Пример #1
 def test_unconstrained_1(self):
     # Background
     #       This example was constructed soley as a test case for sageopt.
     #       We consider two polynomial optimization problems, that are related
     #       to one another by a change of sign in one of the variables.
     # Tests
     #       (1) Verify primal / dual consistency for the two problems, at level (0, 0).
     #       (2) Verify that the SAGE bound is the same for the two formulations.
     alpha = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2], [0, 2], [2, 0]])
     # First formulation
     p = Polynomial(alpha, np.array([1, -3, 1, 4, 4]))
     res0 = primal_dual_unconstrained(p, 0, sigrep_ell=0)
     assert abs(res0[0] - res0[1]) <= 1e-6
     # Second formulation
     p = Polynomial(alpha, np.array([1, 3, 1, 4, 4]))
     res1 = primal_dual_unconstrained(p, 0, sigrep_ell=0)
     assert abs(res1[0] - res1[1]) <= 1e-6
     # Check for same results between the two formulations
     expected = 1
     assert abs(res0[0] - expected) <= 1e-5
     assert abs(res1[0] - expected) <= 1e-5
Пример #2
 def test_standard_monomials(self):
     x = standard_poly_monomials(3)
     y_actual = np.prod(x)
     y_expect = Polynomial.from_dict({(1, 1, 1): 1})
     assert TestPolynomials.are_equal(y_actual, y_expect)
     x = standard_poly_monomials(2)
     y_actual = np.sum(x)**2
     y_expect = Polynomial.from_dict({(2, 0): 1, (1, 1): 2, (0, 2): 1})
     assert TestPolynomials.are_equal(y_actual, y_expect)
Пример #3
 def test_polynomial_exponentiation(self):
     p = Polynomial.from_dict({(0,): -1, (1,): 1})
     # square of (x-1)
     res = p ** 2
     expect = Polynomial.from_dict({(0,): 1, (1,): -2, (2,): 1})
     assert res == expect
     # cube of (2x+5)
     p = Polynomial.from_dict({(0,): 5, (1,): 2})
     expect = Polynomial.from_dict({(0,): 125, (1,): 150, (2,): 60, (3,): 8})
     res = p ** 3
     assert res == expect
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, Polynomial.__pow__, p, p)
Пример #4
 def test_addition_and_subtraction(self):
     # data for tests
     s0 = Polynomial(np.array([[0], [1], [2]]), np.array([1, 2, 3]))
     t0 = Polynomial(np.array([[4]]), np.array([5]))
     # tests
     s = s0 - s0
     s = s.without_zeros()
     assert s.m == 1 and set(s.c) == {0}
     s = -s0 + s0
     s = s.without_zeros()
     assert s.m == 1 and set(s.c) == {0}
     s = s0 + t0
     assert s.alpha_c == {(0, ): 1, (1, ): 2, (2, ): 3, (4, ): 5}
Пример #5
 def test_composition(self):
     p = Polynomial.from_dict({(2,): 1})  # represents lambda x: x ** 2
     z = Polynomial.from_dict({(1,): 2, (0,): -1})  # represents lambda x: 2*x - 1
     w = p(z)  # represents lambda x: (2*x - 1) ** 2
     assert w(0.5) == 0
     assert w(1) == 1
     assert w(0) == 1
     x = standard_poly_monomials(3)
     p = np.prod(x)
     y = standard_poly_monomials(2)
     expr = np.array([y[0], y[0]-y[1], y[1]])
     w = p(expr)
     assert w.n == 2
     assert w(np.array([1, 1])) == 0
     assert w(np.array([1, -2])) == -6
Пример #6
 def test_polynomial_multiplication(self):
     # data for tests
     s0 = Polynomial(np.array([[0], [1], [2]]), np.array([1, 2, 3]))
     t0 = Polynomial(np.array([[1]]), np.array([1]))
     q0 = Polynomial(np.array([[5]]), np.array([0]))
     # tests
     s = s0 * t0
     s = s.without_zeros()
     assert s.alpha_c == {(1, ): 1, (2, ): 2, (3, ): 3}
     s = t0 * s0
     s = s.without_zeros()
     assert s.alpha_c == {(1, ): 1, (2, ): 2, (3, ): 3}
     s = s0 * q0
     s = s.without_zeros()
     assert s.alpha_c == {(0, ): 0}
Пример #7
    def test_constant_location(self):
        s0 = Polynomial(np.array([[0], [1], [2]]), np.array([1, 2, 3]))
        t0 = Polynomial(np.array([[1]]), np.array([1]))
        q0 = Polynomial(np.array([[5]]), np.array([0]))

        # tests
        loc = s0.constant_location()
        assert (s0.alpha[loc, :] == 0).all()
        loc = t0.constant_location()
        assert loc == None
        loc = q0.constant_location()
        assert loc == None
Пример #8
    def test_polynomial_division(self):
        s0 = Polynomial(np.array([[0], [1], [2]]), np.array([1, 2, 3]))
        t0 = Polynomial(np.array([[1]]), np.array([1]))
        q0 = Polynomial(np.array([[5]]), np.array([0]))

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Polynomial.__truediv__, s0, t0)
        s = s0 / 2
        s = s.without_zeros()
        assert s.alpha_c == {(0, ): 0.5, (1, ): 1, (2, ): 1.5}
        s = t0 / 4
        s = s.without_zeros()
        assert s.alpha_c == {(1, ): 0.25}
        s = q0 / 4
        s = s.without_zeros()
        assert s.alpha_c == {(5, ): 0}
Пример #9
 def test_equal(self):
     s0 = Polynomial(np.array([[0], [1], [2]]), np.array([1, 2, 3]))
     assert s0 == s0
     alpha = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]])
     c = np.array([1, 2, 3])
     f = Signomial(alpha, c)
     assert f != s0
Пример #10
def poly_constrained_primal(f, gts, eqs, p=0, q=1, ell=0, X=None):
    Construct the primal SAGE-(p, q, ell) relaxation for the polynomial optimization problem

        inf{ f(x) : g(x) >= 0 for g in gts,
                    g(x) == 0 for g in eqs,
                    and x in X }

    where :math:`X = R^{\\texttt{f.n}}` by default.
    lagrangian, ineq_lag_mults, _, gamma = make_poly_lagrangian(f, gts, eqs, p=p, q=q)
    metadata = {'lagrangian': lagrangian}
    if ell > 0:
        alpha_E_q = hierarchy_e_k([f] + list(gts) + list(eqs), k=1)
        modulator = Polynomial(2 * alpha_E_q, np.ones(alpha_E_q.shape[0])) ** ell
        lagrangian = lagrangian * modulator
        metadata['modulator'] = modulator
    # The Lagrangian (after possible multiplication, as above) must be a SAGE polynomial.
    con_name = 'Lagrangian sage poly'
    constrs = primal_sage_poly_cone(lagrangian, con_name, log_AbK=X)
    #  Lagrange multipliers (for inequality constraints) must be SAGE polynomials.
    for s_h, _ in ineq_lag_mults:
        con_name = str(s_h) + ' domain'
        cons = primal_sage_poly_cone(s_h, con_name, log_AbK=X)
        constrs += cons
    # Construct the coniclifts problem.
    prob = cl.Problem(cl.MAX, gamma, constrs)
    prob.metadata = metadata
    return prob
Пример #11
def poly_constrained_dual(f, gts, eqs, p=0, q=1, ell=0, X=None, slacks=False):
    Construct the dual SAGE-(p, q, ell) relaxation for the polynomial optimization problem

        inf{ f(x) : g(x) >= 0 for g in gts,
                    g(x) == 0 for g in eqs,
                    and x in X }

    where :math:`X = R^{\\texttt{f.n}}` by default.
    lagrangian, ineq_lag_mults, eq_lag_mults, _ = make_poly_lagrangian(f, gts, eqs, p=p, q=q)
    metadata = {'lagrangian': lagrangian, 'f': f, 'gts': gts, 'eqs': eqs, 'X': X}
    if ell > 0:
        alpha_E_1 = hierarchy_e_k([f, f.upcast_to_polynomial(1)] + gts + eqs, k=1)
        modulator = Polynomial(2 * alpha_E_1, np.ones(alpha_E_1.shape[0])) ** ell
        lagrangian = lagrangian * modulator
        f = f * modulator
        modulator = f.upcast_to_polynomial(1)
    metadata['modulator'] = modulator
    # In primal form, the Lagrangian is constrained to be a SAGE polynomial.
    # Introduce a dual variable "v" for this constraint.
    v = cl.Variable(shape=(lagrangian.m, 1), name='v')
    metadata['v_poly'] = v
    constraints = relative_dual_sage_poly_cone(lagrangian, v, 'Lagrangian', log_AbK=X)
    for s_g, g in ineq_lag_mults:
        # These generalized Lagrange multipliers "s_g" are SAGE polynomials.
        # For each such multiplier, introduce an appropriate dual variable "v_g", along
        # with constraints over that dual variable.
        g_m = g * modulator
        c_g = sym_corr.moment_reduction_array(s_g, g_m, lagrangian)
        name_base = 'v_' + str(g)
        if slacks:
            v_g = cl.Variable(name=name_base, shape=(s_g.m, 1))
            con = c_g @ v == v_g
            con.name += str(g) + ' >= 0'
            v_g = c_g @ v
        constraints += relative_dual_sage_poly_cone(s_g, v_g,
                                                    name_base=(name_base + ' domain'), log_AbK=X)
    for z_g, g in eq_lag_mults:
        # These generalized Lagrange multipliers "z_g" are arbitrary polynomials.
        # They dualize to homogeneous equality constraints.
        g_m = g * modulator
        c_g = sym_corr.moment_reduction_array(z_g, g_m, lagrangian)
        con = c_g @ v == 0
        con.name += str(g) + ' == 0'
    # Equality constraint (for the Lagrangian to be bounded).
    a = sym_corr.relative_coeff_vector(modulator, lagrangian.alpha)
    constraints.append(a.T @ v == 1)
    # Define the dual objective function.
    obj_vec = sym_corr.relative_coeff_vector(f, lagrangian.alpha)
    obj = obj_vec.T @ v
    # Return the coniclifts Problem.
    prob = cl.Problem(cl.MIN, obj, constraints)
    prob.metadata = metadata
    return prob
Пример #12
def poly_dual(f, poly_ell=0, sigrep_ell=0, X=None):
    if poly_ell == 0:
        sr, _ = f.sig_rep
        prob = sage_sigs.sig_dual(sr, sigrep_ell, X=X)
        if AUTO_CLEAR_INDICES:  # pragma:no cover
        return prob
    elif sigrep_ell == 0:
        modulator = f.standard_multiplier()**poly_ell
        gamma = cl.Variable()
        lagrangian = (f - gamma) * modulator
        v = cl.Variable(shape=(lagrangian.m, 1), name='v')
        con_base_name = v.name + ' domain'
        constraints = relative_dual_sage_poly_cone(lagrangian,
        a = sym_corr.relative_coeff_vector(modulator, lagrangian.alpha)
        constraints.append(a.T @ v == 1)
        f_mod = Polynomial(f.alpha, f.c) * modulator
        obj_vec = sym_corr.relative_coeff_vector(f_mod, lagrangian.alpha)
        obj = obj_vec.T @ v
        prob = cl.Problem(cl.MIN, obj, constraints)
        if AUTO_CLEAR_INDICES:  # pragma:no cover
        return prob
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        raise NotImplementedError()
Пример #13
 def test_unconstrained_3(self):
     # Minimization of the six-hump camel back function.
     p = Polynomial.from_dict({(0, 0): 0,
                               (2, 0): 4,
                               (1, 1): 1,
                               (0, 2): -4,
                               (4, 0): -2.1,
                               (0, 4): 4,
                               (6, 0): 1.0 / 3.0})
     # sigrep_ell=0 has a decent bound, and sigrep_ell=1 is nearly optimal.
     # ECOS is unable to solver sigrep_ell=2 due to conditioning problems.
     # MOSEK easily solves sigrep_ell=2, and this is globally optimal
     res00 = primal_dual_unconstrained(p, poly_ell=0, sigrep_ell=0)
     expect00 = -1.18865
     assert abs(res00[0] - res00[1]) <= 1e-6
     assert abs(res00[0] - expect00) <= 1e-3
     res10 = primal_dual_unconstrained(p, poly_ell=1, sigrep_ell=0)
     expect10 = -1.03416
     assert abs(res10[0] - res10[1]) < 1e-6
     assert abs(res10[0] - expect10) <= 1e-3
     if cl.Mosek.is_installed():
         res01 = primal_dual_unconstrained(p, poly_ell=0, sigrep_ell=1, solver='MOSEK')
         expect01 = -1.03221
         assert abs(res01[0] - res01[1]) <= 1e-6
         assert abs(res01[0] - expect01) <= 1e-3
         res02 = primal_dual_unconstrained(p, poly_ell=0, sigrep_ell=2, solver='MOSEK')
         expect02 = -1.0316
         assert abs(res02[0] - res02[1]) < 1e-6
         assert abs(res02[0] - expect02) <= 1e-3
Пример #14
 def test_addition_and_subtraction(self):
     # data for tests
     s0 = Polynomial(np.array([[0], [1], [2]]), np.array([1, 2, 3]))
     t0 = Polynomial(np.array([[4]]), np.array([5]))
     # tests
     s = s0 - s0
     s = s.without_zeros()
     assert s.m == 1 and set(s.c) == {0}
     s = -s0 + s0
     s = s.without_zeros()
     assert s.m == 1 and set(s.c) == {0}
     s = s0 + t0
     assert s.alpha_c == {(0, ): 1, (1, ): 2, (2, ): 3, (4, ): 5}
     alpha = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]])
     c = np.array([1, 2, 3])
     f = Signomial(alpha, c)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Polynomial.__add__, s0, f)
Пример #15
def hierarchy_e_k(polys, k):
    alphas = [s.alpha for s in polys]
    alpha = np.vstack(alphas)
    alpha = np.unique(alpha, axis=0)
    c = np.ones(shape=(alpha.shape[0],))
    s = Polynomial(alpha, c)
    s = s ** k
    return s.alpha
Пример #16
 def test_sigrep_3(self):
     alpha = np.random.randint(low=1, high=10, size=(10, 3))
     alpha *= 2
     c = np.random.randn(10)
     p = Polynomial(alpha, c)
     # The signomial representative has the same exponents and coeffs.
     sr, sr_cons = p.sig_rep
     assert len(sr_cons) == 0
     assert p.alpha_c == sr.alpha_c
Пример #17
    def as_polynomial(self):
        This function is only applicable if ``alpha`` is a matrix of nonnegative integers.

        f : Polynomial
            For every vector ``x``, we have ``self(x) == f(np.exp(x))``.
        from sageopt.symbolic.polynomials import Polynomial
        f = Polynomial(self.alpha, self.c)
        return f
Пример #18
 def test_sigrep_2(self):
     c33 = cl.Variable(shape=(), name='c33')
     alpha = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1], [3, 3]])
     c = cl.Expression([0, -1, c33])
     p = Polynomial(alpha, c)
     sr, sr_cons = p.sig_rep
     assert len(sr_cons) == 2
     var_names = set(v.name for v in sr_cons[0].variables())
     var_names.union(set(v.name for v in sr_cons[1].variables()))
     for v in var_names:
         assert v == 'c33' or v == str(p) + ' variable sigrep coefficients'
     assert sr.alpha_c[(1, 1)] == -1
Пример #19
    def test_polynomial_multiplication(self):
        # data for tests
        s0 = Polynomial(np.array([[0], [1], [2]]), np.array([1, 2, 3]))
        t0 = Polynomial(np.array([[1]]), np.array([1]))
        q0 = Polynomial(np.array([[5]]), np.array([0]))
        alpha = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]])
        c = np.array([1, 2, 3])
        f = Signomial(alpha, c)

        # tests
        s = s0 * t0
        s = s.without_zeros()
        assert s.alpha_c == {(1, ): 1, (2, ): 2, (3, ): 3}
        s = t0 * s0
        s = s.without_zeros()
        assert s.alpha_c == {(1, ): 1, (2, ): 2, (3, ): 3}
        s = s0 * q0
        s = s.without_zeros()
        assert s.alpha_c == {(0, ): 0}
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Polynomial.__sub__, s0, f)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Polynomial.__mul__, s0, f)
Пример #20
def sage_multiplier_search(f, level=1, X=None):
    Constructs a coniclifts maximization Problem which is feasible if ``f`` can be certified as nonnegative
    over ``X``, by using an appropriate X-SAGE modulating function.

    f : Polynomial
        We want to test if ``f`` is nonnegative over ``X``.
    level : int
        Controls the complexity of the X-SAGE modulating function. Must be a positive integer.
    X : PolyDomain or None
        If ``X`` is None, then we test nonnegativity of ``f`` over :math:`R^{\\texttt{f.n}}`.

    prob : sageopt.coniclifts.Problem

    This function provides an alternative to moving up the reference SAGE hierarchy, for the
    goal of certifying nonnegativity of a polynomial ``f`` over some set ``X`` where ``|X|``
    is log-convex. In general, the approach is to introduce a polynomial

        ``mult = Polynomial(alpha_hat, c_tilde)``

    where the rows of alpha_hat are all "level"-wise sums of rows from ``f.alpha``, and ``c_tilde``
    is a coniclifts Variable defining a nonzero SAGE polynomial. Then we can check if
    ``f_mod = f * mult`` is SAGE for any choice of ``c_tilde``.
    constraints = []
    # Make the multiplier polynomial (and require that it be SAGE)
    mult_alpha = hierarchy_e_k([f], k=level)
    c_tilde = cl.Variable(shape=(mult_alpha.shape[0], ), name='c_tilde')
    mult = Polynomial(mult_alpha, c_tilde)
    temp_cons = primal_sage_poly_cone(mult,
                                      name=(c_tilde.name + ' domain'),
    constraints += temp_cons
    constraints.append(cl.sum(c_tilde) >= 1)
    # Make "f_mod := f * mult", and require that it be SAGE.
    f_mod = mult * f
    temp_cons = primal_sage_poly_cone(f_mod, name='f_mod sage poly', log_AbK=X)
    constraints += temp_cons
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    prob = cl.Problem(cl.MAX, 0, constraints)
    if AUTO_CLEAR_INDICES:  # pragma:no cover
    return prob
Пример #21
 def test_unconstrained_2(self):
     # Background
     #       Unconstrained minimization of a polynomial in 2 variables.
     #       This is Example 4.1 from a 2018 paper by Seidler and de Wolff
     #       (https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.08431).
     # Tests
     #       (1) primal / dual consistency for (poly_ell, sigrep_ell) \in {(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1)}.
     #       (2) Show that the bound with (poly_ell=0, sigrep_ell=1) is strong than
     #           the bound with (poly_ell=1, sigrep_ell=0).
     # Notes
     #       The global minimum of this polynomial (as verified by gloptipoly3) is 0.85018.
     #       The furthest we could progress up the hierarchy before encountering a solver failure
     #       was (poly_ell=0, sigrep_ell=5). In this case the SAGE bound was 0.8336.
     p = Polynomial.from_dict({
         (0, 0): 1,
         (2, 6): 3,
         (6, 2): 2,
         (2, 2): 6,
         (1, 2): -1,
         (2, 1): 2,
         (3, 3): -3
     res00 = primal_dual_unconstrained(p, poly_ell=0, sigrep_ell=0)
     expect00 = 0.6932
     assert abs(res00[0] - res00[1]) <= 1e-6
     assert abs(res00[0] - expect00) <= 1e-3
     res10 = primal_dual_unconstrained(p, poly_ell=1, sigrep_ell=0)
     expect10 = 0.7587
     assert abs(res10[0] - res10[1]) <= 1e-5
     assert abs(res10[0] - expect10) <= 1e-3
     if cl.Mosek.is_installed():
         # ECOS fails
         res01 = primal_dual_unconstrained(p,
         expect01 = 0.7876
         assert abs(res01[0] - res01[1]) <= 1e-5
         assert abs(res01[0] - expect01) <= 1e-3
Пример #22
 def test_scalar_multiplication(self):
     # data for tests
     alpha0 = np.array([[0], [1], [2]])
     c0 = np.array([1, 2, 3])
     s0 = Polynomial(alpha0, c0)
     # Tests
     s = 2 * s0
     # noinspection PyTypeChecker
     assert set(s.c) == set(2 * s0.c)
     s = s0 * 2
     # noinspection PyTypeChecker
     assert set(s.c) == set(2 * s0.c)
     s = 1 * s0
     assert s.alpha_c == s0.alpha_c
     s = 0 * s0
     s = s.without_zeros()
     assert s.m == 1 and set(s.c) == {0}
Пример #23
 def test_composition_sigs(self):
     p = Polynomial.from_dict({
         (1, ): 2,
         (0, ): -1
     })  # represents lambda x: 2*x - 1
     s = Signomial.from_dict({(2, ): -1, (0, ): 1})
     f = p(s)  # lambda x: -2*exp(x) + 1
     self.assertAlmostEqual(f(0.5), -2 * np.exp(1.0) + 1, places=4)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(f(1), -2 * np.exp(2.0) + 1, places=4)
     p = np.prod(standard_poly_monomials(3))
     exp_x = standard_sig_monomials(2)
     sig_vec = np.array([exp_x[0], exp_x[0] - exp_x[1], 1.0 / exp_x[1]])
     f = p(sig_vec)
     self.assertEqual(f.n, 2)
     self.assertEqual(f(np.array([1, 1])), 0)
     x_test = np.array([-3, 3])
                            np.exp(-6) * (np.exp(-3) - np.exp(3)),
Пример #24
 def test_sigrep_1(self):
     p = Polynomial.from_dict({(0, 0): -1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 2): 10})
     gamma = cl.Variable(shape=(), name='gamma')
     p -= gamma
     sr, sr_cons = p.sig_rep
     # Even though there is a Variable in p.c, no auxiliary
     # variables should have been introduced by defining this
     # signomial representative.
     assert len(sr_cons) == 0
     count_nonconstants = 0
     for i, ci in enumerate(sr.c):
         if isinstance(ci, cl.base.ScalarExpression):
             if not ci.is_constant():
                 assert len(ci.variables()) == 1
                 count_nonconstants += 1
                 assert ci.variables()[0].name == 'gamma'
         elif sr.alpha[i, 0] == 1 and sr.alpha[i, 1] == 2:
             assert ci == -1
         elif sr.alpha[i, 0] == 2 and sr.alpha[i, 1] == 2:
             assert ci == 10
             assert False
     assert count_nonconstants == 1
Пример #25
def poly_solrec(prob, ineq_tol=1e-8, eq_tol=1e-6, skip_ls=False, **kwargs):
    Recover a list of candidate solutions from a dual SAGE relaxation. Solutions are
    guaranteed to be feasible up to specified tolerances, but not necessarily optimal.

    prob : coniclifts.Problem
        A dual-form SAGE relaxation, from ``poly_constrained_relaxation``.

    ineq_tol : float
        The amount by which recovered solutions can violate inequality constraints.

    eq_tol : float
        The amount by which recovered solutions can violate equality constraints.

    skip_ls : bool
        Whether or not to skip least-squares solution recovery.

    sols : list of ndarrays
        A list of feasible solutions, sorted in increasing order of objective function value.
        It is possible that this list is empty, in which case no feasible solutions were recovered.

    This function accepts the following keyword arguments:

    zero_tol : float
        Used in magnitude recovery. If a component of the Lagrangian's moment vector is smaller
        than this (in absolute value), pretend it's zero in the least-squares step. Defaults to 1e-20.

    heuristic_signs : bool
        Used in sign recovery. If True, then attempts to infer variable signs from the Lagrangian's
        moment vector even when a completely consistent set of signs does not exist. Defaults to True.

    all_signs : bool
        Used in sign recovery. If True, then consider returning solutions which differ only by sign.
        Defaults to True.

    This function is implemented only for poly_constrained_relaxation (not poly_relaxation).
    zero_tol = kwargs['zero_tol'] if 'zero_tol' in kwargs else 1e-20
    heuristic = kwargs[
        'heuristic_signs'] if 'heuristic_signs' in kwargs else True
    all_signs = kwargs['all_signs'] if 'all_signs' in kwargs else True
    metadata = prob.metadata
    f = metadata['f']
    lag_gts = metadata['gts']
    lag_eqs = metadata['eqs']
    lagrangian = _make_dummy_lagrangian(f, lag_gts, lag_eqs)
    con = prob.constraints[0]
    alpha = con.alpha
    dummy_modulated_lagrangian = Polynomial(
        alpha, np.ones(shape=(alpha.shape[0], )))  # coefficients dont matter
    modulator = metadata['modulator']
    v = metadata['v_poly'].value  # possible that v_sig and v are the same
    if np.any(np.isnan(v)):
        return []
    M = moment_reduction_array(lagrangian, modulator,
    v_reduced = M @ v
    alpha_reduced = lagrangian.alpha
    mags = variable_magnitudes(con, alpha_reduced, v_reduced, zero_tol,
    signs = variable_sign_patterns(alpha_reduced, v_reduced, heuristic,
    # Now we need to build the candidate solutions, and check them for feasibility.
    if con.X is not None:
        gts = lag_gts + [g for g in con.X.gts]
        eqs = lag_eqs + [g for g in con.X.eqs]
        gts = lag_gts
        eqs = lag_eqs
    solutions = []
    for mag in mags:
        for sign in signs:
            x = mag * sign  # elementwise
            if is_feasible(x, gts, eqs, ineq_tol, eq_tol):
    solutions.sort(key=lambda xi: f(xi))
    return solutions
Пример #26
def make_poly_lagrangian(f, gts, eqs, p, q):
    Given a problem

    .. math::

          \min\{ f(x) :~& g(x) \geq 0 \\text{ for } g \\in \\text{gts}, \\\\
                       & g(x) = 0  \\text{ for } g \\in \\text{eqs}, \\\\
                       & \\text{and } x \\in X \}

    construct the q-fold constraints ``q-gts`` and ``q-eqs``, by taking all products
    of ``<= q`` elements from ``gts`` and ``eqs`` respectively. Then form the Lagrangian

    .. math::

        L = f - \\gamma
            - \sum_{g \, \\in  \, \\text{q-gts}} s_g \cdot g
            - \sum_{g \, \\in  \, \\text{q-eqs}} z_g \cdot g

    where :math:`\\gamma` is a coniclifts Variable of dimension 1, and the coefficients
    on Polynomials  :math:`s_g` and :math:`z_g` are coniclifts Variables of a dimension
    determined by ``p``.

    f : Polynomial
        The objective in a desired minimization problem.
    gts : list of Polynomials
        For every ``g in gts``, there is a desired constraint that variables ``x`` satisfy ``g(x) >= 0``.
    eqs : list of Polynomials
        For every ``g in eqs``, there is a desired constraint that variables ``x`` satisfy ``g(x) == 0``.
    p : int
        Controls the complexity of ``s_g`` and ``z_g``.
    q : int
        The number of folds of constraints ``gts`` and ``eqs``.


    L : Polynomial
        ``L.c`` is an affine expression of coniclifts Variables.

    ineq_dual_polys : a list of pairs of Polynomials.
        If the pair ``(s_g, g)`` is in this list, then ``s_g`` is a generalized Lagrange multiplier
        to the constraint ``g(x) >= 0``.

    eq_dual_polys : a list of pairs of Polynomials.
        If the pair ``(z_g, g)`` is in this list, then ``z_g`` is a generalized Lagrange multiplier to the
        constraint ``g(x) == 0``.

    gamma : coniclifts.Variable.
        In primal-form SAGE relaxations, we want to maximize ``gamma``. In dual form SAGE relaxations,
        ``gamma`` induces a normalizing equality constraint.

    The Lagrange multipliers ``s_g`` and ``z_g`` share a common matrix of exponent vectors,
    which we call ``alpha_hat``.

    When ``p = 0``, ``alpha_hat`` consists of a single row, of all zeros. In this case,
    ``s_g`` and ``z_g`` are constant Polynomials, and the coefficient vectors ``s_g.c``
    and ``z_g.c`` are effectively scalars. When ``p > 0``, the rows of ``alpha_hat`` are
    *initially* set set to all ``p``-wise sums  of exponent vectors appearing in either ``f``,
    or some ``g in gts``,  or some ``g in eqs``. Then we replace ::

        alpha_hat = np.vstack([2 * alpha_hat, alpha_hat])
        alpha_multiplier = np.unique(alpha_hat, axis=0)

    This has the effect of improving performance for problems where ``alpha_hat`` would otherwise
    contain very few rows in the even integer lattice.
    folded_gt = con_gen.up_to_q_fold_cons(gts, q)
    gamma = cl.Variable(name='gamma')
    L = f - gamma
    alpha_E_p = hierarchy_e_k([f, f.upcast_to_polynomial(1)] + gts + eqs, k=p)
    alpha_multiplier = np.vstack([2 * alpha_E_p, alpha_E_p])
    alpha_multiplier = np.unique(alpha_multiplier, axis=0)
    ineq_dual_polys = []
    for g in folded_gt:
        s_g_coeff = cl.Variable(name='s_' + str(g), shape=(alpha_multiplier.shape[0],))
        s_g = Polynomial(alpha_multiplier, s_g_coeff)
        L -= s_g * g
        ineq_dual_polys.append((s_g, g))
    eq_dual_polys = []
    folded_eq = con_gen.up_to_q_fold_cons(eqs, q)
    for g in folded_eq:
        z_g_coeff = cl.Variable(name='z_' + str(g), shape=(alpha_multiplier.shape[0],))
        z_g = Polynomial(alpha_multiplier, z_g_coeff)
        L -= z_g * g
        eq_dual_polys.append((z_g, g))
    return L, ineq_dual_polys, eq_dual_polys, gamma
Пример #27
 def test_polynomial_hess_val(self):
     f = Polynomial.from_dict({(3, ): 1, (0, ): -1})
     actual = f.hess_val(np.array([0.1234]))
     expect = 3 * 2 * 0.1234
     assert abs(actual[0] - expect) < 1e-8
Пример #28
 def test_sigrep_1(self):
     p = Polynomial.from_dict({(0, 0): -1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 2): 10})
     # One non-even lattice point (the only one) changes sign.
     sr, sr_cons = p.sig_rep
     assert len(sr_cons) == 0
     assert sr.alpha_c == {(0, 0): -1, (1, 2): -1, (2, 2): 10}
Пример #29
 def test_sigrep_2(self):
     p = Polynomial.from_dict({(0, 0): 0, (1, 1): -1, (3, 3): 5})
     # One non-even lattice point changes sign, another stays the same
     sr, sr_cons = p.sig_rep
     assert len(sr_cons) == 0
     assert sr.alpha_c == {(0, 0): 0, (1, 1): -1, (3, 3): -5}
Пример #30
 def test_as_signomial(self):
     s0 = Polynomial(np.array([[0], [1], [2]]), np.array([1, 2, 3]))
     f = s0.as_signomial()
     assert s0.alpha_c == f.alpha_c