Пример #1
 def add(self, name, value):
     # type: (str, str) -> None
     """Adds a new value for the given key."""
     norm_name = _normalized_headers[name]
     self._last_key = norm_name
     if norm_name in self:
         self._dict[norm_name] = (native_str(self[norm_name]) + ',' +
         self[norm_name] = value
Пример #2
 def write_headers(self, start_line, headers, chunk=None, callback=None):
     if self.method == 'HEAD':
         self._expected_content_remaining = 0
     elif 'Content-Length' in headers:
         self._expected_content_remaining = int(headers['Content-Length'])
         self._expected_content_remaining = None
     self.start_response('%s %s' % (start_line.code, start_line.reason),
                         [(native_str(k), native_str(v))
                          for (k, v) in headers.get_all()])
     if chunk is not None:
         self.write(chunk, callback)
     elif callback is not None:
     return _dummy_future
Пример #3
 def test_invalid_cookies(self):
     Cookie strings that go against RFC6265 but browsers will send if set
     via document.cookie.
     # Chunks without an equals sign appear as unnamed values per
     # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169091
         parse_cookie('abc=def; unnamed; django_language=en').keys())
     # Even a double quote may be an unamed value.
     self.assertEqual(parse_cookie('a=b; "; c=d'), {
         'a': 'b',
         '': '"',
         'c': 'd'
     # Spaces in names and values, and an equals sign in values.
     self.assertEqual(parse_cookie('a b c=d e = f; gh=i'), {
         'a b c': 'd e = f',
         'gh': 'i'
     # More characters the spec forbids.
     self.assertEqual(parse_cookie('a   b,c<>@:/[]?{}=d  "  =e,f g'),
                      {'a   b,c<>@:/[]?{}': 'd  "  =e,f g'})
     # Unicode characters. The spec only allows ASCII.
     self.assertEqual(parse_cookie('saint=André Bessette'),
                      {'saint': native_str('André Bessette')})
     # Browsers don't send extra whitespace or semicolons in Cookie headers,
     # but parse_cookie() should parse whitespace the same way
     # document.cookie parses whitespace.
     self.assertEqual(parse_cookie('  =  b  ;  ;  =  ;   c  =  ;  '), {
         '': 'b',
         'c': ''
Пример #4
    def parse_config_file(self, path, final=True):
        """Parses and loads the Python config file at the given path.

        If ``final`` is ``False``, parse callbacks will not be run.
        This is useful for applications that wish to combine configurations
        from multiple sources.

        .. versionchanged:: 4.1
           Config files are now always interpreted as utf-8 instead of
           the system default encoding.

        .. versionchanged:: 4.4
           The special variable ``__file__`` is available inside config
           files, specifying the absolute path to the config file itself.
        config = {'__file__': os.path.abspath(path)}
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            exec_in(native_str(f.read()), config, config)
        for name in config:
            normalized = self._normalize_name(name)
            if normalized in self._options:

        if final:
Пример #5
 def test_100_continue(self):
     # Run through a 100-continue interaction by hand:
     # When given Expect: 100-continue, we get a 100 response after the
     # headers, and then the real response after the body.
     stream = IOStream(socket.socket(), io_loop=self.io_loop)
     stream.connect(("", self.get_http_port()), callback=self.stop)
         b"POST /hello HTTP/1.1", b"Content-Length: 1024",
         b"Expect: 100-continue", b"Connection: close", b"\r\n"
     stream.read_until(b"\r\n\r\n", self.stop)
     data = self.wait()
     self.assertTrue(data.startswith(b"HTTP/1.1 100 "), data)
     stream.write(b"a" * 1024)
     stream.read_until(b"\r\n", self.stop)
     first_line = self.wait()
     self.assertTrue(first_line.startswith(b"HTTP/1.1 200"), first_line)
     stream.read_until(b"\r\n\r\n", self.stop)
     header_data = self.wait()
     headers = HTTPHeaders.parse(native_str(header_data.decode('latin1')))
     stream.read_bytes(int(headers["Content-Length"]), self.stop)
     body = self.wait()
     self.assertEqual(body, b"Got 1024 bytes in POST")
Пример #6
def parse_body_arguments(content_type, body, arguments, files, headers=None):
    """Parses a form request body.

    Supports ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded`` and
    ``multipart/form-data``.  The ``content_type`` parameter should be
    a string and ``body`` should be a byte string.  The ``arguments``
    and ``files`` parameters are dictionaries that will be updated
    with the parsed contents.
    if headers and "Content-Encoding" in headers:
        gen_log.warning("Unsupported Content-Encoding: %s", headers["Content-Encoding"])
    if content_type.startswith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"):
            uri_arguments = parse_qs_bytes(native_str(body), keep_blank_values=True)
        except Exception as e:
            gen_log.warning("Invalid x-www-form-urlencoded body: %s", e)
            uri_arguments = {}
        for name, values in uri_arguments.items():
            if values:
                arguments.setdefault(name, []).extend(values)
    elif content_type.startswith("multipart/form-data"):
            fields = content_type.split(";")
            for field in fields:
                k, sep, v = field.strip().partition("=")
                if k == "boundary" and v:
                    parse_multipart_form_data(utf8(v), body, arguments, files)
                raise ValueError("multipart boundary not found")
        except Exception as e:
            gen_log.warning("Invalid multipart/form-data: %s", e)
Пример #7
def main():
    from salt.ext.tornado.options import define, options, parse_command_line
    define("print_headers", type=bool, default=False)
    define("print_body", type=bool, default=True)
    define("follow_redirects", type=bool, default=True)
    define("validate_cert", type=bool, default=True)
    args = parse_command_line()
    client = HTTPClient()
    for arg in args:
            response = client.fetch(
        except HTTPError as e:
            if e.response is not None:
                response = e.response
        if options.print_headers:
        if options.print_body:
Пример #8
 def compute_accept_value(key):
     """Computes the value for the Sec-WebSocket-Accept header,
     given the value for Sec-WebSocket-Key.
     sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
     sha1.update(b"258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11")  # Magic value
     return native_str(base64.b64encode(sha1.digest()))
Пример #9
 def _curl_debug(self, debug_type, debug_msg):
     debug_types = ('I', '<', '>', '<', '>')
     debug_msg = native_str(debug_msg)
     if debug_type == 0:
         curl_log.debug('%s', debug_msg.strip())
     elif debug_type in (1, 2):
         for line in debug_msg.splitlines():
             curl_log.debug('%s %s', debug_types[debug_type], line)
     elif debug_type == 4:
         curl_log.debug('%s %r', debug_types[debug_type], debug_msg)
Пример #10
 def __str__(self):
     if self.address_family in (socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6):
         return self.remote_ip
     elif isinstance(self.address, bytes):
         # Python 3 with the -bb option warns about str(bytes),
         # so convert it explicitly.
         # Unix socket addresses are str on mac but bytes on linux.
         return native_str(self.address)
         return str(self.address)
Пример #11
def _oauth_parse_response(body):
    # I can't find an officially-defined encoding for oauth responses and
    # have never seen anyone use non-ascii.  Leave the response in a byte
    # string for python 2, and use utf8 on python 3.
    body = escape.native_str(body)
    p = urlparse.parse_qs(body, keep_blank_values=False)
    token = dict(key=p["oauth_token"][0], secret=p["oauth_token_secret"][0])

    # Add the extra parameters the Provider included to the token
    special = ("oauth_token", "oauth_token_secret")
    token.update((k, p[k][0]) for k in p if k not in special)
    return token
Пример #12
 def test_unicode_newlines(self):
     # Ensure that only \r\n is recognized as a header separator, and not
     # the other newline-like unicode characters.
     # Characters that are likely to be problematic can be found in
     # http://unicode.org/standard/reports/tr13/tr13-5.html
     # and cpython's unicodeobject.c (which defines the implementation
     # of unicode_type.splitlines(), and uses a different list than TR13).
     newlines = [
         u'\u001b',  # VERTICAL TAB
         u'\u001c',  # FILE SEPARATOR
         u'\u001d',  # GROUP SEPARATOR
         u'\u001e',  # RECORD SEPARATOR
         u'\u0085',  # NEXT LINE
         u'\u2028',  # LINE SEPARATOR
         u'\u2029',  # PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
     for newline in newlines:
         # Try the utf8 and latin1 representations of each newline
         for encoding in ['utf8', 'latin1']:
                     encoded = newline.encode(encoding)
                 except UnicodeEncodeError:
                     # Some chars cannot be represented in latin1
                 data = b'Cookie: foo=' + encoded + b'bar'
                 # parse() wants a native_str, so decode through latin1
                 # in the same way the real parser does.
                 headers = HTTPHeaders.parse(
                 expected = [
                      'foo=' + native_str(encoded.decode('latin1')) + 'bar')
                 self.assertEqual(expected, list(headers.get_all()))
             except Exception:
                 gen_log.warning("failed while trying %r in %s", newline,
Пример #13
def parse_response_start_line(line):
    """Returns a (version, code, reason) tuple for an HTTP 1.x response line.

    The response is a `collections.namedtuple`.

    >>> parse_response_start_line("HTTP/1.1 200 OK")
    ResponseStartLine(version='HTTP/1.1', code=200, reason='OK')
    line = native_str(line)
    match = re.match("(HTTP/1.[0-9]) ([0-9]+) ([^\r]*)", line)
    if not match:
        raise HTTPInputError("Error parsing response start line")
    return ResponseStartLine(match.group(1), int(match.group(2)), match.group(3))
Пример #14
 def _parse_headers(self, data):
     # The lstrip removes newlines that some implementations sometimes
     # insert between messages of a reused connection.  Per RFC 7230,
     # we SHOULD ignore at least one empty line before the request.
     # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.5
     data = native_str(data.decode('latin1')).lstrip("\r\n")
     # RFC 7230 section allows for both CRLF and bare LF.
     eol = data.find("\n")
     start_line = data[:eol].rstrip("\r")
         headers = httputil.HTTPHeaders.parse(data[eol:])
     except ValueError:
         # probably form split() if there was no ':' in the line
         raise httputil.HTTPInputError("Malformed HTTP headers: %r" %
     return start_line, headers
Пример #15
 def _curl_header_callback(self, headers, header_callback, header_line):
     header_line = native_str(header_line.decode('latin1'))
     if header_callback is not None:
         self.io_loop.add_callback(header_callback, header_line)
     # header_line as returned by curl includes the end-of-line characters.
     # whitespace at the start should be preserved to allow multi-line headers
     header_line = header_line.rstrip()
     if header_line.startswith("HTTP/"):
             (__, __, reason) = httputil.parse_response_start_line(header_line)
             header_line = "X-Http-Reason: %s" % reason
         except httputil.HTTPInputError:
     if not header_line:
Пример #16
 def write_headers(self, start_line, headers, chunk=None, callback=None):
     """Implements `.HTTPConnection.write_headers`."""
     lines = []
     if self.is_client:
         self._request_start_line = start_line
             utf8('%s %s HTTP/1.1' % (start_line[0], start_line[1])))
         # Client requests with a non-empty body must have either a
         # Content-Length or a Transfer-Encoding.
         self._chunking_output = (start_line.method
                                  in ('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH')
                                  and 'Content-Length' not in headers
                                  and 'Transfer-Encoding' not in headers)
         self._response_start_line = start_line
             utf8('HTTP/1.1 %d %s' % (start_line[1], start_line[2])))
         self._chunking_output = (
             # TODO: should this use
             # self._request_start_line.version or
             # start_line.version?
             self._request_start_line.version == 'HTTP/1.1' and
             # 1xx, 204 and 304 responses have no body (not even a zero-length
             # body), and so should not have either Content-Length or
             # Transfer-Encoding headers.
             start_line.code not in (204, 304)
             and (start_line.code < 100 or start_line.code >= 200) and
             # No need to chunk the output if a Content-Length is specified.
             'Content-Length' not in headers and
             # Applications are discouraged from touching Transfer-Encoding,
             # but if they do, leave it alone.
             'Transfer-Encoding' not in headers)
         # If a 1.0 client asked for keep-alive, add the header.
         if (self._request_start_line.version == 'HTTP/1.0'
                 and (self._request_headers.get('Connection', '').lower()
                      == 'keep-alive')):
             headers['Connection'] = 'Keep-Alive'
     if self._chunking_output:
         headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
     if (not self.is_client and (self._request_start_line.method == 'HEAD'
                                 or start_line.code == 304)):
         self._expected_content_remaining = 0
     elif 'Content-Length' in headers:
         self._expected_content_remaining = int(headers['Content-Length'])
         self._expected_content_remaining = None
     # TODO: headers are supposed to be of type str, but we still have some
     # cases that let bytes slip through. Remove these native_str calls when those
     # are fixed.
     header_lines = (native_str(n) + ": " + native_str(v)
                     for n, v in headers.get_all())
     if PY3:
         lines.extend(l.encode('latin1') for l in header_lines)
     for line in lines:
         if b'\n' in line:
             raise ValueError('Newline in header: ' + repr(line))
     future = None
     if self.stream.closed():
         future = self._write_future = Future()
         if callback is not None:
             self._write_callback = stack_context.wrap(callback)
             future = self._write_future = Future()
         data = b"\r\n".join(lines) + b"\r\n\r\n"
         if chunk:
             data += self._format_chunk(chunk)
         self._pending_write = self.stream.write(data)
     return future
Пример #17
    def __init__(self, template_string, name="<string>", loader=None,
                 compress_whitespace=_UNSET, autoescape=_UNSET,
        """Construct a Template.

        :arg str template_string: the contents of the template file.
        :arg str name: the filename from which the template was loaded
            (used for error message).
        :arg tornado.template.BaseLoader loader: the `~tornado.template.BaseLoader` responsible for this template,
            used to resolve ``{% include %}`` and ``{% extend %}``
        :arg bool compress_whitespace: Deprecated since Tornado 4.3.
            Equivalent to ``whitespace="single"`` if true and
            ``whitespace="all"`` if false.
        :arg str autoescape: The name of a function in the template
            namespace, or ``None`` to disable escaping by default.
        :arg str whitespace: A string specifying treatment of whitespace;
            see `filter_whitespace` for options.

        .. versionchanged:: 4.3
           Added ``whitespace`` parameter; deprecated ``compress_whitespace``.
        self.name = escape.native_str(name)

        if compress_whitespace is not _UNSET:
            # Convert deprecated compress_whitespace (bool) to whitespace (str).
            if whitespace is not None:
                raise Exception("cannot set both whitespace and compress_whitespace")
            whitespace = "single" if compress_whitespace else "all"
        if whitespace is None:
            if loader and loader.whitespace:
                whitespace = loader.whitespace
                # Whitespace defaults by filename.
                if name.endswith(".html") or name.endswith(".js"):
                    whitespace = "single"
                    whitespace = "all"
        # Validate the whitespace setting.
        filter_whitespace(whitespace, '')

        if autoescape is not _UNSET:
            self.autoescape = autoescape
        elif loader:
            self.autoescape = loader.autoescape
            self.autoescape = _DEFAULT_AUTOESCAPE

        self.namespace = loader.namespace if loader else {}
        reader = _TemplateReader(name, escape.native_str(template_string),
        self.file = _File(self, _parse(reader, self))
        self.code = self._generate_python(loader)
        self.loader = loader
            # Under python2.5, the fake filename used here must match
            # the module name used in __name__ below.
            # The dont_inherit flag prevents template.py's future imports
            # from being applied to the generated code.
            self.compiled = compile(
                "%s.generated.py" % self.name.replace('.', '_'),
                "exec", dont_inherit=True)
        except Exception:
            formatted_code = _format_code(self.code).rstrip()
            app_log.error("%s code:\n%s", self.name, formatted_code)
Пример #18
 def py_escape(s):
     self.assertEqual(type(s), bytes)
     return repr(native_str(s))
Пример #19
 def test_non_ascii_header(self):
     # Non-ascii headers are sent as latin1.
     response = self.fetch("/set_header?k=foo&v=%E9")
     self.assertEqual(response.headers["Foo"], native_str(u"\u00e9"))
Пример #20
    def _curl_setup_request(self, curl, request, buffer, headers):
        curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, native_str(request.url))

        # libcurl's magic "Expect: 100-continue" behavior causes delays
        # with servers that don't support it (which include, among others,
        # Google's OpenID endpoint).  Additionally, this behavior has
        # a bug in conjunction with the curl_multi_socket_action API
        # (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=100976&aid=3039744&group_id=976),
        # which increases the delays.  It's more trouble than it's worth,
        # so just turn off the feature (yes, setting Expect: to an empty
        # value is the official way to disable this)
        if "Expect" not in request.headers:
            request.headers["Expect"] = ""

        # libcurl adds Pragma: no-cache by default; disable that too
        if "Pragma" not in request.headers:
            request.headers["Pragma"] = ""

                    ["%s: %s" % (native_str(k), native_str(v))
                     for k, v in request.headers.get_all()])

                                      headers, request.header_callback))
        if request.streaming_callback:
            def write_function(chunk):
                self.io_loop.add_callback(request.streaming_callback, chunk)
            write_function = buffer.write
        if bytes is str:  # py2
            curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, write_function)
        else:  # py3
            # Upstream pycurl doesn't support py3, but ubuntu 12.10 includes
            # a fork/port.  That version has a bug in which it passes unicode
            # strings instead of bytes to the WRITEFUNCTION.  This means that
            # if you use a WRITEFUNCTION (which tornado always does), you cannot
            # download arbitrary binary data.  This needs to be fixed in the
            # ported pycurl package, but in the meantime this lambda will
            # make it work for downloading (utf8) text.
            curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, lambda s: write_function(utf8(s)))
        curl.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, request.follow_redirects)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, request.max_redirects)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS, int(1000 * request.connect_timeout))
        curl.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT_MS, int(1000 * request.request_timeout))
        if request.user_agent:
            curl.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, native_str(request.user_agent))
            curl.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; pycurl)")
        if request.network_interface:
            curl.setopt(pycurl.INTERFACE, request.network_interface)
        if request.decompress_response:
            curl.setopt(pycurl.ENCODING, "gzip,deflate")
            curl.setopt(pycurl.ENCODING, "none")
        if request.proxy_host and request.proxy_port:
            curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, request.proxy_host)
            curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXYPORT, request.proxy_port)
            if request.proxy_username:
                credentials = '%s:%s' % (request.proxy_username,
                curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXYUSERPWD, credentials)

            if (request.proxy_auth_mode is None or
                    request.proxy_auth_mode == "basic"):
                curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXYAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_BASIC)
            elif request.proxy_auth_mode == "digest":
                curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXYAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_DIGEST)
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unsupported proxy_auth_mode %s" % request.proxy_auth_mode)
            curl.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, '')
        if request.validate_cert:
            curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1)
            curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2)
            curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
            curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)
        if request.ca_certs is not None:
            curl.setopt(pycurl.CAINFO, request.ca_certs)
            # There is no way to restore pycurl.CAINFO to its default value
            # (Using unsetopt makes it reject all certificates).
            # I don't see any way to read the default value from python so it
            # can be restored later.  We'll have to just leave CAINFO untouched
            # if no ca_certs file was specified, and require that if any
            # request uses a custom ca_certs file, they all must.

        if request.allow_ipv6 is False:
            # Curl behaves reasonably when DNS resolution gives an ipv6 address
            # that we can't reach, so allow ipv6 unless the user asks to disable.
            curl.setopt(pycurl.IPRESOLVE, pycurl.IPRESOLVE_V4)
            curl.setopt(pycurl.IPRESOLVE, pycurl.IPRESOLVE_WHATEVER)

        # Set the request method through curl's irritating interface which makes
        # up names for almost every single method
        curl_options = {
            "GET": pycurl.HTTPGET,
            "POST": pycurl.POST,
            "PUT": pycurl.UPLOAD,
            "HEAD": pycurl.NOBODY,
        custom_methods = set(["DELETE", "OPTIONS", "PATCH"])
        for o in curl_options.values():
            curl.setopt(o, False)
        if request.method in curl_options:
            curl.setopt(curl_options[request.method], True)
        elif request.allow_nonstandard_methods or request.method in custom_methods:
            curl.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, request.method)
            raise KeyError('unknown method ' + request.method)

        body_expected = request.method in ("POST", "PATCH", "PUT")
        body_present = request.body is not None
        if not request.allow_nonstandard_methods:
            # Some HTTP methods nearly always have bodies while others
            # almost never do. Fail in this case unless the user has
            # opted out of sanity checks with allow_nonstandard_methods.
            if ((body_expected and not body_present) or
                    (body_present and not body_expected)):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Body must %sbe None for method %s (unless '
                    'allow_nonstandard_methods is true)' %
                    ('not ' if body_expected else '', request.method))

        if body_expected or body_present:
            if request.method == "GET":
                # Even with `allow_nonstandard_methods` we disallow
                # GET with a body (because libcurl doesn't allow it
                # unless we use CUSTOMREQUEST). While the spec doesn't
                # forbid clients from sending a body, it arguably
                # disallows the server from doing anything with them.
                raise ValueError('Body must be None for GET request')
            request_buffer = BytesIO(utf8(request.body or ''))

            def ioctl(cmd):
                if cmd == curl.IOCMD_RESTARTREAD:
            curl.setopt(pycurl.READFUNCTION, request_buffer.read)
            curl.setopt(pycurl.IOCTLFUNCTION, ioctl)
            if request.method == "POST":
                curl.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDSIZE, len(request.body or ''))
                curl.setopt(pycurl.UPLOAD, True)
                curl.setopt(pycurl.INFILESIZE, len(request.body or ''))

        if request.auth_username is not None:
            userpwd = "%s:%s" % (request.auth_username, request.auth_password or '')

            if request.auth_mode is None or request.auth_mode == "basic":
                curl.setopt(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_BASIC)
            elif request.auth_mode == "digest":
                curl.setopt(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_DIGEST)
                raise ValueError("Unsupported auth_mode %s" % request.auth_mode)

            curl.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, native_str(userpwd))
            curl_log.debug("%s %s (username: %r)", request.method, request.url,
            curl_log.debug("%s %s", request.method, request.url)

        if request.client_cert is not None:
            curl.setopt(pycurl.SSLCERT, request.client_cert)

        if request.client_key is not None:
            curl.setopt(pycurl.SSLKEY, request.client_key)

        if request.ssl_options is not None:
            raise ValueError("ssl_options not supported in curl_httpclient")

        if threading.activeCount() > 1:
            # libcurl/pycurl is not thread-safe by default.  When multiple threads
            # are used, signals should be disabled.  This has the side effect
            # of disabling DNS timeouts in some environments (when libcurl is
            # not linked against ares), so we don't do it when there is only one
            # thread.  Applications that use many short-lived threads may need
            # to set NOSIGNAL manually in a prepare_curl_callback since
            # there may not be any other threads running at the time we call
            # threading.activeCount.
            curl.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1)
        if request.prepare_curl_callback is not None: