Пример #1
    def Sphere(self,n):
        A minimal triangulation of the n-dimensional sphere.

        -  ``n`` - positive integer


            sage: simplicial_complexes.Sphere(2)
            Simplicial complex with vertex set (0, 1, 2, 3) and facets {(0, 2, 3), (0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3), (0, 1, 3)}
            sage: simplicial_complexes.Sphere(5).homology()
            {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: Z}
            sage: [simplicial_complexes.Sphere(n).euler_characteristic() for n in range(6)]
            [2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0]
            sage: [simplicial_complexes.Sphere(n).f_vector() for n in range(6)]
            [[1, 2],
             [1, 3, 3],
             [1, 4, 6, 4],
             [1, 5, 10, 10, 5],
             [1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6],
             [1, 7, 21, 35, 35, 21, 7]]
        S = Simplex(n+1)
        facets = S.faces()
        S = SimplicialComplex(n+1, facets)
        return S
Пример #2
    def Sphere(self, n):
        A minimal triangulation of the n-dimensional sphere.

        -  ``n`` - positive integer


            sage: simplicial_complexes.Sphere(2)
            Simplicial complex with vertex set (0, 1, 2, 3) and facets {(0, 2, 3), (0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3), (0, 1, 3)}
            sage: simplicial_complexes.Sphere(5).homology()
            {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: Z}
            sage: [simplicial_complexes.Sphere(n).euler_characteristic() for n in range(6)]
            [2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0]
            sage: [simplicial_complexes.Sphere(n).f_vector() for n in range(6)]
            [[1, 2],
             [1, 3, 3],
             [1, 4, 6, 4],
             [1, 5, 10, 10, 5],
             [1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6],
             [1, 7, 21, 35, 35, 21, 7]]
        S = Simplex(n + 1)
        facets = S.faces()
        S = SimplicialComplex(n + 1, facets)
        return S
Пример #3
    def __call__(self, x, orientation=False):
        Input is a simplex of the domain. Output is the image simplex.

        If the optional argument ``orientation`` is ``True``, then this
        returns a pair ``(image simplex, oriented)`` where ``oriented``
        is 1 or `-1` depending on whether the map preserves or reverses
        the orientation of the image simplex.


            sage: S = simplicial_complexes.Sphere(2)
            sage: T = simplicial_complexes.Sphere(3)
            sage: S
            Minimal triangulation of the 2-sphere
            sage: T
            Minimal triangulation of the 3-sphere
            sage: f = {0:0,1:1,2:2,3:3}
            sage: H = Hom(S,T)
            sage: x = H(f)
            sage: from sage.homology.simplicial_complex import Simplex
            sage: x(Simplex([0,2,3]))
            (0, 2, 3)

        An orientation-reversing example::

            sage: X = SimplicialComplex([[0,1]], is_mutable=False)
            sage: g = Hom(X,X)({0:1, 1:0})
            sage: g(Simplex([0,1]))
            (0, 1)
            sage: g(Simplex([0,1]), orientation=True)
            ((0, 1), -1)
        dim = self.domain().dimension()
        if not isinstance(x, Simplex) or x.dimension(
        ) > dim or x not in self.domain().faces()[x.dimension()]:
            raise ValueError("x must be a simplex of the source of f")
        tup = x.tuple()
        fx = []
        for j in tup:
        if orientation:
            if len(set(fx)) == len(tup):
                oriented = Permutation(convert_perm(fx)).signature()
                oriented = 1
            return (Simplex(set(fx)), oriented)
            return Simplex(set(fx))
Пример #4
    def fiber_product(self, other, rename_vertices=True):
        Fiber product of ``self`` and ``other``. Both morphisms should have
        the same codomain. The method returns a morphism of simplicial
        complexes, which is the morphism from the space of the fiber product
        to the codomain.


            sage: S = SimplicialComplex([[0,1],[1,2]], is_mutable=False)
            sage: T = SimplicialComplex([[0,2],[1]], is_mutable=False)
            sage: U = SimplicialComplex([[0,1],[2]], is_mutable=False)
            sage: H = Hom(S,U)
            sage: G = Hom(T,U)
            sage: f = {0:0,1:1,2:0}
            sage: g = {0:0,1:1,2:1}
            sage: x = H(f)
            sage: y = G(g)
            sage: z = x.fiber_product(y)
            sage: z
            Simplicial complex morphism:
              From: Simplicial complex with 4 vertices and facets {...}
              To:   Simplicial complex with vertex set (0, 1, 2) and facets {(2,), (0, 1)}
              Defn: L0R0 |--> 0
                    L1R1 |--> 1
                    L1R2 |--> 1
                    L2R0 |--> 0
        if self.codomain() != other.codomain():
            raise ValueError("self and other must have the same codomain.")
        X = self.domain().product(other.domain(),
        v = []
        f = dict()
        eff1 = self.domain().vertices()
        eff2 = other.domain().vertices()
        for i in eff1:
            for j in eff2:
                if self(Simplex([i])) == other(Simplex([j])):
                    if rename_vertices:
                        v.append("L" + str(i) + "R" + str(j))
                        f["L" + str(i) + "R" +
                          str(j)] = self._vertex_dictionary[i]
                        v.append((i, j))
                        f[(i, j)] = self._vertex_dictionary[i]
        return SimplicialComplexMorphism(f, X.generated_subcomplex(v),
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, f, X, Y):
        Input is a dictionary ``f``, the domain ``X``, and the codomain ``Y``.

        One can define the dictionary on the vertices of `X`.


            sage: S = SimplicialComplex([[0,1],[2],[3,4],[5]], is_mutable=False)
            sage: H = Hom(S,S)
            sage: f = {0:0,1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,5:5}
            sage: g = {0:0,1:1,2:0,3:3,4:4,5:0}
            sage: x = H(f)
            sage: y = H(g)
            sage: x == y
            sage: x.image()
            Simplicial complex with vertex set (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and facets {(2,), (5,), (0, 1), (3, 4)}
            sage: y.image()
            Simplicial complex with vertex set (0, 1, 3, 4) and facets {(0, 1), (3, 4)}
            sage: x.image() == y.image()
        if not isinstance(X, SimplicialComplex) or not isinstance(
                Y, SimplicialComplex):
            raise ValueError("X and Y must be SimplicialComplexes")
        if not set(f.keys()) == set(X.vertices()):
            raise ValueError(
                "f must be a dictionary from the vertex set of X to single values in the vertex set of Y"
        dim = X.dimension()
        Y_faces = Y.faces()
        for k in range(dim + 1):
            for i in X.faces()[k]:
                tup = i.tuple()
                fi = []
                for j in tup:
                v = Simplex(set(fi))
            if v not in Y_faces[v.dimension()]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "f must be a dictionary from the vertices of X to the vertices of Y"
        self._vertex_dictionary = f
        Morphism.__init__(self, Hom(X, Y, SimplicialComplexes()))
Пример #6
    def __init__(self,f,X,Y):
        Input is a dictionary ``f``, the domain ``X``, and the codomain ``Y``.

        One can define the dictionary on the vertices of `X`.


            sage: S = SimplicialComplex([[0,1],[2],[3,4],[5]], is_mutable=False)
            sage: H = Hom(S,S)
            sage: f = {0:0,1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,5:5}
            sage: g = {0:0,1:1,2:0,3:3,4:4,5:0}
            sage: x = H(f)
            sage: y = H(g)
            sage: x == y
            sage: x.image()
            Simplicial complex with vertex set (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and facets {(3, 4), (5,), (2,), (0, 1)}
            sage: y.image()
            Simplicial complex with vertex set (0, 1, 3, 4) and facets {(3, 4), (0, 1)}
            sage: x.image() == y.image()
        if not isinstance(X,SimplicialComplex) or not isinstance(Y,SimplicialComplex):
            raise ValueError("X and Y must be SimplicialComplexes")
        if not set(f.keys()) == set(X._vertex_set):
            raise ValueError("f must be a dictionary from the vertex set of X to single values in the vertex set of Y")
        dim = X.dimension()
        Y_faces = Y.faces()
        for k in range(dim+1):
            for i in X.faces()[k]:
                tup = i.tuple()
                fi = []
                for j in tup:
                v = Simplex(set(fi))
            if not v in Y_faces[v.dimension()]:
                raise ValueError("f must be a dictionary from the vertices of X to the vertices of Y")
        self._vertex_dictionary = f
        Morphism.__init__(self, Hom(X,Y,SimplicialComplexes()))
Пример #7
    def Simplex(self, n):
        An `n`-dimensional simplex, as a simplicial complex.


        -  ``n`` - a non-negative integer

        OUTPUT: the simplicial complex consisting of the `n`-simplex
        on vertices `(0, 1, ..., n)` and all of its faces.


            sage: simplicial_complexes.Simplex(3)
            Simplicial complex with vertex set (0, 1, 2, 3) and facets {(0, 1, 2, 3)}
            sage: simplicial_complexes.Simplex(5).euler_characteristic()
        S = Simplex(n)
        return SimplicialComplex(n, list(S))
Пример #8
    def is_contiguous_to(self, other):
        Return ``True`` if ``self`` is contiguous to ``other``.

        Two morphisms `f_0, f_1: K \to L` are *contiguous* if for any
        simplex `\sigma \in K`, the union `f_0(\sigma) \cup
        f_1(\sigma)` is a simplex in `L`. This is not a transitive
        relation, but it induces an equivalence relation on simplicial
        maps: `f` is equivalent to `g` if there is a finite sequence
        `f_0 = f`, `f_1`, ..., `f_n = g` such that `f_i` and `f_{i+1}`
        are contiguous for each `i`.

        This is related to maps being homotopic: if they are
        contiguous, then they induce homotopic maps on the geometric
        realizations. Given two homotopic maps on the geometric
        realizations, then after barycentrically subdividing `n` times
        for some `n`, the maps have simplicial approximations which
        are in the same contiguity class. (This last fact is only true
        if the domain is a *finite* simplicial complex, by the way.)

        See Section 3.5 of Spanier [Spa1966]_ for details.


        It is enough to check when `\sigma` ranges over the facets.


        - ``other`` -- a simplicial complex morphism with the same
          domain and codomain as ``self``


            sage: K = simplicial_complexes.Simplex(1)
            sage: L = simplicial_complexes.Sphere(1)
            sage: H = Hom(K, L)
            sage: f = H({0: 0, 1: 1})
            sage: g = H({0: 0, 1: 0})
            sage: f.is_contiguous_to(f)
            sage: f.is_contiguous_to(g)
            sage: h = H({0: 1, 1: 2})
            sage: f.is_contiguous_to(h)


            sage: one = Hom(K,K).identity()
            sage: one.is_contiguous_to(f)
            sage: one.is_contiguous_to(3) # nonsensical input
        if not isinstance(other, SimplicialComplexMorphism):
            return False
        if self.codomain() != other.codomain() or self.domain() != other.domain():
            return False
        domain = self.domain()
        codomain = self.codomain()
        return all(Simplex(self(sigma).set().union(other(sigma))) in codomain
                   for sigma in domain.facets())