Пример #1
def szekeres_difference_set_pair(m, check=True):
    Construct Szekeres `(2m+1,m,1)`-cyclic difference family

    Let `4m+3` be a prime power. Theorem 3 in [Sz69]_ contains a construction of a pair
    of *complementary difference sets* `A`, `B` in the subgroup `G` of the quadratic
    residues in `F_{4m+3}^*`. Namely `|A|=|B|=m`, `a\in A` whenever `a-1\in G`, `b\in B`
    whenever `b+1 \in G`. See also Theorem 2.6 in [SWW72]_ (there the formula for `B` is
    correct, as opposed to (4.2) in [Sz69]_, where the sign before `1` is wrong.

    In modern terminology, for `m>1` the sets `A` and `B` form a
    :func:`difference family<sage.combinat.designs.difference_family>` with parameters `(2m+1,m,1)`.
    I.e. each non-identity `g \in G` can be expressed uniquely as `xy^{-1}` for `x,y \in A` or `x,y \in B`.
    Other, specific to this construction, properties of `A` and `B` are: for `a` in `A` one has
    `a^{-1}` not in `A`, whereas for `b` in `B` one has `b^{-1}` in `B`.


    - ``m`` (integer) -- dimension of the matrix

    - ``check`` (default: ``True``) -- whether to check `A` and `B` for correctness


        sage: from sage.combinat.matrices.hadamard_matrix import szekeres_difference_set_pair
        sage: G,A,B=szekeres_difference_set_pair(6)
        sage: G,A,B=szekeres_difference_set_pair(7)


    .. [Sz69] \G. Szekeres,
      Tournaments and Hadamard matrices,
      Enseignement Math. (2) 15(1969), 269-278
    from sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_constructor import GF
    F = GF(4 * m + 3)
    t = F.multiplicative_generator()**2
    G = F.cyclotomic_cosets(t, cosets=[F.one()])[0]
    sG = set(G)
    A = filter(lambda a: a - F.one() in sG, G)
    B = filter(lambda b: b + F.one() in sG, G)
    if check:
        from itertools import product, chain
        assert (len(A) == len(B) == m)
        if m > 1:
            assert (sG == set(
                [xy[0] / xy[1] for xy in chain(product(A, A), product(B, B))]))
        assert (all(F.one() / b + F.one() in sG for b in B))
        assert (not any(F.one() / a - F.one() in sG for a in A))
    return G, A, B
Пример #2
def szekeres_difference_set_pair(m, check=True):
    Construct Szekeres `(2m+1,m,1)`-cyclic difference family

    Let `4m+3` be a prime power. Theorem 3 in [Sz69]_ contains a construction of a pair
    of *complementary difference sets* `A`, `B` in the subgroup `G` of the quadratic
    residues in `F_{4m+3}^*`. Namely `|A|=|B|=m`, `a\in A` whenever `a-1\in G`, `b\in B`
    whenever `b+1 \in G`. See also Theorem 2.6 in [SWW72]_ (there the formula for `B` is
    correct, as opposed to (4.2) in [Sz69]_, where the sign before `1` is wrong.

    In modern terminology, for `m>1` the sets `A` and `B` form a
    :func:`difference family<sage.combinat.designs.difference_family>` with parameters `(2m+1,m,1)`.
    I.e. each non-identity `g \in G` can be expressed uniquely as `xy^{-1}` for `x,y \in A` or `x,y \in B`.
    Other, specific to this construction, properties of `A` and `B` are: for `a` in `A` one has
    `a^{-1}` not in `A`, whereas for `b` in `B` one has `b^{-1}` in `B`.


    - ``m`` (integer) -- dimension of the matrix

    - ``check`` (default: ``True``) -- whether to check `A` and `B` for correctness


        sage: from sage.combinat.matrices.hadamard_matrix import szekeres_difference_set_pair
        sage: G,A,B=szekeres_difference_set_pair(6)
        sage: G,A,B=szekeres_difference_set_pair(7)


    .. [Sz69] \G. Szekeres,
      Tournaments and Hadamard matrices,
      Enseignement Math. (2) 15(1969), 269-278
    from sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_constructor import GF
    F = GF(4*m+3)
    t = F.multiplicative_generator()**2
    G = F.cyclotomic_cosets(t, cosets=[F.one()])[0]
    sG = set(G)
    A = filter(lambda a: a-F.one() in sG, G)
    B = filter(lambda b: b+F.one() in sG, G)
    if check:
        from itertools import product, chain
        if m>1:
            assert(sG==set([xy[0]/xy[1] for xy in chain(product(A,A), product(B,B))]))
        assert(all(F.one()/b+F.one() in sG for b in B))
        assert(not any(F.one()/a-F.one() in sG for a in A))
    return G,A,B