class TestCfnMetadataType(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.param_type = CfnMetadataType() @parameterized.expand([ # Just a string ("some string"), # Unfinished dict with just a key ("{'a'}"), # Unfinished dict just a key and : ("{'a'}:"), # Dict with nested dict: ("{'a':{'b':'c'}}"), # Dict with list value: ("{'a':['b':'c']}"), # Just a list: ("['b':'c']"), # Non-string ("{1:1}"), # Wrong notation # ("a==b"), # Wrong multi-key notation # ("a==b,c==d"), ]) def test_must_fail_on_invalid_format(self, input): = Mock() self.param_type.convert(input, "param", "ctx"), "param", "ctx") @parameterized.expand([ ("a=b", { "a": "b" }), ("a=b,c=d", { "a": "b", "c": "d" }), ('{"a":"b"}', { "a": "b" }), ('{"a":"b", "c":"d"}', { "a": "b", "c": "d" }), ("", {}), ]) def test_successful_parsing(self, input, expected): result = self.param_type.convert(input, None, None) self.assertEqual(result, expected, msg="Failed with Input = " + input)
def metadata_click_option(): return click.option( "--metadata", type=CfnMetadataType(), help= "Optional. A map of metadata to attach to ALL the artifacts that are referenced in your template.", )
def setUp(self): self.param_type = CfnMetadataType()