Пример #1
def get_bound_dynamical(F, f, m=1, dynatomic=True, prec=53, emb=None):
    The hyperbolic distance from `j` which must contain the smallest map.

    This defines the maximum possible distance from `j` to the `z_0` covariant
    of the associated binary form `F` in the hyperbolic 3-space
    for which the map `f`` could have smaller coefficients.


    - ``F`` -- binary form of degree at least 3 with no multiple roots associated
      to ``f``

    - ``f`` -- a dynamical system on `P^1`

    - ``m`` - positive integer. the period used to create ``F``

    - ``dynatomic`` -- boolean. whether ``F`` is the periodic points or the
      formal periodic points of period ``m`` for ``f``

    - ``prec``-- positive integer. precision to use in CC

    - ``emb`` -- embedding into CC

    OUTPUT: a positive real number


        sage: from sage.dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics.endPN_minimal_model import get_bound_dynamical
        sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
        sage: f = DynamicalSystem([50*x^2 + 795*x*y + 2120*y^2, 265*x^2 + 106*y^2])
        sage: get_bound_dynamical(f.dynatomic_polynomial(1), f)
    def coshdelta(z):
        #The cosh of the hyperbolic distance from z = t+uj to j
        return (z.norm() + 1) / (2 * z.imag())

    if F.base_ring() != ComplexField(prec=prec):
        if emb is None:
            compF = F.change_ring(ComplexField(prec=prec))
            compF = F.change_ring(emb)
        compF = F
    n = F.degree()

    z0F, thetaF = covariant_z0(compF, prec=prec, emb=emb)
    cosh_delta = coshdelta(z0F)
    d = f.degree()
    hF = e**f.global_height(prec=prec)
    #get precomputed constants C,k
    if m == 1:
        C = 4 * d + 2
        k = 2
        Ck_values = {(False, 2, 2): (322, 6), (False, 2, 3): (385034, 14),\
                     (False, 2, 4): (4088003923454, 30), (False, 3, 2): (18044, 8),\
                     (False, 4, 2): (1761410, 10), (False, 5, 2): (269283820, 12),\
                     (True, 2, 2): (43, 4), (True, 2, 3): (106459, 12),\
                     (True, 2, 4): (39216735905, 24), (True, 3, 2): (1604, 6),\
                     (True, 4, 2): (114675, 8), (True, 5, 2): (14158456, 10)}
            C, k = Ck_values[(dynatomic, d, m)]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("constants not computed for this (m,d) pair")
    if n == 2 and d == 2:
        #bound with epsilonF = 1
        bound = 2 * ((2 * C * (hF**k)) / (thetaF))
        bound = cosh(epsinv(F, (2**(n - 1)) * C * (hF**k) / thetaF, prec=prec))
    return bound
Пример #2
def smallest_dynamical(f, dynatomic=True, start_n=1, prec=53, emb=None, algorithm='HS', check_minimal=True):
    Determine the poly with smallest coefficients in `SL(2,\ZZ)` orbit of ``F``

    Smallest is in the sense of global height.
    The method is the algorithm in Hutz-Stoll [HS2018]_.
    A binary form defining the periodic points is associated to ``f``.
    From this polynomial a bound on the search space can be determined.

    ``f`` should already be a minimal model or finding the orbit
    representatives may give wrong results.


    - ``f`` -- a dynamical system on `P^1`

    - ``dyantomic`` -- boolean. whether ``F`` is the periodic points or the
      formal periodic points of period ``m`` for ``f``

    - ``start_n`` - positive integer. the period used to start trying to
      create associate binary form ``F``

    - ``prec``-- positive integer. precision to use in CC

    - ``emb`` -- embedding into CC

    - ``algorithm`` -- (optional) string; either ``'BM'`` for the Bruin-Molnar
      algorithm or ``'HS'`` for the Hutz-Stoll algorithm. If not specified,
      properties of the map are utilized to choose how to compute minimal
      orbit representatives

    - ``check_minimal`` -- (default: True), boolean, whether to check
      if this map is a minimal model

    OUTPUT: pair [dynamical system, matrix]


        sage: from sage.dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics.endPN_minimal_model import smallest_dynamical
        sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
        sage: f = DynamicalSystem([50*x^2 + 795*x*y + 2120*y^2, 265*x^2 + 106*y^2])
        sage: smallest_dynamical(f)  #long time
        Dynamical System of Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
          Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y) to
                (-480*x^2 - 1125*x*y + 1578*y^2 : 265*x^2 + 1060*x*y + 1166*y^2),
        [1 2]
        [0 1]
    def insert_item(pts, item, index):
        # binary insertion to maintain list of points left to consider
        N = len(pts)
        if N == 0:
          return [item]
        elif N == 1:
            if item[index] > pts[0][index]:
            return pts
        else: # binary insertion
            left = 1
            right = N
            mid = (left + right) // 2  # these are ints so this is .floor()
            if item[index] > pts[mid][index]: # item goes into first half
                return insert_item(pts[:mid], item, index) + pts[mid:N]
            else: # item goes into second half
                return pts[:mid] + insert_item(pts[mid:N], item, index)

    def coshdelta(z):
        # The cosh of the hyperbolic distance from z = t+uj to j
        return (z.norm() + 1)/(2*z.imag())

    # can't be smaller if height 0
    if f.global_height(prec=prec) == 0:
        return [f, matrix(ZZ,2,2,[1,0,0,1])]
    all_min = f.all_minimal_models(return_transformation=True, algorithm=algorithm, check_minimal=check_minimal)

    current_min = None
    current_size = None
    # search for minimum over all orbits
    for g,M in all_min:
        PS = g.domain()
        CR = PS.coordinate_ring()
        x,y = CR.gens()
        n = start_n # sometimes you get a problem later with 0,infty as roots
        if dynatomic:
            pts_poly = g.dynatomic_polynomial(n)
            gn = g.nth_iterate_map(n)
            pts_poly = y*gn[0] - x*gn[1]
        d = ZZ(pts_poly.degree())
        max_mult = max([ex for p,ex in pts_poly.factor()])
        while ((d < 3) or (max_mult >= d/2) and (n < 5)):
            n = n+1
            if dynatomic:
                pts_poly = g.dynatomic_polynomial(n)
                gn = g.nth_iterate_map(n)
                pts_poly = y*gn[0] - x*gn[1]
            d = ZZ(pts_poly.degree())
            max_mult = max([ex for p,ex in pts_poly.factor()])
        assert(n<=4), "n > 4, failed to find usable poly"

        R = get_bound_dynamical(pts_poly, g, m=n, dynatomic=dynatomic, prec=prec, emb=emb)
        # search starts in fundamental domain
        G,MG = pts_poly.reduced_form(prec=prec, emb=emb, smallest_coeffs=False)
        red_g = f.conjugate(M*MG)
        if G != pts_poly:
            R2 = get_bound_dynamical(G, red_g, m=n, dynatomic=dynatomic, prec=prec, emb=emb)
            if R2 < R:
                # use the better bound
                R = R2
        if red_g.global_height(prec=prec) == 0:
            return [red_g, M*MG]

        # height
        if current_size is None:
            current_size = e**red_g.global_height(prec=prec)
        v0, th = covariant_z0(G, prec=prec, emb=emb)
        rep = 2*CC.gen(0)
        from math import isnan
        if isnan(v0.abs()):
            raise ValueError("invalid covariant: %s"%v0)

        # get orbit
        S = matrix(ZZ,2,2,[0,-1,1,0])
        T = matrix(ZZ,2,2,[1,1,0,1])
        TI = matrix(ZZ,2,2,[1,-1,0,1])

        count = 0
        pts = [[G, red_g, v0, rep, M*MG, coshdelta(v0), 0]]  # label - 0:None, 1:S, 2:T, 3:T^(-1)
        if current_min is None:
            current_min = [G, red_g, v0, rep, M*MG, coshdelta(v0)]
        while pts != []:
            G, g, v, rep, M, D, label = pts.pop()
            # apply ST and keep z, Sz
            if D > R:
                break #all remaining pts are too far away
            # check if it is smaller. If so, we can improve the bound
            count += 1
            new_size = e**g.global_height(prec=prec)
            if new_size < current_size:
                current_min = [G ,g, v, rep, M, coshdelta(v)]
                current_size = new_size
                if new_size == 1: # early exit
                    return [current_min[1], current_min[4]]
                new_R = get_bound_dynamical(G, g, m=n, dynatomic=dynatomic, prec=prec, emb=emb)
                if new_R < R:
                    R = new_R

            # add new points to check
            if label != 1 and min((rep+1).norm(), (rep-1).norm()) >= 1: # don't undo S
                # the 2nd condition is equivalent to |\Re(-1/rep)| <= 1/2
                # this means that rep can have resulted from an inversion step in
                # the shift-and-invert procedure, so don't invert

                # do inversion
                z = -1/v
                new_pt = [G.subs({x:-y, y:x}), g.conjugate(S), z, -1/rep, M*S, coshdelta(z), 1]
                pts = insert_item(pts, new_pt, 5)
            if label != 3:  # don't undo T on g
                # do right shift
                z = v-1
                new_pt = [G.subs({x:x+y}), g.conjugate(TI), z, rep-1, M*TI, coshdelta(z), 2]
                pts = insert_item(pts, new_pt, 5)
            if label != 2:  # don't undo TI on g
                # do left shift
                z = v+1
                new_pt = [G.subs({x:x-y}), g.conjugate(T), z, rep+1, M*T, coshdelta(z), 3]
                pts = insert_item(pts, new_pt, 5)

    return [current_min[1], current_min[4]]
Пример #3
def smallest_dynamical(f,
    Determine the poly with smallest coefficients in `SL(2,\ZZ)` orbit of ``F``

    Smallest is in the sense of global height.
    The method is the algorithm in Hutz-Stoll [HS2018]_.
    A binary form defining the periodic points is associated to ``f``.
    From this polynomial a bound on the search space can be determined.

    ``f`` should already be a minimal model or finding the orbit
    representatives may give wrong results.


    - ``f`` -- a dynamical system on `P^1`

    - ``dynatomic`` -- boolean. whether ``F`` is the periodic points or the
      formal periodic points of period ``m`` for ``f``

    - ``start_n`` - positive integer. the period used to start trying to
      create associate binary form ``F``

    - ``prec``-- positive integer. precision to use in CC

    - ``emb`` -- embedding into CC

    - ``algorithm`` -- (optional) string; either ``'BM'`` for the Bruin-Molnar
      algorithm or ``'HS'`` for the Hutz-Stoll algorithm. If not specified,
      properties of the map are utilized to choose how to compute minimal
      orbit representatives

    - ``check_minimal`` -- (default: True), boolean, whether to check
      if this map is a minimal model

    OUTPUT: pair [dynamical system, matrix]


        sage: from sage.dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics.endPN_minimal_model import smallest_dynamical
        sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
        sage: f = DynamicalSystem([50*x^2 + 795*x*y + 2120*y^2, 265*x^2 + 106*y^2])
        sage: smallest_dynamical(f)  #long time
        Dynamical System of Projective Space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
          Defn: Defined on coordinates by sending (x : y) to
                (-480*x^2 - 1125*x*y + 1578*y^2 : 265*x^2 + 1060*x*y + 1166*y^2),
        [1 2]
        [0 1]
    def insert_item(pts, item, index):
        # binary insertion to maintain list of points left to consider
        N = len(pts)
        if N == 0:
            return [item]
        elif N == 1:
            if item[index] > pts[0][index]:
                pts.insert(0, item)
            return pts
        else:  # binary insertion
            left = 1
            right = N
            mid = (left + right) // 2  # these are ints so this is .floor()
            if item[index] > pts[mid][index]:  # item goes into first half
                return insert_item(pts[:mid], item, index) + pts[mid:N]
            else:  # item goes into second half
                return pts[:mid] + insert_item(pts[mid:N], item, index)

    def coshdelta(z):
        # The cosh of the hyperbolic distance from z = t+uj to j
        return (z.norm() + 1) / (2 * z.imag())

    # can't be smaller if height 0
    if f.global_height(prec=prec) == 0:
        return [f, matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [1, 0, 0, 1])]
    all_min = f.all_minimal_models(return_transformation=True,

    current_min = None
    current_size = None
    # search for minimum over all orbits
    for g, M in all_min:
        PS = g.domain()
        CR = PS.coordinate_ring()
        x, y = CR.gens()
        n = start_n  # sometimes you get a problem later with 0,infty as roots
        if dynatomic:
            pts_poly = g.dynatomic_polynomial(n)
            gn = g.nth_iterate_map(n)
            pts_poly = y * gn[0] - x * gn[1]
        d = ZZ(pts_poly.degree())
        max_mult = max([ex for p, ex in pts_poly.factor()])
        while ((d < 3) or (max_mult >= d / 2) and (n < 5)):
            n = n + 1
            if dynatomic:
                pts_poly = g.dynatomic_polynomial(n)
                gn = g.nth_iterate_map(n)
                pts_poly = y * gn[0] - x * gn[1]
            d = ZZ(pts_poly.degree())
            max_mult = max([ex for p, ex in pts_poly.factor()])
        assert (n <= 4), "n > 4, failed to find usable poly"

        R = get_bound_dynamical(pts_poly,
        # search starts in fundamental domain
        G, MG = pts_poly.reduced_form(prec=prec,
        red_g = f.conjugate(M * MG)
        if G != pts_poly:
            R2 = get_bound_dynamical(G,
            if R2 < R:
                # use the better bound
                R = R2
        if red_g.global_height(prec=prec) == 0:
            return [red_g, M * MG]

        # height
        if current_size is None:
            current_size = e**red_g.global_height(prec=prec)
        v0, th = covariant_z0(G, prec=prec, emb=emb)
        rep = 2 * CC.gen(0)
        from math import isnan
        if isnan(v0.abs()):
            raise ValueError("invalid covariant: %s" % v0)

        # get orbit
        S = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [0, -1, 1, 0])
        T = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [1, 1, 0, 1])
        TI = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [1, -1, 0, 1])

        count = 0
        pts = [[G, red_g, v0, rep, M * MG,
                coshdelta(v0), 0]]  # label - 0:None, 1:S, 2:T, 3:T^(-1)
        if current_min is None:
            current_min = [G, red_g, v0, rep, M * MG, coshdelta(v0)]
        while pts != []:
            G, g, v, rep, M, D, label = pts.pop()
            # apply ST and keep z, Sz
            if D > R:
                break  #all remaining pts are too far away
            # check if it is smaller. If so, we can improve the bound
            count += 1
            new_size = e**g.global_height(prec=prec)
            if new_size < current_size:
                current_min = [G, g, v, rep, M, coshdelta(v)]
                current_size = new_size
                if new_size == 1:  # early exit
                    return [current_min[1], current_min[4]]
                new_R = get_bound_dynamical(G,
                if new_R < R:
                    R = new_R

            # add new points to check
            if label != 1 and min((rep + 1).norm(),
                                  (rep - 1).norm()) >= 1:  # don't undo S
                # the 2nd condition is equivalent to |\Re(-1/rep)| <= 1/2
                # this means that rep can have resulted from an inversion step in
                # the shift-and-invert procedure, so don't invert

                # do inversion
                z = -1 / v
                new_pt = [
                        x: -y,
                        y: x
                    g.conjugate(S), z, -1 / rep, M * S,
                    coshdelta(z), 1
                pts = insert_item(pts, new_pt, 5)
            if label != 3:  # don't undo T on g
                # do right shift
                z = v - 1
                new_pt = [
                    G.subs({x: x + y}),
                    g.conjugate(TI), z, rep - 1, M * TI,
                    coshdelta(z), 2
                pts = insert_item(pts, new_pt, 5)
            if label != 2:  # don't undo TI on g
                # do left shift
                z = v + 1
                new_pt = [
                    G.subs({x: x - y}),
                    g.conjugate(T), z, rep + 1, M * T,
                    coshdelta(z), 3
                pts = insert_item(pts, new_pt, 5)

    return [current_min[1], current_min[4]]
Пример #4
def get_bound_dynamical(F, f, m=1, dynatomic=True, prec=53, emb=None):
    The hyperbolic distance from `j` which must contain the smallest map.

    This defines the maximum possible distance from `j` to the `z_0` covariant
    of the assocaited binary form `F` in the hyperbolic 3-space
    for which the map `f`` could have smaller coefficients.


    - ``F`` -- binary form of degree at least 3 with no multiple roots associated
      to ``f``

    - ``f`` -- a dynamical system on `P^1`

    - ``m`` - positive integer. the period used to create ``F``

    - ``dyantomic`` -- boolean. whether ``F`` is the periodic points or the
      formal periodic points of period ``m`` for ``f``

    - ``prec``-- positive integer. precision to use in CC

    - ``emb`` -- embedding into CC

    OUTPUT: a positive real number


        sage: from sage.dynamics.arithmetic_dynamics.endPN_minimal_model import get_bound_dynamical
        sage: P.<x,y> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ,1)
        sage: f = DynamicalSystem([50*x^2 + 795*x*y + 2120*y^2, 265*x^2 + 106*y^2])
        sage: get_bound_dynamical(f.dynatomic_polynomial(1), f)
    def coshdelta(z):
        #The cosh of the hyperbolic distance from z = t+uj to j
        return (z.norm() + 1)/(2*z.imag())
    if F.base_ring() != ComplexField(prec=prec):
        if emb is None:
            compF = F.change_ring(ComplexField(prec=prec))
            compF = F.change_ring(emb)
        compF = F
    n = F.degree()

    z0F, thetaF = covariant_z0(compF, prec=prec, emb=emb)
    cosh_delta = coshdelta(z0F)
    d = f.degree()
    hF = e**f.global_height(prec=prec)
    #get precomputed constants C,k
    if m == 1:
        C = 4*d+2;k=2
        Ck_values = {(False, 2, 2): (322, 6), (False, 2, 3): (385034, 14),\
                     (False, 2, 4): (4088003923454, 30), (False, 3, 2): (18044, 8),\
                     (False, 4, 2): (1761410, 10), (False, 5, 2): (269283820, 12),\
                     (True, 2, 2): (43, 4), (True, 2, 3): (106459, 12),\
                     (True, 2, 4): (39216735905, 24), (True, 3, 2): (1604, 6),\
                     (True, 4, 2): (114675, 8), (True, 5, 2): (14158456, 10)}
            C,k = Ck_values[(dynatomic,d,m)]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("constants not computed for this (m,d) pair")
    if n == 2 and d == 2:
        #bound with epsilonF = 1
        bound = 2*((2*C*(hF**k))/(thetaF))
        bound = cosh(epsinv(F, (2**(n-1))*C*(hF**k)/thetaF, prec=prec))
    return bound