def _get_host_overrides(config, hostname):
    """Get host specific parameters from a vault_pki_overrides file.

    Args: config a in-memory representation of /etc/salt/master.
    Returns: A dictionary of Vault compatible keys for PKI signing.
    override_file = config.get('vault_pki_overrides_file')
    if not override_file:
        return {}
    opts = __opts__.copy()
    opts['file_client'] = 'local'
    minion = salt_minion.MasterMinion(opts)
    overrides_filepath = minion.functions['cp.cache_file'](override_file)
        with open(overrides_filepath, 'r') as f:
            override_data = yaml.safe_load(
    except (IOError, yaml.YAMLError):
            'vault_pki_overrides_file is unreadable or not YaML, skipping.')
        return {}
    # Check hostname against minions matching the pattern + return overrides.
    ckminions = salt_minion_utils.CkMinions(__opts__)
    for pattern, values in override_data.items():
        minions = ckminions.check_minions(pattern, 'compound')
        if 'minions' in minions:
            # In Salt 2018 this is now in a dictionary
            minions = minions['minions']
        if hostname in minions:
            return values
    return {}
Пример #2
 def setUp(self):
     self.ckminions = minions.CkMinions({})