Пример #1
def spanning_forest(M):
    Return a list of edges of a spanning forest of the bipartite
    graph defined by `M`


    - ``M`` -- a matrix defining a bipartite graph G. The vertices are the 
      rows and columns, if `M[i,j]` is non-zero, then there is an edge
      between row `i` and column `j`.


    A list of tuples `(r_i,c_i)` representing edges between row `r_i` and column `c_i`.


        sage: len(sage.matroids.utilities.spanning_forest(matrix([[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]])))
        sage: len(sage.matroids.utilities.spanning_forest(matrix([[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[0,1,0]])))
    # Given a matrix, produce a spanning tree
    G = Graph()
    m = M.ncols()
    for (x, y) in M.dict():
        G.add_edge(x + m, y)
    T = []
    # find spanning tree in each component
    for component in G.connected_components():
        spanning_tree = kruskal(G.subgraph(component))
        for (x, y, z) in spanning_tree:
            if x < m:
                t = x
                x = y
                y = t
            T.append((x - m, y))
    return T
Пример #2
def spanning_forest(M):
    Return a list of edges of a spanning forest of the bipartite
    graph defined by `M`


    - ``M`` -- a matrix defining a bipartite graph G. The vertices are the
      rows and columns, if `M[i,j]` is non-zero, then there is an edge
      between row `i` and column `j`.


    A list of tuples `(r_i,c_i)` representing edges between row `r_i` and column `c_i`.


        sage: len(sage.matroids.utilities.spanning_forest(matrix([[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]])))
        sage: len(sage.matroids.utilities.spanning_forest(matrix([[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[0,1,0]])))
    # Given a matrix, produce a spanning tree
    G = Graph()
    m = M.ncols()
    for (x,y) in M.dict():
    T = []
    # find spanning tree in each component
    for component in G.connected_components():
        spanning_tree = kruskal(G.subgraph(component))
        for (x,y,z) in spanning_tree:
            if x < m:
                t = x
                x = y
                y = t
    return T
Пример #3
def strong_orientations_iterator(G):
    Returns an iterator over all strong orientations of a graph `G`.

    A strong orientation of a graph is an orientation of its edges such that
    the obtained digraph is strongly connected (i.e. there exist a directed path
    between each pair of vertices).


    It is an adaptation of the algorithm published in [CGMRV16]_.
    It runs in `O(mn)` amortized time, where `m` is the number of edges and
    `n` is the number of vertices. The amortized time can be improved to `O(m)`
    with a more involved method.
    In this function, first the graph is preprocessed and a spanning tree is
    generated. Then every orientation of the non-tree edges of the graph can be
    extended to at least one new strong orientation by orienting properly
    the edges of the spanning tree (this property is proved in [CGMRV16]_).
    Therefore, this function generates all partial orientations of the non-tree
    edges and then launches a helper function corresponding to the generation
    algorithm described in [CGMRV16]_.
    In order to avoid trivial symetries, the orientation of an arbitrary edge
    is fixed before the start of the enumeration process.


    - ``G`` -- an undirected graph.


    - an iterator which will produce all strong orientations of this graph.

    .. NOTE::

        Works only for simple graphs (no multiple edges).
        In order to avoid symetries an orientation of an arbitrary edge is fixed.


    A cycle has one possible (non-symmetric) strong orientation::

        sage: g = graphs.CycleGraph(4)
        sage: it = g.strong_orientations_iterator()
        sage: len(list(it))

    A tree cannot be strongly oriented::

        sage: g = graphs.RandomTree(100)
        sage: len(list(g.strong_orientations_iterator()))

    Neither can be a disconnected graph::

        sage: g = graphs.CompleteGraph(6)
        sage: g.add_vertex(7)
        sage: len(list(g.strong_orientations_iterator()))


        sage: g = graphs.CompleteGraph(2)
        sage: len(list(g.strong_orientations_iterator()))

        sage: g = graphs.CubeGraph(3)
        sage: b = True
        sage: for orientedGraph in g.strong_orientations_iterator():
        ....:     if not orientedGraph.is_strongly_connected():
        ....:         b = False
        sage: b

    The total number of strong orientations of a graph can be counted using
    the Tutte polynomial evaluated at points (0,2)::

        sage: g = graphs.PetersenGraph()
        sage: nr1 = len(list(g.strong_orientations_iterator()))
        sage: nr2 = g.tutte_polynomial()(0,2)
        sage: nr1 == nr2/2 # The Tutte polynomial counts also the symmetrical orientations

    # if the graph has a bridge or is disconnected,
    # then it cannot be strongly oriented
    if G.order() < 3 or not G.is_biconnected():

    V = G.vertices()
    Dg = DiGraph([G.vertices(), G.edges()], pos=G.get_pos())

    # compute an arbitrary spanning tree of the undirected graph
    te = kruskal(G)
    treeEdges = [(u,v) for u,v,_ in te]
    A = [edge for edge in G.edges(labels=False) if edge not in treeEdges]

    # initialization of the first binary word 00...0
    # corresponding to the current orientation of the non-tree edges
    existingAedges = [0]*len(A)

    # Make the edges of the spanning tree doubly oriented
    for e in treeEdges:
        if Dg.has_edge(e):
            Dg.add_edge(e[1], e[0])

    # Generate all orientations for non-tree edges (using Gray code)
    # Each of these orientations can be extended to a strong orientation
    # of G by orienting properly the tree-edges
    previousWord = 0
    i = 0

    # the orientation of one edge is fixed so we consider one edge less
    nr = 2**(len(A)-1)
    while i < nr:
        word = (i >> 1) ^ i
        bitChanged = word ^ previousWord
        bit = 0
        while bitChanged > 1:
            bitChanged >>= 1
            bit += 1

        previousWord = word
        if existingAedges[bit] == 0:
            existingAedges[bit] = 1
            Dg.reverse_edge(A[bit][1], A[bit][0])
            existingAedges[bit] = 0
        # launch the algorithm for enumeration of the solutions
        for sol in _strong_orientations_of_a_mixed_graph(Dg, V, treeEdges):
            yield sol
        i = i + 1
Пример #4
def strong_orientations_iterator(G):
    Returns an iterator over all strong orientations of a graph `G`.

    A strong orientation of a graph is an orientation of its edges such that
    the obtained digraph is strongly connected (i.e. there exist a directed path
    between each pair of vertices).


    It is an adaptation of the algorithm published in [CGMRV16]_.
    It runs in `O(mn)` amortized time, where `m` is the number of edges and
    `n` is the number of vertices. The amortized time can be improved to `O(m)`
    with a more involved method.
    In this function, first the graph is preprocessed and a spanning tree is
    generated. Then every orientation of the non-tree edges of the graph can be
    extended to at least one new strong orientation by orienting properly
    the edges of the spanning tree (this property is proved in [CGMRV16]_).
    Therefore, this function generates all partial orientations of the non-tree
    edges and then launches a helper function corresponding to the generation
    algorithm described in [CGMRV16]_.
    In order to avoid trivial symetries, the orientation of an arbitrary edge
    is fixed before the start of the enumeration process.


    - ``G`` -- an undirected graph.


    - an iterator which will produce all strong orientations of this graph.

    .. NOTE::

        Works only for simple graphs (no multiple edges).
        In order to avoid symetries an orientation of an arbitrary edge is fixed.


    A cycle has one possible (non-symmetric) strong orientation::

        sage: g = graphs.CycleGraph(4)
        sage: it = g.strong_orientations_iterator()
        sage: len(list(it))

    A tree cannot be strongly oriented::

        sage: g = graphs.RandomTree(100)
        sage: len(list(g.strong_orientations_iterator()))

    Neither can be a disconnected graph::

        sage: g = graphs.CompleteGraph(6)
        sage: g.add_vertex(7)
        sage: len(list(g.strong_orientations_iterator()))


        sage: g = graphs.CompleteGraph(2)
        sage: len(list(g.strong_orientations_iterator()))

        sage: g = graphs.CubeGraph(3)
        sage: b = True
        sage: for orientedGraph in g.strong_orientations_iterator():
        ....:     if not orientedGraph.is_strongly_connected():
        ....:         b = False
        sage: b

    The total number of strong orientations of a graph can be counted using
    the Tutte polynomial evaluated at points (0,2)::

        sage: g = graphs.PetersenGraph()
        sage: nr1 = len(list(g.strong_orientations_iterator()))
        sage: nr2 = g.tutte_polynomial()(0,2)
        sage: nr1 == nr2/2 # The Tutte polynomial counts also the symmetrical orientations

    # if the graph has a bridge or is disconnected,
    # then it cannot be strongly oriented
    if G.order() < 3 or not G.is_biconnected():

    V = G.vertices()
    Dg = DiGraph([G.vertices(), G.edges()], pos=G.get_pos())

    # compute an arbitrary spanning tree of the undirected graph
    te = kruskal(G)
    treeEdges = [(u,v) for u,v,_ in te]
    A = [edge for edge in G.edges(labels=False) if edge not in treeEdges]

    # initialization of the first binary word 00...0
    # corresponding to the current orientation of the non-tree edges
    existingAedges = [0]*len(A)

    # Make the edges of the spanning tree doubly oriented
    for e in treeEdges:
        if Dg.has_edge(e):
            Dg.add_edge(e[1], e[0])

    # Generate all orientations for non-tree edges (using Gray code)
    # Each of these orientations can be extended to a strong orientation
    # of G by orienting properly the tree-edges
    previousWord = 0
    i = 0

    # the orientation of one edge is fixed so we consider one edge less
    nr = 2**(len(A)-1)
    while i < nr:
        word = (i >> 1) ^ i
        bitChanged = word ^ previousWord
        bit = 0
        while bitChanged > 1:
            bitChanged >>= 1
            bit += 1

        previousWord = word
        if existingAedges[bit] == 0:
            existingAedges[bit] = 1
            Dg.reverse_edge(A[bit][1], A[bit][0])
            existingAedges[bit] = 0
        # launch the algorithm for enumeration of the solutions
        for sol in _strong_orientations_of_a_mixed_graph(Dg, V, treeEdges):
            yield sol
        i = i + 1