Пример #1
    def integral_homology_basis(self, dimension=1):
        C = self.chain_complex()
        from sage.interfaces.chomp import have_chomp
        if have_chomp():
            if C.betti(1) != 0:
                ans = C.homology(generators=True)[1][1]
                ans = []
            homology = C.homology(generators=True,
            ans = [factor[1].vector(dimension) for factor in homology]

        if dimension == 1:
            assert len(ans) == 2 - self.euler()
            ans = [OneCycle(self, a) for a in ans]
        return ans
Пример #2
    def homology(self,
        The (reduced) homology of this cell complex.

        :param dim: If None, then return the homology in every
           dimension.  If ``dim`` is an integer or list, return the
           homology in the given dimensions.  (Actually, if ``dim`` is
           a list, return the homology in the range from ``min(dim)``
           to ``max(dim)``.)
        :type dim: integer or list of integers or None; optional,
           default None
        :param base_ring: commutative ring, must be ZZ or a field.
        :type base_ring: optional, default ZZ
        :param subcomplex: a subcomplex of this simplicial complex.
           Compute homology relative to this subcomplex.
        :type subcomplex: optional, default empty
        :param generators: If ``True``, return generators for the homology
           groups along with the groups.  NOTE: Since :trac:`6100`, the result
           may not be what you expect when not using CHomP since its return
           is in terms of the chain complex.
        :type generators: boolean; optional, default False
        :param cohomology: If True, compute cohomology rather than homology.
        :type cohomology: boolean; optional, default False
        :param algorithm: The options are 'auto', 'dhsw', 'pari' or 'no_chomp'.
           See below for a description of what they mean.
        :type algorithm: string; optional, default 'pari'
        :param verbose: If True, print some messages as the homology is
        :type verbose: boolean; optional, default False
        :param reduced: If ``True``, return the reduced homology.
        :type reduced: boolean; optional, default ``True``


        If ``algorithm`` is set to 'auto', then use
        CHomP if available.  (CHomP is available at the web page
        http://chomp.rutgers.edu/.  It is also an optional package
        for Sage.)

        CHomP computes homology, not cohomology, and only works over
        the integers or finite prime fields.  Therefore if any of
        these conditions fails, or if CHomP is not present, or if
        ``algorithm`` is set to 'no_chomp', go to plan B: if this complex
        has a ``_homology`` method -- each simplicial complex has
        this, for example -- then call that.  Such a method implements
        specialized algorithms for the particular type of cell

        Otherwise, move on to plan C: compute the chain complex of
        this complex and compute its homology groups.  To do this: over a
        field, just compute ranks and nullities, thus obtaining
        dimensions of the homology groups as vector spaces.  Over the
        integers, compute Smith normal form of the boundary matrices
        defining the chain complex according to the value of
        ``algorithm``.  If ``algorithm`` is 'auto' or 'no_chomp', then
        for each relatively small matrix, use the standard Sage
        method, which calls the Pari package.  For any large matrix,
        reduce it using the Dumas, Heckenbach, Saunders, and Welker
        elimination algorithm: see
        :func:`sage.homology.matrix_utils.dhsw_snf` for details.

        Finally, ``algorithm`` may also be 'pari' or 'dhsw', which
        forces the named algorithm to be used regardless of the size
        of the matrices and regardless of whether CHomP is available.

        As of this writing, ``'pari'`` is the fastest standard option.
        The optional CHomP package may be better still.


            sage: P = delta_complexes.RealProjectivePlane()
            sage: P.homology()
            {0: 0, 1: C2, 2: 0}
            sage: P.homology(reduced=False)
            {0: Z, 1: C2, 2: 0}
            sage: P.homology(base_ring=GF(2))
            {0: Vector space of dimension 0 over Finite Field of size 2,
             1: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
             2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2}
            sage: S7 = delta_complexes.Sphere(7)
            sage: S7.homology(7)
            sage: cubical_complexes.KleinBottle().homology(1, base_ring=GF(2))
            Vector space of dimension 2 over Finite Field of size 2

        If CHomP is installed, Sage can compute generators of homology

            sage: S2 = simplicial_complexes.Sphere(2)
            sage: S2.homology(dim=2, generators=True, base_ring=GF(2))  # optional - CHomP
            (Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2, [(0, 1, 2) + (0, 1, 3) + (0, 2, 3) + (1, 2, 3)])

        When generators are computed, Sage returns a pair for each
        dimension: the group and the list of generators.  For
        simplicial complexes, each generator is represented as a
        linear combination of simplices, as above, and for cubical
        complexes, each generator is a linear combination of cubes::

            sage: S2_cub = cubical_complexes.Sphere(2)
            sage: S2_cub.homology(dim=2, generators=True)  # optional - CHomP
            (Z, [-[[0,1] x [0,1] x [0,0]] + [[0,1] x [0,1] x [1,1]] - [[0,0] x [0,1] x [0,1]] - [[0,1] x [1,1] x [0,1]] + [[0,1] x [0,0] x [0,1]] + [[1,1] x [0,1] x [0,1]]])
        from sage.interfaces.chomp import have_chomp, homcubes, homsimpl
        from sage.homology.cubical_complex import CubicalComplex
        from sage.homology.simplicial_complex import SimplicialComplex
        from sage.modules.all import VectorSpace
        from sage.homology.homology_group import HomologyGroup

        if dim is not None:
            if isinstance(dim, (list, tuple, range)):
                low = min(dim) - 1
                high = max(dim) + 2
                low = dim - 1
                high = dim + 2
            dims = range(low, high)
            dims = None

        # try to use CHomP if computing homology (not cohomology) and
        # working over Z or F_p, p a prime.
        if (algorithm == 'auto' and cohomology is False
                and (base_ring == ZZ or
                     (base_ring.is_prime_field() and base_ring != QQ))):
            # homcubes, homsimpl seems fastest if all of homology is computed.
            H = None
            if isinstance(self, CubicalComplex):
                if have_chomp('homcubes'):
                    H = homcubes(self,
            elif isinstance(self, SimplicialComplex):
                if have_chomp('homsimpl'):
                    H = homsimpl(self,

            # now pick off the requested dimensions
            if H:
                answer = {}
                if not dims:
                    dims = range(self.dimension() + 1)
                for d in dims:
                    answer[d] = H.get(d, HomologyGroup(0, base_ring))
                if dim is not None:
                    if not isinstance(dim, (list, tuple, range)):
                        answer = answer.get(dim, HomologyGroup(0, base_ring))
                return answer

        # Derived classes can implement specialized algorithms using a
        # _homology_ method.  See SimplicialComplex for one example.
        # Those may allow for other arguments, so we pass **kwds.
        if hasattr(self, '_homology_'):
            return self._homology_(dim,

        C = self.chain_complex(cochain=cohomology,
        answer = C.homology(base_ring=base_ring,
        if dim is None:
            dim = range(self.dimension() + 1)
        zero = HomologyGroup(0, base_ring)
        if isinstance(dim, (list, tuple, range)):
            return dict([d, answer.get(d, zero)] for d in dim)
        return answer.get(dim, zero)
Пример #3
    def homology(self, dim=None, **kwds):
        The reduced homology of this cell complex.

        :param dim: If None, then return the homology in every
           dimension.  If ``dim`` is an integer or list, return the
           homology in the given dimensions.  (Actually, if ``dim`` is
           a list, return the homology in the range from ``min(dim)``
           to ``max(dim)``.)
        :type dim: integer or list of integers or None; optional,
           default None
        :param base_ring: commutative ring, must be ZZ or a field.
        :type base_ring: optional, default ZZ
        :param subcomplex: a subcomplex of this simplicial complex.
           Compute homology relative to this subcomplex.
        :type subcomplex: optional, default empty
        :param generators: If True, return generators for the homology
           groups along with the groups.  NOTE: this is only implemented
           if the CHomP package is available.
        :type generators: boolean; optional, default False
        :param cohomology: If True, compute cohomology rather than homology.
        :type cohomology: boolean; optional, default False
        :param algorithm: The options are 'auto', 'dhsw', 'pari' or 'no_chomp'.
           See below for a description of what they mean.
        :type algorithm: string; optional, default 'auto'
        :param verbose: If True, print some messages as the homology is
        :type verbose: boolean; optional, default False

        .. note::

            The keyword arguments to this function get passed on to
            :meth:``chain_complex`` and its homology.


        If ``algorithm`` is set to 'auto' (the default), then use
        CHomP if available.  (CHomP is available at the web page
        http://chomp.rutgers.edu/.  It is also an experimental package
        for Sage.)

        CHomP computes homology, not cohomology, and only works over
        the integers or finite prime fields.  Therefore if any of
        these conditions fails, or if CHomP is not present, or if
        ``algorithm`` is set to 'no_chomp', go to plan B: if ``self``
        has a ``_homology`` method -- each simplicial complex has
        this, for example -- then call that.  Such a method implements
        specialized algorithms for the particular type of cell

        Otherwise, move on to plan C: compute the chain complex of
        ``self`` and compute its homology groups.  To do this: over a
        field, just compute ranks and nullities, thus obtaining
        dimensions of the homology groups as vector spaces.  Over the
        integers, compute Smith normal form of the boundary matrices
        defining the chain complex according to the value of
        ``algorithm``.  If ``algorithm`` is 'auto' or 'no_chomp', then
        for each relatively small matrix, use the standard Sage
        method, which calls the Pari package.  For any large matrix,
        reduce it using the Dumas, Heckenbach, Saunders, and Welker
        elimination algorithm: see
        :func:`sage.homology.chain_complex.dhsw_snf` for details.

        Finally, ``algorithm`` may also be 'pari' or 'dhsw', which
        forces the named algorithm to be used regardless of the size
        of the matrices and regardless of whether CHomP is available.

        As of this writing, CHomP is by far the fastest option,
        followed by the 'auto' or 'no_chomp' setting of using the
        Dumas, Heckenbach, Saunders, and Welker elimination algorithm
        for large matrices and Pari for small ones.


            sage: P = delta_complexes.RealProjectivePlane()
            sage: P.homology()
            {0: 0, 1: C2, 2: 0}
            sage: P.homology(base_ring=GF(2))
            {0: Vector space of dimension 0 over Finite Field of size 2,
             1: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
             2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2}
            sage: S7 = delta_complexes.Sphere(7)
            sage: S7.homology(7)
            sage: cubical_complexes.KleinBottle().homology(1, base_ring=GF(2))
            Vector space of dimension 2 over Finite Field of size 2

        If CHomP is installed, Sage can compute generators of homology

            sage: S2 = simplicial_complexes.Sphere(2)
            sage: S2.homology(dim=2, generators=True, base_ring=GF(2))  # optional - CHomP
            (Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2, [(0, 1, 2) + (0, 1, 3) + (0, 2, 3) + (1, 2, 3)])

        When generators are computed, Sage returns a pair for each
        dimension: the group and the list of generators.  For
        simplicial complexes, each generator is represented as a
        linear combination of simplices, as above, and for cubical
        complexes, each generator is a linear combination of cubes::

            sage: S2_cub = cubical_complexes.Sphere(2)
            sage: S2_cub.homology(dim=2, generators=True)  # optional - CHomP
            (Z, [-[[0,1] x [0,1] x [0,0]] + [[0,1] x [0,1] x [1,1]] - [[0,0] x [0,1] x [0,1]] - [[0,1] x [1,1] x [0,1]] + [[0,1] x [0,0] x [0,1]] + [[1,1] x [0,1] x [0,1]]])
        from sage.interfaces.chomp import have_chomp, homcubes, homsimpl
        from sage.homology.cubical_complex import CubicalComplex
        from sage.homology.simplicial_complex import SimplicialComplex
        from sage.modules.all import VectorSpace
        from sage.homology.chain_complex import HomologyGroup

        base_ring = kwds.get('base_ring', ZZ)
        cohomology = kwds.get('cohomology', False)
        subcomplex = kwds.get('subcomplex', None)
        verbose = kwds.get('verbose', False)
        algorithm = kwds.get('algorithm', 'auto')

        if dim is not None:
            if isinstance(dim, (list, tuple)):
                low = min(dim) - 1
                high = max(dim) + 2
                low = dim - 1
                high = dim + 2
            dims = range(low, high)
            dims = None

        # try to use CHomP if computing homology (not cohomology) and
        # working over Z or F_p, p a prime.
        if (algorithm == 'auto' and cohomology is False
            and (base_ring == ZZ or (base_ring.is_prime_field()
                                     and base_ring != QQ))):
            # homcubes, homsimpl seems fastest if all of homology is computed.
            H = None
            if isinstance(self, CubicalComplex):
                if have_chomp('homcubes'):
                    if 'subcomplex' in kwds:
                        del kwds['subcomplex']
                    H = homcubes(self, subcomplex, **kwds)
            elif isinstance(self, SimplicialComplex):
                if have_chomp('homsimpl'):
                    if 'subcomplex' in kwds:
                        del kwds['subcomplex']
                    H = homsimpl(self, subcomplex, **kwds)
            # now pick off the requested dimensions
            if H:
                answer = {}
                if not dims:
                    for d in range(self.dimension() + 1):
                        if base_ring == ZZ:
                            answer[d] = H.get(d, HomologyGroup(0))
                            answer[d] = H.get(d, VectorSpace(base_ring, 0))
                    for d in dims:
                        if base_ring == ZZ:
                            answer[d] = H.get(d, HomologyGroup(0))
                            answer[d] = H.get(d, VectorSpace(base_ring, 0))
                if dim is not None:
                    if not isinstance(dim, (list, tuple)):
                        if base_ring == ZZ:
                            answer = answer.get(dim, HomologyGroup(0))
                            answer = answer.get(dim, VectorSpace(base_ring, 0))
                return answer

        # Derived classes can implement specialized algorithms using a
        # _homology_ method.  See SimplicialComplex for one example.
        if hasattr(self, '_homology_'):
            return self._homology_(dim, **kwds)

        C = self.chain_complex(cochain=cohomology, augmented=True,
                               dimensions=dims, **kwds)
        if 'subcomplex' in kwds:
            del kwds['subcomplex']
        answer = C.homology(**kwds)
        if isinstance(answer, dict):
            if cohomology:
                too_big = self.dimension() + 1
                if (not ((isinstance(dim, (list, tuple)) and too_big in dim)
                        or too_big == dim)
                    and too_big in answer):
                    del answer[too_big]
            if -2 in answer:
                del answer[-2]
            if -1 in answer:
                del answer[-1]
            for d in range(self.dimension() + 1):
                if d not in answer:
                    if base_ring == ZZ:
                        answer[d] = HomologyGroup(0)
                        answer[d] = VectorSpace(base_ring, 0)

            if dim is not None:
                if isinstance(dim, (list, tuple)):
                    temp = {}
                    for n in dim:
                        temp[n] = answer[n]
                    answer = temp
                else:  # just a single dimension
                    if base_ring == ZZ:
                        answer = answer.get(dim, HomologyGroup(0))
                        answer = answer.get(dim, VectorSpace(base_ring, 0))
        return answer
Пример #4
    def homology(self, dim=None, base_ring=ZZ, subcomplex=None,
                 generators=False, cohomology=False, algorithm='pari',
                 verbose=False, reduced=True, **kwds):
        The (reduced) homology of this cell complex.

        :param dim: If None, then return the homology in every
           dimension.  If ``dim`` is an integer or list, return the
           homology in the given dimensions.  (Actually, if ``dim`` is
           a list, return the homology in the range from ``min(dim)``
           to ``max(dim)``.)
        :type dim: integer or list of integers or None; optional,
           default None
        :param base_ring: commutative ring, must be ZZ or a field.
        :type base_ring: optional, default ZZ
        :param subcomplex: a subcomplex of this simplicial complex.
           Compute homology relative to this subcomplex.
        :type subcomplex: optional, default empty
        :param generators: If ``True``, return generators for the homology
           groups along with the groups.  NOTE: Since :trac:`6100`, the result
           may not be what you expect when not using CHomP since its return
           is in terms of the chain complex.
        :type generators: boolean; optional, default False
        :param cohomology: If True, compute cohomology rather than homology.
        :type cohomology: boolean; optional, default False
        :param algorithm: The options are 'auto', 'dhsw', 'pari' or 'no_chomp'.
           See below for a description of what they mean.
        :type algorithm: string; optional, default 'pari'
        :param verbose: If True, print some messages as the homology is
        :type verbose: boolean; optional, default False
        :param reduced: If ``True``, return the reduced homology.
        :type reduced: boolean; optional, default ``True``


        If ``algorithm`` is set to 'auto', then use
        CHomP if available.  (CHomP is available at the web page
        http://chomp.rutgers.edu/.  It is also an optional package
        for Sage.)

        CHomP computes homology, not cohomology, and only works over
        the integers or finite prime fields.  Therefore if any of
        these conditions fails, or if CHomP is not present, or if
        ``algorithm`` is set to 'no_chomp', go to plan B: if this complex
        has a ``_homology`` method -- each simplicial complex has
        this, for example -- then call that.  Such a method implements
        specialized algorithms for the particular type of cell

        Otherwise, move on to plan C: compute the chain complex of
        this complex and compute its homology groups.  To do this: over a
        field, just compute ranks and nullities, thus obtaining
        dimensions of the homology groups as vector spaces.  Over the
        integers, compute Smith normal form of the boundary matrices
        defining the chain complex according to the value of
        ``algorithm``.  If ``algorithm`` is 'auto' or 'no_chomp', then
        for each relatively small matrix, use the standard Sage
        method, which calls the Pari package.  For any large matrix,
        reduce it using the Dumas, Heckenbach, Saunders, and Welker
        elimination algorithm: see
        :func:`sage.homology.matrix_utils.dhsw_snf` for details.

        Finally, ``algorithm`` may also be 'pari' or 'dhsw', which
        forces the named algorithm to be used regardless of the size
        of the matrices and regardless of whether CHomP is available.

        As of this writing, ``'pari'`` is the fastest standard option.
        The optional CHomP package may be better still.


            sage: P = delta_complexes.RealProjectivePlane()
            sage: P.homology()
            {0: 0, 1: C2, 2: 0}
            sage: P.homology(reduced=False)
            {0: Z, 1: C2, 2: 0}
            sage: P.homology(base_ring=GF(2))
            {0: Vector space of dimension 0 over Finite Field of size 2,
             1: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
             2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2}
            sage: S7 = delta_complexes.Sphere(7)
            sage: S7.homology(7)
            sage: cubical_complexes.KleinBottle().homology(1, base_ring=GF(2))
            Vector space of dimension 2 over Finite Field of size 2

        If CHomP is installed, Sage can compute generators of homology

            sage: S2 = simplicial_complexes.Sphere(2)
            sage: S2.homology(dim=2, generators=True, base_ring=GF(2))  # optional - CHomP
            (Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2, [(0, 1, 2) + (0, 1, 3) + (0, 2, 3) + (1, 2, 3)])

        When generators are computed, Sage returns a pair for each
        dimension: the group and the list of generators.  For
        simplicial complexes, each generator is represented as a
        linear combination of simplices, as above, and for cubical
        complexes, each generator is a linear combination of cubes::

            sage: S2_cub = cubical_complexes.Sphere(2)
            sage: S2_cub.homology(dim=2, generators=True)  # optional - CHomP
            (Z, [-[[0,1] x [0,1] x [0,0]] + [[0,1] x [0,1] x [1,1]] - [[0,0] x [0,1] x [0,1]] - [[0,1] x [1,1] x [0,1]] + [[0,1] x [0,0] x [0,1]] + [[1,1] x [0,1] x [0,1]]])
        from sage.interfaces.chomp import have_chomp, homcubes, homsimpl
        from sage.homology.cubical_complex import CubicalComplex
        from sage.homology.simplicial_complex import SimplicialComplex
        from sage.modules.all import VectorSpace
        from sage.homology.homology_group import HomologyGroup

        if dim is not None:
            if isinstance(dim, (list, tuple, range)):
                low = min(dim) - 1
                high = max(dim) + 2
                low = dim - 1
                high = dim + 2
            dims = range(low, high)
            dims = None

        # try to use CHomP if computing homology (not cohomology) and
        # working over Z or F_p, p a prime.
        if (algorithm == 'auto' and cohomology is False
            and (base_ring == ZZ or (base_ring.is_prime_field()
                                     and base_ring != QQ))):
            # homcubes, homsimpl seems fastest if all of homology is computed.
            H = None
            if isinstance(self, CubicalComplex):
                if have_chomp('homcubes'):
                    H = homcubes(self, subcomplex, base_ring=base_ring,
                                 verbose=verbose, generators=generators)
            elif isinstance(self, SimplicialComplex):
                if have_chomp('homsimpl'):
                    H = homsimpl(self, subcomplex, base_ring=base_ring,
                                 verbose=verbose, generators=generators)

            # now pick off the requested dimensions
            if H:
                answer = {}
                if not dims:
                    dims = range(self.dimension() + 1)
                for d in dims:
                    answer[d] = H.get(d, HomologyGroup(0, base_ring))
                if dim is not None:
                    if not isinstance(dim, (list, tuple, range)):
                        answer = answer.get(dim, HomologyGroup(0, base_ring))
                return answer

        # Derived classes can implement specialized algorithms using a
        # _homology_ method.  See SimplicialComplex for one example.
        # Those may allow for other arguments, so we pass **kwds.
        if hasattr(self, '_homology_'):
            return self._homology_(dim, subcomplex=subcomplex,
                                   cohomology=cohomology, base_ring=base_ring,
                                   verbose=verbose, algorithm=algorithm,
                                   reduced=reduced, **kwds)

        C = self.chain_complex(cochain=cohomology, augmented=reduced,
                               dimensions=dims, subcomplex=subcomplex,
                               base_ring=base_ring, verbose=verbose)
        answer = C.homology(base_ring=base_ring, generators=generators,
                            verbose=verbose, algorithm=algorithm)
        if dim is None:
            dim = range(self.dimension() + 1)
        zero = HomologyGroup(0, base_ring)
        if isinstance(dim, (list, tuple, range)):
            return dict([d, answer.get(d, zero)] for d in dim)
        return answer.get(dim, zero)
Пример #5
    def homology(self, dim=None, **kwds):
        The reduced homology of this cell complex.

        :param dim: If None, then return the homology in every
           dimension.  If ``dim`` is an integer or list, return the
           homology in the given dimensions.  (Actually, if ``dim`` is
           a list, return the homology in the range from ``min(dim)``
           to ``max(dim)``.)
        :type dim: integer or list of integers or None; optional,
           default None
        :param base_ring: commutative ring, must be ZZ or a field.
        :type base_ring: optional, default ZZ
        :param subcomplex: a subcomplex of this simplicial complex.
           Compute homology relative to this subcomplex.
        :type subcomplex: optional, default empty
        :param generators: If True, return generators for the homology
           groups along with the groups.  NOTE: this is only implemented
           if the CHomP package is available.
        :type generators: boolean; optional, default False
        :param cohomology: If True, compute cohomology rather than homology.
        :type cohomology: boolean; optional, default False
        :param algorithm: The options are 'auto', 'dhsw', 'pari' or 'no_chomp'.
           See below for a description of what they mean.
        :type algorithm: string; optional, default 'auto'
        :param verbose: If True, print some messages as the homology is
        :type verbose: boolean; optional, default False

        .. note::

            The keyword arguments to this function get passed on to
            :meth:``chain_complex`` and its homology.


        If ``algorithm`` is set to 'auto' (the default), then use
        CHomP if available.  (CHomP is available at the web page
        http://chomp.rutgers.edu/.  It is also an experimental package
        for Sage.)

        CHomP computes homology, not cohomology, and only works over
        the integers or finite prime fields.  Therefore if any of
        these conditions fails, or if CHomP is not present, or if
        ``algorithm`` is set to 'no_chomp', go to plan B: if ``self``
        has a ``_homology`` method -- each simplicial complex has
        this, for example -- then call that.  Such a method implements
        specialized algorithms for the particular type of cell

        Otherwise, move on to plan C: compute the chain complex of
        ``self`` and compute its homology groups.  To do this: over a
        field, just compute ranks and nullities, thus obtaining
        dimensions of the homology groups as vector spaces.  Over the
        integers, compute Smith normal form of the boundary matrices
        defining the chain complex according to the value of
        ``algorithm``.  If ``algorithm`` is 'auto' or 'no_chomp', then
        for each relatively small matrix, use the standard Sage
        method, which calls the Pari package.  For any large matrix,
        reduce it using the Dumas, Heckenbach, Saunders, and Welker
        elimination algorithm: see
        :func:`sage.homology.chain_complex.dhsw_snf` for details.

        Finally, ``algorithm`` may also be 'pari' or 'dhsw', which
        forces the named algorithm to be used regardless of the size
        of the matrices and regardless of whether CHomP is available.

        As of this writing, CHomP is by far the fastest option,
        followed by the 'auto' or 'no_chomp' setting of using the
        Dumas, Heckenbach, Saunders, and Welker elimination algorithm
        for large matrices and Pari for small ones.


            sage: P = delta_complexes.RealProjectivePlane()
            sage: P.homology()
            {0: 0, 1: C2, 2: 0}
            sage: P.homology(base_ring=GF(2))
            {0: Vector space of dimension 0 over Finite Field of size 2,
             1: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2,
             2: Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2}
            sage: S7 = delta_complexes.Sphere(7)
            sage: S7.homology(7)
            sage: cubical_complexes.KleinBottle().homology(1, base_ring=GF(2))
            Vector space of dimension 2 over Finite Field of size 2

        If CHomP is installed, Sage can compute generators of homology

            sage: S2 = simplicial_complexes.Sphere(2)
            sage: S2.homology(dim=2, generators=True, base_ring=GF(2))  # optional - CHomP
            (Vector space of dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 2, [(0, 1, 2) + (0, 1, 3) + (0, 2, 3) + (1, 2, 3)])

        When generators are computed, Sage returns a pair for each
        dimension: the group and the list of generators.  For
        simplicial complexes, each generator is represented as a
        linear combination of simplices, as above, and for cubical
        complexes, each generator is a linear combination of cubes::

            sage: S2_cub = cubical_complexes.Sphere(2)
            sage: S2_cub.homology(dim=2, generators=True)  # optional - CHomP
            (Z, [-[[0,1] x [0,1] x [0,0]] + [[0,1] x [0,1] x [1,1]] - [[0,0] x [0,1] x [0,1]] - [[0,1] x [1,1] x [0,1]] + [[0,1] x [0,0] x [0,1]] + [[1,1] x [0,1] x [0,1]]])
        from sage.interfaces.chomp import have_chomp, homcubes, homsimpl
        from sage.homology.cubical_complex import CubicalComplex
        from sage.homology.simplicial_complex import SimplicialComplex
        from sage.modules.all import VectorSpace
        from sage.homology.chain_complex import HomologyGroup

        base_ring = kwds.get('base_ring', ZZ)
        cohomology = kwds.get('cohomology', False)
        subcomplex = kwds.get('subcomplex', None)
        verbose = kwds.get('verbose', False)
        algorithm = kwds.get('algorithm', 'auto')

        if dim is not None:
            if isinstance(dim, (list, tuple)):
                low = min(dim) - 1
                high = max(dim) + 2
                low = dim - 1
                high = dim + 2
            dims = range(low, high)
            dims = None

        # try to use CHomP if computing homology (not cohomology) and
        # working over Z or F_p, p a prime.
        if (algorithm == 'auto' and cohomology is False
            and (base_ring == ZZ or (base_ring.is_prime_field()
                                     and base_ring != QQ))):
            # homcubes, homsimpl seems fastest if all of homology is computed.
            H = None
            if isinstance(self, CubicalComplex):
                if have_chomp('homcubes'):
                    if 'subcomplex' in kwds:
                        del kwds['subcomplex']
                    H = homcubes(self, subcomplex, **kwds)
            elif isinstance(self, SimplicialComplex):
                if have_chomp('homsimpl'):
                    if 'subcomplex' in kwds:
                        del kwds['subcomplex']
                    H = homsimpl(self, subcomplex, **kwds)
            # now pick off the requested dimensions
            if H:
                answer = {}
                if not dims:
                    for d in range(self.dimension() + 1):
                        if base_ring == ZZ:
                            answer[d] = H.get(d, HomologyGroup(0))
                            answer[d] = H.get(d, VectorSpace(base_ring, 0))
                    for d in dims:
                        if base_ring == ZZ:
                            answer[d] = H.get(d, HomologyGroup(0))
                            answer[d] = H.get(d, VectorSpace(base_ring, 0))
                if dim is not None:
                    if not isinstance(dim, (list, tuple)):
                        if base_ring == ZZ:
                            answer = answer.get(dim, HomologyGroup(0))
                            answer = answer.get(dim, VectorSpace(base_ring, 0))
                return answer

        # Derived classes can implement specialized algorithms using a
        # _homology_ method.  See SimplicialComplex for one example.
        if hasattr(self, '_homology_'):
            return self._homology_(dim, **kwds)

        C = self.chain_complex(cochain=cohomology, augmented=True,
                               dimensions=dims, **kwds)
        if 'subcomplex' in kwds:
            del kwds['subcomplex']
        answer = C.homology(**kwds)
        if isinstance(answer, dict):
            if cohomology:
                too_big = self.dimension() + 1
                if (not ((isinstance(dim, (list, tuple)) and too_big in dim)
                        or too_big == dim)
                    and too_big in answer):
                    del answer[too_big]
            if -2 in answer:
                del answer[-2]
            if -1 in answer:
                del answer[-1]
            for d in range(self.dimension() + 1):
                if d not in answer:
                    if base_ring == ZZ:
                        answer[d] = HomologyGroup(0)
                        answer[d] = VectorSpace(base_ring, 0)
            if dim is not None:
                if isinstance(dim, (list, tuple)):
                    temp = {}
                    for n in dim:
                        temp[n] = answer[n]
                    answer = temp
                else:  # just a single dimension
                    if base_ring == ZZ:
                        answer = answer.get(dim, HomologyGroup(0))
                        answer = answer.get(dim, VectorSpace(base_ring, 0))
        return answer
Пример #6
#!/usr/bin/env python2

from sage.all import *
import cubical_complex
import itertools
import logging
import collections

# Ensure we've got chomp
from sage.interfaces.chomp import have_chomp
assert have_chomp() is True

# Logging configuration: by default, produce no output
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def lookup(n):
    Lookup returns a list of points in R^3, it amounts to a labeling of the
    vertices of the Y graph. Examples, from left to right: ``lookup(1)``,
    ``lookup(2)``, and ``lookup(3)``:

     |         2              4
     0__       |              |
    /          1__0           3
              /               |
             3                2__1__0