Пример #1
def frobs(K):
    frob_at_p = residue_field_degrees_function(K)
    D = K.disc()
    ans = []
    seeram = False
    for p in primes(2, 60):
        if not ZZ(p).divides(D):
            # [3] ,   [2,1]
            dec = frob_at_p(p)
            vals = list(set(dec))
            vals = sorted(vals, reverse=True)
            dec = [[x, dec.count(x)] for x in vals]
            dec2 = ["$" + str(x[0]) + ('^{' + str(x[1]) + '}$' if x[1] > 1 else '$') for x in dec]
            s = '$'
            old = 2
            for j in dec:
                if old == 1:
                    s += '\: '
                s += str(j[0])
                if j[1] > 1:
                    s += '^{' + str(j[1]) + '}'
                old = j[1]
            s += '$'
            ans.append([p, s])
            ans.append([p, 'R'])
            seeram = True
    return ans, seeram
Пример #2
def frobs(K):
    frob_at_p = residue_field_degrees_function(K)
    D = K.disc()
    ans = []
    seeram = False
    for p in primes(2, 60):
        if not ZZ(p).divides(D):
            # [3] ,   [2,1]
            dec = frob_at_p(p)
            vals = list(set(dec))
            vals = sorted(vals, reverse=True)
            dec = [[x, dec.count(x)] for x in vals]
            dec2 = [
                "$" + str(x[0]) +
                ('^{' + str(x[1]) + '}$' if x[1] > 1 else '$') for x in dec
            s = '$'
            old = 2
            for j in dec:
                if old == 1:
                    s += '\: '
                s += str(j[0])
                if j[1] > 1:
                    s += '^{' + str(j[1]) + '}'
                old = j[1]
            s += '$'
            ans.append([p, s])
            ans.append([p, 'R'])
            seeram = True
    return ans, seeram
Пример #3
def frobs(K):
    frob_at_p = residue_field_degrees_function(K)
    D = K.disc()
    ans = []
    seeram = False
    for p in primes(2, 60):
        if not ZZ(p).divides(D):
            # [3] ,   [2,1]
            dec = frob_at_p(p)
            vals = list(set(dec))
            vals = sorted(vals, reverse=True)
            dec = [[x, dec.count(x)] for x in vals]
            dec2 = ["$" + str(x[0]) + ("^{" + str(x[1]) + "}$" if x[1] > 1 else "$") for x in dec]
            s = "$"
            firstone = 1
            for j in dec:
                if firstone == 0:
                    s += "{,}\,"
                s += str(j[0])
                if j[1] > 1:
                    s += "^{" + str(j[1]) + "}"
                firstone = 0
            s += "$"
            ans.append([p, s])
            ans.append([p, "R"])
            seeram = True
    return ans, seeram
Пример #4
    def primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(self, B):
        Iterator yielding all primes less than or equal to `B`.


        - ``B`` -- a positive integer; upper bound on the primes generated.


        An iterator over all integer primes less than or equal to `B`.

        .. note::

            This function exists for compatibility with the related number
            field method, though it returns prime integers, not ideals.


            sage: it = QQ.primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(10)
            sage: list(it)
            [2, 3, 5, 7]
            sage: list(QQ.primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(1))
            B = ZZ(B.ceil())
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            raise TypeError("%s is not valid bound on prime ideals" % B)

        if B < 2:
            raise StopIteration

        from sage.rings.arith import primes

        for p in primes(B + 1):
            yield p
Пример #5
    def primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(self, B):
        Iterator yielding all primes less than or equal to `B`.


        - ``B`` -- a positive integer; upper bound on the primes generated.


        An iterator over all integer primes less than or equal to `B`.

        .. note::

            This function exists for compatibility with the related number
            field method, though it returns prime integers, not ideals.


            sage: it = QQ.primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(10)
            sage: list(it)
            [2, 3, 5, 7]
            sage: list(QQ.primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(1))
            B = ZZ(B.ceil())
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            raise TypeError("%s is not valid bound on prime ideals" % B)

        if B < 2:
            raise StopIteration

        from sage.rings.arith import primes
        for p in primes(B + 1):
            yield p
Пример #6
def has_blum_prime(lbound, ubound):
    Determine whether or not there is a Blum prime within the specified closed


    - ``lbound`` -- positive integer; the lower bound on how small a
      Blum prime can be. The lower bound must be distinct from the upper

    - ``ubound`` -- positive integer; the upper bound on how large a
      Blum prime can be. The lower bound must be distinct from the upper


    - ``True`` if there is a Blum prime ``p`` such that
      ``lbound <= p <= ubound``. ``False`` otherwise.


    Let `L` and `U` be distinct positive integers. Let `P` be the set of all
    odd primes `p` such that `L \leq p \leq U`. Our main focus is on Blum
    primes, i.e. odd primes that are congruent to 3 modulo 4, so we assume
    that the lower bound `L > 2`. The closed interval `[L, U]` has a Blum
    prime if and only if the set `P` has a Blum prime.


    Testing for the presence of Blum primes within some closed intervals.
    The interval `[4, 100]` has a Blum prime, the smallest such prime being
    7. The interval `[24, 28]` has no primes, hence no Blum primes. ::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import has_blum_prime
        sage: from sage.crypto.util import is_blum_prime
        sage: has_blum_prime(4, 100)
        sage: for n in xrange(4, 100):
        ...       if is_blum_prime(n):
        ...           print n
        ...           break
        sage: has_blum_prime(24, 28)


    Both the lower and upper bounds must be greater than 2::

        sage: from sage.crypto.util import has_blum_prime
        sage: has_blum_prime(2, 3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.
        sage: has_blum_prime(3, 2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.
        sage: has_blum_prime(2, 2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.

    The lower and upper bounds must be distinct from each other::

        sage: has_blum_prime(3, 3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: The lower and upper bounds must be distinct.

    The lower bound must be less than the upper bound::

        sage: has_blum_prime(4, 3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: The lower bound must be less than the upper bound.
    # sanity checks
    if (lbound < 3) or (ubound < 3):
        raise ValueError("Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.")
    if lbound == ubound:
        raise ValueError("The lower and upper bounds must be distinct.")
    if lbound > ubound:
        raise ValueError("The lower bound must be less than the upper bound.")
    # now test for presence of a Blum prime
    for p in primes(lbound, ubound + 1):
        if mod(p, 4).lift() == 3:
            return True
    return False