Пример #1
def _recursive_compare(v1, v2):
    Return v1 == v2. Compares list, dict, recursively.
    if isinstance(v1, list):
        if v2 is None:
            v2 = []
        if len(v1) != len(v2):
            return False
        for x, y in zip(v1, v2):
            if not _recursive_compare(x, y):
                return False
        return True
    elif isinstance(v1, dict):
        if v2 is None:
            v2 = {}
        v1 = dict(v1)
        v2 = dict(v2)
        if sorted(v1) != sorted(v2):
            return False
        for k in v1:
            if not _recursive_compare(v1[k], v2[k]):
                return False
        return True
        return v1 == v2
Пример #2
    def test_trim_files(self):
        source = 'file.tar.gz'
        tmp_dir = 'temp'
        files = [
            '\n'.join(['file1'] * 200),
            '\n'.join(['file2'] * 200),
        trim_opt = [
        trim_100 = (['file1'] * 100)
        trim_100.append("List trimmed after 100 files.")
        expected = [
            ['file2'] * 200,
            ['this', 'that', 'other'],
            ['this', 'List trimmed after 1 files.'],
            ['List trimmed after 0 files.'],

        for test_files, test_trim_opts, test_expected in zip(files, trim_opt, expected):
            with patch.dict(archive.__salt__, {'cmd.run': MagicMock(return_value=test_files)}):
                ret = archive.unrar(source, tmp_dir, trim_output=test_trim_opts)
                self.assertEqual(ret, test_expected)
Пример #3
def threads():
    This tests the performance of the processor's scheduler

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' sysbench.threads

    # Test data
    thread_yields = [100, 200, 500, 1000]
    thread_locks = [2, 4, 8, 16]

    # Initializing the test variables
    test_command = 'sysbench --num-threads=64 --test=threads '
    test_command += '--thread-yields={0} --thread-locks={1} run '
    result = None
    ret_val = {}

    # Test begins!
    for yields, locks in zip(thread_yields, thread_locks):
        key = 'Yields: {0} Locks: {1}'.format(yields, locks)
        run_command = test_command.format(yields, locks)
        result = __salt__['cmd.run'](run_command)
        ret_val[key] = _parser(result)

    return ret_val
Пример #4
def sig2(method, endpoint, params, provider, aws_api_version):
    Sign a query against AWS services using Signature Version 2 Signing
    Process. This is documented at:

    timenow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    timestamp = timenow.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')

    params_with_headers = params.copy()
    params_with_headers['AWSAccessKeyId'] = provider.get('id', '')
    params_with_headers['SignatureVersion'] = '2'
    params_with_headers['SignatureMethod'] = 'HmacSHA256'
    params_with_headers['Timestamp'] = '{0}'.format(timestamp)
    params_with_headers['Version'] = aws_api_version
    keys = sorted(params_with_headers.keys())
    values = list(list(map(params_with_headers.get, keys)))
    querystring = urlencode(list(zip(keys, values)))

    canonical = '{0}\n{1}\n/\n{2}'.format(

    hashed = hmac.new(provider['key'], canonical, hashlib.sha256)
    sig = binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest())
    params_with_headers['Signature'] = sig.strip()
    return params_with_headers
Пример #5
def blkid(device=None):
    Return block device attributes: UUID, LABEL, etc.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' disk.blkid
        salt '*' disk.blkid /dev/sda
    args = ""
    if device:
        args = " " + device

    ret = {}
    for line in __salt__['cmd.run_stdout']('blkid' + args).split('\n'):
        comps = line.split()
        device = comps[0][:-1]
        info = {}
        device_attributes = re.split(('\"*\"'), line.partition(' ')[2])
        for key, value in zip(*[iter(device_attributes)]*2):
            key = key.strip('=').strip(' ')
            info[key] = value.strip('"')
        ret[device] = info

    return ret
Пример #6
def tables(schema):
    Displays all the tables that are
    present in the given schema

    CLI Example::

        salt '*' drizzle.tables schema_name

    # Initializing the required variables
    ret_val = {}
    drizzle_db = _connect()
    cursor = drizzle_db.cursor()

    # Fetching tables
        cursor.execute('SHOW TABLES IN {0}'.format(schema))
    except MySQLdb.OperationalError:
        return 'Unknown Schema'

    for iter, count in zip(list(range(cursor.rowcount)), list(range(1, cursor.rowcount+1))):
        table = cursor.fetchone()
        ret_val[count] = table[0]

    return ret_val
Пример #7
def plugins():
    Fetches the plugins added to the database server

    CLI Example::

        salt '*' drizzle.plugins

    # Initializing the required variables
    ret_val = {}
    count = 1
    drizzle_db = _connect()
    cursor = drizzle_db.cursor()

    # Fetching the plugins
    for iter, count in zip(list(range(cursor.rowcount)), list(range(1, cursor.rowcount+1))):
        table = cursor.fetchone()
        ret_val[count] = table[0]

    return ret_val
Пример #8
def blkid(device=None):
    Return block device attributes: UUID, LABEL, etc.  This function only works
    on systems where blkid is available.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' disk.blkid
        salt '*' disk.blkid /dev/sda
    args = ""
    if device:
        args = " " + device

    ret = {}
    blkid_result = __salt__['cmd.run_all']('blkid' + args, python_shell=False)

    if blkid_result['retcode'] > 0:
        return ret

    for line in blkid_result['stdout'].splitlines():
        if not line:
        comps = line.split()
        device = comps[0][:-1]
        info = {}
        device_attributes = re.split(('\"*\"'), line.partition(' ')[2])
        for key, value in zip(*[iter(device_attributes)]*2):
            key = key.strip('=').strip(' ')
            info[key] = value.strip('"')
        ret[device] = info

    return ret
Пример #9
def info(package, conn=None):
    List info for a package
    if conn is None:
        conn = init()

    fields = (
    data = conn.execute(
        'SELECT {0} FROM packages WHERE package=?'.format(','.join(fields)),
        (package, )
    row = data.fetchone()
    if not row:
        return None

    formula_def = dict(list(zip(fields, row)))
    formula_def['name'] = formula_def['package']

    return formula_def
Пример #10
def _argspec_to_schema(mod, spec):
    args = spec["args"]
    defaults = spec["defaults"] or []

    args_req = args[: len(args) - len(defaults)]
    args_defaults = list(zip(args[-len(defaults) :], defaults))

    types = {"title": mod, "description": mod}

    for i in args_req:
        types[i] = S.OneOfItem(
                S.BooleanItem(title=i, description=i, required=True),
                S.IntegerItem(title=i, description=i, required=True),
                S.NumberItem(title=i, description=i, required=True),
                S.StringItem(title=i, description=i, required=True),
                # S.ArrayItem(title=i, description=i, required=True),
                # S.DictItem(title=i, description=i, required=True),

    for i, j in args_defaults:
        types[i] = S.OneOfItem(
                S.BooleanItem(title=i, description=i, default=j),
                S.IntegerItem(title=i, description=i, default=j),
                S.NumberItem(title=i, description=i, default=j),
                S.StringItem(title=i, description=i, default=j),
                # S.ArrayItem(title=i, description=i, default=j),
                # S.DictItem(title=i, description=i, default=j),

    return type(mod, (S.Schema,), types).serialize()
Пример #11
    def get(self, obj, matches=None, mt=None, lt=None, eq=None):
        Get objects from the table.

        :param table_name:
        :param matches: Regexp.
        :param mt: More than.
        :param lt: Less than.
        :param eq: Equals.
        objects = []
        with gzip.open(os.path.join(self.db_path, obj._TABLE), 'rb') as table:
            header = None
            for data in csv.reader(table):
                if not header:
                    header = data
                _obj = obj()
                for t_attr, t_data in zip(header, data):
                    t_attr, t_type = t_attr.split(':')
                    setattr(_obj, t_attr, self._to_type(t_data, t_type))
                if self.__criteria(_obj, matches=matches, mt=mt, lt=lt, eq=eq):
        return objects
Пример #12
    def dict_from_line(cls, line):
        if line.startswith('#'):
            raise cls.ParseError("Comment!")

        comps = line.split()
        if len(comps) != 7:
            raise cls.ParseError("Invalid Entry!")

        return dict(zip(cls.vfstab_keys, comps))
Пример #13
 def work(self, item):
     ret = {'channel': item['channel']}
     if isinstance(item['data'], six.integer_types):
         ret['code'] = item['data']
     elif item['channel'] == '+switch-master':
             ('master', 'old_host', 'old_port', 'new_host', 'new_port'), item['data'].split(' ')
     elif item['channel'] in ('+odown', '-odown'):
             ('master', 'host', 'port'), item['data'].split(' ')[1:]
         ret = {
             'channel': item['channel'],
             'data': item['data'],
     self.fire_master(ret, '{0}/{1}'.format(self.tag, item['channel']))
Пример #14
def _iostats_dict(header, stats):
    Transpose collected data, average it, stomp it in dict using header

    Use Decimals so we can properly calc & round, convert to float 'caus' we can't transmit Decimals over 0mq
    stats = [float((sum(stat) / len(stat)).quantize(decimal.Decimal('.01'))) for stat in zip(*stats)]
    stats = dict(zip(header, stats))
    return stats
Пример #15
    def test_extracted_tar(self):
        archive.extracted tar options

        source = '/tmp/file.tar.gz'
        tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'test_archive', '')
        test_tar_opts = [
            '--no-anchored foo',
            'v -p --opt',
            '-v -p',
            '--long-opt -z',
            'z -v -weird-long-opt arg',
        ret_tar_opts = [
            ['tar', 'x', '--no-anchored', 'foo', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'xv', '-p', '--opt', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'x', '-v', '-p', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'x', '--long-opt', '-z', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'xz', '-v', '-weird-long-opt', 'arg', '-f'],

        mock_true = MagicMock(return_value=True)
        mock_false = MagicMock(return_value=False)
        ret = {'stdout': ['saltines', 'cheese'], 'stderr': 'biscuits', 'retcode': '31337', 'pid': '1337'}
        mock_run = MagicMock(return_value=ret)
        mock_source_list = MagicMock(return_value=(source, None))
        state_single_mock = MagicMock(return_value={'local': {'result': True}})
        list_mock = MagicMock(return_value={
            'dirs': [],
            'files': ['saltines', 'cheese'],
            'top_level_dirs': [],
            'top_level_files': ['saltines', 'cheese'],

        with patch.dict(archive.__opts__, {'test': False,
                                           'cachedir': tmp_dir}):
            with patch.dict(archive.__salt__, {'file.directory_exists': mock_false,
                                               'file.file_exists': mock_false,
                                               'state.single': state_single_mock,
                                               'file.makedirs': mock_true,
                                               'cmd.run_all': mock_run,
                                               'archive.list': list_mock,
                                               'file.source_list': mock_source_list}):
                filename = os.path.join(
                for test_opts, ret_opts in zip(test_tar_opts, ret_tar_opts):
                    ret = archive.extracted(tmp_dir,
                    mock_run.assert_called_with(ret_opts, cwd=tmp_dir, python_shell=False)
Пример #16
    def dict_from_line(cls, line, keys=fstab_keys):
        if len(keys) != 6:
            raise ValueError('Invalid key array: {0}'.format(keys))
        if line.startswith('#'):
            raise cls.ParseError("Comment!")

        comps = line.split()
        if len(comps) != 6:
            raise cls.ParseError("Invalid Entry!")

        return dict(zip(keys, comps))
Пример #17
def arg_lookup(fun, aspec=None):
    Return a dict containing the arguments and default arguments to the
    ret = {'kwargs': {}}
    if aspec is None:
        aspec = get_function_argspec(fun)
    if aspec.defaults:
        ret['kwargs'] = dict(zip(aspec.args[::-1], aspec.defaults[::-1]))
    ret['args'] = [arg for arg in aspec.args if arg not in ret['kwargs']]
    return ret
Пример #18
 def freebsd_diskstats():
     freebsd specific implementation of diskstats
     ret = {}
     iostat = __salt__['cmd.run']('iostat -xzd').splitlines()
     header = iostat[1]
     for line in iostat[2:]:
         comps = line.split()
         ret[comps[0]] = {}
         for metric, value in zip(header.split()[1:], comps[1:]):
             ret[comps[0]][metric] = _number(value)
     return ret
Пример #19
    def test_extracted_tar(self):
        archive.extracted tar options

        source = 'file.tar.gz'
        tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'test_archive', '')
        test_tar_opts = [
            '--no-anchored foo',
            'v -p --opt',
            '-v -p',
            '--long-opt -z',
            'z -v -weird-long-opt arg',
        ret_tar_opts = [
            ['tar', 'x', '--no-anchored', 'foo', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'xv', '-p', '--opt', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'x', '-v', '-p', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'x', '--long-opt', '-z', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'xz', '-v', '-weird-long-opt', 'arg', '-f'],

        mock_true = MagicMock(return_value=True)
        mock_false = MagicMock(return_value=False)
        ret = {'stdout': ['saltines', 'cheese'], 'stderr': 'biscuits', 'retcode': '31337', 'pid': '1337'}
        mock_run = MagicMock(return_value=ret)

        with patch('os.path.exists', mock_true):
            with patch.dict(archive.__opts__, {'test': False,
                                               'cachedir': tmp_dir}):
                with patch.dict(archive.__salt__, {'file.directory_exists': mock_false,
                                                   'file.file_exists': mock_false,
                                                   'file.makedirs': mock_true,
                                                   'cmd.run_all': mock_run}):
                    if HAS_PWD:
                        running_as = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name
                        running_as = 'root'
                    filename = os.path.join(
                            '' if running_as == 'root' else '_{0}'.format(running_as)
                    for test_opts, ret_opts in zip(test_tar_opts, ret_tar_opts):
                        ret = archive.extracted(tmp_dir,
                        mock_run.assert_called_with(ret_opts, cwd=tmp_dir, python_shell=False)
Пример #20
 def generic_diskstats():
     generic implementation of diskstats
     note: freebsd and sunos
     ret = {}
     iostat = __salt__['cmd.run']('iostat -xzd').splitlines()
     header = iostat[1]
     for line in iostat[2:]:
         comps = line.split()
         ret[comps[0]] = {}
         for metric, value in zip(header.split()[1:], comps[1:]):
             ret[comps[0]][metric] = _number(value)
     return ret
Пример #21
def _ip_ifaces():
    Parse output from 'ip a'
    tmp = {}
    ret = {}
    if_ = None
    at_ = None
    out = __salt__['cmd.run']('ip a')
    for line in out.splitlines():
        if not line.startswith(' '):
            comps = line.split(':')
            if_ = comps[1].strip()
            opts_comps = comps[2].strip().split()
            flags = opts_comps.pop(0).lstrip('<').rstrip('>').split(',')
            opts_iter = iter(opts_comps)
            ret[if_] = {
                'flags': flags,
                'options': dict(list(zip(opts_iter, opts_iter)))
            if line.strip().startswith('link'):
                comps = iter(line.strip().split())
                ret[if_]['link_layer'] = dict(list(zip(comps, comps)))
            elif line.strip().startswith('inet'):
                comps = line.strip().split()
                at_ = comps[0]
                if len(comps) % 2 != 0:
                    last = comps.pop()
                    comps[-1] += ' {0}'.format(last)
                ifi = iter(comps)
                ret[if_][at_] = dict(list(zip(ifi, ifi)))
                comps = line.strip().split()
                ifi = iter(comps)
                ret[if_][at_].update(dict(list(zip(ifi, ifi))))
    return ret
Пример #22
def _ip_ifaces():
    Parse output from 'ip a'
    tmp = {}
    ret = {}
    if_ = None
    at_ = None
    out = __salt__['cmd.run']('ip a')
    for line in out.splitlines():
        if not line.startswith(' '):
            comps = line.split(':')
            if_ = comps[1].strip()
            opts_comps = comps[2].strip().split()
            flags = opts_comps.pop(0).lstrip('<').rstrip('>').split(',')
            opts_iter = iter(opts_comps)
            ret[if_] = {
                'flags': flags,
                'options': dict(list(zip(opts_iter, opts_iter)))
            if line.strip().startswith('link'):
                comps = iter(line.strip().split())
                ret[if_]['link_layer'] = dict(list(zip(comps, comps)))
            elif line.strip().startswith('inet'):
                comps = line.strip().split()
                at_ = comps[0]
                if len(comps) % 2 != 0:
                    last = comps.pop()
                    comps[-1] += ' {0}'.format(last)
                ifi = iter(comps)
                ret[if_][at_] = dict(list(zip(ifi, ifi)))
                comps = line.strip().split()
                ifi = iter(comps)
                ret[if_][at_].update(dict(list(zip(ifi, ifi))))
    return ret
Пример #23
def _ip_ifaces():
    Parse output from 'ip a'
    tmp = {}
    ret = {}
    if_ = None
    at_ = None
    out = __salt__["cmd.run"]("ip a")
    for line in out.splitlines():
        if not line.startswith(" "):
            comps = line.split(":")
            if_ = comps[1].strip()
            opts_comps = comps[2].strip().split()
            flags = opts_comps.pop(0).lstrip("<").rstrip(">").split(",")
            opts_iter = iter(opts_comps)
            ret[if_] = {
                "flags": flags,
                "options": dict(list(zip(opts_iter, opts_iter))),
            if line.strip().startswith("link"):
                comps = iter(line.strip().split())
                ret[if_]["link_layer"] = dict(list(zip(comps, comps)))
            elif line.strip().startswith("inet"):
                comps = line.strip().split()
                at_ = comps[0]
                if len(comps) % 2 != 0:
                    last = comps.pop()
                    comps[-1] += " {0}".format(last)
                ifi = iter(comps)
                ret[if_][at_] = dict(list(zip(ifi, ifi)))
                comps = line.strip().split()
                ifi = iter(comps)
                ret[if_][at_].update(dict(list(zip(ifi, ifi))))
    return ret
Пример #24
def get_service_name(*args):
    The Display Name is what is displayed in Windows when services.msc is
    executed.  Each Display Name has an associated Service Name which is the
    actual name of the service.  This function allows you to discover the
    Service Name by returning a dictionary of Display Names and Service Names,
    or filter by adding arguments of Display Names.

    If no args are passed, return a dict of all services where the keys are the
    service Display Names and the values are the Service Names.

    If arguments are passed, create a dict of Display Names and Service Names

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.get_service_name
        salt '*' service.get_service_name 'Google Update Service (gupdate)' 'DHCP Client'
    ret = {}
    services = []
    display_names = []
    cmd = [
        'sc', 'query', 'type=', 'service', 'state=', 'all', 'bufsize=',
    lines = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, python_shell=False).splitlines()
    for line in lines:
        if 'SERVICE_NAME:' in line:
            comps = line.split(':', 1)
            if not len(comps) > 1:
        if 'DISPLAY_NAME:' in line:
            comps = line.split(':', 1)
            if not len(comps) > 1:
    if len(services) == len(display_names):
        service_dict = dict(zip(display_names, services))
        return 'Service Names and Display Names mismatch'
    if len(args) == 0:
        return service_dict
    for arg in args:
        if arg in service_dict:
            ret[arg] = service_dict[arg]
    return ret
Пример #25
def sentinel_get_master_ip(master, host=None, port=None, password=None):
    Get ip for sentinel master

    .. versionadded: 2016.3.0

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' redis.sentinel_get_master_ip 'mymaster'
    server = _sconnect(host, port, password)
    ret = server.sentinel_get_master_addr_by_name(master)
    return dict(list(zip(('master_host', 'master_port'), ret)))
Пример #26
    def dict_from_line(cls, line, keys=crypttab_keys):
        if len(keys) != 4:
            raise ValueError('Invalid key array: {0}'.format(keys))
        if line.startswith('#'):
            raise cls.ParseError("Comment!")

        comps = line.split()
        # If there are only three entries, then the options have been omitted.
        if len(comps) == 3:
            comps += ['']

        if len(comps) != 4:
            raise cls.ParseError("Invalid Entry!")

        return dict(zip(keys, comps))
Пример #27
def sentinel_get_master_ip(master, host=None, port=None, password=None):
    Get ip for sentinel master

    .. versionadded: Boron

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' redis.sentinel_get_master_ip 'mymaster'
    server = _sconnect(host, port, password)
    ret = server.sentinel_get_master_addr_by_name(master)
    return dict(list(zip(('master_host', 'master_port'), ret)))
Пример #28
    def test_tree(self):
        test_map = (

        res_map = (
            ['o.1.example.eu', '1.example.eu', 'example.eu'],
            ['a1a.b2b.c3c.example.com', 'b2b.c3c.example.com', 'c3c.example.com', 'example.com']

        for domain, result in zip(test_map, res_map):
            self.assertEqual(_tree(domain), result)
Пример #29
    def test_base_protocol_settings(self):
        Tests default constants data.
        base = ssdp.SSDPBase()
        v_keys = ["signature", "answer", "port", "listen_ip", "timeout"]
        v_vals = ["__salt_master_service", {}, 4520, "", 3]
        for key in v_keys:
            assert key in base.DEFAULTS

        for key in base.DEFAULTS:
            assert key in v_keys

        for key, value in zip(v_keys, v_vals):
            assert base.DEFAULTS[key] == value
Пример #30
def get_master_ip(host=None, port=None, password=None):
    Get host information about slave

    .. versionadded: 2016.3.0

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' redis.get_master_ip
    server = _connect(host, port, password)
    srv_info = server.info()
    ret = (srv_info.get("master_host", ""), srv_info.get("master_port", ""))
    return dict(list(zip(("master_host", "master_port"), ret)))
Пример #31
def get_master_ip(host=None, port=None, password=None):
    Get host information about slave

    .. versionadded: 2016.3.0

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' redis.get_master_ip
    server = _connect(host, port, password)
    info = server.info()
    ret = (info.get('master_host', ''), info.get('master_port', ''))
    return dict(list(zip(('master_host', 'master_port'), ret)))
Пример #32
def get_master_ip(host=None, port=None, password=None):
    Get host information about slave

    .. versionadded: Boron

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' redis.get_master_ip
    server = _connect(host, port, password)
    info = server.info()
    ret = (info.get('master_host', ''), info.get('master_port', ''))
    return dict(list(zip(('master_host', 'master_port'), ret)))
Пример #33
    def test_base_protocol_settings(self):
        Tests default constants data.
        base = ssdp.SSDPBase()
        v_keys = ['signature', 'answer', 'port', 'listen_ip', 'timeout']
        v_vals = ['__salt_master_service', {}, 4520, '', 3]
        for key in v_keys:
            assert key in base.DEFAULTS

        for key in base.DEFAULTS:
            assert key in v_keys

        for key, value in zip(v_keys, v_vals):
            assert base.DEFAULTS[key] == value
Пример #34
    def store(self, obj, distinct=False):
        Store an object in the table.

        :param obj: An object to store
        :param distinct: Store object only if there is none identical of such.
                          If at least one field is different, store it.
        if distinct:
            fields = dict(zip(self._tables[obj._TABLE].keys(),
            db_obj = self.get(obj.__class__, eq=fields)
            if db_obj and distinct:
                raise Exception("Object already in the database.")
        with gzip.open(os.path.join(self.db_path, obj._TABLE), 'a') as table:
Пример #35
def get_service_name(*args):
    The Display Name is what is displayed in Windows when services.msc is
    executed.  Each Display Name has an associated Service Name which is the
    actual name of the service.  This function allows you to discover the
    Service Name by returning a dictionary of Display Names and Service Names,
    or filter by adding arguments of Display Names.

    If no args are passed, return a dict of all services where the keys are the
    service Display Names and the values are the Service Names.

    If arguments are passed, create a dict of Display Names and Service Names

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' service.get_service_name
        salt '*' service.get_service_name 'Google Update Service (gupdate)' 'DHCP Client'
    ret = {}
    services = []
    display_names = []
    cmd = ['sc', 'query', 'type=', 'service', 'state=', 'all', 'bufsize=', str(BUFFSIZE)]
    lines = __salt__['cmd.run'](cmd, python_shell=False).splitlines()
    for line in lines:
        if 'SERVICE_NAME:' in line:
            comps = line.split(':', 1)
            if not len(comps) > 1:
        if 'DISPLAY_NAME:' in line:
            comps = line.split(':', 1)
            if not len(comps) > 1:
    if len(services) == len(display_names):
        service_dict = dict(zip(display_names, services))
        return 'Service Names and Display Names mismatch'
    if len(args) == 0:
        return service_dict
    for arg in args:
        if arg in service_dict:
            ret[arg] = service_dict[arg]
    return ret
Пример #36
Файл: zfs.py Проект: zfouts/salt
def holds(snapshot, **kwargs):
    Lists all existing user references for the given snapshot or snapshots.

    snapshot : string
        name of snapshot
    recursive : boolean
        lists the holds that are set on the named descendent snapshots also.

    .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' zfs.holds myzpool/mydataset@baseline

    ## Configure command
    # NOTE: initialize the defaults
    flags = ["-H"]
    target = []

    # NOTE: set extra config from kwargs
    if kwargs.get("recursive", False):

    # NOTE: update target

    ## Lookup holds
    res = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](
        __utils__["zfs.zfs_command"](command="holds", flags=flags, target=target,),

    ret = __utils__["zfs.parse_command_result"](res)
    if res["retcode"] == 0:
        for hold in res["stdout"].splitlines():
            hold_data = OrderedDict(
                list(zip(["name", "tag", "timestamp"], hold.split("\t"),))
            ret[hold_data["tag"].strip()] = hold_data["timestamp"]

    return ret
Пример #37
def blkid(device=None, token=None):
    Return block device attributes: UUID, LABEL, etc. This function only works
    on systems where blkid is available.

        Device name from the system

        Any valid token used for the search

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' disk.blkid
        salt '*' disk.blkid /dev/sda
        salt '*' disk.blkid token='UUID=6a38ee5-7235-44e7-8b22-816a403bad5d'
        salt '*' disk.blkid token='TYPE=ext4'
    cmd = ['blkid']
    if device:
    elif token:
        cmd.extend(['-t', token])

    ret = {}
    blkid_result = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd, python_shell=False)

    if blkid_result['retcode'] > 0:
        return ret

    for line in blkid_result['stdout'].splitlines():
        if not line:
        comps = line.split()
        device = comps[0][:-1]
        info = {}
        device_attributes = re.split(('\"*\"'), line.partition(' ')[2])
        for key, value in zip(*[iter(device_attributes)] * 2):
            key = key.strip('=').strip(' ')
            info[key] = value.strip('"')
        ret[device] = info

    return ret
Пример #38
def freeze(name=None, force=False, **kwargs):
    Save the list of package and repos in a freeze file.

    As this module is build on top of the pkg module, the user can
    send extra attributes to the underlying pkg module via kwargs.
    This function will call ``pkg.list_pkgs`` and ``pkg.list_repos``,
    and any additional arguments will be passed through to those

        Name of the frozen state. Optional.

        If true, overwrite the state. Optional.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' freezer.freeze
        salt '*' freezer.freeze pre_install
        salt '*' freezer.freeze force=True root=/chroot

    states_path = _states_path()

        if not os.path.exists(states_path):
    except OSError as e:
        msg = 'Error when trying to create the freezer storage %s: %s'
        log.error(msg, states_path, e)
        raise CommandExecutionError(msg % (states_path, e))

    if status(name) and not force:
        raise CommandExecutionError('The state is already present. Use '
                                    'force parameter to overwrite.')
    safe_kwargs = clean_kwargs(**kwargs)
    pkgs = __salt__['pkg.list_pkgs'](**safe_kwargs)
    repos = __salt__['pkg.list_repos'](**safe_kwargs)
    for fname, content in zip(_paths(name), (pkgs, repos)):
        with fopen(fname, 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(content, fp)
    return True
Пример #39
    def store(self, obj, distinct=False):
        Store an object in the table.

        :param obj: An object to store
        :param distinct: Store object only if there is none identical of such.
                          If at least one field is different, store it.
        if distinct:
            fields = dict(
            db_obj = self.get(obj.__class__, eq=fields)
            if db_obj and distinct:
                raise Exception("Object already in the database.")
        with gzip.open(os.path.join(self.db_path, obj._TABLE), 'a') as table:
Пример #40
def token_list(kubeconfig=None, rootfs=None):
    .. versionadded:: TBD

    List bootstrap tokens on the server

       The kubeconfig file to use when talking to the cluster. The
       default values in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf

       The path to the real host root filesystem

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

       salt '*' kubeadm.token_list

    cmd = ['kubeadm', 'token', 'list']

    parameters = [('kubeconfig', kubeconfig), ('rootfs', rootfs)]
    for parameter, value in parameters:
        if value:
            cmd.extend(['--{}'.format(parameter), str(value)])

    lines = _cmd(cmd).splitlines()

    # Find the header and parse it.  We do not need to validate the
    # content, as the regex will take care of future changes.
    header = lines.pop(0)
    header = [i.lower() for i in re.findall(r'(\w+(?:\s\w+)*)', header)]

    tokens = []
    for line in lines:
        # TODO(aplanas): descriptions with multiple spaces can break
        # the parser.
        values = re.findall(r'(\S+(?:\s\S+)*)', line)
        if len(header) != len(values):
            log.error('Error parsing line: {}'.format(line))
        tokens.append({key: value for key, value in zip(header, values)})
    return tokens
Пример #41
def _data2rec(rschema, rdata):
        'prio': int,
        'weight': int,
        'port': to_port,
        'name': str,
    '10 20 25 myawesome.nl'

        rdata = rdata.split(' ', len(rschema))
        rschema = rschema.items()
        return dict(((fname, rcb(rdata))
                     for (fname, rcb), rdata in zip(rschema, rdata)))
    except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError):
        log.error('Cant parse DNS record data: {0}'.format(rdata))
        return False
Пример #42
 def assertEqualXML(self, e1, e2):
     if six.PY3 and isinstance(e1, bytes):
         e1 = e1.decode('utf-8')
     if six.PY3 and isinstance(e2, bytes):
         e2 = e2.decode('utf-8')
     if isinstance(e1, six.string_types):
         e1 = etree.XML(e1)
     if isinstance(e2, six.string_types):
         e2 = etree.XML(e2)
     if e1.tag != e2.tag:
         return False
     if e1.text != e2.text:
         return False
     if e1.tail != e2.tail:
         return False
     if e1.attrib != e2.attrib:
         return False
     if len(e1) != len(e2):
         return False
     return all(self.assertEqualXML(c1, c2) for c1, c2 in zip(e1, e2))
Пример #43
 def test_parse_version_string(self):
     test_parameters = [
         ("> 1.0.0, < 15.0.0, != 14.0.1", [(">", "1.0.0"), ("<", "15.0.0"), ("!=", "14.0.1")]),
         ("> 1.0.0,< 15.0.0,!= 14.0.1", [(">", "1.0.0"), ("<", "15.0.0"), ("!=", "14.0.1")]),
         (">= 1.0.0, < 15.0.0", [(">=", "1.0.0"), ("<", "15.0.0")]),
         (">=1.0.0,< 15.0.0", [(">=", "1.0.0"), ("<", "15.0.0")]),
         ("< 15.0.0", [("<", "15.0.0")]),
         ("<15.0.0", [("<", "15.0.0")]),
         ("15.0.0", [("==", "15.0.0")]),
         ("", [])
     for version_string, expected_version_conditions in test_parameters:
         version_conditions = pkg._parse_version_string(version_string)
         for expected_version_condition, version_condition in zip(expected_version_conditions, version_conditions):
                 expected_version_condition[0], version_condition[0])
                 expected_version_condition[1], version_condition[1])
Пример #44
    def test_extracted_tar(self):
        archive.extracted tar options

        source = 'file.tar.gz'
        tmp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'test_archive')
        test_tar_opts = [
            '--no-anchored foo',
            'v -p --opt',
            '-v -p',
            '--long-opt -z',
            'z -v -weird-long-opt arg',
        ret_tar_opts = [
            ['tar', 'x', '--no-anchored', 'foo', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'xv', '-p', '--opt', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'x', '-v', '-p', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'x', '--long-opt', '-z', '-f'],
            ['tar', 'xz', '-v', '-weird-long-opt', 'arg', '-f'],

        mock_true = MagicMock(return_value=True)
        mock_false = MagicMock(return_value=False)
        ret = {'stdout': ['saltines', 'cheese'], 'stderr': 'biscuits', 'retcode': '31337', 'pid': '1337'}
        mock_run = MagicMock(return_value=ret)

        with patch('os.path.exists', mock_true):
            with patch.dict(archive.__opts__, {'test': False,
                                               'cachedir': tmp_dir}):
                with patch.dict(archive.__salt__, {'file.directory_exists': mock_false,
                                                   'file.file_exists': mock_false,
                                                   'file.makedirs': mock_true,
                                                   'cmd.run_all': mock_run}):
                    for test_opts, ret_opts in zip(test_tar_opts, ret_tar_opts):
                        ret = archive.extracted(tmp_dir,
                        ret_opts.append(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'files/test/_tmp_test_archive_.tar'))
                        mock_run.assert_called_with(ret_opts, python_shell=False, cwd=os.path.join(tmp_dir, ''))
Пример #45
    def test_data2group(self):
        right = [
            ['10 mbox.example.com'],
                '10 mbox1.example.com',
                '20 mbox2.example.com',
                '20 mbox3.example.com',
                '30 mbox4.example.com',
                '30 mbox5.example.com',
                '30 mbox6.example.com',
        rschema = OrderedDict((
            ('prio', int),
            ('srvr', str),

        results = [
            OrderedDict([(10, [{
                'srvr': 'mbox.example.com'
            OrderedDict([(10, [{
                'srvr': 'mbox1.example.com'
                         (20, [{
                             'srvr': 'mbox2.example.com'
                         }, {
                             'srvr': 'mbox3.example.com'
                         (30, [{
                             'srvr': 'mbox4.example.com'
                         }, {
                             'srvr': 'mbox5.example.com'
                         }, {
                             'srvr': 'mbox6.example.com'

        for rdata, res in zip(right, results):
            group = _data2rec_group(rschema, rdata, 'prio')
            self.assertEqual(group, res)
Пример #46
def list_nodes_full(conn=None, call=None):
    Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with all fields
    if call == "action":
        raise SaltCloudSystemExit("The list_nodes_full function must be called with -f or --function.")

    if not conn:
        conn = get_conn()  # pylint: disable=E0602

    nodes = conn.list_nodes()
    ret = {}
    for node in nodes:
        pairs = {}
        for key, value in zip(node.__dict__, six.itervalues(node.__dict__)):
            pairs[key] = value
        ret[node.name] = pairs
        del ret[node.name]["driver"]

    salt.utils.cloud.cache_node_list(ret, __active_provider_name__.split(":")[0], __opts__)
    return ret
Пример #47
def _dmi_parse(data, clean=True, fields=None):
    Structurize DMI records into a nice list
    Optionally trash bogus entries and filter output
    dmi = []

    # Detect & split Handle records
    dmi_raw = iter(
        re.split('(handle [0-9]x[0-9a-f]+[^\n]+)\n',
                 flags=re.MULTILINE + re.IGNORECASE)[1:])
    for handle, dmi_raw in zip(dmi_raw, dmi_raw):
        handle, htype = [hline.split()[-1] for hline in handle.split(',')][0:2]
        dmi_raw = dmi_raw.split('\n')
        # log.debug('{0} record contains {1}'.format(handle, dmi_raw))
        log.debug('Parsing handle {0}'.format(handle))

        # The first line of a handle is a description of the type
        record = {
            'handle': handle,
            'description': dmi_raw.pop(0).strip(),
            'type': int(htype)

        if not len(dmi_raw):
            # empty record
            if not clean:

        # log.debug('{0} record contains {1}'.format(record, dmi_raw))
        dmi_data = _dmi_data(dmi_raw, clean, fields)
        if len(dmi_data):
            record['data'] = dmi_data
        elif not clean:

    return dmi
Пример #48
def beacon(config):
    Emit the load averages of this host.

    Specify thresholds for each load average
    and only emit a beacon if any of them are

    .. code-block:: yaml

          - load:
            - 1m:
              - 0.0
              - 2.0
            - 5m:
              - 0.0
              - 1.5
            - 15m:
              - 0.1
              - 1.0

    log.trace('load beacon starting')
    ret = []
    if not os.path.isfile('/proc/loadavg'):
        return ret
    with salt.utils.fopen('/proc/loadavg', 'rb') as fp_:
        avgs = fp_.read().split()[:3]
        avg_keys = ['1m', '5m', '15m']
        avg_dict = dict(zip(avg_keys, avgs))
        # Check each entry for threshold
        if float(avgs[0]) < float(config[0]['1m'][0]) or \
        float(avgs[0]) > float(config[0]['1m'][1]) or \
        float(avgs[1]) < float(config[1]['5m'][0]) or \
        float(avgs[1]) > float(config[1]['5m'][1]) or \
        float(avgs[2]) < float(config[2]['15m'][0]) or \
        float(avgs[2]) > float(config[2]['15m'][1]):
    return ret
Пример #49
def beacon(config):
    Emit the load averages of this host.

    Specify thresholds for each load average
    and only emit a beacon if any of them are

    .. code-block:: yaml

              - 0.0
              - 2.0
              - 0.0
              - 1.5
              - 0.1
              - 1.0

    log.trace('load beacon starting')
    ret = []
    if not os.path.isfile('/proc/loadavg'):
        return ret
    with salt.utils.fopen('/proc/loadavg', 'rb') as fp_:
        avgs = fp_.read().split()[:3]
        avg_keys = ['1m', '5m', '15m']
        avg_dict = dict(zip(avg_keys, avgs))
        # Check each entry for threshold
        if float(avgs[0]) < float(config['1m'][0]) or \
        float(avgs[0]) > float(config['1m'][1]) or \
        float(avgs[1]) < float(config['5m'][0]) or \
        float(avgs[1]) > float(config['5m'][1]) or \
        float(avgs[2]) < float(config['15m'][0]) or \
        float(avgs[2]) > float(config['15m'][1]):
    return ret
Пример #50
def raid_info():
        Return RAID info, takes no parameters, returns dict.

    field_names = ['slot', 'class', 'vendor', 'device', 'rev', 'subsystem_vendor', 'subsystem', 'driver']
    field_values = []

    if platform.system() == 'Linux':
            hwinfo = subprocess.Popen('lspci -m'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

            for line in hwinfo.stdout.readlines():
                if re.search('RAID|Serial Attached SCSI', line):
                    # sanitize the output and load it into a list
                    raw_fields = line.strip().split('"')
                    fields = [field for field in raw_fields if not (field == ' ' or field == '')]
                    field_values = [string.strip().rstrip() for string in fields]
                    # append kmod name to data based on fetched slot id

            pci_data = dict(zip(field_names, field_values))

            # for detected cards append kernel module info
            if pci_data:
                    return {'raidcontroller': pci_data}

                except KeyError:
                    log.debug('No RAID driver found')
                    return {'raidcontroller': pci_data}
                log.debug('No RAID controllers detected')

        except OSError:

        log.debug('Not supported OS "{0}"'.format(platform.system()))
Пример #51
def _call_function(name, returner=None, **kwargs):
    Calls a function from the specified module.

    :param name:
    :param kwargs:
    argspec = salt.utils.args.get_function_argspec(__salt__[name])
    func_kw = dict(
            argspec.args[-len(argspec.defaults or []):],  # pylint: disable=incompatible-py3-code
            argspec.defaults or []))
    func_args = []
    for funcset in kwargs.get('func_args') or {}:
        if isinstance(funcset, dict):

    missing = []
    for arg in argspec.args:
        if arg not in func_kw:
    if missing:
        raise SaltInvocationError('Missing arguments: {0}'.format(
            ', '.join(missing)))

    mret = __salt__[name](*func_args, **func_kw)
    if returner is not None:
        returners = salt.loader.returners(__opts__, __salt__)
        if returner in returners:
                'id': __opts__['id'],
                'ret': mret,
                'fun': name,
                'jid': salt.utils.jid.gen_jid()

    return mret
Пример #52
def version(*names, **kwargs):
    Common interface for obtaining the version of installed packages.
    Accepts full or partial FMRI. If called using pkg_resource, full FMRI is required.
    Partial FMRI is returned if the package is not installed.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' pkg.version vim
        salt '*' pkg.version foo bar baz
        salt '*' pkg_resource.version pkg://solaris/entire

    if not names:
        return ''

    cmd = ['/bin/pkg', 'list', '-Hv']
    lines = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout'](cmd, ignore_retcode=True).splitlines()
    ret = {}
    for line in lines:
        ret[_ips_get_pkgname(line)] = _ips_get_pkgversion(line)

    # Append package names which are not installed/found
    unmatched = list([
        name for name in names
        if not reduce(lambda x, y: x or name in y, ret, False)
    ])  # pylint: disable=W0640
    ret.update(zip(unmatched, itertools.cycle(('', ))))

    # Return a string if only one package name passed
    if len(names) == 1:
            return next(six.itervalues(ret))
        except StopIteration:
            return ''

    return ret
Пример #53
def _dmi_parse(data, clean=True, fields=None):
    Structurize DMI records into a nice list
    Optionally trash bogus entries and filter output
    dmi = []

    # Detect & split Handle records
    dmi_split = re.compile(
        "(handle [0-9]x[0-9a-f]+[^\n]+)\n", re.MULTILINE + re.IGNORECASE
    dmi_raw = iter(re.split(dmi_split, data)[1:])
    for handle, dmi_raw in zip(dmi_raw, dmi_raw):
        handle, htype = [hline.split()[-1] for hline in handle.split(",")][0:2]
        dmi_raw = dmi_raw.split("\n")
        # log.debug('%s record contains %s', handle, dmi_raw)
        log.debug("Parsing handle %s", handle)

        # The first line of a handle is a description of the type
        record = {
            "handle": handle,
            "description": dmi_raw.pop(0).strip(),
            "type": int(htype),

        if not dmi_raw:
            # empty record
            if not clean:

        # log.debug('%s record contains %s', record, dmi_raw)
        dmi_data = _dmi_data(dmi_raw, clean, fields)
        if dmi_data:
            record['data'] = dmi_data
        elif not clean:

    return dmi
Пример #54
 def decrypt(self, data):
     verify HMAC-SHA256 signature and decrypt data with AES-CBC
     aes_key, hmac_key = self.keys
     sig = data[-self.SIG_SIZE:]
     data = data[:-self.SIG_SIZE]
     mac_bytes = hmac.new(hmac_key, data, hashlib.sha256).digest()
     if len(mac_bytes) != len(sig):
         log.debug('Failed to authenticate message')
         raise AuthenticationError('message authentication failed')
     result = 0
     for zipped_x, zipped_y in zip(mac_bytes, sig):
         result |= ord(zipped_x) ^ ord(zipped_y)
     if result != 0:
         log.debug('Failed to authenticate message')
         raise AuthenticationError('message authentication failed')
     iv_bytes = data[:self.AES_BLOCK_SIZE]
     data = data[self.AES_BLOCK_SIZE:]
     cypher = AES.new(aes_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv_bytes)
     data = cypher.decrypt(data)
     return data[:-ord(data[-1])]
Пример #55
def _info(*pkgs):
    Get all info brew can provide about a list of packages.

    Does not do any kind of processing, so the format depends entirely on
    the output brew gives. This may change if a new version of the format is

    On failure, returns an empty dict and logs failure.
    On success, returns a dict mapping each item in pkgs to its corresponding
    object in the output of 'brew info'.

    Caveat: If one of the packages does not exist, no packages will be
            included in the output.
    cmd = 'info --json=v1 {0}'.format(' '.join(pkgs))
    brew_result = _call_brew(cmd)
    if brew_result['retcode']:
        log.error('Failed to get info about packages: %s', ' '.join(pkgs))
        return {}
    output = salt.utils.json.loads(brew_result['stdout'])
    return dict(zip(pkgs, output))
Пример #56
Файл: spm.py Проект: DaveQB/salt
    def _info(self, args):
        List info for a package
        if len(args) < 2:
            log.error('A package must be specified')
            return False

        package = args[1]

        conn = sqlite3.connect(self.opts['spm_db'], isolation_level=None)
        cur = conn.cursor()

        fields = (
        data = conn.execute(
            'SELECT {0} FROM packages WHERE package=?'.format(','.join(fields)),
            (package, )
        row = data.fetchone()
        if not row:
            print('Package {0} not installed'.format(package))

        formula_def = dict(list(zip(fields, row)))
        formula_def['name'] = formula_def['package']

Пример #57
def _data2rec(schema, rec_data):
    schema = OrderedDict({
        'prio': int,
        'weight': int,
        'port': to_port,
        'name': str,
    rec_data = '10 20 25 myawesome.nl'

    res = {'prio': 10, 'weight': 20, 'port': 25 'name': 'myawesome.nl'}
        rec_fields = rec_data.split(' ')
        assert len(rec_fields) == len(schema)
        return dict(
            ((field_name, rec_cast(rec_field))
             for (field_name,
                  rec_cast), rec_field in zip(schema.items(), rec_fields)))
    except (AssertionError, AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError) as e:
        raise ValueError('Unable to cast "{0}" as "{2}": {1}'.format(
            rec_data, e, ' '.join(schema.keys())))
Пример #58
 def decrypt(self, data):
     verify HMAC-SHA256 signature and decrypt data with AES-CBC
     aes_key, hmac_key = self.keys
     sig = data[-self.SIG_SIZE:]
     data = data[:-self.SIG_SIZE]
     mac_bytes = hmac.new(hmac_key, data, hashlib.sha256).digest()
     if len(mac_bytes) != len(sig):
         log.debug('Failed to authenticate message')
         raise AuthenticationError('message authentication failed')
     result = 0
     for zipped_x, zipped_y in zip(mac_bytes, sig):
         result |= ord(zipped_x) ^ ord(zipped_y)
     if result != 0:
         log.debug('Failed to authenticate message')
         raise AuthenticationError('message authentication failed')
     iv_bytes = data[:self.AES_BLOCK_SIZE]
     data = data[self.AES_BLOCK_SIZE:]
     cypher = AES.new(aes_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv_bytes)
     data = cypher.decrypt(data)
     return data[:-ord(data[-1])]
Пример #59
def _info(*pkgs):
    Get all info brew can provide about a list of packages.

    Does not do any kind of processing, so the format depends entirely on
    the output brew gives. This may change if a new version of the format is

    On failure, returns an empty dict and logs failure.
    On success, returns a dict mapping each item in pkgs to its corresponding
    object in the output of 'brew info'.

    Caveat: If one of the packages does not exist, no packages will be
            included in the output.
    cmd = 'brew info --json=v1 {0}'.format(' '.join(pkgs))
    brew_result = _call_brew(cmd)
    if brew_result['retcode']:
        log.error('Failed to get info about packages: {0}'.format(' '.join(pkgs)))
        return {}
    output = json.loads(brew_result['stdout'])
    return dict(zip(pkgs, output))