Пример #1
    def __init__(self, cartan_type):
        Construct this Coxeter group as a Sage permutation group, by
        fetching the permutation representation of the generators from
        Chevie's database.


            sage: from sage.combinat.root_system.coxeter_group import CoxeterGroupAsPermutationGroup
            sage: W = CoxeterGroupAsPermutationGroup(CartanType(["H",3])) # optional - chevie
            sage: TestSuite(W).run()             # optional - chevie
        assert cartan_type.is_finite()
        assert cartan_type.is_irreducible()
        self._semi_simple_rank = cartan_type.n
        from sage.interfaces.gap3 import gap3
        self._gap_group = gap3('CoxeterGroup("%s",%s)'%(cartan_type.letter,cartan_type.n))
        # Following #9032, x.N is an alias for x.numerical_approx in every Sage object ...
        N = self._gap_group.__getattr__("N").sage()
        generators = [str(x) for x in self._gap_group.generators]
        self._is_positive_root = [None] + [ True ] * N + [False]*N
        PermutationGroup_generic.__init__(self, gens = generators,
                                          category = Category.join([FinitePermutationGroups(), FiniteCoxeterGroups()]))
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, cartan_type):
        Construct this Coxeter group as a Sage permutation group, by
        fetching the permutation representation of the generators from
        Chevie's database.


            sage: from sage.combinat.root_system.coxeter_group import CoxeterGroupAsPermutationGroup
            sage: W = CoxeterGroupAsPermutationGroup(CartanType(["H",3])) # optional - chevie
            sage: TestSuite(W).run()             # optional - chevie
        assert cartan_type.is_finite()
        assert cartan_type.is_irreducible()
        self._semi_simple_rank = cartan_type.n
        from sage.interfaces.gap3 import gap3
        self._gap_group = gap3('CoxeterGroup("%s",%s)' %
                               (cartan_type.letter, cartan_type.n))
        # Following #9032, x.N is an alias for x.numerical_approx in every Sage object ...
        N = self._gap_group.__getattr__("N").sage()
        generators = [str(x) for x in self._gap_group.generators]
        self._is_positive_root = [None] + [True] * N + [False] * N
Пример #3
def is_chevie_available():
    Tests whether the GAP3 Chevie package is available


        sage: from sage.combinat.root_system.coxeter_group import is_chevie_available
        sage: is_chevie_available() # random
        sage: is_chevie_available() in [True, False]
        from sage.interfaces.gap3 import gap3
        return True
    except Exception:
        return False
Пример #4
def is_chevie_available():
    Tests whether the GAP3 Chevie package is available


        sage: from sage.combinat.root_system.coxeter_group import is_chevie_available
        sage: is_chevie_available() # random
        sage: is_chevie_available() in [True, False]
        from sage.interfaces.gap3 import gap3
        return True
    except Exception:
        return False
Пример #5
def ReflectionGroup(*args, **kwds):
    Construct a finite (complex or real) reflection group as a Sage
    permutation group by fetching the permutation representation of the
    generators from chevie's database.


    can be one or multiple of the following:

    - a triple `(r, p, n)` with `p` divides `r`, which denotes the group
      `G(r, p, n)`

    - an integer between `4` and `37`, which denotes an exceptional
      irreducible complex reflection group

    - a finite Cartan-Killing type


    Finite reflection groups can be constructed from

    Cartan-Killing classification types::

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(['A',3]); W                           # optional - gap3
         Irreducible real reflection group of rank 3 and type A3

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(['H',4]); W                           # optional - gap3
         Irreducible real reflection group of rank 4 and type H4

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(['I',5]); W                           # optional - gap3
         Irreducible real reflection group of rank 2 and type I2(5)

    the complex infinite family `G(r,p,n)` with `p` divides `r`::

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup((1,1,4)); W                           # optional - gap3
        Irreducible real reflection group of rank 3 and type A3

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup((2,1,3)); W                           # optional - gap3
        Irreducible real reflection group of rank 3 and type B3

    Chevalley-Shepard-Todd exceptional classification types::

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(23); W                                # optional - gap3
        Irreducible real reflection group of rank 3 and type H3

    Cartan types and matrices::

        sage: ReflectionGroup(CartanType(['A',2]))                      # optional - gap3
        Irreducible real reflection group of rank 2 and type A2

        sage: ReflectionGroup(CartanType((['A',2],['A',2])))            # optional - gap3
        Reducible real reflection group of rank 4 and type A2 x A2

        sage: C = CartanMatrix(['A',2])                                 # optional - gap3
        sage: ReflectionGroup(C)                                        # optional - gap3
        Irreducible real reflection group of rank 2 and type A2

    multiples of the above::

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(['A',2],['B',2]); W                   # optional - gap3
        Reducible real reflection group of rank 4 and type A2 x B2

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(['A',2],4); W                         # optional - gap3
        Reducible complex reflection group of rank 4 and type A2 x ST4

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup((4,2,2),4); W                         # optional - gap3
        Reducible complex reflection group of rank 4 and type G(4,2,2) x ST4
    if not is_chevie_available():
        raise ImportError("the GAP3 package 'chevie' is needed to work with (complex) reflection groups")

    error_msg = "the input data (%s) is not valid for reflection groups"

    W_types = []
    is_complex = False
    for arg in args:
        # preparsing
        if isinstance(arg, list):
            X = tuple(arg)
            X = arg

        # precheck for valid input data
        if not (isinstance(X, (CartanType_abstract, tuple)) or (X in ZZ and 4 <= X <= 37)):
            raise ValueError(error_msg % X)

        # transforming two reducible types and an irreducible type
        if isinstance(X, CartanType_abstract):
            if not X.is_finite():
                raise ValueError(error_msg % X)
            if hasattr(X, "cartan_type"):
                X = X.cartan_type()
            if X.is_irreducible():
                W_types.extend([(X.letter, X.n)])
                W_types.extend([(x.letter, x.n) for x in X.component_types()])

        elif X == (2, 2, 2) or X == ("I", 2):
            W_types.extend([("A", 1), ("A", 1)])

        elif X == (2, 2, 3):
            W_types.extend([("A", 3)])


    # converting the real types given as complex types
    # and then checking for real vs complex
    for i, W_type in enumerate(W_types):
        if W_type in ZZ:
            if W_type == 23:
                W_types[i] = ("H", 3)
            elif W_type == 28:
                W_types[i] = ("F", 4)
            elif W_type == 30:
                W_types[i] = ("H", 4)
            elif W_type == 35:
                W_types[i] = ("E", 6)
            elif W_type == 36:
                W_types[i] = ("E", 7)
            elif W_type == 37:
                W_types[i] = ("E", 8)
        if isinstance(W_type, tuple) and len(W_type) == 3:
            if W_type[0] == W_type[1] == 1:
                W_types[i] = ("A", W_type[2] - 1)
            elif W_type[0] == 2 and W_type[1] == 1:
                W_types[i] = ("B", W_type[2])
            elif W_type[0] == W_type[1] == 2:
                W_types[i] = ("D", W_type[2])
            elif W_type[0] == W_type[1] and W_type[2] == 2:
                W_types[i] = ("I", W_type[0])

        W_type = W_types[i]
        # check for real vs complex
        if W_type in ZZ or (isinstance(W_type, tuple) and len(W_type) == 3):
            is_complex = True

    for index_set_kwd in ["index_set", "hyperplane_index_set", "reflection_index_set"]:
        index_set = kwds.get(index_set_kwd, None)
        if index_set is not None:
            if isinstance(index_set, (list, tuple)):
                kwds[index_set_kwd] = tuple(index_set)
                raise ValueError("the keyword %s must be a list or tuple" % index_set_kwd)

    if len(W_types) == 1:
        if is_complex is True:
            cls = IrreducibleComplexReflectionGroup
            cls = IrreducibleRealReflectionGroup
        if is_complex is True:
            cls = ComplexReflectionGroup
            cls = RealReflectionGroup
    return cls(
        index_set=kwds.get("index_set", None),
        hyperplane_index_set=kwds.get("hyperplane_index_set", None),
        reflection_index_set=kwds.get("reflection_index_set", None),
Пример #6
def ReflectionGroup(*args,**kwds):
    Construct a finite (complex or real) reflection group as a Sage
    permutation group by fetching the permutation representation of the
    generators from chevie's database.


    can be one or multiple of the following:

    - a triple `(r, p, n)` with `p` divides `r`, which denotes the group
      `G(r, p, n)`

    - an integer between `4` and `37`, which denotes an exceptional
      irreducible complex reflection group

    - a finite Cartan-Killing type


    Finite reflection groups can be constructed from

    Cartan-Killing classification types::

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(['A',3]); W                           # optional - gap3
         Irreducible real reflection group of rank 3 and type A3

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(['H',4]); W                           # optional - gap3
         Irreducible real reflection group of rank 4 and type H4

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(['I',5]); W                           # optional - gap3
         Irreducible real reflection group of rank 2 and type I2(5)

    the complex infinite family `G(r,p,n)` with `p` divides `r`::

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup((1,1,4)); W                           # optional - gap3
        Irreducible real reflection group of rank 3 and type A3

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup((2,1,3)); W                           # optional - gap3
        Irreducible real reflection group of rank 3 and type B3

    Chevalley-Shepard-Todd exceptional classification types::

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(23); W                                # optional - gap3
        Irreducible real reflection group of rank 3 and type H3

    Cartan types and matrices::

        sage: ReflectionGroup(CartanType(['A',2]))                      # optional - gap3
        Irreducible real reflection group of rank 2 and type A2

        sage: ReflectionGroup(CartanType((['A',2],['A',2])))            # optional - gap3
        Reducible real reflection group of rank 4 and type A2 x A2

        sage: C = CartanMatrix(['A',2])                                 # optional - gap3
        sage: ReflectionGroup(C)                                        # optional - gap3
        Irreducible real reflection group of rank 2 and type A2

    multiples of the above::

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(['A',2],['B',2]); W                   # optional - gap3
        Reducible real reflection group of rank 4 and type A2 x B2

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup(['A',2],4); W                         # optional - gap3
        Reducible complex reflection group of rank 4 and type A2 x ST4

        sage: W = ReflectionGroup((4,2,2),4); W                         # optional - gap3
        Reducible complex reflection group of rank 4 and type G(4,2,2) x ST4
    if not is_chevie_available():
        raise ImportError("the GAP3 package 'chevie' is needed to work with (complex) reflection groups")

    error_msg = "the input data (%s) is not valid for reflection groups"

    W_types = []
    is_complex = False
    for arg in args:
        # preparsing
        if isinstance(arg, list):
            X = tuple(arg)
            X = arg

        # precheck for valid input data
        if not (isinstance(X, (CartanType_abstract,tuple)) or (X in ZZ and 4 <= X <= 37)):
            raise ValueError(error_msg%X)

        # transforming two reducible types and an irreducible type
        if isinstance(X, CartanType_abstract):
            if not X.is_finite():
                raise ValueError(error_msg%X)
            if hasattr(X,"cartan_type"):
                X = X.cartan_type()
            if X.is_irreducible():
                W_types.extend([(X.letter, X.n)])
                W_types.extend([(x.letter, x.n) for x in X.component_types()])

        elif X == (2,2,2) or X == ('I',2):
            W_types.extend([('A',1), ('A',1)])

        elif X == (2,2,3):
            W_types.extend([('A', 3)])


    # converting the real types given as complex types
    # and then checking for real vs complex
    for i,W_type in enumerate(W_types):
        if W_type in ZZ:
            if W_type == 23:
                W_types[i] = ('H', 3)
            elif W_type == 28:
                W_types[i] = ('F', 4)
            elif W_type == 30:
                W_types[i] = ('H', 4)
            elif W_type == 35:
                W_types[i] = ('E', 6)
            elif W_type == 36:
                W_types[i] = ('E', 7)
            elif W_type == 37:
                W_types[i] = ('E', 8)
        if isinstance(W_type,tuple) and len(W_type) == 3:
            if W_type[0] == W_type[1] == 1:
                W_types[i] = ('A', W_type[2]-1)
            elif W_type[0] == 2 and W_type[1] == 1:
                W_types[i] = ('B', W_type[2])
            elif W_type[0] == W_type[1] == 2:
                W_types[i] = ('D', W_type[2])
            elif W_type[0] == W_type[1] and W_type[2] == 2:
                W_types[i] = ('I', W_type[0])

        W_type = W_types[i]
        # check for real vs complex
        if W_type in ZZ or (isinstance(W_type, tuple) and len(W_type) == 3):
            is_complex = True

    for index_set_kwd in ['index_set', 'hyperplane_index_set', 'reflection_index_set']:
        index_set = kwds.get(index_set_kwd, None)
        if index_set is not None:
            if isinstance(index_set, (list, tuple)):
                kwds[index_set_kwd] = tuple(index_set)
                raise ValueError('the keyword %s must be a list or tuple'%index_set_kwd)

    if len(W_types) == 1:
        if is_complex is True:
            cls = IrreducibleComplexReflectionGroup
            cls = IrreducibleRealReflectionGroup
        if is_complex is True:
            cls = ComplexReflectionGroup
            cls = RealReflectionGroup
    return cls(tuple(W_types),
               index_set=kwds.get('index_set', None),
               hyperplane_index_set=kwds.get('hyperplane_index_set', None),
               reflection_index_set=kwds.get('reflection_index_set', None))