))))) / x^3
        sage: fiej(3,3,3)
        sage: fiej(4,3,3)

        sage: f(f(f(e(e(e(x^9)))))) / x^9
        sage: fiej(3,3,9)
    return binomial(j, i) * binomial(d - j + i, i) * factorial(i)**2
Пример #46
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the number of linear extensions by using the determinant
        formula for counting linear extensions of mobiles.


            sage: from sage.combinat.posets.mobile import MobilePoset
            sage: M = MobilePoset(DiGraph([[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], [(1,0),(3,0),(2,1),(2,3),(4,
            ....: 3), (5,4),(5,6),(7,4),(7,8)]]))
            sage: M.linear_extensions().cardinality()

            sage: M1 = posets.RibbonPoset(6, [1,3])
            sage: M1.linear_extensions().cardinality()

            sage: P = posets.MobilePoset(posets.RibbonPoset(7, [1,3]), {1:
            ....: [posets.YoungDiagramPoset([3, 2], dual=True)], 3: [posets.DoubleTailedDiamond(6)]},
            ....: anchor=(4, 2, posets.ChainPoset(6)))
            sage: P.linear_extensions().cardinality()
        import sage.combinat.posets.d_complete as dc
        # Find folds
        if self._poset._anchor:
            anchor_index = self._poset._ribbon.index(self._poset._anchor[0])
            anchor_index = len(self._poset._ribbon)

        folds_up = []
        folds_down = []

        for ind, r in enumerate(self._poset._ribbon[:-1]):
            if ind < anchor_index and self._poset.is_greater_than(
                    r, self._poset._ribbon[ind + 1]):
                folds_up.append((self._poset._ribbon[ind + 1], r))
            elif ind >= anchor_index and self._poset.is_less_than(
                    r, self._poset._ribbon[ind + 1]):
                folds_down.append((r, self._poset._ribbon[ind + 1]))

        if not folds_up and not folds_down:
            return dc.DCompletePoset(

        # Get ordered connected components
        cr = self._poset.cover_relations()
        foldless_cr = [
            tuple(c) for c in cr
            if tuple(c) not in folds_up and tuple(c) not in folds_down

        elmts = list(self._poset._elements)
        poset_components = DiGraph([elmts, foldless_cr])
        ordered_poset_components = [
            for f in folds_up
            for f in folds_down)
                folds_down[-1][1] if folds_down else folds_up[-1][0],

        # Return determinant

        # Consoludate the folds lists
        folds = folds_up

        mat = []
        for i in range(len(folds) + 1):
            mat_poset = dc.DCompletePoset(
            row = [0] * (i - 1 if i - 1 > 0 else 0) + [1
                                                       ] * (1 if i >= 1 else 0)
            row.append(1 / mat_poset.hook_product())
            for j, f in enumerate(folds[i:]):
                next_poset = self._poset.subposet(
                    ordered_poset_components[j + i + 1])
                mat_poset = dc.DCompletePoset(
                    next_poset.slant_sum(mat_poset, f[0], f[1]))
                row.append(1 / mat_poset.hook_product())

        return matrix(QQ, mat).determinant() * factorial(
Пример #47
    def hodge_star(self, metric):
        Compute the Hodge dual of the differential form. 
        If ``self`` is a `p`-form `A`, its Hodge dual is the `(n-p)`-form
        `*A` defined by (`n` being the manifold's dimension)
        .. MATH::
            *A_{i_1\ldots i_{n-p}} = \frac{1}{p!} A_{k_1\ldots k_p}
                \epsilon^{k_1\ldots k_p}_{\qquad\ i_1\ldots i_{n-p}}
        where $\epsilon$ is the volume form associated with some 
        pseudo-Riemannian metric `g` on the manifold, and the indices 
        `k_1,\ldots, k_p` are raised with `g`. 
        - ``metric``: the pseudo-Riemannian metric `g` defining the Hodge dual, 
          via the volume form `\epsilon`; must be an instance of :class:`Metric`
        - the `(n-p)`-form `*A` 
        Hodge star of a 1-form in the Euclidean space `R^3`::
            sage: m = Manifold(3, 'M', start_index=1)
            sage: X.<x,y,z> = m.chart('x y z', 'xyz')
            sage: g = Metric(m, 'g')
            sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = 1, 1, 1
            sage: a = OneForm(m, 'A')
            sage: var('Ax Ay Az')
            (Ax, Ay, Az)
            sage: a[:] = (Ax, Ay, Az)
            sage: sa = a.hodge_star(g) ; sa
            2-form '*A' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: sa.view()
            *A = Az dx/\dy - Ay dx/\dz + Ax dy/\dz
            sage: ssa = sa.hodge_star(g) ; ssa
            1-form '**A' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: ssa.view()
            **A = Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
            sage: ssa == a  # must hold for a Riemannian metric in dimension 3
        Hodge star of a 0-form (scalar field) in `R^3`::
            sage: f = ScalarField(m, function('F',x,y,z), name='f')
            sage: sf = f.hodge_star(g) ; sf
            3-form '*f' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: sf.view()
            *f = F(x, y, z) dx/\dy/\dz
            sage: ssf = sf.hodge_star(g) ; ssf
            scalar field '**f' on the 3-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: ssf.view()
            **f: (x, y, z) |--> F(x, y, z)
            sage: ssf == f # must hold for a Riemannian metric
        Hodge star of a 0-form in Minkowksi spacetime::
            sage: m = Manifold(4, 'M')
            sage: X = m.chart('t x y z', 'txyz')
            sage: g = Metric(m, 'g', signature=2)
            sage: g[0,0], g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = -1, 1, 1, 1
            sage: g.view()  # Minkowski metric
            g = -dt*dt + dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
            sage: var('f0')
            sage: f = ScalarField(m, f0, name='f')
            sage: sf = f.hodge_star(g) ; sf 
            4-form '*f' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: sf.view()
            *f = f0 dt/\dx/\dy/\dz
            sage: ssf = sf.hodge_star(g) ; ssf
            scalar field '**f' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: ssf.view()
            **f: (t, x, y, z) |--> -f0
            sage: ssf == -f  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric             

        Hodge star of a 1-form in Minkowksi spacetime::
            sage: a = OneForm(m, 'A')
            sage: var('At Ax Ay Az')
            (At, Ax, Ay, Az)
            sage: a[:] = (At, Ax, Ay, Az)
            sage: a.view()
            A = At dt + Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
            sage: sa = a.hodge_star(g) ; sa
            3-form '*A' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: sa.view()
            *A = -Az dt/\dx/\dy + Ay dt/\dx/\dz - Ax dt/\dy/\dz - At dx/\dy/\dz
            sage: ssa = sa.hodge_star(g) ; ssa
            1-form '**A' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: ssa.view()
            **A = At dt + Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
            sage: ssa == a  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric in dimension 4

        Hodge star of a 2-form in Minkowksi spacetime::
            sage: F = DiffForm(m, 2, 'F')    
            sage: var('Ex Ey Ez Bx By Bz')
            (Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz)
            sage: F[0,1], F[0,2], F[0,3] = -Ex, -Ey, -Ez
            sage: F[1,2], F[1,3], F[2,3] = Bz, -By, Bx
            sage: F[:]
            [  0 -Ex -Ey -Ez]
            [ Ex   0  Bz -By]
            [ Ey -Bz   0  Bx]
            [ Ez  By -Bx   0]
            sage: sF = F.hodge_star(g) ; sF
            2-form '*F' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: sF[:]
            [  0  Bx  By  Bz]
            [-Bx   0  Ez -Ey]
            [-By -Ez   0  Ex]
            [-Bz  Ey -Ex   0]
            sage: ssF = sF.hodge_star(g) ; ssF
            2-form '**F' on the 4-dimensional manifold 'M'
            sage: ssF[:]   
            [  0  Ex  Ey  Ez]
            [-Ex   0 -Bz  By]
            [-Ey  Bz   0 -Bx]
            [-Ez -By  Bx   0]
            sage: ssF.view()
            **F = Ex dt/\dx + Ey dt/\dy + Ez dt/\dz - Bz dx/\dy + By dx/\dz - Bx dy/\dz
            sage: F.view()
            F = -Ex dt/\dx - Ey dt/\dy - Ez dt/\dz + Bz dx/\dy - By dx/\dz + Bx dy/\dz
            sage: ssF == -F  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric in dimension 4

        Test of the standard identity
        .. MATH::
            *(A\wedge B) = \epsilon(A^\sharp, B^\sharp, ., .)
        where `A` and `B` are any 1-forms and `A^\sharp` and `B^\sharp` the 
        vectors associated to them by the metric `g` (index raising)::

            sage: b = OneForm(m, 'B')
            sage: var('Bt Bx By Bz')
            (Bt, Bx, By, Bz)
            sage: b[:] = (Bt, Bx, By, Bz) ; b.view()
            B = Bt dt + Bx dx + By dy + Bz dz
            sage: epsilon = g.volume_form()
            sage: (a.wedge(b)).hodge_star(g) == epsilon.contract(0, a.up(g), 0).contract(0, b.up(g), 0)

        from sage.functions.other import factorial
        from utilities import format_unop_txt, format_unop_latex
        p = self.rank
        eps = metric.volume_form(p)
        if p == 0:
            resu = self * eps
            resu = self.contract(0, eps, 0)
            for j in range(1, p):
                resu = resu.self_contract(0, p-j)
            if p > 1:
                resu = resu / factorial(p)
        # Name and LaTeX name of the result:
        resu.name = format_unop_txt('*', self.name)
        resu.latex_name = format_unop_latex(r'\star ', self.latex_name)
        return resu